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A    LIST    OF 


IN    THE 






R.    R.    BOWKER    CO. 


COPYRIGHT    1922 

BY  R.  R.  BOWKER  CO. 

Printed  in  the  United  States  of  America. 

Prefatory  Note 

The  first  effort  to  list  the  PRIVATE  BOOK  COLLECTORS  in  the 
United  States  was  printed  in  the  AMERICAN  LIBRARY  ANNUAL, 
1912-1913.  The  next  list,  revised  and  extended,  appeared  in  the 
AMERICAN  BOOK  TRADE  MANUAL,  1915,  with  the  added  features 
of  a  general  index  to  names  and  a  much  needed  index  to  the  "hob- 
bies" or  specialties  of  collectors.  The  third  edition  was  published 
in  1919  as  a  separate  volume.  The  present  edition  is  the  fourth 
revision,  compiled  during  1922,  and  it  is  hoped  to  issue  a  fifth 
edition  three  or  four  years  hence. 

The  idea  of  developing  "hobbies"  does  not  appeal  to  many  book 
lovers  in  their  earlier  years,  and  consequently  book  collectors  as 
a  class  are  likely  to  be  people  well  along  in  life.  The  changes  in 
such  lists  are,  therefore  heavy.  Our  friends  can  cooperate  materially 
in  the  preparation  of  the  next  issue  by  notifying  the  compiler  of 
such  changes  as  they  come  to  their  notice. 

New  York,  November  15,  1922. 


The  story  of  book  collecting  in  America  in  the  three  centuries  since  the 
settlement  of  Plymouth  by  the  Puritans,  when  told  as  it  will  be  some  day, 
will  be  of  romantic  interest.  Its  beginning  was  slow  and  of  the  humblest 
character;  the  first  century  had  little  to  its  credit.  The  clergy  were  its 
greatest  book  buyers  and  their  purchases  were  mainly  of  theological  works. 
The  eighteenth  century  made  a  better  showing  and  toward  its  end  the 
clergy  were  re-enforced  by  other  professional  classes  who  gathered  useful 
collections  of  more  general  interest.  The  first  half  century  of  the  Republic 
brought  a  widespread  diffusion  of  education,  a  great  advance  in  material 
resources,  a  rapid  growth  in  the  number  of  book  shops  and  a  large  increase 
in  the  number  of  newspapers,  periodicals  and  publishing  houses.  Private 
libraries  of  carefully  selected  books  became  more  common  and  the  founding 
of  public  libraries  began.  The  seven  decades  since  1850  has  witnessed  a 
development  in  book  collecting  according  to  present  standards  that  is  with- 
out a  parallel  in  any  time  or  country  since  the  invention  of  printing  and 
its  influence  on  book  values  has  been  marvellous. 

One  of  the  earliest  libraries  of  which  we  have  any  record  was  that  of 
John  Harvard,  founder  of  Harvard  College,  who  emigrated  to  Massachu- 
setts in  1637  and  almost  immediately  assumed  ministerial  duties  in  Charles- 
town  and  began  taking  an  active  interest  in  the  affairs  of  the  Colony.  He 
died  a  year  later,  but  not  until  he  had  become  interested  in  the  formation 
of  a  college  which  had  just  begun  to  take  shape  in  Cambridge.  His  library 
and  one-half  of  his  property  were  bequeathed  to  this  hardly  existing 

Harvard's  library  was  regarded  as  very  important  at  the  time  and  may 
be  taken  as  more  or  less  typical  of  the  best  collections  of  the  century.  Alfred 
Claghorne  Potter,  assistant  librarian  of  Harvard  College  library,  compiled  a 
catalogue  of  Harvard's  books  which  was  published  two  or  three  years  ago, 
and,  we  have  therefore,  a  fairly  accurate  knowledge  of  what  they  were  and 
what  was  regarded  as  a  fine  private  library  in  the  seventeenth  century. 

Nearly  three-quarters  of  the  collection  is  theological.  About  half  of 
these  books  consists  of  Biblical  commentaries,  about  equally  divided  between 
the  Old  and  the  New  Testament  and  mainly  in  Latin.  While  there  are 
many  volumes  of  sermons  there  is  little  of  a  controversial  character.  The 
classics  are  well  represented,  mainly  in  English  translations,  such  as  Chap- 
man's "Homer,"  Holland's  "Pliny,"  and  North's  "Plutarch."  There  are  also 
a  number  of  grammars  and  dictionaries β€” Greek,  Hebrew  and  English β€” and 
half  a  dozen  books  of  extracts  or  phrases,  such  as  Ocland's  "Anglorum 
Praelia,"  La  Primardaye's  "French  Academy,"  and  Peacham's  "Garden  of 
Eloquence."  English  literature  and  history  scarcely  find  a  place,  Bacon's 
"Essays"  and  the  poems  of  Quarles  and  Wither  representing  the  former  and 
Camden's  "Remains"  and  a  tract  on  the  plague  and  another  on  the  Gun- 
powder Plot  covering  the  latter.  There  are  a  few  scientific  books,  some  on 
philosophy,  several  medical  books,  a  few  on  logic  and  two  on  law.  Various 
statements  have  been  made  as  to  the  size  of  the  library,  but  it  now  appears 
that  it  numbered  329  titles  and  400  volumes.  It  was  evidently  up-to-date 
in,  its  time,  as  over  one-fourth  was  printed  after  1630,  making*  the  volumes 
practically  new  when  purchased  by  Harvard. 

Another  library  of  the  same  early  period  was  owned  by  Elder  Brewster, 
one  of  the  founders  of  the  Plymouth  Colony,  and  a  list  of  its  books  has 
been  preserved.  They  numbered  about  400 ;  62  were  in  Latin,  the  remainder 



in  English.  They  were  imported  over  a  considerable  period  as  the  succession 
of  dates  show.  Brewster  purchased  from  time  to  time  the  best  works  brought 
over  from  England  on  subjects  that  interested  him,  until  it  was  really  a  rich 
exigetical  collection ;  nearly  all  were  religious,  theological,  or  historical,  and 
fourteen  were  in  rhyme. 

Other  collections  with  the  same  strong  theological  flavor  were  owned  by 
Parson  Hooker  who  left  behind  him  Β£300  worth  of  books  in  an  estate  of 
Β£1,336;  Parson  Wareham,  Β£82  worth  in  an  estate  of  Β£1,200;  and  Rev. 
Ebenezer  Pemberton,  whose  books  numbering  1,000  lots,  were  described  in 
the  first  auction  catalogue  compiled  in  New  England.  In  nearly  all  of  the 
libraries  of  the  seventeenth  century  the  ancient  classics β€” Latin  and  Greek β€” 
were  well  represented  while  little  attention  was  given  to  English  literature. 

Of  all  of  the  libraries  of  the  early  religious  leaders  that  of  Cotton 
Mather,  characterized  by  Dunton  as  the  glory  of  New  England,  was  the 
largest  and  most  valuable.  It  consisted  of  over  7,000  printed  volumes  and 
contained  many  manuscripts  and  its  value  was  estimated  at  Β£8,000.  The 
majority  of  these  volumes,  like  the  smaller  libraries  of  Harvard  and  Brewster, 
were  of  a  religious,  theological  and  philosophical  character. 

The  libraries  of  Washington  and  Jefferson  may  be  considered  as  repre- 
sentative of  the  best  at  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century.  Washington's 
contained  about  3,000  volumes,  consisting  of  reference  works,  history,  biog- 
raphy, travel,  agriculture,  science,  and  general  literature.  Like  most  private 
collections  of  the  time  it  was  bought  for  use  and  rarity  cut  no  figure. 

Jefferson  was  a  born  collector  and  the  library  which  he  gathered  was 
one  of  the  most  notable  of  his  time.  He  began  book  buying  early  in  life 
and  before  he  went  to  France  as  Minister  he  had  acquired  a  fairly  good  select 
library,  especially  in  political  science  and  jurisprudence.  His  patience  and 
industry  are  shown  by  his  having  copied  with  his  own  hand  several  volumes 
of  Virginia  laws,  either  out  of  print  or  never  printed,  and  these  form  a  part 
of  his  collection  now  in  the  Library  of  Congress. 

In  Paris,  where  he  resided  six  years,  -he  continued  to  amass  books, 
frequenting  the  book  shops  on  the  quays  along  the  Seine,  and  placing  orders 
with  dealers  for  books  desired,  until  he  had  accumulated  an  aggregate  of  over 
7,000  volumes.  Returning  home  in  1789,  Jefferson  collected  but  few  books 
during  his  busy  years  as  Secretary  of  State,  Vice-President  and  President. 

Broken  in  fortune  and  much  in  need  of  money,  he  embraced  the  oppor- 
tunity of  the  destruction  of  the  Library  of  Congress  with  the  burning  of  the 
Capitol  by  the  British  Army  in  1814,  to  tender  his  collection  to  the  govern- 
ment at  such  a  valuation  as  might  be  agreed  upon.  In  a  letter  to  his  friend 
Samuel  Smith,  Member  of  Congress  and  publisher  of  the  National 
Intelligencer,  Jefferson  wrote: 

"I  have  been  fifty  years  making  it,  and  have  spared  no  pains,  opportunity 
or  expense,  to  make  it  what  it  is.  While  residing  in  Paris,  I  devoted  every 
afternoon  I  was  disengaged  for  a  summer  or  two  in  examining  all  of  the 
principal  book  stores,  turning  over  every  book  with  my  own  hand,  and 
putting  by  everything  which  related  to  America,  and,  indeed,  whatever  was 
rare  and  valuable  in  every  science.  Beside  this,  I  had  standing  orders  during 
the  whole  time  I  was  in  Europe  in  its  principal  bookmarts,  principally 
Amsterdam.  Frankfort,  Madrid  and  London,  for  such  works  relating  to 
America  as  could  not  be  found  in  Paris.  So  that  in  every  department,  such  a 
collection  was  made  as  probably  can  never  again  be  effected,  because  it  is 
hardly  probable  that  the  same  opportunities,  the  same  time,  industry, 
perseverance,  and  expense,  with  some  knowledge  of  the  bibliography  of  the 
subject,  would  again  happen  to  be  in  concurrence.  During  the  same  period, 
and  after  my  return  to  America,  I  was  led  to  procure  also  whatever  related 



to  the  duties  of  those  in  the  high  concerns  of  the  nation.  So  that  the  col- 
lection, which  I  suppose  is  between  nine  and  ten  thousand  volumes,  while 
it  includes  what  is  chiefly  valuable  in  science  and  literature  generally,  extends 
more  particularly  to  whatever  belongs  to  American  statesmen.  In  the 
diplomatic  and  parliamentary  branches  it  is  particularly  full.  ...  I  enclose 
you  the  catalogue  which  will  enable  you  to  judge  of  its  contents." 

Congress  gave  Jefferson  $24,950  for  his  library,  said  to  be  about  one- 
fourth  of  its  cost,  although  where  this  cost  figure  was  obtained  does  not 
appear.  No  sooner  had  Jefferson  parted  with  his  library  than  his  passion 
for  collecting,  although  an  old  man,  reasserted  itself  and  he  began  book 
buying  again  gathering  quite  a  collection  in  his  remaining  eleven  years. 
This  collection  is  historically  and  bibliographically  interesting  because  it 
represents  high-water  mark  at  the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century,  and, 
also,  because  it  is  a  good  example  of  the  patience,  long  application,  tireless 
industry  and  scholarship  applied  to  book  collecting  which  had  distinguished 
so  many  book  collectors  before  its  end. 

At  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century,  well  selected  private  libraries  of 
considerable  size,  covering  a  much  wider  range  than  those  of  an  earlier 
date,  were  to  be  found  in  all  of  the  states.  The  largest  number  were  in 
Massachusetts,  Pennsylvania,  Virginia  and  New  York,  but  even  in  the 
Southern  States  there  were  book  lovers  who  regularly  imported  books  from 

The  first  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  brought  a  wide  diffusion  of 
education.  Public  libraries,  academies  and  colleges,  newspapers,  periodicals 
and  publishing  houses  sprang  into  existence  in  all  parts  of  the  country.  In 
the  large  cities  the  number  of  book  shops  multiplied  and  the  importation 
of  books  from  England  and  the  Continent  assumed  large  proportions.  Book 
buying,  which  had  been  principally  confined  to  the  professional  classes, 
became  more  common  and  the  foundation  was  laid  for  many  important 

With  the  increase  of  culture  and  wealth  came  conditions  favorable  to 
book  collecting  as  we  understand  it  to-day.  The  first  great  personality  came 
with  Henry  Stevens,  son  of  Henry  Stevens,  founder  and  first  president  of 
the  Vermont  Historical  and  Antiquarian  Society,  who  was  born  in  Stevens- 
ville,  Vermont,  August  24,  1819.  He  passed  fifteen  months  in  1838  and  1839 
in  Middlebury  College,  a  year  later  went  to  Washington  as  a  clerk  in  the 
Treasury  Department  and  in  the  Senate,  and  in  1844  entered  Harvard  Law 

During  the  vacations  and  holidays  of  those  five  years  he  travelled 
through  New  England  and  the  Middle  States  prospecting  in  out-of-the-way 
places  for  historical  nuggets,  mousing  through  private  and  public  libraries 
and  old  homestead  garrets,  chiefly  in  behalf  of  Peter  Force  and  his  American 
Archives.  Rich  harvests  in  old  letters,  documents,  historical  papers,  early 
American  imprints  were  gathered  in  those  excursions  which  extended  from 
Maine  to  Virginia.  During  this  period  he  became  acquainted  with  many 
of  the  principal  authors  and  book  lovers  of  the  country  and  acquired  the 
experience  and  clientele  to  warrant  trying  the  happier  hunting  grounds  of 
the  Old  World,  its  libraries,  its  archives,  its  homesteads,  bookstalls  and 
auction  rooms. 

Book  hunting  in  European  fields  was  to  constitute  the  life  work  of 
Stevens  for  the  remainder  of  his  days.  He  had  many  American  connections, 
among  them  James  Lenox  of  New  York,  John  Carter  Brown  of  Providence, 
and  George  Brinley  of  Hartford,  three  men  who  were  to  be  known  as  the 
greatest  trio  of  their  time  and  to  take  high  rank  among  the  great  collectors 
of  the  world. 



Soon  after  Stevens  went  to  London  he  made  the  acquaintance  of  Sir 
Antonio  Panizzi,  who  then  ruled  the  British  Museum,  and  in  time  he  became 
its  agent  for  the  buying  of  Americana β€” a  relation  he  maintained  until  the 
last.  Panizzi  understood  Stevens's  value,  and  he  made  use  of  his  services  to 
the  limit.  As  a  result  of  Stevens's  efforts  the  British  Museum  contained 
at  the  time  of  his  death  a  more  extensive  collection  of  American  books  than 
any  single  library  in  the  United  States. 

Henry  Stevens  in  his  chosen  field  was  one  of  the  most  learned  and 
accurate  bibliographers  who  ever  lived.  He  had  no  equal  in  his  own  country 
and  Englishmen  concede  that  he  had  no  superior  in  England.  His  knowledge 
and  love  of  books  stirred  all  who  came  under  his  influence.  He  not  only 
helped  to  classify  and  make  bibliographical  knowledge  available  but  he 
carried  aid  and  inspiration  to  the  great  collectors  of  his  time.  Another  point 
not  to  be  overlooked  was  the  interest  which  the  common  people  took  in 
his  labors.  The  press  became  interested  in  him,  his  large  transactions,  and 
the  comment  which  followed  made  his  name  and  the  great  collectors  which 
he  served  household  words.  This  did  more  to  familiarize  the  public  at  large 
with  book  collecting  and  to  interest  and  bring  new  collectors  into  the  field 
than  has  been  generally  recognized. 

We  can  guage  pretty  accurately  the  life  work  of  Stevens.  What  he 
accomplished  for  the  British  Museum  is  well  known ;  his  contributions  to 
the  libraries  of  Brinley,  Brown  and  Lenox  is  a  matter  of  history.  His  biblio- 
graphical writings  were  numerous  and  useful  even  to-day.  But  more  than 
all,  he  taught  collectors  to  think,  to  use  patience,  to  take  advantage  of  oppor- 
tunities when  they  occurred,  and  he  pointed  out  again  and  again  the  limited 
supply  of  rare  books,  the  growing  demand  for  them,  and  their  certainty  to 
rise  in  value.  Not  a  little  of  the  seeming  rashness  of  American  collectors 
was  due  to  the  lessons  that  he  taught  and  which  they  were  quick  to  put  in 
practice.  The  debt  which  the  rare  book  trade  and  collectors  owe  him  is  not 
yet  fully  understood  and  will  not  be  until  the  story  of  his  life  is  more  fully 
told.  Stevens  died  on  the  28th  of  February,  1886.  The  London  Times  said, 
"Esteemed  as  he  was  for  his  knowledge,  ability,  and  shrewd  common  sense, 
he  was  more  beloved  for  his  frank  manliness  and  rich  genial  humor." 

The  collections  of  John  Carter  Brown,  George  Brinley  and  James  Lenox 
are  well  known.  They  were  patient,  constant  and  resourceful  collectors, 
among  the  greatest  of  their  time  in  any  country.  Carter  Brown's  library 
now  forms  the  Carter  Brown  Collection  of  Americana  at  Brown  University 
and  is  perhaps  the  greatest  of  its  kind  in  this  country.  James  Lenox's  collec- 
tion, first  bequeathed  to  the  public  in  the  Lenox  Library,  now  forms  an 
important  part  of  the  New  York  Public  Library.  Brinley's  library  was  sold 
at  public  auction  in  five  parts  beginning  in  1878  and  ending  in  1893,  bringing 
$127,138.12  and  for  half  a  century  held  the  record  of  being  the  most  valuable 
collection  of  Americana  sold  at  auction.  Were  the  same  library  to  be  sold 
at  public  sale  to-day  it  would  probably  bring  three  or  four  times  its  original 

The  passing  of  Stevens,  Brinley,  Brown  and  Lenox  was  followed  by  an 
event  of  the  most  far-reaching  importance β€” the  organization  of  the  Grolier 
Club.  In  January,  1884,  a  little  group  of  men  interested  in  the  arts  "entering 
into  the  production  of  books"  held  a  conference  at  the  house  of  Robert  Hoe, 
Jr.,  in  New  York,  and  decided  to  organize,  and  the  Grolier  Club  was  the 
result,  its  formation  following  in  February.  Its  founders  were  William 
Loring  Andrews,  Theodore  L.  DeVinne,  Alexander  W.  Drake,  Albert 
Gallup,  Robert  Hoe,  Jr.,  Brayton  Ives,  Edward  S.  Mead,  and  Arthur  B. 
Turnure ;  and  Mr.  Hoe  was  its  first  president.  The  Grolier  Club  was  the 
first  society  founded  to  unite  book  lovers  and  book  makers  and  to  gratify 


the  needs  and  wishes  of  both  classes  of  its  members  by  collecting  and  exhibit- 
ing the  best  works  of  the  great  artists  of  the  past  and  by  producing  new 
books  which  may  serve  as  types  of  the  best  that  modern  skill  and  taste  can  do. 

This  group  of  early  members  were  men  of  wealth,  enthusiastic,  and  of 
scholarly  attainments  and  holds  a  unique  place  in  the  annals  of  book  collect- 
ing. The  Grolier  Club's  first  president  has  the  distinction  of  collecting  the 
most  valuable  library  ever  sold  at  auction,  bringing  nearly  $2,000,000,  and 
many  other  members  made  collections  of  great  value  and  distinction.  But 
their  chief  characteristic,  after  all,  was  their  quality,  their  owners  using  good 
judgment,  unerring  taste,  exhaustive  bibliographical  knowledge  in  bringing 
them  together.  The  interest  in  literary  rarities,  so  keen  in  this  country 
to-day,  is  largely  due  to  the  example  and  influence  of  the  members  of 
this  club. 

The  sale  of  books  by  auction  has  encouraged  book  buying  from  early 
Colonial  days  by  stimulating  interest  and  demonstrating  that  well  selected 
books  have  a  dependable  market  value.  The  first  auction  sale  in  the  Colonies, 
that  of  the  Rev.  Ebenezer  Pemberton,  was  held  in  Boston  beginning  July  2, 
1717.  The  name  of  the  first  auctioneer  to  hold  book  sales  in  New  York  is 
unknown.  William  McLaughlin  was  one  of  the  earliest,  for  on  May  24,  1823, 
in  an  advertisement  of  McLaughlin  &  Blakely,  41  Maiden  Lane,  there  is  this 
note :  "From  the  long  acquaintance  of  Mr.  McLaughlin  with  the  book  auc- 
tions, he  trusts  that  the  firm  will  receive  a  consequent  share  of  public 

In  1829  Lemuel  Bangs,  then  engaged  in  book  selling,  began  specializing 
in  book  auctions  and  for  more  than  half  a  century  under  various  firm  names 
was  the  most  important  factor  in  the  field.  The  American  Arts  Association 
was  organized  in  1883  fΒ°r  tne  sa^e  Β°f  paintings,  art  objects,  antiques,  curios, 
prints,  books  and  other  literary  property.  Its  first  important  library  was 
that  of  A.  T.  Stewart,  the  great  dry  goods  merchant,  in  1887.  For  almost 
two  centuries  book  sales  were  conducted  in  about  the  same  manner  as  those 
of  other  property. 

With  the  beginning  of  the  twentieth  century  a  new  and  powerful  factor 
came  into  the  field.  On  February  6,  1900,  John  Anderson,  Jr.,  one  of  the 
ablest,  most  far-sighted,  enterprising  and  trustworthy  men  ever  connected 
with  book  auctions  in  this  country  held  his  first  sale.  He  had  the  full  con- 
fidence of  collectors  and  consignors  from  the  beginning.  He  foresaw  that 
America  was  to  lead  in  its  large  number  of  discriminating  collectors  and 
he  planned  to  make  his  company  a  clearing  house  that  would  serve  and  re- 
ceive the  confidence  alike  of  buyer  and  seller.  He  raised  the  tone  and  effi- 
ciency of  book  auctions  and  his  competitors  were  obliged  to  follow  or  go  out 
of  business.  In  March,  1903,  he  purchased  the  business  of  Bangs  &  Company, 
now  badly  shaken  by  competition  and  the  change  in  methods  which  they 
could  not  understand,  and  reorganized  under  the  name  of  the  Anderson 
Auction  Company.  Eight  years  later  this  company  sold  the  library  of  Robert 
Hoe,  the  most  valuable  library  ever  dispersed  at  auction,  giving  the  Ander- 
son Auction  Company  an  international  reputation,  establishing1  New  York 
as  one  of  the  great  book  markets  of  the  world,  raising  the  rare  book  trade  to 
a  new  high  level  and  introducing  a  new  era  in  book  collecting.  In  this,  one 
of  the  most  interesting  chapters  in  bibliographical  history,  John  Anderson, 
Jr.,  is  the  commanding  figure,  for  he  laid  the  solid  and  permanent  foundation 
upon  which  the  American  auction  system  has  been  built β€” efficiency  and 

Shortly  after  Mr.  Anderson  came  into  the  auction  field  another  dramatic 
personality  forged  to  the  front.  George  D.  Smith  was  born  in  Brooklyn  in 
1870,  began  work  a  poor  lad  at  thirteen  for  Dodd,  Mead  &  Company,  and 


while  still  in  his  teens  and  without  money  was  dreaming  of  being  a  big 
bookseller.  In  1895  he  opened  a  book  shop  on  Fourth  Avenue  with  little 
stock  and  less  money.  For  several  years  he  struggled  desperately  for  a 
footing  and  then  began  gradually  to  win.  In  the  Augustin  Daly  sale  in 
March,  1900,  he  caught  the  popular  eye  and  began  to  be  talked  about  in  the 
newspapers.  A  decade  later,  when  the  Robert  Hoe  library  was  sold  he  waged 
his  fiercest  contest.  The  leading  booksellers  of  the  world  gathered  to  contend 
for  its  treasures  and  the  struggle  lasted  through  seventy-nine  sessions.  When 
the  end  came  the  library  had  brought  $1,932,056.60,  to  be  exact,  and  "G.D.S." 
had  secured  for  his  bookshop  and  customers  more  than  half  of  the  entire 
collection  in  value,  or  more  than  all  of  the  other  booksellers  and  collectors 
combined.  It  was  a  decisive  battle  for  Smith  for  it  brought  him  fame  and 

During  the  following  decade  Smith  dominated  the  rare-book  market  in 
even  a  greater  degree  than  he  had  during  the  Hoe  sale.  He  was  present  or 
represented  at  every  important  sale  in  this  country,  and  was  a  larger  buyer 
of  genuine  rarities  than  all  other  booksellers  and  collectors  combined.  At 
the  sale  of  selections  from  the  Britwell  Court  Library,  owned  by  Christie 
Miller,  in  London  in  December,  1919,  he  bought  83  items  out  of  108,  paying 
Β£85,708  of  the  Β£110,356  which  the  part  brought.  This  sale  made  Smith  as 
well  known  in  rare  book  circles  in  England  as  the  Hoe  sale  had  in  America. 
During  this  decade,  when  he  was  operating  so  freely  in  the  auction  room,  he 
bought  more  important  collections  than  any  one  else.  Among  these  may  be 
mentioned  the  libraries  of  E.  Dwight  Church,  Beverly  Chew,  and  Frederic 
R.  Halsey  in  this  country,  and  those  of  the  Duke  of  Devonshire,  the  Earl 
of  Pembroke,  the  Earl  of  Bridgewater,  the  Christie-Miller  collection  of 
Americana  and  the  Arbury  Hall  Library  in  England.  Several  of  these  col- 
lections cost  him  more  than  a  million  of  dollars  each  and  the  total  represents 
an  enormous  amount.  In  the  first  two  decades  of  this  century  George  D. 
Smith  was  as  picturesque  and  dominant  a  figure  in  the  world  of  rare  books 
as  Andrew  Carnegie  was  in  that  of  steel,  John  D.  Rockefeller  in  oil,  J.  Pier- 
pont  Morgan  in  finance  or  Theodore  Roosevelt  in  politics.  Although  his  in- 
fluence was  not  always  wholesome  he  was  an  incalculable  power  in  promot- 
ing the  sale  of  rare  books  and  advancing  their  values. 

The  period  of  the  Grolier  Club,  of  John  Anderson,  Jr.,  and  George  D. 
Smith  has  produced  the  world's  greatest  trio  of  collectors β€” Robert  Hoe,  J. 
Pierpont  Morgan  and  Henry  E.  Huntington.  The  market  value  of  the  Hoe 
library  is  known,  that  of  Morgan  and  Huntington  never  will  be.  Authori- 
ties the  world  over  agree  that  the  Huntington  library  is  the  most  valuable 
ever  brought  together  by  a  collector  and  the  Morgan  library  comes  next. 
And  there  are  hundreds  of  other  collections,  if  less  valuable,  are  unique  in 
their  field. 

The  three  years,  or  a  little  more,  since  the  death  of  Smith  has  seen  im- 
mense progress  in  the  rare  book  trade  and  in  collecting  in  this  country.  A 
group  of  great  booksellers  have  come  to  the  front,  the  auction  houses  have 
intrenched  themselves  in  the  confidence  of  their  clientele,  the  number  of 
collectors  has  increased  in  all  parts  of  the  country  and  every  season  sees 
New  York  nearer  and  nearer  the  supremacy  in  the  rare  book  world  which  is 
destined  to  be  hers. 

From  the  humble  beginnings  of  the  early  years  of  the  Plymouth  Colony 
this  country  has  become  the  greatest  book  collecting  nation  known  to  biblio- 
graphical annals.  And  yet  we  are  only  just  beginning.  The  story  of  the 
next  fifty  years  will  read  like  a  fairy  tale. 

New  York,  Oct.  10,  1922. 


in  the  United  States 

"In  books  I  find  the  dead  as  if  they  were  alive ;  in  books 
I  foresee  things  to  come ;  in  books  warlike  affairs  are  set 
forth ;  from  books  come  forth  the  laws  of  peace.  All  things 
are  corrupted  and  decay  in  time ;  Saturn  ceases  not  to  devour 
the  children  that  he  generates ;  all  the  glory  of  the  world 
would  be  buried  in  oblivion,  unless  God  had  provided  mortals 
with  the  remedy  of  books." β€” RICHARD  DE  BURY,  Philobiblon. 




ALBANY.    Neal,  Mrs.  Louis  A.     Genealogy. 

β€’ β€” UULII,  Thomas  M.,  Jr.,  Ambassador  James 
Bryce;  Henry  Van  Dyke. 

ANNISTON.  Willctt,  Joseph  J.  Civil  War; 
Outdoor  Life. 

AUBURN.  Bragg,  Thomas.  Athletics;  Chem- 

β€” Duggar,  Dr.  J.  F.    Agriculture. 

β€” Petrie,  Dr.  George.  Alabama  Pol.  Insti- 
tute. History  of  U.  S.;  History  of  Ala- 
bama; Woodrow  Wilson. 

β€”Ross,  Dr.  B.  B.     Chemistry. 

β€”Rutland,  Prof.  J.  R.  Fiction;  Drama; 
Poetry;  Essays. 

β€” Wilmore,  J.  J.     Mechanical  engineering. 

BIRMINGHAM.  Anderson,  Frank  H.  Empire 
Building.  Bookplates. 

β€” Barnwell,  Rev.  M.  S.  Sociology;  Episco- 
pal Church  history. 

β€” Beecher,  Mrs.  L.  T.,  Graymour  Heights. 
Drama;  Poetry;  History. 

β€” Burns,  P.  P.  Shakespe^iana;  Modern 

β€” 'Chew,  W.  L.     Americana;  Old  Bibles. 

β€” Craighead,  Dr.  Erwin.  Gulf  states  history; 

β€” Dillard,  J.  E.,  1924  :6th  Ave.,  S.  Religion 
and  religious  education;  Shakespeare; 

β€” Donnelly,  J.  W.    Art ;  Foreign  travel. 

β€” Edmonds,  Rev.  Dr.  Henry  M.  Philan- 
thropy; Social  service;  Sociology. 

β€” Elliott,  Miss  Hannah,  2036  I3th  Ave.,  S. 
Miniature  painting. 

β€” Engstfeld,  Mrs.  C.  P.  Alabama  history; 
Bookplates;  Rare  editions. 

β€” Hendricks,  Dr.  J.  A.,  Howard  College. 
Social  Science. 

β€” Horner,  H.  H.     Bacteriology;  Zoology. 

β€” Jacobs,  Mrs.  Solon.  Enfranchisement  of 

β€” Kendrick,  Julian.  Civil  Engineering;  Hy- 

β€” Lovell,  Mrs.  W.  S.     Bookplates. 

β€” Murdock,  Mrs.  W.  L.  Child  welfare; 
Women  in  history. 

β€” Ramsay,  Erskine.     Coal  mining. 

β€” Riley,  Dr.  B.  F.,  1331  S  2ist  St.  History, 
secular  and  sacred. 

β€” Rothpletz,  P.  F.     Bookbinding. 

β€” Rowley,  Miss  Daisy  W.     Music. 

β€” Schwend,    Charles.     Firearms. 

β€”Smith,  Dr.  Richard  M.  Biblical  history 
and  criticism. 

β€” Sparrow,  John.     Advertising. 

β€” Ullman,   Samuel.     Hebrew  literature. 


DOTHAN.  Frasier,  S.  M.  Practical  psy- 
chology; Poetry;  Fiction;  Biography. 

FLORENCE.  Dyas,  Robert.  Andrew  Jackson; 
Tennessee  Valley. 

GADSDEN.  Brandon,  Frank  W.  History  and 
biography;  Anglo-Saxon  history. 

GUNTERSVILLE.  Lusk,  J.  A.,  Biography;  His- 
tory; Politics. 

β€” Street,  Oliver  D.  Americana;  Free 

MOBILE.  Allen,  Right  Rev.  Edward  P. 
Catholic  Church  History. 

β€” Berney,    Saffold.     American  history. 

β€” Bromberg,  Frederick  G.,  108  N.  Claiborn 
St.  Law  reform,  Humane  legislation. 

β€” Brown,  Leo,  604  Government  St.  History 
and  Literature. 

β€” Hamilton,  J.  Gaillard,  Spring  Hill.  His- 
tory; Literature. 

β€” Hamilton,  P.  J.,  1010  Government  St. 
Alabama  bibliography;  History;  Eco- 
nomics; History  of  institutions. 

β€” Loding,  H.  P.  Herpetology;  Natural  his- 

β€” Lowenstein,  Victor,  Ohu'rch  St.  Liter- 

β€”Moses,  Dr.  Alfred  G.,  The  Temple.  His- 
tory (special  Hebrew)  and  Literature. 

β€” Munroe,  G.  F.  Natural  history;  Taxidermy. 

β€” Sims,  Mrs.  D.  C.    Art;  Art  novelties. 

β€”Wright,  Prof.  Julius  T.  Pedagogy;  Pro- 
testant Episcopal  Church;  Social  serv- 

MONTEVALLO.  Palmer,  Dr.  Thomas  W. 
Home  Economics;  Industrial  education. 

β€” iTaber,  Miss  Frances.    Art  fabrics. 

MONTGOMERY.  Andrews,  Dr.  Glenn.  Child 
welfare;  Medical  science. 

β€” Baldwin,  A.  M.     Banking. 

'-Battle,  Dr.  H.  B.  American  Indians; 
Anthropology;  Archeology;  Early  Amer- 
ican history. 

β€” Beauchamp,  George.  Masons;  Masonic 
history;  Proceedings  of  Masonic  Grand 

β€” .Booth,  Miss  Margaiet,  Sayre  St.  Art; 
Literature;  Music. 

β€” Brannon,  Peter  A.  Anthropology;  Nat- 
ural history;  Philately;  Travel. 

β€” Brewer;  Owen  D.    Philately. 

β€”(Burke,  Dr.  R.  P.  Botany,  especially  Fungi. 

β€” Burnham,  R.  B.     Amateur  Photography. 

β€”Chilton,  W.  Pierce.  Art  printing  and 
binding;  Office  efficiency;  Systems. 

β€” Edwards,  Thomas  H.  Archaeology; 
Highway  engineering. 

β€” Elmore,  Frank  H.,  Jr.  Early  travel; 
Philately;  Numismatics;  Fine  bindings. 



MONTGOMERY β€” Continued 

β€” Frank,  Julius.  Angling. 

β€” Gayle,  Mrs.  W.  A.    Furniture;  Antiquity. 

β€” Hannon,  Mrs.  Marie  A.  Early  fashions; 

β€” Hatchett,  Miss  Rutson.  Drama;  Theatri- 
cals; Literature. 

β€”Hill,   Miss   Amelie.     Red   Cross. 

β€”Hill,  Mrs.  Walton.     European  War. 

β€” Hoffman,    Samuel.     Portrait   painting. 

-^Inglis,  J.  M.     Angling;  Golf. 

β€” 'Jones,  Charles  R.  Numismatics;  Phil- 

β€” Jordan,  Mrs.  W.  A.  Natural  history; 
Children's  literature. 

β€” 'Kennedy,  A.  B.,  Gen.  Sec.,  Chamber  of 
Commerce.  Commercial  organizations. 

β€”Lincoln,  Bardwell  W.,  807  Forest  Ave., 
French  revolution;  iSth  and  igth  Century 
French  literature;  Free  thought;  i8ih 
and  igth  Century  English  essay;  Whit- 

β€” Lockwood,  Frank.     Architecture. 

β€”Luther,    Miss   Sarah.     Illiteracy. 

β€” McNeel,  Allen  H.  Amateur  photography. 

β€” Marks,  Dr.  Charles  L.     Genealogy. 

β€” Mertins,  Mrs.  Paul.  Story  telling;  Girl's 

β€” Mullen,  Miss  Mary  R.     Southern  states. 

β€” Okel,  Edward.    Architecture;  Art. 

β€”Owen,  Mrs.  Thomas  M.  Motion  pictures; 

β€” Faterson,  J.  H.  Botany;  Entomology; 

β€” Pepperman,  Miss  Leonora.  Motion  pic- 

β€” Perry,  Dr.  H.  G.  Public  health  admin- 
istration; Vital  statistics. 

β€” Pickett,   Sarah  Alberta.     Natural  history. 

β€” Reed,  W.  Nash.  Boys  work;  Scout 
movement;  Sports. 

-4Rogers,    Zelma.     Natural   history. 

β€” Rushton,  Ray.     Law. 

β€” 'Ryan,  Miss  Gertrude.  Costume;  Flags; 

β€” Sheehan,  Will  T.  Journalism;  Pioneer 
history  of  the  South. 

β€” Shivers,  Miss  Mairion.  Methodist  Church 

β€” Stakely,  Rev..  Dr.  Charles  A.  American 
Indians;  Biblical  antiquities;  Surnames. 

β€” Steiner,  Gen.  R.  E.  History;  Literature; 

β€” Stuart,  George.    Angling;  Hunting. 

β€” Thompson,  Harry  F.  Ku  Klux;  Recon- 

β€” Thorington,  Mrs.  'Robert  G.  Home  eco- 

β€” Tresslar,  H.  P.    Photography. 

β€” Troy,  Daniel.  Genealogy;  Legal  litera- 

β€”Wallace,  J.  H.,  Jr.,  State  Game  and  Fish 
Commissioner.  Conservation;  Natural 
history;  Sport. 

β€” Weil,   Mrs.  Leon.     Drama;  Theatre. 


MONTGOMERY β€” Continued 
β€”Wheeler,     Dr.     George,     D.D.S.      Dental 

β€” Wisslar,    H.    P.,    14    Dexter    St.     Quito 

Varrud;     History;     Antiques;     Furni- 
β€”Yarbrough,   Dr.   W.    F.     Baptist    Church 


β€” Yarbrough,   Mrs.  W.  F.     Pageantry. 
MOORESVILLE.      Ziegler,    Henry.      Firearms; 

Early   travel;   Fine  bindings. 
NEW    CASTLE.      McCormack,    Carr.      Early 

Americana;  Archaeology. 
PRATTVILLE.     Golsan,   Lewis   S.     Birds  and 

ROCKFORD.      McEwen,    John    B.     American 

Indians;  Archaeology. 
SEALE.    Lewis,  L.  J.    Natural  history;  Her- 

SELMA.     Bishop,   J.   L.     American  history; 

American  Indians;  Anthropology. 
β€” John,     Col.      Sam'l     Will.     Confederate; 

Thomas  Jefferson. 
SHORTERS.     Englehardt,    Sam.     Gulf  States 

history;  Early  travel;  Archaeology. 
TALLADEGA.  Parsons,  Joseph  H.  Napoleona; 

Political   and    Court   Memoirs. 
β€” Vandiver,    Willington.      Dialect    stories. 
TUSKEGEE  INSTITUTE.     Mbton,  Maj.   Robert 

R.      Negro;      Agriculture;      Industry; 

Social  reform. 
TUSCALOOSA.     DeGraffenreid,     Edward     D. 

Law;  Legal  literature. 
β€” Partlow,    Dr.    William    D.      Psychology; 

Mental  hygiene. 
UNIVERSITY.     Bidgood,    Dr.    Lee.     Political 

science;  Economics. 

β€” Doster,  J.  J.     Education  and  Psychology. 
β€” Garner,   Tom.     University  of  Alabama. 
β€” Harper,   Roland   M.     Geography  of  east- 
ern U.  S. 
β€” Smith,  Dr.  E.  A.,  State  Geologist.    Burns; 

Arctic  Travel;  African  Travel. 


JUNEAU.       Wickersham,     James.       Alaska; 


TUSCONT.     Kingan,   S.  L.     Americana;  Art; 

Standard  sets. 
PHOENIX.     Cronin,   Con.   P.,   State  Library. 



FAYETTEVILLE.     BrouΒ£h,  C.  H.     Economics. 
β€” Droke,  G.  W.    Mathematics. 
β€” Reynolds,  J.  H.     History. 
β€” Thomas   David  Y.     Southern  and  South- 
western history. 


AUBURN.      Prewett,    Judge    J.    E.,    Linden 
Heights.     Physical  science. 



BERKELEY.  Addison,  Thomas  M.,  2425 
Charming  Ave.  Californiana. 

β€”Allen,  Prof.  J.  T.,  2243  College  Ave.  Cal- 

β€” Armes,  Prof.  W.  D.,  Faculty  Club. 
Japanese  prints  and  books  about  them; 
General  literature  (autograph  and 
presentation  copies) . 

β€” Bolton,  Prof.  Herbert  E.,  1526  Spring 
St.  Californiana. 

β€” Cheney,  Warren,  2241  College  Ave.  North 
coast  narratives  (esp.  Russian  occupa- 
tion of  Alaska);  California  poets; 
Russia  (costume;  manners,  customs). 

β€” Dore,  Harry  E.,  2238  Telegraph  Ave. 

β€” Gilson,  G.  H.,  2709  College  Ave.  Book- 

β€” Grinnell,  Joseph,  2615  Channing  Way. 

β€” Holmes,  H.  C.,  2735  Elmwood  Ave. 
Western  items,  esp.  California,  Oregon, 
Washinngton,  Nevada  and  overland 
narratives;  Hawaii. 

β€” Jepson,  Dr.  W.  H.,  2712  Ben  venue  Ave. 
Botany  of  Pacific  Coast;  Mirror  Poets. 

β€” 'Rine,  H.  A.,  2416  Allston  Way.  Hebrew 
texts,  grammars,  etc.,  of  i6th  and  ijth 
centuries;  Philosophy  (current  books 

β€” Setchell,  Prof.  W.  A.,  University  of 
California.  Tobacco. 

β€”Wagner,  H.  R.,  90  El  Camino  Real.  Early 
Southwest;  Californiana. 

β€”Wheeler,  Dr.  Benj.  Ide,  Univ.  of  Cali- 
fornia. Californiana. 

BURLINGAME.  Brewer,  Rev.  W.  A.,  St. 
Matthew's  School.  Californiana;  Book- 

β€” Carolan,  Mrs.  Francis.  Rare  editions 
and  bindings. 

CLAREMONT.  Smith,  Paul  Jordan.  First 
eds.  Arthur  Machen,  Ambrose  Bierce; 
Early  eds.  English  classics;  Complete 
translations  Latin  and  Greek  authors. 

CORONADO.  Snyder,  Irving  T.  Early  and 
Modern  English  Authors;  Prints. 

CORTE  MADERA.,  Edgar  C.  Sci- 
ence; Fine  editions. 

COVINA.  James,  Edmund  J.,  Rowland  St., 
west  of  Vincent.  Western  history,  esp. 
Ohio  Valley  and  territory  west  as  far 
as  Pacific. 

EAGLE  ROCK.  Bailey,  Mrs.  Var daman,  244 
N.  Kenilworth  Ave.  American  history; 

EDEN  VALE.  Hayes,  E.  A.  &  J.  O.  Cali- 

FRESNO.  '  Bonestell,  C.  K.,  Mason  Bldg. 
First  and  limited  eds.  of  modern  au- 
thors in  original  bindings,  "as  new"  con- 

GLEN  DALE.  Winterburn,  George  T.  Cali- 

GRASS  VALLEY.     Brock,  M.  J.     California. 


HAY  WARD.  Emerson,  W.  Otto,  R.  R.  D.  No. 
I.  Art;  Ornithology. 

Los  ANGELES.  Baumgardt,  B.  R.,  626  W. 
30th  St.  Astronomy. 

β€” Behrendt,  Sam,  435  S.  Windsor  Blvd. 
Californiana,  including  early  views. 

β€” Bergstrom,  Edwin,  Citizens  Nat  Bank 
Bldg.  Architecture. 

β€” Burnham,  Mrs.  W.  H.,  401  So.  Kingsley 
Drive.  Bookplates. 

β€” Chambers,  W.  Lee.  Zoology;  Ornith- 
ology; Early  Western  history. 

β€”Clark,  W.  A.,  Jr.,  2205  W.  Adams  St. 
English  literature,  i$th  and  i6th  cen- 
turies; Thackeray;  Oscar  Wilde. 

β€” Collins,  Holdridge  O.,  404  S.  Main  St. 
History;  Biography;  Genealogy;  As- 
tronomy; Geology;  Ethnology;  Works 
of  Reference. 

β€” Comstock,  Dr.  John  A.,  Southwest 
Museum.  Bookplates. 

β€” Davis,  Le  Compte,  Bryson  Bldg.  Birds; 
Finely  illustrated  books. 

β€” Dixon,  Prof.  James  Main,  Univ.  of 
Southern  California.  Californiana. 

β€” Jackson,  Judge  Grant,  Union  League 
Club.  California. 

β€” Lambert,  E.  E.,  care  Western  Costume 
Co.,  908  S.  Broadway.  Costumes. 

β€”McLean,  S.  F.,  248  S.  Broadway.  Cali- 
fornia; West  and  Southwest;  Early 
American  Travel;  Indians;  California 

β€” Monnette,  Orra  E.,  350  S.  Oxford  Ave. 
Genealogy;  History;  Poetry. 

-^Miunk,  Dr.  J.  A.,  747  S.  Alvarado  St. 
Arizona;  New  Mexico;  Sonora  in  Old 

β€” Percival,  Olive,  906  Hibernian  Bldg. 
Juvenilia;  Early  Americana;  Seven- 
teenth century  comedy;  Japan. 

β€” Pettingell,  Frank  Hervey,  Los  Angeles 
Stock  Exchange.  Family  genealogies, 
year  books  of  historical,  patriotic  and 
Colonial  societies;  Revolutionary  period; 
Colonial  wars;  War  of  1812. 

β€” Schroeter,  H.  M.,  3630  W.  Washington 
Boulevard.  Rubaiyat  of  Omar  Khay- 
yam; Books  about  Books;  Biblio- 
graphy; Typography;  Association 
Books;  Privately  Printed  Books  and  ex 
Libris  literature. 

β€” Taylor,  Mrs.  Frank  Wing,  243  W.  Adams 
St.  Fine  bindings. 

Los  GATOS.  Turner,  George  W.,  33  Glen- 
ridge  Ave.  Californiana. 

β€” Whitaker,  Rev.  Robert.  Clerical  and  re- 
ligious biography. 

MARTINEZ.  Whitbeck,  Mrs.  Alice  G.,  Coun- 
ty Librarian.  Whitman;  Drama;  Es- 

NATIONAL  CITY.  Haywood,  H.  LeRoy. 

OAKLAND.  De  Witt,  Frederick  M.,  555 
Montclair  Ave.  Californiana;  West. 



OAKLAND β€” Continued 

β€”Irish  John  P.,  1904  Aldine  St.  History 
and  biography  in  Ennglish  and  French. 

β€” Medcalf,  George  Thomas,  1509  Third 
Ave.  History,  esp.  British  military; 
Medals,  and  British  orders  of  chivalry. 

β€” Noyes,  William  S.,  3023  Summit  St.  Old 

β€” Perry,  Mrs.  R.  A.,  6172  Chabot  Road. 
Early  bindings;  First  editions;  Auto- 

PASADENA.  Hale,  George  E.,  Observatory 
Office.  Astronomy;  Physics;  History 
of  Science;  Evolution;  Biography; 
Egyptology;  Art;  Architecture;  Ang- 

β€” Hunt,  Myron,  200  N.  Grand  Ave.  Archi- 

β€” Hurd,  Harry  C.  California;  Am.  authors, 
first  editions. 

β€” James,  George  Wliarton,  1098  N.  Ray- 
mond Ave.  Achaeology  and  Ethnology 
of  the  Southwest;  Robert  Browning. 

β€” Matson,  E.,  436  Arroyo  Drive,  First  eds., 
esp.  American  poets. 

β€”Yale,  Charles,  916  N.  Chester  Ave.  Cali- 

REDLANDS.     Nordhoff,  Walter.   Californiana. 

β€” Pfeiffer,  Edward  H.,  Box  224.    Poetry. 

SACRAMENTO.     Ghipman,  Judge  N.  C. 

β€”-Grace,   Bishop.      Californiana. 

β€” Haines,  Miss  A.  J.,  State  Library.  Book- 

ST.  HELENA.  Washburn,  H.  A.  Archae- 
ology; History. 

SAN  ANSELMO.  Wicher  Edward  A.,  517 
'Richmond  Rd.  Theology;  Parables; 
Miracles;  Palestine. 

SAN  DIEGO.  Bryant,  Benj.  J.,  3412  Univer- 
sity Ave.  Masonry. 

-De  Lourenge,  Dr.  C.  W.  B.,  953  8th  St. 
General  literature. 

β€” Gould,  Elwyn  B.,  234  W.  Juniper  St. 
Karc  books;  First  editions,  Art,  Drama, 

β€” Ironberg,  Frederic,  1158  6th  St.  Ameri- 
cana; Early  American  authors;  Modern 
English  authors. 

β€” Remondino,  P.  C,  M.D.,  1504  5th  St. 
Military  medicine  and  surgery;  Inebri- 
ety; History  of  small  arms. 

β€” Stephens,  Mrs.  Frank,  Natural  History 
Park.  Natural  history  (esp.  birds  and 
mammals) . 

β€” Vogdes,  Gen.  Anthony  Wayne,  2425  1st 
St.  Minerals;  Geology;  Palaeontology. 

β€”Walker,  William  F.,  1052  I2th  St.  Phil- 
oloav;  Education;  Etymology. 

β€” Wangenheim,  Julius,  148  W.  Juniper  St. 
Californiana;  Old  atlases. 

β€”Wright,  Allen  H.,  2107  Ft.  Stockton 
Drive.  Lincolniana;  Civil  War;  Wash- 
ingtoniana;  Rooseveltiana. 

SAN  FRANCISCO.  Adams,  Dr.  George,  2937 
Fillmore  St.  Californiana. 


SAN  FRANCISCOβ€” Confwutfd 

β€”Alvarez,  Dr.  W.  C.,  City  of  Paris  Bldg. 
Old  medical  books. 

β€” Barbour,  Thomas  J.,  1000  California  St. 
Shakespeariana;  Californiana. 

β€” Bender,  A.  M.,  311  California  St.  Fine 

β€”Brandon,  F.  D.,  1112  Market  St.,  R.  129. 
First  and  early  editions  of  American 
and  English  Authors. 

β€”Campbell,  George,  870  Ashbury  St.  Faca- 
teaie,  Old  English  jest  books;  Curiosa. 

β€” Cowan,  Robert  E.,  867  Treat  Ave.  Cali- 
forniana; Pacific  West. 

β€”Crocker,  Charles  Templeton,  Shreve  Bldg. 

β€” Deering,  Frank  P.,  2709  Larkin  St. 

β€” Fay,  Luke,  1554  Green  St.  California; 
The  West. 

β€” Hackett,  P.,  22  Battery  St.    Occult. 

β€”Havre,  J.  B.,  Kohl  Bldg.,  916.  History; 
Oriental  travel. 

β€” Hitdhcock,  John  L.,  1010  Powell  St.  Cali- 

β€” Lisser,  Dr.  Louis,  3899  Washington  St. 
Music  (musical  history  and  musical 

β€” McNutt,  Dr.  W.  F.,  2440  Washington  St. 

β€” rMerritt,  Dr.  Emma,  2323  Washington  St. 

β€” Newbegin,  J.  J.,  358  Post  St.  First  edi- 
tions of  Californiana,  and  Hawaiiana; 
Private  presses. 

β€” Phelan,  Hon.  James  D.,  2150  Washington 
St.  Californiana. 

β€” Prell,  John  S.,  1137  Geary  St.  Califor- 

β€” Robertson,  A.  M.,  222  Stockton  St.  Cali- 
forniana; The  West;  Scottish  history. 

β€” 'Robertson,  John  W.,  1133  Greenwich  St. 
Incunabula;  Manuscripts;  First  eds. 
English  classics;  Poems. 

β€” Schwa-bacher,  Frank,  320  Battery  St. 
Standard  sets. 

β€” Shumate,  Dr.  Thomas  E..  2707  Cali- 
fornia St.  Limited  editions. 

β€” Taussig,  Rudolph  J.,  1521  Van  Ness  Ave. 
Translations  of  Latin  and  Greek  Clas- 

β€” Turrill,  Charles  B.,  57  Sanchez  St.  Cali- 
fornia and  Pacific  Coast;  Transporta- 
tion; Trans-Pacific  commerce;  Pacific 
coast  resources  and  industries. 

β€” Wagner,  Harr,  77  7th  Ave.     Californiana.. 

β€”Warren,  W.  E.,  21  Oct. via  St.  Fine 
bindings;  Conrad;  Classics;  First  eds. 

β€” Weinstock,  Harris,  19  Presidio  Terrace. 

SAN  GABRIEL.  Huntington,  Henry  E., 
Library  and  Art  Gallery.  Incunabula; 
Rare  first  editions;  Shakespeariana; 
Americana,  English  and  American  Lit- 
erature; Mss. 



SAN  JOSE.  Bland,  Henry  Mcade,  Route  B., 
box  256.  Pacific  Coast. 

β€” Vetterling,  Dr.  H.,  527  S.  McLaughlin 
Ave.  Mystic  and  occult  literature. 

SAN  MATEO.  Bowie,  Henry  P.  Art;  Book- 
binding;  Typography;  Musical  autoi- 

β€”Clark,  Chairles  W.,  Jr.  Rare  editions  and 

β€” Crawford,  Inez  M.,  Public  Library. 

β€” White,   Steward  Edward.     Californiana. 

SANTA  BARBARA.  Bliss,  VVm.  H.,  P.  O.  Box 
596.  English  and  French  literature; 
Limited  editions. 

β€” Chatfield-Taylor,  Hobart  Chatfield.  Far 
Afield,  Moliere;  Carlo  Goldoni. 

β€”Jefferson,  J.  P.,  P.  O.  Box  645.  South 
Sea  Islands. 

SANTA  ROSA.  Burbank,  Luther,  204  Santa 
iRosa  St.  Ancient  books  and  new  scien- 
tific works. 

SAUSALITO.  O'Brien,  Frederick.  Travel; 
Biography;  Autobiography;  The  strange 
and  impossible. 

SOUTH  PASADENA.  Allerton,  Mrs.  Samuel 
W.,  Highland  and  Fairview  Sts.  Cali- 
forniana; Forestry;  Agriculture;  Bot- 

STANFORD  UNIVERSITY.  Branner,  John  Cas- 
per. Brazil;  Geology. 

β€” Car  ruth,    W.    H.     Literature;    Religion. 

β€” Jordan,  Dr.  David  Starr.  Zoology  (ver- 
tebrates) ;  War  and  peace ;  General  his- 
tory and  literature. 

SUSANVILLE.  Martin,  Miss  Lenala  A. 

VENTURA.  Barnard,  Charles,  Box  396. 
Chess;  Mathematics,  pertaining  to  in- 
vestment and  interest  calculations. 

YOSEMITE.  Hall,  Ansel  F.  Yosemite; 
California  mountains. 


COLORADO  SPRINGS.  Cragin,  F.  W.,  912  E. 
San  Miguel  St  Early  West;  Geology; 
Natural  history. 

β€” Howbert,  Irving,  F.  O.  Box  66.  Native 
races  of  America;  History  of  Spanish 
occupation  of  Southwest;  Early  ex- 

β€” Lipsey,  J.  J.,  1503  N.  Weber  St.  French 
Revolution;  Elizabethan  (and  early) 
English  fiction. 

β€” Ormes,  Manly  D.  Colorado;  Western 

β€”Stewart,  P.  B..  1228  Wood  Ave.  Natural 
history;  Archaeology. 

DENVER.  Beam,  George  L.,  229  _  Equitable 
Bldg.  Early  printing;  History  of 
'printing,  engraving  and  writing;  Bib- 
liography; First  eds.  American  authors; 
"Association"  copies. 

β€” Carpenter,  L.  G.,  1455  Gilpin  St.  Early 
Western  history  and  travel;  Local 
colonial  history;  Certain  family  his- 
tories; Early  science. 


DENVER β€” Continued 

β€” Carson,  J.  Harry,  1201  Vine  St.  Stand- 
ard Literature. 

β€”Evans,   William  G.,   1310  Bannock  St. 

β€” Force,  Anna  L.,  216  Sherman  St.  Peda- 

β€”Gibson,  S.,  U.  S.  National  Bank 
Bldg.  Midwest  early  history  and 
travel;  The  flute. 

β€”Kerns,  Frank  A.,  1343  Humboldt  St 
Illinois;  Stephen  A.  Douglas;  Cali- 
fornia; Civil  War;  Sen.  Edward  D. 

β€” Lindsey,  Judge  Ben  B.     Sociology. 

β€” Lougbridge,  Charles  R.,  1207  Pennsyl- 
vania St.  Advancement  of  learning; 
Novum  organum;  Shakespeare  Folio 

β€”Maxwell,  J.   M.,  529  Equitable  Bldg. 

β€” Morgan,  Edward  B.,  415  First  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.  Coloradiana. 

β€” Phipps,  Lawrence  C.     General  Literature. 

β€” Smiley,  WT.  H.,  1115  Race  St.  Japanese 

β€” Verner,  Ralph  S.,  961  S.  Carona  St 

β€” Wadleigh,  F.  A.,  501  E.  nth  Ave.  West- 
ern history;  Biography. 

β€” Woodward,  Frank  L.,  1357  Williams  St 

β€” Zahn,  J.  E.,  305  Ideal  Bldg.  Bindings; 
Well  printed  or  special  eds.;  Belles 

FORT  COLLINS.     Bouton,  Hon.  Jay  H. 

-^Gillette,  C.  P.,  Experiment  Station.  En- 

β€” Headden,  W.  P.,  Experiment  Station. 
Analytical  and  agricultural  chemistry. 

β€” Lee,  Paul,  211  Colorado  Block. 

β€” Moore,  Mrs.  L.  C. 

β€” Stuver,  Dr.  E.,  216  East  Oak  St.  Tuber- 

GOLDEN.     Vidler,  Rees  C.     "The  Cottage." 
Old  Bibles. 

LAS  ANIMAS.  Wight,  Willard  A.,  Box 
207.  Occult  Subjects. 

PUEBLO.  Adams,  Alva,  207  Broadway. 
Rocky  Mountains;  Modern  essays. 

β€” Lewis,  Mrs.  Thomas  Addison,  92  Lake 

β€” Thatcher,   M.   D.,   i$th  and   Greenwood. 


DARIEN.  Neilson,  Howard  S.  Lincolniana; 
Civil  War;  Club  publications.  First 

DERBY.     Gager,  Edwin  B.     Dante  literature. 

GREENWICH.  Young,  Horace  G.,  425  State 
St.  First  eds.  Bindings;  Presentation 
books;  Illuminated  books;  Color  plate 

HAMDEN.  Speck,  William  A.,  2519  Whit- 
ney Ave.  Goethe  (incl.  translations  in 
English);  Faust;  Reynard  the  Fox. 

HARTFORD.  Adkins,  Nelson  F.,  41  Madison 
St.  Literature  criticism;'  English  and 


HARTFORD β€” Continued 

American  poetry  and  drama;  Music  and 
books  on  music;  Bookplates. 
β€”Bates,  Albert  C,  24  Marshall  St     Conn, 
statutes  and  session  laws;   Conn,  alma- 
nacs;   Early    children's    books    (chiefly 
American)   before  1860. 
β€” Brainard,    M.    B.,     137    Washington     St. 
Early  Connecticut,  especially  Hartford; 
Hartford  views. 
β€” Bulkeley,    Morgan   G.     Local   history. 

β€” Case,  Birdsey  E.,  9  Asylum  Ave.  American 
history,  esp.  Civil  War;  Rare  English 
translations  of  Holmes  and  Virgil. 

β€” Enders,  John  p.,  17  Highland  t.  Birds; 
Dogs;  Hunting;  Fishing;  Bees;  Sport- 
ing prints,  Herbert. 

β€” Godard,    Geo.    S.     Connecticut;   Masonry. 

β€” Goodwin,  Mrs.  Walter  L.,  1204  Asylum 
Ave.  Angling. 

β€” Hewins,  Caroline  M.,  Hartford  Public 
Library.  Old  juvenile  books  and  series. 

β€” Macdonald,  Duncan  B.,  143  Sigourney 
St.  Arabian  Nights  and  cogenate 
Orientalia  (texts,  translations,  etc.); 
Old  French,  esp.  with  Oriental  connec- 
tion; Psychical  research. 

β€” Steiner,  Walter  iR.  (M.  D.),  646  Asylum 
Ave.  Hawaiian  Islands;  South  Seas; 
John  Paul  Jones. 

β€” Wickham,  Clarence  H.,  P.  O.  Box  1003. 
Patriotic  Societies. 

β€” Williams,  Geo.  C.  F.,  990  Prospect  Ave. 
American  Revolution. 

LITCHFIELD.  Ryan,  Thomas  F.  The  West; 

NEW  HAVEN.  Adams,  George  Burton,  57 
Edgehill  Rd.  Early  English  history; 
History;  Feudal  institutions. 

β€”Baldwin,  Hon.  S.  E.,  69  Church  St. 

β€” Beardsley,  Rev.  W.  A.,  70  Elm  St.  Early 
American  Bookplates. 

β€” Berdan,  John  M.,  71  Edgehill  Rd.  Tudor 
non-dramatic  literature ;  Eighteenth 
Century  non-dramatic  English  Litera- 

β€” Farnam,  Henry  W.,  43  Hillhouse  Ave. 
Economics  (incl.  bound  periodicals)  ; 
History;  Law. 

β€” Hackett,  E.  Byrne,  71  Cottage  St.  Eng- 
lish literature,  esp.  Samuel  Johnson^ 
James  Boswell;  Herman  Melville;  A, 
E.  (Geo.  W.  Russell). 

β€” Hillhouse,  James,  Sachem's  Wood. 
Economics  (esp.  Transportation  and 
Finance);  History;  Biography;  Fine 
arts  (esp.  books  of  and  about  prints). 

β€” Phelps,  Prof.  Wm.  Lyon,  no  Whitney 
Ave.  Drama  (Elizabethan  and  Eighteenth 

β€” Seymour,  Geo.  Dudley,  129  Church  St. 
Nathan  Hale;  Colonial  life  (economic 
and  social  aspects);  Fine  arts;  Geneal- 


NEW  HAVENβ€” Continued 

β€”Tinker,  Prof.  C.  B.,  Yale  Univ.  Johnson- 
iana;  Eighteenth  century  literature. 

β€” Verrill,  A.  E.,  582  Central  Ave.  Marine 
invertebrates,  fishes,  deep  sea  explora- 
tions; Oceanography. 

NEW  LONDON.  Harwood,  P.  LeRoy.  226 
Ocean  Ave.  Angling;  Local  poets. 

β€”Learned,  Walter.  Grolier  Club  publica- 
tions; Bibliophile  Society  publications; 

β€” Palmer,  Howard,  Hotel  Mohican.  Moun- 
tain climbing;  Alpine  Mts.;  Early 
travel  narratives;  Early  Northwest. 

β€”S wisher,  W.  S.,  Unitarian  Church.  Phil- 
osophy; Music. 

β€”Tracy,  W.  D.,  8  Coit  St.  Early  Conn, 
and  local  items. 

NORFOLK.  Bridgman,  Henry  H.,  Fox  Hill. 
Art;  Music;  Grolier  Club  books;  Gen- 
eral Literature;  Books  of  Reference. 

NORWALK.  Leavitt,  J.,  R.  D.  42.  Psy- 
chology; Anthropology;  Legal  history, 

NORWICH.    Aiken,  Gen.  William  A. 

β€” Shields,  William  H.,  35  Broadway.  Amer- 
icana; American  biographies,  histories, 
travels,  reminiscences,  prints,  engravings, 

β€” Turner,  Frank  C.  Americana;  Books, 
Ceramics,  Glass,  Pewter,  Silver. 

RIVERSIDE.  Tooker,  L.  Frank.  The  sea  and 
sailors,  esp.  sailing  ships. 

THOMSONVILLE.  French,  Mrs.  E.  D.  Book- 

TOLLAND.  Fuller,  Edward  E.  American 

WATERBURY.  Makepeace,  Walter  D.,  Court 
House.  Connecticut  imprints,  prior  to 
1800;  First  eds.  Conrad  and  Edwin  Ar- 
lington Robinson. 


DOVER.    Ridgely,  Henry,  The  Green.    Poetry; 

GEORGETOWN.        Conrad,     Hon.     Henry     C. 

Methodism;  Delawariana. 
ROCKFORD.     Bancroft,  Samuel,  Parkway  nr. 

Rockford  Rd.     First  editions. 
SEAFORD.     Morse,  Willard  S.     First  editions 

of  American  Authors. 
WILMINGTON.    Bancroft,  Samuel,  Jr. 
β€” Biggs,  John. 
β€” Du  Pont,  Alfred  I. 
β€” Du  Pont,  Mrs.  Eugene. 
β€” Du  Pont,  Henry  A. 
β€” Du  Pont,  Pierre  S. 
β€” Du  Pont,  T.  Coleman. 
β€” Gray,  Judge  George. 
β€” Hiles,  William  S. 
β€” Hilliber,    Frederick    J.,    115    W.    9th    St. 

A  mcricana  ;  Delawariana. 
β€”Miller,  Mrs.  Charles  R. 
β€” Rascob,  John  J. 

β€” Richards,  Robert  H.,  1415  Delaware  Ave. 
β€” Saulsbury,  Willard,  I4th  and  Broome  Sts. 
β€” Tallman,"  F.  G. 




WILMINGTON β€” Continued 

β€” Ward,    Christopher    H.,    Equitable    Bldg. 

Sporting;  English  literature. 
β€” Wilson,  Gen.  James  H. 
β€” Woolley,  Hon.  Victor. 

District  of  Columbia 

WASHINGTON.  Baer,  Carlyle  S.,  1719  K  St., 
N.  W.  Bookplates. 

β€” Boyd,  Leroy  S.,  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission. Americana;  Secret  Societies. 

β€” Boyden,  William  L.,  i6th  and  S  Sts.,  N.  W. 

β€” Brainard,  Gen.  D.  L.,  Army  and  Navy 
Club.  Arctic  exploration;  Army  history; 
Indians  N.  A.;  Exploration  of  West. 

β€”Bryan,  Wilhelmus  B.,  1330  i8th  St.,  N.  W. 
District  of  Columbia. 

β€” Carman,  Dr.  L.  D.,  1351  Q  St.  Lincoln- 

β€”Castle,  W.  R.,  Jr.,  1726  N  St.,  N.  W. 
English  Literature;  Swinburne,  first  edi- 

β€” Clark,  Edward  (Estate  of),  417  4th  St., 
N.  W.  Literature  of  music. 

β€” Coe,  Charles  H.,  2947  Mills  Ave.,  N.  E. 
Florida;  Shipwrecks;  Pirates. 

β€” Deetz,  Charles  H.,  2504  Cliffbourne  PL, 
N.  W.  Seventeenth  and  eighteenth  cen- 
tury literature;  Art;  Illustrated  books; 
Prints;  Numismatics;  Ballads  and  Droll- 

β€” Devitt,  E.  L,  Georgetown  College.  Amer- 
icana (Maryland,  Virginia,  D.  C.) 

β€” Downing,  A.  C,  2030  Hilyer  PI.  Biog- 
raphies; Memoirs;  History;  Art. 

β€” Gosman,  George  H.  R.  (Major),  War 
Dept.  Napoleon;  Japan;  Languages. 

β€” Greely,  Major  General  A.  W.,  1914  G. 
St.,  N.  W.  Arctic  regions;  Meteorol- 
ogy; Military  art  and  science. 

β€” Green,  Andrew  J.,  Apt.  710,  Cecil  Apts. 
Early  Americana;  John  Paul  Jones; 
Washingtoniana,  City  of  Washington- 

β€” Henderson,  John  B.,  2200  i6th  St.  Conchol- 

β€” Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School. 
First  eds.  American  authors,  esp.  Bur- 
roughs, Thoreau,  Mark  Twain,  Bret 
Harte,  Lafcadio  Hearn,  Drink-water, 
Whitman,  James  Whitcomb  Riley. 

β€” Huidekoper,  F.  L.,  Wilkins  Bldg.  Napo- 

β€” Kauffmann,  Victor,  1708  New  Hampshire 
Ave.  Fishing;  Out  of  door  life;  Gro- 
licr  and  Bibliophile~societies'  publications. 

β€” Keidel,  George  C.,  Ph.D.,  Library  of 
Congress.  Ms.  copies  from  Mediaeval 
ms.s.:  Incunabula  containing  Fables; 
Catalogs  of  European  Libraries;  Early 
Maryland  Newspapers. 

β€” Lamar,  T.  R..  U.  S.  Supreme  Court.  Geor- 
gia (State)  history. 

β€” Larner,  John  B.,  1709  I9th  St.,  N.  W. 
Early  history  of  District  of  Columbia; 
Book-plates;  Old  and  rare  books. 

District  of  Columbia 

WASHINGTON β€” Continued 

β€” Lodge,  Hon.  Henry  Cabot,  1765  Massa- 
chusetts Ave.,  N.  W.  Americana. 

β€” Lower,  Henry  E.,  205  E.  Capitol  St. 
Drama;  Belle  lettres  (first  eds.). 

β€” Merriam,  C.  Hart,  1919  i6th  St.  Mam- 
mals; Indians  of  California  and  Nevada. 

β€”Rockwell,  J.  E.,  31  S  St.,  N.  W.  Short- 

β€” Sheldon,  Charles,  3102  Q  St.    Shooting. 

β€”Slaughter,  Henry  P.  1344  U  St.,  N.  W. 

β€” Stebbins,  F.  E.,  131  Indiana  Ave.  Philos- 
ophy; Psychology;  Logic;  Inventions; 
Magic;  Fine  Arts;  Letters  patent;  Law. 

β€”Stokes,  Henry  N.,  1207  Q  St.,  N.  W. 
New  Thought;  Occultism;  Theosophy; 
Psycical  research;  Oriental  philosophies. 

β€” Underwood,  Wilbur,  1331  Park  Road. 
General  literature;  Poetry;  Curiosa. 

β€”Wright,  W.  Lloyd,  1908  G  St.,  N.  W. 
Americana;  Washington,  D.  C.,  items. 

β€”Yarrow,  Dr.  H.  C,  814  I7th  St.,  N.  W. 
Angling ;  Sporting;  Natural  history. 


JACKSONVILLE.  Alexander,  Gary  W.,  404  At- 
lantic Nat.  Bank  Bldg.  Fine  modern 
literature;  George  Moore;  W.  H.  Hud- 
son; Conrad;  Beerbohm;  Saltus; 
Hunekcr;  Cabcll;  Hergesheimer;  Drei- 
ser; Stephen  Phillips. 

β€” Marrow,  Jos.  F.,  1446  Oak  St.  Modern 

LAKELAND.  Kelsey,  Mrs.  Jessie,  Route  B, 
Box  224.  Art;  Occultism. 

MIAMI.  Bailey,  Harold  H.,  Liberty  Ave. 
Ornithology;  Oology;  Mammalogy; 

β€” Woodrow,  David  S.,  care  of  Brown  Realty 
&  Investment  Co.  Washingtoniana. 

ORLANDO.  Mann,  Cameron,  Bishopstead. 
George  Herbert. 

WATERTOWN.  Paul,  John  J.  American  or- 
nithology and  mammalogy;  Indians: 
Arctic  voyages. 


ATLANTA.  Alston,  Robert  L.  Legal;  His- 
torical, Ga. 

β€” Brown,  George,  M.  D.  Confederate  and 
Civil  War;  Georgia. 

β€” Doonan,  J.  T.  Georgia  history;  Statute 
laiv ;  Constitutional  conventions;  Bar 
Association  reports  of  Southern  States. 

β€” Hancock,  Miss,  Atlanta  University.  Bot- 

β€” Jacobs,  Dr.  Joseph,  6  Marietta  St.,  At- 
lanta, Ga.  Robert  Burns. 

β€” Jacobs,  Dr.  Sidney,  712  Peachtree  St.  Kip- 

β€” Jacobs,  Sinclair,  713  Peachtree  St.  Dick- 

β€” Jacobs,  Dr.  Thornwell.    Historical,  Ga. 

β€” Knight,  L.  L.     Georgia  history.   β€’ 

β€” Radensleben,  Frank  E.,  1221  Atlanta  Trust 
Co.  Bldg.  Roman  history,  100  B.  C.-2OO 


ATLANTA β€” Continued 

A.   D.;   Sir   William   Blackstone,   1732, 

and  times;  English  history. 
β€” Stephens,  Judge  Alexander  H.     History; 


β€” Towns,  George  A.,  2  University  PI.    Eng- 
lish literature  of  the  i8th  century. 
β€” Webst,   Prof.   E.   H.,   Atlanta  University. 


OXFORD.    Emory  College.    Old  Bibles. 
SAVANNAH.    Adams,  S.  B.    Georgia  history. 
β€” Mackall,   Leonard  L.,   care  of   Lawton   & 

Cunningham.     Antiquarian  bibliography; 

Superstition;   Early   Science;   Servetus; 

Goethe;  Byron;  Georgia  History;  Com- 
parative Literature. 
β€”Read,  Keith,  421  E.  45th  St.    Confederate 

Imprints;  Civil  War. 
THOMASVILLE.      Moore,   Louis   S.      Georgia 

history,  incl.  Prints,  Maps.,  etc.;  Georgia 

writers;  Georgia  imprints. 
WORM  SLOE.      De    Renne,    Wymberly    Jones. 

Georgia  history;  Southeastern  history. 


HONOLULU.  Carter,  George  R.,  Hawaiian 
Trust  Co.  Hawaiiana. 

β€” Rice,  Louis  N.,  University  Club.  Standard 
works;  General  literature;  Fine  arts; 
Limited  and  rare  eds.;  Science;  En- 
gineering, esp.  electrical,  mechanical  and 
building  construction. 

β€” Wood,  Hart.    Bookplates. 

ROOSEVELT.  Goodhue,  E.  S.  Rooseveltiana; 


BOISE.       Hasbrouck,    Van    W.,    Government 


β€” Cunningham,  J   W. 
CALDWELL.    Murphy,  Prof.  Paul.    Greek  and 

Latin    literature;    Classical   archaeology. 
β€” Thompson,  James. 
NAMPA.      Gilmore,   George  F.,   Free   Press. 

Odd   or   unusual   items;    Travel;    Rare 

biography;  Ancient  religions. 
WEISER.    Varian,  B.  S. 


ATHENS.    Cantroll,  Thomas  L.    Psychology; 

History;  Biography;  Fiction. 
CHATHAM.     Caldwell,  Ben  F.     Ancient  and 

Modern  history;  Travel. 
CHICAGO.     Achard,  Dr.  H.  J.,  4757  Ravens- 
wood  Ave.    Bookplates;  History;  Essays. 
β€”Adams,  A.  S.,  136  N.  Lake  St.     Classics; 

β€” Ambrose,    Thomas,    330    East    22nd    St. 

β€” Aranoff,  N.  K.,  314  W.  Superior  St.   Sets; 

β€”Arnold,  F.  M.,  927  East  40th  St.     Art; 

β€” Ayer,    Edward   E.,   2   Banks   St.      Indian 

history    of    North    America;    Sandwich 

Islands;  Philippine  Islands. 


CHICAGO β€” Continued 

β€” Bacon,  Paul  V.,  623  Wabash  Ave.  German 
grammars  ana  dictionaries. 

β€” Barnes,  Nathaniel  Waring,  Box  164,  Uni- 
versity of  Chicago.  Business,  esp.  ad- 
vertising and  marketing. 

β€”Barret,  Oliver  R.,  38  S.  Dearborn  St, 
First  editions;  Autographs;  Poems. 

β€” Bay,  J.  Christian,  care  of  Crear  Library. 
Americana;  General  literature. 

β€” Berry,  B.  D.,  623  Wabash  Ave.  English 

β€” Best,  Frank  E.,  137  S.  Ashland  Ave.  Gene- 
alogy of  Presidents,  Cabinet  officers,  U. 
S.  Senators  and  Governors. 

β€” Brower,  J.  F.,  38  S.  Dearborn  St.    Travel. 

β€” Brown,  Chas.  A.,  1550  Monadnock  Block. 
Biographies;  Extra  illustrated  books; 
Fine  editions;  Autographs. 

β€”Buckingham,  G.  T.,  220  E.  Walton  PI. 

β€” Burton,  Harry  W.,  1638  Jackson  Blvd. 
Petronius;  Poe;  Heraldry;  Codes  and 
secret  writing. 

β€”Bush,  William  H.,  1538  No.  State  Park- 

β€”Byrne,  Arthur  E.,  Suite  216,  58  W.  Wash- 
ington St.  Customs;  Ceremonial  rites; 
Flagellation;  Private  presses;  Spiritual- 
istic expose. 

β€” Cassels,  Edwin  H.,  The  Rookery.  Burns; 

β€” Chandler,  Geo.  M.,  1358  Kenwood  Park 
PI.  Americana,  first  and  limited  editions. 

β€”Chapman,  W.  G.,  118  N.  La  Salle  St. 
Americana;  Nature;  Sports. 

β€” Clark,  A.  Sheldon,  401  E.  Ohio  St.  Illinois 
history;  Americana. 

β€” Cooley,  Ernest,  care  of  Press  Club,  155  N. 
Clark  St.  Angling;  Genealogy. 

β€” Covici,  Pascal,  158  W.  Washington  St. 
Rare  eds.  of  English  poetry  and  drama. 

β€” Daniel,  Franklin,  29  E.  Madison  St.  Ol'd 
English  books;  Essays,  Biography,  etc., 
in  better  English  bindings. 

β€” David,  Henri  C.  E.,  5469  Dorchester  Ave. 
French  literature  of  ijth  and  \8th  cen- 

β€” Davies,  D.  C.,  Field  Museum.  English 
Literature;  Tobacco;  Gastronomy;  Lon- 
don; Wit  and  Humor;  Scottish  Folk- 
lore; Gambling. 

β€” Davis,  Philip  Richard,  10  S.  La  Salle  St. 
Curiosa;  Essays;  Economics;  Laiv. 

β€” Day,  Mary  B.,  1518  E.  Marquette  Road. 

β€” Deane,  Ruthven,  1222  N.  State  St.  Ornith- 
ology; Bookplates;  Sport  ivith  rod  and 

β€” Dixson,  Dr.  Zella  Allen,  5220  Cornell  Ave. 
Printers  and  printing;  Bookplates;  Art 

β€” Douglas,  Malloch,  1532  Thome  St.  Nature. 

β€” Douglass,  Wm.  J.,  5667  Fulton  St.  Gen- 
eral literature;  Americana;  First  eds. 

β€” Drake.  Helen  V.,  2114  Calumet  Ave.  Book- 




CHICAGO β€” Continued 

β€” Enis,  F.  C.,  4122  Greenview  Ave.    Music; 

Printing;  Literature. 
β€” Estes,   C.    E.,   919   Buena   Ave.      General 

β€” Evans,  Lynden,  1240  Astor  St.    Scottiana; 

Gothic  architecture. 
β€” Field,   Walter   Taylor,  2301    Prairie   Ave. 

English    and    American    Literature    and 

β€” Frankel,     Julius,     109     N.     Dearborn     St. 

β€” French,   Charles,   5850   Harper   Ave.     Art 

books;  Irish;  Napoleon;  Reference. 
β€” Gaynor,    Kenneth,    326    W.    Madison    St. 

First  editions,  Conrad,  Saltus,  Mencken; 

Antiquities;  Privately  printed. 
β€” Gils,  G.  Henry,  319  W.  Ontario  St.     Pri- 
vate presses. 
β€” Goble,  L.  T.,  care  Press  Club,  152  N.  Clark 

St.    Bookplates. 
β€” Gookin,  Frederick  William,  13  W.  Walton 

PI.    Japan  and  Far  Eastern  Art. 
β€” Harding,  Walter  N.  H.,  no  N.  Pine  Ave. 

Old   Songs   and   Ballads;    Operas;    Old 

English  Drama. 
β€” Hardy,    A.    S.,    Rookery    Bldg.       General 

β€” Harriman,    Karl   Edwin,    36    S.    State    St. 

Private  Press  Books. 
β€” Hayford,    Dr.    E.    L.,    131    N.    State    St. 

Nature;  Angling. 
β€” Herrick,    James    B.,    242    E.    Walton    PI. 

Biography;  Medicine  (old),  esp.  diseases 

of  heart  and  vessels. 
β€” Heurtly,  Arthur,  Sec'y  Northern  Trust  Co. 

Private  press  books. 
β€” Higgin,  Arthur  M.,  4925  Blackstone  Aye. 

Travel  books;  English  and   French   lit- 
-Hill,    Mrs.   J.    W.,   Jr.,    803    Lakeside    PI. 

Travel    and    Exploration;    Books    about 

books;  Bookplates;  First  editions. 
β€” Holbrook,    Royal    H.     Early    Americana; 

Steam  engine,  steam  boiler;  Navigation; 

Chaucer;  Dante;   Fifteenth  century   lit- 
β€” Hopkins,  L.   A.,  416  West  Jackson  Blvd. 

Calif orniana;    First    eds.;    English    and 

American  authors. 
β€” Hoskins,  Chapin  and  Nancy,  2505  E.  74th 

St.     First  eds.  of  English  poets;  H.  M. 

Tomlinson;  De   la  Mare;   Gordon   Bot- 

tomley,  etc.;  Limited  eds.;  Americana  of 

historical  value;  Hergesheimer;  Cabell. 
β€” Howes,    H.   W.,    1142   S.    Michigan    Ave. 

West;  South. 

β€” Howland,  Geo.  C.,  4605  Drexel  Boul.    Gen- 
eral literature. 
β€” Jansen,  Nels,  2925  N.  Talman  Ave.     Lin- 

colniana;  Whitman;  Burroughs;  Henry 

James;  Louis  Be  eke. 
β€” Jeffery,   James   C.,   1352  First   Nat.   Bank 

Bldg.    First  eds. 
β€”Johnson,    Boiling    Arthur,    4630    Kenmore 

Ave.    Voyages;  First  eds. 


CHICAGO β€” Continued 

β€” Joyce,  James  S.,  322  S.  Michigan  Ave. 
Fine  bindings;  First  eds. 

β€” Koehler,  Dr.  G.,  1116  Morse  Ave.  Amer- 
icana; Anthropology;  Hygiene. 

β€” Kuh,  Sidney,  M.D.,  4330  Drexel  Blvd. 
History  of  Medicine;  Nervous  Diseases; 
Psychology;  Psychiatry;  Nature  Books. 

β€” Kurrie,  H.  R.,  608  South  Dearborn  St. 

β€” Leonard,  Arthur  George,  4801  Woodlawn 
Aye.  Early  printing. 

β€” Levine,  Isaac,  Kimball  Bldg.  First  eds. 
modern  English  poets;  Association  copies, 
Modern  Illustrators. 

β€” Loesch,  Frank  J.,  4247  Hazel  Ave.  Gen- 
eral Literature;  American  History. 

β€” Luchhardt,  Dr.  A.  B.,  5216  Greenwood 
Ave.  History  of  Medicine,  csp.  of 

β€” McAllaster,  R.  C,  C.  M.  &  St.  P.  Railway. 
Belles  lettres. 

β€” MacChesney,  Nathan  William,  568  Haw- 
thorne PI.  American  History  and  Biog- 
raphy; Constitutional,  Political  and 
Legal  History. 

β€” MacFarland,  Sam  H.,  care  Hart,  Schaftner 
&  Marx,  36  S.  Franklin  St.  Angling. 

β€” Maher,  Edward,  127  N.  Dearborn  St. 

β€” Malley,  Rev.  J.  V.,  11770  Fourth  Ave. 
General  Literature. 

β€” Malloch,  Douglas,  1532  Thorne  St. 

β€” Maltby,  Ian  E.,  Apt.  3a,  824  Edgecombe 
PI.  Poetry;  Travel. 

β€” Manierre,  George,  100  Belvue  PI.  Amer- 

β€” Masters,  Edgar  Lee,  4853  Kenwood  Ave. 
General  literature. 

β€” Meine,  Franklyn,  1422  N.  La  Salle  St. 
American  Humor;  Wages. 

β€” Morin,  A.  J.,  140  S.  Dearborn  St.  Fine 
sets  in  English  and  French,  with  or  with- 
out binding;  Rare  books. 

β€” Muncey,  Marie  Louise,  6108  Eberhart  Ave. 
General  literature. 

β€” Needham,  Maurice  Hubert,  care  of  Hus- 
band &  Thomas,  150  E.  Erie  at  St.  Clair. 
Poetry;  Biography;  Fiction. 

β€” Nestel,  John,  Room  53,  University  of  Chi- 

β€” Nolan,  Preston  M.,  5802  Kenmore  Ave. 
Reference ;  Bindings. 

β€” -Normoyle,  D.  J.,  5525  Indiana  Ave.  His- 
tory; Law. 

β€” Paullin,  George  W.,  73  E.  Washington  St. 

β€” Payne,  John  Barton,  Chicago  Club.  Vir- 
ginia; Whistler;  Early  histories  of  any 
of  the  states. 

β€” Peabody,  Augustus  E.,  936  Lake  Shore 
Drrve.  Limited  eds.;  Americana. 

β€” Peterson,  Harrv  E.,  10747  Forest  Ave. 
American  history  and  biography;  First 
eds.  and  presentation  copies  of  poetry; 
Scarce  eds.  of  classic  translations;  Lim- 
ited eds. 




CHICAGO β€” Continued 

β€” Powner,  W.  E.,  62  W.  Madison  St.  Books 
about  books;  Printing. 

β€” Quicke,  John  H.  S.,  6010  Jefferson  Ave. 
Art;  Bible  (early  and  rare  editions). 

β€” Ransom,  Will,  14  West  Washington  St. 
Private  presses;  Limited  editions;  Typo- 

β€” Rapp,  C.  W.,  190  N.  State  St.  Architec- 

β€” Reay,  W.  M.,  Harvester  Bldg.    The  drama. 

β€”Reed,  Charles  Bert,  M.D.,  374Β§  Sheffield 
Ave.  Americana;  Medicine;  General 
Literature;  General  History. 

β€” Rich,  Herbert,  431  S.  Dearborn  St.  Li- 
thuanian folk  lore;  Entomology;  Clair- 
voyance; Bee  keeping;  German  carp; 
Hair  dressing. 

β€” Ricketts,  C.  Lindsay,  438  W.  6;th  St. 
Calligraphy;  Alphabets;  Palaeography. 

β€” Ripstra,  J.  Henri,  2126  Gladys  Ave. 
Sculpture;  Numismatics;  Art. 

β€” Robrett,  Geo.  W.,  20  W.  Jackson  Blvd. 
Science;  Philosophy;  Religion;  History; 
Business;  Poetry;  Old  Books. 

β€”Root,  Ralph  Rodney,  64  E.  Van  Buren  St. 
Horticulture;  Gardening;  Andrew  Jack- 
son Doivning. 

β€” Rosengren  Frank,  611  N.  State  St  First 
and  limited  eds. 

β€” Rosenthal,  Lessing,  105  West  Monroe  St. 
Art;  History;  Political  science  and 
history;  Legal  history;  Biography. 

β€”Sergei,  Charles  H.,  4578  Oakenwald  Ave. 
History;  Travel. 

β€”Seymour,  George  Steele,  4917  Blackstone 
Ave.  French  Revolution;  New  Work 
City  and  State;  Poetry;  Drama. 

β€”Seymour,  Ralph  Fletcher,  203  Michigan 
Ave.  Incunabula  and  early  printing; 
Examples  of  finely  designed  and  Printed 
books;  Some  first  editions  of  English 

β€” Shaw,  E.  W.,  8744  Bishop  St.  General 

β€” Sherwin,  Miss  Clara  P.  Corning  PI.,  Lake 
Shore.  Blvd.  Bookplates. 

β€” Shoup.  J.  T.,  307  S.  Dearborn  St.  Lincoln; 
First  eds.  American  authors;  Ameri- 

β€”Snow,  Prof.,  Armour  Institute.  General 

β€” Speakman,  Rowland,  435  So.  Honore  St. 
Old  Medical;  Old  Philatelic. 

β€” Spoor,  J.  A.,  1305  ist  National  Bank  Bldg. 
English  poets. 

β€” Starr.  Frederick,  University  of  Chicago. 
Mexico;  Japan;  Africa. 

β€” Starrett,  Vincent,  641  N.  Mayfield  Aye. 
Literature;  First  eds;  Association 
copies;  Arthur  Machen;  Ambrose 
Bierce;  Stephen  Crane. 

β€” Stone,  Lee  Alexander.  M.D.  5406  Glen- 
wood  Ave.  Phallic  material;  Symbol- 
ism; Anthropology;  Social  hvviene; 
Folklore;  Customs,  etc.,  of  Ancients 
(rare) ;  Old  books  on  morals. 


CHICAGO β€” Continued 

β€” Strauss,  Milton  L.,  5490  S.  Shore  Ave. 
Christian  Science. 

β€” Tolman,  A.  H.,  5750  Woodlawn  Ave. 
English  Literature  1450-1660. 

β€” Townley,  W.  R.,  76  W.  Monroe  St. 
Bookplates;  History;  Biographies; 

β€”Van  Vechten,  Ralph,  V.-Pres.,  Cont'l  and 
Com'l  Nat.  Bank.  Private  press  books. 

β€” Wackerbarth,  Henry  von,  9737  Longwood 
Drive.  History;  Biography;  Science; 
Nat.  History;  Literature;  Travel;  Amer- 

β€”Weaver,  Dr.  G.  H.,  629  S.  Wood  St 
Medical  history;  Infections  and  conta- 
gious diseases;  Early  Medical  Ameri- 

: β€” Wile,  Eugene  I.,  1564  Insurance  Ex- 
change. Lmcolniana. 

β€” Wing,  DeWitt  C.,  5344  Dorchester  Ave. 
Nature;  Biography;  Essays;  Sociology; 
History;  Modern  literature. 

β€” Woodworth,  Laurence  C.,  Steinway  Hall. 
Private  press  books;  Bookplates. 

DE  KALB.  Ritzman,  J.  A.    Americana. 

EVANSTON.  Carpenter,  W.  M.,  2010  Sher- 
idan Rd.  Kipling  first  eds.,  letters,  MSS., 
and  association  items;  Doves  Press; 
Bibliophile  Society  pubs. 

β€”Clay,  M.  J.,  First  Nat.  Bank  Bldg.  Amer- 

β€” Currey,  J.  Seymour,  1308  Judson  Ave. 
Lincoln;  Illinois;  Indians;  Local  items; 
Great  Lakes. 

β€” Dawes,  Charles  G.,  Sheridan  Rd.,  Green- 
wood Blvd.  Americana;  Special  col- 
lections of  MSS.  of  Manasseh  Cutler. 

β€” Dilg,  Dr.  P.  H.,  2715  Harrison  St.  Chi- 
cago; Old  Northwest;  Indians;  Associa- 
tion Books;  German  Americana  (Pam- 
phlets preferred). 

β€”Elliott,  Frank  M.,  225  Lake  St.  Shelley, 
Vernon  Lee;  George  Gissing :  Lincoln; 
Mathilda  Blind;  Walter  Savage  Lan- 
dor;  P.  G.  Hammerton. 

β€” Grover,  F.  R.,  noo  Hinman  Ave.  Ameri- 
cana; North  American  Indians. 

β€”Kelly,  Geo.  T.,  1028  Judson  Ave.  General 

β€”Mason,  William  S.,  1401  Ridge  Aye. 
Benjamin  Franklin;  Marcus  Aurelius 

β€”Morse,  Mrs.  Charles  J.,  1825  Asbury  Ave. 
History  and  development  of  Oriental 

β€” Pfirshing,  Mrs.  Mena  C.  Printing;  Il- 
luminated books. 

β€”Shaffer,  J.  C.,  1704  Judson  Ave.  Ameri- 
cana; Lincoln;  Slavery. 

β€” Simmons,  Parke  E.,  1746  Hinman  Ave. 
American  history;  English  history;  First 
editions  modern  Ennlish  and  American 

β€” Stewart,  S.  F.,  2110  Orrington  Ave.  Civt 
War;  History. 



EVANSTON β€” Continued 

β€”Thompson,    Mrs.    D.    D.,   2135    Orrington 

FREEFORT.    Shaible,  F.  G.,  501   Locust  Ave. 

Natural  History;  Art;   Ornithology. 
GALESBURG.     Lawrence,    George    A.,    590   N. 

Prairie   St.    Rare  editions. 
GLENVIEW.     McQueen,   Alexander.    Sweden- 

borgiana,   all   languages. 
HAMILTON.     Pellett,    Frank    C.     Box    376. 

Natural  History;  Bee   keeping. 
HIGHLAND   PARK.     Hattly,   Walter   C,    328 
Beech  St.    General  literature,  especially 
History  and  biography. 
β€” Mason,  Henry  E.,  301  Central  Ave.   Jaco- 
bite   literature. 

HINSDALE.  Needham,  Wilbur.  Stevenson; 
Hearn;  Conrad;  Ruskin;  Bibliographies; 
Donn  Byrne;  W.  D.  Stelle. 
JOLIET.  Trams,  A.  Francis,  209  Union  St. 
Leigh  Hunt;  Romantic  movement  in 
England  (Wordsworth,  Shelley,  Keats, 
etc.);  Biography;  Early  American 
Literature;  '  Pater;  Walter  Savage 

KENILWORTH.     Barrett,    Oliver   R.     Ameri- 
cana; Lincoln;  Autographs. 
KEWANEE.    Blish,  James  K.    Standard  Eng- 
lish and   American  authors;   Small  size 
steel  engravings   to  illustrate. 
LAKE  FOREST.    Hamill,  Alfred  Ernest.   Itali- 
an history  and  art;  English  poetry. 
β€”Martin,   H.   H. 

β€” Smith,  Byron  L.    Travel;  Lincoln. 
β€” Smith,  Delavan.    History  (United  States). 
LINCOLN.     Hodnett,   Joseph.    Cuba;  Mexico. 
MAYWOOD.    French,    D.    A.,    321    Lake    St. 

MOLINE.       Ains  worth,      Henry.          General 


β€” Johns,  Charles  R.,  521^  isth  St.  History; 
Biography;  Art;  Poetry;  Travel; 
Choice  and  rare  eds. 

β€” Meese,  Wm.  A.     Illinois  and  Upper  Mis- 
sissippi River. 
β€” Oakleaf,    J    B.      Lincoln;    Fritsof   Saga; 


MON  MOUTH.  Robinson,  L.  E.,  1032  E.  Bos- 
ton Ave.  Lincoln;  English  and  Ameri- 
can poetry. 

OAK    PARK.     Barton,   Rev.   W.    E.,    166    N. 
Kenilworth  Ave.  Lincoln;  Pilgrims;  Ec- 
clesiastical  Law. 
β€” Block,  Louis  James.  Plato;  Hegel;  Music ; 


β€”Coble,  Robert  K.,  308  N.  Oak  Park  Ave. 
General  literature;  History;  Art;  Early 
printing;  Books  on  printing. 
PERU.    Zimmerman,    R.   E.,    1509  Third   St. 
'    Modern  first  eds.,  esp.  Dreiser,  Herges- 
heimer,  Cabell,  Anderson,  Mrs.  Wharton, 
Mrs.  Cather,  Mencken,  Geo.  L.  Nathan. 
QUINCY.   Wells,  J.  Russell.    Private  presses. 
RIVER  FOREST.    Davenport,  E.  A.,  280  Ash- 
land Ave.      General  literature. 
RIVERSIDE.      Cameron,    John    L.      Pick-wick 
Press;  General  literature. 

ROCK  ISLAND.    Mitchell,  Philip.    Americana; 

Illinois;  Indians. 
β€” Youngent,  S.  G.,  960  38th-  St.    Theology; 

β€”Spencer,   Jesse    E.,   705   2Oth   St.    Colored 

Plates;    Sporting;    Cookery;    Rowland- 
son;  Greenaivay. 
ROCKFORD.     Kimball,    F.    H.     Archaeology; 

RUSHVILLE.    Little,  John  S.  Bank  of  Rush- 

ville.    Lincolniana;  Illinois;  Association 

copies;    Autographs;    Manuscripts. 
SPRINGFIELD.    Brown,   Stuart. 
β€” Bunn,  Jacob,  1616  Leland  Ave. 
β€” Cribb,   Aubrey,  216   West  Pine   St.    Belle 

Lett  res;   Essays;  Poetry. 
β€” Gehrman,    Mrs.    Susan    Laurence.     Theo- 

sophy ;  Bahaism  and  all  cults. 
β€” Graham,  Hon.  J.  M. 
β€” Haegler,    Dr.    Elmer    E.     Art;    Poetry; 

Belles   Lettrcs. 

β€”Hatch,  Pascal,  1005  N.  7th  St. 
β€” Hay,   Hon.  Logan. 
β€” Hoff,  Alonzo,  1410  S.  6th  St. 
β€”House,  Henry  B.,  926  S.  7th  St.    Drama; 

Theatrical   biography   and   history. 
β€”Humphrey,  Miss  Mary.    Social  questions. 
β€” Ide,  Francis,  1515  N.  3d  St 
β€” Sherman,    Hon.    Lawrence    Y.     American 

and    Illinois   history. 
URBANA.     Clark,    Thomas    Arkle,    928    W. 

Illinois    St.     Fine    editions   English   and 

American  authors. 
β€”Cunningham,     Judsre     J.     O.      Historical 

Works;   Lincolniana. 
β€” Fairlie,    John    A.,    University    of    Illinois. 

Political   science. 
β€”Johnston,   Chas.    H.,   703   W.    Oregon   St. 


β€” Reasoner,  L.  R.,  S.  Lincoln  Ave.   Philoso- 
phy; History;   Theology. 
β€” Ricker,    N.    Clifford,    612   W.    Green    St. 

Architecture;  Translations   (French  and 

β€” Ward,    Henry    B.    University    of    Illinois. 

Biology,    esp.    applied;    Fishes;    Stream 

pollution;     Conservation;    Parasitology ; 

Medical  zoology. 


ALBION.      Black,     Albert.      Standard    sets; 

Reference;  History;  Old  and  rare. 
AURORA.      Backman,    J.    J.,    212    Sunnyside 

Ave.    Old  bindings,  old  prints,  etc.;  Cu- 

riosa;   General  literature. 
BLUFFTON.    Dean,  Charles  C.    Botany. 
β€” Williamson,  E.  B.    Dragonflies. 
CRAWFORDSVILLE.    Wallace,    Henry.    General 

ELKHART.      Beardsley,     Mrs.     A.     R.,     300 

Beardsley  Ave. 
β€” Frink,  Maurice  M.,  1721  E.  Jackson  Blvd. 

Modern     first     eds.;     North     American 

Indians;   Journalism. 
β€” Neu,    Ross    K.       Psychic;    Mystical    and 

β€”Proctor,  R  E.,  Monger  Bldg. 



ELKHART β€” Continued 

β€”Roys,  C.  D.,  116  N.  Main. 

FORT  WAYNE.  Colerick,  Miss  Margaret  M., 
1020  W.  Wayne  St.  Gardens. 

β€” Hamilton,   Miss   Katherine.    Folk-lore. 

GARY.  Bailey,  Louis  J.,  635  Fillmore  St. 
Bookplates;  Thomas  Hardy;  Thomas 
Bailey  Aldrich. 

β€” de  Ville,  John  B.,  664  Broadway.  Incun- 
abula; Bibliography;  Old  missals;  Books 
of  homes;  Quaint  ecclesiastical  books. 

GOODLAND.  Mitten,  Arthur  G.,  R.  F.  D.  I. 
Americana,  esp.  North  American  In- 
dians and  early  history. 

GREENCASTLE.  Barnes,  Prof.  N.  W.  Eng- 
lish literature. 

β€” Boyd,  Jackson.  Elizabethan  literature; 
Science;  Philosophy;  Higher  Criticism; 
Translations  of  Greek  and  Roman  Clas- 

β€” Caldwell,    Prof.   A.    F.   English   literature. 

β€” Miller,  John  R.  History;  Essays;  Myth- 
ology; Reference. 

β€” Tilden,  Prof.  F.  J.    English  literature. 

β€” Weik,  Jesse  W.  Lincoln;  Civil  War 

INDIANAPOLIS.  Brown,  Demarchus  C.  Indiana 
State  Library.  Greek  literature;  Greek 
art;  Modern  Greek. 

β€”Butler,   A.   W.    Birds. 

β€” Calvert,  George  C.  915  Merchants  Bank 
Bldg.  Belles  Lettres;  Art;  Fine  printing. 

β€” Estabrook,  Arthur  H.,  1638  N.  Pennsyl- 
vania St.  Eugenics;  Heredity;  Biology. 

β€” Howe,  Thomas  C.  30  Audubon  PI.  Ger- 
man literature;  Education. 

β€”Kahn,  Mrs.  Henry,  care  of  Kahn  Tailor- 
ing Co. 

β€” Kautz,  F.  R.,  116  N.  Penn  St.  Riley  first 
eds.;  Trollope,  English  eds.  (not  first). 

β€” Kinnick,  B.  F.,  West  Drive,  Woodruff  944. 
History;  Political  science;  Political 
economy;  English  literature;  Anthrop- 

β€” Lofting,  Frederick  T. 

β€” Moores,  Charles,  W.,  1300  Fletcher  Trust 
Bldg.  Lincoln;  Stevenson;  G.  Washing- 
ton; Association  Books. 

β€” Nicholson,    Meredith.     General    literature. 

β€” Stout,  W.  H.,  Central  Lyceum  Bureau. 
History;  Political  science;  Socialism; 
Lincoln;  Washington;  Indiana;  Books 
by  Indiana  authors. 

β€” Tarkington,  Booth,  noo  N.  Penn  Street. 
General  literature. 

β€” Warrum,   Henry,  State  Life  Bldg. 

β€” Watkins,  O.  L.,  care  of'Ginn  &  Co.,  2415 
N.  Penn  St.  Wordsworth;  Coleridge; 
Ballads;  Minor  Poets;  Rare  editions  of 
old  English  writers. 

β€” Wilson,  Medford  B.,  1310  N.  Delaware 
St.  History;  Biography. 

β€”Wood,  Wm.  Allen,  2502  N.  Alabama  St. 
Economics;  Business;  Drama:  Ge- 

LAFAYETTF.  Hight,  Robert  F.  Theatrical; 
Sporting;  especially  Angling. 


LA  PORTE.  Andrews,  Mrs.  A.  P.,  1002  In- 
diana Ave. 

MARTIN  SVILLE.  Green,  E.  V.  General  lit- 

MT.  VERNON.  Kling,  Mrs.  Flora  G.  General 

MUNCIE.  Ball,  E.  Arthur.  Dickens;  Thack- 
eray; Longfellow;  Indiana  authors; 
Association  books. 

β€” Ball,  George  A.,  Oakhurst.  First  eds. 
Modern  authors;  Extra  illustrated 
books.  Omar  Khayyam. 

β€”Rose,  F.  D.,  Merchants  Trust  Co.  Eng- 
lish literature. 

RICHMOND.  White,  Miss  Esther  Griffin, 
"Richmond  Palladium."  Bookplates. 

TERRE  HAUTE.  Baker,  Harry  J.,  1136  S.  6th 
St.  English  novelists. 

β€” Cooper,  Jas.  A.,  311  S.  5th  St. 

β€” Curry,  Charles  M.,  1004  6th  Ave.  Dra- 
matic History;  General  Literature. 

β€”Debs,  Eugene  V.,  451  N.  8th  St.  Social- 

β€” Gerstmeyer,  Dr.   Charles,   15   S.  8th  St. 

β€” Herz,    Milton,   673    Swan. 

β€”McLean,  Mrs.  W.  E.,  700  S.  ;th  St.  Art; 
Literature;  Nature. 

β€” Mees,  C.  L.,  2209  N.  9th  St.    Science. 

β€”Weaver,  Dr.  Odell,   1524  S.  7th   St. 

β€”Wiley,  Wm.  H.,  451  N.  7th  St.  Educa- 
tion; General  Literature. 

β€”Worrell,  J.  P.,  430  N.  Center  St.  Gen- 
eral literature. 


AMES.  Vaughan,  H.  W.  Horses  and  live 

BLUFFTON.    Deam,  Charles  C. 

CEDAR  RAPIDS.  Brewer,  Luther  A.,  847  4th 
Ave.  Printing;  Bookbinding;  Bibliog- 
raphy; Engraving;  Leigh  Hunt. 

β€”Douglas,   Mrs.   George   B.,   1965    ist   Ave. 

β€” Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  2nd  Ave.  Early 
steam  engines;  Boilers;  Locomotives; 
Railroads;  Steamboats;  Early  geogra- 
phies and  Iowa  country  material;  Old 

β€”Richards,  E.  E.  Books  and  pamphlets  on 

β€”Wick,  Barthinius  L.,  115  S.  2nd  St 
Scandinavian  history;  Iowa  history; 
Quaker  history. 

β€”Wolf,  A.  H.,  1265  ist  Ave. 

COUNCIL  BLUFFS.  Wright,  George.  Private 
press;  Whistler. 

DES  MOINES.  Cavanaugh,  John  A.,  315  37th 
St.  General  Literature. 

β€”Coffin,  Nathan  E.  Ft.  Des  Moines  Hotel. 
Economics;  American  history  and  po- 
litics; Nature  studies;  West  Indies; 
Central  and  South  America. 

β€” Davison,  A.  H.,  1272  E.  9th  St.  Social 
history;  Genealogy;  Travel. 

β€”Harsh,  'Nora  Babbitt,  408  Lincoln  Court. 
Musical  subjects;  Old  books;  Auto- 

β€”Howard,  Walter,  317  W.  Fifth  St.  Fine 
eds.:  General  literature. 



DES  MOINES β€” Continued 

β€” Otis,  Miss  Genevieve,  400  Center  Street. 

β€” Shallenberger,  T.  M.,  425  24th  St.  Archae- 
ology; Early  printing. 

β€”Sheldon,  Frank  W.,  F.  Hopkinson  Smith 
Library,  1445  Eighth  St.  Greek  art; 
/β€’'.  Hopkinson  Smith;  Jack  London. 

β€” Stehm,  F.  W.,  1545  W.  Qth  St.  Curiosae ; 
Faceliac ;  Old  medicine;  Art. 

GRINDELL.    Beyer,  C.  W.  H. 

β€” Spaulding,  Mrs.  E.  H.    De  luxe  books. 

HARLAN.  Hanson,  H.  P.  Schlesivig-Holstein 
question,  English  and  Danish;  Psychical 
Research ;  Spiritualism. 

INDIANOLA.  Schee,  John  F.  English  Liter- 
ature; U.  S.  history. 

IOWA  CITY.  Piper,  Pro'f.  E.  F.,  State  Uni- 

β€” Frederick,  J.   F.,    112  E.    Bloomington   St. 

β€” Harbert,  Albert  N.,  318  Brown  St.  Natu- 
ral History;  Virginia;  Iowa;  Manu- 
scripts; Middle  West;  Iowa  railroads. 

β€”Love,  Dr.  J.  F. 

β€” Mott,  Frank,  Bewkley  Apts.  Early  Amer- 
ican literature;  The  short  story. 

β€”Scott,  Prof.  G.  Hubert. 

β€” Springer,  John,  P.  O.  116.  Printing; 
Literary  history. 

KEOKUK.  Burton,  Walter,  Box  114.  General 
literature;  Stevenson;  California;  Psy- 
chical Research. 

MARSHALL-TOWN.  Boardman,  C.  H.  E.,  405 
E.  Main  St. 

β€” Carney,  J.  L.,  605  W.  Main  St.    History. 

β€” Howe,  H.  J.,  6  S.  5th  Ave.  English 
literature  and  art. 

β€” Northrup,  F.  E.,  608  W.  State. 

β€”Palmer,  A.,  405  N.  4th  St.  History;  Po- 

β€” Parker,   J.   M.,  27  W.  Main  St.    History. 

β€” Simmons,  J.  B.,  306  N.  3rd  St.  Standard 
sets  history,  biography,  fiction,  poetry. 

β€”Van,  Law,  C."  H.,   io  N.  loth. 

MUSCATINE.  Richman,  Irving  B.  History; 
Politics;  Science;  Sociology. 

β€”Stein,  Dr.  S.  J.  History;  Biography; 
private  press. 

OTTUMWA.  Brockman,  Dr.  D.  C.,  i  Torbin 
Hill.  History;  Travel;  Archeology. 

β€” Foster,  T.  Henry,  care  John  Morrell  & 
Co.  First  eds.  printed  before  1850. 
Early  printed  books;  Travel;  Topo- 

β€” Morey,  Bertha  G.,  327  W.  Fourth  St. 
Drawing;  Painting;  .Design;  Crafts; 
Literature;  Travel;  Biographies;  Ency- 

RED  OAK.  Murphy,  Thomas  D.  California; 

Sioux  CITY.  Mould,  Judge  David,  1114 
Jennings  St. 

β€” Rice,  F.  H.  History  and  literature  of  the 
Southern  States;  North  American 

β€” Spreng,  T.  F.  H.,  M.D.,  410  Davidson 
Bldg.  De  luxe  editions. 


Sioux  CITY β€” Continued 

β€” Swan  G.  N.,  1221  Virginia  St.  Swedish 
literature;  Books  in  English  on  Swedish 
history  and  literature;  English  transla- 
tions of  Scandinavian  and  Icelandic 
literature ;  Dante,  Shakespeare  and  Sans- 
crit literature  translated  into  Swedish. 

β€”Wright,  Craig,  L.,  817  8th  St. 

STRATFORD.  Peterson  Edward.  Association 
copies  in  first  eds. 


ATCHISON.  Howe,  Edward.  General  litera- 

β€” Waggener,  William  P.    Napoleonana. 

EMPORIA.  Mason,  Walter.  General  litera- 

β€”Plumb,  A.  H.,  224  East  6th  St.  Poetry; 

β€” White  William  Allen.  927  Exchange  St. 
Economics;  Psychology;  Sociology. 

LAWRENCE.  Dunlap,  Prof.  C.  G.,  925  Ken- 
tucky St.  General  English  literature. 

β€” Galloo,  Miss  Eugenia,  1324  Louisiana  St. 
Romance  languages  and  literature,  esp. 
French,  Italian,  Roumanian  and  Phaeto- 
Roman  sch. 

β€” Hunter,  S.  J.,  1309  Ohio.    Entomology. 

β€” Morse,  F.  D.     French  literature. 

β€” Spotts,  John  Alfred  French;  Italian;  Ger- 
man; English;  Americana;  Oriental 
works;  Art;  Classics;  Music;  Drama; 
Scientific  Works  of  Research. 

β€” Stubbs,  W.  R. 

β€” Thayer,  Mrs.  W.  B.    Fine  Arts. 

LEAVENWORTH.  Hall,  Mrs.  John.  "Maple- 
hurst."  Lincolniana;  Shakespeariana; 
Costume;  Roosevelt;  Dickens. 

β€” Lloyd,  Mrs.  Cyrus  D.    Bookplates. 

β€” Rohr,  A.     General  literature. 

McPnERsoN.  Tullock,  Mrs.  A.  J.,  616  S. 
Broadway.  Americana;  French  history; 

MANHATTAN.  Crawford,  Nelson  Antrim. 
Poetry;  Journalism. 

β€” Englund,  Eric.  Political  Economy;  Phil- 
osophy; Political  science. 

OSWEGO.  Emler,  Ira.  Uncxpurgated  Eng- 
lish translations  of  foreign  history,  lit- 
erature, biography. 

TOPEKA.     Chase,  Harold,  Editor.     "Capital." 

β€” House,  Jay  E. 

β€” Sanders,  Dr.  F.  Knight,  Washburn  Col- 
lege. India. 

β€” Woodward,  Chester,  834  Buchanan  St. 
Frankliniana ;  Old  English  color  print 
books;  Association  books. 

WICHITA.    Seward,  C.  A.    Bookplates. 


DANVILLE.  Harding,  Mrs.  Robert.  Fine  edi- 

FRANKFORT.    Berry,  George  F. 
β€” Brown,  Eli  H. 
β€” Edelen,  T.  L. 
β€” Hendrick,  Buford. 



FRAN  KFORT β€” Continued 
β€” Hoge,  C.  F. 
β€” Hodge,  S.  French. 
β€” Jeffers,  Walter,  McClure  Bldg.     Standard 

works;  Art;  Ethnology;  Folklore. 
β€” Lindsey,  Gen.  D.  W. 
GETHSEMANI.    Obrecht,  Rt.  Rev.  Abbot  Ed- 

mond  M.,  Abbey  of  Our  Lady  of  Geth- 

semani  Trappist.     Cistercian   (Trappist) 

literature;    St.    Benedict;    St.    Bernard 

(esp.  Incunabula). 
GLENVIEW.    Allen,  Judge  L. 
HOPKINSVILLE.     Mahan,  Claude,  P.  O.  Box 

459-    General  literature ;  Americana. 
LEBANON.    Mueller,  Hans.    Japanese,  Chinese 


LEXINGTON.    Breckinridge,  Desha.    Kentucki- 


β€” Holland,  G.  Allison,  Security  Trust  Bldg. 
Kentucky  history;  Old,  rare  volumes; 
Holland  family;  Aaron  Burr;  World 

β€” Norwood,  Joseph  W.    Freemasonry. 
β€” Patterson,   James   K.     University   campus, 

English  literature;  History. 
β€” Roche,  J.  M.,  Northern  Bank  Bldg.    Ken- 
tucky; Ireland;  Religion. 
β€” Shearin,  H.  G.    American  ballads. 
β€” Wilson,    Samuel   M.,   812   Security    Trust 
Co.  Bldg.    Americana,  esp.  Kentuckiana; 
Ohio    Valley;    Middle    and    Southwest; 
Virginia;    Maryland;    Tennessee;    West 
Virginia;  the  Carolinas. 
β€” Worthington,  William. 
LOUISVILLE.     Adams,  G.  S.,   1355  3rd  Aye. 
Colonial    History,    especially     Virginia; 
Early  Kentucky  history. 
β€” Atherton,  John  M.,  Cherokee  Drive. 
β€”Ballard,  Thurston  R.  C. 
β€” Bingham,  R.  W.,  Louisville  Courier-Jour- 

β€”Bloom,  Dr.  I.  N.,  Reeser  PI. 
β€” Boutwell,    Edgar,    Editorial     Dept.,     The 
Courier-Journal.       Oriental      literature; 
Sea  history;  Ships  and  shipping;   Voy- 
ages, etc. 

β€” Brandeis,  Alfred. 

β€” Bullitt,  William  Marshall,  care  of  Bruce, 
Bullitt  &  Gordon,  I7th  floor,  Inter  South- 
ern Bldg.  Napoleona;  Military  History; 
World  War;  Kentucky  history;  General 

β€” Clem,   John   G.,    M.D.,       Shakespcariana; 
Elbert   Hubbard;    Omar   Khayyam;    O. 
Henry;  Sex;  Crime;  Prostitution. 
β€” Herr,    Harden    H.,    Inter    Southern    Life 


β€” Hewett,  Ainslie,  Spring  Drive.   Bookplates. 
β€” Rice,   Cale  Young,   1444  St.  James  Court. 

Poetry;  Drama. 
β€” Rothert,  Otto  A.,  1321  Starks  Bldg.   Early 

Middle  West. 

β€”Thurston,  R.   C.  Ballard,   Columbia  Bldg. 
Kentucky;  old  Northwest;  Early  Amer- 
ican History;  The  Flag. 
β€” Trapp,    Dr.    C.   W.,   306   City   Nat.    Bldg. 
First  eds.;  Stevenson;  Dickens;  Carrol. 



ALEXANDRIA.  G.  P.  Whittington,  403  Guar- 
anty Bank  Bldg.  Lee;  Louisiana  his- 
tory; Civil  War;  Reconstruction  in 
South;  American  history  1776-1800. 
NEW  ORLEANS.  Aldrich,  Morton  A.,  722 
Cherokee  St.  Economics;  Sociology; 

β€”Beer,  Wm.,  Howard  Memorial  Library. 
Bibliography;  Louisiana  history  and  im- 

β€” Breaux,  Chief  Justice  J.  A.,  1728  Canal  St. 
Political  Economy;  Early  essays,  books 
and  manuscripts  touching  the  history  of 
Louisiana  Territory  and  first  years  of 
the  history  of  the  State. 
β€” Cusachs,  Caspar,  542  Esplanade  Ave. 


β€”Foster,  E.,  328  Camp  St.     Anthropology; 
Natural  history;  Greek  and  Roman  clas- 
β€”Hart,  W.  O.,  134  Carondelet  St.    Dickens; 

β€” Lloyd,  William,  606  Royal  St.    Louisiana; 

Lafcadio  Hearn;  Eugene  Field. 
β€” Parsons,  Edward  Alexander,  5  Rosa  Park. 
Art     in     Italy;     The     Ancient     World 
(Egypt,    Greece,    Rome,    Mesopotamia, 

β€”Perkins,    H.    Z.    E.,    132    North    Peters. 
Ancient     and     mediaeval     history,     esp. 
Greek,  Roman,  Byzantine  and  Turkish. 
β€”Smith,  J.  C,  131   Carondelet  St.     Micro- 

β€” Stanton,  Gideon  T.,  822  Common  St.    His- 
tory and  technique  of  modern  graphic  art 
and  schools  of  painting ;  Dramatic  art. 
β€” Stubbs,  Mrs.  W  C.  701  Howard  Ave.,  Lee 

Circle.    Genealogy. 

β€” Thompson,  Basil,  1915  Calhoun  St.  First 
eds.  of  Modern  authors;  Literary  Amer- 
icana; Association  items;  Books  bearing 
on  the  Eighie  en-Nineties. 
β€”Thompson,  T.  P.,  1812  Calhoun  St.  Middle 
West  and  South;  Louisiana;  New  Or- 
leans imprints;  Purchase  Territory; 
Canadian  books. 

PINEVILLE.  Keller,  David  H.,  M.D.  Revo- 
lutionary War,  esp.  Pennsylvania  and 
Northampton  Co.,  Pa. 


AUGUSTA.  Livingston,  W.  F.  William 

BANGOR.    Appleton,  Colonel  Frederick  H. 

β€” Coe,  Dr.  T.  U.    Fine  editions. 

β€” Hennessy,  Wilfrid  R.,  15  High  St.  Maine 
Americana;  First  editions;  Journalism. 

β€” Vaile,  Mrs.  A.  B.,  79  Fourth  St.  Book- 

BATH.    Sewall,  Hon.  H.  M. 

BIDDEFORD.    Linehan,  Rev.  T.  P. 

DOVER.  Smith,  Judge  E.  C.  Maps  of  Maine; 
Maine  history;  Americana. 

β€” Sprague,  J.  F.  Maine  and  N.  E.  history 
and  biography;  Documents  same. 

GARDINER.  Lewis,  Weston.  First  and  early 
editions;  Maine. 


HOULTON.      Gary,   Walter.      First  editions; 

Association     books;     Privately     printed 
.    books. 
LEWISTON.    Elder,  George  K.,  32  Cottage  St. 

β€”Hartshorn,  W.  H.,  336  College  St.    Arctic 

explorations;  English  literature. 
β€” Purinton,  Prof.  Herbert  R.,  Bates  College. 

New     Testament;     General     literature; 

PORTLAND.      Brown,  Philip  G.,  85  Vaughan 

St.     American  literature. 
β€” Dyer,   Isaac  W.,  85   Exchange   PI.     Any- 
thing relating  to  Thomas  Carlyle. 
β€” Hale,  Hon.  Clarence,  U.  S.  Court. 
β€” Hale,  Frederick,  191  Middle  St. 
β€” Mosher,  Thomas  B.,  45  Exchange  St.  First 

editions  of  modern  English  writers,  esp. 

minor  poets. 
β€” Spaulding,  J.  A.,  627  Congress  St.    Music; 

β€” Stevens,     Wm.     H.,     474     Congress     St. 

Angling ;  Books  about  books;  Local  his- 
tory; IV hit c  Mis. 

ROCKLAND.    MacAllister,  Edward  B. 
β€” Tuttle,  C.  E. 
SACO.    During,  Frank  C.    Americana;  Extra 

illustrated  books  relating  to  Am.  history 

and  biography. 
β€” Kennon-Wood,    Mrs.   Lucy.      Art   history 

and  books  relating  to  art. 
SANFORD.    Burnham,  H.  H. 
SKOWHEGAN.     Coburn,  Louise  H.     Poetry; 

Botany;  History. 
YARMOUTH.       Frank,    Henry    P.,    Ardenlea. 

English    and    French    literature;    First 

eds.;  Kelmscotts. 


ANNAPOLIS.     Smith,  Dr.  C.  Alphonso.    Poe. 

BALTIMORE.  Baer,  Michael  S.,  Maryland 
Casualty  Tower. 

β€”Cross,  W.  Irving,  B.  &  O.,  Building.  His- 
tory; Biography;  Law  and  Lawyers. 

β€” Dawkins,  Hon.  Walter,  1119  Fidelity  Bldg. 
Law;  Literature;  Maryland  and  South, 
esp.  Maryland  imprints. 

β€”France,  Jos.   C.     Continental  Trust   Bldg. 

β€” Gregg,  Maurice,  Equitable  Bldg. 

β€” Hayden,  Wm.  M.,  Eutaw  Savings  Bank. 

β€” Jacobs,  Henry  Barton,  M.D.,  n  Mt.  Ver- 
non  PI.  Tuberculosis;  History  of  medi- 
cine; Vaccination;  Jenner. 

β€” Kelly,  Dr.  Howard  A.  Medicine  (Biog- 
raphy and  history) ;  First  editions 
(many  medical);  Special  presses;  As- 
sociation books;  Old  and  rare  books. 

β€”Kirk,  Rev.  Harris  E.,  508  Cathedral  St. 

β€” McCullough,  Joseph  A.,  Box  790.  De  Luxe 
eds;  Out  of  print  volumes;  Americana; 
South  Carolina;  Limited,  ed. 

β€” Machen,  Arthur  W.,  217  Monument  St. 

β€”Marburg,  Theo.,  14  Mt.  Vernon  PI.,  W. 

β€”Mencken,  H.  L.,  1524  Hollins  St.  Ibsen- 

β€” Munder.  Norman  T.  A.,  2335  Linden  Ave., 
Art;  Printing;  Nature;  History. 


BALTIMORE β€” Continued 

β€” Pearl,  Dr.  Raymond,  401  Hawthorne  Rd., 
Roland  Park.  General  literature;  Musi- 
cal literature;  Science;  Fine  Arts. 

β€” Roeder,  Adam,  2141  Homewood  Ave. 
Lincolniana;  Maryland. 

β€” Schuchhardt,  Edmund  C.,  2808  Overland 
Ave.  Modern  fiction  (of  especial 
worth);  Travel;  History. 

β€” Sill,  Howard,  12  E.  Pleasant  St.  Archi- 
tecture, incl.  early  English  books. 

β€” Steiner,  Bernard  C.,  care  of  Enoch  Pratt 
Free  Library.  History  of  Maryland. 

β€” Straus,  Isaac  Lobe,  1315  Munsey  Bldg. 
Literature;  History;  Philosophy;  Politi- 
cal Science;  Forensic  works;  Biography; 
Works  of  statesmen  and  publicists,  Eng- 
lish and  American. 

-^Thom,  De  Courcy  W.,  Maryland  Trust 
Bldg.  History;  Biography;  Memoirs; 

β€” Treide,  Henry  E.,  21  Hopkins  PI. 

β€” Turner,  L.  M.,  P.  O.  Box  115.  Americana; 
Prints;  Bibliography;  History  of  Print- 
ing; First  eds.;  American  authors. 

β€” Vincent,  John  Martin.  Johns  Hopkins 
University.  Switzerland  (history  and 
institutions) ;  Mediaeval  Law. 

β€”Waters,  J.  S.  T.,  601  Calvert  Bldg.  General 

β€” Wroth,  Lawrence  C,  215  E.  Preston  St. 
β€’  Bibliography;  History  of  printing. 

CATONSVILLE.  James,  Norman.  Sporting; 
West  Americana;  American  First  eds. 

β€” Janvier,  Meredith,  "Idlehigh,"  Frederick 
Rd.  Don  Quixote;  Baron  Munchausen; 
Curiosa;  Colored  plates;  Art. 

CHEVY  CHASE.  Morgan,  Dr.  J.  D.  District 
of  Columbia;  Maryland;  Virginia. 

CRISFIELD.  Justice,  Carl  L.,  Old  Cris  Press. 
Philosophy;  Science,  Bibles. 

CUMBERLAND.     Devecom,  W.   C.     Drama. 

EASTON.  DePuy,  H.  F.,  The  Sycamores. 

β€” Starr,  Nathan  Comfort,  Hope  House.  In- 
cunabula; Bibliography;  Arthurian 
Romance;  English  novel. 

HAGERSTOWN.  Hays,  Helen  Ashe.  History; 

β€” Kealhofer, '  William.  Psychical  research, 
Esoteric  Buddhism. 

β€” Kieffer,  Rev.  J.  Spangler.  Classics; 

β€” Mealey,  Edward.     History;  Literature. 

NORTH  CHEVY  CHASE.  Busch,  William. 

OCEAN  CITY.     Smith,  Wilbur  M.    Theology. 

ROWLAND  PARK.  Garrett,  Robert.  Charles  St. 
&  Wyndhurst  Ave.  Medieval  Europe  and 
Oriental  MSS.;  Sociology. 


AMHERST.     Emerson,  Prof.  B.  K.     Geology. 
β€” Genung,  Prof.  John  F.     Tennyson. 


AM  HERST β€” Continued 

β€” Lewis,  Prof.  E.  M.,  19  Lincoln  Ave.  Gen- 
eral literature;  Welsh  history  and  litera- 

β€”Prince,  Walter  E.,  P.  O.  Box  492.  Litera- 
ture; History;  Philosophy;  Oratory. 

ARLINGTON.  Edgett,  Edwin  Francis.  200 
Pleasant  St.  Drama;  Books  about 
authors  and  literature. 

β€” Penard.  Thomas  E.,  12  Norfolk  Road. 
Guiana;  Curacoa;  Ornithology;  Folk- 

AUBURNDALE.  Totten,  Emma  J.,  5  Vista 
Ave.  Bookplates. 

BEVERLY.  Dodge,  Chester  P.,  9  Columbia 
Ave.  General  literature;  Stevenson; 
Lamb;  Leigh  Hunt;  Etchings. 

BOSTON.  Baker,  Talbot,  M.D.,  37  Newberry 
St  Occultism;  Metaphysics  and  kin- 
dred subjects. 

β€” Ballard,  James  F.  8  Fenway.  History  of 
Medicine  and  the  Biological  Sciences; 
English  books  on  Medicine  before  1700. 

β€” Bemis,  Frank  B.,  15  State  St.  First 

β€”Bent,  Allen  H.,  53  State  St.  White  Moun- 

β€” Berry,  Capt.  Horace  N.,  senior  port  war- 
den, Port  of  Boston.  Prints  of  clipper 

β€” Cram,  Ralph  Adams,  15  Beacon  St.  Pri- 
vate press  books. 

β€” Crowninshield,  B.  B.,  31  State  St.  Nauti- 
cal Prints. 

β€”Cunningham,  Henry  W.,  351  Marlborough 
St.  New  England;  Genealogy. 

β€” Dane,  Dr.  John,  29  Marlboro  St.  Lord 

β€” Dittemore,  John  V.,  236  Huntington  Ave. 
Early  Editions,  Manuscripts  or  Auto- 
graph letters  relating  to  Christian 

β€” Farnum,  Royal  B.,  Mass.  Normal  Art 
School,  Exeter  and  Newberry  Sts.  Art, 
csfi.  in  relation  to  education  and  Aes- 

β€” Farwell,  J.  \V.,  77  Franklin  St.  Americana, 
esp.  New  England. 

β€”Fish,  Frederick  P.,  84  State  St.  Icelandic 
and  Gaelic  literature  in  translation;  Folk- 
lore; Early  institutions. 

β€”Forbes,  Allan,  33  State  St.     Whaling. 

β€”Ford,  Worthington  C,  ii54  Boylston  St. 
American  history,  particularly  Econom- 
ics and  politics  of  Colonial  period. 

β€” Gillooly,  Frederick  L.,  53  Devonshire  St.,  Fine  Arts.  esp.  Etchings  and 
Lithograph  and  Wood  Engravings  (incl. 
modern)  ;  Modern  first  eds. 

β€”Hammond,  Miss  Eleanor  P.,  Hotel  Puritan. 
English  literature  I35O-I55O;  Medieval 
Latin  and  French,  esp.  Dante. 

β€”Harper,  Henry  H.,  833  Little  Bldg.  Pri- 
vately printed  editions;  Club  books. 

β€”Hart,  F.  R.,  474  Bacon  St.,  Books  relating 
to  '  Latin  American,  in  all  languages, 


BOSTON β€” Continued 

β€” Hollingsworth,  Zachary  T.,  141  Milk  St. 

β€” Jones,  M.  B.,  50  Oliver  St.  Vermont  his- 

β€” Kellen,  William  Vail,  390  Commonwealth 
Ave.  Rare  etchings  and  engravings. 

β€” Kennedy,  Albert  J.,  20  Union  Park.  Illus- 
trated Books  of  igth  Century β€” English, 
French  and  American;  Art;  Fine  Print- 
ing; Architecture;  Furniture. 

β€” Kimball,  Benjamin,  66  Chestnut  St.  Et- 
chings; Japanese  wood  colored  prints; 
Books  on  such  subjects. 

β€” Lewisson,  W.  U.,  147  Tremont  St.  Ameri- 
cana; George  Washington. 

β€” Libbie,  Frederick  J.,  3  Hamilton  PL,  Room 
214.  Early  American  bookplates. 

β€” Lord  Arthur,  70  State  St.  History  of 
Plymouth,  Mass.;  Pilgrim  Fathers. 

β€” Loring,  Augustus  P.,  Jr.,  in  Devonshire 
St.  Books  on  book  binding;  Strarvberry 
Hill  books;  Caricatures  of  the  Fox-Pitt 

β€” Lorraine,  Joe,  Y.  M.  C.  A.  Poe;  Lin- 
colniana ;  Autobiography. 

β€” Manning,  Warren  H.    Landscape  design. 

β€” Marston,  Howard,  25  Brattle  St.  Napo- 

β€” Martin,  Mrs.  Alexander,  8/0  Beacon  St. 
Robert  Brorvning. 

β€” Merritt,  E.  P.,  343  Marlboro  St.  Fine 
English  editions. 

β€” Morse,  Frank  E.,  162  Boylston  St.  Orni- 

β€” Murdoch,  Harold,  P.  O.  Box  341.  Sam- 
uel Johnson. 

β€”Pollard,  F.  H.,  23  W.  Cedar  St.  Cook 

β€” Pratt,  Walter  M,.  1159  Devonshire  St. 

β€” Prescott,  Winward,  P.  O.  Box  3066. 
Bookplates;  Volumes  of  short  stories. 

β€” Rhodes,  James  Ford,  392  Beacon  St. 
American  history;  Translations  from  the 
classical  authors;  Elizabethan  Drama; 
French  and  German  standard  works. 

β€” Rowe,  H.  S.,  58  Commonwealth  Ave. 

β€” Shillaber,  W.  G.,  275  Beacon  St.  Litur- 
gical works;  Old  Bibles;  Early  New 
England;  Incunabula. 

β€” Stickney,  E.  R..  327  Huntington  Ave. 
Modern  first  eds. 

β€” Streeter,  Edward  C.,  280  Beacon  St. 
Medical  Classics;  History  of  Medicine; 
First  eds.  English  classics. 

β€” Tapley,  Henry  F.,  194  Congress  St.  i8th 
Century  French  illustrated;  Foreign 
colored  books. 

β€”Taylor,  Charles  H.,  Jr.,  Boston  Globe. 
Early  American  lithographs;  Old  marine 

β€” Thorndike,  T.  W.,  20  Newbery  St.  Can- 
adian, Arctic  and  sub-Arctic  regions. 



BOSTON β€” Continued 

β€” Updike,  D.  Berkeley,  232  Summer  St. 
Printing;  Specimen  books  of  types  in 
various  languages. 

BROOKLINE.  Downing.  Agnes  T.,  1891  Beacon 
St.,  First  cds.  modern  authors;  Dickens; 

β€” Fraprie,  Frank  R.,  39  Addington  Rd. 
Book  plates;  Heralding;  Photography; 
Travel;  Steel  and  Copper;  Plate  books; 
Castles;  Chivalry;  Mediaeval  life; 

β€” Greenough,  Charles  P.  Historical  and 

β€” Howe,  Henry  S.,i65  Ivy  St.  Napoleana; 
French  Revolution;  First  editions;  Asso- 
ciation books. 

β€” Lowell,  Miss  Amy.  Association  books 
( English  literature ) . 

β€” Paine,   Robert   Treat    (2d).     Shakespeare. 

β€” Preston,  Mrs.  George  M.,  12  Vernon  St. 

β€”Sargent,  William  A.,  1569  Beacon  St. 
l8th  century  copper  plate  books;  Art 
and  modern  illustrated  books. 

CAMBRIDGE.  Greenough,  Chester  N.,  Har- 
vard University.  Early  English  litera- 

β€” Henshaw,  Samuel,  28  Fayerweather  St. 
Gilbert  White  of  Selborne. 

β€” Nolen,  John.     Landscape  architecture. 

β€” Palmer,  George  H.,  n  Quincy  St.  English 
and  American  poetry,  First  eds. 

β€”Potter,  Alfred  C,  Harvard  College  Li- 
brary. Tobacco. 

β€”Sacks,  Prof.  Paul  J.,  "Shady  Hill,"  Irving 
St.  Fine  Arts. 

β€” Shaw,  Robert  G.,  care  of  Harvard  Univer- 
sity Library,  Cambridge  Mass.  Drama; 

β€” Thayer,  William  R.,  8  Berkeley  St. 
Cavour  and  the  Italian  Risorgimento. 

β€” Willson,  R.  W.,  64  Brattle  St.  Astron- 
omy (early  editions). 

β€” Woodworth,  Jay  B.,  44  Hoon  Hill  St.  Edi- 
tions of  Herodotus. 

CHARLES  RIVER.  G.  P.  Winship.  Modern 

CHESTNUT  HILL.  Murdock,  Harold.  Samuel 

CLINTON.  Cannon,  Peter  J.,  359  High  St. 
American  Irish  history;  Great  events; 
Military  history;  Napoleon;  Literature. 

β€” Sawyer,  Frank  H.,  P.  O.  Box  195.  Town 
histories;  Genealogy;  Lincoln. 

β€” Smith.  Judge  Jonathan,  77  High  St.  His- 
torical and  genealogical  investigation. 

CONCORD.    Hoyle,  Ethel  G.    Bookplates. 

DANVERS.    Endicott,  William  C.    Americana. 

DORCHESTER.  Alden  (Miss)  Claire  K.,  47 
Mather  St.  Fiction;  Essays,  Verse; 
Biographies;  Miniature  books. 

β€” Fowler,  Emily,  in  Locust  St.    Bookplates. 

FRAMINGHAM.  Dennett,  J.  Vaughan,  Gates 
R.  D.  No.  2.  The  sea  and  allied  sub- 


FRAMINGHAM β€” Continued 

jects;  History;  Biography;  Early  travel 
and  adventure. 

GREENFIELD.  Howes,  Chas.  H.,  70  Orchard 
St.  Americana. 

HAVERHILL.    Tilton,  J<?rm  W.,  223  Main  St. 

LANCASTER.    Thayer,  John  E.      Ornithology. 

LENOX.  Stokes,  Anson  Phelps.  New  Eng- 
land; American  Universities. 

LOWELL.  Buttrick,  E.  G.,  307  Wilder  St. 
Whistle  riana;  Reprints  in  fac -simile ; 

β€” Fisher,  Rev.  C.  E.    Napoleona. 

β€” Goodwin,  William  B.     Organs. 

β€” Kinney,  Burton  A.,  "The  Terraces." 
George  Washington. 

β€” McEvoy,  George  A.,  104  Tenth  St.  Na- 
tural history;  Local  histories. 

β€” Moir,  A.  L.  Scottish  genealogy;  Scottish 
local  history;  Scottish  folk-lore;  Scottish 
wit  and  humor. 

β€” Putnam,  Frank  P.     Engravings. 

LYNN.  Mangan,  John  J.,  M.D.  Erasmus 

LYNNHAVEN.   Leitch,  Mrs.  Mary  S. 

MALDEN.  Frost,  B.  W.,  209  Main  St.  Asso- 
ciation copies  of  Lamb,  Thackeray, 
Dickens,  Dr.  Johnson,  Swift,  Addison, 
Trollop;  First  eds.  of  all  Victorian 
authors  and  such  Americana  as  Lowell, 
Emerson,  Whittier,  Poe,  etc.;  Interested 
in  English  authors  generally. 

MARLBOROUGH.    Bigelow,  Edward  L. 

MEDFORD.  Wheeler,  Florence  S.,  109  Salem 
St.  Ex  libris. 

METHEUN.  Loud,  Oliver  B.,  19  Smith  Ave. 
American  town  histories  and  genealogies; 
Social  research;  Social  problems  and 
solutions;  Community  building;  Romance 
languages,  esp.  French;  Books  showing 
social  conditions  as  they  were  and  are  in 
foreign  countries. 

NEW  BEDFORD.  Sayer,  Wm.  L.  Journalism; 
Printing;  Libel  and  'Slander  Suits. 

NEWBURYPORT.  Burke,  Hon.  Robert  E., 
49  High  St. 

β€”Hale,  J.  R.,,  High  St. 

β€” Healy,  Dr.  T.  Raymond,  105  State  St.  Old 
eds.  of  classics. 

β€”Lull,  Robert  W.,  i   Chapel  St. 

β€” Parton,  Miss  Ethel,  254  High  St. 

NEWTON.  Pope,  A.  Winthrop.  Book  plate 

NEWTONVILLE  Hartel  Oscar  R.,  222  Lowell 
Ave.  English  literature. 

β€” Jackson,  G.  A.,  32  Washington  Park. 
Bibliography;  American  history. 

NORTH  ADAMS.  Brown,  Wallace  E.  Lim- 
ited and  special  editions. 

NORTH  AMHERST.  Rand,  Frank  Prentice. 
Poetry;  Drama. 

NORTH  EASTON.     Ames,  Oakes.     Botany. 
NORTH  EGREMONT.     Corthell,  Elmer  L.    En- 



NORTH  GRAFTON.  Smith,  Harry  Worcester, 
"Lordvale."  Hunting;  Steeplechasing  ; 
Racing;  Hounds;  Horsemanship;  Auto- 
graphs; First  eds.;  Books  by  Frank 
Forester  and  Peter  Backford;  The 

NORTHAMPTON.  Abbott,  James  T.,  42  West 

β€” Copeland,  E.  H.,  168  Elm  St. 

β€” Seymour,  Christopher,  79  Elm  St. 

NORWOOD.  Day,  F.  H.  Keats;  Balzac;  Pre- 
Raphaelite  Brotherhood. 

PITTSFIELD.  Adam,  William  L.,  W.  Housa- 
tonic  St. 

β€” Ballard,  H.  H.,    247  South  St.    Virgiliana. 

β€” Conaty,  Rev.  Bernard  S.  Theology; 
Italian  literature. 

β€”Kelly,  John  F.,  284  W.  Housatonic  St. 
Sociology;  Economics;  Physics;  Elec- 
trical engineering;  Irish  history. 

β€” Prentiss,  Frederick,  Court  House. 

ROXBURY.  Guthrie,  Mrs.  M.  E.,  2233  Wal- 
nut Ave.  Bookplates. 

SALEM.  Belknap,  Henry  W.,  33  Warren  St. 

β€” Brooks,  Miss  A.  F.,  60  Ocean  Ave.  Book- 

β€” Rushford,  Edward  A.,  M.D.,  78  Essex  St. 
First  eds.;  French  works. 

SOMERVILLE.  Barber,  William  L.,  36  Mar- 
shal St.  Napoleonana;  French  Revolu- 

β€” Doidge,  Robert  W.,  16  Elm  St.  Magic 
and  Occult. 

SPRINGFIELD.  Crassly,  M.  H.,  4  Virginia 
St.  General  literature. 

β€”Affleck,  G.  B.,  287  Hickory  St.  Hygiene, 
Physical  education  (all  forms}  ;  Outdoor 
sports;  Aquatics;  Popular  natural  his- 

β€” Phillips,  A.  A,,  55  Beaumont  St.  English 
and  American  first  editions;  American 
history;  General  literature. 

SUTTON.  Lombard,  Rev.  Herbert  E.  Book- 

TOPSFIELD.  Dow,  George  Francis.  New  Eng- 
land history;  Caricature;  Mormons; 
Colonial  architecture. 

β€” Pentecost,  Capt.  Ernest  A.  Pirates;  Naval 

TUFTS  COLLEGE.  Andrews,  Arthur  Irving. 
Nearer  East,  incl.  Northern  Africa. 

WELLESLEY  HILLS  Woodward,  Frank  E. 
American  history;  Genealogy. 

WEST  MEDFORD.  Hallowell  Col.  and  Mrs. 
Norwood  P.,  50  Mystic  St.  Civil  War. 

WEST  NEWTON.  Bullivant,  W.  M.,  250  Mt. 
Vernon  St.  Historical;  Art. 

WINCHESTER..  Benton,  Jay  Bayard.  Aina- 
tion;  Vermont. 

β€”Hale,  Ralph  T.,  44  Lloyd  St. 

WINTER  HILL.  Noyes,  Charles  L.  Theol- 
ogy; Philosophy;  Sociology;  Economics; 
English  literature,  especially  later  Eng- 
lish poetry. 

WINTHROP  CENTRE.  Reynolds,  L.  R  En- 
tomology; Books  about  Books. 


WORCESTER.  Brigham,  C.  S.,  34  Cedar  St. 
Early  printing;  Americana;  Bibliography. 

β€” Bullock,  Alexander  H.,  340  Main  St. 
Middle  Ages. 

β€” Coes,  Frank  L.,  Goes  Wrench  Co.  Omar 
Khayyam  and  related  items,  Japanese  and 
Chinese  prints. 

β€” Crompton,  Randolph,  34  Cedar  St.  Ameri- 
can biography. 

β€” Coombs,  Prof.  Zelotes  W.,  Worcester 
Polytechnic  Institute.  Modern  language 
and  literature;  George  Borrow;  Will- 
iam Morris. 

β€” Gaskill,  George  A.,  340  Main  St.  Early 
eds.  English  literature. 

β€”Gates,  Dr.  Burton  N.,  24  Charlotte  St. 
Agriculture;  Americana  (esp.  early 

β€”Hall,  Dr.  G.  Stanley,  156  Woodland  St. 
Psychology;  Science. 

β€” McCoy,,  Rev.  John  J.,  23  Eastern  Ave. 
History;  Shakespeare. 

β€” Michie,  H.  Stuart,  10  Military  Road. 
Japanese  prints;  Illustrated  books. 

β€”Nichols,  Charles  L.,  M.D.,  38  Cedar  St. 
Incunabula;  Worcester  (Mass.)  im- 
prints; Almanacs. 

β€” Rice,  Charles  M.,  9  Bowdoin  St.  Litera- 

β€”Story,  Dr.  William  E.,  Clark  University. 
Science;  Mathematics. 

β€” Thayer,  Mrs.  Charles  M.,  15  Cedar  St. 

β€” Thompson,  Eben  Francis,  84  Elm  St. 
Shakespeare;  Omar  Khayyam. 

β€” Webster,  Dr.  Arthur  G.,  Clark  University. 
Physics;  Mathematics. 


ANN  ARBOR.  Bartlett,  H.  H.,  335  Packard 
St.  Botany;  Ethnology;  East  Indies; 
Pacific  Area. 

β€” Beal,  Junius  E.,  343  So.  Fifth  Ave.  First 
and  early  editions;  Michigan;  Printing. 

β€”Bishop,  W.  W.,  Univ.  of  Mich.  Biblio- 
graphy; Book  Arts;  Shakespeare;  Car- 
lyle;  Goethe;  Folklore;  Anthropology. 

β€” Hobbs,  Prof.  W.  H.    Earthquakes. 

β€” Hollands,  W.  C.,  S.  Division  St.  Binding; 
Eastern  Star  Masonic. 

β€” Karpinski,  Louis  C.,  1315  Cambridge  Rd. 
Geography,  incl.  Atlases  and  Columbus 
items;  Luther;  Early  Mathematics. 

β€” Tealdi,  Aubrey.  Gardening;  Landscape 
Architecture  Costumes;  Modern  Illus- 

β€” Thieme,  Husro  P.,  3  Geddes  Heights. 
Trollope;  Dickens;  Thackeray;  Conrad; 
French  i6th  century. 

β€” Warthin,  Aldred  S.,  Univ.  of  Mich.  Old 
'  Medical;  Old  Gardening  and  Botany;  Old 
Travel;  Old  Art. 

β€” Weller,  Carl  V.,  1130  Fair  Oaks  Parkway. 
Pathology;  Medical  history;  Toxicology, 
esp.  Lead  poisoning;  Medical  Antiquities; 
Interior  furnishings. 




BATTLE  CREEK.  Stone,  I.  L.,  289  Maple  St. 
Specimens  of  early  printing. 

BAY  CITY.  Clements,  William  L.,  Center 
and  Park  Aves.  Americana;  The  dis- 
covery; Colonial  and  Revo!utionary 

β€” Booth,  George  G.,  Detroit  Evening  News. 

DETROIT.  Alger,  Frederick  M.,  2040  Penopβ€” 
scot  Bldg. 

β€”Beaumont,   John  W.,   1090  Seminole   Ave. 

β€” Booth,  George  G.,  Detroit  Evening  News. 

β€” Burton,  Clarence  M.,  care  of  Public  Li- 
brary, Detroit  and  Michigan  history. 

β€” Cady,  Wm.  B.,  759  Seminole  Ave. 

β€” Case,  Leland  B.,  325  E.  Boston  Blvd. 

β€” Delahunt,  E.  R,  9100  Dexter  Blvd. 
Napoleona;  General  literature  in  French, 
German  and  English. 

β€” Gibson,  W.  A.,  Jr.,  1137  Hancock  St.,  W. 
Occultism;  Mysticism;  Theosophy; 
Oriental  religions. 

β€” Hecker,  Frank  J.,  5510  Woodward  Ave. 
History;  General  literature. 

β€” Jackson,  Roscoe  B.,  2505  Iroquois  Ave. 

β€” Murphy,  Wm.  H.,  2248  Penobscot  Bldg. 

β€” Ferine,  Fred  A.,  1532  W.  Philadelphia  Ave. 
History;  Biography;  Bookplates. 

β€” Slomoritz,  Philip,  545  Kenilworth  Ave. 
Semitics;  Jewish  history  and  literature; 
German  literature. 

β€” Smith,  Hal  H.,  1106  Seminole  Ave. 

β€” Stephenson,  Bertram  S.,  1430  First  Nat. 
Bank  Bldg.  American  first  eds.;  Books 
illus.  ivith  line  or  ivood  cuts;  .Association 
books;  Etchings;  Engravings. 

β€”Van  Dyke,  William,  508  Griswold  St. 
Mosher  items;  First  eds.;  American  au- 
thors; General  American  literature; 
Napoleon;  Laiv;  Jos.  Conrad;  C.  W. 
Stoddard;  Ik  Marvel. 

β€” Weadock,  Thomas  A.  E.,  270  Ferry  Aye. 
Napoleon;  Gen.  Jackson;  Ireland;  Civil 

β€” Yeoman,  George.  Shakespeare;  Dickens; 
Scott;  Art  books;  Napoleon. 

GRAND  RAPIDS.  Campau,  A.  B.,  116  Union 
Ave.  S.  E.  Essayists;  Architecture; 
Medical  history. 

β€” Lawrence,  John  S.,  307  Fulton  St.,  E. 
History  of  printing;  Bibliography; 
Early  printed  Latin  classics. 

β€” Ranck,  S.  H.,  728  Prospect  Ave.  S.  E. 
Education  of  ivomcn;  Lancaster  Co., 
Pa.;  Franklin  and  Marshall  College. 

β€” Wallace,  Oliver  A.,  563  Prospect  Ave. 
(S.  E.  Tennyson;  Scott;  Dickens; 
'Stevenson;  Old  books. 

HARBOR  SPRINGS.  Swift,  Ivan.  "The  Lofts." 
Old,  hand-made  books,  esp.  Colonial 
format  and  subjects;  Art;  Printing; 
Essays;  Poetry,  illus.  by  etchings;  wood- 
cuts and  engravings. 

HOPKINS.  Blackburn,  O.  T.  620  Nicolet 
Ave.  Bookplates. 

KALAMAZOO.  Todd.  A.  M.  Illuminated  mss.; 
Rare  eds.  of  Greek  and  Latin  Classics; 
Art;  Archaeology  and  Antiquities; 


KALAMAZOO β€” Continued 

History;  Political  Economy;  Early  law; 
Birds;  Rare  printers  and  presses. 

MOUNT  PLEASANT.  Brillhart,  E.  D.,  2171 
State  Normal.  Old  and  first  eds.  of 
Music;  Drama;  Art;  Poetry. 

SAGINAW.  AldenA  Charles  W.,  503  Genesee 
Aye.  History;  Historical  Romance; 

β€” Bradley,  N.  S.,  621  S.  Jefferson  Ave. 

β€” Dustin,  Fred,  705  S.  Fayette  St.  Ame- 
rican Indians;  Stone  Age  Archaeology; 
Gems;  Pearls;  Geology;  Americana. 

β€”Farmer,  Benj.  B.,  R.  F.  D.  5. 

β€” Foote,  Langley  S.,  621  S.  Granger  St. 
Literature;  Reference;  History;  Poetry; 
Agriculture;  Science;  Education;  Lan- 

β€” Linton,  Wm.  S.,  811  S.  Jefferson  Ave. 
History;  Genealogy;  Forestry;  Agri- 
culture; Hunting;  Fishing;  Scotland; 

β€” Schuch,  John  P.,  301  N.  Hamilton  St. 
Drama;  Theatre;  History;  Biography; 

β€” Swinton,  David,  123  S.  Franklin  St. 


ALBERTVILLE.  Kilian,  M.  N.  Business;  Fi- 
nancial; Medical. 

DULUTH.  Abbott,  Mrs.  Howard,  2219  E. 
superior  St. 

β€”Barnes,  Mrs.  Julius  H.,  25  South  26th 

β€”Crosby,  Mrs.  John  A.,  2608  E.  Superior 

β€” Crosby,  Wilson  G.,  721    Providence  Bldg. 

β€” d'Autremont,  Charles,  1401   E.  ist  St. 

β€” Day,  Frank  A.,  711  Irving  PI.  Unusual 

β€” Fryberger,  Herschel  B..  2001  Columbus 

β€”House,  Frank  E.,  515  Hawthorn  Road. 

β€” McAlpine,  Mrs.  Sarah,  1610  E.  First  St. 
Biblical  literature;  History. 

β€”Merrill,  T.  D.  2626  Greysolon  Road. 

β€”Miller,  Mrs.  A.  M.,  2303  E.  2d  St.  His- 
torical and  illustrated  books;  Histories 
of  the  literature  of  all  nations. 

β€” Olcott,  William  J.,  2316  E.  ist  St. 

β€” Paine,  Frederic  W.,  606  Sellwood  Bldg. 
General  literature. 

β€”Richardson,  Mrs.  W.  E.,  2525  E.  2nd  St. 

β€” Washburn,  J.  L.,  101  Oxford  St. 

β€”Williams,  John  G.,  2601  E.  2nd  St. 

β€” Woodbridge,  Dwight  E.,  1735  Wallace  St. 
Early  Western  exploration;  Geology; 

HOPKINS.  Blackburn,  Oscar,  T.,  P.  O.  Box 
278,  Route  2.  Bookplates;  First  eds.; 
Association  of  inscribed  copies;  Finely 
illustrated  books. 

MINNEAPOLIS.  Alvord,  Clarence  W.,  Univ. 
of  Minn.  English.  French,  and  American 
history  in  i8th  Century;  American  his- 
tory early  igth. 




MINN  EAPOLIS β€” Continued 

β€” Buchanan,  Mrs.  Robert  A.,  3011  Humboldt 
Ave.  S.  Biographies;  Autobiographies; 
Travel;  Children's  books. 

β€”Edgar,  Randolph,  118  S.  6th  St.  Lewis 

β€”Fanning,  R.  B.,  Kasota  Bldg.,  330  Hen- 
nepin  Ave.  Engineering. 

β€”Fish,  Daniel,  3301  ist  Ave.  S.    Lincolniana. 

β€”Ford,  Guy  S.,  517  Essex  St.,  S.  E.  Modern 
European  history,  esp.  German-Prussian. 

β€” Jones,  Herschel  V.,  2505  Park  Ave.  Rare 
books;  First  and  early  editions  of  Eng- 
lish authors;  Bindings. 

β€” MacMarten,  322  Security  Bldg.  Marketing 
and  Advertising. 

β€”Partridge,  H.  E.,  care  of  Wyman  Partridge 
&  Co.  Lincoln;  Civil  War. 

β€”Russell,  A.  J.,  1717  S.  Irving  Ave.  Henry 
James  Senior;  Whitman;  Emerson. 

β€”Stanley,  Charles  E.,  301 1  Humboldt  Ave.  S. 
First  eds. 

β€” Van  Roosbroeck,  Gustav,  710  S.  E.  Fifth 
St.  Early  French  manuscripts  and  rare 

NORTH  FIELD.  Boodin,  Prof.  J.  E.  Philoso- 

ST.  JAMES.  Serkland,  Helmer  O.,  Box  D. 
First  and  limited  eds.  modern  authors. 

ST.  PAUL.  Gruber,  Rev.  L.  Franklin,  1213 
Hague  Ave.  Lutherana;  Bibles;  Greek 

β€” Hill,  Lewis  W.,  260  Summit  Ave. 

β€”Kellogg,  F.  B.,  633  Fairmount  Ave.  Napo- 

β€” Townsend,  John,  315  Commerce  Bldg. 
Civil  War. 

β€” Upham,  Warren,  Minn.  Historical  Society. 
Geology  and  archaeology,  esp.  on  the 
Ice  Age  and  Antiquity  of  Man;  History 
of  Minnesota;  Books  and  pamphlets  by 
Minnesota  authors. 

β€”Wheeler,  Miss  Cleora,  1376  Summit  Ave. 

β€”White,  William  G.,  767  Goodrich  Ave. 
First  editions  of  American  authors; 
Privately  printed  books;  Extra  illus- 
trated books. 

β€” Young,  E.  A.,,  39  Arundle  St.  Balzac, 
Burton,  illustrations  for;  Manoirs. 

WINONA.  Watkins,  Paul,  153  E.  Wabasha. 
General  literature  in  fine  editions. 


CANTON.  Schultz,  William  Eben,  Culver- 
Stockton  College.  English  drama;  iSth 
century  British  literature;  American 

JACKSON.  Deupree,  Dr.  J.  G.  Southern 
history  and  literature. 

OXFORD..  Falkner  Col.  J.  W.  T.  Historical 

β€” Stone,  Hon.  James.    Law. 


β€”Brown,  Calvin  S.,  Box  53-  American 
archaeology;  Art;  Brass  and  copper  ob- 
jects; Drama;  Comparative  literature. 

UNIVERSITY β€” Continued 

β€” Heddlestone,  Rev.  David.  Theology,  So- 

β€” Johnson,  H.  P.     Literature  and  fiction. 

β€” Kincannon,  A.  A.  General,  Erucational 
and  Fiction. 

β€” Somerville,  Dr.  Thos.  Laic,  Reference 
Works  and  Literature, 


BRUNSWICK.  Field,  Nelson  C.  Histories  and 
critiques  of  modern  European  literatiire. 

FARMINGTON.  Carter,  F.  M.,  Columbia  St. 
History;  General  Classic  literature 
(Greek  and  Roman);  Sociology;  Meta- 
physics; Logic;  Belles  Lcttres. 

JOPLIN.     Coon,  Byron.     General  literature. 

β€” Norris,  E.  A.    General  literature;  History. 

KANSAS  CITY.  Atwood,  John  H.,  N.  Y.  Life 

β€” Brockett.  Robert  M.,  121  W.  8th  St. 
Comparative  mythology;  Folk  lore  and 

β€” Clendening,  Dr.  Logan. 

β€” Douglas,  Percy,  920  Grand  Ave.,  Missouri. 

β€” Fowler,  Alfred,  17  Board  of  Trade.  Doves 
Press,  Kelmscott  Press;  Bookplates; 
Scientific  works. 

β€” James,  D.  L.,  1114  Grand  Ave. 

β€”Knight,  W.  W.,  514  Bryant  Bldg.  Belles 
Lettres;  South. 

β€” Logan,  Miss  Frances,  4155  Warwick  Blvd. 

β€” Pickard,  Dr.  M.  W.,  Union  Station  Hos- 
pital. First  eds.;  Napoleon;  First  Eng- 
lish eds.;  Orientalia;  Russian  (original) ; 
Biography;  History;  First  eds.;  Sir 
Richard  Burton. 

β€” Sherwin,  Ira  R.,  105  W.  34th  St.  Philos- 

β€” Smalley,  Carl  H.,  1122  Grand  Ave.  Book 

β€” Snyder,  Robert  M.,  Jr.,  610  E.  47th  St. 
Americana,  esp.  Western;  Missouri; 
History;  Biography;  General  literature. 

β€” Sutton,  Richard  L.,"  M.D.,  Rialto  Bldg. 
Autographed  and  presentation  copies; 
Incunabtila  and  early  English  black  lctt;r 

β€”Thatcher,  H.  John,  3940  McGee  St.  Mo- 
rocco; The  Moors;  Modern  dramatic 

β€” Veatch,  Charles,  715  Main  St.  Shake- 

β€” Whipple,  Mrs.  B.  T.,  45th  and  Warwick 
Blvd.  History. 

β€”White,  John  B.,  mi  R.  A.  Long  Bldg. 
Genealogy;  History,  esp.  country  and 

β€”Wright,  Purd  B.,  3626  Walnut  St.  Mark 

LIBERTY.    Edwards,  Ward  H.    Whitmaniana. 

NEVADA.  Frazier,  W.  A.,  212  S.  Main  St. 
Sociology;  Theology;  Poetry;  Drama. 

ST.  JOSEPH.    Corby,  John,    New  Corby  Bldg. 




ST.  JOSEPH β€” Continued 

β€” Lacy,  G.  G.,  2912  Frederick  Blvd.  General 
literature;  ijth  and  i&th  century  English 

β€” McCord,  Col.  J.  H.,  1823  Clay  St.  Mili- 
tary art  and  science. 

β€”Owen,  Mary  G.,  306  N.  9th  St.  Bird  life. 

β€” Street,  Charles  M.,  2920  Sacramento  St. 

β€”Wheeler,  W.  W.,  Jr. 

ST.  Louis.  Angert,  Eugene  H.,  3rd  National 
Blclg.  Private  press. 

β€” Ball,  James  Moores,  M.D.,  4500  Olive  St. 
Medical  history;  old  works  on  Anatomy 
and  Surgery;  Medical  portraits. 

β€” Balz,  Leonard,  4022  N.  Florissant  Ave. 
Belle  let  t  res;  History;  Biography. 

β€” Bates,  Charles  F.,  Security  Bldg.  English 

β€” Bemis,  J.  S.,  601  S.  Fourth  St.  History; 
General  literature. 

β€” Breckenridge,  W.  C,  4123  Enright  Ave. 
Mississippi  Valley;  Middle  West;  Far 
West;  South;  Almanacs;  Emigrant 
guides;  Indians;  Mormons;  anything  rel. 
to  St.  Louis  or  Mississippi. 

β€” Britton,  Roy,  Boatman's  Bank  Bldg. 

β€” Burton,  Robert  Mosby,  388  N.  Euclid  Ave. 
Early  printing  and  related  books;  Al- 
dines;  Elsivirs  and  other  presses;  Early 
printing  in  America. 

β€” Cannon,  Lucius  H.,  211  City  Hall.  Eng- 
lish and  German  literature';  History; 
Philosophy;  Political  Science;  Middle 
West  and  Western  history  and  literature; 
Colonial  history. 

β€” Davis,  J.  Lionberger,  St.  Louis  Trust 
Bank.  Whistler;  Cruikshank;  Fine  arts. 

β€” Dyer,  H.  Chouteau,  1524  Boatmen's  Bank 
Bldg.  History;  Biography. 

β€” Gray,  David  E.,  1320  Olive  St. 
Biographies;  Scotland;  Finance. 

β€” Gundlach,  J.  H.,  3615  N.  Broadway. 
Americana;  First  editions;  Association 
books;  Biographies;  Autograph  manu- 

β€” Harris,  Virgil  M.,  Buckingham  Hotel. 
Wills;  Testamentary  lore. 

β€”Jones,  R.  McKittrick,  6  Westmoreland  PI. 
Fine  arts. 

β€” Lehmann,  F.  W.,  Fourth  and  Olive  Sts. 
Dickens;  Whittier;  Lowell;  Emerson; 
Hawthorne;  Harte;  Longfellow;  Lever; 
Borrow;  Gosse;  Locker;  Thoreau;  Et- 

,       chings. 

β€” McPheeters,  Samuel  B.,  Central  National 
Bk.  Bldg. 

β€”Miller,  Oliver  J.,  Central  National  Bank 

β€”Morton,  Stratford  Lee,  1008  Chemical  Bldg. 
Americana;  Western  travels  and  his- 
tories; Private  presses;  Bookbindings. 

β€” Senter,  Charles,  i  Beverly  PI.  Washing- 
toniana  (books  and  portraits) ;  Eugene 
Field;  Art  bindings;  Books  on  medals 


ST.  Louis β€” Continued 

and  coins;  Private  presses;  Books  about 
books;  Miniature  books. 

β€” Swope,  Horace  M.,  4466  Westminster  St. 
Henry  James;  American  and  modern 
English  authors,  first  editions. 

β€” Whelpley,  H.  M.,  2342  Albion  PI.  Micro- 
scopy; Archaeology  (American). 

β€” Woodward,  Walter  B.,  Franklin  Club. 
Limited  editions;  Fine  printing. 

SEDALIA.  Fuller,  Rev.  J.  B.,  618  Broadway. 
Exegetical  and  historical  Theology; 
Secular  History  and  Literature  of  West 
Europe,  ancient  and  modern;  Archaeol- 
ogy; Botany;  Geology. 

UNIVERSITY.  White,  J.  Lowe,  12  Yale  Ave. 
Americana;  Indians;  First  editions 
American  authors;  Illustrated  books; 
General  literature. 


BILLINGS.    Babcock,  A.  L. 

β€” Cameron,  Rev.  Robert  A.,  17  Lewis  Ave. 
Lincolniana,  Theology. 

BOZEMAN.  Wilson,  M.  L.,  State  College. 
Lincolniana;  History  of  agriculture; 
Farmer's  movements;  Economics. 

BUTTE.     Hall,  Dr.  Wm.  H.    Realistic. 

β€” Leggat,  Alexander.  Western  Americana, 
esp.  Montana,  Yellowstone  Park,  Lewis 
Clark  &  Clark  Expedition;  Early  fur- 
trading  and  mining  days. 

β€” Murray,  Mrs.   T.  J.     Fine   bindings. 

β€” Renick,  Dr.  R.  N.,   ist  Nat'l  Bk.  Bldg. 

β€” Roote,  Jesse  B.,  Silver  Bow  Block. 

β€” Sanders,  Louis  P.,  State  Sav.  Bk.  Bldg. 

GREAT  FALLS.     Wadsworth,  O.,  Jr. 

HELENA.  Cory,  James  W.,  902  Madison  Ave. 
Essays;  Biography;  Books  on  Print, 
and  Decorations;  Charles  Lamb. 

β€” Cory,  James.    Books  on  Rugs,  China;  Art. 

β€” Holter,  Norman  B. 

β€” Kessler,  Charles  N.,  R.  F.  D.  9.  West; 
Pacific  Northwest;  Lewis  &  Clark; 

β€” Marlow,  Thos.  A.,  Nat'l  Bk.  of  Montana. 

β€” Sanders,  James  U. 

LIVINGSTON.    Stark,  A.  P. 

β€”Alton,  Dr.  R.  C. 

MISSOULA.    McLeod,  C.  H. 

β€” Weir,  James   R.     Forest  Pathology. 


BEATRICE.  Anderson,  J.  L.,  Box  325.  Ameri- 
cana; Early  English;  Old  Classics. 

β€”Black,  W.  C,  Jr. 

BETHANY.  Fitzpatrick,  T.  J.  Mathematics; 
Botany;  Geology;  Middlewest  Ameri- 
cana; Zoology;  Incunabula;  Ra  fines- 
guana;  Linneana. 

FALLS  CITY.  Westhorpe,  Arthur  W.,  P.  O. 
Box  376.  Numismatics;  Entomology; 
Conchology;  Archaeology;  Natural 
Science;  Stone  Age  in  America; 
Genealogy;  Ceramics. 



LINCOLN.  Angle,  Dr.  E.  J.,  2219  B  St.  Na- 
tural history;  American  history;  General 

β€” Grumann,  Prof.  Paul,  University  of  Neb. 

β€”Hardy,  William  H.,  Calvert  PI.,  Sheridan 

β€”Love,  Don  C,  Little  Bldg.    Prohibition. 

β€” Lowry,  H.  B.,  1136  O  St. 

β€”Miller,  John  E.,  c/o  Miller  &  Paine. 

β€” Sanders,  Fred  E.,  Bankers  Life  Ins.  Co. 

OMAHA.    Baum,  David  A.    Art. 

β€”Bradford,  D.  C,  404  S.  39th  St.  Rare 
eds.;  Fine  bindings;  Extra  illus.  books, 
esp.  by  hand. 

β€” Crummer,  Dr.  LeRoy,  801  City  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.  History  of  Medicine;  First  eds. 
medical  works;  Graphic  medical  In- 
cunabula, esp.  Religio  Medici  and 
School  of  Salernos;  Physicians  and  sur- 
geons; Medicine  and  survey;  Extra  il- 
lustrated biographies;  Travel. 

β€” Dietz,  Charles  N.,  428  S.  38th  St. 

β€” Hixenbaugh,  W.  A.,  628  S.  igth  St. 
Anthropology;  General  Science. 

β€”Jonas,  Dr.  A.  F.,  Brandeis  Bldg.  Stand- 
ard authors  in  fine  editions. 

β€”Reiser,  Henry  F.,  I3th  and  Ft.  Crook  Blvd., 
Rt.  5.  Americana,  i*,th  &  i6th  Century 
books;  Fine  eds.;  Autographs;  Art; 
Early  West. 

β€” Morsman,  Robert,  U.  S.  National  Bank, 
Beautifully  illustrated  and  bound  single 

β€”Realty,  Hansen,  2752  S.  loth  St.  Hunt- 
ing; Athletics;  Sports;  Literary  criti- 
cism; Army  and  Navy  history. 

β€”Stewart,  J.  T.,  (2nd),  2525  Farnam  St. 
Becrbohm;  Kipling;  Conrad;  Mencken; 
McFee;  Hergesheimer. 

β€”Webster,  John  L.     American  History. 

New  Hampshire 

BEATRICE.  Anderson,  J.  R.  Masonic;  Sex- 
Worship;  Sun  worship;  Scientific. 

CENTRE  SANDWICH.  White,  C.  H.  General 


β€” Spofford,  Charles  B.,  Box  286.  Historical; 
Genealogical;  Masonic. 

CONCORD.  Corning,  Charles  R.  American 
history;  Civil  War. 

β€” Folsom,  Miss  Ida  O.  First  editions  stand- 
ard book. 

FRANKLIN.  Proctor,  Frank.  N.  A.  Indians,' 
Nature;  Poetry. 

HANOVER.  Goodrich,  N.  L.,  Dartmouth  Col- 
lege. Mountains  and  Forest. 

β€”Page,  Curtis  Hidden,  Dartmouth  College. 
American  poetry;  Elizabethan  Litera- 
ture; Japan. 

β€” Rugg,  H.  G.,  Dartmouth  College.  Ver- 
mont; Nature  books;  First  eds.;  Book- 

New  Hampshire 

MANCHESTER,  Heald,  Frank  E.,  1142  Union 
St.  Americana;  Napoleon. 

β€” O'Dowd,  Mrs.  Margaret,  703  Pine  St. 
Celtic  literature. 

β€”Rogers,  T.  P.  W.,  875  Elm  St.  Engraving; 
Etching;  Lithography;  Aquatint;  Books 
illus.  by  the  above;  Private  presses; 
Association  copies. 

PETERBORO.    Bass,  Robert  P. 

WARNER.  Sargent,  George  Henry.  Biblio- 
graphy; Book  Lore;  Association  books; 

New  Jersey 

ASBURY  PARK.  Kraybill,  Mrs.  A.  E.,  1113 
Third  Ave.  First  eds.;  Association  and 
presentation  copies. 

ATLANTIC  CITY.     Gould,  Geo.  M.,  401  Ori- 
ental Ave.    Medical  Lexicography;  Eng- 
lish Philology;  Folk  lore. 
BAYONNE.    Pesky,  Philip,  481  Ave  E.    Mod- 
ern   English   and   American    first    eds.; 
Folk  lore;  Quaint  and  curious  items. 
BERNARDSVILLE.    Wheeler,  Schuyler  S.  Early  β€’ 
books  on  Electricity,  Magnetism  and  the 

BLOOMFIELD.     Schwab,  "V.  O.,  60  Evergreen 

Ave.      Browning;    Poetry;    Philosophy. 

CONVENT.     Bradley,    Charles   Barnet.     Fine 

Arts  (especially  Italian  Architecture  and 

paintings) ;     all     branches    relating     to 

Ancient  Greece  and  Rome. 

DOVER.    Platt,  Charles  D.,  Moller  PI.  Poetry; 

Literary  criticism;  History. 
EAST    ORANGE.     Allen,    Edward   Frank,   64 
Carlton  St.     Old  and  present  day  New 
York     City;     James     Branch     Cabell; 
Samuel  Pepys;  R.  L.  Stevenson. 
β€” Baker,  C.  O.,  95  Washington  St.    General 

literature;  Privately  printed  books. 
β€” Brockett,     Helen     F.,     191     Prospect    St. 


β€” Hoffman,  Frederick  L.,  114  Harrison  St. 
Economics;  Anthropology;  Americana; 

ENGLEWOOD.      Chapman,    Frank    M.      Orni- 
thology;   Travels   in   Tropical  America. 
FREEHOLD.    Hunter,  F.  W.     Whistler. 
GLEN  RIDGE.      Furman,   Dorothy,   58  Clark 

St.    Bookplates. 

HACKENSACK.     Brohel,  Joseph  A.,  167  Clin- 
ton Place.     Bookplates. 
β€”Swift,   T.  Dean,  308  Union   St.     General 

literature;  Lincoln;  Civil  War. 
HOBOKEN.     Campbell,  Palmer,  i  Newark  St. 
Books    and   prints    on   Hoboken,   Jersey 
City  and  Weehawken. 

β€” Demarest,  A.  J.,  1017  Bloomfield  St. 
American  and  New  Jersey  history 

JERSEY  CITY.    American  Type  Founders  Co.'s 

Library.       Typographical    books,    prints, 

autograph  letters,  medals,  appliances. 

β€” Bieber,    Albert    A.,    17    Montgomery    St. 

American    poetry;     Plays;     Songsters; 


New  Jersey 

JERSEY  CITY β€” Continued 

Ballad  and  Poetical  Sheets;  Early  Ameri- 
can music  before  1835. 

β€” Bullen,  Henry  Lewis,  300  Communipaw 
Ave.  Illustrating;  Typography;  Relief 
Engraving;  Printing  Processes;  Jour- 
nalism; Printers  biographies. 

β€” Engel,  Charles,  127  Nelson  Ave.  Books 
and  pamphlets  printed  in  America  be- 
tween the  years  1639-1800;  Western- 
Southern  states;  Indians. 

β€” Hanlons,  Thomas  F.,  17  Montgomery  St. 
Early  literature,  American,  English  and 
Continental  countries. 

β€” Henry,  Mellinger  E.,  Dickinson  High 
School.  Americana;  Drama;  Byron; 
Shelley;  The  Early  Novel. 

β€” Hildebrand,  William  A.,  21  Montgomery 
St.  Dramaticana;  Jenny  Lind;  Local 

β€” Sutherland,  Preston  H.,  13  Montgomery 
St.  Anti- Jesuits;  American  and  Eng- 
lish literature  before  1830. 

LAKEWOOD.  Paton,  William  Agnew.  Orient 
(Egypt  and  Hittite,  etc.) 

LAUREL  SPRINGS.  Hulbert,  J.  B.  American 

MADISON.  Faulkner,  Prof.  John  Alfred. 
Dreiv  Theological  Seminary;  Church 

β€” Rogers,  Prof.  R.  W.  Samuel  Johnson  and 
his  circle  (Boswell,  Reynolds,  Goldsmith, 
Pioszi,  Burke,  etc.) 

β€” Van  De  Water,  Clarence,  2  Main  St. 

MAPLEWOOD.  Ingersoll,  Wm.  H.,  637  Ridge- 
wood  Rd.  Economics;  Sociology;  Psy- 
chology; Commercial  history. 

MILBURN.  Worden,  Edward  C,  Prospect 
Ave.  Chemistry;  Medicine. 

MONTCLAIR.  Allen,  Charles  Dexter,  80  Gates 
Ave.  Belles  Lettres;  Art;  Bookplates; 
Biography;  History;  Selected  fiction; 
Fine  printing. 

β€” Baker,  Moses  N.,  53  Oakwood  Ave.,  Upper 
Montclair.  Engineering;  Sociology. 

β€” Hanna,  Charles  A.,  15  Rockledge  Road. 
Americana;  Indians;  Pennsylvania; 
Scotch-Irish  and  Scotch  history;  Ohio 
Valley  history. 

β€” Tackson,  Stuart  W.,  56  Elm  St.  Lin- 
colniana;  Americana;  First  editions 
American  authors. 

β€” Melcher,  Frederic  G.,  228  Grove  St.  His- 
tory of  publishing  and  bookselling. 

β€” Tate,  C.  W.,  49  Brunswick  Rd.     Johnson; 

1        Boswell;  Piozsi;  Fine  printing. 

β€” Weicker,  Herman  G.,  55  Myrtle  Ave. 

MOORESTOWN.  Allen,  Miss  S.  J.,  255  E. 
Main  St.  Bookplates. 

NAVESINK.  Swan,  Norma  L.  iSth  century 
British  periodicals. 

NEWARK.  Briggs,  Frankland,  560  Mt. 
Prospect  Ave.  History  and  Biography, 
esp,  Americana. 

New  Jersey 

NEWARK β€” Continued 

β€” Boggs,  P.  M.,  ii  Thomas  St.  Psycho- 
analysis; Pathology;  Occultism;  Sym- 

β€”Campbell,  Peter,  515  Mt.  Prospect  Ave. 

β€” Doyle,  James  A.,  30  Clinton  St.  Conrad; 
Stevenson;  Modern  first  eds. 

β€” Herzberg,  Max  J.,  i8J^  Thomas  St.   Eng- 
lish and  American  literature, 
the  history  of  fiction. 

β€” Jenkinson,  Richard  C.,  291  Washington  St. 
Special  books;  Old  books;  First  eds.; 
Old  N.  J.  history. 

β€”Randolph,  Corliss  F.,  76  S.  loth  St.  Ameri- 
cana; Genealogy;  General  literature;  esp. 
the  classics. 

β€” Raymond,  Thos.  L.,  16  East  Kinney  St. 
Books  of  private  presses. 

β€”Robertson,  Samuel  E.,  21  Walnut  St. 
Early  printing;  special  editions. 

β€” Rutstein,  Leo,  88  Rose  Terrace.  Chemistry; 

NORTH  BERGEN.  Asmus,  Grover  Β£.,4011 
Hudson  Blvd.  American  Revolution 
with  especial  reference  to  Benedict  Ar- 
nold and  John  Andre ;  New  Jersey. 

NUTLEY.  Arnold,  William  Harris.  Associa- 
tion books;  Literary  autographs;  MSS. 

PATERSON.  Gourley,  William  B.  First  and 
early  editions;  Incunabula. 

β€” Stevenson,  Eugene,  580  Park  Ave.  Law; 
Political  science,  especially  old  N.  J., 
books  on  these  subjects. 

PERTH  AMBOY.  Pickersgill,  H.  E.  New 
Jersey;  Freemasonry. 

POMPTON  LAKES.  Clemens,  William  M. 
American  first  eds.;  English  eds.  of 
Joaquin  Miller;  All  foreign  translations 
of  Joaquin  Miller. 

PRINCETON.  Brunno,  Dr.  Orient  (Assyrian 
and  S.  Arabic). 

β€” Libbey,  William.  Geography  and  Physical 
Geography  .(periodicals). 

β€” Mather,  Frank  J.,  Tr.,  3  Evelyn  PI. 
European  art,  especially  painting;  Early 
Italian  literature;  The  Renaissance. 

β€” Pyne,  M.  Taylor.    Medieval  history. 

β€”Read,  Dr.  E"  W.     Bookplates. 

ROSELLE  PARK.  Barber,  H.  G.,  143  Third 
Ave.,  East.  Hemiptera;  Heteroptera; 

SEWERAN.  Lewis,  H.  J.,  Brewster  House. 
General  literature,  fiction  e.vcepted. 

SHORT  HILLS.  De  Lanoy,  William  C.,  Del- 
wick  Lane.  General  French  literature 
first  and  early  editions. 

SOUTH  ORANGE.  Hoskier,  H.  C.,  Ridgewood 
Rd.  First  editions  of  Biblical  and  Pat- 
ristic literature,  principally  Greek  New 
Testaments,  and  editions  and  photo- 
graphs of  N.  T.  manuscripts  (Greek, 
Latin,  Coptic,  Syriac),  Biblical  criticism. 

β€” Kip,  Ira  A.,  Jr.  Limited  editions,  French, 
English  and  early  American  authors. 

TRENTON.    Kendall,  C.  N.    Education. 


New  Jersey 
UNION  HILL..   Kraemer,   Casper  J.,  Jr.,  537 

Union  PI.     Roman  and  Greek  literature 

and  art;  English  literature;  Music,  esp. 

WASHINGTON.    Petty,  William  S.,  200  Broad 

St.    Agriculture ;  Bee-keepina;  Orchards; 

Arboriculture;  Iceland;  Natural  history; 

WEST  NEW   YORK.     Franco,  Paul,  429  loth 

St.       Napoleana;     French     Revolution; 

French-American  relations  in  1790-1810. 
WESTFIELD.      Roberts,    Mrs.     Henriette    W. 

Illustrated  children's  books;  First  eds.; 

esp.  Kate  Greenatvay;  Randolph   Culdi- 

cott;  Walter  Crane. 

New  Mexico 

LAS  CRUCES.  Jones,  W.  A.  Fleming,  P.  O. 
Box  24.  Historical;  Travels. 

New  York 

ALBANY.  Anthony,  F.  D.,  Knickerbocker 
Apts.  Bookplates. 

β€” Brown,  Joseph  R.,  90  State  St.  Cuba  and 
islands  south;  Mexico;  Central  America; 
South  America. 

β€” Fiero,  J.  Newton,  153  Lancaster  St.  JVa- 
poleonana;  Civil  War. 

β€” Manning,  James  H.,  409  State  St.  Revo- 
lutionary; Biography;  History;  MMS.; 

β€” Munson,  Samuel  L.,  84  Lancaster  St.  Al- 
manacs and  early  Americana. 

β€” Nicholson,  J.  M.,  87  S.  Pine  Ave.  Ameri- 
cana; Indians. 

β€” Reynolds,  Cuyler.  New  York  State;  Ge- 
nealogical; Association  Books. 

β€”Rice,  William  Gorham,  135  Washington 
Ave.  Carillons  (Tower  Music)  of 
Holland  and  Belgium;  Graver  Cleve- 

β€” Thacher,  George  H.,  in  Washington  Ave. 
Benedict,  Arnold;  American  Revolution; 
American  stage. 

β€”Williams,  Huntington,  M.  D.,  State  Health 
Dept.  Public  Health  and  preventive  me- 
dicine ;  Medicine. 

β€” Wyer,  J.  I.,  399  Western  Ave.  Book 
verse;  Limericks;  Books  about  books. 

β€” Young,  W.  W.,  42  Lancaster  St.  Engineer- 
ing. Poetry,  Grolicr  Books. 

AUBURN.  Case,  Willard  E.,  W.  Genesee  St. 
Chemistry;  Electricity. 

β€” Hughitt,  Frederic  E.,  41  Genesee  St. 
Standard  sets;  Travel. 

β€” Osborne,  Thomas  M.,  99  South  St.  First 
eds.  Thackeray  and  Dickens. 

β€” Sefton,  Dr.  Frederic,  "The  Pines,"  Bio- 
raphies;  Incunabula. 

BATH.  Carter,  Rev.  Thomas  W.,  12  Robie 
St.  New  York  Southern  Tier;  Susqite- 
hanna  River;  The  Six  Nations. 

BINGHAMTON.  Johnson,  James  W.,  Small 
Acres.  General  literature  (choice  books) 

β€” Mead.  Leon.    Napoleon. 

β€” Tuttle,  Justice  Theodore  R. 

β€” Wapner.  Dr.   Charles   G. 

New  York 

BERGEN.    McPherson,  D.  J.    Civil  War. 

BRIDGEHAMPTON,  L.  I.  Adams,  James  Trus- 
low.  History,  esp.  British  Colonial. 

BROADALBIN.  Finch,  Nelson  L.  Americana; 

β€” Willey,  H.  N.    Regimental  Histories. 

BRONXVILLE.  Wells,  L.  A.  Connecticut  im- 

BROOKLYN.  Armbruster,  Eugene  L.,  263 
Eldert  St.  Americana;  esp.  Long  Island. 

β€” Atkinson,  Fred  W.,  55  Remsen  St.  Ame- 
rican plays. 

β€” Bailey,  Frank,  175  Remsen  St.  Ameri- 
can humor. 

β€” Bowdoin,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  39  St.  Book- 
plates; Fairy  stories;  Botany;  Hum- 
orous verse ;  Illuminated  mss.;  Ceramics; 
Privately  printed  books;  Association 

β€” Braslin,  William  C,  425  Clinton  Ave. 
Ornithology;  Americana;  Lewis  & 

β€” Brooklyn  Institute  Museum  Library. 
Eastern  Parkway.  Art;  Natural  Sci- 
ence; Ethnology. 

β€” Burr,  Joseph  Brown,  474  8th  St.  Ameri- 
can Indians;  Early  New  England  Hi- 

β€”Chase,  Carroll  M.  D.,  1170  Dean  St. 
Radium;  and  Radium  Therapy  in  Eng- 
lish or  French. 

β€” Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.  Geology; 
Mining  and  Metallurgical  Engineering; 
General  literature β€” English,  German, 
French;  Lamb;  Whistler;  Lincoln; 
Grover  Cleveland;  Niagara  Frontier 

β€” Hammond,  Wm.  F.  89  Hick  St.  Lincoln- 
iana;  Negro  Minstrelsy;  Dickens; 
Thackeray;  Dr.  Johnson. 

β€” Harbeck,  Charles  T.,  119  Brooklyn  Ave. 
American  Revolution,  esp.  Burgoyne 
campaign  and  Arnold  campaign  against 

β€”Harris,  I.  G.,  1840  Caton  Ave.  Medical; 
Biographical;  Prints. 

β€” Hirschman,  Morris,  2235  8ad  St.  Chris- 
tian Science. 

β€”Hyatt,  Dr.  Thaddeus  P.,  1169  83rd  St., 
Dyker  Heights.  History  and  Develop- 
ment of  the  Postal  service. 

β€” Inman,  Maurice,  i  Parade  PI.  Fine  bind- 
ings; First  eds.;  Sporting  books;  Sets. 

β€” Kelso,  William  G.  Jr.,  24  Orange  St. 
Early  English  literature  and  Ameri- 

β€”Kennedy,  Elijah  R.,  33  Prospect  Park 
West.  General  literature. 

β€” Kirshner,  Morris,  60  Amboy  St.  Frank 
Harris;  Oscar  Wilde;  D'  G.  Phillips; 
Frank  N  orris;  G.  B.  Shaw. 

β€” Kleiner,  Rheinhart,  278  Grove  St.  Poetry; 
Belles  Lettres. 

β€” Maires,  Samuel  Evans,  672  Ocean  Ave. 
Dickens  and  Scott  prints  to  illustrate. 

β€” Murphy,  Robt.  Cushman,  221  Eastern 
Parkway.  Danteana. 


New  York 

BROOKLYN β€” Continued 

β€” Pilcher,  Lewis  S.,  M.  D.,  145  Gates  Ave. 
Anatomists  and  surgeons;  History 
(judicial) ;  Biography. 

β€” Putnam,  Judge  Harrington,  404  Wash- 
ington Ave.  Marine  law;  History  of 
ship f>ing;  Alps  Mountaineering. 

β€” Reynolds,  Cuyler,  197  Western  Ave. 
History  (N.  Y.  State)  ;  Author-signed; 

β€” Ripley,  F.  F.,  80  State  St.  General  lit- 
erature; Poetry;  Books  of  reference. 

β€” Romolo,  Joseph  A.,  Times  Plaza,  P.  O. 
125.  Reference  books;  Guides. 

β€” Royce,  William  H.,  402  56  St.  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y.  Balzac. 

β€” Schermerhorn,  Richard,  Jr.  183  Prospect 
PI.  N.  Y.  State  History;  Landscape 
gardening;  Gardening. 

β€” Schomberg,  A.  A.,  105  Kosciussko  St. 

β€” Seaver,  Benjamin  F.,  27  Monroe  PI. 

β€” Seitz,  Don  C,  239  Hancock  St.  Ameri- 
can humor;  Piracy;  Bucaneers;  Pri- 
vateering; Mutiny;  Travel;  Adven- 
ture; Whistler;  French  Revolution. 

β€” Tracy,  Dr.  Ira  Otis,  181  Hancock  St. 
Early  American  medical  history  and 
biography;  Local  history;  Rare  medical 
books,  esp.  Americana. 

β€”White,  Charles  T.,  277  Decatur  St. 

BUFFALO.  Adam,  R.  B.,  46  Norwood  Ave. 
Johnsoniana;  Burns;  Ruskin. 

β€” Babcock,    Louis    L.,    726    Delaware    Ave. 

β€” Clawson,  John  L.,  1109  Delaware  Ave. 
Rare  books;  Shakespeariana;  Elisabeth- 
en  authors. 

β€” Connor,  John  F.,  618  Linwood  Ave.  First 
editions;  Modern  Authors;  Old  English 
books;  Curiosa. 

β€” Goodyear,  A.,  160  Bryant  St.  Thackeray; 

β€” Harmon,  Gregory  U.,  31  City  Hall. 
General  literature. 

β€” Hart,  Louis  B.,  102  Linwood  Ave.  Best 
eds.  Standard  authors. 

β€” Lockwood,   Thomas  B.,  292  Summer   St. 

β€” Michael,  Edward,_  cor.  Delaware  Ave. 
and  Summer  St. 

β€” Moot,   Adelbert,   358  Elmwood  Ave. 

β€” Park,  Julian,  33  Summit  Ave.  First  edi- 
tions of  modern  authors. 

β€” Schaefer,  Edwin  F.,  397  Glenwood  Ave. 
South  Sea  Islands  fiction,  history  etc. 

β€”Severance,  Frank  H.,  150  Jewett  Parkway 

β€”Wright.  Witham  Burnet,  69  Ashland  Ave. 

BURNT  HILLS.  Robson,  L.  Americana; 
Early  Saratoga  Co.  imprints;  First  eds. 
American  authors. 

CATTARAUGUS.  Beach,  Percy  A.,  n  Main 
St.  First  eds.  Modern  writers. 

CENTRAL  VALLEY.  Pilgrim,  Dr.  _  Charles  W. 
Association  books,  esp.  medical;  Medi- 

New  York 

CENTRAL  VALLEY β€” Continued 

cine;  History;  Biography,  esp.  medical; 
General     literature;    Autograph    letters. 

CHAMPLAIN.  McLcllan,  Hugh.  Lincoln; 
History  Northern  New  York. 

CHAPPAQUA.  Messenger,  Maria  Gerard. 
First  editions  of  Victorian  novelists; 
Court  Memoirs;  Biographies,  especially 
relating  to  women;  First  eds.  French 
books;  First  eds.  New  England  poets. 

CRAGHAN.     Basselin,    Theodore    B.     Travel. 

DARWIN  SPRINGS.   Rice,  E.  I. 

DEER  ISLAND.  Alexandria  Bay.  Miller, 
George  Douglas.  Dance  of  Death  and 
similar  books;  Colleges  in  U.  S.  and 

FLORAL  PARK.    Childs,  John  Lewis.    Botany. 

FREEPORT.  Manger,  Henry.  New  York  City; 
Mark  Twain. 

GENEVA.  Chew,  Beverly,  St.  Clair  St.  Early 
English  literature;  First  eds.  Dobson; 
Lang;  Tennyson;  Stevenson,  etc. 

GLOVERSVILLE.    Brower,   H.   M.     Americana. 

HEMPSTEAD.  Gue,  Gurney  C.,  460  Fulton 
Ave.  Early  American  sporting  periodic- 
als; Horse  history;  Turf  history. 

HUDSON  FALLS.  Ingalsbe,  Granville  M 
Americana;  General  literature. 

IRVINGTON-ON-HUDSON.  Black,  Mrs.  H.  V. 
D.  Rare  and  first  editions;  Napoleon, 
Charles  I  and  II,  Dr.  Johnson;  Steven- 
son; American  bookplates. 

β€” Fotheringham,  J.  R.,  Main  St.  Barril; 
Stevenson;  Ruskin;  Kipling;  Lang; 
Fiona  Macleod. 

ITHACA.  Adams,  Prof.  Joseph  Q.,  167  Gold- 
win  Smith  Hall.  Elizabethan  drama. 

β€” Schmidt,  Prof.  N.    Semitic  literature. 

JAMESTOWN.  Appleyard,  Joseph,  39  Center 
St.  Rare  editions. 

β€” Dow,  Charles  M.,  72  Allen  St. 

β€” Fenton,  Martin  L.,  cor.  Prendergast  Ave. 
and  5th  St. 

β€” Fowler,   Tames  L.,  20  Mechanic  St. 

β€” Marvin,  Mrs.  Robert  M.,  Main  and  Fifth 
Sts.  Rare  editions. 

KINGSTON.  Clearwater,  Judge  A.  T.,  316 
Albany  Ave.  Early  American  silver; 
Niagara  Falls  and  frontier^  Huguenot 
Emigration  to  America;  Dutch  settle- 
ments of  Hudson  River  in  N.  J.  and  in 
Mohazvk  Valley:  General  history. 

β€” Jerome,  William.  Lincolniana;  Civil  War; 

LOCUST  VALLEY.  Carver,  Clifford.  Books 
on  bookplates;  Americana. 

MARTINDALF.  DEPOT.  Grieve,  Lucia  G.,  Violet 
Hill  Farm.  Kipling;  India;  Cats. 

MATTTTUCK.  Miller,  T.  F.  Americana; 
Biography  (English  and  American). 

MILLBROOK.  Compton,  Charlotte  B.  Private 
Press  books. 

MONTGOMERY.  Crabtree,  John  A.  Natural 
History;  Americana. 

MT.  MCGREGOR.  Howk,  Horace  J.,  M.  D. 
Old  medical  books;  First  eds.  iSth  & 


New  York 

MX.  MCGREGOR β€” Continued 

igtli      Century     English     novelists     and 
poets;  Osleriana. 

MOUNT  VERNON.  Holden,  John  A.  New 
York  City;  Books  about  books;  Lincoln- 
iana;  Humour. 

β€” Hufeland,  Otto,  121  N.  High  St.  Ameri- 
cana; First  eds.;  Neiv  York  State; 
Wcstchester  Co.,  N.  Y. 

β€” Sherman,  John  D.,  Jr.,  132  Primrose  Ave. 
Bibliography  of  natural  history;  Cole- 
opt  era;  Greenland;  Labrador. 

β€”Stone,  Mrs.  William  L.,  151  Park  Ave. 
American  Revolution. 

NEW  ROCHELLE.  Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200 
Mayflower  Ave.  Stevenson;  Whitman; 
Conrad;  De  Morgan;  O.  Henry;  Zola; 
Hearn;  James;  Lamb;  Haslitt;  Japan- 
ese lore;  Arabian  nights  lore;  Pater; 
Belle  lettres. 

β€”Jordan,  J.  N.,  158  Franklin  Ave.  Old 
prints;  Americana;  Old  views  of  Ame- 
rican cities;  Modern  etchings. 

β€”Sherman,  Charles  C,  447  Webster  Ave. 
Mohammedanism;  The  Near  East; 

NEW  YORK  CITY.  Abbott,  A.  B.,  7  E.  45  St. 
First  eds.  American  and  English  authors; 
Bibliography;  English  literature. 

β€” Abney,  John  "R.,  19- E.  86th  St.  Works 
on  Government  History  and  Memoirs; 
Revenues  of  Nations. 

β€” Adler,  Elmer,  163  E.  36  St.  Typography; 
Graphic;  Arts;  Whistler;  Western  New 

β€” Altschul,   F.,   10  Wall  St.    Bookplates. 

β€” Andreini,  J.  M.,  29  W.  75th  St.  Book- 

β€” Appleyard,  F.,  66  Leonard  St.  Literature 
on  "Prints";  illustrated  books  of  the 

β€” Auchincloss,  C.  C,  12  E.  7ist  St.  Books 
with  colored  plates;  Kate  Greenaivay. 

β€”Baker,  M.  N.,  loth  Ave.  and  36th  St. 
Nature;  Farming;  Gardening  in  poetry 
or  prose,  of  literary  distinction  or  as- 
sociation; Illustrated  poetry,  esp.  by 
illustrators  of  the  6o's;  Books  illus.  by 
Birkct  Foster. 

β€” Banniner.  Kendall.  The  Players,  120  E. 
2Oth  St.  Limited  editions. 

β€”Barber,  G.  Y.,  35  E.  30  St.  Americana; 
esp.  Western  items;  Indians;  Fur  trade; 

β€”Benedict,  Russell,  44  Wall  St.  New  York 
Colonial  Imprints;  Early  Americana, 
esp.  Laws. 

β€”Benjamin,  Geo.  H.,  20  W.  n  St.  General; 
Law;  Science. 

β€” Berolzheimer,  D.  D.,  19  E.  24th  St.  Free 
Masonry;  Chemistry;  Philately. 

β€” Betts,  Samuel  R..  52  William  St.  Yale 
University;  College  life  and  histories. 

β€” Bickerton,  Thomas  W.,  623  West  End 
Ave.  Stevenson;  Private  press  books. 

New  York 

NEW  YORK  CITY β€” Continued 

β€” Bidermann,  Frederick  A.,  2183  Washing- 
ton Ave.  Maps  of  old  New  York  City 
and  Vicinity. 

β€” Birnbaum,  Martin,  1261  Madison  Ave. 
First  eds.,  modern;  Modern  Art;  Travel; 
Music,  esp.  Violin. 

β€”Bishop,  Cortlandt  F.,  14  Wall  St.  XVIII 
Century  French  books;  Books  illustrated 
in  color;  Aviation. 

β€” Blackwell,  Henry  56  University  Place. 
Wales;  Welsh  genealogies  and  bio- 

β€” Brewster,  S.  W.,  Hart's  Island.  Rare  and 
curious  books;  Facetiae;  Criminology; 
Celebrated  trials;  General  literature. 

β€” Brodt,  H.  F.,  328  W.  31  St.  Americana; 
Colored  Plate  books;  First  eds.  Ameri- 
can  and  English  authors;  Old  and  rare 

β€”Brown,  Dickson  Q.,  33  E.  48th  St.  Eng- 
lish color  plate  books;  English  cari- 

β€” Brown,  Ernest  C.,  741  St.  Nicholas  Ave. 

β€” Brown,  Mrs.  Ernest  C.,  741  St.  Nicholas 
Ave.  Early  English  literature,  Elizabeth- 
an drama. 

β€”Brown,  Henry  Collins,  15  E.  40  St.  Old 
Neiv  York  books  and  prints;  American 
ships;  American  history. 

β€” Burr.  J.  K.,  341  Bowery.  Travel;  The 
World  War;  General  literature. 

β€”Calkins,  Ernest  E.,  250  5th  Ave.  Printing: 
Book  making;  Binding  and  paper  (not 
inctmabula) ;  Old  sailing  ships. 

β€” Callanan,  William  A.,  346  Broadway. 
Occultism  and  allied  subjects. 

β€” Calvert,  J.  F.,  2  E.  23  St.  First  eds.  of 
English  and  American  authors;  Stand- 
ard literature  l8th  &  igth  centuries. 

β€” Carlebach,  Walter  Maxwell,  136  W.  86  ST. 
English  literature,  esp.  Lafcadio  Hearn; 
Rare  and  out  of  print  books. 

β€”Carlson,  Arthur  B.,  15  E.  40  St.  First 
eds.  American  aiithors;  Limited  eds.; 
Old  New  York  views;  Curiosa. 

β€”Carnegie,  Mrs.  T.  M.,  Hotel  Plaza.  Book- 

β€” Cavanaugh.  C.  W.,  New  Bedford  Cordage 
Co..  120  Broadway.  Dickens. 

β€” Chalif,  Louis  H.,  163-165  West  57  St. 
Dancing-  Art;  Costumes  &  Music;  Art 
books;  General  history. 

β€” Chapin,  Alfred  C,  192  Broadway.  Amer- 

β€”Clinch,  Edward,  S.,  I  W.  81  St.  History; 

β€” Cochran,  Alex  Smith,  527  Fifth  Ave.  In- 
cunabula; Rare  early  English  imprints. 

β€” Colt,  Harris  D.,  515  Park  Ave.  Early  New 
York,  incl.  prints;  Caricatures  of  Rev- 
olutionary Period,  1763-1815. 

β€” Conway  Eustace.  127  E.  35  St.  Literature 
of  the  Shakespeare  period. 

β€”Conner.  Clayton  S.  W.,  R.  Grace  &  Co., 
7  Hanover  Sq.  Foreign  Trade;  Travel; 



New  York 

NEW  YORK  CITY β€” Continued 

Biography;     South     America;     Central 

β€” Corell,    Philip,   29   Grove    St.    Americana. 

β€”Cornelius,  Charles  O.,  100  E.  17  St.  Early 
books  on  furniture,  decoration  and  archi- 

β€”Crane,  C.  Sidney,  703  W.  I78th  St.  First 
editions  modern  authors;  Rare  Ameri- 

β€”Cumbers,  A.  H.,  40  Wall  St.   Drama. 

β€” Cuttiner,  R.  Fulton,  24  E.  67th  St.  Rare 

β€”Dana,  C.  L.,  53  W.  53d  St.  Early  editions 
of  O.  Horatius  Flaccus;  Early  Anato- 
omy  and  nervous  system;  Works  of  Me- 
dical men  who  have  written  poetry. 

β€” Davies,  J.  Clarence,  I49th  St.  and  Third 
Ave.  New  York  City. 

-De  Takach,  Zoltan,  103  W.  88  St.  Psycho- 
onalysis ;  Modern  medicine;  Astrology; 
Theosvphy;  Occultism;  Dictionaries; 

β€” Dillman,  Louis  M.,  100  Washington  Sq. 
General  literature;  Poetry;  History  etc., 
English  and  American: 

β€” Douglas,  Walter,  99  John  St.  Inquisition; 
Mcxicana;  French  Revolution. 

β€” Dougherty,  Romeo  L.,  250  Union  Hall  St. 
Jamaica.  Negro;  Americana. 

β€” Dowling,  Hon.  Victor  J.,  27  Madison  Ave. 
Americana;  Catholic  Church  in  U.  S.; 

β€” Drummond,  I.  W.,  101  Fulton  St.  Orien- 
tal art;  Gardening. 

β€” DuBois,  Dr.  W.  E.  B.,  70  Fifth  Ave. 
Africa  and  the  negro  race. 

β€” Dwight,  Jonathan,  M.  D.,  43  W.  70th  St. 

β€”Eckstein,  W.  G.,  68  W.  8sth  St.  Early 
books  on  Science  (Ethnology,  Geogra- 
phy; Medicine,  Folk-lore,  early  travel)  ; 
James  Oqlethorpe. 

β€”Eddy,  Frederick  B.,  Official  Catholic  Di- 
rectory, 44  Barclay  St.  Modern  first  eds. 

β€”Elliott,  Howard,  15  E.  62nd  St. 

β€” Emmett,  Burton,  120  W.  32d  St.  Engrav- 
ing and  prints;  Early  illustrating  and 
printing;  Graphic  arts. 

β€” Erlanger,  Arthur,  28  E.  55th  St.  Folk- 
lore; Curiosa;  Woodcut  books  of  i6th 
century;  Tales  and  legends,  esp.  early 
eds.;  Art. 

β€”Evans,  Clara  Therese,  Columbia  University 

Library.    Art;  Bookplates. 
'    β€” Eveland,  A.  J.,  32  W.  40th  St.     Mexico; 
Archaeology,  esp.  of  Central  and  South 

β€”Fairbanks,  Thomas  Nast,  34  Union  Sq.,  E. 
Private  press  books. 

β€” Feleky,  Charles,  508  W.  114*  St.  Hun- 

β€”Fisher,  W.  E.,  611  W.  i36th  St.  Books  on 
bookplates;  Printing;  Art. 

β€”Fitch,  Winchester,  060  Park  Ave.  Amer- 
ican Art;  Music  and  belles  lettres. 

New  York 

NEW  YORK  CITY β€” Continued 

β€” Fitzgerald,  Edward,  373  Fourth  Ave.  Walt 
Whitman,  Poe,  Books  on  Japanese  prints, 
etchings  and  engravings. 

β€” Folger,  H.  C.,  Jr.,  26  Broadway.  Shakes- 

β€”Fuller,  J.  G.,  M.  D.,  116  W.  59th  St.  Ang- 

β€”Fulton,  Dr.  J.  G.,  116  W.  59th  St.  Fish- 

β€” Gallatin,  Albert  Eugene,  125  E.  69th  St. 
Modern  art;  Max  Beerbohm;  Beardsley; 
Fine  printing. 

β€” Gaunt,  James,  24  W.  50th  St.  Fine  bind- 
ings, First  editions;  Grolier  Club  and 
Doves  Press  publications. 

β€” Gilliss,  Walter,  54  W.  48th  St.  Grolier 
Club  publications;  Limited  editions. 

β€” Godfrey,  A.  W.,  Princeton  Club,  Vander- 
bilt  Ave.  Poetry;  Belle  lettres. 

β€” Goelet,  Robert,  Jr.,  647  Fifth  Ave.  Old 
New  York  City  prints. 

β€” Goldman,  Harry,  460  Fourth  Ave.  English 
and  American  first  eds.;  Autographs; 
Dartmouth  College. 

β€” Goldsmith,  Abraham,  61  Broadway.  First 
editions  of  early  English  poetry;  Pri- 
vately printed  books;  Bindings. 

β€” Goldsmith,  Henry,  55  W.  26th  St.  Rare 
books,  old  prints  and  views  of  New 
York  City,  1650-1850;  Walt  Whitman. 

β€” Goldsmith,  S.  A.,  11  Broadway.  Extra 
illustrated  books;  Grolier  publications. 

β€” Goodhue,  Bertram  Grosvenor,  2  W.  47th 
St.  Private  press  books. 

β€” Goodrich,  Geo.  S.,  5  Nassau  St.  Leigh 
Hunt;  Masonic. 

β€” Goykendall,  Frederick,  i  W.  72d  St.  First 
eds.  English  literature,  esp.  igth  to  20th 
centuries;  Private  presses. 

β€” Gram,  J.  P.,  34  Nassau  St.  Dante;  Shake- 
speare; Latin  Classics;  Geology;  Travel 
Books;  History. 

β€” Greenough,  Charles,  993  Fifth  Ave.  Early 
books  and  MSS.  on  common  law;  Prints 
of  famous  jurists;  Old  maps;  Steven- 
son; Autographs;  Psychoanalysis; 
Greenough,  Dawson,  Spalding  geneal- 

β€” Griffin,  W.,  80  Broadway.  i8th  and  igth 

β€” Gross,  Theodore,  431  Riverside  Drive. 
Napoleonana;  French  Revolution;  Mem- 
oirs; Heine. 

β€” Guernsey,  Rocellus  S.,  1711  Bathgate  Ave. 
American  biography;  Political  pam- 
phlets; American  history  and  literature. 

β€” Gumby,  Alex.  L.  S.,  2244  Fifth  Ave. 

β€” Gurlitz,  A.,  80  Broadway.  Copyright,  trade 
marks,  etc.;  Foreign  literature  in  special 

β€” Haber  Louis  L,  508  West  Broadway. 
General  literature;  autograph  letters  and 

β€” Haight,  A.  C,  583  Riverside  Drive.  Amer- 
icana; Furniture  (American  and  Eng- 


New  York 

NEW  YORK  CITY β€” Continued 

lish) ;  Pottery;  Clocks;  Silver;  Archi- 
tecture; Textiles;  Early  American  en- 
gravings; Marine  prints. 

β€” Haight,  Sherman,  61  Worth  St.  Books 
illustrated  by  George  Cruikshank;  First 

β€”Hall,  William  S.,  373  Fourth  Ave.  Whit- 
man; Poe;  Fitzgerald;  Japanese  Art 
Books;  First  eds.;  Curiosa;  Art;  Etch- 

β€” Hamilton,  Clayton,  142  E.  i8th  St.  Stev- 
ensonia;  Elizabethan  drama;  Dante. 

β€” Harbeck,  Charles  T.,  119  Brooklyn  Ave. 
U.  S.  Navy. 

β€” Hartshorne,  Robert,  449  Park  Ave.  Early 
N.  J.  items;  California  items;  Early  voy- 
ages and  travels;  Private  press  books. 

β€” Harvey,  Alexander,  63  W.  36th  St.  Greek 
and  Latin  Classics. 

β€” Hawkes,  McDougall,  Union  Club.  i8th 
century  illustrated  French  books;  French 
Art  and  Iconography. 

β€” Haynes,  Williams,  3  Park  Place.  Drama; 
Sports;  Travel  (Canada  and  Asia). 

β€” Hearst,  William  Randolph,  119  W.  40th  St. 

β€” Heinigke,  Otto  W.,  26  E.  I3th  St.  Deco- 
rative art,  chiefly  architectural. 

β€” Henderson,  Robert  W.,  370  Park  Ave. 

β€” Herzog,  Paul  M.,  41  W.  68th  St.  Binding; 
Making  of  books;  Ballads  (French,  Eng- 
lish, German). 

β€” Hodge,  F.  W.,  Museum  of  the  American 
Indian,  Broadway  and  I55th  St.  Pueblo 
Indians  of  Arizona  and  New  Mexico; 
Archaeology  of  Southwest. 

β€” Holstein,  Mark  G.,  36  West  35th  St.  Gen- 
eral literature;  Shakespeariana;  His- 
tory; Books  about  books. 

β€” Holter,  Edwin  O.,  60  Broadway.  Hunting 
and  Fishing. 

β€” Homer,  Horace,  115  Broadway.  Reference 
books  for  children. 

β€” Hopkins,  A.  A.,  Munn  &  Co.,  Woolworth 
Bldg.  Dickens. 

β€”Howard,  Arthur  P.,  264  Fifth  Ave.  Civil 

β€” Howard,  Montague,  693  Madison  Ave. 
American  silver;  Paul  Revere 

β€” Hoyt,  W.  Henry,  15  William  St.  North 
Carolina  history. 

β€” Hudnut,  Alexander  M.,  19  W.  54th  St.  First 
editions  Dickens,  Thackeray;  Fine  book- 
making;  NCTV  England  primary;  First 
editions  of  American  classics. 
β€” Huntington,  Archer  M.,  1083  Fifth  Ave. 
Spanish  and  Spanish-American  litera- 

β€” Hutchins,  Henry  Clinton,  106  E.  8sth  St. 
Browning;  Defoe,  esp.  eds.  of  Robinson 
Crusoe;  i&th  century. 

β€” Ingraham,  Phoenix,  80  Irving  PI.  First 
editions  Thackeray,  Stevenson  and  By- 
ron; Napolconana;  General  literature. 

New  York 

NEW  YORK  CITYβ€” Continued 

β€” Ivins,  William  M.,  Jr.,  75  W.  55th  St. 
Woodcut  books;  Typography. 

β€” Jaffray,  Robert,  58  W.  46th  St.  Old  New 
York;  Grolier  Club;  Hebrides;  Arthu- 
rian and  Grail  legends. 

β€” Jessup,  Alexander,  522  W.  ii2th  St.  The 
short  story,  esp.  early  American  before 

β€” Jordan,  William  George,  202  W.  I30th  St. 
Education;  Psychology;  Anthologies; 
Grecian  history  and  literature. 

β€”Keating,  George  T.,  29  Broadway.  Con- 
rad; Modern  first  eds.,  English  and 
American;  Irish  and  French  Associa- 
tion books ;  Bindings;  Presses. 

β€” Kehler,  James  Howard,  70  Fifth  Ave. 
Private  press  books. 

β€” Kennedy,  E.  G.,  375  Park  Ave. 

β€” Kennerley,  Mitchell,  489  Park  Ave.  Eng- 
lish literature;  Modem  first  eds. 

β€” Kingsley,  Darwin  P.,  346  Broadway.  Mark 
Twain;  Bret  Harte ;  Shakespeare;  Dick- 
ens; Thomson;  Vermont. 

β€” Kraemer,  Gustav,  4  St.  Mark's  Place. 

β€” Kuhn,  Arthur  K.,  42  Broadway.  Interna- 
tional lazv;  Comparative  jurisprudence. 

β€” Kunz,  George  F.,  care  Tiffany  &  Co.,  409 
Fifth  Ave.  Precious  stones,  in  "all 
languages;  Meteorites;  Radium;  Pres- 
ervation of  scenery;  Marriage  and  death. 

β€”Kyle,  J.  Orr,  105  W.  40th  St.    Ireland. 

β€” Lambert,    Samuel    W.,    130    E.    35th    St. 

Waltoniana;  Angling;  Grolier  Club  pubs. 

β€” Le  Doux,  Louis  V.,  99  John  St.    Japanese 

art,   esp.   prints  and   paintings;   General 


β€” Leng,  Charles  W.,  Public  Museum,  Staten 
Island.  Coleoptera;  Staten  Island. 

β€” Lesser,  M.  A.,  302  Broadway.    Poe. 

β€” Lewishon,  Mrs.  Frederick,  Plaza  Hotel, 
Napoleona;  Old  French  bindings;  His- 
torical biographical  works  of  i8th  and 
if)th  centuries. 

β€” Licht,  George  A.,  126  E.  38th  St.  Book- 

β€” Lilienthal,  Albert  W.  von,  i  E.  39th  St. 
Travel;  History;  General  literature. 

β€” Litchfield,  E.  Hubert,  in  Broadway.  Gen- 
eral literature,  i8th  and  igth  centuries. 

β€” Lodge,  Prof.  Gonzalez,  Teachers'  College. 
Early  Latin  and  Greek  classics. 

β€” Lord,  Ralph  E.,  218  Madison  Ave.  Book- 

β€” Lyman,  Robert  Hunt,  250  W.  88th  St. 
American  first  eds.;  Omar  Khayyam. 

β€” McCutcheon,  George  Barr,  125  E.  72d  St. 
First  editions  of  Stevenson,  Kipling, 
Dickens,  Thackeray,  Hardy,  Lever, 
Irving,  Aldrich  Howells. 

β€” McGuire,  Elisha  W.,  150  Nassau  St.  Amer- 
icana, espcially  Indians. 

β€” Madison,  James,  1493  Broadway.  Drama; 


New   York 

NEW  YORK  CITY β€” Continued 
β€”Manly,  Herbert  D.,  43  W.  8sth  St.  Bibliog- 
raphy;      Physiognomy;      Handivriting ; 
General  literature. 

β€” Marchbanks,  Hal,  114  E.  I3th  St.  Books  on 

early  printing  in  all  countries. 
β€” Markham,    Edwin,    West    New    Brighton, 
Staten  Island.    Literary  criticism;  Relig- 
ious and  social  discussion. 
β€”Martin,    Rev.    Charles,    124   W.    I36th   St. 

β€” Masson,  Thomas  L.,  598  Madison  Ave. 

β€”Matthews,  Brander,  337  W.  87th  St. 

β€” Merrill,  Charles  E.,  Jr.,  432  Fourth  Ave. 
Modern  first  cds.;  Elizabethan  literature; 

β€” Merritt,  F.  P.,  4  E.  36th  St.  Theodore 
Roosevelt;  Andrew  Jackson;  American 
military  medals. 

β€” Montgomery,  Robert  H.,  55  Liberty  St. 
Taxation β€’  Bookkeeping. 

β€” Morgner,  Oscar  A.,  19  W.  44th  St.  Books 
about  printing;  Bookbinding;  Engrav- 
ing; Book  collecting;  Journalism;  Art 
of  ivriting ;  Art  of  bookmaking. 

β€” Moyer,  M.  S.,  149  Broadway.  Account- 

β€” Munn,  Charles  Allen,  233  Broadway.  Amer- 
ican (esp.  period  of  Revolution). 

β€” Nail,  John.,  Jr.,  345  W.  i35th  St.  Negro, 
also  prints  relating  to. 

β€” National  City  Bank,  55  Wall  St.  Finance ; 
Economics;  Statistics;  Banking. 

β€” Norton,  Eliot,  690  Park  Ave.     Americana. 

β€” Osborn,  Albert  S.,  2264  Woolworth  Bldg. 
Handivriting ;  Expert  testimony. 

β€” Oswald,  John  Clyde,  239  W.  39th  St. 
Printing;  Publishing;  Journalism;  En- 
graving; Benjamin  Franklin;  Incuna- 

β€” Pannell,  Ernest  W.,  165  Broadway.  Book- 

β€” Parker,  Geo.  F.,  401  Convent  Ave.  Eco- 
nomics; History;  Poetry;  Biography; 
Statistics;  Thackeray. 

β€” Parsons,  K.  de  B.,  112  E.  74th  St.  Modern 
first  eds.,  incl.  Maseficld,  Drinkwater, 

β€”Pease,  E.  M.,  95  William  St.  Latin 
language  and  literature;  Vocational 

β€”Pell,  S.  H.,  16  E.  43d  St.  French  and 
Indian  War;  Revolutionary  War. 

β€” Peters,  Samuel  T.,  i  Broadway.    Sporting. 

β€” Pforzheimer,  Carl  H.,  25  Broad  St.  Early 
English  Literature  and  Masterpieces  of 
Later  Periods. 

β€” Pierce,  Henry  Clay.  927  Fifth  Ave.  Shoot- 
ing ;  Fishing;  Pioneering;  Exploration; 
Indians  and  their  wars;  Africa;  India; 
Alaska;  Pirates;  Trapping ;  Early  West- 
ern U.  S. 

β€” Place,  Charles  W.,  490  West  End  Ave. 
First  eds.  modern  authors;  Private  Press 

New  York 
NEW  YORK  CITY β€” Continued 

β€” Plechner,  Helen  E.,  19  E.  47th  St.  Modern 
first  cds. 

β€”Plimpton,  George  E.,  70  Fifth  Ave.  Early 
text  books  in  all  subjects,  both  in  MS. 
and  printed  cds. 

β€”Provost,  Severe  Mallet,  31  Broad  St. 
Spanish  laiv. 

β€” Pyne,  Percy  R.,  2d,  263  Madison  Ave. 
Americana;  New  York  City. 

β€” Quinby,  Henry  C,  165  Broadway.  First 
eds.  modern  English  and  American 
authors;  Books  and  prints  of  Aubrey 

β€”Racquet  and  .Tennis  Club  (Robt.  W.  Hend- 
erson, Lbn.),  370  Park  Ave.  Sports. 

β€” Raffael,  Jack,  The  Lambs,  130  W.  44th  St. 
General  literature;  Memoirs;  Curiosa. 

β€”Reid,  Wm.  F.,  175  W.  72d  St.  Rowfant 
Club  publications  and  other  limited  edi- 

β€” Reimer,  Edward  F.,  care  of  Near  East 
Relief,  151  Fifth  Ave.  Philology,  English 
and  Greek;  Roman  archaeology;  Cata- 
combs; Medical;  Theological;  Folklore; 
Art ;  China;  Korea;  Japan. 

β€”Rogers,  Bruce,  216  William  St.  Early 
presses;  Printing. 

β€” Romm,  Charles,  224  E.  I2th  St.  First  eds. 
and  Association  copies  modern  authors. 

β€” Rooney,  John  Jerome,  29  Broadway.  Folk- 
lore; Poetry;  Drama;  Essays. 

β€” Roosevelt,  Franklin  D.,  49  E.  6sth  St. 
U.  S.  Navy. 

β€” Roosevelt  Memorial  Assn.,  i  Madison  Ave. 

β€” Rossiter,  Mrs.  E.  H.,  15  W.  67th  St.  Book- 

β€”Russell,  Mrs.  W.  A.  D.,  34  E.  36th  St. 

β€” Sachs,  Ralph  L.,  P.  O.  Box  25,  Madison 

β€” Sage,  Dean,  49  Wall  St.     Angling. 

β€” Saville,  Marshall  H.,  Broadway  at  I55th 
St.  American  archaeology ;  Latin  Amer- 
icans;  Indians. 

β€” Schernikow,  Ernest,  17  Battery  PI.  Gems 
and  precious  stones. 

β€” Schiff,  Mortimer  L.,  932  Fifth  Ave.  Illus- 
trated i8th  century  French  books,  and 
original  drawings  appertaining  to  same. 

β€” Schweitzer,  Isidor  S.,  500  West  End  Ave. 
First  eds.;  Standard  sets;  Fine  bindings. 

β€” Scoville,  Robert,  10  E.  52d  St.  Asia;  Euro- 
pean history. 

β€” Seasongood,  Edwin  A.,  16  E.  6oth  St.  Ref- 
erence books  i6th  to  igth  century,  not 
necessarily  first  eds.;  English  literature; 
Americana;  Prints  and  etchings,  esp. 
early  Italian,  Flemish  and  German  mas- 

β€” Seligman,  Edwin  R.  A.,  324  W.  86th  St. 
Economics,  esp.  i6th  and  ijth  centuries. 

β€” Shedd,  John  A.,  7  E.  42d  St  Aphorisms, 
Lincolniana;  Mazzini;  Whittier;  Italy; 


New  York 

NEW  YORK  CITY β€” Continued 

β€”Sheffield,  Justus,  117  E.  38th  St.  Philis- 
ophy;  General  literature,  first  eds;  Soci- 

β€”Sherman,  A.  O.,  40  Wall  St.  American 
history;  Navy  in  War  of  1812. 

β€”Sherman,  Frederic  F.,  8  W.  47th  St.  First 
eds.;  Presentation  and  Association  copies 
of  T.  B.  Aldrich  and  Bliss  Carman; 
American  fine  bindings  before  1850. 

β€” Shipman,  Louis  Evan,  21  Beekman  Place. 
Drama;  History;  First  eds.  modern 

β€” Shoemaker,  Henry  W.,  71  Broadway. 
Travel;  Biography;  Shooting;  Animals; 
Birds;  Horse-racing;  Pnnsylvania  his- 
tory; Mountain  climbing. 

β€” Simkhovitch,  V.  G.,  26  Jones  St.  Social 
science;  Illuminated  MSS.;  Persian 

β€”Smith,  Harry  B.,  319  W.  I07th  St.  First 
eds.;  Presentation  copies;  Autographs. 

β€” Smith,  Irving,  15  Maiden  Lane.  Arctic 

β€” Solley,  John  B.,  M.  D.,  968  Lexington 
Ave.  Old  medical;  Americana;  Old 
English;  First  eds.  Goethe,  Schiller, 
Lessing,  Luther,  Holler;  Folklore. 

β€” Spingarn,  Arthur  B.,  19  W.  44th  St.  Eng- 
lish first  eds.;  Books  on  fine  prints; 
Books  by  negro  authors. 

β€” Sprague,  Mrs.  Frank  J.,  241  West  End 
Ave.  Whitman;  Americana;  U.  S.  Pres- 
idents (incl.  letters);  American  and 
British  first  eds. 

β€” Stokes,  I.  N.  Phelps,  100  William  St. 
Americana,  especially  i6th  and  ijth  cen- 
tury maps  of  N.  E.  coast;  Plans  and 
views  of  important  cities  prior  to  1812. 

β€” Stoll,  L.  M.,  897  Crotona  Park  North. 

β€” Stout,  Wesley  W.,  New  York  "Globe." 
Western  Americana;  First  eds.  con- 
temporaneous American  and  English 
writers  of  permanent  value. 

β€”Straus,  Oscar  S.,  5  W.  76th  St.  Early 
Americana;  International  law. 

β€” Sutliff,  Miss  M.  L.,  135  E.  33d  St.  Modern 
poetry;  Modern  Irish  literature;  Mush- 

β€”Thompson,  Robert  W.,  Jr.,  52  Wall  St 
New  York  City;  Historical. 

β€” Tieman,  Bernard  J.,  375  W.  46th  St.  Local 
and  foreign  flag  history,  prints,  etc.; 
Colonial,  Provincial,  Territorial  and 
State  "Seals." 

β€” Townsend,  James  R.,  15  E.  40th  St. 
Poetry;  Sea  stories;  Kiplingiana. 

β€”Trent,  William  P.,  126  E:  34th  St.  Defoe, 
his  minor  contemporaries;  Anonymous 
British  tracts,  1680-1735;  Courtils  de 

β€” Tully,  Richard  Walton,  1482  Broadway. 
Calif orniona;  Latin  America;  South  Sea 

β€”Underwood,  Edna  W.,  Box  54,  Hamilton 
Grange  Station.  The  Russian  (Slav) ; 

NEW  YORK  CITY β€” Continued 

Mid.  i8th  cent.  Spanish  and  Portuguese 
Poets  of  South  America. 

β€”Vail,  R.  W.  G.,  Roosevelt  Memorial  Assn., 
i  Madison  Ave.  Western  N.  Y.  (Phelps 
and^  Gorham  purchase,  Genessce  Co..  On- 
tario Co.);  Iroquois  Indians,  csp. 

β€”Van  Doren,  Carl,  47  Charlton  St.  Thaims 
Love  Peacock;  John  Gait;  Early  Amer- 
ican novels  and  biographies;  Abraham 
Lincoln;  Walt  Whitman;  Eighteenth  cen- 
tury English  or  French  translations  of 
Greek  and  Latin  classics;  Henry  Field- 
ing; Lucian. 

β€”Van  Duzer,  Henry  S.,  30  E.  55th  St. 

β€” Vick,  James,  Osborne  Co.,  207  W.  25th 
St.  First  eds.  American  authors. 

β€” Vinton,  Stallo,  60  Wall  St.  Americana 
(early  West). 

β€” Wakeman,  S.  H.,  68  W.  52d  St.  First 
editions  of  American  authors. 

β€” Wallace,  Walter  T.,  220  Broadway.  Early 
English  literature  (first  eds.);  Selected 
American  authors. 

β€” Walters,  Frank,  18  Edson  St.,  Corona,  N. 
Y.  City.     Ornithology. 

β€” Warburg,  Felix  M.,  52  William  St.  Manu- 
script illuminated  Book  of  Hours; 
Bibles;  Judaeica;  First  eds. 

β€” Ward,  Artemas,  50  Union  Sq.  American 
Revolution;  Massachusetts  prior  to  1800. 

β€”White,  W.  A.,  5  Nassau  St.  Elizabethan 

β€” Wilcox,  D.  F.,  1426  Tribune  Bldg.  Soci- 

β€” Willard,  Eugene  S.,  52  Wall  St.  Interna- 
tional law;  Diplomacy. 

β€”Williams,  John  C,  62  E.  70th  St.  Shake- 
speare; Early  English  and  Jacobean  and 
Cromwcllian  period. 

β€” Wilson,  Francis,  24  Gramercy  Park.  Eng- 
lish literature;  Biography;  Drama. 

β€”Wilson,  Rufus  R.,  19  W.  34th  St.  Thack- 
eray; History  of  mining;  History  of 
transportation;  History  of  American 

β€”Wilson,  Stanley  K.,  4  W.  43d  St.  Leech; 
Charles  II. 

β€” Winthrop,  H.  R.,_II  Wall  St.  Bookplates; 
All  books  printed  before  1800  under  4 
inches  high. 

β€” Wodell,  Silas,  139  Broadway.  Americana; 
Hudson  River;  Dut chess  County;  Politi- 
cal and  Constitutional  history;  Trees; 
Forestry;  Early  maps  and  prints. 

β€” Wolf,  Max,  93  Second  Ave.  Etchings  and 
etchers;  Technique  of  graphic  arts;  Art 
and  medicine  (old  books);  Bookplates. 

β€”Wood,  William  C..  51  Fifth  Ave.  Geog- 
raphy; Travel;  First  eds.;  Bret  Harte; 
N.  P.  Willis;  Kate  Greenaway. 

β€” Woodward,  George  B.,  i  Madison  Ave. 
General  literature. 

β€” Wormser.  Richard  S.  576  Fifth  Ave. 

β€”Young,  George,  135  W.  i35th  St.    Negro. 


New   York 

NIAGARA  FALLS.  Gobeille,  Mrs.  Joseph 
Leon,  1007  Niagara  Aye.  Art  folios; 
Association  books;  Austin  Dobson. 

β€” Porter,  Peter  A.     The  Niagara  Region. 

NORTH  EVANS.  Goetz,  Philip  Becker.  First 
eds.  Keats,  Thackeray,  Dickens  and  mod- 
ern authors;  Early  printing;  Ancient 

NYACK.  Rider,  Fremont,  Broadway.  Gov- 
ernment topographic  and  hydroyraphic 

OSSINING.  Nally,  Edward  J.,  "The  Trees." 
Art;  Engravings  and  etchings;  Tele- 
graph and  radio  memorabilia;  General 
literature,  csp.  English  and  Neiv  Ireland; 

OSWEGO.  Loring,  J.  Alden,  351  Front  St. 
Natural  history. 

OYSTER  BAY.  Mulford,  A.  C,  South  St. 
Americana :  Colonial,  Revolutionary, 
Long  Island,  Theodore  Roosevelt,  incl. 
Pamphlets,  autographs,  genealogies,  etc. 

β€” Work,  B.  G.     General  literature. 

PEEKSKILL.  Anderson,  Homer,  135  Hudson 
Ave.  General. 

β€” Dutcher,  H.  M.,  414  Highland  Aye.  Ref- 
erence; General  history;  Biography; 
Geography;  Art. 

PELHAM.  Whitall,  W.  Van  R.,  206  Loring 
Ave.  English  poetry,  i8th,  igth,  20th 

POMONA.  Hauptman,  Geo.  N.  American 

PORT  CHESTER.  Giintzer,  J.  Henry,  Jr. 
Literature;  History;  Curiosa;  Sociol- 
ogy; Anthropology. 

POUGHKEEPSIE.  Lown,  Clarence.  Garden- 
ing; Early  Juveniles;  Alpine  Flowers; 

β€” Underhill,  Miss  Adelaide,  Vassar  College, 

PULASKI.  Griffis,  William  Elliot,  344  W. 
S6th  St.  Korea;  Japan;  China;  Pilgrim 
fathers;  Netherlands;  Wales;  Switzer- 
land; U.  S.  Flag;  Sullivan's  expedition 

of  1779- 

RED  HOOK.  Wyant,  Alexander  L.  Colored 
plates;  Early  American  imprints. 

ROCHESTER.  Button,  William  B.  M.,  505 
Hotel  Richford. 

β€” Eastman,  George,  343  State  St.  Fine  and 
expensive  books. 

β€” Miner,  E.  G.,  217  Cutler  Bldg.  Ameri- 

β€” Ruddy,  Howard  S.,  52  Somerset  St.  The 
Rubaiyat;  Americana  of  the  N.  W.  Ter- 
ritory; First  editions. 

β€”Thompson,  James  H.,  13  Werner  Park. 
American  humor;  Americana. 

β€” Venor,  Edmund,  45  Roxborough  Rd.  Bibli- 
ography; Bindings;  Illustrated  books; 
Sir  Thomas  More. 

ROCKVILLE  CENTRE.  Spinney,  Geo.  F.  Amer- 
ican Government  and  Politics. 

ROSLYN  HEIGHTS,  L.  I.  Morley,  Christopher. 
Stevenson:  Tobacco;  Bookselling;  His- 
tory of  English  Literature. 

New  York 

ROME.  Merritt,  Mortimer  G.,  210  W.  Em- 
bargo. Illustrations;  History. 

SALAMANCA.  Moore,  W.  J.,  44  River  St. 
Early  Shakespeare  and  school  books. 

SARANAC  LAKE.  Brown,  Lawrason,  M.D., 
104  Main  St.  Stevenson  first  eds.; 
Oliver  Wendel  Holmes;  Pulmonary 

SARATOGA  SPRINGS.  Rich,  Waldo  L.,  P.  O. 
Box  221.  First  editions;  Extra  illus- 
trated books;  Privately  printed  books; 
Rare  and  unusual  books. 

SCARBOROUGH.  Cheney,  Sheldon.  Theatre 
and  drama;  Modern  art;  Book  arts. 

SCHENECTADY.  Hallenbeck,  Esley  B.,  303  Vic- 
tory Ave.  Americana;  Local  history. 

β€”Hanson,  Willis  T.,  20  Union  Ave. 
Schenectady;  Lower  Mohawk  Valley. 

β€” Robison,  Hanford,  322  State  St.  Ameri- 
cana; Local  history. 

β€” Smitley,  Joseph  W.,  National  Union  Bank 
Bldg.  Civil  War. 

β€”Strong,  Morgan,  818  Union  St.  Americana. 

β€”Van  Voast,  Horace,  154  Barrett  St.  Amer- 
icana; Local  history. 

SLINGERLANDS.  Mullin,  John  M.  Fiction; 
Drama;  Poetry  (erotic). 

SYRACUSE.     Andrews,   Chas.   W. 

β€” Beauchamp,  Rev.  William  M.,  121  Mark 
Ave.  Archaeology. 

β€” Chase,  Franklin  P.,  "Syracuse  Journal." 
Local  history. 

β€”Handy,  H.  H.,  c/o  Solvay  Process  Co. 

β€” Hyde,  Salem,  West  Genesee.  Emerson 
(incl.  first  and  early  editions,  association 
books;  pamphlets,  autograph  letters, 
scrap  books,  (etc.);  Incunabula;  English 
literature  (incl.  association  books); 
Special  presses;  Cardinal  Newman;  Ox- 
ford movement;  Grolier  Club  publica- 
tions; Bibliophile  Society  publications; 
Charlotte  Bronte;  Bronte  family. 

β€”Page,  E.  J.,  628  James  St.  General  litera- 
ture, first  editions;  Literary  curiosities. 

β€” Pearce,  Wilbur  E.,  303  University  PI. 
History;  English  literature;  Biography; 

β€”Smith,  J.  Wm. 

β€” Trump,  Mrs.  E.  N.     1912  W.  Genesee  St. 

β€” Vann,  Irving  D.  Colonial  and  local  his- 
tory of  New  York  from  Albany  to  Buf- 
falo; Indians;  Bibles. 

β€”Waters,  Louis,  S.  A.  &  K.  Bldg. 
β€”Williams,  Leroy,   1524  S.  Salina  St.     Eng- 
lish literature. 

β€” Zimmerman,  Rev.  Jeremiah,  D.D.,  133  S. 
Ave.  Archaeology;  History;  Biog- 
raphy; Literature;  Scientific  research. 

TROY.  Allen,  A.  M.,  195  6th  Ave.  N. 

β€” Baker,  Ray  Palmer,  Rensselaer  Polytech- 
nic Institute.  Canadiana;  Early  Ameri- 

TUCKAHOE.     Murtha,    T.   F.     Angling. 



New  York 

TUXEDO.     Frelinghuysen,  Theodore.     General 

literature,    ist   editions;    Trotting   Horse 

β€”Pell,    Herbert    Claiborne,    Jr.      Reference 

β€” Wagstaff,     David.       Angling;     Hunting; 

Sporting  books. 
UTICA.     Ross,   John    M.,    510   Genessee    St. 

French  history;  Early  printing. 
WEST   NEW    BRIGHTON.     Markham,    Edwin, 

92  Waters  Ave.     Poetry;  Literary  Crit- 
icism;  Social  philosophy  as  represented 

in  Ruskin,  Carlyle,  etc. 
WESTFIELD.     Lamb,  Frank  B.,   33  Main  St. 

Susquchanna  Co.,  Pa.,  Chautauqua   Co., 

N.  Y.,  history  and  imprints. 
WHITE   PLAINS.     Reynal,   N.   C.     American 

WOODHAVEN.    Ross,  Dr.  John  D.,  46  Manor 

Ave.    Robert  Burns;  Scottish  literature. 
YONKERS.     Ackerly,    O.   B.,    210  Warburton 

Ave.     Long  Island;  Americana. 
β€” Bouton,  A.  L.,  16  Dudley  PI.    iSth  century 

periodical  essayists. 
β€” Kingman,  William  L.,  208  Glenwood  Ave. 

General  literature. 

North  Carolina 

ASHEVILLE..  Glenn,  Mrs.  E.  B.,  41  Starnes 

β€” Henry,  Philip  S.  Incunabula;  Drama 
(first  editions);  Elizabethan  literature. 

β€” Minor,  Dr.  Charles. 

β€”Mitchell,  Charles  A.,  Asheville  School 
General  literature. 

β€” Sondley,  Foster  A.  North  Carolina  his- 
tory; Natural  science;  General  litera- 

CHAPEL  HILL.  Battle,  Dr.  Kemp  B..  North 
Carolina  history. 

β€”Henderson,  Archibald.  Shaw;  O.  Henry; 
Daniel  Boonc;  Early  West;  North 
Carolina;  American  drama;  Modern 
drama  and  theatre. 

β€”Walker,  Prof.  N.  W.    North  Carolina. 

HENDERSON.  Pittman,  Thomas  M.  North 
Carolina  history;  Political  and  social 
economy;  Engravings  for  extra  illus- 

LEXINGTON.  Walser,  Zeb.  V.,  12  Court  House 
Sq.  American  biography  and  history; 
North  Carolina. 

RALEIGH.  Chesire,  Rt.  Rev.  Joseph  B. 
North  Carolina  history. 

β€”Clark,  Chief  Justice  Walter.  History; 
General  literature. 

β€” Grimes,  Col.  J.  Bryan.  North  Carolina 

β€” Haywood,  Marshall  De  L.,  P.  O.  Drawer 
7O.3.  North  Carolina;  History;  P.  E. 
Church  history;  Masonic  history;  North 
Carolina  poetical  works. 

SOUTHERN  PINES.  Chandler,  R.  L.  Masonic 
writings,  esp.  old. 

North  Dakota 

BISMARCK.  Bell,  J.  L.,  60  Avenue  B.  Books 
on  Thackeray  and  Stevenson. 

β€” Crawford,  L.  F.,  Van  Horn  Hotel.  Ameri- 
cana, esp.  travel;  Indians;  State  histories; 
the  West. 

β€” Downey,  Mary  E.,  State  Library  Commis- 
sion. Books  about  books;  Bookplates; 
Autograph  copies. 

β€” Liessman,  Charles,  615  7th  Ave.  Inter- 
national law;  History;  Political  and  so- 
cial science;  Commerce;  Navigation; 
English,  Spanish,  German  and  Greek 
classics;  Emersoniana. 

BOWBELLS.    Phelps,  Geoorge  H.    History. 

FARGO.     Amidon,  Judge   Charles  F.     Legal. 

β€” d'Lendricie,  Mrs.  Helen. 

β€” Hildreth,  Melvin  A.  Law  and  lawyers; 
Oratory;  History;  Travel;  Wit  and 

β€” Montgomery,  J.  A.,  Clerk  U.  S.  Court. 

β€” Pollock,  Judge  Chas.  A. 

β€” Vidal,  Dr.  J.  W. 

MINOT.     Fisk,  Judge. 


AKRON.     Belden,   Mrs.   H.   E.,   100   Fir   St. 

General  literature. 
β€” Carkhuff,   S.   G.,   Medina   Road.     General 

β€”Knight,    C.    L.,    care    of    Beacon-Journal. 

Angling;   Facetiae;  Realistic   literature; 

Curiosa;    Histories    of    different    coun- 
tries and  people;  Biographies;  Political 

economy;  English  country   life;  Poetry. 
β€” Mason,  Mrs.  Frank  H.,  Perkins  Hill. 
β€”Noah,  A.  H.,  First-Second  National  Bank 

Bid?.     Art;  History;  Travel. 
β€” Rae,  John  S.,  Goodyear  Rubber  Co.,  Gen- 
eral literature. 
β€” Seiberling,  Frank  A.     (personal).    Seiber- 

ling   Rubber    Co.     History;  Biography; 

β€” Schultz,    W.    D.,    Goodyear    Rubber    Co. 

β€”Shaw,  E.  C.,  care  of  B.  F.  Goodrich  Co. 

Standard  literature;  Angling;  Rubber. 
ALLIANCE.     Rice,   Dr.    Charles   Elmer,    1742 

S.  Union  Ave.    Autographs;  Genealogy; 

Association  books;  Ceramics. 
ATHENS.     Super,  Charles  W.,  44  W.  Union 

St.    General  literature. 
β€” Hall,  Loring,  60  Stempoon  St.     Classical 

β€”Thompson,  Bert  M.,  Drawer  126.   Science; 

Geography;         History;         Literature; 

Meteorology;  Agriculture;  Physics. 
CANTON.      Esselburn,    Elmer    E.      Standard 

literature  in  fine  editions. 
β€” Harter,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  A.,  North  Market 

St.     Fine  editions;  Art;  Travel;  Poetry. 
β€”Knight,   Charles   H.,   1320  Cleveland  Ave. 

Angling;  Hunting;  Travel;  Biography. 
β€”Rice,  James  A.,  Renkert  Bldg.    Historical; 

Political  economy. 
CARROLLTON.    Getzman,  A.  P.    Americana- 




CINCINNATI.  Ault,  L.  A.,  Ault  Wiborg  Com- 
pany. History;  Travel;  Private  press. 

β€”Baldwin,  Forester  R.,  St.  Paul  Bldg. 
General  literature. 

β€” Barton,  Emery  H.,  503  Fourth  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.  Art;  Biographies  of  Artists. 

β€”Bullock,  James  W.,  50?  St.  Paul  Bldg. 
Isaac  Walton;  Cruikshank;  Dickens; 

β€” Collier,  Allen,  108  E.  Auburn  Ave.  Book- 
making;  Printing;  Binding;  Illustration. 

β€” French,  H.  G.  974  Dana  Ave.  Books  on 
fine  arts,  including  photography. 

β€” Gallizier,  Nathan.  "The  Verona,"  Park 
Ave.  History;  Art;  Travel;  Aquatint 
illustrations;  Illuminated  books;  Rare 

β€” Hafer,  E.  S.,  407  First  Nat.  Bank  Bldg. 
Facactious;  Realistic;  Memoirs. 

β€”Howard,  Jerome  B.,  222  W.  4th  St. 

β€”Howe,  W.  T.  H.,  300  Pike  St.  Modern 
poetry,  novels  and  drama;  Victorian 

β€” Hutzler,  Henry,  3235  Bishop  St.  Check- 
ers; Draughts. 

β€” Kinsella,  Prof.  A.  J.,  2613  Ashland  Ave. 
History;  Biography;  Travel;  .Belles 
Lettres;  Greek  and  Latin  poetry. 

β€”O'Connor,  James,  124  Government  PI. 
History;  Biography,  esp.  Medieval  and 
general  European;  Folk  lore;  Travel. 

β€” Ratterman,  H.  A.,  510  York  St.  Historical. 

β€” Reenan,  Wm.  L.,  432  East  3rd  St.  First 
editions;  Association  copies. 

β€” Shepard,  Lee,  650  Main  St.  Americana, 
esp.  Ohio;  Bindings. 

β€”Shields,  Chas.  H.,  care  of  Sth-3rd  Natl. 
Bank.  Americana;  Indians;  Costumes; 
Art;  History  and  manners;  History  of 
the  stage,  circus,  opera,  etc.;  Fine  illus- 
trations, esp.  colored;  Religion;  Wit  and 
humor;  Folk  lore;  Nature;  Travel;  Fine 
and  special  eds. 

CLEVELAND.  Amsden  Studios,  2307  Prospect 
Ave.  Advertising. 

β€”Augustus,  A.  A.,  ii,455  Juniper  Road. 
General  Literature;  Poetry. 

β€” Baer,  Frank  H.,  2865  Southington  Road. 
Valentines;  Valentine  writers;  Early 
American  painting,  and  the  histories  of 

β€”Baker,  Robert  E.,  2559  Derbyshire  Road. 
Old  chronicles  in  English;  Early  editions 
of  English  writers. 

β€”Battles,  D.  Blake,  1239  W.  iiSth  St.  Art; 
Wood  cuts;  Prints;  U.  S.  History  1800 
or  earlier. 

β€” Berwald,  Samuel  W.,  74*9  Madison  Ave. 
Private  press;  General  literature. 

β€” Bourland,  Benj.  P.,  11500  Euclid  Ave.  Old 
Spanish  literature;  Alpine  literature  m 
English;  Spain;  The  Peninsular  War. 

β€”Bower,  W.  J.,  18206  Windward  Rd.  Belles- 
lettres;  History. 

β€” Brudno,  A.  C,  Society  for  Savings  Bldg. 


CLEVELAND β€” Continued 

β€” Chesnutt,  Chas.  W.,  9719  Lamont  Bldg. 
History;  poetry. 

β€” Doeltz,  Clara  Louise,  2027  E.  77th  St. 
Cookery;  Domestic  science. 

β€” Feiss,  Paul  L.,  2149  W.  53rd  St.  Early 
English  books  with  engravings;  Illum- 
inated manuscripts. 

β€” Fenton,  A.  W.,  Jr.,  644  Soc.  for  Savings 
Bldg.  Alexander  Hamilton. 

β€” Follansbee,  George  Edward,  9615  Miles 
Ave.  American  antiques;  Waltoniana; 
Hudson's  Bay  Company;  Arctic  explora- 

β€” Foster,  James  H.,  2200  Devonshire  Drive, 
Cleveland  Heights.  Books  made  by  hand; 
Volumes  containing  original  illumina- 
tions, or  water  color,  pen  and  ink  or 
other  unique  illustrations. 

β€” Gates,  C.  L.,  3130  Essex  Rd.,  Cleveland 
Heights.  English  history;  English 

β€” Halm,  Edgar  A.,  800  National  City  Build- 
ing. Art;  Biography;  Realisitc ;  Law 
and  lawyers. 

β€” Hain,  J.  H.,  601  Canal  Road. 

β€” Hanna,  H.  M.(  Jr.,  1300  Leader-News 
Bldg.  Lincoln;  McKinley;  Fine  bind- 
ings; Private  press. 

β€” Hanna,  Leonard  C,  Jr.,  1300  Leader-News 
Bldg.  Fine  editions. 

β€” Havens,  Munson,  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
Dickens;  Stevenson;  Kipling;  First  eds. 

β€” Higbee,  William  T.,  1925  E.  75th  St. 
Biography;  History;  Travel;  Art. 

β€” Hilliard,  F.  A.,  1891  E.  8gth  St.  English 
literature,  drama  and  poetry. 

β€” Johnson,  Thos.  L.,  950  Leader  News' Bldg. 
Americana;  Early  Western  Travels; 
Etchings;  Engravings. 

β€’ β€” Joseph,  Emil,  1689  E.  usth  St.  History; 
General  literature. 

β€”Joseph,  Isaac,  P.  O.  Box  690.  Fine  and 
rare  books  of  all  ages. 

β€”Joseph,  Ralph  S.,  The  Joseph  &  Feiss 
Company.  Fine  Art;  History;  Travel. 

β€” Kelley,  Hermon  A.,  Overlook  Road,  Euclid 
Heights.  Belles  lettres,  English  and 
American;  History;  Biography;  Art; 
Philosophy;  Folk  lore;  Poetry;  Travel; 

β€”Kinsella,  Arthur  James,  2613  Ashland 
Ave.  Folklore;  Modern  poetry. 

β€” Luthy,  Charles  M.,  3924  Cooper  Ave. 
Napoleon  I ;  French  Revolution. 

β€” McKee,  Arthur  C.  832  Kinsman  Road. 
First  editions  of  English  writers  of  ijth 
and  i8th  centuries. 

β€” McKeehan,  H.  H.,  Guardian  Bldg.  Napo- 

β€” MacKenzie,  Alexander,  525  Society  for 
Savings  Bldg.  Fine  art;  Catalogues  of 
faous  art  collections. 

β€” McKinney,  Price,  903  Payne  Bldg.  Fine 

β€” McNairy,  Amos  B.,  3333  Euclid  Ave.  His- 




CLEVELAND β€” Continued 

β€”Madden,  Clarence  L.,  800  Bulkley  Bldg. 
Modern  art;  Belles  lettres  (esp. 
French);  Cats;  Parody. 

β€” Marlatt,  William  H.,  805  Society  for  Sav- 
ings Bldg.  First  eds.  modern  authors; 
Private  presses. 

β€”Marshall,  George  G.,  Marshall  Bldg. 
Herbals;  Early  botany;  Chemistry; 
Pharmacopeias;  Materia  medico. 

β€”Mather,  William  G.,  Kirby  Bldg.  Mather- 

β€” Miles,  Benjamin  F.,  2712  Overlook  Road. 
Illustrated  books  of  Travel,  especially 

β€” Miller,  Dayton  C,  Case  School.  The  flute; 
Acoustic  science. 

β€”Miller,  Elizabeth  C.  T.,  3738  Euclid  Ave. 
Limited  editions;  Bookplates;  American 
Indians;  Ornithology. 

β€” Neiger,  Arthur  A.,  11615  Hazeldell  Rd. 
First  eds.;  English  literature;  Wilde; 
Private  presses;  Bindings;  Etchings. 

β€” Ney,  Robert  W.,  1818  E.  82nd  St.  Dickens. 

β€” Norton,  D.  Z.,  7301  Euclid  Ave.  Napo- 
leon; Early  editions. 

β€” Oglebay,  E.  W.,  1208  Hanna  Bldg.  Napo- 
leon; Lincoln. 

β€” Orr,  Charles,  1938  E.  Ii6th  St.  English 
literature;  Table  talk. 

β€”Otis,  Chas.  A.,  Statler  Hotel. 

β€”Palmer,  William  P.,  2332  Overlook  Road. 
Civil  War. 

β€” Parke,  Dr.  Milton  J.,  18133  Clifton  Blvd. 
Lakewood.  Early  editions. 

β€” Pentpn,  John  A.,  Penton  Bldg.    Disraeli. 

β€” Peskind,  Dr.  Benj.  A.,  2429  East  55th  St. 
Classical  literature. 

β€” Pickands,  Henry  S.,  Western  Reserve  Bldg. 
Fine  arts. 

β€” Pool,  Frank  J.,  Kee  Mar  Park.  Drama 
(first  editions);  Theatrical  playbills  and 

β€” Prentiss,  H.  H.,  3505  Mayfield  Road.  Fine 
editions;  Early  editions. 

β€”Sage,  Benj.  A.,  Cuyahoga  Bldg.    History. 

β€” Severance,  J.  L.,  3165  Mayfield  Road. 

β€”Smith,  Harry  Dwight,  1899  E.  87th  St. 
Franklin;  American  journalism. 

β€” Squire,  Andrew,  1201  Leader  News  Bldg. 
Americana,  especially  the  Revolutionary 
period;  Poetry. 

β€” Stratton,  Clarence,  2076  E.  88th  St.  Eng- 
lish drama;  Plays. 

β€” Strong,  C.  H.,  10,494  Lake  Shore  Blvd. 
Poetry;  Association  books. 

β€” Taggart,  Jay  P.,  Williamson  Bldg.  Ameri- 
cana, esp.  Hamilton;  Laiv;  History; 

β€” Tener,  Stephen  W.,  14032  Terrace  Road. 

β€” Thayer,  Gordon  W.,  Public  Library,  Cleve- 
land, O.  Oriental  art  and  archaeology. 

β€”Van  Sittert,  William,  1635  E.  8sth  St. 
Americana;  First  eds.;  Literary  topics. 


CLEVELAND β€” Continued 

β€” Vasconcellos,  N.  de.,  2167  W.  98th  St. 

β€” Vickery,  Willis,  Engineers  Bldg.  Shake- 
speare; Drama  (early  English);  Pre- 
Raphaelite  Brother-wood;  Oscar  Wilde; 
Dante  Gabriel  Rossetti. 

β€”Walker,  F.  R.,  1900  Euclid  Bldg.  Archi- 

β€”Walton,  J.  W.,  1173  W.  nth  St.  Prostitu- 
tion; Reference  books. 

β€”Ward,  W.  E.,  2020  Cornell  Road.  i8th 
century  literature. 

β€” Warren,  Worcester  R.  5809  Carnegie  Ave. 
Astronomy;  Astro  physics;  General 

β€”White,  John  G.,  1871  E.  89th  St.  Chess; 
Checkers;  Orientalia;  Folk  lore. 

β€” Wills,  D.  C.,  Federal  Reserve  Bank.  Cu- 
rious or  unusual  books  connected  with 
U.  S.  Banking  System  from  its  begin- 
ning; Robert  Morris;  Alexander  Ham- 
ilton; Thomas  Jefferson;  Albert  Galla- 
tin;  Nicholas  Biddle;  Lincoln;  'Por- 
traits; Autographs. 

COLUMBUS.  Albery,  F.  F.  D.  Omar  Khay- 
yam; Travel;  Reference. 

β€”Hays,  W.  R.  A.,  30  East  Broad  St.  Book- 

β€” Jaros,  Ernest  S.,  care  of  Lazarus  &  Co. 
Antropology;  Chaucer;  Shakespeare; 
Bible  study;  Chess. 

β€” Linn,  Talfourd  P.,  809  Huntington  Bank 
Building.  Don  Quixote,  early  editions  in 
all  languages;  Voyages. 

β€” Meeker,  Claude,  8  E.  Broad  St. 

β€”Merrill,  Mrs.  M.  E.  Rath,  8p  Winner  Ave. 
Ex  libris;  Embrodered  bindings;  Burne 
Jones  illustrations;  Walter  Crane's  illus- 
trated books. 

β€” Pengelley,  W.  G.,  616  Hartman  Bldg. 
Handwriting;  Signatures. 

β€” Woodberry,  B.,  409  Huntington  Bank  Bldg. 
General  literature. 

DAYTON.  Blackburn,  Dr.  W.  J.,  663  Reibald 
Ave.  Medical  (eye,  ear,  nose,  throat) ; 
Fiction;  History;  Reference. 

β€” Jones,  H.  Orrin,  236  North  Ludlow  St. 
Folk  lore;  Ancient  literature;  Classics. 

β€” Western,  Mrs.  E.  B.,  101  Sunset  Ave. 
Finely  illustrated. 

ELYRIA.  Gates,  W.  N.,  218  East  Ave.  Old 
and  rare  books. 

β€” Sharp,  W.  G.,  30  Washington  Ave.  As- 
tronomy; Art. 

FREMONT.  Bubb,  Charles  C.,  208  South 
Clover.  Private  presses;  English  litera- 
ture of  ijth  and  i8th  centuries. 

β€”Hall,  Gilbert  E.    Bookplates. 

GALLIPOLIS.  Wilson,  Milo  (M.  D.).  Local 
history;  Genealogy;  Bezvick. 

GILBOA.    Ray,  Dr.  C.  J.    The  Brontes. 

HARTVILLE.  Reed,  Mrs.  C.  B.,  Congress 
Lake  Club.  General  literature. 

HILLSBORO.  Pavey,  Henry  A.  Psychology; 
Astronomy;  Geology;  History. 



HILLSBORO β€” Continued 

β€”Scott,  S.  P.,  321  Main  St.  History;  Law; 
Science  and  Curiosa  in  all  languages. 

IRON-TON.  Sloan,  Charles  H.,  305  R.  R.  St. 
First,  limited  and  W.  P.  cds.;  Private 
presses;  Pine  bindings;  Omar  Khayyam; 
Autograph  copies. 

LAKEWOOD.  Lemperly,  Paul,  14,205  Detroit 
Ave.  First  editions  modern  English  and 
American  authors. 

LEWISBURC.  Moore,  E.  Vernon.  Ohio; 

MANSFIELD.     Bonar,  L>  J. 

β€” Harter,  Mrs.  M.  D.  Biography;  Travel; 
English  novelists. 

β€” Hipp,  Frank.  First  editions  of  American 

β€” McBride,  C.  E.,  Park  Ave.,  West.  His- 

MIDDLETOWN.  Sorg,  Mrs.  Paul,  Sr.  Fine 
arts;  Poetry;  Travel. 

OAK  HARBOR.  Kilmer,  Frederick,  A.  First 
eds.  Modern  authors. 

OBERLIN.  Leonard  F.  E.,  Oberlin  College. 
Gymnastics  and  physical  education;  Hy- 

β€” Root,  Azariah  S.  150  N.  Professor  St. 
History  of  printing;  Book  illustration; 

β€” Sherman,  Philip  D.,  143  Forest  St.  igth 
century  "firsts";  Association  copies; 
Autographs;  Fine  bindings,  esp.  Lamb, 
Dickens,  Blake;  Development  of  printed 

β€” Swing,  A.  T.     Church  history. 

PAULDING.  Phipps,  W.  H.  Ancient  litera- 
tures; Books  by  any  Phipps. 

SALEM.  Rogers,  J.  E.,  Pow  Block.  Eco- 
nomics; Political  Economy;  Scientific. 

SANDUSKY.  Haynes,  Dr.  J.  T.,  Sailors  and 
Soldiers  Home. 

β€” Peeke,  Hawson  L.,  17  Sloane  Block. 
Lawyer's  miscellanies;  Liquor  traffic; 
Early  American  travel. 

SHELBY.    Skiles,  Roscoe. 

SOUTH  NEWBERRY.  Cleveland,  W.  B.  Audu- 

URBANA.  James,  John  H.  Americana 
(Central  West  and  Ohio);  Politics 
(pamphlets);  Neivspapers  (early); 
Civil  War  pamphlets;  First  eds.  Eman- 
uel  Sivedenborg's  ivorks. 

WOOSTER.  Dunn,  Waldo  H.,  703  Quinby 
Ave.  English  literature;  English  his- 
tory; Samuel  Johnson;  Milton;  Tenny- 
son; Browning;  Donald  G.  Mitchell. 

β€” Moore,  F.  W.  College  of  Wooster. 

β€” Peck,  Walter  E.,  424  Nold  Ave.  Biog- 
raphy and  works  of  chief  English  poets, 
1780-1830  (especially  Shelleyana)  ;  Auto- 
graph letters;  Mss.,  etc. 

YOUNGSTOWN.  Butler,  Jos.  G.,  P.  O.  Box 
308.  Indians  (American) ;  History 
(Western);  Travel. 

β€” Lamb,  Venice  J.,  Mahoning  Bank  Bldg. 
Fine  and  rare  books. 


YOUNGSTOWN β€” Continued 

β€” Lange,  William,  Republic  Steel  and  Wire 
Co.  Realistic;  Fine  art  works. 

β€” Moore,  Edmund  H.    Fine  and  rare  books. 

β€” Owsley  Galleries,  Mahoning  Bank  Bldg. 

β€” Stambaugh,  H.  H.,  Stambaugh  Bldg. 
Biography,  extra  illustrated  and  contain- 
ing original  autograph  material,  of 
Washington,  Franklin,  Jefferson,  Ham- 
ilton, and  Lincoln. 

β€” Stambaugh,  John,  Stambaugh  Bldg.  Fine 

β€” Stanitz,  Jacquis,  322  Phelps  St.  Old  books 
containing  fine  copper  plates  by  famous 
artists  and  engravers;  Books  containing 
facsimile  illuminations;  Poetry. 

β€” Tuttle,  William  E.,  310  Dollar  Bank  Bldg. 
Benedict  Arnold;  Aaron  Burr;  Ani- 
mals; Realistic;  Original  manuscripts 
and  autograph  material  of  famous  writ- 
ers and  historic  personages. 

β€” Wirt,  B.  F.,  31  W.  Rayen  Ave.  History; 
Biography;  Literature;  Science;  Scien- 
tific works;  Art;  Fiction;  Finance;  First 

ZANESVILLE.  Irvine,  James  T.,  216  S.  7th. 
History;  Biography. 


CHECOTAH.  Freeman,  Charles  R.  French 
History  and  memoirs;  Southern  His- 
tory and  Literature;  Biography  and 
Reference  Books. 

CORDELL.  Hodgson,  Rev.  Robert,  Box  104. 
Philosophy  of  life;  Masonry  in  prin- 
ciple and  symbol  among  the  ancients. 

ENID.  Davis,  Frank  P.,  M.D.,  1519  W. 
Cherokee  St.  Belle  lettres;  Fraternal 
societies;  Poetry;  Medicine. 

GRAYHORSE.  McLoud,  John.  Metaphysics; 
Scientific;  Sbciologic;  Rational  (includ- 
ing standard  authors). 

MUSKOGEE.  Hammond,  Hala  J.,  222  N.  I4th 
St.  Poetry;  Woman  and  the  Feminist 
movement;  Social  science. 

OKLAHOMA  CITY.  Shartel,  John  W.,  1211 
W.  loth  St.  Old  English  books,  esp. 
history,  i6th,  ijth  and  i8th  centuries. 


EUGENE.  Cloran,  Timothy,  631  E.  isth  St. 
World  literature;  Romance,  philology 
and  literature;  Comparative  philology. 

OREGON  CITY.  Parker,  F.  W.,  215  gth  St. 
Poetry;  Nature;  Evolution. 

PORTLAND.     Beekman,  B.  B.,  Platt  Bldg. 

β€”Bristol,  Wm.  C.,  Wilcox  Bldg. 

β€” Chapin,  W.  C.  Oswego  P.  O.  General 
Literature.  < 

β€” Colton,  H.  G.,  310  Chamber  of  Commerce 
Bldg.  History;  Biography;  Auto- 
graphs; Literature. 

β€” Corbett,  Mrs.  Helen  Ladd,  2p3j6th  St. 

β€” Corbett,  Eliot  Ladd,  ist  National  Bank. 

β€”Fabian  Dominick,  208  Columbia  St.  Rare 
and  first  eds. 




PORTLAND β€” Continued 

β€”Fenton,  W.   C,  Fenton  Bldg. 

β€” Fenton,  \V.  D.,  no  E.  i6th  St.    Oregon. 

β€” Fleischner,  Max.,  c/o  Fleischner,  Mayer  & 

β€” Galvani,  William  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.  Phil- 
osophy; Poetry;  Greek  and  Roman 
classics;  History;  Memoirs;  French  Rev- 
olution; Napoleon;  Economics;  Religion; 
Theology;  Oriental;  Pro  and  Anti 
Roman  Catholicism;  Shakespearana,  in- 
cluding Baconian  controversy.  . 

β€” Holman,  Frederick  V.,  Suite  501,  Chamber 
of  Commerce  Bldg.  Oregon  History; 
Sets  of  standard  authors;  General 

β€” Morrow,  Hon.  Robert. 

β€”Olds,  W.  P.,  373  Hascalo  St.    Rare  books. 

β€”Smith,  Milton  W.,  P.  O.  Drawer  767. 
Omar  Khayyam;  Fitzgerald;  Burton; 
Whistler;  Unusual  books  and  magazines; 
Philosophy;  Poetry. 

ROSEBURG.  Evans,  S.  D.  Travel;  Biog- 
raphy; Exploration. 

β€” Harness,  Alden,  Box  1277,     Fiction. 

SALEM.     Bush,  A.  N.     Pacific  Northzvest. 


ARCHBALD.  Philbin,  William  H.,  492  Main 
St.  Americana. 

BERWYN.  Newton,  A.  Edward,  "Oak 
Knoll."  First  eds.  famous  English  au- 

β€” Shaw,  Graham,  Leopard  Rd.  Ships;  Sail- 
ing; Whaling;  Pirates;  Early  printed 

BLOOMSBURG.  Black,  A.  Bruce.  i$th  century 
books;  Shake speariana. 

BRYN  MAWR.  Bigelow,  Frederick  S.,  Buck 
Lane.  Good  eds.;  Fine  arts;  Illustrated 
books;  Modern  first  eds. 

β€” Norris,  Isaac,  M.  D.  Shakespeare;  Eng- 
lish classics;  French  classics. 

CARBONDALE.  Aitken,  John  Winfield,  52 
Roosevelt  Ave.  Mexicana;  Lincolniana; 
Pennsylvania;  Roosevelt;  Napoleon; 
First  eds.;  Old  Bibles;  Indians. 

β€” Paul,  James  H.  Biographies,  French 
Revolution;  Napoleona;  Lincolniana. 

CARLISLE.  Ames  W.  Homer,  168  West  High 
St.  Scientific  Romances;  Metaphysical; 
Thcosophical  and  Occult  ivorks. 

β€” Himes,  Charles  F.     Local  history. 

COLUMBIA.  Garrison,  Paul  R.,  214  N.  3rd 
St.  First  eds.  modern  authors;  Presenta- 
tion and  Autograph  copies. 

CONSHOHOCKEN.  Heywood,  H.  B.,  64  Fay- 
ette  St.  Americana. 

COOPERSBURG.  Shank,  A.  H.,  North  Main  St. 
General  literature. 

COUDERSPORT.     Donehoo,  Geo.  R.     Indians. 

DANVILLE.  Johnson,  C.  W.,  305  Ferry  St. 

ELKINS  PARK.  Elkins,  W.  M.  Goldsmith; 
Dickens;  Keats. 

FRANKLIN.  Sibley,  E.  H.  Neiv  England 
History  and  Genealogy;  Art;  English 

Pennsylvania  c 

FRANKLIN β€” Continued 

literature;     Psychology;     Ethics;     Eco- 
nomics; Travel. 

GERMANTOWN.  Closson,  Dr.  James  Har- 
wood,  53  W.  Chelten  Ave.  General  liter- 

β€” Holmes,  J.  S.     General  literature. 

β€” Jellett,  Edwin  C.    Local  history. 

β€” Pancoast,   H.  S.     English  poetry. 

β€” Wright,  Joseph,  "Windrush,"  School  House 
Lane.  Illustrated  works  on  art,  practi- 
cal, historical  and  biographical;  Early 
Bibles  printed  in  America  (in  English 
and  German);  Early  Latin  Bibles  (MS. 
and  printed) ;  Extra  illustrated  books; 
American  engravers. 

GLENSIDE.  Beans,  George  H.,  Box  251. 
Ancient  atlases  and  maps  of  North 

HARRISBURG.     McFarland,   J.    Horace.     So- 
ciology; Horticulture. 

β€” Nead,  Benj.  M.     Pennsylvania. 

HAVERSFORD.  Sawtelle,  William  Otis,  Glyn- 
wynne  Rd.  Maine  history,  esp.  eastern 
seacoast  and  Mt.  Desert;  Jesuits,  French 
and  Early  English. 

HAZLETON.  Christiansen,  K.  C.,  P.  O.  Box 
125.  American  history,  esp.  1607  to  1814. 

LANCASTER.  Carpenter,  Percy,  607  Marietta 
Ave.  History;  Fiction;  Realistic  poetry. 

β€” Conyngham,  Redmond,  134  N.  Duke  St. 
General  literature. 

β€” Eshleman,  H.  Frank,  48  N.  Duke  St. 

β€” Hostetter,  Albert  K.,  715  N.  Duke  St. 
Americana;  Pennsylvania  Germans;  An- 
tiques; Local  history. 

β€” Landis,  Chas.  D.,  140  N.  Duke  St.  Napo- 
liana;  American  history  and  biography; 
Travel;  Dickens;  First  eds. 

β€”Shirk,  Dr.  J.  K.,  132  E.  Chestnut  St. 
Botanic  Medicine;  Indian  Medical  Lore. 

LAWRENCEVILLE.  McCulloch,  Henry  M. 
France;  Great  Britain;  Napoleon;  Civil 
War;  Art;  Autographs;  Coins;  medals. 

MEADVILLE.  Green,  Walter  Coxe,  572  Chest- 
nut St.  Playing  cards. 

MILLERSBURG.  Starr,  John  W.,  Jr.,  17  Mar- 
ket Sq.  Lincolniana. 

NORRISTOWN.  Evans,  Montgomery,  2nd,  900 
De  Kalb  St.  Mythology;  Folk  lore; 
Cabell;  Dunsany;  Hearn. 

PHILADELPHIA.  Abbot,  C.  Yarnall,  "The 
Gladstone."  Modern  art,  literature  and 

β€” Alexander,  Benjamin,  258  S.  i8th  St.  In- 
cunabula; Books  in  Italian,  French  and 
German;  Autographs;  Mark  Twain,  incl. 
first  eds.;  Rare  first  eds.  in  English. 

β€” Bache,  Franklin,  Land  Title  Bldg.  Ben- 
jamin  Franklin;  Early  North  American 
travel  and  maps. 

β€” Baugh,  Albert  C.,  638  S.  54th  St.  Eng- 
lish literature;  Philology;  The  Middle 
Ages;  Folk  lore. 

β€” Benson,  Rev.  Louis  F.,  2014  De  Lancey 
PI.  Hvmnologv. 



PHILADELPHIA β€” Continued 

β€” Borncman,  Henry  S.,  801  Liberty  Bldg. 
English  and  American  first  eds.;  Pri- 
vate presses. 

β€” Boyer,  E.  P.,  Bourse  Bldg.    Napoleona. 

β€” Boyle,  E.  M.,  1534  Diamond  St.  Byron; 
Black  letter  English  books. 

β€” Brumbaugh,  Martin  G.,  254  W.  Walnut 
Lane.  Pennsylvania  history;  Pennsyl- 
vania German  imprints  before  1800. 

β€” Buck,  M.  S.,  1720  Sansom  St.  Transla- 
tions of  Greek  and  Latin  classics;  Early 
English  literature;  General  literature. 

β€” Buckenham,  J.  E.  B.,  M.D.,  Chestnut  Hill. 
Genealogy;  General  and  local  history; 
Early  American  imprints;  Heraldry  and 
bookplates;  Natural  history;  Masonica. 

β€” Butler,  Robert  C.,  East  Gravers  Lane, 
Chestnut  Hill.  Dramatic  books  and  por- 

β€” Campbell,  Dr.  W.  J.,  413  School  House 
Lane,  Germantown.  Thomas  Jefferson; 
Early  Philadelphia;  General  literature. 

β€” Carson,  Hampton  L.,  1524  Chestnut  St. 
Americana;  History;  Law;  Engravings. 

β€” Closson,  Dr.  Jas.  Harwood,  53  W.  Chester 
Ave.,  Germantown.  Early  Dutch  medi- 

β€” Dallam,  D.  E.,  709  Walnut  St.  Geog- 
raphy; Political  economy. 

β€” Drexel,  Mrs.  Joseph  W.    Art. 

β€” Earp,  Francis  H.,  1817  Mt.  Vernon  Ave. 
Bibliography;  Civil  War;  Curiosa. 

β€” Eckel,  John  C.,  1433  Diamond  St.  Dickens; 
Stevenson;  Moore ;  Eliot;  Hardy;  Bibli- 
ography; Association  books. 

β€” Egbert,  Victor,  4814  Springfield  Ave.  Art 
and  Artists;  Belles  Icttres. 

β€” Feurer,  Mrs.  Charles  T.,  400  S.  isth  St. 
Whitmaniana,  incl.  material  for  an  extra 
illus.  ed. 

β€” Fielding,  Mantle,  520  Walnut  St.  Art; 
Artist  biographies;  Catalogs  and  lists  of 
paintings  and  engravings. 

β€” Frey,  Carroll  H.,  Penn  Mutual  Bldg. 
Anthologies;  Casual  essays;  Light  verse; 
Wit  and  satire;  Modern  American  firsts 
{Mencken,  Cabell,  Morley,  etc.) 

β€” Furber,  Wm.  Copeland,  418  Walnut  St. 
Architectural  zvorks;  Gardens;  City 
Planning;  Colonial  architecture;  Furni- 
ture; General  literature. 

β€” Gribble,  John,  1513  Race  St. 

β€” Hessenbruch,  H.,  8  N.  5th  St.  Rhenish 
provinces;  Netherlands. 

β€” Holloway,  Edw.  Stratton,  1327  Spruce  St. 
English  editions  of  English  literature 
only β€” no  Americana. 

β€” Hosbach,  J.  T.  A.,  817  S.  s8th  St.  Short- 
'  hand;  Bookplates;  Art;  Geography. 

β€” Jackson,  Joseph,  113  S.  43d  St.  American 
drama;  Plays;  Ballooning;  Philadelphia 
history;  Early  American  novels;  Modern 
first  eds.,  esp.  Leivis  Carroll;  American 
Revolution;  Aeronautics;  First  editions 
of  Charles  G.  Lcland;  Philadelphia  his- 


β€”  Continued 

β€”  Jenkins,   Charles   F.,    150   W.    Washington 

Lane,  Germantown.  Whistler  first  edi- 
tions; Local  histories  relating  to  Ger- 

β€”  Johnson,  Edward  Hines,  2211   Walnut  St. 

Books    illustrated    by    wood    engravings, 

Bewick,  to  and  including  the  illustrations 

of  the  Go's. 
β€”Jordan,    John    Woolf,    806    N.    3ist    St. 

Americana;   MSS.   relating  to   the  Mo- 

ravians in  Pennsylvania. 
β€”Knight,  D.  Allen,   1504  Poplar  St.     Early 

American   literature;   English   novelists; 


β€”  Krumbhaar,  Edward  B.,  P.  O.  Box,  Chest- 

nut Hill.  Elzevirs;  Early  printed  books; 
Early  medical  books;  Dickens;  Swin- 

β€”  Leidy,  Dr.  Joseph,  1319  Locust  St.  Science, 

esp.  biology. 

β€”  Lewis,  David,  2210  S.  4th  St.     Napoleon; 

Duelling  and  contemporary  English 
memoirs;  Extra  illustrated  books. 

β€”  Lewis,    John    Frederick,    1914    Spruce    St. 

Engraving  and  prints;  Medieval  manu- 
scripts and  cuttings  therefrom. 

β€”  Loeb,  H.  S.     Hotel  Longacre,  Bookplates. 

β€”  Lowman,    L.   W.,    1530   Locust    St.     iSth, 

icjth,  20th  cent,  first  eds. 

β€”  Military   Order   of   the    Loyal   Legion   of 

the  United  States,  Penn  Commandery. 
United  States  Navy. 

β€”  Montgomery,    Thos.    L.,    904    Clinton    St. 

Bibliography  ;   Pennsylvaniana. 

β€”  Myers,     Albert     Cook,     1300     Locust     St. 

William  Penn;  Quakerism;  Early  Penn- 

β€”  Patterson,  John  M.,  2135  Spruce  St.    First 

eds.  Dickens,  Thackeray,  Stevenson, 
Samuel  Johnson,  George  Moore,  etc. 

β€”  Penniman,    James    H.,    4326    Sansom    St. 

Education  ;   Washingtoniana. 

β€”  Price,    Warwick   James,    512    S.   4ist    St. 

Private  presses,  modern  and  old; 

β€”  Rosenbach,  A.  S.  W.,  1505  North  15th  St. 

Americana;  American  juvenile  books; 
English  literature;  Presentation  copies; 
Books  on  the  Indians. 

β€”  Rothermel,   John   G.,    i7th  and   Montgom- 

ery Ave.    Natural  sciences. 

β€”  Sachse,    Dr.    Julius    F.,    Masonic    Temple. 

Germans  in  Pennsylvania. 

β€”  Scull,  Marshall,  5700  City  Ave.     Biogra- 

phies of  Publishers;  Literary  criticism; 
Big  game. 

β€”  Shelton,  F.  H.,  228  S.  2ist  St.     Delaware 

County.  Pa.;  Penobscot  Bay  and  vicin- 
ity, Maine. 

β€”  Stetson,  John  B.,  Jr.,   Juniper  Ave.,   Oak 

Lane.  Anthropology;  Ethnologv;  Rare 

β€”  Stoddart,  Alfred,  P.  O.  Box  1586.    Finan- 

cial; Horses;  English  Lake  District; 
Richard  Jeffries. 

β€”  Sulzberger,  Hon.  Mayer,  1303  Gerard  Ave. 



PHILADELPHIA β€” Continued 

β€” Troth,  Samuel,  401  Chestnut  St.  Civil 

β€”West,  William,  1511  Walnut  St.  Whistler; 
Aubrey  Beardsley;  George  Moore; 
Colored  plate  books. 

β€” Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St..  Chess; 
History;  Biography;  Travel;  Music; 
Theatre;  Incunabula;  Curiosa;  Facetiae; 

β€” Woodruff,  Clinton  Rogers,  2219  Spruce  St. 
Municipal  and  civic  books  and  docu- 

β€”Wright,  W.  D.  2023  Walnut  St.  Rail- 
road; Navigation;  Travel. 

PITTSBURG.  Arensberg,  C.  C,  5400  Hobart 
St.,  Squirrel  Hill  District.  Americana; 
Napoleana;  Biography. 

β€” Balken,  Edward  Duff,  P.  O.  Box  1259. 
Incunabula;  Early  MSS.;  Books  on  en- 
graving and  etching ;  Old  wood  cut  books 
of  i6th  Century. 

β€” Boyd,  Charles  N.,  131  Bellefield  Ave. 
Music;  Musical  history. 

β€” Breckenridge,  H.  M.,  Park  Bldg. 

β€” Hagemann,  Dr.  J.  A.,  Highland  Bldg.  His- 
tory of  Medicine;  Evolution;  Criminol- 

β€” Hartman,  Galen  C,  1518  Farmers'  Bank 
Bldg.  History;  Philosophy;  Folk  lore; 
Biography;  Science. 

β€” Hay,  Robert  H.,  1527  Irwin  Ave.,  N.  S. 
Fine  copies  of  first  eds.  of  scarce  works 
of  distinguished  American  igth  century 
authors  in  either  book  or  magazine  form, 
in  original  bindings  or  wrappers  and 
preferably  uncut;  Rare  Hawthorne 

β€”Hays,  Gilbert  A.,  530  Academy  Ave.  His- 
torical; Western  Pennsylvania;  Civil 

β€” Kirby,  C.  V.,  725  Fulton  Bldg.  Book- 

β€” Magee,  James  M.,  306  Frick  Building. 
Folk  lore;  Chronicles;  History;  Biog- 

β€” Miller,  Reuben,  Farmers  Bank  Bldg. 

β€”Pope.  Charles  E.,  421  Wood  St.  Sex,  sun 
and  nature  worship;  Origins  of  religions; 
Esoteric  erotica;  Anthropology;  Nervous 
and  mental  disorders;  Psychic  analysis; 
Free  thought;  Prehistoric  origins;  Mod- 
ern medical  and  anatomica  on  men's 

β€”Shea,  J.  B.,  Richland  Lane.  Americana, 
esp.  Early  West,  Travel;  Indians  Cap- 
tivities and  Pennsylvania. 
β€”Terry,  Charles  D.,  4251  Parkman  Ave. 
Charles  Carroll  of  Carrollton;  John  B. 
Tabb;  Early  American  Catholic  history; 

READING.  Kraemer,  Louis  F.,  Stony  Creek 
Mills.  Latin  America;  Castaways; 

RIDLEY  PARK.     Bentley,  James  H.     English 
literature;  Cruikshankiana ;  Grolier  club. 
SAXTON.     Bryan,  W.  J.       History;  Literary 
reminiscence;    Biography;    Nature,    Dis- 
trict of  Columbia. 


SEWICKLKY.  Book,  Robert  D.  Western 
Pennsylvania;  Pittsburg  imprints. 

β€”Smith,  Philip  H.  Waddell,  642  Grove  St. 
Local  history  (N.  Y.,  N.  J.,  N.  C.) ; 
Genealogy;  Archaeology;  General  his- 

β€” Wadrdop,  James  R.,  Academy  Ave.  Ameri- 
cana ^specially  French  and  Indian  ivars; 
Northwestern  Indian  fights  and  Civil 

β€” Woods,  Edward  A.,  Woodland  Rd.  Early 
manuscripts,  csp.  illuminated;  Rubaiyat; 

β€”Wright,  W.  D.,  2023  Walnut  St. 

SOMERSET.  Scull,  John  I.  Frank  Branguyn ; 
Auguste  Leper e;  Modern  French  books 
illus.  with  wood  cuts. 

SWARTHMORE.  Furness,  H.  H.,  Jr.  Shake- 

WAYNE.  Egbert,  Dr.  Joseph  C.,  115  N. 
Wayne  Ave.  Medicine;  Surgery; 

β€” Elmer,  Dr.  Robert  P.,  101  Runnymead 

β€” Watson,  Wm.  J.  Out  of  print  horseman- 
ship, sport  and  color  plate  spotting 

WEST  CHESTER.  Greene,  Jesse  C.,  109  W. 
Gay  St.  History;  Biography;  Science; 

β€” Hemphill,  Mrs.  Joseph,  205  W.  Gay  St. 

WILLIAMSPORT.  Fisher,  Mahlon  L.,  P.  O. 
Box  533.  English  poetry,  esp.  Sonnet; 
First  eds.;  Association  items. 

WYEBROOK.    Plank,  G.  W.    Bookplates. 

β€” Gribbel,   John.     Benjamin  Franklin. 

YORK.  Frick,  C.  C.,  100  W.  Springettsbury 
Ave.  First  editions  of  American  au- 

β€”Walter,  Clinton  E.,  Hi  S.  Beaver  St. 
American  literature;  First  and  early  edi- 

ZELIENOPLE.  Passavant,  D.  L.  Foreign 
Lincolniana;  Early  vicivs;  Prints  Pgh. 
Washington,  Franklin,  Paul  Jones;  Early 
Western  books;  Early  travels  in  America 
before  1850. 

Rhode  Island 

JAMESTOWN.  Hamilton,  Geo.  L.  Grolier  Club 
books;  First  editions  of  Eighteenth 
Century  books. 

NEWPORT.  Buffum,  William  P.,  28  Green- 
ough  PI.  Rhode  Island;  Quakers; 

β€” Pumpefly,  Raphael.     Scientific. 

β€” Terry,  Dr.  Roderick.  Washington  Irving 
MSS.;  Ncivport  R.  I.  items;  MSS. 

PROVIDENCE.   Angell,  Walter  F.,  17  Keene  St. 

β€”Arnold,  Fred  A.,  185  Friendship  St.  Rhode 
Island  history. 

β€” Brigham,  Herbert  O.,  .W  Brook  St.  Trans- 

β€” Chapin.  Howard  M.,  68  Waterman  St. 
Dogs;  Cats. 

β€” Davenport,  Dr.  J.  H.  Non-medical  books 
by  physicians. 



Rhode  Island 
PROVIDENCE β€” Continued 
β€”Foster,  William  E.,  240  Bowcn  St.  Horace 
β€”Guernsey,    Henry    Hoadley,    245    Meeting 

St.       Travel;       Nopoleona;       History; 

Physics;   Theology. 
β€” Kimball,  Walter  H.,  462  Broadway.     Any 

out  of  the  way  items. 
β€” Munro,     Wilfred     H.,     115     Butler     Ave. 

European  and  American  history. 
β€” Percival,    John    R.     12   Walnut    St.,    East 

Providence.     Magic;   Conjuring  and  al- 
lied subjects. 
β€” Preston,     Howard     W.,     7     Gushing     St. 

Colonial    history;    Historic    houses    and 

β€” Rathom,    John     R.,     Providence    Journal. 

β€” Shepley,  George  L.,  292  Benefit  St.   Rhode 


South  Carolina 

CHARLESTON.  Ficken,  John  F.,  17  Broad  St. 

β€”Kirk,  H.  B.,  10  Broad  St.  North  Caro- 
lina; South  Carolina;  Georgia. 

β€” Messervy,  J.  Ehrichs,  76  Cannon  St.  His- 
tory; Historical  novels. 

β€” Ravenel,  Daniel.  76  Meeting  St.  South 
Carolina;  Huguenot  history. 

β€”Smith,  Henry  A.  M.,  26  Meeting  St. 
Caroliana;  American  fauna  and  flora; 
American  Indians. 

β€”Willis,.  Theodore  H.,  72  Tradd  St.  Early 
Americana;  South  Carolina  (bound 
pamphlets,  Colonial) . 

COLUMBIA.     Abney,  B.  L.     Americana. 

β€” Babcock,  Margaret  Woods.  South  Car- 
olina history;  Medicine  (esp.  Psychi- 
atry);  Old  furniture;  Travel;  Biog- 

β€” Kohn,  August,  1520  Senate  St.  South 
Carolina;  Cotton  Mills. 

β€” McMaster,  Fitz  Hugh,  1428  Laurel  St. 
South  Carolina;  Birds;  Trees;  Homes 
and  gardens;  Neivspapers. 

β€” Salley,  A.  S.,  Jr.,  State  House.  South 
Carolina;  Works  of  William  Gilmore 
Simms  (1806-1870). 

β€” Snowden,  Yates,  803  Sumter  St.  South 
Carolina;  Confederate  war  pubs.; 
Clough;  Shorthouse. 

GREENVILLE.  McKissick,  J.  Rion,  Box  26. 
South  Carolina;  Confederacy  (books 
and  pamphlets). 

β€” Parker,  Thomas.     Civics;  Textiles. 

β€” Smyth,  Ellison  A.,  237  Broadus  Ave. 
Colonial  history,  particularly  South  Car- 

'W.  G.  South  Carolina  history;  Con- 
federate  history;  Federal  history. 

South  Dakota 

HOT  SPRINGS  Clark,  Charles  B.,  705  Eighth 
St.  Classics;  Poetry;  Theology;  His- 
tory; Romance. 


South  Dakota 

HURON.  Taylor,  Eugene  C,  1009  Dakota 
Ave.  Literature;  i8th  cent,  philosophy; 

MISSION  HILL.  Allison,  Charles  B.  Amer- 
icana; Poetry;  General  literature;  Asso- 
ciation books. 

PIERRE.    Billinghurst,  C.  B. 

β€” Cummins,  B.  A. 

β€” De  Land,  Charles  E.  Americana;  North- 
ivest;  Indians;  Political  history. 

β€” Freeman,  Harry  C. 

β€” Robinson,  Doane.  Local  history  and 

Sioux  FALLS.  Bailey,  Charles  O.,  Bailey- 
Glidden  Bldg.  Law;  History  of  juris- 
prudence; American  Colonial  history; 
New  England  genealogy;  Sociology. 

β€” Pettigrew,  Geo.  A.,  Grand  Secy.  A.  F.  & 
A.  M.  Grand  Lodge  A.  F.  &β€’  A.  M.  of 
South  Dakota;  Masonic  items;  History; 

YANKTON.  Lusk,  Willard  C.  First  editions; 
History;  Sociology;  Americana. 


CHATTANOOGA.   Bachman,  J.  W.,  D.D.   Travel. 

β€” Caldwell,  F.  H.    Burns. 

β€” Ellis,  Mrs.  G.  Manning.     Fine  eds. 

β€” Hyde,  Mrs.  Chas.,  529  Vine  St.  Southern 
Americana;  Confederacy;  Cherokee 
Indians;  Books  of  travel;  Early  Amer- 
ican poets. 

β€” Macrae,  Mrs.  Ruth,  Mission  Ridge.  Art 

β€” Spur  lock,  Frank.  General  literature;  Pop- 
ular sceince;  New  discoveries. 

JOHNSON  CITY.  Williams,  Samuel  C.  Ten- 
nessee history  and  biography;  Anti- 

KNOXVILLE.  Cates,  Gen.  Charles  T.  Gen- 
eral history;  Biography. 

β€” Mellen,  George  F.  New  England  in  the 
South;  Southern  newspaper  press. 

β€” Templeton,  Mrs.  George,  Box  380.  First 
eds.  modern  American  authors;  Gypsies. 

β€”White,  W.  T.,  508  Broad  St.  General 

MEMPHIS.    Fitzhugh,  G.  T. 

NASHVILLE.     Berry,  Deneese. 

β€” Bradford,  J.  C.,  American  Trust  Bldg. 

β€” Brown,  John  C.,  117  Eighth  Ave.,  S. 
Religion;  Law;  Classics;  History;  Fic- 

β€” Fleming,  Walter  L.,  Vanderbilt  Univer- 
sity. Jefferson  Davis;  Ku  Klux  Klan; 
Reconstruction  period  (1865-1876);  The 

β€” Granbury,  W.  L. 

β€” Tolman,  H.  C.    Persia. 

β€” Vertrees,  Col.  J.  J. 

NEWPORT.  Woodward,  J.  F.  Fiction;  Sci- 
ence; Nature  and  animal  stories;  New 
thought;  Theosophy. 

SEWANEE.  Noll,  Rev.  Arthur  Howard 



SHELBYVILLE.  Evans,  W.  G.  Americana; 
Tennessee  items. 


AUSTIN.  Battle,  W.  J.,  University  of  Texas. 
Greece;  Greek  literature. 

β€”Benedict,  H.  Y.,  3401  Guadalupe  St.  Or- 
nithology; Astronomy. 

β€” Campbell,  Kelles.     Edgar  Allan  Poe. 

β€”Griffith,  R.  H.,  University  of  Texas.  Alex- 
ander Pope;  English  literature  and 
newspapers  1660-1750. 

β€” Shettles,  E.  L.,  3906  Speedway.  Texas; 
Indians;  Local  histories  Southern 
States;  Southern  imprints  1861-1865. 

β€” Winkler,  E.  W.,  1907  Guadalupe  St.  Texas. 

β€” Wolfe,  A.  B.,  University  of  Texas.  Popu- 
lation; Early  books  on  woman;  Eco- 
nomic classics. 

BEAUMONT.  Rodgers,  Robert  L.,  990  Parker 
St.  Classics;  History;  Biography;  Gen- 
eral literature;  Law;  Certain  of  Ethan 
Allen's  Works  wanted. 

COLLEGE  STATION.  Youngblood,  B.  Original 
documents  pertaining  to  the  history  and 
science  of  political  economy  or  eco- 

DALLAS.  Cochran,  Sam  P.,  P.  O.  Box  119. 
Masonry;  Christian  Science;  Reference 
sets;  Classics. 

β€” Locke,  Eugene  P.,  American  Exchange 
Nat.  Bank  Bldg. 

β€” Spears,  George  M.,  2619  Shelby  St.  Ken- 

β€” Tenery,  Mrs.  J.  H.,  Route  2,  Box  73. 
French  translations  in  sets;  De  luxe  eds. 
of  standard  authors. 

EL  PASO.  Burges,  Richard  R,  Two  Re- 
public Bldg.  Texas. 

β€”Burges,  William  H.,  First  National  Bank 
Bldg.  English  literature;  Biography; 
Trials;  First  eds. 

β€” Dyer,  John  L.    Law;  Fine  editions. 

β€” Martinez,  Felix.    Spanish. 

β€”Pew,   Edward  W.   W.    General. 

β€” Wilmarth,  J.  C,  600  Upson  Ave.  Early 
newspaper  history;  English  Restoration 
verse;  English  .ballads;  Exploration  and 
development  of  American  Southwest; 

β€” Zielonka,  Rabbi  Martin,  P.  O.  Box  1367. 
Semitica;  Spanish  Inquisition  'with 
special  relation  to  Jews. 

FORT  WORTH.  Andrew,  Miss  Nell,  c|o. 
Texas  Christian  University.  American 
literature;  Russian  literature;  Texas 
history  and  literature;  West  and  South- 
west; Adah  Isaacs  Menken;  Robert 
Browning;  Ivan  Turgenev;  Gen.  Sam 

β€”Ball.  Charles  T.,  Seminary  Hill.  Mission; 
Mission  study. 

GALVESTON.  Cohen,  Rabbi  Henry,  1020 
Broadway.  Orientalia;  Judaica;  Folk 
lore;  Customs  and  myths  in  all  langu- 
ages; Hebraica;  Anglo- Jewish  items. 

HOUSTON.  Wharfon,  Garence  R.  Texas 


NEW  BRAUNFELS.  Pfeuffer,  S.  V.,  501  San 
Antonio  St.  Texas. 

PADUCAH.  Bowman,  G.  Y.  English,  Amer- 
ican and  Spanish  literature;  School  and 
college  texts. 

SAN  ANTONIO.  Hertzberg,  Henry.  Old 

β€” Roe,  George.  Woodhill,  Frost,  631  Gunter 
Bide.  Orientalia;  Early  Texas  history. 

β€” Woodhull,  Frost,  631  Gunter  Bldg.  Early 
Texas  history. 

TEMPLE.  Dienst,  Dr.  Alexander,  13}^  S. 
Main  St.  Texas;  Early  Americana; 
l6th  and  ijth  centuries. 

TEXARKANA.  Fender,  George  W.,  312  W. 
Sixth  St.  Theology;  Travel. 

WACO.  Armstrong,  A.  J.,  Baylor  University. 

β€” Boynton,  Mrs.  J.  E.    Texas. 

β€” Von  Blon,  A.  F.  American  Indians;  Soiith 
West;  Ohio. 

YSLETA.  El  Paso  Co.  Hill,  Edwin  B.  First 
eds.  American  authors;  esp.  Poe  and 
Thoreau;  First  eds.  Charles  Lamb;  Bio- 
graphy ;  Bibliography. 


OGDEN.  Maguire,  Don,  P.  O.  Box  549  25th 
St.  History;  Poetry;  Biography;  Trav- 
els; Antiquities;  Geology;  Fiction. 

PROVO.  Whitecotton,  R.  W.  C.  Fine  and 
rare  books. 

SALT  LAKE  CITY.  Badger,  Rodney  T.,  Utah 
Nat'l.  Bank. 

β€”Bennett,  Fred  I.  W.,  1051  7th  East  St. 
Journalism  (as  a  profession);  Manu- 
script markets;  Books  for  writers. 

β€”Core,  Wm.  F.,  817  E.  ;th  So.  St.  History; 

β€” Daly,  John  J.,  cor.  Brigham  &  A.  Sts. 

β€”Ferry,   Frederick,   Utah  Trust   Bldg. 

β€”Ferry,  W.  Mont,  Utah  Trust  Bldg. 

β€” Gustin,  Frank  J.,  Boston  Block. 

β€”Howard,  W.  E.,  127  N.  St.  Religion; 
Anthropology;  Poetry. 

β€” Kearns,  Mrs.  Thps.,  East  Brigham  St. 

β€” McCormick,   Louis    B.,    McCormick   Bank. 

β€” Morgan,  W.  L.,  271.  E.  St.  Mormonism; 
Western  Americana;  Indians. 

β€”O'Brien,  Mrs.  Wm.,  cor.  1st  &  H.  Sts. 
Fine  art. 

β€”Peter,  Charles,  644  East  South  Temple  St. 
Sociology;  Psychology;  Drama;  The- 
atre; Biography. 

β€” Pfouts,  Dr.  G.  B.,  Mercantile  Bldg. 

β€” Plummer,  Dr.  Chas.  Griffin,  465  East  South 
Temple  St.  Americana;  First  eds.  Ame- 
rican authors;  Indian  life,  esp.  rare 
sets;  Exploration  in  Southwest. 


BARTON.    Baldwin,   Frederick  W.    Vermont. 
BRANDON.     Marsh,    Eduard     S.      Vermont; 

Literary     Curios;     Association     books; 

Lincoln;    Washington;    Confederate. 


BURLINGTON.    Abernethy.  Julian  W.,  285  So. 

Willard  St.  First  eds.  American  authors, 

esp.  Thoreau. 

β€” Arnold,  Dr.   Francis  J.    Americana;  Bio- 
graphy;    Canada;     General     literature; 

History;  Maps  and  Atlases;  Medicine; 

Nature  books;  Sports. 
β€” Bassett,   Samuel   E.,    295   S.   Prospect   St. 

β€” Thomas,  Evan,  187  Loomis  St.  Mechanics; 

Mathematics;    Welsh    language,    history 

and  antiquities. 
MANCHESTER.      Wilbur,     James     Benjamin. 

Rare    Vcrmontiana,  incl.    law  journals; 

Neiv  Hampshire   laws  and  journals   up 

to  1800. 
MONTPELIER.     Bisbee,    Dr.    A.    B.     General 

literature;  Medicine. 
β€”Cutter,    H.    M.,    17    Baldwin    St.     Scott; 

Old  and  rare  books. 
β€” Denio,  Herbert   W.     Vermont  history. 
β€” Howes,  Phil.  S.,  10  Liberty  St.    Vermont; 

Early     American     military     and     naval 


β€” Howland,  F.  A.    General  literature;   Sci- 
ence; Vermont  history;  imprints. 
β€”Kent,   D.  B.  E.,   Kent  St.    History;  Bio- 
graphy ;   Vermont. 
β€” Russell,  Wm.  W.,  2  Marvin  St.    History; 

RUTLAND.    Brown,   Milton   G.,   117  Crescent 

St.    Omar  Khayyam;   London. 
β€” Tuttle,  Charles  E.    Vermont,  anything  on. 
ST.  ALBANS.   Greene,  Frank  L.   U.  S.  history 

and  politics;    General   civics;    Vermont; 

Military    works;    Theatre;    Amusement. 
ST.  JOHNSBURY.    Brooks,  Frank  H. 
β€” Fletcher,   Mrs.  Truman  C. 
SOUTH  LONDONDERRY.    Cudworth,  Addison  E. 

Vermont;   Neiv  England  local  histories. 
WOODSTOCK.    Mackenzie,  F.  S. 


ALEXANDRIA.  Zimmerman,  J.  R.,  118  N. 
Alford  St.  Early  Virginia  history  (Co- 
lonial) ;  Confederate  literature. 

BOYCE,  CLARK  Co.  Gilpin,  Mrs.  Henry  B. 
Art;  Literature  Limited  editions. 

BOYDTON.  Faulkner,  C.  J.,  Washington  St. 
Virpiniana;  Colonial  history;  Church 

CHARLOTTESVILLE.  Duke,  R.  T.  W.,  Jr.,  616 
Park  St.  Memoirs;  Autobiographies; 
Curiosa;  Odd  books. 

FREDESICKSBURO.  Embrey,  Aloise  T.  Han- 
over St.  Virginia  laiv. 

LEESBURG.    Martin,  W.  H.    Virginia  laiv. 

LYNNHAVEN.    Leitch,  Mrs.  Mary  S.   Poetry. 

MONASKON.  Utter,  Adelaide.  Biography; 
Essays;  History. 

NEW  CANTON.  Jones,  Plummer  F.  West 
and  Pioneer  days;  Science;  History; 
Natural  history;  Ireland;  Virginia; 
Sets  of  all  kinds. 

NEWPORT  NEWS.  Welch.  Daniel  B.,  218  38th 
St.  History;  Technical. 

NORFOLK.    Garrett,  Judge  T.  L.    Civil  War. 


NORFOLK β€” Continued 

β€” Hughes,  Robert  M.  Virginia;  Americana; 
French  militarism;  First  and  early  edi- 

β€” Nusbaum,  M.  G.,  Box  376.  Virginia; 
Early  Americana. 

β€”Williams,  S.  J.,  2  Virginia  Apartments. 
Memoirs;  Old  classics;  Sporting;  His- 

RICHMOND.  Bryan,  John  Stewart.  "Labur- 
num." Virginiana. 

β€” Freeman,  Dr.  Douglas,  S.  1108  Floyd  Ave. 
Biography;  Confederate;  Military;  his- 
tory and  geography. 

β€” Hawkins,  O.  A.,  100  N.  7th  St.  Virgin- 

β€” Hutzler,  Alvin  B.,  Virginia,  1032  Mutual 
Bldg.  Virginia;  Facetio. 

β€” Patteson,  S.  S.  P.,  2505  Stuart  Ave. 
Virginia  history;  U.  S.  histories;  Bio- 
graphy; Law;  Reform. 

β€” Robinson,  Morgan  P.,  113  South  3rd  St. 
Virginia  history;  Confederate  history. 

β€” Ryland,  Garnett,  University  of  Richmond. 
Old  books  on  chemistry;  History  and 
literature  of  Baptist  denomination  and 
of  Virginia. 

β€” Sands,  Alexander  H.,  American  National 
Bank  Bldg.  Virginia  law;  Historical. 

β€”Smith,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  Wm.  Byrd  Park.  Na- 
Poleona;  French  Revolution;  Virginia; 
American  and  English  history  and  bio- 
raphy;  Book  plates. 

β€” Swem,  E.  G.  William  and  Mary  College. 
Americana,  esp.  Virginia. 

β€” Towers,  A.  R.,  203  Governor  St.  Rare 

β€” Urner,  Clarence  H.,  State  Treasurer's 
Office.  Virginiana;  Baptist  history. 

β€” Whitty,  J.  H.,  1700  Brook  Rd.   E.  A.  Poe. 

STAUNTON.  Gordon,  Armistead  C.  Virgin- 

WILLIAM SBURG.  Coleman,  George  Preston. 
Law;  Virginia. 


ABERDEEN.    Patton,  Mrs.  H.  W.    Northwest 

BAY    VIEW.     Brokaw,    W.    E.    Economics; 

BELLINGHAM.    Yoes,  Jack  W.,  424  High  St. 

Americana,   esp.   early   Western. 
EAST  SOUND.    Skarstedt,  Ernst.    Biography; 

Travel;   Agriculture;   Extra   Illustrated 

EVERETT.      Wight,     Edward     B.     Shakers; 


OLYMPHIA.    Flagg,  H.  C    History. 
β€” Flagg,  H.  C.   History. 
β€” Fullerton,  Hon.  Mark.    Law  and  laivyers; 


β€” Lord,    C.   J.     Fine   editions;   History;   In- 
dian Folk   Lore;   Travel. 
β€” McArdle,  L.  D.    Northwest  history. 
SEATTLE.    Ames,  E.  G.,  Walker  Bldg.    Fine 

editions;   Biography;   Travel. 




SEATTLE β€” Continued 

β€” Bagley,  Clarence  B.,  900  2d  Ave.    Pacific 

coast   (northwest);  Marcus  Whitman. 
β€” Ballard,    Roy.    General  Literature. 
β€” Bausman,    Frederick,    Alaska    Bldg.    Fine 

editions;   History;   Biography;    Travel; 

Laiv  and  lawyers. 
β€” Bissett,  C.  P.,  914  24th  Ave  N.    Lincoln- 


β€”Hill,   Samuel,  814  E.   Highland  Drive. 
β€” Horton,   Mrs.   G.   M.    Fine  editions. 
β€” Lungreen,    C.    E.,   204   County   City   Bldg. 

Modern  first   eds.;   Finely   illus.   books; 

Belles  Lei:  β€’  mnaphy. 

β€” Meany,  Edmond  S.,  4025  Tenth  Ave.  N.  E. 

Lincolniana;      Northivest      Americana; 

β€” O'Cpnnell,   R.  J.   O.,   10  W.   Garfield  St. 

Fiction;     esp.     Dickens,     Scott,     Poe, 

Stevenson;  Poetry;  Essays. 
β€” Riddle,  Chas.  A.,  Colman  Bldg.    Fine  and 

rare   books;  Standard  literature. 
β€” Shepard,    Chas.,    New    York    Bldg.     Law 

and  laivyers;  History;  Travel. 
β€” Soliday,    George    W.,    3732    High    Lane. 

Americana;  Early  West;  Pacific  North- 
β€”Young,  Dr.  E.  Weldon,  749  Harvard  Ave. 

N.   Biography;  Drama. 
SPOKANE.    Brown,  Mrs.  J.  J.,  Brown's  Ad- 
dition.   Fine  editions. 
β€”Campbell,   Mrs.   Allen   B.    Fine  and  rare 

β€” Dewart,  Frederick  W.,  801  Old  Nat.  Bank 

Bldg.    Curiosa;  First  eds.;  Illustrations. 
β€” Fuller,  George  W.,  Altadena  Apts.  Graphic 

arts;   Bookplates. 
β€”Graves,    Frank    H.,    Old    National    Bank 

Bldg.    History;  Travel. 
β€” Greenwood,  George  H.,  Old  National  Bank 

Bldg.    Fine  and  rare  books. 
β€”Grove,   Mrs.    (Dr.)    C.   E.,   Old   National 

Bank  BkK    Fine  and  rare  books. 
β€” Kizer,   B.   H.,   Old   National   Bank    Bldg. 

Pioneer  Northwest. 
β€” Murphy,  Alonzo  M.,  Exchange  Bank  Bldg. 

History ;   Travel. 
β€”Vincent,    W.    D.,    1314    N.    Summit    Ave. 

Northivest    history;    Association    books. 
β€” Wakefield,   W.   J.   C.,  Attorney.    History; 

Biography;  Travel. 
β€”White,    Aubrey    L.,    Old    National    Bank 

Bldg.     Private   press;    art    bindings   by 

leading    foreign    and   domestic    binders; 

Fine  and  rare  books. 
β€” Yearsley,  Wilbur  S.  W.,  2017  Mallon  Ave. 

Fine  and  rare  books. 
TAOOMA.    Bates,    Chas.    O.,    Fidelity    Bldg. 

Standard  literature. 

β€” Beardsley,  Arthur  S.,  University  of  Wash- 
ington   Library.     Northivest   history. 
β€” Bott,  George  C.,  5"  "G"  St.    History. 
β€” Griggs,   Herbert,  Fidelity  Bldg.    Standard 

β€” Keyes,     Mrs.      Wayne,     436     Broadway. 

General  literature. 


TACOMA β€” Continued 

β€” McCreery,  Dr.  Charles,  Fidelity  Bldg. 
Medicine;  General  literature. 

β€” Perkins,    Samuel   H.    Standard   literature. 

β€” Thiele,   R.   R.    Philately. 

β€” Yocom,  Dr.  James  R.,  Berlin  Bldg.  Fine 
and  rare  books. 

WALLA  WALLA.  Anderson,  Prof.  Louis  T., 
364  Boyer  Ave.  Greek  and  Latin  classics; 
Archaeology;  History;  General  litera- 
ture; De  luxe  eds. 

β€”Elliott,  T.  C.  P.  O.  Box  775.  Americana 

β€” Reynolds,  Allen  H.    De  Luxe  editions. 

β€”Shaw,  Dr.  E.  E.   Standard  literature. 

West  Virginia 

CHARLESTON.  Smith,  Harrison  B.,  Capitol 
.St.  Music;  George  Washington. 

HUNTINGTON.  Corbly,  Lawrence  J.  Bio- 
graphy; History;  Heredity;  Evolution, 
Eugenics;  Psychology;  Classics;  Books 
unusual  for  special  information. 

FAIRMONT.    Vincent,  George  A.    Virginians. 

FAYETTEVILLE.  Goddard,  Charles  A.  In- 
dians; Early  Americana;  Civil  War; 
Va.;  W.  Va. 

MORGANTOWN.  Callahan,  Prof.  J.  M.,  136 
Willey  St.  American  diplomatic  history 
and  foreign  relations;  International  law; 
Constitutional  law  and  government 
(English  and  American). 

β€” Cox,  Prof.  J.  H.    Children's  books. 

β€” Dadisman,  A.  J.,  115  Beverly  Ave.  Agri- 
culture, esp.  economic  phases;  Nature 
study;  Out-doors  books. 

β€” Johnson,  O.  M.,  118  Willey  St.  Econom- 
ics; Agriculture. 

β€” Purinton,   Dr.   D.   B.    Philosophy;   Ethics. 

β€”White,  Dr.  I.  C,  141  Willey  St.    Geology. 

PARKERSBURG.  Boreman,  R.  J.  A.,  204  4th 
St.  Indians;  Virginia;  West  Virginia; 
Ohio  Valley;  Personal  and  state  his- 
tories; Wars  of  U.  S. 

SPENCER.  Douglas,  C.  E.,  R.  F.  D.  No.  I. 
General  literature. 

WHEELING.  McCamic,  Charles.  General 


APPLETON.  Farley,  T.  H.,  Lawrence  Col- 
lege. Philosophy;  Psychology. 

β€” Plantz,  Samuel,  Lawrence  College.  The- 
ology; Philosophy. 

β€” Reefve,  James  S+  Lawrence  College. 

β€” Ritchie,  G.  A.,  Lawrence  College.  Medi- 

β€” Rosebush,  Judson  G.,  625  Park  Ave. 
Americana;  American  Economic  his- 
tory 1783-1860. 

β€” Trever,  A.  A.,  Lawrence  College.  Greek; 

β€” Youtz,  L.  A.,  Lawrence  College.  Natural 




DsLAFIZLD.  Garner,  John  Leslie.  Econom- 
ics; Italian  history;  Drama;  Philology, 

FISK.  Griffith,  Albert  H.  Lincolniana;  Civil 
War;  Slavery;  Fremont;  Political 
campaigns  (esp.  1856,  1860,  1864); 
Western  history;  Early  maps;  Cartes 
de  visite;  Photos;  Autographs. 

FREDERIC.  Johnson,  Erick  H.,  Route  I,  Box 
49.  BtograpMct;  Americana;  History; 

GREEN  BAY.   Evans,  W.  J. 

β€” Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.  First 
cds.  and  association  items  modern  auth- 
ors, esp.  Max  Bcerbohm,  George  Moore, 
Joseph  Conrad,  Bernard  Shaiv,  John 
Drinku'ater.  St.  John  Ervine,  C.  Lovat 
Frazer;  Also  Masefield;  Walter  de  la 
Mare;  Stevenson;  Lamb;  Wilde;  Dick- 
ens; Colored  plate  books  such  as  Leech, 
Rowlandson,  the  Cruikshanks,  Alken. 
Phiz,  etc.;  also  modern  illustrated  books 
such  as  Thompson,  Rackham,  Robinson. 

β€” Hambrecht,  George  P.,  State  Capitol. 

β€” Martin,  Sarah  G.    Wisconsin  history. 

β€” Neville,  Arthur  C.    Indian  history. 

β€” Tayler,  J.  H. 

LA  CROSSE.  Burton,  George  W.  Standard 

β€” Withey,  N.  H.  Travel;  Philateckic  Ang- 
ling;  Hunting. 

β€”Withey,  W.  W.  Ornithology;  Natural 
history :  Travel. 

MADISON.  Anderson,  Rasmus  B.,  316  S. 
Carroll  St.  Scandinavian;  Mythology; 
Antiquities;  History  and  literature. 

β€” Lee,  John  T.    American  history. 

β€” McNall,  P.  E.,  Agr.  Econ.,  Univ.  of  Wis. 
Economics;  Farm  economics;  Ornith- 


OLSON.     Prof.    Julius    E.,    1909   Adams    St. 

Lincolniana;   Henrik    Wergeland;   Hen- 

rik   Ibsen;   B.    Bjonson;   Norse   history 

and  literature. 
MILWAUKEE.  Agnew,  Andrew  D.,  1203  Trust 

Co.  Bldg.    Burns;  Scottish  history. 
β€” Burton,     John     E.,     612     Milwaukee     St. 

Lincolniana;     Early     Americana;     Na- 

β€” Harlowe,    David    H.,    3002    Mt.    Vernon 

Ave.    Art;  Archaeology;  Travels;  Folk 

lore;  Ancient  history;  Religious  history; 

Philosophy;      Psychology;      Occultism; 


β€” Towne,  Carroll  M.,  264  Ogden  Avc.    Bio- 
graphies, English  and  American. 
β€” Veech,    E.   R.,    408   Loan   &   Trust    Bldg. 

Burke;   Haslitt;   Lamb;  Newman. 
NORA.    Teisberg,  Lander.    Civil  War. 
OSHKOSH.    Barber,    Charles.    Literature. 
β€” Jenkinns,  J.  H.,  80  Washington  St.   Music 

scores;  Fishing. 
RACINE.     Kreuzbee,     1948    Michigan     Blvd. 

History;     Biography;     Autobiography; 

General  literature. 
WAUSAU.     Moses,   Barr,    143   Edwards    St. 

Poetry;   esp.   obscure  volumes. 
WHITEWATER.    Hyle,   F.   S.,   606   Main   St. 

History;    Revolutionary    and    Constitu- 
tional  periods. 
β€” Yoder,    A.    H.     Educational,    Psychology, 



CHEYENNE.  Thomas,  Bishop  N.  S.  Wy- 

LARAMIE,  Thomas,  Nathaniel  S.,  Thorn- 
burg  St.  Wyoming;  Liturgies;  Dev- 
eloping; Mormonism. 



BRITTANIA  BEACH,  B.  C.     Smith,  Frank. 

HALIFAX.  N.  S.  Logan,  Dr.  J.  D.,  "Hali- 
fax Chronicle." 

HERIOT  BAY,  B.  C.  Dickie,  Francis.  Canad- 
iana;  Cats;  Books  on  books;  General 
literature;  South  Seas. 

KINGSTON,  Ont.  Seccombe,  Prof.  Thomas, 
Queen's  University. 

MONTREAL,  QUE.  Barott,  E.  I.,  6  Lome  Ave. 

β€” Cains,  Miss  E.,  14  McGregor  St.  Eng- 
lish literature. 

β€” Cplville,  Mrs.  A.  B.,  595  Pine  Ave.  Archi- 

β€”Little,  Mrs.  H.  M.,  285  Stanley  St.  Gen- 
eral literature. 

β€” Lomer,  Dr.  G.  R.,  McGill  University. 
Early  printed  books;  Art. 


MONTREAL,  QUE. β€” Continued 

β€” Morgan,  F.  Cleveland,  308  Peel  St.    Early 

printed  books;  Bindings;  General  litera- 
ture; Art. 
β€” Reford,    Robert    W.,    300   Drummond    St. 

Canadiana,  books,  prints,  MSS.,  medals. 
β€”Shaw,  Herbert  T.,  310  Peel  St.     History; 

Travel;  Memoirs. 
NEW  WESTMINSTER,  B.  C.     Howay,  Judge, 

Law  Courts.    British  Columbia  History; 

North  West  Coast  of  America. 
OAKVILLE,  Ont.    Cox.  H.  C. 
OTTAWA,  Ont.    Doughty,  A.  E. 
PORT    SIMPSON,    B.    C.      Beynon,    William. 

PRINCE  RUPERT,  B.  C.    Bailey,  H.  C.,  P.  O. 

Box    958.      English    literature;    Poets; 




PRINCE  RUPERT,  B.  C. β€” Continued 

Translations      of      Latin      and      Greek 

TORONTO,    Ont.      Alexander,    Will    W.,    116 

King  St.,  W.    Bookplates. 
β€” Ayearst,  Morley  J.,  63  Kendal  Ave.   Book- 
β€” Baker,    Prof.    Alfred,    81    Madison    Ave. 

Byron;  Shelley. 

β€” Beattie,  R.  G.,  28  Laburnun  Ave. 
β€”Bell,  Dr.  A.  J.,  56  St.  George  St. 
β€” Bowman,  A.  B.,  377  Walmer  Rd. 
β€” Buchanan,    Prof.    M.    A.,    University    of 


β€” Campbell,  George  C.,  Kent  Bldg. 
β€”Clark,  R.  S.,  313  Russell  Hill  Rd. 
β€” Colquhoun,  Dr.  A.  H.  U.,  342  Walmer  Rd. 

Canadian  history;  U.  S.  Relations  with 


β€” Cook,  Mrs.  J.  L.,  76  Evelyn  Crescent. 
β€” DeLury,  A.  T.,  74  St.  Alban's  St. 
β€” Denison,   Col.  George   T.,  372  Dovercourt 


β€”Fisher,  A.  B.,  96  Glen  Rd. 
β€” Flavelle,  Sir  Joseph,  Queen's  Park. 
β€” Fremont,  Arthur,  387  Church  St. 
β€” Gow,  Dr.  George,  48  Bloor  St.,  E. 
β€” Gray,  Frank  M.,  Confederation  Life  Bldg. 
β€” Greening,  W.  S.,  51  Dunvegan  Rd. 
β€” Harrod,     Stanley,     noj^     Havelock     St. 

β€”Hathaway,  R.  H.,  258  Garden  Ave.     First 

eds.  of  modern  English  authors;  Mod- 
ern literature. 

β€”James,  J.  W.,  76  Collier  St. 
β€” Jull,  T.  W.,  184  Crescent  Rd. 
β€”Lewis,  Ivor  R.,  89  Stibbard  Ave. 
β€”Locke,  Dr.  G.  H.,  Public  Library. 
β€” MacKay,  W.  MacDonald,  26  Lonsdale  Rd. 

R.    L.     Stevenson;     George    Meredith; 

Maurice  Hewlett;   Oscar   Wilde;  Rich- 
ard LeGalliene;  Max  Beerbohm;  Books 

of  the  go's. 

β€” Malone,  E.  T.,  467  Sherbourne  St. 
β€”Marquis,  T.  G.,  55  Gould  St. 
β€” Massey,  Vincent,  71  Queen's  Park. 
β€”Mitchell,  Gen.  C.  H.,  35  Sherbourne  St.,  N. 
β€”Murphy,  J.  J.,  5  Sultan  St. 
β€”Reed.  T.  A..  University  of  Toronto.  Canad- 

β€” Riddell,   Hon.  William  Renwick,  Osgoode 

Hall.    Canadiana;  America  to  1815. 
β€” Saunders,  Henry  S.,  9  Neville  Park  Blvd. 


β€” Segsworth,  Robert  F.,  26  S.  Drive. 
β€”Shaw,  Prof.  A.  E.,  University  of  Toronto. 
β€” Sifton,  Sir  Clifford,  6  Clarendon  Crescent. 
β€” Smythe,  Albert  E,  S.,  22  W.  Glen   Cove 

Ave.       Theosophy;    Occultism;   Poetry; 

Irish   literature;    Canadiana;    IV hitman; 

Tennyson;  Dickens. 
*  β€” Sproatt,  Henry,  8  Prince  Arthur  Ave. 


TORONTO,   ONT. β€” Continued 

β€”Tyrrell,  Dr.  J.  B.,  564  Sherbourne  St. 

β€”Walker,  Sir  Edmund,  99  St.  George  St. 

β€”Wallace,  W.  Stuart,  59  Poplar  Plains  Rd. 

β€”Warden,  John  T.,  92  Orchard  View  Blvd. 
Canadiana;  North  American  Indians. 

β€” Willison,  Sir  John,  10  Elmsley  PI. 

β€” Windle,  Sir  Bertram,  89  St.  Joseph  St. 

β€”Wood,  E.  R.,  Queen's  Park. 

β€”Wrong,  Prof.  G.  M.,  73  Walmer  Rd. 

VANCOUVER.  B.  C.  Douglas.  Robert  W., 
1004  Broughton  St.  Canadiana;  First 
cds.  fiction,  poetry;  Early  English  lit- 
erature; First  eds.  Bliss  Carman,  Sam 
Slick,  James  De  Mille. 

β€” Eastham,  John  W.,  4569  Ave.  W.  Gold- 
win  Smith;  British  Columbia;  Fiji; 
Naturalists'  travels  and  explorations. 

β€”Gillies,  Dr.  B.  D.,  Birks  Bldg. 

β€” Colder,  Stephen,  Auto  Club,  Vancouver 

β€” James,  R.,  P.  O.  Box  176.    Canadiana. 

β€” Macpherson,  R.  G.,  Rogers  Bldg. 

β€” Malkin,  J.  P.,  W.  H.  Malkin  &  Co. 

β€” Nelson,  John,  2566  York  St.    Canadiana. 

β€” Pound,  A.  M.,  510  Hastings  St.,  W.  Ca- 
nadiana; Bliss  Carman. 

β€” Reed,  R.  L.,  Yorkshire  Bldg.     Canadiana. 

β€”Scott,  Dr.,  Editor  "The  Province,"  Hast- 
ings St. 

β€” Senior,  Frank  Burnett,  4698  Fourth  Ave., 
W.  South  Seas;  Travel;  Anthropol- 

VICTORIA,  B.  C.  Forsyth,  John,  406  Craig- 
flower  Rd.  British  Columbia;  Van- 
couver Island;  Old  Oregon;  Pacific 

WESTMOUNT.  Bolton,  W.  Ernest,  577  Ros- 
lyn  Ave.  Bookplates. 

WINNIPEG,  Man.  Baird,  Dr.,  Manitoba  Col- 

β€”Cohen,  Ruth  A.,  143  Poison  Aye. 

β€” Crawford,  Dr.  A  A.,  University  of  Mani- 

β€” Fleming,  Rev.  Dick,  135  Canora  St.  Theol- 
ogy; Philosophy. 

β€”Gordon,  C.  W.,  54  West  Gate. 

β€” Hyman,  Marcus,  516  Mclntyre  Bldg.  Gen- 
eral literature;  History;  Biography; 
Economics;  Judaica;  International  law; 

β€” McWilliams,  R.  F.,  206  Devon  Court. 

β€” Matheson,  Canon,  172  Church  Ave. 

β€” Nuttall,  F.  E.,  University  of  Manitoba. 
Islam  and  the  Mahometan  world,  incl. 
the  Arabic,  Persian  and  Turkish 

β€”Perry,  Prof.  A.  J.,  University  of  Mani- 

β€”Wade,  H.  Gerald,  5  Vansittart  Block. 
Dickensiana;  Thackerayana. 


Arranged  Alphabetically 

"As  society  refines,  books  become  more  necessary,  and  the 
taller  they  grow  in  the  esteem  of  manly  men.  Next  to 
acquiring  friends-that-a/v-friends,  the  best  acquisition  is  books- 
that-are-books ;  indeed,  no  human  friendship  can  eyer  surpass 
that  of  book-friends  in  our  library,  thru  which  our  head  and 
heart  and  character  and  ability  to  serve  the  higher  needs  of 
others  have  been  lifted  to  loftier  levels:  books  as  well  as 
friendship  mean  enrichment  of  life,  or  they  mean  nothing β€” 
every  real  man's  life  is  spent  in  the  search  for  friendship." 
β€” James  F.  Willis,  Bibliophily. 



ABBOT,   C.    Yarnall,    "The    Gladstone,"    Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 
ABBOTT,  Arthur  B.,  7  E.  45th  St.,  New  York 

ABBOTT,  Mrs.  Howard,  2219  E.  Superior  St., 

Duluth,  Minn. 
ABBOTT  James  T.,  42    West  St.,  Northampton, 

ABERNATHY,  Julian   W.,  285  S.   Willard   St.. 

Burlington,  Vt. 

ABNEY,  B.  L.,  Columbia,  S.  C. 
ABNEY,  John  R.,  19  E.  86th  St.,  New  York. 
ACHARD,   Dr.   H.   J.,   4757   Ravenswood  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 
ACKERLY,  O.  B.,  210  Walburton  Ave.,  Yonkers, 

N.  Y. 
ADAM,    R.    B.,    46    Norwood    Ave.,    Buffalo, 

N.  Y. 

ADAM,  William  L.,  W.  Housatonic  St.,  Pitts- 
field,  Mass. 

ADAMS,  A.  S.,  136  W.  Lake  St.,  Chicago,  111. 
ADAMS,  Alva,  207  Broadway,  Pueblo,  Colo. 
ADAMS,  G.  S.,  1355  3d  Ave.,  Louisville,  Ky. 
ADAMS,  Dr.  George,  2937   Fillmore   St.,   San 

Francisco,  Cal. 
ADAMS,  George  Burton,  57  Edgehill  Rd..  New 

Haven,  Conn. 

ADAMS,  James  Truslow,  Bridgehampton,  N.  Y. 
ADAMS,  Joseph  Q.,   167  Goldwin  Smith   Hall, 

Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

ADAMS,  S.  B.,  Savannah,  Ga. 
ADDISON.    Thomas    M.,    2425    Channing    Ave.. 

Berkeley,  Cal. 
ADKINS,  Nelson  F.,  41  Madison  St.,  Hartford, 

ADLER,  Elmer,   163  East  36th  St.,  New  York 

AFFLECK,  G.  B.,  287  Hickory  St.,  Springfield, 

AGNEW,    Andrew    D.,    1203    Trust    Co.    Bldg., 

Milwaukee,  Wis. 

AIKEN,  Gen.  William  A.,  Norwich,  Conn. 
AINSWORTH,  Henry,  Moline,  111. 
AITKEN,    John    Winfield,    52    Roosevelt    Ave.. 

Carbondale,  Pa. 



ALBERY,  F.  F.  D.,  37  Lexington  Ave.,  Colum- 
bus, O. 

ALDEN,  Charles  W.,  503  Genesee  Ave., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

ALDEN,  Claire  K.,  47  Mather  St.,  Dorchester, 

ALDRICH,  Morton  A.,  722  Cherokee  St.,  New 
Orleans,  La. 

ALEXANDER,  Benjamin,  258  S.  :8th  St.,  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 

ALEXANDER,  Gary  W.,  404  Atlantic  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

ALGER,  Frederick  M.,  2040  Penobscot  Bldg., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

ALLEN,  A.  M.,  195  6th  Ave.,  N.,  Troy,  N.  Y. 

ALLEN,  Charles  Dexter,  80  Gates  Ave.,  Mont- 
clair,  N.  J. 

ALLEN,  Edward  Frank,  64  Carlton  St.,  East 
Orange,  N.  J. 

ALLEN,  Right  Rev.   Edward  P.,  Mobile,  Ala. 

ALLEN,  Prof.  J.  T.,  2243  College  Ave.,  Berke- 
ley, Cal. 

ALLEN,  Judge  L.,  Glenview,  Ky. 

ALLEN,  Miss  S.  J.,  255  E.  Main  St.,  Moores- 
town,  N.  J. 

ALLERTON,  Mrs.  Samuel  W.,  Highland  and 
Fairview  Sts.,  South  Pasadena,  Cal. 

ALLISON,  Charles  B.,  Mission  Hill,  S.  D. 

ALSTON,  Robert  L.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

ALTON,  Dr.  R.  C.,  Livingston,  Mont. 

ALTSCHUL,  F.,  10  Wall  St.,  New  York. 

ALVAREZ,  Dr.  W.  C.,  City  of  Paris  Bldg.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

ALVORD,  Clarence  W.,  Univ.  of  Minn.,  Minne- 
apolis, Minn. 

AMBROSE,  Thomas,  330  E.  22d  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

sey City,  N.  J. 

AMES,  E.  G.,  Walker  Bldg.,  Seattle,  Wash. 

AMES,  Oakes,  North  Easton,  Mass. 

AMES,  William  Homer,  168  West  High  St., 
Carlisle,  Pa. 

AMIDON,  Judge  Charles  F.,  Fargo,  N.  D. 

AMSDEN  Studios,  2307  Prospect  Ave.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

ANDERSON,  Frank  H.,  1121  Empire  Bldg., 
Birmingham,  Ala. 

ANDERSON,  Homer,  135  Hudson  Ave.,  Peek- 
skill,  N.  Y. 

ANDERSON,  J.  L.,  Box  325,  Beatrice,  Neb. 

ANDERSON,  J.  R.,  Beatrice,  N.  H. 

ANDERSON,  Prof.  L.  T.,  364  Boyer  Ave.,  Walla 
Walla,  Wash. 

ANDERSON,  Rasmus  B.,  316  S.  Carroll  St., 
Madison,  Wis. 


ANDKEINI,  J.  M.,  29  W.  75th  St.,  New  York. 

ANDREW,  Miss  Nell,  c|o  Texas  Christian  Uni- 
versity, Forth  Worth,  Tex. 

ANDREWS,  Arthur  Irving,  Tufts  College,  Med- 
ford,  Mass. 

ANDREWS,  Mrs.  A.  P.,  1002  Indiana  Ave.,  La 
Porte,  Ind. 

ANDREWS,  Chas.  W.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

ANDREWS,  Dr.  Glenn,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

ANGELL,    Walter    F.,    Keene    St.,    Providence, 
R.  I. 

ANGERT,  Eugene  H.,  3rd  Natl.  Bank  Bldg.,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

ANGLE,  Dr.  E.  J.,  2219  B    St..  Lincoln,  Neb. 

ANTHONY,  F.  D.,  Knickerbocker  Apts.,  Albany, 
N.  Y. 

APPLETON,  Colonel  Frederick  H.,  Bangor,  Me. 

APPLEYARD,  F.,  66  Leonard  St.,  New  York. 

APPLEYARD,  Joseph,  39  Center  St.,  Jamestown, 
N.  Y. 

ARANOFF,  N.  K.,  314  W.  Superior  St.,  Chicago, 

ARENSBERG,   C.   C,   5400  Hobart   St.,   Squirrel 
Hill   District,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

ARMBRUSTER,      Eugene    L.,    263    Eldert     St., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

ARMES,  Prof.  W.  D.,  Faculty  Club,  Berkeley, 

ARMSTRONG,  A.   J.,  Baylor  University,  Waco, 

ARNOLD,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  182  Pearl  St.,  Burling- 
ton, Vt. 

ARNOLD,   Fred  A.,    185   Friendship   St.,   Prov- 
idence, R.  I. 

ARNOLD,  F.  M.,  927  E.  4Oth  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

ARNOLD,  William  Harris,  Nutley,  N.  J. 

ASMUS,  Grover  E.?  4011  Hudson  Blvd.,  North 
Bergen,  N.  J. 

ATHERTON,  John   M.,   Cherokee  Drive,   Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

ATKINSON,  Fred  W.,  55  Remsen  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

ATWOOD,  John  H.,   N.  Y.  Life  Bldg.,  Kansas 
City,   Mo. 

AUCHINCLOSS,  C.  C.,  12  E.  7ist  St.,  New  York. 

AUGUSTUS,  A.  A.,   11455   Juniper   Rd.,   Cleve- 
land, O. 

AULT,  L.  A.,  Ault  &  Wiborg  Company,  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

AVER,  Edward  E.,  2  Banks  St.,  Chicago,     111. 


BABCOCK,  A.  L.,  Billings,  Mont. 
BABCOCK,  Louis  L.,  726  Delaware  Ave.,  Buf- 
falo; N.  Y. 


BABOOCK,  Margaret  Woods,  Columbia,  S.  C. 
BACHE,    Franklin,    Land    Title    Bldg.,    Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 

BACH  MAN,  J.  W.,  D.D.,   Chattanooga,  Tenn. 
BACKMAN,  J.  J.,  212  Sunnyside  Ave.,  Aurora, 

BACON,  Paul  V.,  623  Wabash  Ave.,  Chicago, 


BADGER,  Rodney  T.,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 
BAER,  Carlyle  S.,  1719  K    St.  N.  W.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 
BAER,  Frank   House,  2865   Southington  Road, 

Cleveland,  O. 
BAER,  Michael  S.,  Maryland  Casualty  Tower, 

Baltimore,  Md. 
BAGLEV,    Clarence    B.,    900   2d   Ave.,    Seattle, 

BAILEY,    Charles    Olin,    Bailey-Glidden    Bldg., 

Sioux  Falls,  S.  D. 
BAILEY,    Frank,    175    Remsen    St.,    Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
BAILEY,  H.  C.,  P.  O.  Box  958,  Prince  Rupert, 

B.  C.,  Canada. 
BAILEY,  Harold  H.,  Liberty  Ave.,  Miami  Beach, 


BAILEY,  Louis  J.,  635  Fillmore  St.,  Gary,  Ind. 
BAILEY,   Mrs.    Vardaman    W.,   244   N.    Kenil- 

worth  Ave.,  Eagle  Rock,  Cal. 
BAKER,  C.  O.,  95  Washington  St.,  East  Orange, 

N.  J. 
BAKER,  Harry  J.,  1136  S.  6th  St.,  Terre  Haute, 

BAKER,  Moses  N.,  53  Oakwood  Ave.,  Upper 

Montclair,  N.  J. 
BAKER,  M.  N.,   10th  Ave.  and  36th  St.,  New 


BAKER,  Ray  Palmer,  Troy,  N.  Y. 
BAKER,     Robert    E.,    2559    Derbyshire    Road, 

Cleveland,  O. 

BAKER,  Talbot,  37  Newbury  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
BALDWIN,  A.  M.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
BALDWIN,  Forester  R.,  c|o  Central  Trust  Co., 

Cincinnati,  O. 

BALDWIN,  Frederick  W.,  Barton,  Vt. 
BALDWIN,   Hon.    S.   E.,   69   Church    St.,    New 

Haven,  Conn. 

BALKEN,  Edward  Duff,  P.  O.  Box  1259,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 
BALL,  Charles  T.,  Seminary  Hill,  Fort  Worth, 


BALL,  E.  Arthur,  Muncie,  Ind. 
BALL,  George  A.,  Oakhurst,  Muncie,  Ind. 
BALL,  James  Moores,  M.D.,  4500  Olive  St.,  St. 

Louis,  Mo. 
BALLARD,    H.    H.,    247    South    St.,    Pittsfield, 



BALLARD,  James  F.,  8  Fenway,  Boston,  Mass. 
BALLARD,  Roy,  Seattle,  Wash, 
BALLARD,  Thurston  R.  C,  Louisville,  Ky. 
BALZ,   Leonard,   4022   N.   Florissant   Ave.,   St. 

Louis,   Mo. 
BANCROFT,    Samuel,     Parkway    nr.     Rockford 

Rd.,  Rockford,  Del. 

BANCROFT,  Samuel,  Jr.(  Wilmington,  Del. 
BANNING,  Kendall,  The  Players,   120  E.  20th 

St.,  New  York. 

BARBER,  Charles,  Oshkosh,  Wis. 
BARBER,  G.  Y.,  35  E.  3oth  St.,  New  York  City. 
BARBER,  H.  G.,  143  Third  Ave.    East  Roselle, 

N.  J. 
BARBER,  William  L.,  36  Marshal   St.,   Somer- 

ville,  Mass. 
BARBOUR,  Thomas  J.,  1000  California  St.,  San 

Francisco,    Cal. 

BARNARD,  Charles,  Box  396,  Ventura,  Cal. 
BARNES,  Mrs.  Julius  H.,  25  South  26th  Ave., 

Duluth,   Minn. 
BARNES,    Prof.    Nathaniel    Waring,    Box    164, 

University  of  Chicago,  Chicago,  111. 
BARNWELL,  Rev.  M.  S.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
BARRET,  Oliver  R.,  Kenilworth,  111. 
BARTLETT,  H.  H.,  335  Packard  St.,  Ann  Arbor, 

BARTON,   Emery    H.,    503    Fourth    Nat.    Bank 

Bldg.,   Cincinnati,   O. 
BARTON,  Rev.  W.  E.,  166  N.  Kenilworth  Ave., 

Oak  Park,  111. 

BASS,  Robert  P.,  Peterboro,  N.  H. 
BASSELIN,  Theodore  B.,  Craghan,  N.  Y. 
BASSETT,    Samuel    E.,    295    S.    Prospect    St., 

Burlington,  Vt. 
BATES,  Albert  C.,  24  Marshall  St.,  Hartford, 

BATES,  Charles   F.,  Security  Bldg.,  St.  Louis, 

BATES,    Charles    O.,    Fidelity    Bldg.     Tacoma, 


BATTLE,  Dr.  H.  B.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
BATTLE,  Dr.  Kemp  B.,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
BATTLE,  W.  J.,  University  of   Texas,  Austin, 

BATTLES,  D.  Blake,  1239  W.  115  St.,  Cleveland, 


BAUGH,  Albert   C,  638  S.  54th  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 
BAUM,  David,  Omaha,  Neb. 

BAUMGARDT,  B.  R.,  626  W.  30th  St.,  Los  An- 
geles, Cal. 

BAUSMAN,  Frederick,  Seattle,  Wash. 
BAY,  J.    Christian,   c/o  John   Crerar  Library, 
Chicago,  111. 



BEACH,  Percy  A.,  Cattaraugus,  N.  Y. 

BEAL,   Junius,  343   So.  5th  Ave.,   Ann  Arbor, 

BEAM,  George  L.,  229  Equitable  Bldg.,  Denver, 


BEANS,  George  H.,  Box  251,  Gknside,  Pa. 
BEARDSLEY,  Mrs.   A.  R.,  300   Beardsley   Ave., 

Elkhardt,   Iwl. 

BEARDSLEY,  Arthur  S.,  University  of  Washing- 
ton Library,  Spokane,  Wash. 
BEARDSLEY,   Rev.   W.   A.,   70   Elm   St.,    New 

Haven,  Conn. 

BEAUCHAMP,  George,   Montgomery,  Ala. 
BEAUCHAMP,  Rev.  William  M.,  121  Mark  Ave., 

Syracuse,   N.  Y. 
BEAUMONT,    John    W.,    1090    Seminole    Ave., 

Detroit,  Mich. 
BEECHER,    Mrs.    L.    T.,     Graymour    Heights, 

Birmingham,   Ala. 
BEEKMAN,    B.     B.,     Platt     Bldg.,     Portland, 

BEER,    William,    Howard    Memorial    Library, 

New  Orleans,  La. 
BEHRENDT,   Sam,  435   S.  Windsor   Blvd.,   Los 

Angeles,  Cal. 

BELDEN,  Mrs.  N.  E.,  100  Fir  St.,  Akron,  O. 
BELKNAP,  Henry  W.,  33  Warren   St.,  Salem, 


BELL,  J.  L.,  60  Avenue  B.,  Bismarck,  N.  D. 
BEMIS,  Frank  B.,  15  State  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
BEMIS,  J.  S.,  601  South  Fourth  St.,  St.  Louis, 


BENDER,  A.  M.,  311  California  St.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 
BENEDICT,  H.  Y.,  3401  Guadalupe  St.,  Austin, 


BENEDICT,  Russell,  44  Wall  St.,  New  York. 
BENJAMIN,  George  H.,  20  W.  nth  St.,  New 

BENNETT,  Fred  L.  W.,  1051  7th  East  St.,  Salt 

Lake  City,  Utah. 
BENSON,  Rev.  Louis  F.,  2014  De  Lancey  PI., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

BENT,  Allen  H.,  53  State  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
BENTEY,  James  H.,  Ridley  Park,  Pa. 
BENTON,  Jay  Bayard,  Winchester,  Mass. 
BERDAN,  John  M.,  71  Edgehill  Rd.,  New  Ha- 
ven, Conn. 
BERGSTROM,  Edwin,  Citizens  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 

Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
BERNEY,  Saffold,  Mobile,  Ala. 
BEROLZHEIMER,  D.  D.,    19  E.   24th  St.,   New 

BERRY,  B.  D.,  623  Wabash  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

BERRY,  Deneese,  Nashville,  Term. 



BERRY,  (Jeorge  F.,  Frankfort,  Ky. 

BERRY,  Capt.  Horace  N.,  Senior  Port  Warden, 

Boston,  Mass. 
BERWALD,    Samuel    W.,    7419    Madison    Ave., 

Cleveland,  O. 
BEST,  Frank  E.,  137  S.  Ashland  Ave.,  Chicago, 


BETTS,  Samuel  R.,  52  William  St.,  New  York. 
BEYER,  C.  W.  H.,  Grinnell,  la. 
BICKERTON,  Thomas  W.,  623  West  End  Ave., 

New  York  City. 
BIDERMANN,    Frederick    A.,    2183    Washington 

Ave.,  New  York. 

BIDGOOD,  Dr.  Lee,  University,  Ala. 
BIEBER,  Albert  A.,  17  Montgomery  St.,  Jersey 

City,  N.  J. 

BIGELOW,  Edward  L.,  Marlborough,  Mass. 
BIGELOW,      Frederick    S.,    Buck    Lane,    Bryn 

Mawr,  Pa. 

BIGGS,  John,  Wilmington,  Del. 
BILLINGHURST,  C.  B.,  Pierre,  S.  D.  , 

BINGHAM,  R.  W.,   Louisville  Courier-Journal, 

Louisville,  Ky. 
BIRNBAUM,   Martin,   1261  Madison  Ave.,  New 


BISBEE,  Dr.  A.  B.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 
BISHOP,  Cortlandt  F.,  14  Wall  St.,  New  York. 
BISHOP,  J.  L.,  Selma,  Ala. 
BISHOP,   William    W.,    Univ.    of    Mich.,    Ann 

Arbor,  Mich. 
BISSETT,    C.    P.,    914   24th   Ave.    N.,    Seattle, 

BLACK,  A.    Bruce,  265  East   St.,   Bloomsburg, 


BLACK,  Albert,  Albion,  Ind. 
BLACK,     Mrs.     H.    V.,    Irvington-on-Hudson, 

New  York. 

BLACK,  W.  C,  Jr.,  Beatrice,  Neb. 
BLACKBURN,  Oscar  T.,  P.  O.  Box  278,  Route 

2,  Hopkins,  Mich. 
BLACKBURN,    Dr.    W.    J.,    663    Reibald    Ave., 

Dayton,  O. 
BLACKWELL,  Henry,  56  University  Place,  New 

BLAND,  Henry  Meade,  Route  B,  Box  256,  San 

Jose,   Cal. 

BLISH,  James  K.,  Kewanee,  111. 
BLISS,  Wm.  H.,  P.  O.  Box  596,  Santa  Barbara, 


BLOCK,  Louis  James,  Oak  Park,  111. 
BLOOM,  Dr.  I.  N.,  Reeser  PI.,  Louisville,  Ky. 
BOARDMAN,  C.  H.  E.,  405  E.  Main  St.,  Mar- 

shalltown,  la. 
BOGGS,  P.  M.,  ii  Thomas  St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 



BOLTON,   Prof.    Herbert   E.,    1526    Spring   St., 
Berkeley,   Cal 

BONAR,  L.  J.,  Mansfield,  O. 

BONESTELL,  C.  K.,  Mason  Bldg.,  Fresno,  Cal. 

BOODIN,  Prof.  J.  E.,  Northfield,  Minn. 

BOOK,  Robert  D.,  Sewickley,  Pa. 

BOOTH,    George    G.,    Detroit    Evening    News, 
Detroit,  Mich. 

BOOTH,  Miss  Margaret,  Sayre  St.,  Montgomery, 

BOREMAN,  R.  J.  A.,  204  4th  St.,  Parkersburg 
W.   Va. 

BORNEMAN,  Henry  S.,  801  Liberty  Bldg.,  Phil- 
adelphia,  Pa. 

BOTT,  George  C,  511  G  St.,  Tacoma,  Wash. 

BOURLAND,  Benj.  P.,  11500  Euclid  Ave.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

BOUTON,  A.  L.,  16  Dudley  PI.,  Yonkers,  N.  Y. 

BOUTON,  Hon.  Jay  H.,  Fort  Collins,  Colo. 

BOUTWELL,    Edgar,    "Courier-Journal",    Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

BOWDOIN,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  30th  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

BOWER,  W.  J.,   18206  Windward  Road,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

BOWIE,  Henry,  P.,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 

BOWMAN,  G.  Y.,  Paducha,  Texas. 

BOYD,  Charles   N.,   131   Bellefield  Ave.,   Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

BOYD,  Jackson,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

BOYD,  Leroy  S.,  Interstate  Commerce  Commis- 
sion, Washington,  D.  C. 

BOYDEN,  William  L.,   i6th  &   S   St.,   N.   W., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

BOYER,  E.  P.,  Bourse  Bldg.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

BOYLE,  E.  M.,  1534  Diamond  St.,  Philadelphia, 

BOYNTON,  Mrs.  J.  E.,  Waco,  Texas. 

BRADFORD,  D.  C.,  404  S.  3Qth  St.,  Omaha,  Neb. 

BRADFORD,  J.  C.,  American  Trust  Bldg.,  Nash- 
ville, Tenn. 

BRADLEY,  Charles   Barnet,   Convent,   N.   J. 

BRADLEY,  N.  S.,  621   S.  Jefferson  Ave.,  Sagi- 
naw,  Mich. 

BRAGG,  Thomas,  Auburn,  Ala. 

BRAINARD,  D.  L.,  Brig.  Gen.,  Army  and  Navy 
Club,  Washington,  D.  C. 

BRAINARD,  M.  B.,  137  Washington   St.,  Hart- 
ford, Conn. 

BRAISLIN,  Dr.  William   C.,  425   Clinton   Ave., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

BRANDEIS,  Alfred,  Louisville,  Ky. 

BRANDON,  F.  D.,  1112  Market  St.,  R.  129,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

BRANDON,  Frank  W.,  Gadsden,  Ala. 


BKANNKK,   John   Casper,    Stanford   University, 


BRANNON,  Peter  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
I5i<i  A i x,   Chief  Justice  J.  A.,   1728  Canal  St., 

New  Orleans,  La. 

BRECKENRIDGE,  Desha,  Lexington,  Ky. 
HKK  KKNRIDGE,  H.  M.,  Park  Bldg.,  Pittsburgh, 

BRECKENRIDGE,  W.  C,  4123  Enright  Ave.,  St. 

Louis,  Mo. 

BREWER,  Luther  A.,  Cedar  Rapids,  la. 
BREWER,  Owen  D.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
BREWER,  Rev.  W.  A.,  St.  Matthews'  School, 

Burlingame,  Cal. 
BREWSTER,   S.  W.,    Hart's   Island,   New  York 

BRIDGMAN,    Henry    H.,    Fox    Hill,    Norfolk, 

BRIGGS,    Frankland,    560    Mt.    Prospect    Ave., 

Newark,  N.  J. 
BRIGHAM,    C.    S.,    34    Cedar    St.,    Worcester, 


BRIGHAM,  Herbert  O.,  359   Brook   St.,   Prov- 
idence, R.  I. 
BRILLHART,    E.     Davis,     State     Normal,     Mt. 

Pleasant,  Mich. 
BRISTOL,    Wm.    C,    Wilcox    Bldg.,    Portland, 

BRITTON,    Roy,    Boatman's     Bank    Bldg.,     St. 

Louis,  Mo. 

BROCK,  M.  J.,  Grass  Valley,  Nevada  Co.,  Cal. 
BROCKETT,  Helen   F.,    191    Prospect   St.,   East 

Orange,  N.  J. 
BROCKKTT,  Robert  M.,  121  W.  8th  St.,  Kansas 

City,  Mo. 
BROCKMAN,  Dr.  D.  C,  i  Torbin  Hill,  Ottumwa, 


BRODT,  H.  F.,  328  W.  3ist  St.,  New  York  City. 
BROHF.L,  Joseph  A.,   167  Clinton  PI.,  Hacken- 

sack,  N.  J. 

BROKAW,  W.  E.,  Bay  View,  Skagit  Co.,  Wash. 
BROMBERG,  Frederick  G.,  108  N.  Claiborn  St., 

Mobile,  Ala. 

ern Parkway,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
BROOKS,  Miss  A.   F.,  60  Ocean  Ave.,  Salem, 


BROOKS,  Frank  H.,  St.  Johnsbury,  Vt. 
BROUGH,  C.  H.,  Fayetteville,  Ark. 
BROWER,  H.  M.,  Gloversville,  N.  Y. 
BROWER,  J.  F.,  38  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chicago,  111. 
BROWN,    Calvin    S.,    Box    53,    University    of 

Mississippi,  North  Oxford,  Miss. 
BROWN,    Charles   A.,    1550   Monadnock   Block, 

Chicago,  111. 



BROWN,  Demarchus  C,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 
BROWN,  Dickson  Q.,  33  E.  48th  St.,  New  York. 
BROWN,  Eli  H.,  Frankfort,  Ky. 
BROWN,  Ernest  C.,  741  St.  Nicholas  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
BROWN,  Mrs.  Ernest  C.,  741  St.  Nicholas  Ave., 

New  York  City. 

BROWN,  George,  M.D.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
BROWN,  Henry   Collins,   15  E.  40th   St.,   New 

York  City. 
BROWN,  John  C,   117  8th  Ave.  S.,   Nashville, 

BROWN,  Joseph  R.,  Jr.,  go  State  St.,  Albany, 

N.  Y. 
BROWN,  Mrs.  J.  J.,  Brown's  Addition,  Spokane, 

BROWN,  Lawrason,   M.D.,   104  Main  St.,  Sar- 

anac  Lake,  N.  Y. 

BROWN,  Leo.,  604  Government  St.,  Mobile,  Ala. 
BROWN,  Milton  G.,  117  Crescent  St.,  Rutland, 

BROWN,  Philip' G.,  85  Vaughan  St.,   Portland, 


BROWN,  Stuart,  Springfield,  111. 
BROWN,  Wallace   E.,   North  Adams,   Mass. 
BRUDNO,   A.    C,    Society    for    Savings    Bldg., 

Cleveland,  O. 
BRUMBAUGH,  Martin  G.,  254  W.  Walnut  Lane, 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
BRUNNO,  Dr.,  Princeton,  N.  J. 
BRYAN,  John  Stewart,  "Laburnum",  Richmond, 

BRYAN,  Wilhelmus  B.,  1330  i8th  St.,  N.  W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
BRYAN,  W.  J.,  Saxton,  Pa. 
BRYANT,  Benj.   J.,  3412  University  Ave.,  San 

Diego,  Cal. 

BUBB,  Rev.  Charles  C.,  208  South  Clover,  Fre- 
mont, O. 
BUCHANAN,   Mrs.   Robert  A.,   3011   Humbold 

Ave.  S.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
BUCK,  M.  S.,   1720  Sansom   St.,  Philadelphia, 

BUCKENHAM,   J.   E.   Burnett,    M.D.,   Chestnut 

Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

BUCKINGHAM,  G.  T.,  220  E.  Walton  PI.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

BUFFUM,  William  P.,  28  Greenough  PI.,  New- 
port, R.  I. 

BULKELEY,  Morgan  G.,  Hartford,  Conn. 
BULLEN^  Henry  Lewis,  300  Communipaw  Ave., 

Jersey  City,  N.  J. 
BULLITT,  William  Marshall,  c|o  Bruce  Bullitt 

&  Gordon,  I7th  Floor  Inter  Southern  Bldg., 

Louisville,  Ky. 


BULLIVANT,  W.  M.,  250  "Mt.  Vernon  St.,  West 
Newton,  Mass. 

BULLOCK,  Alexander  H.,  340  Main  St.,  Wor- 
cester, Mass. 

BULLOCK,  James  W.,  507  St.  Paul  Bldg.,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 

BUNN,  Jacob,  1616  Leland  Ave.,  Springfield, 

BURBANK,  Luther,  204  Santa  Rosa  St.,  Santa 
Rosa,  Cal. 

BURGES,  Richard  F.,  Two  Republics  Bldg.,  El 
Paso,  Texas. 

BURGES,  William  H.,  First  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 
El  Paso,  Texas. 

BURKE,  Dr.  R.  P.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

BURKE,  Hon.  Robert  E.,  49  High  St.,  New- 
buryport,  Mass. 

BURN  HAM,  H.  H.,  Sanford,  Me. 

BURNHAM  R.  B.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

BURNHAM,  Mrs.  W.  H.,  401  So.  Kingsley 
Drive,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

BURNS,  P.  P.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

BURR,  J.  K.,  341  Bowery,  New  York. 

BURR,  Joseph  Brown,  474  8th  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

BURTON,  Clarence  M.,  Public  Library,  Detroit, 

BURTON,  George  W.,  La  Crosse,  Wis. 

BURTON,  Harry  W.,  1638  Jackson  Blvd.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

BURTON,  John  E.,  612  Milwaukee  St.,  Mil- 
waukee, Wis. 

BURTON,  Robert  Mosby,  388  N.  Euclid  Ave., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

BURTON,  Walter,  Box  114,  Keokuk,  la. 

BUSCH,  William,  North  Chevy  Chase,  Md. 

BUSH,  A.   N.,  Salem,  Oregon. 

BUSH,  William  H.,  1538  N.  State  Parkway, 
Chicago,  111. 

BUTLER,  A.  W.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

BUTLER,  Jos.  G.,  P.  O.  Box  308,  Youngstown, 

BUTLER,  Robert  C,  East  Gravers  Lane,  Chest- 
nut Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

BUTTON,  William  B.  M.,  505  Hotel  Rickford, 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

BUTTRICK,  E.  G.,  307  Wilder  St.,  Lowellj  Mass. 

BYRNE,  Arthur  E.,  Suite  216,  58  W.  Wash- 
ington St.,  Chicago,  111. 


CADY,  Wm.   B.,   759  Seminole  Ave.,  Detroit, 


CALDWELL,  Prof.  A.  F.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 
CALDWELL,  Benj.  Frank,  Chatham,  I1L 



CALDWELL,  F.   H.,   Chattanooga,   Tenn. 

CALKINS,  Earnest  E.,  250  5th  Ave.,  New  York. 

CALLAHAN,  Prof.  J.  M.,  136  Willey  St.,  Mor- 
gantown,  W.  Va. 

CALLANAN,  William  A.,  346  Broadway,   New 
York  City. 

CALVERT,     George    C,    915    Merchants     Bank 

Bldg.,   Indianapolis,  Ind. 
.  CALVERT,  J.  F.,  2  E.  23rd  St.,  New  York  City. 

CAMERON,  John  L.,   Riverside,  111. 

CAMERON,  Robert  A.,  17  Lewis    Ave.,  Billings, 

CAMPAU,  A.  B.,  116  Union  Ave.,  Grand  Rap- 
ids, Mich. 

CAMPBELL,  Mrs.  Allen  B.,  Spokane,  Wash. 

CAMPBELL,  George,  870  Ashbury  St.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

CAMPBELL,  Kelles,  Austin,  Texas. 

CAMPBELL,  Palmer,   i   Newark  St.,  Hoboken, 
N.  J. 

CAMPBELL,  Peter,  515  Mt.  Prospect  Ave.,  New- 
ark, N.  J. 

CAMPBELL,  Dr.  W.  J.,  413  School  House  Lane, 
Germantown,   Philadelphia,   Pa. 

CANNON,  Lucius  H.,  211  City  Hall,  St.  Louis, 

CANNON,    Peter    J.,    359    High    St.,    Clinton, 

CANTROLL,  Thomas  L.,  Athens,  111. 

CARKHUFF,  S.  G.,  Medina  Rd.,  Akron,  O. 

CARLEBACH,  Walter  Maxwell,  136  W.  86th  St., 
New  York  City. 

CARLSON,    Arthur    B.,    15    E.    40th    St.,    New 
York  City. 

CARMAN,  Dr.  L.  D.,  1351  Q  St.,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

CARNEGIE,  Mrs.  T.  M.,  Hotel  Plaza,  New  York. 

CARNEY,  J.  L.,  605  W.  Main  St.,  Marshalton, 

CAROLAN,  Mrs.  Frances,  Burlingame,  Cal. 

CARPENTER,   L.   G.,    1455    Gilpin    St.,-  Denver, 

CARPENTER,   Percy,   607   Marietta   Ave.,    Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

CARPENTER,  W.  M.,  2010  Sheridan  Rd.,  Evan- 
ston,  111. 

CARRUTH,  W.  H.,  Stamford  Univ.,  Cal. 

CARSON,  Hampton  L.,  1524  Chestnut  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

CARSON,    J.    Harry,    1201    Vine    St.,    Denver, 

CARTER,  F.  M.,  Farmington,  Mo. 

CARTER,    George    R.,     Hawaiian    Trust    Co., 
Honolulu,  H.  I. 



CARTER,  Rev.  Thomas  W.,  12  Robie  St.,  Bath, 

N.  Y. 

CARVER,  Clifford,  Locust  Valley,  *N.  Y. 
GARY,  Walter,  Houlton,  Me. 
CASE,    Birdsey    E.,   9   Asylum    St.,    Hartford, 

CASE,  Leland  B.,  325  E.  Boston  Blvd.,  Detroit, 


CASE,  Willard,  E.  N.,  James  St.,  Auburn,  N.  Y. 
CASSELS,  Edwin  H.,  The  Rookery,  Chicago,  111. 
CASTLE,  W.  R.,  Jr.,  1726  N  Street,  N.  W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 

GATES,  Gen.  Charles  T.,  Knoxville,  Tenn. 
CAVANAUGH,    C.   W.,   New   Bedford   Cordage 

Co.,  120  Broadway,  New  York  City. 
CAVANAUGH,    John    A.,    315     37th    St.,    Des 

Moines,  la. 

CHALIF,  Louis  H.,  163-165  W.  57th  St.,  N.  Y. 
CHAMBERS,  W.  Lee,  Eagle  Rock,  Los  Angeles 

Co.,  Cal. 
CHANDLER,  Geo.  M.,   1358  Kenwood  Park  PI., 

Chicago,  111. 

CHANDLER,  R.  L.,  Southern  Pines,  N.  C. 
CHAPIN,  Alfred  C.,  192  Broadway,  New  York. 
CHAPIN,  Howard  M.,  68  Waterman  St.,  Provi- 
dence, R.  I. 
CHAPIN,   Wm.    C,   Oswego    P.   O.,    Portland, 


CHAPMAN,  Edgar  C,  Corte  Madera,  Cal. 
CHAPMAN,  Frank  M.,  Englewood,  N.  J. 
CHAPMAN,  W.  G.,  118  N.  Lasalle  St.,  Chicago, 


CHASE,  Carroll,  M.D.,  1170  Dean  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

CHASE,  Franklin  P.,  "Syracuse  Journal,"  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y. 

CHASE,  Harold,  Topeka,  Kan. 
CHATFIELD- TAYLOR,     Hobart     Chatfield,     "Far 

Afield,"   Santa  Barbara,   Cal. 
CHENEY,  Sheldon,  Scarborough,  N.  Y. 
CHENEY,  Warren,  2241  College  Ave.,  Berkeley, 


CHESHIRE,  Rt.  Rev.  Joseph  B.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
CHESNUTT,  Chas.  W.,  9719  Lament  Ave., 

Cleveland,  O. 

CHEW,  Beverly,  St.  Glair  St.,  Geneva,  N.  Y. 
CHEW,  W.  L.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
CHILDS,  John  Lewis,  Floral  Park,  N.  Y. 
CHILTON,  W.  Pierce,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
CHIPMAN,  Judge  N.  C.,  Sacramento,  Cal. 

CHRISTIANSEN,  K.  C,  P.  O.  Box  125,  Hazelton, 

CLARK,  A.  Sheldon,  401  E.  Ohio  St.,  Chicago, 




CLARK,     Charles    B.,    705     Eighth    St.,     Hot 

Springs,  S.  D. 

CLARK,  Charles  W.,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 
CLARK,  Edward   (Estate  of),  417  4th  St.,  N. 

W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
CLARK,    Thomas    Arkle,    928   W.    Illinois    St., 

Urbana,  111. 
CLARK^  W.  A.,  Jr.,  2205  West  Adam  St.,  Los 

Angeles,  Cal. 

CLARK,  Chief  Justice  Walter,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
CLAWSON,     John     L.,     1109     Delaware     Ave., 

Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
CLAY,    M.    J.,    First    National    Bank    Bldg., 

Evanston,  111. 
CLEARWATER,  Judge  A.   T.,  316  Albany  Ave., 

Kingston,  N.  Y. 

CLEM,  John  G.,  M.D.,  800  Starks  Bldg.,  Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

CLEMENS,  William  M.,  Pompton  Lakes,  N.  J. 
CLEMENTS,  William  L.,  Center  and  Park  Aves.? 

Bay  City,  Mich. 

CLENDENING,  Dr.  Logan,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 
CLEVELAND,  W.  B.,  South  Newberry,  Ohio. 
CLINCH,  Edward  S.,  I  W.  8ist  St.,  New  York. 
CLORAN,   Timothy,   631    E.    15th   St.,   Eugene, 

CLOSSON,   Dr.   Jas.   Harwood,   53   W.   Chelten 

Ave.,  Germantown,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
COBLE,  Robert  K.,  308  N.  Oak  Park  Ave.,  Oak 

Park,  111. 

COBURN,  Louise  H.,  Skowhegan,  Me. 
COCHRAN,  Alex  Smith,   527  Fifth  Ave.,   New 

COCHRAN,  Sam    P.,   P.   O.   Box  119,   Dallas, 

COE,  Charles  H.,  2947  Mills  Ave.,  Washington, 

D.  C. 

COE,  Dr.  T.  U.,  Bangor,  Me. 
COES,  Frank  L.,  Goes  Wrench  Co.,  Worcester, 

COFFIN,  Nathan  E.,  Ft.  Des  Moines  Hotel,  Des 

Moines,  Iowa. 
COHEN,  Rabbi  Henry,  1920  Broadway,  Galves- 

ton,  Tex. 

COLEMAN,  George  Preston,  Williamsburg,  Va. 
COLERICK,  Miss  Margaret  M.,  1020  W.  Wayne 

St.,  Fort  Wayne,  Ind. 

COLLIER,  Allen,   108  E.  Auburn  Ave.,   Cincin- 
nati, O. 
COLLINS,  Holldridge  O.,  404  S.  Main  St.,  Los 

Angeles,  Cal. 
COLT,  Harris  D.,  515  Park  Ave.,  New  York 

COLTON,   H.   G.,   310   Chamber  of    Commerce 

Bldg.,  Portland,  Ore. 



COMPTON,  Charlotte  B.,  Millbrook,  N.  Y. 

COMSTOCK,  Dr.  J.  A.,  Southwest  Museum,  Los 
Angeles,  Cal. 

CONATY,  Rev.  Barnard  S.,  Pittsfield,  Mass. 

CONNOR,  John  F.,  618  Linwood  Ave.,  Buffalo, 
N.  Y. 

CONRAD,  Hon.  Henry  G,  Georgetown,  Del. 

CONYXGHAM,  Redmond,  134  N.  Duke  St., 
Lancaster,  Pa. 

CONWAY,  Eustace,  127  E.  35th  St.,  New  York 

COOLEY,  Ernest,  care  of  Press  Club,  155  N. 
Clark  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

COOMBS,  Prof.  Zelotes  W.,  Worcester  Poly- 
technic Institute,  Worcester,  Mass. 

COON,  Byron,  Joplin,  Mo. 

COOPF.R,  Clayton  S.,  7  Hanover  Sq.,  New  York. 

COOPF.R,  Jas.  A.,  311  E.  5th  St.,  Terre  Haute, 

COPELAND,  E.  H.,  168  Elm  St.,  North  Hamp- 
ton, Mass. 

CORBETT,  Eliot  Ladd,  ist  National  Bank.  Port- 
land, Ore. 

CORBETT,  Mrs.  Helen  Ladd,  293  6th  St.,  Port- 
land, Ore. 

CORBLY,  Lawrence  J.,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 

CORBY,  John,  New  Corby  Bldg.,  St.'  Joseph, 

CORE,  William  R,  817  E.  7th  So.  St.,  Salt 
Lake  City,  Utah. 

CORELL,  Philip,  29  Grove  St.,  New  York. 

CORNELIUS,  Charles  O.,  100  E.  i7th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

CORNING.  Charles  R.,  Concord,  N.  H. 

CORTHELL,  Elmer  L.,   North  Egremont,   Mass. 

CORY,  James,  002  Madison  Ave.,  Helena,  Mont. 

CORY,  James  W.,  Helena,  Mont. 

Covici,  Pascal,  158  W.  Washington  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

COWAN,  Robert  E.,  867  Treat  Ave.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

Cox,    Prof.   J.    H.,    Morgantown,    W.    Va. 

CRABTREE,  John  A.,  Montgomery,  N.  Y. 

CRAGIN,  F.  W.,  912  E.  San  Miguel  St.,  Colo- 
rado Springs,  Colo. 

CRAIG  HEAD,  Dr.  Erwin,  Mobile,  Ala. 

CRAM,  Ralph  Adams,  15  Beacon  St.,  Boston, 

CRANE,  C.  Sidney,  703  W.  i78th  St.,  New  York. 

CRAWFORD,  Inez  M.,  Public  Library,  San  Mateo, 

CRAWFORD,  Lewis  F.,  Van  Horn  Hotel,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 


CRAWFORD,  Nelson  Antrim,  Manhattan,  Kan. 
CRIBB,  A.,  216  W.  Pine  St.,  Springfield,  111. 
CROCKER,  Charles  Templeton,  Shreve  Bldg.,  San 

Francisco,  Calif. 
CROMPTON,  Randolph,  34  Cedar  St.,  Worcester, 

CRONIN,     Con.     P.,     Arizona     State    Library, 

Phoenix,  Arizona. 
CROSBY,  Mrs.  John  A.,  2608  E.  Superior  St., 

Duluth,  Minn. 

CROSBY,  Wilson  G.,  721  Providence  Bldg.,  Du- 
luth, Minn. 
CROSS,  W.  Irving,  B.  &  O.   Bldg.,   Baltimore, 

CROWNINSHIELD,  B.  B.,  31   State  St.,  Boston, 

CRUMMER,    Dr.    Leroy,   801    City    Nat.    Bank 

Bldg.,  Omaha,  Nebr. 
CUDWORTH,   Addison   E.,    South   Londonderry, 


CUMBERS,  A.  H.,  40  Wall  St.,  New  York  City. 
CUMMINS,  B.  A.,  Pierre,  'S.  D. 
CUNNINHAM,  Henry  W.,  351  Marlborough  St., 

Boston,  Mass. 

CUNNINGHAM,  Judge  J.  O.,  Urbana,  111. 
CUNNINGHAM,  J.  W.,  Boise,  Idaho. 
CURREY,  J.  Seymour,  1308  Judson  Ave.,  Evan- 

Ston,  111. 
CURRY,    Charles    M.,    1004   6th    Ave.,    Terre 

Haute,  Ind. 
Cu SACHS,   Caspar,   542   Esplanade   Ave.,   New 

Orleans,  La. 
CUTIJER,   H.   M.,    17   Baldwin   St.,   Montpelier, 

CUTTING,  R.  Fulton,  24  E.  67th  St.,  New  York. 

DADISMAN,  A.  J.,  115  Beverly  Ave.,  Morgan- 
town,  W.  Va. 

DALLAM,  D.  E.,  709  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia, 

DALY,  John  J.,  cor.  Brigham  &  A  Sts.,  Salt 
Lake  City,  Utah. 

DANA,  Charles  L.,  53  W.  53d  St.,  New  York. 

DANE,  Dr.  John,  29  Marlboro  St.,  Boston, 

DANIEL,  Franklin  W.,  29  E.  Madison  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

D'AUTREMONT,  Charles,  1401  E.  ist  St.,  Duluth, 

DAVENPORT,  E.  A.,  280  Ashland  Ave.,  River 
Forest,  111. 

DAVENPORT,  Dr.  J.  H.,  Providence,  R.  I. 

DAVID,  Henri,  C.  F.,  5469  Dorchester  Ave, 
Chicago,  111. 


DAVIES,  D.  C,  Field  Museum,  Chicago,  111. 

DAVIES,  J.  Clarence,  I4yth  St.  and  Third  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

DAVIS,  Frank  P.,  1519  W.  Cherokee  St.,  Enid, 

DAVIS.  J.  Lionberger,  St.  Louis  Trust  Bank, 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

DAVIS,  Le  Compte,  Bryson  Bldg.,  Ix>s  An- 
geles, Cal. 

DAVIS,  Philip  Richard,  10  S.  La  Salle  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

DAVISON,  A.  H.,  1272  E.  gth  St.,  Des  Moines, 

DAUIS,  Charles  G.,  Sheridan  Rd.,  Greenwood 
Blvd.,  Evanston,  111. 

DAWKINS,  Hon.  Walter,  Baltimore,  Md. 

DAY,  F.  H.,  Norwood,  Mass. 

DAY,  Frank  A.,  711   Irving  PI.,  Duluth,  Minn. 

DAY,  Mary  B.,  1518  E.  Marquette  Road,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

DEAN,  Charles  C.,  Bluffton,  la. 

DEANE,  Ruthven,  1222  N.  State  St.,  Chicago, 

DEBS,  Eugene  V.,  451  N.  8th  St.,  Terre  Haute, 

DEERING,  Frank  P.,  β€’2709  Larkin  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

DEETZ,  Charles  H.,  2504  Cliffhourne  PL,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

DE  GRAFFENREID,  Edward  D.,  Tuscaloosa,  Ala. 

DELAHUNT,  Edward  F.,  9100  Dexter  Blvd., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

DE  LAND,  Charles  E.,  Pierre,  S.  D. 

DE  LANOY,  William  C.,  Delwick  Lane,  Short 
Hills,  N.  J. 

DE  LOURENGE,  Dr.  C.  W.  B.,  953  8th  St.,  San 
Diego,  Cal. 

DEMAREST,  A.  J.,  1017  Bloomfield  St.,  Hobo- 
ken,  N.  J. 

DENIO,  Herbert  W.,   Montpelier,  Vt. 

DENNETT,  J.  Vaughan,  Gates  R.  D.  2,  Framing- 
ham,  Mass. 

DE  RENNE,  Wymberly  Jones,  Wormsloe,  Ga. 

DE  TAKACH,  Zoltan,  103  W.  88th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

DEUPREE,  Dr.  J.  G.,  Jackson,  Miss. 

DEVECOM,  W.  C,  Cumberland,  Md. 

DE  VILLE,  John  B.,  664  Broadway,  Gary,  Ind. 

DEVITT,  E.  I.,  Georgetown  College,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

DEWART,  Frederick  W.,  801  Old  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 

DE  WITT,  Frederick  M.,  555  Montclair  Ave., 
Oakland,  Cal. 


DIENST,    Dr.    Alexander,    13^/2    S.    Main    St., 

Temple,  Texas. 

DIETZ,  C.  N.,  428  S.  38th  St.,  Omaha,  Neb. 
DILG,  Dr.  P.  H.,  2715  Harrison  St.,  Evanston, 


DILLARD,  J.   E.,   1924   i6th  Ave.,  S.,  Birming- 
ham, Ala. 
DILLMAN,    Louis    M.,     100    Washington    Sq., 

New  York  City. 
DITTEMORE,    John    V.,    236    Huntington    Ave., 

Boston,  Mass. 
DIXON,  Prof.  James  Main,  Univ.  of  Southern 

California,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
DIXSON,  Dr.  Zella  Allen,  Chicago,  111. 
D'LENDRICIE,  Mrs.  Helen,  Fargo,  N.  D. 
DODGE,  Chester  P.,  9  Columbia  Ave.,  Beverly, 


DOELTZ,  Clara  Louise,  2027  E.  77th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 
DOIDGE,   Robert   W.,    16   Elm   St.,   Somerville, 


DONEHOO,  Geo.  R.,  Coudersport,  Pa. 
DONNELLY,  J.  W.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
DOONAN,  J.  T.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
DORE,  Harry  E.,  2238  Telegraph  Ave.,  Berkeley 


DOSTER,  J.  J.,  University,  Ala. 
DOUGHERTY,  Romeo  L.,  250  Union   Hall   St., 

Jamaica,  N.  Y. 
DOUGLAS,  Charlie  E.,  R.  F.  D.,  No.  i,  Spencer, 

W.  Va. 
DOUGLAS,   Mrs.   George   B.,   1965   First   Ave., 

Cedar  Rapids,  la. 
DOUGLAS,  Mallock,   1532  Thome  St.,  Chicago, 

DOUGLAS,  Percy,  922  Grand  Ave.}  Kansas  City, 


DOUGLAS,  Walter,  99  John  St.,   N.  Y.  City. 
DOUGLASS,  Wm.  J.,  5667  Fulton  St.,  Chicago, 

Dow,    Charles   M.,   72   Allen   St.,  Jamestown, 

N.  Y. 

Dow,  George  Francis,  Topsfield,  Mass. 
DOWLING,  Hon.   Victor  J.,  27   Madison   Ave., 

New  York  City. 

DOWNEY,  Miss  M.  E.,  State  Library  Commis- 
sion,  Bismarck,   N.  D. 

DOWNING,  A.     C,  2030  Hillyer  PL,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

DOWNING,  Agnes  T.,  1891  Beacon  St.,  Brook- 
line,  Mass. 

DOYLE,  James  A.,  30  Clinton  St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 
DRAKE,  Helen  V.,  2114  Calumet  Ave.,  Chicago, 

DREXEL,  Mrs.  Joseph  W.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 



DROKE,  G.  W.,  Fayetteville,  Ark. 

DRUMMOND,  I.  W.,  101  Fulton  St.,  New  York 

DuBois,  Dr.  W.  E.  B.,  70  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

AR,  Dr.  J.  F.,  Auburn,  Ala. 

DI-KK.  R.  T.  W.,  Jr.,  616  Park  St.,  Charlottes- 
ville,  Va. 

DUNLAP,  Prof.  C.  G.,  925  Kentucky  St.,  Law- 
rence, Kan. 

Drxx,  Waldo    H.,  703  Quinby  Ave.,  Wooster, 

Du  PONT,   Alfred   I.,   Wilmington,   Del. 

Du  PONT,  Mrs.  Eugene,  Wilmington,   Del. 

Du  PONT,  Henry  A.,  Wilmington,  Del. 

Du  PONT,  Pierre  S.,  Wilmington,  Del. 

Du  PONT,  T.  Coleman,  Wilmington,  Del. 

Du  PUY,  H.  F.,  The    Sycamores,  Easton,  Md. 

DURING,  Frank  C.,  Saco,  Me. 

DUSTIN,   Fred,   705   S.    Fayette   St.,    Saginaw, 

DUTCHER,  H.  M.,  414  Highland  Ave.,   Peeks- 
kill,    N.   Y. 

DWIGHT,    Jonathan,    M.D.,    43    W.    70th    St., 
Is'fw  York. 

DYER,  H.  Chouteau,  1524  Boatmen's  Bank  Bldg. 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

DYER,    Isaac  W.,   85   Exchange   PI.,   Portland, 

DYER,  John  L.,  El  Paso,  Texas. 

EARP,  Francis  H.,  1817  Mt.  Vernon  Ave., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

EASTMAN,  George,  343  State  St.,  Rochester, 
N.  Y. 

ECKEL,  John  C,  1433  Diamond  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

ECKSTEIN,  W.  G.,  68  W.  8sth  St.,  New  York. 

EDDY,  Frederick  B.,  Official  Catholic  Directory. 
44  Barclay  St.,  New  York  City. 

EDELEN,  T.  L.,  Frankfort,    Ky. 

EDGAR,  Randolph,  118  S.  6th  St.,  Minneapolis, 
Minn.  , 

EDGETT,  Edwin  Francis,  200  Pleasant  St.,  Ar- 
lington, Mass. 

EDMONDS,  Rev.  Dr.  Henry  M.,  Birmingham, 

EDWARDS,  Thomas  H.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

EDWARDS,  Ward  H.,  400  N.  Main  St.,  Liberty, 

EGBERT,  Dr.  Joseph  C,  115  N.  Wayne  Ave., 
Wayne,  Pa. 

EGBERT,  Victor,  4814  Springfield  Ave.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 



EILERS,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
ELDER,   George  K.,  32   Cottage   St.,   Lewiston, 


ELKINS,  M.,  Elkins  Park,  Pa. 
ELLIOT,   Frank   M.,   225   Lake    St.,   Evanston, 

ELLIOTT,    Miss    Hannah,    2036    I3th    Ave.,    S., 

Birmingham,  Ala. 
ELLIOTT,  Howard,   (Personal),  15  E.  62nd  St., 

New  York. 
ELLIOTT,  T.  C,  P.  O.  Box,  775,  Walla  Walla, 


ELLIS,  Mrs.  G.   Manning,   Chattanooga,  Tenn. 
ELMER,  Ira,  Oswego,  Kan. 
ELMER,  Dr.  Robert  P.,  101  Runnymede  Ave., 

Wayne,  Pa. 

ELMORE,  Frank  H.,  Jr.,  Mongomery,  Ala. 
EMBRY,  Aloise  T.,  Hanover  St.,  Fredericksburg, 


EMERSON,  Prof.  B.  K.,  Amherst,  Mass. 
EMERSON,   W.  Otto,  R.   F.  D.   i,   Haywards, 

EMMETT,  Burton,  120  W.  32nd  St.,  New  York 


EMORY  College,  Oxford,  Ga. 
ENDERS,  John  O.,  17  Highland  St.,  Hartford, 


ENDICOTT,  William  C.,  Danvers,  Mass. 
ENGEL,  Charles,  127  Nelson  Ave.,  Jersey  City, 

N.  J. 

ENGLEHARDT,  Sam,  Shorters,  Ala. 
ENGLUND,  Eric,  Manhattan,  Kan. 
ENGSTFELD,  Mrs.  C.  P.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
ENIS,  F.   C,  4122  Greenview   Ave.,   Chicago, 

ERLANGER,  Arthur,  28  E.  55th  St.,  New  York 


ESHLEMAN,  H.  Frank,  Lancaster,  Pa. 
ESSELBURN,  Elmer  E.,  Canton,  O. 
ESTABROOK,  Arthur  H.,   1638  N.  Pennsylvania 

St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

ESTES,  C.  E.,  919  Buena  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
EVANS,    Clara    Therese,    Columbia   University 

Library,  New  York  City. 
EVANS,  Lynden,   1240  Astor  St.,  Chicago,  111. 
EVANS,   Montgomery,  2nd,  Norristown,  Pa. 
EVANS,  S.  D.,  Roseburg,  Ore. 
EVANS,  W.  G.,  Shelbyville,  Tenn. 
EVANS,  W.  L.,  Green  Bay,  Wis. 
EVANS,  William  G.,  1310  Bannock  St.,  Denver, 

EVELAND,  A.  J.,  32  W.  40th  St.,  New  York 





FABIAN,  Dominick,  208  Columbia  St.,  Port- 
land, Ore. 

FAIRUE,  John  A.,  University  of  Illinois,  Ur- 
bana,  111. 

FALKNKR.  Col.  J.  W.  T.,  Oxford,  Miss. 

FANNING,  R.  B.,  Kasota  Bldg.,  330  Hennepin 
Ave.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

FARLEY,  T.  H.,  Lawrence  College,  Appleton, 

FARMER,  Benj.  B.,  R.  F.  D.,  No.  5,  Saginaw, 

FARNAM,  Henry  W.,  43  Hillhouse  Ave.,  New 
Haven,  Conn. 

FARNUM,  Royal  B.,  Mass.  Normal  Art  School, 
cor.  Exeter  &  Newbury  Sts.,  Boston,  Mass. 

FARWELL,  J.  W.,  77  Franklin  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

FAULKNER,  Prof.  John  Alfred,  Drew  Theo- 
logical Seminary,  Madison,  N.  J. 

FAULKNER,  S.  J.,  Washington  St.,  Boydton, 

FAY,  Luke,  1554  Green  St.,  San  Francisco, 

FEISS,  Paul  L.,  2149  W.  53rd  St.,  Cleveland, 

FELEKY,  Charles,  508  W.  ii4th  St.,  New  York 

FENDER,  George  W.,  312  W.  Sixth  St.,  Tex- 
arkana,  Tex. 

FENTON,  A.  W.,  Jr.,  644  Soc.  for  Savings  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

FENTON,  Martin  L.,  cor.  Prendergast  Ave.  and 
5th  St.,  Jamestown,  N.  Y. 

FENTON,  W.  C,  Fenton  Bldg.,  Portland,  Ore. 

FENTON,  W.  D.,  no  E.  i6th  St.,  Portland,  Ore. 

FERRY,  Frederick,  Utah  Trust  Bldg.,  Salt  Lake 
City,  Utah. 

FERRY,  W.  Mont.,  Utah  Trust  Bldg.,  Salt  Lake 
City,  Utah. 

FEURER,  Mrs.  Charles  F.,  400  S.  isth  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

FICKEN,  John  F.,  17  Broad  St.,  Charleston, 
S.  C. 

FIELD,  Nelson  C.,  Brunswick,  Mo. 

FIELD,  Walter' Taylor,  2301  Prairie  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

FIELDING,  Mantle,  520  Walnut  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

FIERO,  J.  Newton,  ,153  Lancaster  St.,  Albany, 
N.  Y. 

FINCH,  Nelson  L.,  Broadalbin,  N.  Y. 

FISH,  Daniel,  3301   ist  Ave.   S.,   Minneapolis, 


FISH,  Frederick  P.,  84  State  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
FISHER,  Rev.  E.  C,  Lowell,  Mass. 


FISHER,  Mahlon  L.,  P.  O.  Box  533,  Williams- 
port,  Pa. 
FISHER,  William  E.,  611  W.   i36th  St.,  New 

FISK,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green  Bay, 


FISK,  Judge,  Minot,   N.  D. 
FITCH,    Winchester,    960    Park    Avenue,    New 

York  City. 
FITZGERALD,    Edward,    374    Fourth    Ave,    New 


FITZHUGH,  G.  T.  Memphis,  Tenn. 
FITZPATRICK,  T.  J.,  Bethany,  Neb. 
FLAGG,  H.  C,  Olympia,  Wash. 
FLEISCHNER,  Max,  care  of  Fleischner,  Mayer 

&  Co.,  Portland,  Ore. 
FLEMING,    Walter    L.?    Vanderbilt    University, 

Nashville,  Tenn. 

FLETCHER,  Mrs.  Truman  C.,  St.  Johnsbury,  Vt. 
FOLGER,  H.  C.}  26  Broadway,  New  York. 
FOLLANSBEE,  George  Edward,  9615  Miles  Ave., 

Cleveland,  O. 

FOLSON,  Miss  Ida  O.,  Concord,  N.  H. 
FOOTE,  Langley  S.,  621  S.  Granger  St.,  Saginaw 


FORBES,  Allan,  33  State  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
FORCE,    Anna    L.,    216    Sherman    St.,    Denver, 

FORD,  Guy  S.,  517  Essex  St.,  S.E.,  Minneapolis, 


FORD.  Worthington  C.,  Mass.  Historical  So- 
ciety, Boston,  Mass. 

FOSTER,  E.,  328  Camp  St.,  New  Orleans,  La. 
FOSTER,    James    H.,    2200    Devonshire    Drive, 

Cleveland  Heights,   Cleveland,   O. 
FOSTER,  T.  Henry,  Ottumwa,  la. 
FOSTER,  William  E.,  240  Bowen  St.,  Providence, 

R.  I. 
FOTHERINGHAM,    J.    R.,    Main    St.,    Irvington, 

N.  Y. 

FOWLER,  Alfred,  17  Board  of  Trade,  Kansas 
City,  Mo. 

FOWLER,  Emily,  111  Locust  St.,  Danvers,  Mass. 

FOWLER,  James  J.,  20  Mechanic  St.,  James- 
town, N.  Y. 

FRANCE,  Jos.  C.,  Continental  Trust  Bldg.,  Bal- 
timore. Md. 

FRANCO,  Paul,  429  loth  St.,  West  New  York, 
N.  J. 

FRANK,  Henry  P.,  Ardenlea,  Yarmouth,  Me. 

FRANK,  Julius,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

FRANKEL,  Julius,  109  N.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 


FRAPRIE,  Frank  R.,  39  Addington  Rd.,  Brook- 
line,  Mass. 

FRASIKR,  Scottie  M.,  Dothan,  Ala. 

FRAZIER,  W.  A.,  212  S.  Main  St.,  Nevada,  Mo. 

FREDERICK,  J.  F.,  Iowa  City,  la. 

FREEMAN,  Charles  R.,  Checotah,  Okla. 

FREEMAN,  Dr.  Douglass,  1108  Floyd  Ave., 
Richmond,  Va. 

FREEMAN,  Harry  C,  Pierre,  S.  D. 

FRELINGHUYSEN,  Theodore,  Tuxedo,  N.  Y. 

FRENCH,  Charles,  5850  Harper  Ave.,  Chicago, 

FRENCH,  D.  A.,  321   Lake  St.,  Maywood,  111. 

FRENCH,  Mrs.  E.  D.,  Thomsonville,  Conn. 

FRENCH,  H.  G.,  974  Dana  Ave.,  Cincinnati,  O. 

FREY,  Carroll  H.,  Penn.  Mutual  Bldg.,  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 

FRICK,  C.  C,  too  W.  Springettsbury  Ave., 
York,  Pa. 

FRINK,  Maurice  M.,  1721  E.  Jackson  Blvd., 
Elkhart,  Ind. 

FROST,  B.  W.,  209  Main  St.,  Maiden,  Mass. 

FRYBKRCKR,  Herschel  B.,  2001  Columbus  Ave., 
Duluth,  Minn. 

FULLER,  Edward  E.,  Tolland,  Conn. 

FULLER,  George  W.,  Altadeno  Apts.,  Spokane, 

FULLER,  Rev.  J.  B.,  618  W.  Broadway,  Sedalia, 

FULLER,  J.  G.,  M.D.,  116  W.  59th  St.,  New 

FULLER-TON,  Hon.  Mark,  Olympia,  Wash. 

FULTON,  Dr.  J.  G.,  116  W.  59th  St.,  New  York 

FURBER,  Wm.  Copeland,  418  Walnut  St.,  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 

FURMAN,  Dorothy,  58  Clark  St.,  Glen  Ridge, 
N.  J. 

FURNESS,  H.   H.,   Swathmore,  Pa. 


GAGER,  Edwin,  B.,  Derby,  Conn. 

GALLATIN,  Albert  Eugene,  125  E.  69th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
GALLIZIER,  Nathan,  "The  Verona,"  Park  Ave., 

Cincinnati,  O. 
GALLOO,    Miss    Eugenia,    1324    Louisiana    St., 

Lawrence,  Kan. 
GALVANI,  William  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,   Portland, 


GARNER,  John  Leslie,  Delafield,  Wis. 
GARNER,  Tom,  University,  Ala. 
GARRETT,    Robert,    Charles    St.,    &    Wynhurst 

Ave.,  Roland  Park,  Md. 


GARRETT,  Judge  T.  L.,  Norfolk,  Va. 
GARRISON,  Paul  R.,  214  N.  3d  St.,  Columbia, 

GASKILL,  George  A.,  340  Main  St.,  Worcester, 

GATES,    Prof.    Burton    M.,    24    Charlotte    St., 

Worcester,  Mass. 
GATES,    C.    L.,    3130    Essex    Rd.,    Cleveland 

Heights,  O. 

GATES,  W.  N.,  218  East  Ave.,  Elyria,  O. 
GAUNT,  James,  24  W.  soth  St.,  New  York. 
GAYLE,  Mrs.  W.  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
GAYNOR,  Kenneth,  326  W.  Madison   St.,   Chi- 
cago, 111. 
GEHRMAN,  Mrs.   Susan  Lawrence,  Springfield, 


GENUNG,  Prof.  John  F.,  Amherst,  Mass. 
GERSTMEYER,  Dr.  Charles,  15  S.  8th  St.,  Terre 

Haute,  Ind. 

GETZMAN,  A.  P.,  Carrollton,  O. 
GIBSON,  James  S.,  U.  S.  National  Bank  Bldg., 

Denver,  Colo. 
GIBSON,  W.   A.,    Jr.,    1137   Hancock   St.   W., 

Detroit,  Mich. 
GILLETTE,    C.    P.,    Experiment    Station,    Fort 

Collins,   Colo. 
GILLIS,  Walter,   54  West  48   St.,   New  York 

GILLOOLY,  Frederick  L.,  53  Devonshire  St.,  R. 

10,  Boston,  Mass. 
GILMORE,    George    F.,    cjo    The    Free    Press, 

Nampa,  Idaho. 

GILPIN,  Mrs.  Henry  B.,  Boyce,  Clark  Co.,  Va. 
GILS,  G.  Henry,  319  W.  Ontario  St.,  Chicago, 

GILSON,  G.  H.,  2709  College  Ave.,  Berkeley, 

GLENN,  Mrs.  E.  B.,  41  Starnes  St.,  Asheville, 

N.  C. 
GOBEILLE,    Mrs.    Joseph    Leon,    1007    Niagara 

Ave.,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 
GOBLE,  L.  T.,  152  N.  Clark  St.,  Chicago,  111. 
GODARD,  Geo.  S.,  Hartford,  Conn. 
GODDARD,  Charles  A.,  Fayetteville,  W.  Va. 
GODFREY,    A.   W.,   Princeton   Club,   Vanderbilt 

Ave.,  New  York  City. 
GOELET,  Robert,  Jr.,  647  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York 


GOETZ,  Philip  Becker,  North  Evans,  N.  Y. 
GOLDMAN,  Harry,  460  Fourth  Ave.,  New  York 

GOLDSMITH,  Abraham,  61  Broadway,  New  York 


GOLDSMITH,   Henry,   55  W.   26th,   New   York. 
GOLDSMITH,  S.  A.,  n  Broadway,  New  York. 



GOLSAN,  Lewis  S.,  Prattsville,  Ala. 
GOODHUE,  Bertram  Grosvenor,  2  W.  47th  St., 

New  York. 

GOODHUE,  E.  S.,  Roosevelt,  Hawaii. 
GOODRICH,  Geo.  S.,  5  Nassau  St.,  New  York. 
GOODRICH,   N.   L.,   Darthmouth    College,    Han- 
over, N.  H. 
GOODWIN,  Mrs.  Walter  I.,   1204  Asylum  Ave., 

Hartford,  Conn. 

GOODWIN,  William  B.,  Lowell,  Mass. 
GOODYEAR,  Anson  C,  160    Bryant  St.,  Buffalo, 

N.  Y. 
GOOKIN,  Frederick  William,   13  West  Walton 

PI.,  Chicago,  111. 

GORDON,  Armistead  C.,  Staunton,  Va. 
GOSMAN,  George  H.  R.   (Major),  War  Dept, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
GOULD,   Elwyn   B.,    234   W.   Juniper    St.,    San 

Diego,  Cal. 

GOULD,  Geo.  M.,  Atlantic  City,  N.  J. 
GOURLEY,    William    B.,    First    National    Bank 

Bldg.,  Paterson,  N.  J. 
GOYKEXDALL,  Frederick,   i  W.     72d  St.,  New 

York  City. 

GRACE,  Bishop,  Sacramento,  Cal. 
GRAHAM,  Hon.  J.  M.,  Springfield,  111. 
GRAM,  J.  P.,  34  Nassau  St.,  New  York. 
GRANARY,  W.  L.,  Nashville,  Tenn. 
CRASSLY,   M.   H.(  4  Virginia   St.,    Springfield, 


GRAVES,  Frank  H.,  Old  National  Bank  Bldg., 
Spokane,  Wash. 

GRAY,    David    E.,    1320   Olive    St..    St.    Louis, 

GRAY,  Judge  George,  Wilmington,  Del. 
GREELY,  Major  General  A.  W.(  1914  G  St.,  N. 
W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

GREEN,    Andrew    J.,    Apt.    710,    Cecil    Apts., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
GREEN,  E.  V.,  Martinsville,  Ind. 

GREEN,  Jesse  C,  109  W.  Gay  St.,  West  Chester, 

GREEN,  Walter  Coxe,  572  Chestnut  St.,  Mead- 
ville,  Pa. 

GREENE,   Frank   L.,    Fairfield   St.,   St.   Albans, 

GREENOUGH,  Major  Charles  E.,  993  Fifth  Ave., 

New  York. 

GREENOUGH,  Charles  P.,  Brookline,  Mass. 
GREENOUGH,   Chester   N.,   Harvard  University, 

Cambridge,  Mass. 

GREENWOOD,   George  "H.,   Old   National   Bank, 
Spokane,  Wash. 



GREGG,    Maurice,    Equitable    Bldg.,    Baltimore, 


GREY,  David  C,  1320  Olive  St.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
GRIBBEL,  John,  1513  Race  Street,  Philadelphia, 


GRIEVE,  Miss  Lucia,  Violet  Hill  Farm,  Martin- 
dale  Depot,  N.  Y. 

GRIFFIN,  W.,  80  Broadway,  New  York  City. 
GRIFFTS,  William  Elliot,  344  W.  56  St.,  Pul- 

aski,  N.  Y. 

GRIFFITH,  Albert  H.,  Fisk,  Wis. 
GRIFFITH,  R.  H.,  University  of  Texas,  Austin, 

GRIGGS,     Herbert,     Fidelity     Bldg.,     Tacoma, 


GRIMES,  Col.  J.  Bryan,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
GRINNELL,  Joseph,  2615  Channing  Way,  Berke- 
ley, Cal. 
GROSS,    Theodore,   431    Riverside   Drive,   New 

GROVE,  Mrs.  (Dr.)   C.  E.,  Old  National  Bank 

Bldg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 
GROVER,  F.  R.,   noo   Hinman  Ave.,  Evanston, 

GRUBER,  Rev.   L.  Franklin,   1213  Hague  Ave., 

St.  Paul,  Minn. 
GRUMANN,    Prof.    Paul,    University   of    Neb., 

Lincoln,   Neb. 
GUE,  Gurney  C.,  460  Fulton  Ave.,  Hempstead, 

N.  Y. 
GUERNSEY,    Henry    Hoadly,   245    Meeting   St., 

Providence,  R.  I. 
GUERNSEY,   Rocellus    S.,    1711    Bathgate   Ave., 

New  York. 
GUMBY,  Alexander,  L.  S.,  2244  5th  Ave.,  New 

GUNDLACH,    J.    H.,    3615    N.    Broadway,    St. 

Louis,  Mo. 
GUNTZER,  J.  Henry,  Jr.,  51  North  Regent  St., 

Portchester,   N.  Y. 

GURLITZ,   A.,  80  Broadway,   New  York. 
GUSTIN,   Frank   J.,   Boston   Block,   Salt   Lake 

City,  Utah. 
GUTHRIE,    Mrs.    M.    E.,    223A    Walnut    Ave., 

Roxbury,  Mass. 


HABER,  Louis  I.,  508  West  Broadway,  N.  Y. 

HACKETT,  E.  Byrne,  71  Cottage  St.,  New 
Haven,  Conn. 

HACKETT,  P.,  22  Battery  St.,  San  Francisco 

HAEGLER^  Dr.  Elmer  E.,  Springfield,  111. 

HAFER,  E.  S.,  407  First  Nat.  Bank  Bldg.,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 



HAGEMAN,  Dr.  J.   A.,   Highland  Bldg.,   Pitts- 
burg,  Pa. 

HAHN,    Edgar   A.,   800   National    City    Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

HAIGHT,    A.    C,    583    Riverside    Drive,    New 
York  City. 

HAIGHT,    Sherman    P.,    61    Worth    St.,    New 
York  City. 

HAIN,  J.  H.,  601  Canal  Road,  Cleveland,  O. 

HAINES,    Miss    A.   J.,    State    Library,    Sacra- 
mento, Cal. 

HALE,  Hon.   Clarence,  U.  S.  Court,  Portland, 

HALE,    Frederick,    191    Middle    St.,    Portland, 

HALE,   George   E.,   Observatory    Office,    Pasa- 
dena, Cal. 

HALE,  J.  R.,  High  St.,  Newburyport,  Mass. 

HALE,   Ralph    T.,   44    Lloyd    St.,    Winchester, 

HALL,  Ansel  F.,  Yosemite,  Cal. 

HALL,  G.  E.,  Fremont,  O. 

HALL.    Dr.   G.    Stanley,    156   Woodland    Ave., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

HALL,    Mrs.    John,    Maplehurst,    Leavenworth, 

HALL,  Loring,  60  Stempoon  Ave.,  Athens,  O. 

HALL,  Dr.  Wm.  H.,  Butte,  Mont. 

HALL,  William  S.,  373  4th  Ave.,  N.  Y.  City. 

HALLENBECK,    Esley    B.,    303    Victory    Ave., 
Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

HALLOWELL,    Col.   and   Mrs.    Norwood   P.,    50 
Mystic  St.,  West  Medford,  Mass. 

HAMBRECHT,  George  P.,  State  Capitol,  Madison, 

HAMILL,  Alfred  Ernest,  Lake  Forest,  111. 

HAMILTON,    Clayton,    142    E.    i8th    St.,    New 

HAMILTON,  Geo.  L.,  Jamestown,  R.  I. 

HAMILTON,  J.   Gaillard,   Spring   Hill,   Mobile, 


HAMILTON,  Miss  Katherine,  Ft.  Wayne,  Ind. 
HAMILTON,   P.  J.,    1010  Government   St.,   Mo. 

bile,  Ala. 
HAMMOND,  Eleanor  P.,  Hotel  Puritan,  Boston, 

HAMMOND,  Hala  J.,  222  N.  I4th  St.,  Muskogee, 

HAMMOND,  Wm.    F.,  89   Hick  St.,   Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
HANCOCK,   Miss,   Atlanta   University,   Atlanta, 


HANDY,  H  H.  c/o  Solvay  Process  Co.,  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y. 



HANLONS,  Thomas  F.,  17  Montgomery  St.,  Jer- 
sey City,  N.  J. 
HANNA,  Charles  A.,  15  Rockledge  Road,  Mont- 

clair,  N.  J. 
HANNA,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  1300  Leader-News  Bldg., 

Cleveland,  O. 
HANNA,   Leonard   C.  Jr.,   1300  Leader-News 

Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

HANNON,  Mrs.  Marie  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
HANSON,  H.  P.,  Harlan,  la. 
HANSON,  Willis  T.,  20  Union  Ave.,  Schenec- 

tady,  N.  Y. 
HARBECK,  Charles  T.,  119  Brooklyn  Ave.,  New 

HARBERT,  Albert  N.,  318  Brown  St.,  Iowa  City, 


HARDING,  Mrs.  Robert,  Danville,  Ky. 
HARDING,  Walter   N.  H.,   no  N.  Pine  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 

HARDY,  A.  S.,  Rookery  Bldg.,  Chicago,  111. 
HARDY,    William    H.,    Calvert    PL,    Sheridan 

Blvd.,  Lincoln,  Neb. 
HARLOWE,  David  H.,  3002  Mt.   Vernon  Ave., 

Milwaukee,  Wis. 
HARMON,  Gregory  U.,  31   City  Hall,  Buffalo, 

N.  Y. 

HARNESS,  Alden,  Roseburg,  Ore. 
HARPER,  Henry  H.,  833  Little  Bldg.,   Boston, 


HARPER,  Roland  M.,  University,  Ala. 
HARRIMAN,  Karl  Edwin,  36  S.  State  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

HARRIS,  I.  G.,  1840  Caton  Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
HARRIS,    Virgil    M.,    Buckingham    Hotel,    St. 

Louis,  Mo. 
HARSH,  Nora  Babbitt,  408  Lincoln  Court,  Des 

Moines,  la. 

HART,  F.  R.,  474  Bacon  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
HART,  Louis  Bret,  102  Linwood  Ave.,  Buffalo, 

N.  Y. 
HART,  W.  O.,  134  Carondelet  St.,  New  Orleans, 

HARTEL,  Oscar  R.,  222  Lowell  Ave.,  Newton- 

ville,  Mass. 
HARTER,    Mrs.    Elizabeth   A.,    N.    Market   St., 

Canton,  O. 

HARTER,  Mrs.  M.  D.,  Mansfield,  O. 
HARTMAN,    Galen    C,    1518    Farmers'    Bank 

Bldg.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
HARTSHORN,    Robert,    449    Park    Ave.,    New 

York  City. 
HARTSHORN,  W.  H.,  336  College  St.,  Lewiston, 

HARVEY,    Alexander,    63    W.    36th    St.,    New 



HARWOOD,  P.  LeRoy,  226  Ocean  Ave.,  New 
London,  Conn. 

HASBROUCK,  Van  W.,  Boise,  Idaho. 

HATCH,  Pascal,  1005  N.  ;th  St.,  Springfield.  111. 

HATCHETT,  Miss  Rutson,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

HATTLY,  Walter  C,  328  Beech  St.,  Highland 
Park,  111. 

HAUPTMAN,  Geo.  N.,  Pomona,  N.  Y. 

HAVENS,  Munson,  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
Cleveland,  O. 

HAVRE,  J.  B.,  Kohl  Bldg.  916,  San  Francisco, 

HAWKES,  McDougall,  Union  Club,  New  York. 

HAWKINS,  O.  A.,  100  N.  Seventh  St.,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

HAY,  Hon.  Logan,  Springfied,  111. 

HAY,  Robert  H.,  1527  Irwin  Ave.,  N.  S.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

HAYDEN,  Wm.  M.,  Eutaw  Savings  Bank,  Balti- 
more, Md. 

HAYES,  E.  A.  and  J.  O.,  Eden  Vale,  Cal. 

HAYFORD,  Dr.  E.  L.,  31  N.  State  St.,  Chicago, 

HAYNES,  Dr.  J.  T.,  Sailors'  and  Soldiers' 
Home,  Sandusky,  O. 

HAYNES,  William,  3  Park  PL,  New  York. 

HAYS,  Gilbert  A.,  530  Academy  Ave.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

HAYS,  Helen  Ashe,  Hagerstown,  Md. 

HAYS,  W.  R.  A.,  30  E.  Broad  St.,  Colum- 
bus, O. 

HAYWOOD,  H.  LeRoy,  National  City,  Cal. 

HAYWOOD,  Marshall  DeL.,  P.  O.  Drawer  793, 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

HEADDEN,  W.  P.,  Experiment  Station,  Fort 
Collins,  Colo. 

HEALD,  Frank  E.,  1142  Union  St.,  Manches- 
ter, N.  H. 

HEALY,  Dr.  Thomas  Raymond,  105  State  St., 
Newburyport,  Mass. 

HEARST,  William  Randolph,  119  W.  40th  St., 
New  York  City. 

HECKER,  Frank  J.,  5510  Woodward  Ave.,  De- 
troit, Mich. 

HEDDLESTONE,  Rev.  David,  University,  Miss. 

HEINIGKE,  Otto  W.,  24  E.  I3th  St.,  New  York. 

HEMPHILL,  Mrs.  Joseph,  205  W.  Gay  St., 
West  Chester,  Pa. 

HENDERSON,  Archibald,  Univ.  of  N.  C.,  Chapel 
hill,  N.  C. 

HENDERSON,  John  B.,  2200  i6th  St.,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

HENDERSON,  Robert  W.,  370  Park  Ave.,  New 

HENDRICK,  Buford,  Frankfort,  Ky. 



HENDRICKS,     Dr.     J.     A.,     Howard     College, 
Birmingham,  Ala. 

HENNESSY,  Wilfrid  R.,   5   High  St.,   Bangor, 

HENRY,  Mellinger  E.,  Dickinson  High  School, 
Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

HENRY,  Philip  S.,  Ashville,  N.  C. 

HENSHAW,  Samuel,  28  Fayerweather  St.,  Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 

HENSON,  W.  G.,  James  Island,  Charleston  Co., 
S.  C. 

HERR,  Harden  H.,  Louisville,  Ky. 

HERRICK,  James  B.,  242  E.  Walton   PL,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

HERTZBERG,  Henry,  San  Antonio,  Texas. 

HERZ,  Milton,  673  Swan,  Terre  Haute. 

HERZBERG,  Max  J.,  iSl/2  Thomas  St.,  Newark, 
N.  J. 

HERZOG,  Paul  M.,  41  W.  68th  St.,  New  York 

HESSENBRUCH,  8  N.  5th  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

HEURTLY,  Arthur,   Sec'y  Northern  Trust   Co., 
Chicago,  111. 

HEWETT,  Ainslie,  Spring  Drive,  Louisville,  Ky. 

HEWINS,    Caroline    M.,    Hartford    Public    Li- 
brary, Hartford,  Conn. 

HEYWOOD,  Harry  B.,  64  Fayette  St.,  Consho- 
hocken,  Pa. 

HIGBEE,  William  T.,   1925  E.  75th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

HIGGIN,    Arthur    M.,    4925    Blackstone    Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

HTGHT,  Robert  F.,  Lafayette,  Ind. 

HILLIBER,  Frederick  J.,   115  W.  9th  St.,  Wil- 
mington, Del. 

HILDEBRAND,  William  A.,  21  Montgomery  St., 
Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

HILDRETH,  Melvin  A.,  Fargo,  N.  D. 

HILES,  William  S.,  Wilmington,  Del. 

HILL,   Miss   Amelie,   Montgomery,   Ala. 

HILL,  Edwin  B.,  Ysleta,  El  Paso  Co.,  Texas. 

HILL,  Mrs.  J.  W.,  Jr.,  803  Lakeside  PI.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

HILL,  Lewis  W.,  260  Summit  Ave.,  St.  Paul, 

HILL,  Samuel,  814  E.   Highland  Drive,  Seat- 
tle, Wash. 

HILL,  Mrs.  Walton,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

HILLHOUSE,    James,     Sachem's     Wood,     New 
Haven,  Conn. 

II.-LLIARD,  F.   A.,   1891    East  89th   St.,   Cleve- 
land, O. 

HIMES,  Charles  F.,  Carlisle,  Pa. 

HIPP,  Frank,  Mansfield,  O. 


.  Morris,  2235  Sjnd  St.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
HITCHCOCK,   John   L.,    1010   Powell    St.,    San 

Francisco,  Cal. 
HIXENBAUGH,  W.  A.,  628  S.  iQth  St.,  Omaha, 


HOBBS,  Prof.  W.  H.,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 
HOWBERT,  Irving,  17  N.  Weber  St.,  Colorado 

Springs,   Colo. 
HODGE,    Edwin     R.,    Army    Medical    School, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
HODGE,  F.  W.,  Museum  of  the  American  Indian, 

Broadway  and  155th  St.,  New  York  City. 
HOGE,   C.   F.,   Frankfort,   Ky. 
HODGE,  S.  French,  Frankfort,  Ky. 
HODGSON,  Rev.  Robert,  Box  194,  Cordell,  Okla. 
HODNETT.  Joseph,  Lincoln,  111. 
HOFF,  Alonzo,  1410  S  6th  St.,  Springfield,  111. 
HOFFMAN,  Frederick  L.,  114  Harrison  St.,  East 

Orange,  N.  J. 

HOFFMAN,  Samuel,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
HODGE,  C.  F.,  Frankfort,  Ky. 
HOLBROOK,   Royal    H.,    1420   2nd   Ave.,    Cedar 

Rapids,  la. 

HOLDEN,  John  A.,  Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 
HOLLAND,  George  Allison,  509  Security  Trust 

Co.  Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 
HOLLANDS,  W.  C,  So.  Division  St.,  Ann  Arbor, 

HOLLINGS WORTH,  Zachary  T.,  Hotel   Victoria, 

Dartmouth  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
HOLLOWAY,    Edw.    Stratton,    1327    Spruce    St. 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
HOLMAN,  Frederick  V.,  Suite  501,  Chamber  of 

Commerce  Bldg.,  Portland,  Ore. 
HOLMES,  H.  C.,  2735  Elmwood  Ave.,  Berkeley, 


HOLMES,  J.  S.,  Germantown,  Pa. 
HOLSTEIN,    Mark   G.,    36   W.    35th    St.,    New 


HOLTER,  Edwin  O.,  60  Broadway,  New  York. 
HOLTER,  Norman  B.,  Helena,  Mont. 
HOPKINS,    A.    A.,    Munn    &    Co.,    Woolworth 

Bldg.,  New  York  City. 

HOPKINS,  L.  A.,  416  West  Jackson  Blvd.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

HORNF.R,  H.  H :,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
HORTON.  Mrs.  G.  M.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
HOSBACH,  J.   T.  A.,  817   So.  58th  St.,   Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

HOSKIER,  H.  C.,  South  Orange,  N.  J. 
HOSKING,    Arthur    Nicholas,    200    Mayflower 

Ave.,  New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

HOSKINS,  Chapin  and  Nancy,  2505  E.  74  St., 
Chicago,  111. 



HOMER,  Horace  S.,  115  Broadway,  New  York 

HOSTETTER,  Albert  K.,  715  N.  Duke  St.,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

HOUSE,  Frank  E.,  515  Hawthorn  Road,  Duluth, 

HOUSE,  Henry,  B.,  926  S.  7th  St.,  Springfield, 

HOUSE,  Jay  E.,  Topeka,  Kan. 

HOWARD,  Arthur  P.,  264  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York. 

HOWARD,  Jerome  B.,  222  W.  4th  St.,  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

HOWARD,  Montagne,  693  Madison  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

HOWARD,  W.  E.,  127  N.  St.,  Salt  Lake  City, 

HOWARD,  Walter,  317  W.  Fifth  St.,  Des 
Moines,  la. 

HOWBERT,  Irving,  P.  O.  Box  66,  Colorado 
Springs,  Colo. 

HOWE,  Edward,  Atchison,  Kan. 

HOWE,  H.  J.,  6  S.  5th  Ave.,  Marshalltown,  la. 

HOWE,  Henry  S.,  165  Ivy  St.,  Brookline,  Mass. 

HOWE,  Thomas  C,  30  Audobon  PL,  Indian- 
apolis, Ind. 

HOWE,  W.  T.  N.,  300  Pike  St.,  Cincinnati,  O. 

HOWES,  Charles  H.,  70  Orchard  St.,  Green- 
field, Mass. 

HOWES,  H.  W.,  1142  S.  Michigan  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

HOWES,  Phil  S.,  10  Liberty  St.,  Montpelier, 

HOWK,  Horace  J.,  Mt.  McGregor,  N.  Y. 

HOWLAND,  F.  A.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

HOWLAND,  Geo.  C.,  4605  Drexel  Blvd.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

HOYLE,  Ethel  G.,  Concord,  Mass. 

HOYT,  William  Henry,  15  William  St.,  New 
York  City. 

HUDNUT,  Alexander  M.,  19  West  54  St.,  New 
York  City. 

HURD,  Harry  C.,  Pasadena,  Cal. 

HUFELAND,  Otto,  121  N.  High  St.,  Mount  Ver- 
non,  N.  Y. 

HUGHES,  Robert  M.,  Norfolk,  Va. 

HUGHITT,  Frederic  E.,  41  Genesee  St.,  Auburn, 
N.  Y. 

HUIDEKOPER,  F.  L.,  Wilkins  Bldg.,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

HULBERT,  J.  B.,  Laurel  Springs,  N.  J. 

HUMPHREY,  Miss  Mary,  Springfield,  111. 

HUNT,  Myron,  200  N.  Grand  Ave.,  Pasadena, 

HUNTER,  F.  W.,  Freehold,  N.  J. 

HUNTER,  S.  J.,  1309  Ohio  St.,  Lawrence,  Kan. 



HUNTINGTON,  Archer  M.,  1083  Fifth  Ave., 
New  York. 

HUNTINGTON,  H.  E.,  Library  and  Art  Gallery, 
San  Gabriel,  Cal. 

HUTCHINS,  Henry  Clinton,  106  E.  85  St.,  New 
York  City. 

HUTZLER,  Alvin  B.,  1032  Mutual  Bldg.,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

HUTZLER,  Henry,  3235  Bishop  St.,  Cincinnati, 

HYATT,  Dr.  Thaddeus  P.,  1169  83d  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

HYDE,  Mrs.  Chas.  R.,  529  Vine  St.,  Chattano- 
oga, Tenn. 

HYDE,  Salem,  West  Genesee,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

HYLE,  F.  S.,  606  Main  St.,  Whitewater,  Wis. 

IDE,  Francis,  1515  N.  3rd  St.,  Springfield,  111. 

INGALSBE,  Granville,  M.,  Hudson  Falls,  N.  Y. 

INGERSOLL,    Wm.    H.,    637    Ridgewood    Road, 
Maplewood,  N.  J. 

INGLIS,  J.  M.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

INGRAIIAM,  Phoenix,  80  Irving  PI.,  New  York. 

INMAN,  Maurice,  i  Parade  PI.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

IRISH,  John  P.,  1904  Aldine  St.,  Oakland,  Cal. 

IRONBERG,  Frederic,   1155  6th   St.,   San  Diego, 

IRVINE,  James  T.,  216  S.  ;th  St.,  Zanesville,  O. 

IVINS,  William  M.,  Jr.,  75  W.  55th  St.,  New 


JACKSON,  G.  A.,  32  Washington  Park,   New- 
tonville,  Mass. 

JACKSON,  Joseph,  113  S.  43d  St.,  Philadelphia. 

JACKSON,   Judge    Grant,    Union    League    Club, 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

JACKSON,     Roscoe     B,     2505     Iroquois     Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

JACKSON,   Stuart   W.,  56  Elm   St.,   Montclair, 
N.  J. 

JACOBS,  Henry  Barton,  M.D.,   n   Mt.  Vernon 
PI.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

JACOBS,  Dr.  Jos.,  6  Marietta  St.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

JACOBS,    Dr.    Sidney,    713    Peachtree    St.,    At- 
lanta, Ga. 

JACOBS,   Sinclair,   713   Peachtree    St.,   Atlanta, 

JACOBS,  Mrs.  Solon,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

JACOBS,  Dr.  Thornwell,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

JAFFRAY,  Robert,  58  W.  46th  St.,  New  York. 

JAMES,  D.  L.,  1114  Grand  Ave.,  Kansas  City, 

JAMES,  Edmund  J.,  Rowland  St.,  W.  of  Vin- 
cent, Covina,  Cal. 



JAMES,   George   Wharton,    1098    N.    Raymond 

Ave.,  Pasadena,  Cal. 

JAMES,  John  H.,  300  High  St.,  Urbana,  O. 
JAMES,  Norman,  Catonsville,  Md. 
JANIVER^  Meredith,  "Idlehigh,"  Frederick  Rd., 

Catonsville,  Md. 
JANSEN,  Nels,  2925  N.  Talman  Ave.,  Chicago, 

JAROS,  Ernest  S.,  c/o  Lazarus  &  Co.,  Columbus, 

JEFFERS,  J.  Walter,  McClure  Bldg.,  Frankfort, 


JEFFERSON,  J.  P.,   P.  O.  Box  645,  Santa  Bar- 
bara, Cal. 
JEFFERY,  James  C,  1352  First  Nat.  B~ank  Bldg., 

Chicago,  111. 

JELLETT,  Edwin  C.,  Germantown,  Pa. 
JENKINS,  Charles  F.,  150  W.  Washington  Lane, 

Germantown,  Pa. 
JENKINS,  J.  H.,  80  Washington  St.,  Oshkosh, 

JENKINSON,  Richard  C.,  291   Washington   St., 

Newark,  N.  J. 
JEPSON,    Dr.    W.    L.,    2712    Benvenue    Ave., 

Berkeley,  Cal. 

JEROME,  William,  Kingston,  N.  Y. 
JESSUP,    Alexander,   522   W.    H2th    St.,    New 


JOHN,  Col.  Sam'l  Will.,  Selma,  Ala. 
JOHNS,  Charles  R.,  521*4  15th  St.,  Moline,  111. 
JOHNSON,  Boiling  Arthur,  4630  Kenmore  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 

JOHNSON,  C.  W.,  305  Ferry  St.,  Danville,  Pa. 
JOHNSON,    Edward    Hines,    2211    Walnut    St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
JOHNSON,  Erick  H.,  Route  i,  Box  49,  Frederic, 


JOHNSON,  H.  P.,  University,  Miss. 
JOHNSON,  James  W.,   Small  Acres,  Bingham- 

ton,  N.  Y. 
JOHNSON,  O.  M.,  118  Willey  St.,  Morgantown, 

W.  Va. 
JOHNSON,    Thomas    Lynn,    950    Leader    News 

Bldg.,   Cleveland,    O. 

JOHNSTON,  Chas.  H.,  703  W.  Oregon  St.,  Ur- 
bana, 111. 

JONAS,  Dr.  A.  F.,  Brandies  Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb. 
JONES,  Charles  R.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
JONES,  H.  Orrin,  236  N.  Ludlow  St.,  Dayton, 


JONES,  Herschel   V.,  2505  Park  Ave.,  Minne- 
apolis, Minn. 

JONES,  M.  B.,  50  Oliver  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
JONES,  Plummer  F.,  New  Canton,  Va. 
JONES,   R.    McKittrick,    6   Westmoreland    PL, 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 


JONES,  W.  A.  Fleming,  P.  O.  Box  4,  Las 
Cruces,  New  Mexico. 

JORDAN,  Dr.  David  Starr,  Stanford  University, 

JORDAN,  J.  H.,  158  Franklin  Ave.,  New 
Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

JORDAN,  John  Woolf,  806  N.  3ist  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

JORDAN,  Mrs.  W.  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

JORDAN,  William  George,  202  W.  130  St.,  New 

JOSEPH,  Emil,  1689  E.  iisth  St.,  Cleveland,  O. 

JOSEPH,  Isaac,  P.  O.  Box  690,  Cleveland,  O. 

JOSEPH,  Ralph  S.,  Joseph-Feiss  Co.,  Cleveland, 

JOYCE,  James  S.,  322  S.  Michigan  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

JUSTICE,  Carl  L.,  Old  Cris  Press,  Crisfield,  Md. 



KAHN,  Mrs.  Henry,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 
KARPINSKI,    Louis    C,    1315    Cambridge    Rd., 

Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 
KAUFFMAN,  Victor,  1708  New  Hampshire  Ave., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
KAUTZ,  F.  R.,  116  N.  Penn  St.,  Indianapolis, 


KEALHOFFER,  William,   Hagerstown,  Md. 
KEARNS,  Mrs.  Thomas,  East  Brigham  St.;  Salt 

Lake  City,  Utah. 

KEATING,  George  T.,  29  Broadway,  New  York. 
KEHI.ER,  James  Howard,  70  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

KEIDEL,  George  C.,  Ph.D.,  Library  of  Congress, 

Washington,  D.   C. 
KEISER,  Henry  F.,   i3th  and  Ft.   Crook  Bldg., 

Omaha,  Neb. 
KELLEN,    William    Vail,    390    Commonwealth 

Ave.,  Boston,  Mass. 
KELLER,     David     Henry,     Pineville,     Rapides 

Parish,    La. 
KELLOGG,  F.  B.,  633  Fairmont  Ave.,  St.  Paul, 

KELLY,  Geo.  T.,  1028  Judson  Ave.,  Evanston, 

KELLY,  Dr.  Howard  A.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

KELLY,  John  F.,  284  W.  Housatonic  St.,  Pitts- 
field,  Mass. 

KELLEY,  Hermon  A.,  Overlook  Road,  Euclid 
Heights,  Cleveland,  O. 

KELSEY,  Mrs.  Jessie,  Route  B.,  Box  224,  Lake- 
land, Fla. 

KELSO,  William  G.,  Jr.,  24  Orange  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 
KENDALL,  C.  N.,  Trenton,  N.  J. 


KENDRICK,  Julian,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
KENNEDY,  A.  B.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
KENNEDY,  Albert  J.,  20  Union  Park,  Boston. 


KENNEDY,  E.  G.,  375  Park  Ave.,  New  York. 
KENNEDY,   Elijah   R.,   33    Prospect    Park   W., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
KENNERLEY,    Mitchel,    489    Park    Ave.,    New 

York  City. 

KENNON-WOOD,  Mrs.  Lucy,  Saco,  Me. 
KENT,   Dorman   B.   E.,   Kent   St.,   Montpelier, 

KERNS,  Frank  A.,  1343  Humboldt  St.,  Denver, 


KESSLER,  Charles  N.,  R.  F.  D.  9,  Helena,  Mont. 
KEYES,  Mrs.  Wayne,  436  Broadway,  Tacoma, 


KIEFFER,  Rev.  J.   Spangler,   Hagerstown,   Md. 
KILIAN,  M.   N.,  Albertville,  Minn. 
KILMER,  Frederick  A.,  Oak  Harbor,  O. 
KIMBALL,  Benjamin,  66  Chestnut  St.,  Boston, 


KIMBALL,  F.  H.,  Rockford,  111. 
KIMBALL,   Walter    H.,   462    Broadway,    Prov- 
idence, R.  I. 

KINCANNON,  A.  A.,  University,  Miss. 
KINGAN,  S.  L.,  Tucson,  Ariz. 
KINGMAN,    William   L.,    208   Glenwood   Ave., 

Yonkers,  N.  Y. 
KINGSLKY,   Darwin    P.,    346   Broadway,    New 

York  City. 
KINNICK,  Benjamin  F.,  944  W.  D.  Woodruff, 

Indianapolis,   Ind. 
KINSELLA,  Prof.  Arthur  James,  2613  Ashland 

Ave.,  Cincinnati,  O. 
KIP,  Ira  A.,  Jr.,  South  Orange,  N.  J. 
KIRBY,  C.  V.,  725  Fulton  Bldg.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
KIRK,  H.  B.,  10  Broad  St.,  Charleston,  S.  C 
KIRK,    Rev.    Harris    E.,    508    Cathedral    St., 

Baltimore,  Md. 
KIRSCHNER,  Morris,  60  Amboy  St.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
KIZER,     B.    H.,    Old    National    Bank    Bldg., 

Spokane,  Wash. 
KLEINER,  Rheinhart,  278  Grove  St.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 

KNIGHT,  C.  L.,  c|o  Beacon-Journal,  Akron,  O. 
KNIGHT,  Charles  H.,  Canton,  O. 
KNIGHT,  D.  Allen,  1504  Poplar  St.,  Philadel- 
phia,  Pa. 

KNIGHT,  L.  L.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
KNIGHT,   W.   W.,   514   Bryant   Bldg.,   Kansas 

City,  Mo. 
KOEHLER,  Dr.  G.,   1116  Morse  Ave.,  Chicago, 




KOHN,  August,  1520  Senate  St.,  Columbia, 
S.  C. 

KRAEMER,  Casper  J.,  Jr.,  537  Union  PL,  Union 
Hill,  N.  J. 

KRAEMER,  Gustav,  4  St.  Marks  PI.,  New  York 

KRAEMER,  Louis  F.,  Stony  Creek  Mills,  Read- 
ing, Pa. 

KRAYBILL,  Mrs.  A.  E.,  1113  Third  Avc.,  Asbury 
Park,  N.  J. 

KREUZBEE,  Charles,  1948  Michigan  Blvd., 
Racine,  Wis. 

KRUMBAAR,  Edward  B.,  P.  O.  Box  Chestnut 
Hill,  Philadelphia. 

Kin.  Sidney,  M.  D.,  4330  Drexel  Bldg.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

KUHN,  Arthur  K.,  42  Broadway,  New  York. 

KUNZ,  George  F.,  c/o  Tiffany  &  Co.,  409  Fifth 
Ave.,  New  York. 

KURRIE,  H.  R.,  608  South  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

KYLE,  J.  Orr,  105  W.  40th  St.,  New  York. 

LACY,  Graham  G.,  2912  Frederick  Blvd.,  St. 
Joseph,  Mo. 

LAMAR,  J.  R.,  U.  S.  Supreme  Court,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

LAMB,  Frank  B.,  33  Main  St.,  Westfield,  N.  Y. 

LAMB,  Venice  J.,  Mahoning  Bank  Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O. 

LAMBERT,  E.  E.,  c/o  Western  Costume  Co.,  908 
S.  Broadway,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

LAMBERT,  Samuel  W.,  130  E.  35th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

LANDIS,  Hon.  Chas.  D.,  140  N.  Duke  St.,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

LANCE,  William,  Republic  Steel  &  Wire  Co., 
Youngstown,  O. 

LARNER,  John  B.,  1709  I9th  St.,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

LAWRENCE,  George  A.,  590  N.  Prairie  St., 
Galesburg,  111. 

LAWRENCE,  John  S.,  307  Fulton  St.  E.,  Grand 
Rapids,  Mich. 

LEARNED,  Walter,  New  London,  Conn. 

LEAVITT,  J.,  R.  D.  42,  Norwalk,  Conn. 

LE  Doux,  Louis  V.,  99  John  St.,  New  York. 

LEE,  John  T.,  Madison,  Wis. 

LEE,  Paul,  211  Colorado  Block,  Fort  Collins, 

LEGGAT,  Alexander,  Butte,  Mont. 

LEHMANN,  F.  W.,  Fourth  and  Olive  Sts.,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 


LEIDY,  Dr.  Joseph,  1319  Locust  St.,  Philadel- 

LEISSMAN,  Charles,  Bismarck,  N.  D. 

LEITCH,  Mrs.  Mary  S.,  Lynnhaven,  Mass. 

LEMPERLY,  Paul,  14205  Detroit  Ave.,  Lakewood, 

LENG,  Charles  W.,  Public  Museum,  Staten 
Island,  N.  Y. 

LEONARD,  Arthur  George,  4801  Woodlawn  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

LEONARD,  Frederick  E.,  Oberlin  College,  Ober- 
lin,  O. 

LESSER,  M.  A.,  302  Broadway,  New  York. 

LEVINE,  Isaac,  Kimball  Bldg.,  Chicago,  111. 

LEWIS,  David,  2210  S.  4th  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

LEWIS,  Prof.  E.  M.,  19  Lincoln  Ave.,  Atnherst, 

LEWIS,  H.  J.,  Brewster  House,  Sewaren,  N.  J. 

LEWIS,  John  Frederick,  1914  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 

LEWIS,  L.  J.,  Scale,  Ala. 

LEWIS,  Mrs.  Thomas  Addison,  92  Lake  Ave., 
Pueblo,  Colo. 

LEWIS,  Weston,  Gardiner,  Me. 

LEWISOHN,  Mrs.  Frederick,  Plaza  Hotel,  New 

LEWISSON,  Walter  U.,  147  Tremont  St.,  Boston, 

LIBBEY,  Prof.  William,  Princeton,  N.  J. 

LIBBIE,  Frederick  J.,  3  Hamilton  PL,  R.  214, 
Boston,  Mass. 

LEISSMAN,  Charles,  615  /th  St.,  Bismarck, 
N.  D. 

LIGHT,  George  A.,  126  E.  38th  St.,  New  York. 

LILIENTHAL,  Capt.  A.  W.,  von.,  I  E.  39th  St., 
New  York  City. 

LINCOLN,  Bardwell  W.,  807  Forest  Ave.,  Mont- 
gomery, Ala. 

LINDSEY,  Judge  Ben  B.,  Denver,  Colo. 

LINDSEY,  Gen.  D.  W.,  Frankfort,  Ky. 

LINEHAN,  Rev.  T.  P.,  Biddeford,  Me. 

LINN,  Talfourd  P.,   Columbus,  Ohio. 

LINTON,  Wm.  S.,  8n  S.  Jefferson  Ave.,  Sagi- 
naw,  Mich. 

LIPSEY,  J.  J.,  1503  N.  Weber  St.,  Colorado 
Springs,  Colo. 

LISSER,  Dr.  Louis,  3899  Washington  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

LITCHFIELD,  E.  Hubert,  in  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

LITTLE,  John  S.,  Bank  of  Rushville,  Rushville, 

LLOYD,  Mrs.  Cyrus  D.,  522  Osage  St.,  Leaven- 
worth,  Kan. 

LLOYD,  William,  606  Royal  St.,  New  Orleans, 



LOCKE,  Eugene  P.,  American  Exchange  Nat. 
Bank  BUlg..  Dallas,  Tex. 

LOCKWOOD,  Frank,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

LOCKWOOD,  Thomas  B.,  292  Summer  St.,  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y. 

LODGE,  Prof.  Gonzalez,  Teachers'  College,  New 
York  City. 

LODGE,  Hon.  Henry  Cabot,  1765  Massachusetts 
Ave.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

LODING,  H.  P.,  Mobile,  Ala. 

LOEB,  Harold  S.,  Hotel  Longacre,  Philadelphia, 

LOESCH,  F.  J.,  4247  Hazel  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

LOFTING,  Frederick  T.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

LOGAN,  Miss  Frances,  4155  Warwick  Blvd., 
Kansas  City,  Mo. 

LOMBARD,  Rev.  Herbert  E.,  Sutton,  Mass. 

LORD,  Arthur,  70  State  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

LORD,  C.  J.,  Olymphia,  Wash. 

LORD,  Ralph  E.,  218  Madison  Ave.,  New  York. 

LORING,  Augustus  P.,  in  Devonshire  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

LORING,  J.  Alden,  351  Front  St.,  Oswego, 
N.  Y. 

LORRAINE,  Joe,  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  Boston,  Mass. 

LOUGHBRIDGE,  Charles  R.,  1207  Pennsylvania 
St.,  Denver,  Colo. 

LOUD,  Oliver  B.,  19  Smith  Ave.,  Methuen, 

LOVE,  Don  C.,  Little  Bldg.,  Lincoln,  Neb. 

LOVE,  Dr.  J.  F.,  Iowa  City,  Iowa. 

LOVELL  Mrs.  W.  S.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

LOWELL,  Miss  Amy,  Brookline,  Mass. 

LOWENSTEIN,  Victor,  Church  St.,  Mobile,  Ala. 

LOWER,  Henry  E.,  205  E.  Capitol  St.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Low  MAN,  L.  W.,  1530  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia, 

LOWN,  Clarence,  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. 

LOWRY,  H.  B.,  1136  O  St.,  Lincoln,  Neb. 

LUCHHARDT,  Dr.  A.  B.,  5216  Greenwood  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

LULL,  Robert  W.,  i  Chapel  St.,  Newburyport, 

LuNcfcEEN,  C.  E.,  204  County  City  Bldg., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

LUSK,  J.  A.,  Guntersville,  Ala. 

LUSK,  Willard  C,  Yankton,  S.  D. 

LUTHER,  Miss  Sarah,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

LUTHY,  Chas.  M.,  3924  Cooper  Ave.,  Cleveland, 

LYMAN,  Robert  Hunt,  250  W.  88th  St.,  New 

York  City. 



MACALLISTER,  Edward  B.,  Rockland,  Me. 

MACALLISTER,  R.  C,  C.  M.  &  St.  P.  Railway, 
Chicago,  111. 

McALPiNE,  Mrs.  Sarah,  1610  E.  1st  St.,  Duluth, 

McARDLE,  L.  D.,  Olymphia,  Wash. 

McBRiDE,  C.  E.,  Park  Ave.,  Mansfield,  O. 

McCAMic,  Charles,  Wheeling,  W.  Va. 

MACCHESNEY,  Nathan  William,  568  Haw- 
thorne PI.,  Chicago,  111. 

McCoRD,  Col.  J.  H.,  1823  Clay  St.,  St.  Joseph, 

McCoRMACK,  Carr,  N/ew  Castle,  Ala. 

McCoRMicK,  Louis  B.,  McCormick  Bank,  Salt 
Lake  City,  Utah. 

McCov,  Rev.  John  N.,  23  Eastern  Ave., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

MCCREERY,  Dr.  Charles,  Tacoma,  Wash. 

McCuLLOCH,  Henry  M.,  Lawrenceville,  Pa. 

McCuLLOUGH,  Joseph  A.,  Box  790,  Baltimore, 

McCutCHEON,  George  Barr,  125  E.  72nd  St., 
New  York. 

MACDONALD,  Duncan  B.,  143  Sigourney  St., 
Hartford,  Conn. 

McEvoY,  George  A.,  104  Tenth  St.,  Lowell. 

McEwEN,  John  B.,  Rockford,  Ala. 

MCFARLAND,  J.   Horace,   Harrisburg,   Pa. 

MACFARLAND,  Sam  H.,  36  S.  Franklin  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

McGuiRE,  Elisha  W.,  150  Nassau  St.,  New 

MACHEN,  Arthur  W.,  217  Monument  St.,  Bal- 
timore, Md. 

MACKALL,  Leonard  L.,  care  of  Lawton  &  Cun- 
ningham, Savannah,  Ga. 

McKEE,  Arthur  C,  832  Kinsman  Road,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

MCKEEHAN,  H.  H.,  Guardian  Bldg.,  Cleveland, 

MACKENZIE,  Alexander  C.,  525  Society  for  Sav- 
ings Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

MACKENZIE,  F.  S.,  Woodstock,  Vt. 

McKiNNEY,  Price,  903  Payne  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

McKissiCK,  J.  Rion,  Box  26,  Greenville,  S.  C. 

MCLEAN,  S.  F.,  248  S.  Broadway,  Los  Angeles, 

McLEAN,  Mrs.  W.  E.,  700  S.  7th  St.,  Terre 
Haute,  Ind. 

McLELLAN,  Hugh,  Champlain,  N.  Y. 

McLEoo,  C.  H.,  Missoula,  Mont. 

McLouo,  John,  Grayhorse,  Okla. 


MACMARTEN,  322  Security  Bldg.,  Minneapolis, 

McMASTER,  Fitz  Hugh,  1428  Laurel  St.,  Co- 
lumbia, S.  C. 

McNAiRY,  Amos  B.,  3333  Euclid  Ave.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

McNALL,  P.  E.,  Agr.  Econ.,  University  of  Wis- 
consin, Madison,  Wis. 

McNEEL,   Allen   H.,   Montgomery,   Ala. 

McNurr,  Dr.  W.  F.,  2440  Washington  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

McPHEETERS,  Samuel  B.,  Central  National 
Bank  Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

McPHERsox,  D.  J.,  Bergen,  N.  Y. 

McQuEEN,   Alexander,   Glenview,   111. 

MACRAE,  Mrs.  Ruth,  Mission  Ridge,  Chat- 
tanooga, Tenn. 

MADDEN,  Clarence  L.,  800  Bulkley  Bldg, 
Cleveland,  O. 

MADISON,  James,  1493  Broadway,  New  York. 

MAGEE,  James  M.,  306  Frick  Bldg.,  Pittsburgh, 

MAGUIRE,  Don,  P.  O.  Box  549,  25th  St.,  Ogden, 

MAHAN,  Claude,  P.  O.  Box  459,  Hopkinsville, 

MAKER,  Edward,  127  N.  Dearborn  St.,  Chicago, 

M  AIRES,  Samuel  Evans,  672  Ocean  Ave., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

MAKEPEACE,  Walter  D.,  Court  House,  Water- 
bury,  Conn. 

MALTBY,  Ian  E.,  Apt.  3  A,  824  Edgecombe  PL, 
Chicago,  111. 

MALLEY,  Rev.  J.  V.,  11770  Fourth  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

MALLOCH,  Douglas,  1532  Thorne  St.,  Chicago, 

MANCAN,  Dr.  John  J.,  174  S.  Commerce  St., 
Lynn,  Mass. 

MANGER,  Henry,  Freeport,  N.  Y. 

MANIERRE,  George,  100  Belvue  PI.,  Chicago, 

MANLEY,  Herbert  D.,  43  W.  8$th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

MANN,  Cameron,  Bishopstead,  Orlando,  Fla. 

MANNING,  James  H.,  409  State  St.,  Albany, 
N.  Y. 

MANNING,  Warren  H.,  Boston,  Mass. 

MARBURG,  Theo.,  14  Mt.  Vernon  PI.,  W.,  Balti- 
more, Md.  " 

MARCHBANKS,  Hal,  114  E.  i3th  St.,  New  York 

MARKHAM,  Edwin,  92  Waters  Ave.,  West  New 
Brighton,  N.  Y. 


MARKS,  Dr.  Charles  L.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

MARLATT,  William  H.,  805  Society  for  Sav- 
ings Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

MARLOW,  Thos  A.,  Natl.  Bk.  of  Montana, 
Helena,  Mont. 

MARROW,  Jos.  F.,  1446  Oak  St.,  Jacksonville, 

MARSH,  Edward  S.,  Brandon,  Vt. 

MARSHALL,  George  G.,  Marshall  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

MARSTON,  Howard,  25  Brattle  St.,  Boston, 

MARTIN,  Mrs.  Alexander,  870  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

MARTIN,  Rev.  Charles,  124  W.  I36th  St.,  New 

MARTIN,  H.  H.,  Lake  Forest,  111. 

MARTIN,  Lenala  A.,  Susanville,  Cal. 

MARTIN,  Sarah  G.,  Green  Bay,  Wis. 

MARTIN,  W.  H.,  Leesburg,  Va. 

MARTINEZ,  Felix,  El  Paso,  Texas. 

MARVIN,  Mrs.  Robert  M.,  Main  and  Fifth  Sts., 
Jamestown,  N.  Y. 

MASON,  Mrs.  Frank  H.,  Perkins  Hill,  Akron,  O. 

MASON,  Henry  E.,  301  Central  Ave.,  Highland 
Park,  111. 

MASON,  Walter,  Emporia,  Kan. 

MASON,  William  S.,  1401  Ridge  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

MASSON,  Thomas  L.,  598  Madison  Ave.,  New 

MASTERS,  Edgar  Lee,  4853  Kenwood  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

MATHER,  Frank  J.,  Jr.  3  Evelyn  PI.,  Princeton, 
N.  J. 

MATHER,  William  G.,  Kirby  Bldg.,  Cleveland, 

MATSON,  Esther,  436  Arroyo  Drive,  Pasadena, 

MATTHEWS,  Brander,  337  W.  87th  St.,  New 

MAXWELL,  J.  M-,  529  Equitable  Bldg,  .Den- 
ver, Colo. 

MEAD,  Leon,  Binghamton,  N.  Y. 

MEALEY,  Edward,  Hagerstown,  Md. 

MEANV,  Edmond  S.,  4025  Tenth  Ave.  N.  E., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

MEDCALF,  George  Thomas,  1509  3rd  Ave.,  Oak- 
land, Cal. 

MEEKER,  Claude,  8  E.  Broad  St.,  Columbus,  O. 

MEES,  C.  L,,  2209  N.  gth  St.,  Terre  Haute,  Ind. 

MEESE,  Wm.  A.,  Moline,  111. 

MEINE,  Franklyn,  1422  N.  La  Salle  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 


MELCHER,  Frederic  G.,  228  Grove  St.,  Mont- 
clair,  N.  J. 

MELLEN,  George  F.,  Knoxville,  Tenn. 

MELLOR,  W.  C,  604  Wood  St.,  Pittsburgh, 

MENCKEN,  H.  L.,  1524  Hollins  St.,  Baltimore, 

MERRIAM,  C.  Hart,  1919  i6th  St.,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

MERRILL,  Charles  E.,  Jr.,  432  Fourth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

MERRILL,  Mrs.  M.  E.  Rath,  80  Winner  Ave., 
Columbus,  O. 

MERRILL,  T.  D.,  2626  Greysolon  Rd.,  Duluth, 

MERRITT,  E.  P.,  343  Marlboro  St.,  Boston, 

MERRITT,  Dr.  Emma,  2323  Washington  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

MERRITT,  F.  P.,  4  E.  36th  St.,  New  York 

MERRITT,  Mortimer  G.,  210  W.  Embargo, 
Rome,  N.  Y. 

MERTINS,  Mrs.  Paul,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

MESSENGER,  Maria  Gerard,  Chappaqua,  N.  Y. 

MESSERVY,  J.  Ehrichs,  76  Cannon  St.,  Charles- 
ton, S.  C. 

MICHAEL,  Edward,  cor.  Delaware  Ave.  and 
Summit  St.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

MICHIE,  H.  Stuart,  10  Military  Rd.,  Worcester, 

MILES,  Benjamin  F.,  2712  Overlook  Rd.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

MILITARY  Order  of  the  Loyal  Legion  of  the 
United  States,  Penn.  Commandery,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

MILLER,  Mrs.  A.  M.,  2303  E.  2d  St.,  Duluth, 

MILLER,  Mrs.  Charles  R.,  Wilmington,  Del. 

MILLER,  Dayton,  C,  Case  School,  Cleveland, 

MILLER,  Elizabeth  C.  T.,  3738  Euclid  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

MILLER,  George  Douglas,  Deer  Island,  Alexan- 
dria  Bay,  Jefferson  Co.,  N.  Y. 

MILLER,  John  E.,  care  Miller  &  Paine,  Lincoln, 

MILLER,  John  R.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

MILLER'  Oliver,  Central  National  Bank  Bldg., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

MILLER,  Reuben,  Farmers  Bank  Bldg.,  Pitts- 
burg,  Pa. 

MILLER,  T.  F.,  Mattituck,  N.  Y. 

MINER,  E.  G.,  217  Cutler  Bldg.,  Rochester, 


MINOR,  Dr.  Charles,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
MITCHELL,  Charles  A.,  Asheville  School,  Ashe- 
ville, N.  C 

MITCHELL,  Philip,  Rock  Island,  111. 
MITTEN,   Arthur   G.,    R.    F.    D.    I,   Goodland, 


MOIR,  A.  L.  Lowell,  Mass. 
MONNETTE,  Orra  E.,  350  S.  Oxford  Ave.,  Los 

Angeles,  Cal. 
MONTGOMERY,  J.  A.,  Clerk,  U.  S.  Court,  Fargo, 

N.  D. 
MONTGOMERY,  Robert  H.,  55  Liberty  St.,  New 

York  City. 

MONTGOMERY,  Thos.  L.,  904  Clinton  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

MOORE,  E.  Vernon,  Lewisburg,  O. 
MOORE,  Edmund  H.,  Youngstown,  O. 
MOORE,    Frederick    W.,    College    of    Wooster, 

Wooster,  O. 

MOORE,  Mrs.  L.  C.,  Fort  Collins,  Colo. 
MOORE,  Louis  S.,  Thomasville,  Ga. 
MOORE,  W.  J.,  44  River  St.,  Salamanca,  N.  Y. 
MOORES,  Charles  W.,  1300  Fletcher  Trust  Bldg., 

Indianapolis,  Ind. 
MOOT,  Aldebert,   358  Elmwood   Ave.,   Buffalo, 

N.  Y. 

MOREY,  Bertha,  327  W.  4th  St.,  Ottumwa,  la. 
MORGAN,   Edward    B.,    415    First    Nat.    Bank 

Bldg.,  Denver,  Col. 

MORGAN,  Dr.  J.  D.,  Chevy  Chase,  Md. 
MORGAN,  W.   L.,  271  E  St.,  Salt  Lake   City, 

MORCNER,    Oscar    A.,    19    W.   44th   St.,    New 

MORIN,  A.  J.,  140  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chicago, 

MORLEY,    Christopher,    Roslyn    Heights,    L.    1. 

N.  Y. 

MORROW,  Hon.  Robert,  Portland,  Ore. 
MORSE,    Mrs.    Charles   J.,    1825    Asbury   Ave., 

Evanston,  111. 

MORSE,  F.  D.,  Lawrence,  Kan. 
MORSE,   Frank  E.,    162   Boylston   St.,   Boston, 


MORSE,  Willard  S.,  Seaford,  Del. 
MORSMAN,  Robt.,  U.  S.  National   Bk.,   Bldg., 

Omaha,  Neb. 
MORTON,  Stratford  Lee,   1008  Chemical  Bldg., 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 
MOSES,  Dr.  Alfred  G.,  The  Temple,  Mobile, 


MOSES,  Barr,  143  Edwards  St.,  Wausau,  Wis. 
MOSHER,  Thomas  B.,  45  Exchange  St.,  Port- 
land, Me. 



MOTON,  Maj.  Robert  R.,  Tuskegee  Institute, 

MOTT,  Frank  Luther,  Bewkley  Apts.,  Iowa  City, 

MOULD,  Judge  David,  1114  Jennings  St.,  Sioux 
City,  la. 

MOVER,  M.  S.,  149  Broadway,  New  York. 

MUELLER,  Hans,  Lebanon,  Ky. 

MULFORD,  A.  C,  South  St.,  Oyster  Bay.,  N.  Y. 

MULLEN,  Miss  Mary  R.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

MULLIN,  John  M.,  Slingerlands,  N.  Y. 

MUNCEV,  Marie  Louise,  6108  Eberhart  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

M  UNDER,  Norman,  T.  A.,  2335  Linden  Ave., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

MUNK,  Dr.  J.  A.,  747  So.  Alvarado  St.,  Los 
Angeles,  Cal. 

MUNN,  Charles  Allen,  233  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

MUNRO,  Wilfrid  H.,  115  Butler  Ave.,  Provi- 
dence, R.  I. 

MUNROE,  G.  F.,  Mobile,  Ala. 

MUNSON,  Samuel  L.,  84  Lancaster  St.,  Albany, 
N.  Y. 

MURDOCH,  Mrs.  W.  L.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

MURDOCK,  Harold,  P.  O.,  Chestnut  Hill,  Mass. 

MURPHY,  Alonzo  M.,  Exchange  Bank  Bldg., 
Spokane,  Wash. 

MURPHY,  Prof.  Paul,  College  of  Idaho,  Cald- 
well,  Idaho. 

MURPHY,  Robert  Cushman,  221  Eastern  Park- 
way, Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

MURPHY,  Thomas  D.,  Red  Oak,  la. 

MURPHY,  Wm.  H.,  2248  Penobscot  Bldg.,  De- 
troit, Mich. 

MURRAY,  Mrs.  T.  J.,  Butte  Mont. 

MURTHA,  T.  F.,  Tuckahoe,  N.  Y. 

MYERS,  Albert  Cook,  1300  Locust  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 


NAIL,  John,  Jr.,  345  W.  I35th  St.,  New  York. 

NALLY,  Edward  Julian,  "The  Trees,"  Ossining, 
N.  Y. 

NATIONAL  City  Bank,  55  Wall  St.,  New  York. 

NEAD,  Benj.  M.,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 

NEAL,  Mrs.  Louis  A.,  Albany,  Ala. 

NEEDHAM,  Maurice  Hubert,  care  of  Husband 
&  Thomas,  150  E.  Erie  at  St.  Clair,  Chicago, 

NEEDHAM,  Wilbur,  25  S.  Washington  St.,  Hins- 
dale,  111. 

NEIGER,  Arthur  A.,  11615  Hazeldell  Rd.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

NEILSON,  Howard  S.,  Darien,  Conn. 


NESTEL,  John,  Room  53,  University  of  Chicago, 
Chicago,  111. 

NEU,  Ross  K.,  Elkhart,  Ind. 

NEVILLE,  Arthur  C,  Green  Bay,  Wis. 

NEWBEGIN,  J.  J.,  358  Post  St.,  San  Francisco, 

NEWTON,  A.  Edward,  Oak  Knoll,  Berwyn, 

NEY,  Robert  W.,  1818  E.  82nd  St.,  Cleveland, 

NICHOLS,  Charles  L.,  M.D.,  38  Cedar  St.,  Wor- 
cester, Mass. 

NICHOLSON,  J.  M.,  87  S.  Pine  Ave.,  Albany, 
N.  Y. 

NICHOLSON,  Meredith,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

NOAH,  A.  H.,  Fifty-Second  National  Bank 
Bldg.,  Akron,  O. 

NOLAN,  Preston,  M.,  5802  Kenmore  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

NOLEN,  John,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

NORDHOFF,  Walter,  Redlands,  Cal. 

NORMOYLE,  D.  J.,  5524  Indiana  Ave.,  Chicago, 

NORMS,  E.  A.,  Joplin,  Mo. 

NORRIS,  Isaac,  M.D.,  Bryn  Mawr,  Pa. 

NORTHRUP,  F.  E.,  608  W.  State  St.,  Marshall- 
town,  la. 

NORTON,  D.  Z.,  7301  Euclid  Ave.,  Cleveland, 

NORTON,  Eliot,  690  Park  Ave.,  New  York. 

NORWOOD,  Joseph  W.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

NOYES,  Charles  L.,  Winter  Hill,  Mass. 

NOYES,  William  S.,  3023  Summit  St.,  Oakland, 

NUSBAUM,  M.  G.,  Box  376,  Norfolk,  Va. 


OAKLEAF,  J.  B.,  Moline,  111. 

OBRECHT,  Rt.  Rev.  Abbot  Edmond  M.,  Abbey  of 
Our  Lady  of  Gethsemani,  Trapipist,  Geth- 
semani,  Ky. 

O'BRIEN,  Frederick,  Sausalito,   Cal. 

O'BRIEN,  Mrs.  Wm.,  Cor.  ist  &  H  Sts.,  Salt 
Lake  City,  Utah. 

O'CONNELL,  R.  J.  O.,  10  W.  Garfield  St.,  Seattle, 

O'CoNNER,  James,  124  Government  PI.,  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

O'Dowo,  Mrs.  Margaret,  703  Pine  St.,  Man- 
chester, N.  H. 

OGLEBAY,  E.  W.,  1208  Hanna  Bldg.,  Cleveland, 

OREL,  Ed.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

OLCOTT,  William  J.,  2316  E.  ist  St.,  Duluth. 

OLDS,  W.  P.,  373  Hascalo  St.,  Portland,  Ore. 



OLSON,  Prof.  Julius  E.,  1909  Adams  St.,  Madi- 
son, Wis. 

ORMES,  Manly  D.,  Colorado  Springs,  Colo. 

ORR,  Charles,  1938  E.  n6th  St.,  Cleveland,  O. 

OSBORN,  A.  S.,  2264  Woolworth  Bldg.,  New 
York  City. 

OSBORNE,  Thomas  M.,  99  South  St.,  Auburn, 
N.  Y. 

OSWALD,  John  Clyde,  239  W.  39th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

OTIS,  Chas.  A.,  Statler  Hotel,  Cleveland,  O. 

OTIS,  Miss  Genevieve,  400  Center  St.,  Des 
Moines,  la. 

OWEN,  Mary  G.,  306  N.  9th  St.,  St.  Joseph, 

OWEN,  Thomas  M.,  Dept.  of  Archives  and  His- 
tory, Montgomery,  Ala. 

OWEN,  Mrs.  Thomas  M.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

OWEN,  Thomas  M.,  Jr.,  Albany,  Ala. 

OWSLEY  GALLERIES,  Mahoning  Bank  Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O. 

PAGE,  Curtis  Hidden,  Dartmouth  College,  Han- 
over, N.  H. 

PAGE,  E.  J.,  628  James  St.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

PAINE,  Frederic  W.,  606  Sellwood  Bldg.,  Du- 
luth,  Minn. 

PAINE,  Robert  Treat  (2d),  Brookline,  Mass. 

PALMER,  A.,  405  N.  4th  St.,  Marshalltown  la. 

PALMER,  George  H.,  n  Quincy  St.,  Cambridge, 

PALMER,  Howard,  Hotel  Mohican,  New  Lon- 
don, Conn. 

PALMER'  Dr.  Thomas  W.,  Montevallo,  Ala. 

PALMER,  William  P.,  2332  Overlook  Road, 
Cleveland,  O. 

PANCOAST,  H.  S.,  Germantown,  Pa. 

PANNELL,  Ernest  W.,  165  Broadway,  New 

PARK,  Julian,  33  Summit  Ave.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

PARKE,  Dr.  Milton  J.,  18133  Clinton  Blvd., 
Lakewood,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

PARKER,  F.  W.,  215  9th  St.,  Oregon  City, 

PARKER,  Geo.  F.,  401  Convent  Ave.,  New  York 

PARKER,  J.  M.,  27  W.  Main  St.,  Marshalltown, 

PARKER,  Thomas,  Greenville,  S.  C. 

PARSONS,  Edward  A.,  5  Rosa  Park,  New 
Orleans,  La. 

PARSONS,  Joseph  H.,  Talladega,  Ala. 

PARSONS,  Miss  K.  de  B.,  112  E.  74th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

PARTLOW,  Dr.  William  D.,  Tuscaloora,  Ala. 



PARTON,  Miss  Ethel,  254  High  St.,  Newbury- 
port,  Mass. 

PARTRIDGE,  H.  E.,  care  Wyman  Patridge  &  Co., 
Minneapolis,  Minn. 

PASSAVANT,  D.  L.,  Zelienople,  Pa. 

PATERSON,  J.  H.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

PATON,  William  Agnew,  Lakewood,  N.  J. 

PATTERSON,  James  K.,  University  Campus,  Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

PATTERSON,  John  M.,  2135  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

PATTESON,  S.  S.  P.,  2505  Stuart  Ave.,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

PATTON,  Mrs.  H.  W.,  Aberdeen,  Wash. 

PAUL,  James  H.,  Carbondale,  Pa. 

PAUL,  John  J.,  Watertown,  Fla. 

PAULLIN,  Geo.  W.,  73  E.  Washington  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

PAVEY,  Henry  A.,  Hillsboro,  O. 

PAYNE,  John  Barton,  Chicago  Club,  Chicago, 

PEABODY,  Augustus  E.,  936  Lake  Shore  Drive, 
Chicago,  111. 

PEARL,  Dr.  Raymond,  401  Hawthorne  Rd., 
Roland  Park,  Baltimore,  Md. 

PEARCE,  Wilbur  E.,  303  University  PL,  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y. 

PEASE,  E.  M.,  95  William  St.,  New  York. 

PECK,  Walter  E.,  424  Nold  Ave.,  Wooster,  O. 

PEEKE,  Hawson  L.,  17  Sloane  Block,  Sandusky, 

PELL,  Herbert  Claiborne,  Jr.,  Tuxedo,   N.  Y. 

PELL,  S.  H.,  16  E.  43rd  St.,  New  York  City. 

PELLETT,  Frank  C,  Box  376,  Hamilton,  111. 

PENARD,  Thomas  E.,  12  Norfolk  Road,  Arling- 
ton, Mass. 

PENGELLEY,  W.  G.,  616  Hartman  Bldg.,  Colum- 
bus, O. 

PENNINAN,  James  H.,  4326  Sansom  St.,  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 

PENTECOST,  Capt.  Ernest  A.,  Tops  field,  Mass. 

PENTON,  John  A.,  Penton  Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

PEPPERMAN,  Miss  Leonora,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

PERCIVAL,  John  H.,  12  Walnut  St.,  East  Prov- 
idence, R.  I. 

PERCIVAL,  Olive,  906  Hibernian  Bldg.,  Los 
Angeles,  Cal. 

PERINE,  Fred  A.,  1532  W.  Philadelphia  Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

PERKINS,  H.  Z.  E.,  132  North  Peters,  New 
Orleans,  La. 

PERKINS,  Samuel  H.,  Tacoma,  Wash. 

PERRY,  Dr.  H.  G.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

PERRY,  Mrs.  R.  A.,  6172  Chabot  Road,  Oak- 
land, Cal. 


PESKIND,  Dr.  Benj.  A.,  2429  E.  55th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

PKSKY,  Philip,  481  Ave.  E.,  Bayonne,  N.  J. 

PETER,  Charles,  644  E.  South  Temple  St.,  Salt 
Lake  City,  Utah. 

PETERS,  Samuel  T.,  i  Broadway,  New  York. 

PETERSON,  Edward,  Stratford,  la. 

PETERSON,  Harry  E.,  10747  Forest  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

PETRIE,  Dr.  George,  Auburn,  Ala. 

PETTIGREW,   George   A.,    Grand    Sec.   and    Li- 
brarian, Sioux  Falls,  S.  D. 

PETTI  NGELL,  Frank  Hervey,  Los  Angeles  Stock 
Exchange,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

PETTY,  William  S.,  200  Broad  St.,  Washing- 
ton, N.  J. 

PEW,  Edward  W.  W.,  El  Paso,  Texas. 

PFEIFFER,  Edward  H.,  Box  224,  Redlands,  Cal. 

PFIRSHING,  Mrs.  Mena  C,  1515  Chicago  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 

PFEUFFER,  S.  V.,  501    San  Antonio   St.,   New 
Braunfels,  Texas. 

PFORSHEIMER,    Carl    H.,    25    Broad    St.,    New 

PFOUTS,  Dr.  G.  B.,  Mercantile  Bldg.,  Salt  Lake 
City,  Utah. 

PHELAN,  James  D.,  2150  Washington  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

PHELPS,  George   H.,   Bowbells,   N.   D. 

PHELPS,  Wm.  Lyon,   no  Whitney  Ave.,  New 
Haven,  Conn. 

PHILBIN.  William  H.,  492  N.  Main  St.,  Arch- 
bald,   Pa. 

PHILLIPS,  A.  A.,  55  Beaumont  St.,  Springfield, 

PHIPPS,  Lawrence   C.,  Denver,   Colo. 

PHIPPS,  W.  H.,  Paulding,  O. 

PICKANDS,  Henry  S.,  Western  Reserve  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

PICKARD,  Dr.  M.  W.,  Union  Station  Hospital, 
Kansas  City,  Mo. 

PICKERSGILL,  H.  E.,  Perth  Amboy,  N.  J. 

PICKETT,  Sarah  Alberta,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

PIERCE,    Henry    Clay,    927    Fifth    Ave.,    New 
York  City. 

PILCHER,    Lewis    S.,    M.D.,    145    Gates    Ave., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

PILGRIM,  Charles  W.,  Central  Valley,  N.  Y. 

PIPER,    Prof.    E.    F.,    State    University,    Iowa 
City,  la. 

PITTMAN,  Thomas  M.,  Henderson,  N.  C. 

PLACE,  Charles  ^W.,  490  West  End  Ave.,  New 

PLANTZ,  Samuel,  Lawrence  College,  Appleton, 




PLATT,  Charles  D.,  Moller  PI.,  Dover,  N.  J. 

PLECHNER,  Henry  E.,  19  E.  47th  St.,  New  York 

PLIMPTON,  George  A.,  70  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

PLUMB,  A.  H.,  200  E.  Sixth  Ave.,  Emporia, 

PLUMMER,  Dr.  Chas.  G.,  465  East  South 
Temple  St.,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

POLLARD,  F.  H.,  23  W.  Cedar  St.,  Boston, 

POLLOCK,  Judge  Chas.  A.,  Fargo,  N.  D. 

POOL,  Frank  J.,  Kee  Mar  Park,  Cleveland. 

POPE,  Charles  E.,  421  Wood  St.,  Pittsburgh, 

POPE,  A.  Winthrop.  Newton,  Mass. 

POTTER,  Alfred  C,  Harvard  College  Library, 
Cambridge,  Mass. 

POWNER,  W.  E.,  62  W.  Madison  St.,  Chicago, 

PRATT,  Walter  M.,  159  Devonshire  St.,  Boston, 

PRELL,  John  S.,  1137  Geary  St.,  San  Francisco, 

PRENTISS,  Frederick,  Court  House,  Pittsfield, 

PRENTISS,  H.  H.,  3505  Mayfield  Road,  Cleve- 
land, Ohio. 

PRESCOTT,  Winward,  P.  O.  Box  3066,  Boston, 

PRESTON,  Mrs.  George  M.,  12  Vernon  St., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

PRESTON,  Howard  W.,  7  Gushing  St.,  Provi- 
dence, R.  I. 

PREWETT,  Judge  J.  E.,  Linden  Heights,  Au- 
burn, Cal. 

PRICE,  Warwick  James,  512  S.  4ist  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

PRINCE,  Walter  E.,  P.  O.  Box  492,  Amherst, 

PROCTOR,  Frank,  38  Peabody  PL,  Franklin, 
N.  H. 

PROVOST,  Severe  Mallet,  31  Broad  St.,  New 

PUMPELLY,  Raphael,  Newport,  R.  I. 

PURINTON,  Dr.  D.  B.,  Morgantown,  W.  Va. 

PURINTON,  Prof.  Herbert  R.,  Bates  College, 
Lewiston,  Me. 

PUTNAM,  Frank,  Lowell,  Mass. 

PUTNAM,  Judge  Harrington,  404  Washington 
Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

PYNE,  M.  Taylor,  Princeton,  N.  J. 

PYNE,  Percy  R.,  2d,  263  Madison  Ave.,  New 


QUICKE,    John    H.    S.(    6010    Jefferson    Ave., 

Chicago,   111. 
QUIMBY,  Henry  C.,  165  Broadway,  New  York. 

RACQUET  &  TENNIS  CLUB  (R.  W.  Henderson, 

Lbn.),  370  Park  Ave.,  New  York  City. 
RADENSLEBEN,   Frank   E.,   1221   Atlanta   Trust 

Co.  Bldg.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

RAE,  Jolin  S.,  Goodyear  Rubber  Co.,  Akron,  O. 
RAFFAEL,  Jack,  The  Lambs,  130  W.  44th  St., 

New  York   City. 
RAMM,  Charles,  224  E.   i2th  St.,   New  York 


RAMSAY,  Erskine,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
RANCK,  Samuel  H.,  728  Prospect  Ave.,  S.  E., 

Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

RAND,  Frank  Prentice,  North  Amherst,  Mass. 
RANDOLPH,  Corliss  F.,  76  S.  loth  St.,  Newark, 

N.  J. 
RANSOM,    Will,     14    West    Washington     St., 

Chicago,  111. 

RAPP,  C.  W.,  190  N.  State  St.,  Chicago,  111. 
RASCOB,  John  J.,  Wilmington,  Del. 
RATHOM,  John  R.,  Providence,  R.  I. 
RATTERMAN,  H.  A.,  510  York  St.,  Cincinnati,  O. 
RAVENAL,  Daniel,  76  Meeting  St.,  Charleston, 

S.  C. 

RAY,  Dr.  C.  J.,  Gilboa,  O. 
RAYMOND,  Judge  Thomas  L.,   16  East  Kinney 

St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 
READ,  Dr.  E.  W.,  Princeton,  N.  J. 
READ,  Keith,  421  E.  45th  St.,  Savannah,  Ga. 
REALTY,    Hansen,    2752    S.    loth    St.,    Omaha, 


REASONER,  L.  R.,  S.  Lincoln  Ave.,  Urbana,  111. 
REAY,  W.  M.,  Harvester  Bldg.,  Chicago,  111. 
REED,  Mrs.  C.  B.,  Congress  Lake  Club,  Hart- 

ville,   O. 
REED,  Charles  Bert,  M.D.,  3748  Sheffield  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 

REED,  W.  Nash,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
REENAN,  Wm.  L.,  432  E.  3d  St.,  Cincinnati,  O. 
REEVE,  James  S.,  Lawrence  College,  Appleton, 


Ross,  Dr.  B.  B.,  Auburn,  N.  Y. 
REID,  Wm.  F.,  175  W.  72nd  St.,  New  York. 
REIMER,  Rev.  E.  F.,  care  of  Near  East  Relief, 

151  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 
REMONDINO,   P.  NQ,   M.D.,   1504  sth   St.,    San 

Diego,  Cal. 
RENICK,  Dr.  R.  N.,  ist  Natl.  Bk.  Bldg.,  Butte, 




REYNAL,  N.  C,  White  Plains,  N.  Y. 
REYNOLDS,  Allen  H.,  Walla  Walla,  Wash. 
REYNOLDS,  Cuyler,  197  Western  Ave.,  Albany, 

N.  Y. 

REYNOLDS,  J.  H.,  Fayetteville,  Ark. 
REYNOLDS,  L.  R.,  23  Waldemar  Ave.,  Winthrop 

Center,  Mass. 
RHODES,  James  Ford,  392  Beacon  St.,  Boston, 

RICE,    Cale    Young,    1444    St.    James    Court, 

Louisville,  Ky. 
RICE,  Dr.  Charles  Elmer,  1742  S.  Union  Ave., 

Alliance,  O. 
RICE,  Charles  M.,  9  Bowdoin  St.,  Worcester, 


RICE,  E.,  Darwin  Springs,  N.  Y. 
RICE,  F.  H.,  Sioux  City,  la. 
RICE,  James  A.,  Renkert  Bldg.,  Caton,  O. 
RICE,    Louis    N.,    University    Club,    Honolulu, 

RICE,  William  Gorham,  135  Washington  Ave., 

Albany,  N.  Y. 
RICH,  Herbert,  431  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chicago, 

RICH,   Waldo    L.,    P.    O.    Box   221,    Saratoga 

Springs,  N.  Y. 

RICHARDS,  E.  E.,  Cedar  Rapids,  la. 
RICHARDS,    Robert    H.,    1415    Delaware    Ave., 

Wilmington,  Del. 
RICHARDSON,   Mrs.   W.    E.,   2525   E.   2nd    St., 

Duluth,  Minn. 

RICHMAN,  Irving  B.,  Muscatine,  la. 
RICKER,  N.  Clifford,  612  W.  Green  St.,  Urbana, 


RICKETTS,  C.  Lindsay,  438  W.  67th  St.,   Chi- 
cago,  111. 

RIDDLE,  Chas.  A.,  Colma  Bldg.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
RIDER,  Fremont,  Broadway,  Nyack,  N.  Y. 
RIDGLEY,  Henry,  The  Green,  Dover,  Del. 
RILEY,  Dr.  B.  F.,  1331  S.  aist  St.,  Birmingham, 


RINE,  H.  A.,  2416  Allston  Way,  Berkeley,  Cal. 
RIPLEY,  F.  F.,  80  State  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
RIPSTRA,  J.  Henri,  2126  Gladys  Ave.,  Chicago, 

RITCHIE,  G.  A.,   Lawrence   College,   Appleton, 


RITZMAN,  J.  A.,  DeKalb,  111. 
ROBERTS,  Mrs.  Henriette  W.,  Westfield,  N.  J. 
ROBERTSON,    A.    M.,    222    Stockton    St.,    San 

Francisco,  Cal. 
ROBERTSON,  Dr.  John  W.,  1133  Greenwich  St., 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 

ROBERTSON,  Samuel  E.,  21  Walnut  St.,  New- 
ark, N.  J. 



ROBINSON,  Doane,  Pierre,  S.  D. 

ROBINSON,  L.  E.,  1032  E.  Boston  Ave.,  Mon- 
mouth,  111. 

ROBINSON,  Morgan  P.,  113  South  3d  St.,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

ROBISON,  Hanford,  322  State  St.,  Schenectady, 
N.  Y. 

ROBRETT,   George   W.,   20   W.   Jackson   Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

ROBSON  Lesseps,  Burnt  Hills,  N.  Y. 

ROCHE,  J.  M.,  Northern  Bank  Bldg.,  Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

ROCKWELL,  J.  E.,  31  S  St.,  N.  W.,  Washington, 
D.   C. 

RODGERS,  Robt.  L.,  990  Parker  St.,  Beaumont, 

ROE,    George,    San  .Antonio,    Tex. 

ROEDER,    Adams    S.,    2141     Homewood    Ave., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

ROGERS,   Bruce,   216  William   St.,   New   York 

ROGERS,  J.  E.,  Pow  Block,  Salem,  O. 

ROGERS,  Prof.  Robert  W.,  Madison,  N.  J. 

ROGERS,  Thomas  P.  W.,  875  Elm  St.,  Manches- 
ter, N.  H. 

ROGERS,  Zelma,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

ROHR,  A.,  Leavenworth,  Kan. 

ROMM,   Charles,  224  E.   I2th  St.,   New  York 

ROMOLO,  Joseph  A.,  Times  Plaza,  P.  O.  125, 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

ROONEY,    John    Jerome,    29    Broadway,    New 

ROOSEVELT,  Franklin  D.,  49  E.  6sth  St.,  New 
York   City. 

ROOSEVELT  MEMORIAL  ASSN.,  i  Madison  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

ROOST,    Azariah    S.,    150    N.    Professor    St., 
Oberlin,    O. 

ROOT,  Ralph   Rodney,   64   E.   Van   Buren   St., 
Chicago,  111. 

ROOTE,    Jesse    B.,    Silver    Bow    Block,    Butte, 

ROSE,  Dr.  B.  B.,  Auburn,  Ala. 

ROSE,  F.  D.,  Merchants  Trust  Co.,  Muncie,  Ind. 

ROSEBUSH,  Judson  G.,  625  Park  Ave.,  Apple- 
ton,  Wis. 

ROSENBACH,  A.  S.  W.,  1320  Walnut  St.,  Phila., 

ROSENGREN,  Frank,  611  N.  State  St.,  Chicago, 

ROSENTHAL,   Lessing,    105   West    Monroe    St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Ross,  Dr.   John   D.,   46   Manor   Ave.,   Wood- 
haven,  N.  Y. 



Ross,  John  M.,  510  Genesee  St.,  Utica,  N.  Y. 
ROSSITER,  Mrs.  E.  H.,  15  W.  67th  St.,  New 

ROTHERMEL,   John   G.,    I7th   and    Montgomery 

Ave.,  Philadelphia. 

ROTHERT,  Otto  A.,   1321   Starks  Bldg.,  Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

ROTHPLETZ,  P.  F.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
ROWE,    Henry    Sherburne,    58    Commonwealth 

Ave.,  Boston,  Mass. 

ROWLEY,  Miss  Daisy  W.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
ROYCE,   William   H.,   402   s6th   St.,    Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 

ROYS,  C.  D.,  116  N.  Main,  Elkhart,  Ind. 
RUDDY,  Howard  S.,  52  Somerset  St.,  Rochester, 

N.  Y. 
RUGG,    Harold    Goddard,    Dartmouth    College, 

Hanover,  N.  H. 
RUSHFORD,  Edward  A.,   M.D.,  78  Essex  St., 

Salem,  Mass. 

RUSHTON,  Ray,  Montgomery,   Ala. 
RUSSELL,  A.  J.,  1717  Irving  Ave.,  Minneapolis, 

RUSSELL,  Mrs.  Wm.  A.  D.,  34  E.  36th  St., 

New  York.. 
RUSSELL,  William  W.,   2   Marvin   St.,   Mont- 

pelier,  Vt. 

RUTLAND,  Prof.  J.  R.,  Auburn,  Ala. 
RUTSTEIN,  88  Rose  Terrace,  Newark,  N.  J. 
RYAN,  Miss  Gertrude,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
RYAN,  Thomas  F.,  Litchfield,  Conn. 
RYLAND,  Garnett,  University  of  Richmond,  Va. 

SACHS,  Paul  J.,  "Shady  Hills,"  Irving  St., 
Cambridge,  Mass. 

SACHS,  Ralph  L.,  P.  O.  Box  25,  Madison  Sq., 
New  York. 

SACHSE,  Dr.  Julius  F.,  Masonic  Temple,  Phil- 

SAGE,  Benj.  A.,  Cuyahoga  Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

SAGE,  Dean,  49  Wall  St.,  New  York  City. 

SALLEY,  A.  S.,  Jr.,  State  House,  Columbia, 
S.  C 

SANDERS,  Dr.  F.  Knight,  Washburn  College, 
Topeka,  Kan. 

SANDERS,  Fred  E.,  Bankers  Life  Ins.  Co.,  Lin- 
coln, Neb. 

SANDERS,  James  U.,  Helena,  Mont. 

SANDERS,  Louis  P.,  State  Sav.  Bk.  Bldg., 
Butte,  Mont. 

SANDS,  Alexander  H.,  American  National  Bank 
Bldg.,  Richmond,  Va. 

SARGENT,  George  Henry,  Elm  Farm,  Warner, 
N.  H. 



SARGENT,  William  A.,  1569  Beacon  St.,  Brook- 
line,  Mass. 

SAULSBURY,  Willard,    I4th   and   Broome   Sts., 
Wilmington,  Del. 

SAVILLE,  Marshall  H.,  Broadway  at  I55th  St., 
New  York. 

SAWTELLE,    William     Otis,     Glynwynne    Rd., 
Haverford,  Pa. 

SAWYER,   Frank  H.,  P.  O.   Box   195,  Clinton, 

SAYER,  Wm.  L.,  New  Bedford,  Mass. 

SCHAEFER,    Edwin    F.,    397    Glenwood    Ave., 
Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

SCHEE,  John  F.,  Indianola,  la. 

SCHERMERHORN,  Richard,  Jr.,  183  Prospect  PI., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

SCHERNIKOW,    Ernest,    17    Battery    PI.,    New 

SCHIFF,    Mortimer   L.,   932   Fifth   Ave.,    New 
York  City. 

SCHMIDT,  Prof.  N.,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

SCHOMBERG,  A.  A.,  IO5  Kosciusko  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

SCHROETER,  H.  M.,  3630  W.  Washington  Blvd., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

SCHUCH,    John    P.,    301     N.     Hamilton    St., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

SCHUCHHARDT,    Edmund    C,    2808    Overland 
Ave.,  Baltimore,   Md. 

SCHULTZ,  William  Eben,  Culver-Stockton  Col- 
lege, Canton,  Miss. 

SCHUMATE,  Dr.  Thomas  E.,  2707  California  St., 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

SCHWAB,  V.  O.,  60  Evergreen  Ave.,   Bloom- 
field,  N.  J. 

SCHWABACHER,    Frank,    320    Battery   St.,    San 
Francisco,   Cal. 

SCHWEITZER,   Isidor   S.,   500  West   End   Ave., 

New  York  City. 
SCHWEND,  Charles,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

SCOTT,  Prof.  G.  Hubert,  I2th  St.,  Iowa  City, 

SCOTT,  S.  P.,  321  Main  St.,  Hillsboro,  O. 

SCOVILLE,  Robert,  10  East  $2nd  St.,  New  York 

SCULL,  John  I.,  Somerset,  Pa. 

SCULL,  Marshall,  5700  City  Ave.,  Philadelphia 

SEASONGOOD,  Edwin  A.,  16  E.  6oth  St.,  New 

SEAVER,  Benjamin  F.,  27  Monroe  PL,  Brooklyn 
N.  Y. 

SEFTON,   Dr.   Frederic,   "The   Pines,"   Auburn, 

N.  Y. 



SEIBERLING,  Frank  A.,  (personal),  Seiberling 
Rubber  Co.,  Akron,  O. 

SEITZ,  Don  C.,  293  Hancock  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y.. 

SEUGMAN,  Edwin  R.  A.,  324  W.  86th  St., 
New  York. 

SENTER,  Charles  P.,  i  Beverly  PI.,  St.  Louis, 

SERGEL,  Charles  H.,  4578  Oakenwald  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

SERKLAND,  Helmer  O.,  Box  D.,  St.  James, 

SETCHELL,  Prof.  W.  A.,  University  of  Califor- 
nia, Berkeley,  Cal. 

SEVERANCE,  Frank  H.,  150  Jewett  Parkway, 
Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

SEVERANCE,  J.  L.f  3165  Mayfield  Rd.,  Cleveland, 

SEWALL,  Hon.  H.  M.,  Bath,   Me. 

SEWARD,  C.  A.,  314  Sedgwick  Bldg.,  Wichita, 

SEYMOUR,  Christopher,  79  Elm  St.,  Northamp- 
ton, Mass. 

SEYMOUR,  Geo.  Dudley,  129  Church  St.,  New 
Haven,  Conn. 

SEYMOUR,  George  Steele,  4917  Blackstone  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

SEYMOUR,  Ralph  Fletcher,  203  Michigan  Ave., 
Chicago,  111.- 

SHAFFER,  John  C.,  1/04  Judson  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

SHAIBLE,  F.  G.,  501  Locust  Ave.,  Freeport, 

SHALLENBERGER,  T.  M.,  425  24th  St.,  Des 
Moines,  la. 

SHANK,  Albert  H.,  N.  Main  St.,  Coopersburg, 

SHARP,  W.  G.,  30  Washington  Ave.,  Elyria, 

SHARTEL,  John  W.,  1211  W.  loth  St.,  Okla- 
homa City,  Okla. 

SHAW,  E.  C,  care  B.  F.  Goodrich  Co.,  Akron, 

SHAW,  Dr.  E.  E.,  Walla  Walla,  Wash. 

SHAW,  E.  W.,  8744  Bishop  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

SHAW,  Graham,  Leopard  Rd.,  Berwyn,  Pa. 

SHAW,  Robert  G.,  care  of  Harvard  Univ.  Lib., 
Cambridge,  Mass. 

SHEA,  J.  B.,  Richland  Lane,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

SHEARIN,  H.  G.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

SHEDD,  John  A.,  7  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York. 

SHEZHAN,  Will  T.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

SHEFFIELD,  Justus,  117  E.  38th  St.,  New  York. 

SHELDON,  Charles,  3102  Q  St.,  Washington, 
D.  C. 



SHELDON,  Frank  W.,  F.  Hopkinson  Smith  Li- 
brary, 1445  8th  St.,  Des  Moines,  la. 

SHELTON,  F.  H.,  228  S.  2ist  St.,  Philadelphia, 

SHIIARD,  Chas.,  New  York  Bldg.,  Seattle, 

SHEPARD,  Lee,  650  Main  St.,  Cincinnati,  O. 

SHEPLEY,  George  L.,  292  Benefit  St.,  Provi- 
dence, R.  I. 

SHERMAN,  A.  O.,  40  Wall  St.,  New  York. 

SHKKMAN,  Charles  C,  447  Webster  Ave.,  New 
Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

SIIIRMAN,  Frederic  F.,  8  W.  47th  St..  New 
York  City. 

SHERMAN,  John  D.,  Jr.,  132  Primrose  Ave., 
Mount  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

SHERMAN,  Hon.  Lawrence  Y.,  Springfield,  111. 

SHERMAN,  Philip  D.,  143  Forest  St.,  Oberlin, 

SHERWIN,  Miss  Clara  P.,  Corning  PI.,  Lake 
Shore  Blvd.,  Chicago,  111. 

SHERWIN,  Ira  R.,  105  W.  34th  St.,  Kansas 
City,  Mo. 

S  KETTLES,  E.  L.,  3906  Speedaway,  Austin,  Tex. 

SHIELDS,  Chas.  H.,  care  of  5th-3d  National 
Bankt  Cincinnati,  O. 

SHIELDS,  William  H.,  35  Broadway,  Norwich, 

SHILLABER,  W.  G.,  275  Beacon  St.,  Boston, 

SHIPMAN,  Louis  E.,  21  Beekman  PI.,  New 
York  City. 

SHIRK,  Dr.  J.  K.,  132  E.  Chestnut  St.,  Lancas- 
ter, Pa. 

SHIVERS,  Miss  Marion,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

SHOEMAKER,  Henry  W.,  71  Broadway.  New 
York  City. 

SHOUP,  J.  T.,  307  S.  Dearborn  St.  Chicago, 

SHULTZ,  W.  D.,  Goodyear  Rubber  Co.,  Akron, 

SHUMATE,  Dr.  Thomas  E.,  2707  California  St., 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

SIBLEY,  E.  H.,  Franklin,  Pa. 

SILL,  Howard,  12  E.  Pleasant  St.  Baltimore, 

SIMKHOVITCH,  V.  G.,  26  Jones  St.,  New  York. 

SIMMONS,  J.  B.,  Marshalltown,  la. 

SIMMONS,  Parke  E.,  1746  Hinman  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 

SIMS,  Mrs.  D.^C,  Mobile,  Ala. 

SKARSTEDT,  Ernst,  East  Sound,  Wash. 

SKILES,  Roscoe,  Shelby,  O. 

SLAUGHTER,  Henry  P.,  1344  U  St.,  Washing- 
ton. D.  C. 



SLOAN,  Charles  H.,  305  R.  R.  St.,  Ironton,  O. 

SLOMORITZ,  Philip,  545  Kenilworth  Ave.,  De- 
troit, Mich. 

SM ALLEY,  Carl  H.,  1122  Grand  Ave.,  Kansas 
City,  Mo. 

SMILEY,  W.  H.,  1115  Race  St.,  Denver,  Col. 

SMITH,  Byron  L.,  Lake  Forest,  111. 

SMITH,  Dr.  C.  Alphonso,  Annapolis,  Md. 

SMITH,  Delavan,  Lake  Forest,  111. 

SMITH,  Dr.  E.  A.,  University,  Ala. 

SMITH,  Judge  E.  C.,  Dover,  Me. 

SMITH,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  Wm.  Byrd  Park,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

SMITH,  Hal  H.,  1106  Seminole  Ave.,  Detroit, 

SMITH,  Harrison  B.,  i  Capitol  St.,  Charles- 
ton, W.  Va. 

SMITH,  Harry  B.,  319  W.  iO7th  St.,  New 

SMITH,  Harry  D wight,  1899  E.  87th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

SMITH,  Harry  Worcester,  North  Graf  ton, 

SMITH,  Henry  A.  M.,  26  Meeting  St.,  Charles- 
ton, S.  C. 

SMITH,  Irving,  15  Maiden  Lane,  New  York. 

SMITH,  J.  C,  131  Carondelet  St.,  New  Or- 
leans, La. 

SMITH,  J.  Wm.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

SMITH,  Judge  Jonathan,  77  High  St.,  Clinton, 

SMITH,  Milton  W.,  P.  O.  Drawer  767,  Port- 
land, Ore. 

SMITH,  Paul  Jordan,  Claremont,  Cat 

SMITH,  Philip  H.  Waddell,  642  Grove  St., 
Sewickley,  Pa. 

SMITH,  Dr.  Richard  M.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

SMITH,  Wilbur,  Ocean  City,  Md. 

SMITLEY,  Joseph  W.,  National  Union  Bank 
Bldg.,  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

SMYTH,  Ellison  A.,  237  Broadus  Ave.,  Green- 
ville, S.  C. 

SMYTHE,  A.  T.,  31  Legare  St.,  Charleston, 
S.  C.  ' 

SNOW,  Prof.,  Armour  Institute,  Chicago. 

SNOWDEN,  Yates,  803  Sumpter  St.,  Columbia, 
S.  C. 

SNYDER,   Irving  T.,   Coronado,   Cal. 

SNYDER,  Robert  M.,  Jr.,  610  E.  47th  St.,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

SOLIDAY,  George  W.,  3732  High  Lane,  Seattle, 

SOLLEY,  John  B.,  M.D.,  968  Lexington  Ave. 
New  York. 

SOMERVILLE,  Dr.  Thos.,  University,  Miss. 

SONDLEY,  Foster  A.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 



SORC,  Mrs.  Paul,  Sr.,  Middletownv  O. 

SPARROW,  John,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

SPAULDING,  J.  A.,  627  Congress  St.,  Portland, 

SPEAKMAN,  Rowland,  435  So.  Honore  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

SPEARS,  George  M.,  2619  Shelby  St.,  Dallas, 

SPECK,  Wm.  A.,  2519  Whitney  Ave.,  Hamden, 

SPENCER,  Jesse  E.,  705  2Oth  St.,  Rock  Island, 

SPINGAIRN,  Arthur  B.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 

SPINNEY,  Geo.  F.,  Rockville  Centre,  N.  Y. 

SPOFFORD,  Charles  B.,  Box  286,  Claremont, 
N.  H. 

SPOOR,  J.  A.,  1305  First  National  Bank  Bldg., 
Chicago,  111. 

SPOTTS,  John  Alfred,  Lawrence,  Kan. 

SPRAGUE,  Mrs.  Frank  J.,  241  West  End  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

SPRAGUE,  J.  F.,  Dover,  Me. 

SPRENG,  T.  F.  H.,  M.D.,  410  Davidson  Bldg., 
Sioux  City,  la. 

SPRINGER,  John,  P.  O.  Box  116,  Iowa  City,  la. 

SPURLOCK,  Frank,  Chattanooga,  Tenn. 

SQUIRE,  Andrew,  1201  Leader  News  Building, 
Cleveland,  O. 

STAKELY,  Rev.  Dr.  Charles  A.,  Montgomery, 

STAMBAUGH,  H.  H.,  Stambaugh  Bldg.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

STAMBAUGH,  John,  Stambaugh  Bldg.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

STANITZ,  Jacquis,  322  Phelps  St.,  Youngstown, 

STANLEY,  Charles,  E.,  3011  Humboldt  Ave.,  S., 
Minneapolis,  Minn. 

STANTON,  Gideon  T.,  822  Common  St.,  New 
Orleans,  La. 

STARK,  A.  P.,  Livingston,  Mont. 

STARR,  Frederick,  University  of  Chicago,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

STARR,  John  W.,  Jr,.  17  Market  Sq.,  Millers- 
burg,  Pa. 

STARR,  Nathan  Comfort,  Hope  House,  Easton, 

STARRETT,  Vincent,  641  N.  Mayfield  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

STEBBINS,  F.  E.  131  Indiana  Ave.,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C/ 

STEHM,  F.  W.,  1545  W.  9th  St.,  Des  Moines, 

STEIN,  Dr.  S.  J.,  Muscatine,  la. 



STEINER,  Bernard  C,  care  of  Enoch  Pratt 
Free  Library,  Baltimore,  Md. 

STEIN ER,  Gen.  R.  E.,  Montgomery ,  Ala. 

STEINER,  Walter  R.,  M.D.,  646  Asylum  Ave., 
Hartford,  Conn. 

STEPHENS,  Judge  Alexander  H.,  Atlanta,   Ga. 

STEPHENS,  Mrs.  Frank,  Natural  History  Park, 
San  Diego,  Cal. 

STEPHENSON,  Bertram  S.,  1430  First  National 
Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

STETSON,  John  B.,  Jr.,  Juniper  Ave.,  Oak  Lane, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

STEVENS,  Wm.  H.,  474  Congress  St.,  Portland, 

STEVENSON,  Eugene,  580  Park  Ave.,  Paterson, 
N.  J. 

STEWART,  J.  T.  (2d),  2525  Farnham  St., 
Omaha,  Neb. 

STEWART,  P.  B.,  1228  Wood  Ave.,  Colorado 
Springs,  Colo. 

STEWART,  S.  F.,  2110  Orrington  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

STICKNEY,  E.  R.,  327  Huntlngton  Ave.,  Boston, 

STODDART,  Alfred,  P.  O.  Box  1586,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

STOKES^  Anson  Phelps,  Lenox,  Mass. 

STOKES,  Henry  N.,  1207  Q  St.,  N.  W.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

ST.OKES,  I.  N.  Phelps,  100  William  St.,  New 

STOLL,  L.  M.,  897  Crotona  Park  North,  New 

STONE,  I.  L.,  289  Maple  St.,  Battle  Creek, 

STONE,  Hon.  James,  Oxford,  Miss. 

STONE,  Lee  Alexander,  M.D.,  5406  Glenwood 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

STONE,  Mrs.  William  L.,  151  Park  Ave.,  Mount 
Vernon,  N.  Y. 

STORY,  Dr.  William  E.,  Clark  University, 
Worcester,  Mass. 

STOUT,  W.  H.,  Central  Lyceum  Bureau,  Indian- 
apolis, Ind. 

STOUT,  Wesley  W.,  New  York  Globe)  New 
York  City. 

STRATTON,  Clarence,  2076  E.  88th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

STRAUS,  Isaac  Lobe,  1315  Munsey  Bldg.,  Balti- 
more, Md. 

STRAUS,  Oscar  S.,  5  W.  76th  St.,  New  York. 

STRAUSS,  Milton  L.,  5490  South  Shore  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

STREET,  Charles  M.,  2920  Sacramento  St.,  St. 
Joseph,  Mo. 

1 08 


STREET,  Oliver  D.,  Gunterville,  Ala. 

STRKKTER,  Edward  C,  280  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

STRONG,  C.  H.,  10494  Lake  Shore  Block,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

STRONG,  Morgan,  818  Union  St.,  Schenectady, 
N.  Y. 

STUART,  George,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

STUBBS,  Mrs.  William  Carter,  701  Howard 
Ave.,  Lee  Circle,  New  Orleans,  La. 

STUBBS,  W.  R.,  Lawrence,  Kan. 

STUVER,  Dr.  E.,  216  East  Oak  St.,  Ft.  Collins, 

SULZBERGER,  Hon.  Mayer,  1303  Gerard  Ave., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

SUPER,  Charles  W.,  44  W.  Union  St.,  Athens, 

SUTHERLAND,  Preston  H.,  13  Montgomery  St., 
Jersey  City,  N,  J. 

SUTLIFF,  Miss  M.  L.,  135  E.  33d  St.,  New 

SUTTON,  Richard  L.,  M.D.,  Rialto  Bldg.,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

SWAN,  G.  N.,  1221  Virginia  St.,  Sioux  City, 

SWAN,  Miss  Norma  L.,  Navesink,  N.  J. 

SWEM,  E.  G.,  William  and  Mary  College,  Wil- 
liamsburg,  Va. 

SWIFT,  Ivan,  "The  Lofts,"  Harbor  Springs, 

SWIFT,  T.  Dean,  308  Union  St.,  Hackensack, 
N.  J. 

SWING,  A.  T.,  Oberlin,  O. 

SWINTON,  David,  123  S.  Franklin  St.,  Sag- 
inaw,  Mich. 

SWISHER,  W.  S.,  Unitarian  Church,  New  Lon- 
don, Conn. 

SWOPE,  Horace  M.,  4466  Westminster  St.,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

TABER,  Miss  Frances  T.,  Montevallo,  Ala. 
TAGGART,  Jay  P.,  Williamson  Bldg.,  Cleveland, 


TALLMAN,  F.  G.,  Wilmington,  Del. 
TAPLEY,  Henry  F.,  194  Congress  St.,  Boston, 


TARKINGTON,  Booth,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 
TATE,  C.  W.,  49  Brunswick  Road,  Montclair, 

N.  J. 
TAUSSIG,  Ru,dolph  J.,  1521  Van  Ness  Ave.,  San 

Francisco,  Cal. 

TAYLER,  J.  H.,  Green  Bay,  Wis. 
TAYLOR,  Charles  H.,  Jr.,  Boston  Globe,  Boston, 




TAYLOR,  Mrs.  Frank  Wing,  243  W.  Adams  St., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

TAYLOR,  Eugene  C,  1009  Dakota  Ave.,  Huron, 
S.  D. 

TEALDI,  Aubrey,  University  of  Mich.,  Ann  Ar- 
bor, Mich. 

TEMPLETON,  Mrs.  George,  Box  380,  Knoxville, 

TENER,  Stephen  W.,  14032  Terrace  Road,  East 
Cleveland,  O. 

TENER Y,  Mrs.  J.  H.,  Route  2,  Box  73,  Dallas, 

TERRY,  Charles  D.,  4251  Parkman  Ave.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

TERRY,  Dr.  Roderick,  Newport,  R.  I. 

THACHER,  George  H.,  in  Washington  Ave., 
Albany,  N.  Y. 

THACHER,  H.  John,  3940  McGee  St.,  Kansas 
City,  Mo. 

THATCHER,  M.  D.,  isth  and  Greenwood  Sts., 
Pueblo,  Colo. 

THAYER,  Mrs.  Charles  M.,  15  Cedar  St.,  Wor- 
cester, Mass. 

THAYER,  Gordon  W.,  Public  Library,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

THAYER,  John  E.,  Lancaster,  Mass. 

THAYER,  Mrs.  W.  B.,  Lawrence,  Kan. 

THAYER'  William  R.,  8  Berkeley  St.,  Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 

THIELE,  R.  R.,  Tacoma,  Wash. 

THIEME,  Hugo  P.,  3  Geddes  Heights,  Ann  Ar- 
bor, Mich. 

THOM,  De  Courcy  W.,  Maryland  Trust  Bldg., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

THOMAS,  David  Y.,  Fayetteville,  Ark. 

THOMAS,  Evan,  187  Loomis  St.,  Burlington,  Vt. 

THOMAS,  Nathaniel  L.,  Thornburg  St.,  Lar- 
amie,  Wyo. 

THOMAS,  Bishop  N.  S.,  Cheyenne,  Wyo. 

THOMPSON,  Basil,  1915  Calhoun  St.,  New  Or- 
leans, La. 

THOMPSON,  Bert  M.,  Drawer  126,  Athens,  O. 

THOMPSON,  Mrs.  D.  D.,  2135  Orrington  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 

THOMPSON,  Eben  Francis,  84  Elm  St.,  Wor- 
cester, Mass. 

THOMPSON,  Harry  F.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

THOMPSON,  James,  Caldwell,  Idaho. 

THOMPSON,  James  H.,  13  Werner  Park,  Roch- 
ester, N.  Y. 

THOMPSON,  Robert  W.,  Jr.,  52  Wall  St.,  New 

THOMPSON,  T.  P.,  1812  Calhoun  St.,  New  Or- 
leans, La. 

THORINGTON,  Mrs.  Robert  G.,  Montgomery, 



THORNDIKE,  T.  W.,  20  Newbury  St.,  Boston, 

THURSTON,  R.  C.  Ballard,  Columbus  Bldg., 
Louisville,  Ky. 

TIEMAN,  Bernard  J.,  375  W.  4$th  St.,  New 

TILDEN,  Prof.  F.  J.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

TILTON,  John  W.,  223  Main  St.,  Haverhill, 

TINKER,  Prof.  C.  B.,  Yale  University,  New 
Haven,  Conn. 

TODD,  A.  M.,  Todd  Bldg.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

TOLMAN,  A.  H.,  5750  Woodlawn  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

TOLMAN,  H.  C.,  Nashville,  Tenn. 

TOOKER,  L.  Frank,  Riverside,  Conn. 

TOTTEN,  Emma  J.,  5  Vista  Ave.,  Auburndale, 

TOWERS,  A.  R.,  203  Governor  St.,  Richmond, 

TOWNE,  Carroll  M.,  264  Ogden  Ave.,  Milwau- 
kee, Wis. 

TOWNLEY,  W.  R.,  76  W.  Monroe  St.,  Chicago, 

TOWNS,  George  A.,  2  University  PI.,  Atlanta, 

TOWNSEND,  James  R.,  15  E.  40th  St.,  New 

TOWNSEND,  John,  315  Commerce  Bldg.,  St. 
Paul,  Minn. 

TRACY,  Dr.  Ira  Otis,  181  Hancock  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

TRACY.  W.  D.,  8  Coit  St.,  New  London,  Conn. 

TRAMS,  A.  Francis,  209  Union  St.,  Joliet,  111. 

TRAPP,  Dr.  C.  W.,  306  City  National  Bank 
Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

TREIDE,  Henry  G.,  21  Hopkins  PI.,  Baltimore, 

TRENT,  William  P.,  126  E.  34th  St.,  New  York. 

TRESSLAR,  H.  P.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

TREVER,  A.  A.,  Lawrence  College,  Appleton, 

TROTH,  Samuel,  401  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia, 

TROY,  Daniel,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

TRUMP,  Mrs.  E.  N.,  1912  W.  Genesee  St.,  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y. 

TULLOCK,  Mrs.  A.  J.,  616  S.  Broadway,  Leav- 
enworth,  Kan. 

TULLY,  Richard  Walton,  1482  Broadway,  New 

TURNER,  Frank  C,  Norwich,  Conn. 

TURNER,  George  W.,  33  Glenridge  Ave.,  Los 
Gatos,  Cal. 

TURNER,  L.  M.,  P.  O.  Box  115,  Baltimore,  Md. 



TURRILL,  Charles  B.,  57  Sanchez  St.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

TUTTLE,  C.  E.  Rockland,  Me. 

TUTTLE,  Charles  E.,  Rutland,  Vt. 

TUTTLE,  Justice  Theodore,  R.,  Binghampton, 
N.  Y. 

TUTTLE,  William  E.,  310  Dollar  Bank  Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O. 


ULLMAN,  Samuel,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

UNDERHILL,  Miss  Adelaide,  Vassar  College, 
Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. 

UNDERWOOD,  Edna  Worthley,  Box  54,  Hamilton 
Grange  Station,  New  York  City. 

UNDERWOOD,  Wilbur,  1331  Park  Road,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

UPDIKE,  D.  Berkeley,  232  Summer  St.,  Boston, 

UPHAM,  Warren,  Minn.  Historical  Society, 
St.  Paul,  Minn. 

URNES,  Clarence  H.,  State  Treasurer's  Office, 
Richmond,  Va. 

UTTER   Miss  Adelaide,  Monaskon,  Va. 

VAIL,  R.  W.  G.,  Roosevelt  Memorial  Assn., 
I  Madison  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

VAILE,  Mrs.  A.  B.,  79  Fourth  St.,  Bangor,  Me. 

VAN  DE  WATER,  Clarence  M.,  2  Main  St., 
Madison,  N.  J. 

VANDIVER,  Willington,  Talladega,  Ala. 

VAN  DOREN,  Carl,  47  Charlton  St.,  New  York 

VAN  DUZER,  Henry  S.,  30  East  55th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

VAN  DYKE,  William,  508  Griswold  St.,  De- 
troit, Mich. 

VAN  LAW,  C.  H.,  10  North  loth  St.,  Marshall- 
town,  la. 

VANN,  Irving  D.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

VAN  ROOSBROECK,  Gustav,  710  S.  E.  Fifth  St., 
Minneapolis,  Minn. 

VAN  SITTERT,  William,  1635  E.  8sth  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

VAN  VECHTEN,  Ralph,  Vice-Pres.,  Continental 
and  Commercial  Nat.  Bank,  Chicago,  111. 

VAN  VOAST,  Horace,  154  Bartlett  St.,  Schen- 
ectady,  N.  Y. 

VARIAN,  B.  S.,  Weiser,  Idaho. 

VASCONCELLOS,  N.  de,  2167  W.  oΒ£th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

VAUGHAN,  H.  W.,  Ames,  la. 

VEATCH,  Charles,  715  Main  St.,  Kansas  City, 



VEECH,  Edwin  R.,  408  Loan  &  Trust  Bldg., 
Milwaukee,  Wis. 

VENOR,  Edmund,  45  Roxborough  Road,  Roch- 
ester, N.  Y. 

VERNER,  Ralph  S.,  961  S.  Carona  St.,  Denver, 

VERRILL,  A.  E.,  582  Central  Ave.,  New  Haven, 

VERTREES,  Col.  J.  J.,  Nashville,  Tenn. 

VETTERLING,  Dr.  H.,  527  S.  McLaughlin  Ave., 
San  Jose,  Cal. 

VICK,  James,  Osborne  Co.,  207  W.  25th  St., 
New  York  City. 

VICKERY,  Willis,  Engineers'  Bldg.,  Cleveland, 

VIDAL,  Dr.  J.  W..  Fargo,  N.  D. 

VIDLER,  Rees  C,  Golden,  Colo. 

VINCENT,  George  A.,  Fairmont,  W.  Va. 

VINCENT,  John  Martin,  Johns  Hopkins  Uni- 
versity, Baltimore,  Md. 

VINCENT,  W.  D.,  1314  N.  Summit  Ave.,  Spo- 
kane, Wash. 

VINTON,  Stallo,  60  Wall  St.,  New  York. 

VOGDES,  Gen.  Anthony  Wayne,  2425  First  St., 
San  Diego,  Cal. 

VON  BLON,  A.  F.,  Waco,  Tex. 


WACKERBARTH,  Harry  von,  9737  Longwood 
Drive,  Chicago,  111. 

WADLEIGH,  F.  A.,  501  E.  nth  Ave.,  Denver, 

WADS  WORTH,  O.  Jr.,  Great  Falls,  Mont. 

WAGGENER,  William  P.,  Atchison,  Kan. 

WAGNER,  Dr.  Charles  G.,  Binghamton,  N.  Y. 

WAGNER,  H.  R.,  90  El.  Camino  Real.,  Berk- 
eley Cal., 

WAGNER,  Harr,  77  Seventh  Ave.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

WAGSTAFF,  David,  Tuxedo,  N.  Y. 

WAKEFIELD,  W.  J.  C.,  Spokane,  Wash. 

WAKEMAN,  S.  H.,  68  W.  52d  St.,  New  York. 

WALKER,  F.  R.,  1900  Euclid  Bldg.,  Cleveland, 

WALKER,  Prof.  N.  W.,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

WALKER,  William  F.,  1052  I2th  St.,  San  Diego, 

WALLACE,  Henry,  408  E.  Pike  St.,  Crawfords- 
ville,  Ind. 

WALLACE,  J.   H.,  Jr.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

WALLACE,  Oliver  A.,  563  Prospect  Ave.,  S.  E., 

Grand  Rapids,  Mich 

WALLACE,  Walter  T.,  220  Broadway,  New 


WALSER,   Zeb  V.,   12  Court   House   Sq.,   Lex- 
ington, N.  C. 
WALTER,  Clinton  E.,  ill  S.  Beaver  St.,  York, 


WALTERS,  Frank,  18  Edson  PI.,  Corona,  N.  Y. 
WALTON,  J.  W.,  1173  W.  nth  St.,  Cleveland, 

WANGENHEIM,    Julius,    148    W.    Juniper    St., 

San  Diego,  Cal. 
WARBURG,    Felix    M.,    52    William    St.,    New 

York  City. 

WARD,  Artemus,  50  Union  Sq.,  New  York. 
WARD,  Christopher  L.,   Equitable   Bldg.,  Wil- 
mington, Del. 

WARD,  Henry  B.,  Urbana,  111. 
WARD,  W.  E.,  2020  Cornell  Road,  Cleveland, 

WARDROP,  James  R.,  Academy  Ave.,  Sewick- 

ley,  Pa. 
WARREN,  W.  E.,  21  Octavia  St.,  San  Francisco, 

WARREN,   Worcester   R.,   5809   Carnegie   Ave., 

Cleveland,  O. 

WAKRUM,    Henry,    State    Life    Bldg.,    Indian- 
apolis, Ind. 
WARTHIN,  Aldred  S.,  University  of  Michigan, 

Ann  Arbor,   Mich. 
WASHBURN,  H.  A.,  St.  Helena,  Cal. 
WASHBURN,   J.   L.,    101    Oxford   St.,   Duluth, 


WATERS,   J.   S.   T.,   601    Calvert   Bldg.,   Balti- 
more, Md. 
WATERS,  Louis,   S.  A.  &  K.  Bldg.,   Syracuse, 

N.  Y. 
WATKINS,  Oscar  L.,  Ginn  &  Co.,  Indianapolis, 

WATKINS,  Paul,  153  E.  Wabasha  St.,  Winona, 


WATSON,  Wm.  J.,  Wayne,  Pa. 
WEADOCK,    Thomas    A.    E.,    270    Ferry    Ave., 

Detroit,  Mich. 

WEAVER,  Dr.  G.  H.,  629  St.  Wood  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 
WEAVER,   Dr.    Odell,    1524    S.   7th   St.,   Terre 

Haute,  Ind. 

WEBST,  Prof.  E.  H.,  Atlanta  University,  Ga. 
WEBSTER,    Dr.    Arthur    G.,    Clark   University, 

Worcester,   Mass. 
WEBSTER,  John  L.,  Omaha,  Neb. 
WEICKER,  Herman  G.,  55  Myrtle  Ave.,  Mont- 
clair,   N.   J. 

WEIK,  Jesse  W.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 
WEIL,  Mrs.  Leon,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
WEINSTOCK,  Harris,  19  Presidio  Terrace,  San 

Francisco,   Cal. 
WEIR,  James  R.,  Missoula,  Mont. 



WELCH,    Daniel    B.,    218    38th    St.,    Newport 
News,  Va. 

WELLER,  Dr.  Carl  V.,  1130  Fair  Oaks  Park, 
Ann    Arbor,    Mich. 

WELLS,  J.  Russell,  Quincy,  111. 

WELLS,  L.  A.,  Bronxville,  N.  Y. 

WEST,  William,  1511  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia, 

WESTERN,  Mrs.  E.  B.,   101  Sunset  Ave.,  Day- 
ton, O. 

WESTHORPE,  Arthur  W.,  P.  O.  Box  376,  Falls 
City,  Neb. 

WHARTON,  Clarence  R.,  Houston,  Texas. 

WHEELER,   Dr.   Benj.   Ide,   University  of   Cal- 
ifornia,  Berkeley,   Cal. 

WHEELER,    Cleora',    1376    Summit    Ave.,    St. 
Paul,  Minn. 

WHEELER,   Florence   S.,   109   Salem   St.,   Med- 
ford,  Mass. 

WHEELER,   Dr.    George,   D.D.S.,    Montgomery, 

WHEELER,  Schuyler  S.,  Bernardsville,  N.  J. 

WHEELER,  W.  W.,  Jr.,  St.  Joseph,  Mo. 

WHELPLEY,  H.  M.,  2342  Albion  PI.,  St.  Louis, 

WHIPPLE,    Mrs.    B.    T.,    45th    and    Warwick 
Blvd.,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

WHITAKER,  Rev.  Robert,  Los  Gates,  Cal. 

WHITALL,  W.  Van  R.,  206  Loring  Ave.,  Pel- 
ham,   N.  Y. 

WHITBECK,  Mrs.  Alice  G.,  Martinez,  Cal. 

WHITE,  Aubrey  L.,  Old  National  Bank  Bldg., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

WHITE,  C.  H.,  Centre  Sandwich,  N.  H. 

WHITE,  Charles  T.,  277  Decatur  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

WHITE,  Miss  Esther  Griffin,   "Richmond  Pal- 
ladium," Richmond,  Ind. 

WHITE,  Dr.  I.  C.,  Morgantown,  W.  Va. 

WHITE,  John  B.,  mi  R.  A.  Long  Bldg.,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

WHITE,  John  G.,   1871  E.  St.,  Cleveland, 

WHITE,   J.    Lowe,    12    Yale    Ave.,    University 
City,  Mo. 

WHITE,  Stewart  Edward,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 

WHITE,  W.  A.,  14  Wall  St.,  New  York  City. 

WHITE,    W.    T.,    508    Broad    St.,    Knoxville, 

WHITE,    William    Allen,    927    Exchange    St., 
Emporia,   Kan. 

WHITE,  William   G.,   767  Goodrich  Ave.,    St. 
Paul,  Minn. 

WHITECOTTON,  R.  W.  C.,  Provo,  Utah. 

WHITTINGTON,  G.  P.,  403  Guaranty  Bank  Bldg., 
Alexandria,  La. 



WHITTY,  J.  H.,  1700  Brook  Road,  Richmond, 

WICHER,  Edward  A.,  517  Richmond  Road,  San 
Anselmo,   Cal. 

WICK,   Barthinius   L.,    115   S.  2nd   St.,   Cedar 
Rapids,  la. 

WICKERSHAM,  Hon.  Jas.,  Juneau,  Alaska. 

WICKHAM,  Clarence  H.,  P.  O.  Box  1003,  Hart- 
ford, Conn. 

WIGHT,  Edward  B.,  Everett,  Wash. 

WIGHT,   Willard    A.,    Box   207,    Las    Animas, 

WILBUR,  James  Benjamin,  Manchester,  Vt. 

WILCOX,  D.  F.,  1426  Tribune  Bldg.,  New  York. 

WILE,    Eugene    I.,    1564   Insurance    Exchange, 
Chicago,  111. 

WILEY,  Wm.    H.,  451  N.  7th  St.,  Terre  Haute, 

WILLARD,  Eugene  S.,  521  Wall  St.,  New  York. 

WILLETT,  Joseph  J.,  Anniston,  Ala. 

WILLIAMS,    Geo.    C.    F.,    990    Prospect    Ave., 
Hartford,  Conn. 

WILLIAMS,    Huntington,    State    Health    Dept., 
Albany,  N.  Y. 

WILLIAMS,  John   C.,  62  East  70th   St.,   New 
York  City. 

WILLIAMS,  John  G.,  2601  E.  2nd  St.,  Duluth, 

WILLIAMS,  Leroy,  1524  S.  Salina  St.,  Syracuse, 
N.  Y. 

WILLIAMS,   S.  J.,   Virginia  Apartments,   Nor- 
folk, Va. 

WILLIAMS,  Samuel  C.,  Johnson  City,  Tenn. 

WILLIAMSON,  E.  B.,  Bluffton,  Ind. 

WILLING,  Charles,  2017   Spruce   St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

WILLIS,  Theodore  H.,  72  Tradd  St.,  Charles- 
ton, S.  C. 

WILLS,  D.   C.,   Federal  Reserve   Bank,   Cleve- 
land, O. 

WILLSON,  R.  W.,  64  Brattle   St.,   Cambridge, 

WILLY,  H.  N.,  Broadalbin,  N.  Y. 

WILMARTH,  J.  C.,  600  Upson  Ave.,  El  Paso, 

WILMORE,  J.  J.,  Auburn,  N.  Y. 

WILSON,    Francis,    24    Gramercy    Park,    New 

WILSON,  Gen.  James  H.,  Wilmington,  Del. 

WILSON,  M.  L.,  State  College,  Bozeman,  Mont. 

WILSON,  Medford  B.,   1310  N.   Delaware   St., 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

WILSON,  Milo,  M.D.,  Gallipolis,  O. 

WILSON^  Rufus,   19  W.  34th  St.,  New  York 

'VILSON,  S.  K.,  4  W.  43rd  St.,  New  York  City. 



>\,  Samuel  M.,  812  Security  Trust  Co., 
Bldg.,   Lexington,  Ky. 

WING,    De    Witt    C.,    5344    Dorchester    Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

.I.LK,  E.  W.,  19x17  Guadalupc  St.,  Austin, 
'I  c.\ as. 
WIN-SHIP,  G.  P.,  Charles  River,  Mass. 

WINTERBURN,  George  T.,  Glen  Dale,  Cal. 

WINTHROP,   H.   R.,    ii   Wall   St.,   New   York 

WIRT.  B.  F.,  31  W.  Rayen  Ave.    Youngstown, 

WISSLAR,  H   P.,   14  Dexter   St.,   Montgomery, 

WITHEY,  W.  W.,  La  Crosse,  Wis. 

WODELL,  Silas,  139  Broadway,  New  York. 

WOLF,  A.  H.,  1205  ist  Ave.,  Cedar  Rapids,  la. 

WOLF,  Max,  M.D.,  93  Second  Ave.,  New  York 

WOLFE,   A.   B.,   University   of   Texas,   Austin, 

WOOD,  Hart,  Honolulu,  T.  H. 

WOOD,   William   Allen,   2502  N.   Alabama   St., 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

WOOD,  William  C.}  51  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York. 

WOODBERRY,    B.,   409    Huntington    Bank    Bldg., 
Columbus,  O. 

WOODBRIDGE,  Dwight  E.,  1735  Wallace  St.,  Du- 
luth,  Minn. 

WOODHULL,  Frost,  631  Gunter  Bldg.,  San  An- 
tonio, Texas. 

WOODROW,    David    S.,   care   of    Brown   Realty 
&  Investment  Co.,  Miami,  Fla. 

WOODRUFF,   Clinton   Rogers,   2219   Spruce   St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

WOODS,  Edw.  A.,  Woodland  and  Academy  Sts., 
Sewickley,  Pa. 

WOODWARD,  Chester,  834  Buchanan  St.,  Topeka, 

WOODWARD,  Frank  E.,  Wellesley  Hills,  Mass. 

WOODWARD,  Frank  L.,  1357  Williams  St.,  Den- 
ver, Colo. 

WOODWARD,  George  B.,  i  Madison  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

WOODWARD,  J.  F.,  Newport,  Tenn. 

WOODWARD,    Walter    B.,    Franklin    Club,    St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

WOODWORTH,  Jay  B.,  44  Hoon  Hill  St.,  Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 

WOODWORTH,  Laurence  C.,  Steinway  Hall,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

WOOLLEY,  Hon.  Victor,  Wilmington,  Del. 

WORDEN,  Edward  C.,  Prospect  Ave.,  Milburn, 
N.  J. 

WORK,  B.  G.,  Oyster  Bay,  New  York. 



WORMSER,    Richard    S.,    576    5th    Ave.,    New 

York  City. 
WORRELL,  J,  P.,  430  N.  Center  St.,  Terre  Haute, 


WORTHINGTON,  William,  Lexington,  Ky. 
WRIGHT,  Allen   H.t  2107  Ft.   Stockton  Drive, 

San  Diego,  Cal. 

WRIGHT,  Craig  L.,  817  8th  St.,  Sioux  City,  la. 
WRIGHT,  George,  Council  Bluffs,  la. 
WRIGHT,  Joseph,   "Windrush,"    School   House 

Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 
WRIGHT,  Purd  B.,  3626  Walnut  St.,   Kansas 

City,  Mo. 
WRIGHT,   Witham    Burnet,    69    Ashland   Ave., 

Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
WRIGHT,  W.  D.,  2023  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia, 


WRIGHT,  W.  Lloyd,  1908  G  St.,  N.  W.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

WRIGHT,  Prof.  Julius  T.,  Mobile,  Ala. 
WROTH,    Lawrence    C.,   215    E.    Preston    St., 

Baltimore,  Md. 

WYANT,  Alexander  L.,  Red  Hook,  N.  Y. 
WYER,  J.  I.,  399  Western  Ave.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

YALE,  Charles,  916  N.  Chester  Ave.  Pasadena, 


YARBROUGH,  Dr.  W.  F.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
YARBROUGH,  Mrs.  W.  F.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
YARROW,   Dr.    H.    C,   814    I7th   St.,    N.   W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
YEARSLEY,  Wilbur  S.,  W.  2017  Mallon  Ave., 

Spokane,  Wash. 

YEOMAN,  George,  Detroit,  Mich. 
YOCUM,  Dr.  James  R.,  Berlin  Bldg.,  Tacoma, 


YODER,  A.  H.,  Whitewater,  Wis. 
YOES,    Jack    W.,    424    High    St.,    Bellingham, 


YOUNG,  E.  A.,  39  Arundle  St.,  St.  Paul,  Minn. 
YOUNG,  Dr.  E.  Weldon,  749  Harvard  Ave.,  N., 

Seattle,  Wash. 

YOUNG,  George,  135  W.  I35th  St.,  New  York. 
YOUNG,  Horace  G.,  Greenwich,  Conn. 
YOUNG,  W.  W.,  42  Lancaster  St.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 
YOUNGBLOOD,  B.,  College  Station,  Tex. 
YOUNGENT,  S.  G.,  960  38thi  St.,  Rock  Island, 

YOUTZ,  L.  A.,  Lawrence  College,  Appleton,  Wis. 

ZAHN,  J.  E.,  305  Ideal  Bldg.,  Denver,  Colo. 
ZIEGLER,  Henry,  Mooresville,  Ala. 



ZIELONKA,  Rabbi  Martin,  P.  O.  Box  1367,  El 
Paso,  Texas. 

ZIMMERMAN,  J.  R.,  118  N.  Alford  St.,  Alex- 
andria, Va. 

ZIMMERMAN,  Rev.  Jeremiah,  D.D.,  133  S.  Ave., 
Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

ZIMMERMAN,  R.  E.,  1509  Third  St.,  Peru,  111. 



Arranged  by  "Hobbies" 




A.  E.  (Geo.  Russell) 

Hackett,  E.  Byrne,  71  Cottage  St.,  New 
Haven,  Ct. 


Moyer,  M.  S.,  149  Broadway,  New  York 


Miller,  Dayton  C,  Case  School,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Adirondacks.     See  New  York. 


Seitz,  Don  C.,  239  Hancock  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 


Amsden  Studios,  2307  Prospect  Ave., 
Qeveland,  O. 

Barnes,  Nathaniel  Waring,  Box  114, 
Univ.  of  Chicago,  Chicago,  111. 

MacMarten,  322  Security  Bldg.,  Minne- 
apolis, Minn. 

Sparrow,  John,  Birmingham,  Ala. 


Jackson,  Joseph,  113  S.  43rd  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.  (incl.  ballooning) 

See  also  Aviation. 


DuBois,    Dr.   W.    E.    B.,    70   Fifth   Ave., 

New  York  City  (Negro  race) 
Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Starr,   Frederick,  University   of   Chicago, 

Chicago,  111. 

See  also  Travel. 


Allerton,  Mrs.  Samuel  W.,  Highland  and 

Fairview  Sts.,  South  Pasadena,  Cal. 
Dadisman,  A.  "J.,  115  Beverly  Ave.,  Mor- 

gantown,  W.  Va.  (Economic) 
Duggar,  Dr.  J.  F.,  Auburn,  Ala. 
Forte,  Langley  S.,  621  S.  Granger  St., 

Saginaw,  Mich. 
Gates,   Dr.   Burton   N.,  24  Charlotte   St., 

Worcester,   Mass. 




Johnson,  O.  M.,  118  Willey  St.,  Morgan- 
town,  W.  Va. 

Linton,  Wm.  S.(  811  S.  Jefferson  Ave., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

McNall,  P.  E.,  Agr.  Econ.,  Univ.  of  Wis., 
Madison,  Wis. 

Moton,  Maj.  Robert  R.,  Tuskegee  Insti- 
tute, Ala. 

Petty,  Wm.  S.,  200  Broad  St.,  Washing- 
ton, N.  J. 

Skarstedt,  Ernst,  East  Sound,  Wash. 

Thompson,  Bert  M.,  Drawer  126,  Athens, 

See  also  Arboriculture,  Beekeeping,  Flori- 
culture, Forestry,  Gardens  and  Gar- 
dening, Horticulture,  Poultry,  Tobacco. 

β€”  History 

Wilson,   M.   L.,   Bozeman,   Mont. 

Alabama β€” Bibliography 

Hamilton,  P.  J.,  1010  Government  St., 
Mobile,  Ala. 

β€”  History 

Engstfeld,  Mrs.  C.  P.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
Petrie,   Dr.   George,   Alabama   Pol.   Inst., 
Auburn,  Ala. 

Alabama  University 

Garner,  Tom,  University,  Ala. 


Cheney,     Warren,     2241     College     Ave., 

Berkeley,   Cal. 
Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Wickersham,   James,   Juneau,  Alaska. 

Aldrich,  Thomas  B. 

Bailey,  Louis  J.,  635  Fillmore  St.,  Gary, 


McCutcheon,  George  Barr,  125  E.  72d  St., 
New  York  City. 

β€”  Association  Books 

Sherman,  Frederic  F.,  8  W.  4th  St.,  New 
York  City 

Allen,  Ethan β€” Books  by 

Rodgers,  Robert  iL,,  990  Parker  St., 
Beaumont,  Tex. 


Breckenridge,  W.  C.,  4123  Enright  Ave., 

St.   Louis,  Mo. 

Munson,  Samuel  L.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 
Nichols,  Charles,  L.,  M.D.,  38  Cedar  St., 

Worcester,   Mass. 

β€”  Connecticut 

Bates,  Albert  C,  24  Marshall  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 


Ricketts,  C.  Lindsay,  438  W.  i;th  St., 
Chicago,  111. 



America β€” Discovery 

Clements,  William  L.,  Center  and  Park 
Aves.,  Bay  City,  Mich. 

American   Revolution.      Sec  United   States β€” 


Almey,  B.   L.,  Columbia,   S.  C. 

Ackerly,    O.    B.,    210    Warburton    Ave., 

Yonkers,  N.  Y. 

Allison,  Charles  B.,  Mission  Hill,  S.  D. 
Anderson,  J.  L.,  Box  325,  Beatrice,  Neb. 
Arensberg,  C.  C.,  5400  Hobart  St.,  Squir- 

rell    Hill   District,   Pittsburgh,   Pa. 
Arnold,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  Burlington,  Vt. 
Baldwin,  Hon.  S.  E.,  69  Church  St.,  New 

Haven,  Ct. 
Barber,  G.  Y.,  35  E.  3Oth  St.,  New  York 


Barrett,   Oliver   R.,    Kenilworth,   111. 
Bay,   J.    Christian,    c/o   John   Crerar   Li- 
brary, Chicago,  111. 
Boyd,    Lerpy     S.,    Interstate    Commerce 

Commission,  Washington,  D.   C. 
Braslin,  Wm.  C.,  425  Clinton  Ave.,  Brook- 
lyn,  N.  Y. 
Brigham,  C.  S.,  34  Cedar  St.,  Worcester, 

Brodt,  H.  F.,  328  W.  3ist  St.,  New  York 


Brower,  H.  M.,  Gloversville,  N.  Y. 
Brown,  Ernest  C,  741  St.  Nicholas  Ave., 

New  York  City. 
Buckingham,    G.   T.,   220   E.   Walton   PL, 

Chicago,  111. 
Bullock,  James    W.,   507  St.   Paul   Bldg., 

Cincinnati,  O. 
Carson,   Hampton  L.,   1524  Chestnut   St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Carver,  Clifford,   Locust  Valley,  N.  Y. 

β€’  Chandler,  Geo.   M.,  1358  Kenwood  Park, 

Chicago,  111. 

Chapin,  Alfred  C.,  192  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Chapman,  W.  G.,  118  N.  La  Salle  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Chew,  W.  L,,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Clark,  A.  Sheldon,  401  E.  Ohio  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Clay,  M.  J.,  First  Nat.  Bank  Bldg.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

β€’  Clements,  W.  L.,  Bay  City,  Mich. 
Corell,   Philip,  29  Grove   St.,  New  York 


Crabtree,  John  A.,  Montgomery,  N.  Y. 
Craigshead,     Dr.     Erwin,     Birmingham, 

Crane,  C.  Sidney,  703  W.  I78th  St.,  New 

York  City.     (Rare) 

Dawes,  Charles  G.  Sheridan  Rd.,  Green- 
wood  Blvd.,   Evansfon,   111. 
Dietz,  Charles  N.,  428  S.  38th  St.,  Omaha, 


De  Land,  Charles  E.,  Pierre,  S.  D. 
De  Puy  ,H.  F.,  The  Sycamores,  Easton, 

Dougherty,  Romeo  L,,  250  Union  Hall  St., 

Jamaica,   New  York  City. 




Douglass,  Wm.  J.,  5667  Fulton  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Dowling,  Hon.  Victor  J.,  27  Madison 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

During,  Frank  C,  Saco,  Me. 

Dustin,  Fred,  705  S.  Fayette  St.,  Sagi- 
naw,  Mich. 

Evans,  W.  G.,  Shelbyville,  Tenn. 

Farwell,  J.  W.,  77  Franklin  St.,  Boston, 
Mass.  (esp.  New  England) 

Ficken,  John  F.,  17  Broad  St.,  Charles- 
ton, S.  C. 

Finch,  Nelson  L.,  Broadalbin,  N.  Y. 

Frankel,  Julius,  109  N.  Dearborn  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Fraprie,  Frank  R.,  39  Addington  Rd., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

French,   D.  A.,  321   Lake   St.,  Maywood, 

-  111. 

Gates,  Dr.  Burton  N.,  24  Charlotte  St., 
Worcester,  Mass.  (esp.  early  handi- 

Getzman,  A.  P.,  Carrolton,  O. 

Grover,  F.  R.,  noo  Hinman  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

Gundlach,  J.  H.,  3615  N.  Broadway,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Haight,  A.  C.,  583  Riverside  Drive,  New 
York  City. 

Hallenbeck,  Esley  B.,  303  Victory  Ave., 
Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

Hanna,  Charles  A.,  15  Rockledge  Road, 
Montclair,  N.  J. 

Heald,  Frank  E.,  1142  Union  St.,  Man- 
chester, N.  H. 

Henry,  Mellinger  E.,  Dickinson  High 
School,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

Heywood,  H.  B.,  64  Fayette  St.,  Consho- 
hocken,  Pa. 

Hilliber,    Frederick   J.,    115   W.   9th    St., 

Wilmington,  Del. 

-"(β€’Hoffman,  Frederick  L.,  114  Harrison  St., 
East  Orange,  N.  J. 

Hollingsworth,  Zachary  T.,  141  Milk  St., 
Boston,  Mass. 

Howes,  Chas.  H.,  70  Orchard  St.,  Green- 
field, Mass. 

Hostetter,  Albert  K.,  715  N.  Duke  St., 
(Lancaster,  Pa. 

Hufeland,  Otto,  121  N.  High  St.,  Mount 
Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Hughes,   Robert   M.,   Norfolk,  Va. 

Huntingdon,  H.  E.,  Library  and  Art  Gal- 
lery, San  Gabriel,  Cal. 

Ingalsbe,  Granville  M.,  Hudson  Falls, 
N.  Y. 

Ironberg,  Frederic.  1158  6th  St.,  San 
Diego,  Cal. 

Jackson,  Stuart  W.,  56  Elm  St.,  Mont- 
clair, N.  J. 

Jerome,  William,  Kingston,  N.  Y. 

Johnson,  Erick  H.,  Route  i,  Box  49, 
Frederic,  Wis. 

Johnson,  Thomas  Lynn,  950  Leader- 
News  Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Jordan,  J.  N.,  158  Franklin  Ave.,  New 
Rochelle,  N.  Y. 




Jordan,   John   Woolf,    806    N.   3ist    St., 
.Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Keiser,  Henry  R,  I3th  &  Ft.  Crook  Blvd., 
Rt.  5,  Omaha,  Neb. 

Kelso,   William    G.,   Jr.,    24   Orange    St., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Kingan,   S.,  Tucson,  Ariz. 

Koehler,   Dr.   G.,   1116  Morse  Ave.,   Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Kraemer,    Gustav,    4    St.    Mark's    Place, 
New  York  City. 

Kurrie,  H.  R.,  608  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
β€”  cago,  111. 

Lewisson,  W.  U.,  147  Tremont  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Lodge,   Hon.   Henry   Cabot,   1765  Massa- 
chusetts Ave.,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Lusk,  Willard  C,  Yankton,  S.  D. 

McCullough,  Joseph  A.,  Box  790,   Balti- 
more, Md. 

Mahan,    Claude,    P.    O.    Box   459,    Hop- 
kinsville,  Ky. 

Manierre,  George,  100  Belvue  Place,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

-Meany,  Edmond  S.,  4025  Tenth  Ave.  N.E., 
Seattle,  Wash.     (Northwest) 

Miller,  T.  F.,  Mattituck,  N.  Y. 

Miner,  E.  G.,  217  Cutler  Bldg.,  Rochester, 
N.  Y. 

Mitchell,  Philip,  Rock  Island,  111. 

Morton,    Stratford    ILee,    1008    Chemical 
Bldg.,   St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Nicholson,  J.  M.,  87  S.  Pine  St.,  Albany, 
N.  Y. 

Norton,  Eliot,  690  Park  Ave.,  New  York 

Paulin,   Geo.  W.,   73  E.  Washington  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Peabody,   Augustus    E.,   936   Lake   Shore 
Drive,  Chicago,  111. 

Philbin,  W.  H.,  492  Main  St.,  Archbald, 

Plummer,    Dr.    Chas.    Griffin,    465    East 
South  Temple  St.,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

Pyne,    Percy   R.,   2d,   263   Madison   Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Randolph,  Corliss  F.,  76  S.  loth  St.,  New- 
ark, N.  J. 

β€’  Reed,  Charles  Bert,  M.D.,  3748  Sheffield 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Ritzman,  J.  A.,  DeKalb,  111. 

Robison,  Hanford,  322  State  St.,  Schen- 
ectady,  N.  Y. 

Rosebush,    Judson    G.,    625    Park    Ave., 
Appleton,  Wis. 

Rosenbach,  A.   E.   W.,   1505  N.   isth   St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Sargent,  George  Henry,  Warner,  N.  H. 

Seasongood,    Edwin   A.,    16   E.   6oth    St., 
New  York  City. 

Severance,   Frank  H.,    150   Jewett   Park- 
way, Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Shaffer,  J.  C.,  1704  Judson  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

Shea,  J.   B.,  Richland   Lane,   Pittsburgh, 

Shepard,    Lee,  650  Main  St.,  Cincinnati, 
O.  (Ohio) 




Shields,   Chas.   H.,  care   of   5th-3d   Natl. 

Bank,  Cincinnati,  O. 

Shields,  William  H.,  35  Broadway,  Nor- 
wich, Ct. 

Shoup,  J.  T.,  307  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Smith,  Judge  E.  C,  Dover,  Me. 
β€’Soliday,    George    W.,  3732    High    Lane, 

Seattle,   Wash. 
Solley,    John    B.,    M.D.,    968    Lexington 

Ave.,  New  York  City. 
Spotts,  John  Alfred,  Lawrence,  Kan. 
Sprague,   Mrs.    Frank  J.,  241   West   End 

Ave.,   New  York   City. 
Stokes,  I.  N.  Phelps,    100    William    St., 

New  York  City.      (esp.   i6th  and  I7th 

century  maps  of  N.  E.  coast). 
Stoll,    L.    M.,    897   Crotona   Park   North, 

New  York  City. 
Straus,    Oscar    S.,    5   W.    76th    St.    New 

York   City.      (Early) 
Street,  Oliver  D.,   Guntersville,  Ala. 
Strong,  Morgan,  818  Union  St.,  Schenec- 

tady,  N.  Y. 
Swem,  E.  G.,  William  and  Mary  College, 

Richmond,  Va.    (esp.  Virginia) 
Taggart,  Jay  P.,  Williamson  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O.     (esp.  Hamilton) 
.Thompson,  Basil,  1915  Calhoun  St.,  New 

Orleans,  La.   (1890-1900) 
Thompson,  James   H.,    13   Werner  Park, 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Tullock,    Mrs.   A.   J.,    616   S.   Broadway, 

;Leavenworth,  Kan. 
Turner,   Frank    C,   Norwich,   Ct. 
Turner,  L.  M.,  P.  O.  Box  115,  Baltimore, 

Van    Dyke,    William,   508   Griswold    St., 

Detroit,   Mich. 
Van    Sittert,    William,    1635  E.  8sth  St., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Van    Voast,     Horace,     154    Barrett     St., 

Schenectady,   N.  Y. 
Wackerbarth,  Henry  von,  9737  Longwood 

Drive,  Chicago,  111. 
White,  J.  Lowe,  12  Yale  Ave.,  University, 

Wo3ell,  Silas,  139  Broadway,  New  York 

Wright,  W.  Lloyd,   1908  G  St.,  N.  W., 

Washington,  D.   C. 
Yoes,  Jack  W.,  424  High  St.,  Bellingham, 

Wash.  (esp.  early  Western) 
See   also    United  States;  and  individual 


β€”  Colonial 

McGuire,  Elisha  W.,  150  Nassau  St., 
New  York  City. 

β€”  Early 

Benedict,  Russell,  44  Wall  St.,  New  York 
City.  (Laws) 

Burton,  John  E.,  612  Milwaukee  St.,  Mil- 
waukee, Wis. 

Dienst,  Dr.  Alexander,  I3T/  S.  Main  St., 
Temple,  Tex. 



Americana  β€”  Early 

β€’  Baker,    Ray    Palmer,    Rensselaer    Poly- 
technic Inst.,  Troy,  N.  Y. 

Goddard,  Charles,  A.,  Fayetteville,  W.  Va. 

Green,  Andrew  J.,  Apt.  710,  Cecil  Apts., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  Chicago,  111. 

McCormack,  Carr,  New  Castle,  Ala. 

Munson,  Samuel  L.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

Nusbaum,  M.  G.,  Box  376,  Norfolk,  Va. 

Percival,  Olive,  906  Hibernian  Bldg.,  Los 
Angeles,  Cal. 

Willis,     Theodore     H.,     72     Tradd     St., 
Charleston,  S.  C. 


Weaver,    Dr.    G.    H.,    629   S.    Wood    St., 
Chicago,  111. 

β€”  German 

Dilg,     Dr.     B.    H.,    2715     Harrison    St., 
Evanston,   111.     (Pamphlets   preferred) 

β€”  Literary 

Thompson,  Basil,  1915  Calhoun  St.,  New 
Orleans,  La. 

β€”  Of  Historical  Value 

Hoskins,  Chapin  and  Nancy,  2505  E.  74th 
St.,  Chicago.  111. 

β€”  Town  Histories 

Sawyer,  Frank  H.,  P.  O.  Box  195,  Clin- 
ton, Mass. 


Greene,  Frank  L,,  St.  Albans,  Vt. 

Andre,  John 

Asmus,    Grover    E.,   4011    Hudson    Blvd., 
North  Bergen,  N.  J. 

Angling.    See  Sports  and  Sporting. 


Shoemaker,     Henry    W.,    71     Broadway, 

New  York  City. 
Tuttle,  Wm.   E.,  310  Dollar  Bank  Bldg., 

Youngstown,   O. 

See  also  individual  animals. 


Battle,  Dr.  H.  B.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Beynon,   William,    Port    Simpson,    B.    C. 
Bishop,  J.  L.,  Scale,  Ala. 
Bishop,    W.    W.,    Univ.    of    Mich.,    Ann 

Arbor,  Mich. 

Brannon,   Peter  A.,   Montgomery,  Ala. 
Foster,   E.,  328  Camp  St.,  New  Orleans, 


Giintzer,  J.  Henry,  Jr.,  Port  Chester,  N.  Y. 
Hixcnbaugh,    W.    A.,    628    S.    igth    St., 

Omaha,  Neb. 
Hoffman,  Frederick  L.,  114  Harrison  St., 

East  Orange,  N.  J. 
Howard,   W.    E.,    127   N    St.,    Salt   Lake 

City,  Utah. 




Kinnick,  B.  F.,  West  Dr.,  Indianapolis, 

Kothler,  Dr.  G.,  1116  Morse  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, ill. 

Leavitt,  J.,  R.  D.  42,  Norwalk,  Ct. 

Pope,  Charles  E.,  421  Wood  St.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

Jaros,  Ernest  S.,  c/o  Lazarus  &  Co.,  Co- 
lumbus, O. 

Senior,  Frank  Burnett,  4698  Fourth  Ave., 
W.,  Vancouver,  B.  C. 

Stetson,  John  B.,  Jr.,  Juniper  Ave.,  Oak 
Lane,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Taylor,  Eugene  C.,  1009  Dakota  Ave., 
Huron,  S.  D. 


Follansbee,  George  Edward,  9615  Miles 
Ave.,  Cleveland,  O.  (American) 

Hostetter,  Albert  K.,  715  N.  Duke  St., 
Lancaster,  Pa. 

Wisslar,  H.  P.,  14  Dexter  St.,  Montgom- 
ery, Ala. 


Anderson,    Rasmus   B.,   316    Carroll   St., 

Madison,  Wis. 

Maguire,  Don,  P.  O.  Box  549,  Ogden, 

β€”  Biblical.      See  Bibleβ€” Antiquities. 
Aphorisms.    See  Proverbs  and  Riddles. 


Sherman,  Charles  C,  447  Webster  Ave., 
New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Nuttall,  F.  E.,  Univ.  of  Manitoba,  Win- 
nipeg, Man. 

β€”  Literature β€” Abrabian  Nights 

Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 

New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 
Macdonald,    Duncan    B.,    143    Sigourney 

St.,  Hartford,  Ct. 


Petty,  Wm.  S.,  200  Broad  St.,  Washing- 
ton, N.  J. 


Anderson,  Prof.  Louis  T.,  364  Boyer  Ave., 
Walla  Walla,  Wash. 

Battle,  Dr.   H.  B.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Beauchamp,  Rev.  William  M.,  121  Mark 
Ave.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Brockman,  Dr.  D.  C,  i  Torbin  Hill,  Ot- 
tumwa,  la. 

Edwards,  Thomas  H.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Englehardt,  Sam,  Shorters,  Ala. 

Fuller,  Rev.  J.  B.,  618  Broadway,  Sedalia, 

Harlowe,  David  H.,  3002  Mt.  Vernon 
Ave.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

James,  George  Wharton,  1098  N.  Ray- 
mond Ave.,  Pasadena,  Cal. 

Kimbair,  F.  H.,  Rockford,  111. 




McCormack,   Carr,  New  Castle,  Ala. 
McEwen,  John  B.,  Rockford,  Ala. 
Schultz,    W.    D.,    Goodyear    Rubber    Co., 

Akron,  O. 
Shallenberger,  T.   M.,  425  24th   St.,   Des 

Moines,  Iowa. 
Smith,  Philip  H.  Waddell,  642  Grove  St., 

o  C*  W 1 C  Iv  1 C  V      P  'I 

Stewart,  P.'  B.,  1228  Wood  Ave.,  Colo- 
rado Springs,  Colo. 

Todd,  A.  M.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

Washburn,  H.  A.,  St.  Helena,  Col. 

Wcsthorpe,  Arthur  W.,  P.  O.  Box  376, 
Falls  City,  Neb. 

Zimmerman,  Rev.  Jeremiah,  D.D.,  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y. 

β€”  American 

Brown,  Calvin  S.,  University  of  Missis- 
sippi, University,  Miss. 

Saville,  Marshall  H.,  Broadway  at  155th 
St.,  New  York  City. 

Whelpley,  H.  M.,  2342  Albion  PL,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

See  also  United  States β€” Southwest. 

β€”  Central  and  South  America 

Eveland,  A.  J.,  32  W.  40th  St.,  New  York 

β€”  Classical 

Murphy,  Prof.  Paul,  Caldwell,  Idaho. 

β€”  Ice  Age 

Upham,  Warren,  Minn.  Historical  Soci- 
ety, St.  Paul,  Minn. 

β€”  Oriental 

Thayer,  Gordon  W.,  Public  Library, 
Cleveland,  O. 

β€”  Roman 

Reimer,  E.  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Relief,  151 
Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

β€”  Stone  Age 

Dustin,    Fred,   705   S.   Fayette   St.,    Sagi- 

naw,  Mich. 
Westhorpe,   Arthur  W,   P.   O.   Box  376, 

Falls  City,  Neb.     (in  America) 


Barott,    E.    I.,   6   Lome   Ave.,    Montreal, 

Bergstrom,    Edwin,    Citizens    Nat.    Bank 

Bldg.,   Los   Angeles,   Cal. 
Campau,  A.   B.,   116  Union  Ave.,  Grand 

Rapids,   Mich. 

Colville,  Mrs.  A.  B.,  595  Pine  Ave.,  Mon- 
treal, Quebec. 
Cornelius,   Charles   O.,    100   E.    17th    St., 

New  York  City.     (Early  Books.) 
Furber,  Wm.  Copeland,  418  Walnut  St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Haight,  A.  C,  583  Riverside  Drive,  New 

York  City. 



Hale,  George  E.,  Observatory  Office, 
Pasadena,  Cal. 

Harlowe,  David  H.,  3002  Mt.  Vernon 
Ave.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Hunt,  Myron,  200  N.  Grand  Ave.,  Pasa- 
dena, Cal. 

Kennedy,  Albert  J.,  20  Union  Park,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Lockwood,  Frank,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Okel,   Edward,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Owsley  Galleries,  Mahoming  Bank  Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O. 

Rapp,  C.  W.,  190  N.  State  St.,  Chicago, 

Ricker,  N.  Clifford,  612  W.  Green  St., 
Urbana,  111. 

Sill,  Howard,  11  E.  Pleasant  St.,  Balti- 
more, Md.  (incl.  early  English). 

Walker,  F.  R.,  1900  Euclid  Ave.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

β€”  Colonial 

Dow,  George  Francis,  Topsfield,  Mass. 
Furber,  Wm.  Copeland,  418  Walnut  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

β€”  Gothic 

Evans,  Lynden,  1240  Astor  St.,  Chicago, 

β€”  Italian 

Bradley,  Charles  Barnet,  Convent,  N.  J. 

β€”  Landscape 

Manning,  Warren  H.,   Boston,   Mass. 
Nolen,  John,  Cambridge,  Mass. 
Schermerhorn,    Richard,    Jr.,    183    Pros- 
pect PI.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Tealdi,  Aubrey,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 
See   also   City   Planning. 

Arctic    Regions.    See    Travel    and    Explora- 


Cronin,  Con.  P.,  State  Library,  Phoenix, 

Munk,    Dr.   J.   A.,   747   S.   Alvarado   St., 

lLos  Angeles,  Cal. 

Arnold,  Benedict 

Asmus,    Grover   E.,   4011    Hudson    Blvd., 

North  Bergen,  N.  J. 
Thacher,     George    H.,    in    Washington 

Ave.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 
Tuttle,    William    E.,    310    Dollar    Bank 

Bldg.,  Youngstown,  O. 


Allen,    Charles    Dexter,    80    Gates    Ave., 

Montclair,  N.  J. 
Arnold,  F.  M.,  927  E.  4Oth  St.,  Chicago, 

Barton,  Emery  H.,  503  Fourth  Nat.  Bank 

Bldg.,  Cincinnati,  O. 
Battles,    D.    Blake,    1239    W.    usth    St.. 

Cleveland,  O. 




H.ium,  David  A.,  Omaha,  Neb. 

Booth,  Miss  Margaret,  Sayre  St.,  Mont- 
gomery, Ala. 

Bowie,  Henry  P.,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 

Bridgman,  Henry  H.,  Fox  Hill,  Norfolk, 

Brillhart,  E.  D.,  2171  State  Normal, 
Mount  Pleasant,  Mich. 

Brooklyn  Institute  Museum  Library, 
Eastern  Parkway,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Bullivant,  W.  M.,  250  Mt.  Vernon  St., 
West  Newton,  Mass. 

Calvert,  George  C,  915  Merchants  Bank 
Bldg.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Chalif,  Louis  H.,  163  W.  57th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Coble,  Robert  K.,  308  N.  Oak  Park  Ave., 
Oak  Park,  111. 

Cory,  James,  Helena,  Mont. 

Deetz,  Charles  H.,  2504  Cliffbourne  PI., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Dixson,  Dr.  Zella  Allen,  5220  Cornell  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Donnelly,  J.  W.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Downing,  A.  C,  2030  Hilyer  PI.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C 

Drexel,  Mrs.  Joseph  W.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Dutcher,  H.  M.,  414  Highland  Ave., 
Peekskill,  N.  Y. 

Egbert,  Victor,  4814  Springfield  Ave., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Emerson,  W.  Otto,  R,  F.  D.  No.  I,  Hay- 
ward,  Cal. 

Evans,  Clara  Therese,  Columbia  Univ. 
Library,  New  York  City. 

Farnum,  Royal  B.,  Mass.  Normal  Art 
School,  Boston,  Mass.  (esp.  in  relation 
to  education  and  aesthetics). 

Fielding,  Mantle,  520  Walnut  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Fisher,  W.  E.,  611  W.  I36th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

French,  Charles,  5850  Harper  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Gallizier,  Nathan,  "The  Verona,"  Park 
Ave.,  Cincinnati,  O. 

Gilpin,  Mrs.  Henry  B.,  Boyce,  Clark  Co., 

Haegler,   Dr.   Elmer   E.,   Springfield,   III. 

Hahn,  Edgar  A.,  800  National  City  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Hale,  George  E.,  Observatory  Office, 
Pasadena,  Cal. 

Hall,  William  S.,  373  Fourth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Harlowe,  David  H.,  3002  Mt.  Vernon  Ave., 
Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Harter,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  A.,  N.  Market 
St.,  Canton,  O. 

Higbee,  William  T.,  1925  E.  75th  St., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Hosbach,  J.  T.  A.,  a8i7  S.  5&th  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Janvier,  Meredith,  "Idlehigh,"  Frederick 
Rd.,  Catonsville,  Md. 

Jeffers,  Walter,  Mcdure  Bldg.,  Frank- 
fort, Ky. 




Johns,  Charles  R.,  S2i*/2  isth  St.,  Moline, 

Johnson,  C  W.,  305  Ferry  St.,  Danville, 

Keiser,  Henry  F.,  I3th  &  Ft.  Crook  Blvd., 
Rt.  S,  Omaha,  Neb. 

Kelley,  Hermon  A.,  Overlook  Rd.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Kelsey,  Mrs.  Jessie,  Rt.  B,  Box  224,  Lake- 
land, Fla. 

Kennedy,  Albert  J.,  20  Union  Park,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Kennon-Wood,  Mrs.  Lucy,  Saco,  Me. 

Kingan,  S.  L.,  Tucson,  Ariz. 

Lomer,  Dr.  G.  R.,  McGill  University, 
Montreal,  Quebec. 

McCulloch,  Henry  M.,  Lawrenceville,  Pa. 

McLean,  Mrs.  W.  E.,  700  S.  7th  St., 
Terre  Haute,  Ind. 

Macrae,  Mrs.  Ruth,  Mission  Ridge, 
Chattanooga,  Tenn. 

Morgan,  F.  Cleveland,  308  Peel  St.,  Mon- 
treal, Quebec. 

Munder,  Norman  T.  A.,  2325  Linden 
Ave.,  Batimore,  Md. 

Nally,  Edward  J.,  "The  Trees,"  Ossining, 
N.  Y. 

Noah,  A.  H.,  First-Second  National  Bank 
Bldg.,  Akron,  O. 

Okel,  Edward,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Quicke,  John  H.  S.,  6010  Jefferson  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Reimer,  E.  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Relief,  151 
Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Ripstra,  J.  H.,  2126  Gladys  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Rosenthal,  Lessing,  105  W.  Monroe  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Sargent,  William  A.,  15169  Beacon  St., 
Boston,  Mass. 

Shaible,  F.  G.,  501  Locust  Ave.,  Freeport, 

Sharp,  W.  G.,  30  Washington  Ave., 
Elyria,  O. 

Shields,  Chas.,  H.,  c/o  5th-3rd  Nat. 
Bank,  Cincinnati,  O. 

Sibley,  E.  H.,  Franklin,  Pa. 

Sims,  Mrs.  D.  C,  Mobile,  Ala. 

Spotts,  John  Alfred,  Lawrence,  Kan. 

Stehm,  F.  W.,  1545  W.  oth  St.,  Des 
Moines,  Iowa. 

Swift,  Ivan,  Harbor  Springs,  Mich. 

Todd,    A.   M.,   Kalamazoo,   Mich. 

Wirt,  B.  F.,  31  W.  Royen  Ave.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

Wright,  Joseph.  "Windrush,"  School 
House  Lane,  Germantown,  Pa.  (Ilus- 
trated  books') 

Yeoman,  George,  Detroit,  Mich. 

See  also  Engravings,  Etchings.  First  Edi- 
tions, Pre-Raphaelite  Brotherhood, 
Portraits,  and  individual  countries. 

β€”  American 

Baer,   Frank   H.,   2865    Southington   Rd., 

Cleveland,  O.     (Early) 
Fitch,  Winchester,  960  Park   Ave.,   New 

York  City. 




β€”  Caricatures 

Brown,  Dickson  Q.,  33  E.  48th  St.,  New 

York  City.     (English) 
Dow,  George  Francis,  Topsfield,  Mass. 
Loring,  Augustus  P.,  Jr.,  in  Devonshire 

St.,  Boston,  Mass.    (Fox-Pitt  period). 

β€”  Catalogs β€” Famous   Collections 

Fielding,  Mantle,  520  Walnut  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

MacKenzie,  Alexander,  525  Society  for 
Savings  Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

β€”  Ceramics 

Bowdoin,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  3pth  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Cory,  James,  Helena,  Mont. 

Rice,  Dr.  Charles  Elmer,  1742  S.  Union 
Ave.,  Alliance,  0. 

Severance,  J.  L.,  3165  Mayfield  Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Turner,   Frank  C,   Norwich,  Ct. 

Westhorpe,  Arthur  W.,  P.  O.  Box  376, 
Falls  City,  Neb. 

β€”  Dances  of  Death 

Miller,  George  Douglass,  Deer  Island, 
Alexandria  Bay,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Decorations 

Cory,  James  W.,  902  Madison  Ave.,  Hel- 
ena, Mont. 

Cornelius,  Charles  O.,  100  E.  I7th  St., 
New  York  City.  (Early  books) 

Heinigke,  Otto  W.,  26  E.  i3th  St.,  New 

York  City.     (Chiefly  architectural.) 

β€”  Design 

Morey,  Bertha  G.,  327  W.  Fourth  St., 
Ottumwa,  Iowa. 

β€”  Early 

Warthin,  Aldred  S.,  Univ.  of  Mich.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

β€”  Fabrics 

Taber,  Miss  Frances,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

β€”  Fine  Arts 

Bigelow,  Frederick  S.,  Buck  Lane,  Bryn 
Mawr,  Pa. 

Bradley,  Charles  Barnet,  Convent,  N.  J. 
(esp.  Italian) 

Davis,  J.  Lionberger,  St.  Louis  Trust 
Bank,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

French,  H.  G.,  974  Dana  Ave.,  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

Gillooly,  Frederick  L.,  53  Devonshire  St., 
R.  10,  Boston,  Mass. 

Howe,  H.  J.,  6  S.  5th  Ave.,  Marshall- 
town,  la. 

Jones,  R.  McKittrick,  6  Westmoreland 
PI.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Joseph,  Ralph  S.,  The  Joseph-Feiss  Com- 
pany, Cleveland,  O. 

Kimball,  Benjamin,  66  Chestnut  St., 
Boston,  Mass. 



Art  β€”  Fine  Arts 

McKenzie,  Alexander,  525  Society  for 
Savings  Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

O'Brien,  Mrs.  William,  cor.  1st  and  H 
Sts.,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

Pearl,  Dr.  Raymond,  401  Hawthorne  Rd., 
Roland  Park,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Pickands,  Henry  S.,  Western  Reserve 
Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Rice,  Louis  N.,  University  Club,  Hono- 
lulu, H.  I. 

Sacks,  Prof.  Paul  J.,  "Shady  Hill,"  Irv- 
ing St.,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

Seymour,  Geo.  Dudley,  129  Church  St., 
New  Haven,  Ct. 

Sorg,  Mrs.  Paul,  Sr.,  Middletown,  O. 

Stebbins,  F.  E.,  131  Indiana  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Thayer,  Mrs.  W.  B.,  Lawrence,  Kan. 

β€”  Folios 

Gobeille,  Mrs.  Joseph  Leon,  1007  Niagara 
Ave.,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

β€”  French 

Hawkes,  McDougall,  Union  Club,  New 
York  City. 


Hawkes,  McDougall,  Union  Club,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Glass 

Turner,  Franck  C,  Norwich,   Ct. 

β€”  Handicrafts 

Gates,  Dr.  Burton  N.,  24  Charlotte  St., 
Worcester,  Mass.  (Early  American) 

Morey,  Bertha  G.,  327  W.  Fourth  St., 
Ottumwa,  Iowa. 

β€”  History 

Stanton,  Gideon  T.,  822  Common  St., 
New  Orleans,  La. 

β€”  Illustrators 

Bullen,  Henry  Lewis,  300  Communipaw 
Ave.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

Collier,  Allen,  108  E.  Auburn  Ave.,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 

Emmett,  Burton,  120  W.  32d  St.,  New 
York  City.  (Early) 

Levine,  Isaac,  Kimball  Bldg.,  Chicago, 

Merritt,  Mortimer  G.,  210  W.  Embargo 
St.,  Rome,  N.  Y. 

Root,  Azariah  S.,  150  N.  Professor  St., 
Oberlin,  O. 

Tealdi,  Aubrey,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.  (Mod- 

See  also  Illustrated  Books. 

β€”  Interior  Decorating 

Weller,  Carl  V.,  1130  Fair  Oaks  Park- 
way, Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

β€”  Japanese  Books 

Hall,  William  S.,  373  Fourth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 




β€”  Modern 

Abbot,     C.     Yarnall,     "The     Gladetone," 

.Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Birnbaum,  Martin,    1261    Madison    Avs., 

New    York   City. 

Cheney,  Sheldon,  Scarborough,  N.  Y. 
Gallatin,  Albert  Eugene,  125  E.  6oth  St., 

New  York  City. 
Madden,  Clarence  L.,  800  Bulkley  Bldg., 

Cleveland,  O. 

β€”  Novelties 

Sims,  Mrs.  D.  C.,  Mobile,  Ala. 

β€”  Old  Books 

Wolf,  Max,  93  Second  Ave.,  New  York 

β€”  Oriental 

Drummond,  I.  W.,  101  Fulton  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Gookin,  Frederick  William,  13  W.  Wal- 
ton PI.,  Chicago,  111. 

Thayer,  Gordon  W.,  Public  (Library, 
Cleveland,  O. 

History  of 

Morse,  Mrs.  Charles  J.,  1825  Asbury  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 

β€”  Painting,  Books  on 

Money,  Bertha  G.f  327  W.  4th  St.,  Ot- 
tumwa,  Iowa. 

β€”  Portraiture 

Hoffman,  Samuel,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

β€”  β€”Miniature  Painting 

Elliott,  Miss  Hannah,  2036  I3th  Ave.,  S., 
Birmingham,  Ala. 

β€”  Pottery 

Haight,  A.  C,  583  Riverside  Drive,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Sculpture 

Ripstra,  J.  Henri,  2126  Gladys  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Arthurian  Romance.     See  Legends. 


Scoville,  Robert,  10  E.  52d  St.,  New  York 

See  also  Travel. 

Association  Books 

Allison,  Charles  B.,  Mission  Hall,  S.  D. 

Armes,  Prof.  W.  D.,  Faculty  Club,  Berke- 
ley, Cal. 

Arnold,  William  Harris,  Ntrtley,  N.  J. 

Ball,  E.  Arthur,  Muncie,  Ind. 

Beam,  George  L.,  229  Equitable  Bldg., 
Denver,  Col. 

Bowdoin,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  39th  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Cary   Walter,   Houlton,   Me. 



Association  Books 

Dilg,    Dr.     B.    H.,    2715    Harrison    St., 

Evanston,  111. 

Downey,  Mary  E.,  State  Library  Commis- 
sion, Bismarck,  N.  D.  (Autograph 

Eckel,  John  C,  1433  Diamond  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 
Fisher,  Mahlon  L,,  P.  O.  Box  533,  Wil- 

liamsport,  Pa. 

Frost,  B.  W.,  209  Main  St.,  Maiden,  Mass. 
(Addison,  Dickens,  Dr.  Johnson,  Lamb, 
Swift,  Thackeray,  Trollope) 
Garrison,   Paul  R.,  214  N.   3rd   St.,   Co- 
lumbia, Pa. 
Gobeille,  Mrs.  Joseph  Leon,  1007  Niagara 

Ave.,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 
Gundlach,  J.  H.,  3615  N.   Broadway,  St. 

Louis,  Mo. 

Howe,   Henry  S.,   Brookline,  Mass. 
Hyde,  Salem,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Keating,  George  T.,  20  Broadway,   New 

York   City    (Irish  and   French) 
Kelly,  Dr.  Howard  A,,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Kinnick,  B.  F.,  West  Dr.,  Woodruff  944, 

Indianapolis,   Ind. 
Kraybill,    Mrs.   A.    E.,    1113   Third   Ave., 

Asbury  Park,  N.  J. 
(Levine.    Isaac,    Kimball    Bldg.,    Chicago, 

Little,  John  D.,  Bank  of  Rushville,  Rush- 

ville,  111. 
Lowell,     Miss     Amy,     Brookline,     Mass. 

(English  literature) 
Marsh,  Edward  S.,  Brandon,  Vt. 
Pilgrim,  Dr.  Charles  W.,  Central  Valley, 

N.  Y.    (esp.  Medical) 
Reenan,  Wm.  L.,  432  E.  3rd  St.,  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

Reynolds,  Cuyler,  Albany,  N.  Y. 
Reynolds,     Cuyler,     197     Western     Ave., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y.     (Author-signed) 
Rrce,  Dr.  Charles   Elmer,  1742  S.  Union 

Ave.,  Alliance,  O. 

Rogers,    T.    P.    W.,    875    Elm    St.,    Man- 
chester, N.  H. 
Rosenbach,  A.   S.  W.,   1500  N.    I5th   St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Sargent,  George  Henry,  Warner,  N.  H. 
Sherman,    Frederic    F.,    8    W.    47th    St., 

New  York   City.      (T.   B.  Aldrich   and 

Bliss    Carman) 
Sherman,  Philip  D.,  143  Forest  St.,  Ofoer- 

lin,  O. 
Shroeter,    H.    M.,    3630   W.    Washington 

Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Smith,  Harry  B.,  319  W.  io7th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Starrett,  Vincent,  641   N.  Mayfield  Ave., 

Chicago,    111. 
Stephenson,  Bertram   S.,  1430  First  Nat. 

Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
Strong,   C.   H.,   10494  Lake    Shore  Blvd., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Sutton,   Richard   L.,   M.D.,   Rialto   Bldg., 

Kansas  City,  Md. 
Thompson,  Basil,  1915  Calhoun  St.,  New 

Orleans,  La. 



Association  Books 

Vincent,  W.  D.,  1314  N.  Summit  Ave., 
Spokane,  Wash. 

Young,  Horace  G.,  425  State  St.,  Green- 
wich, Ct. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Peterson,  Edward,  Stratford,  Iowa. 

β€”  Modern  Authors 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Romm,  Charles,  224  E.  I2th  St.,  New  York 


β€”  Poetry 

Peterson,  Harry  E.,  10747  Forest  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 


De  Takach,  Zoltan,  103  W.  88th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

See  also  Occultism  and  Mysticism. 


Baumgardt,  B.  R.,  626  W.  3Oth  St.,  Los 
Angeles,'  Cal. 

Benedict,  H.  Y.,  3401  Guadalupe  St.,  Aus- 
tin, Tex. 

Collins,  Holdridge  O.,  404  S.  Main  St., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Hale,  George  E.,  Observatory  Office, 
Pasadena,  Cal. 

Pavey,  Henry  A.,  Hillsboro,  O. 

Warren,  Worcester  R.,  5809  Carnegie 
Ave.,  Cleveland,  O. 

β€”  Early  Editions 

Willson,  R.  W.,  64  Brattle  St.,  Cam- 
bridge,. Mass. 


Warren,  Worcester  R.,  5809  Carnegie 
Ave.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Athletics.     See  Sports  and  Sporting. 


Arnold,    Dr.    Francis   J.,    Burlington,    Vt. 
Karpinski,  Louis  C,  1315  Cambridge  Rd., 

Ann  Arbor,   Mich. 
See  also  Maps. 

β€”  Old 

Beans,  George  H.,  Box  251,  Glenside,  Pa. 

(Of  North  America.) 
Wangenheim,  Julius,   148  W.  Juniper  St., 

San  Diego,  Cal. 

Audubon,  John  James 

Cleveland,   W.    B.,   South    Newberry,   O. 

Aurelius  Antoninus,  Marcus 

Mason,  William  S.,  1401  Ridge  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 




Buchanan,  Mrs.  Robert  A.,  3011  Humboldt 

Ave.,   S.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
Duke,  R.  T.  W.,  Jr.,  616  Park  St.,  Char- 

lottesville,  Va. 
Johnston,  Charles  H.,  703  W.  Oregon  St., 

Urbana,  111. 
Kreuzbee,   1948   Michigan   Blvd.,   Racine, 


Lorraine,  Joe,  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  Boston,  Mass. 
O'Brien,  Frederick,  Sausalito,  Cal. 
See  also  Memoirs. 


Alexander,    Benjamin,    258    S.    i8th    St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Barrett,   Oliver   R.,  38  S.   Dearborn   St., 

Chicago,  111. 

Barrett,   Oliver  R.,  Kenilworth,   111. 
Brown,     Charles     A.,     1550     Monadnock 

Block,  Chicago,  111. 
Colton,  H.  G.,  310  Chamber  of  Commerce 

Bldg.,  Portland,  Ore. 
Goldman,   Harry,  460  Fourth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Greenough,  Charles,  993  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 

Griffith,  Albert  H.,  Fisk,  Wis. 
Gundlach,  J.  H.,  3615  N.  Broadway,  St. 

Louis,  Mo. 
Harsh,  Nora  Babbitt,  408  Lincoln  Court, 

Des   Moines,  Iowa. 
Reiser,  Henry  F.,  I3th  &  Ft.  Crook  Blvd., 

Rt.  5,  Omaha,  Neb. 
Little,  John  S.,  Bank  of  Rushville,  Rush- 

ville,  111. 

McCulloch,  Henry  M.,  Lawrenceville,  Pa. 
Manning,  James    H.,   409    State   St.,  Al- 
bany, N.  Y. 
Peck,  Walter  E.,  424  Nold  Ave.,  Wooster, 

Pengelley,    W.    G.,    616    Hartman    Bldg., 

Columbus,  O. 
Perry,    Mrs.    R.   A.,   6172    Chabot    Road, 

Oakland,    Cal. 
Rice,  Dr.  Charles  Elmer,  1742  S.  Union 

Ave.,  Alliance,  O. 
Sherman,  Philip  D.,  143  Forest  St.,  Ober- 

lin,  O. 

Sloan,  Charles  H.,  305  R.R.  St.,  Ironton,  O 
Smith,  Harry  B.,  319  W.  io7th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Smith,     Harry     Worcester,     "Lordvale," 

North  Grafton,  Mass. 
Stambaugh,    H.    H.,     Stambaugh     Bldg., 

Youngstown,  O.     (Washington,  Frank- 
lin, Jefferson,  Hamilton,  Lincoln) 
Wills,    D.    C,    Federal    Reserve    Bank, 

Cleveland,  O. 
See  also  Association  Books,  Music,  Yale 


β€”  Letters 

American  Type  Founders  Co's    Library, 

Jersey  City,   N.  J. 
Haber,  Louis  I.,  508  W.  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 
Pilgrim,  Dr.  Charles  W.,  Central  VaHey, 

N.  Y. 



Autograph β€”  Letters 

Sprague,  Mrs.  Frank  J.,  241  West  End 
Ave.,  New  York  City  (Presidents  of 
U.  S.) 

β€”  Literary 

Arnold,  William  Harris,  Nutley,  N.  J. 


Benton,  Jay  Bayard,  Winchester,  Mass. 
Bishop,   Cortlandt   F.,   14  Wall  St.,  New 

York  City. 
See  also  Aeronautics. 


Backford,  Peter 

Smith,  Harry  Worcester,  "Lordvale," 
North  Grafton,  Mass. 

Bacon,  Francis 

Dane,  Dr.  John,  29  Marlboro  St.,  Boston, 


Horner,  H.  H.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Baker,  Sen.  Edward  D. 

Kerns,  Frank  A.,  1343  Humboldt  St.,  Den- 
ver, Colo. 

Ballads.    Sec*  Poetry. 

Balzac,  Honore  de 

Day,  F.  H.,  Norwood,  Mass. 
Royce,  William  H.,  402  56th  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

β€”  Illustrations 

Young,  E.  A.,  39  Arundle  St.,  St.  Paul, 


Baldwin,  A.  M.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Nat.  City  Bank,  55  Wall  St.,  New  York 

β€”  United  States 

Wills,  D.  C,  Federal  Reserve  Bank, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Baptist  Churches 

See  Churches β€” Baptist. 

Bar  Association  Reports β€” Southern  States 
Doonan,  J.  T.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Barrie,  James  Matthew 

Fotheringham,  J.  R.,  Main  St.,  Irvington- 
on-Hudson,  N.  Y. 

Beardsley,  Aubrey 

Gallatin,  Albert  Eugene,  125  E.  6pth  St., 
New  York  City. 

Quinby,  Henry  C,  165  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

West,  William,  1511  Walnut  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 



Becke,  James 

Jansen,  Nels,  2925  N.  Talman  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 


Enders,  John  O.,  17  Highland  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Pellett,  Frank  T.,  Hamilton,  111. 

Petty,  William  S.,  200  Broad  St.,  Wash- 
ington, N.  J. 

Rich,  Herbert,  431  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Beerbohm,  Max 

Alexander,   Gary   W.,   404  Atlantic   Nat. 

Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 
Gallatin,  Albert  Eugene,  125  E.  St., 

New  York  City. 
MacKay,    W.    MacDonald,    26    Lonsdale 

Rd.,  Toronto,  Ont 
Stewart,  J.  T.,   (2nd),  2535   Farnam   St.. 

Omaha,  Neb. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 

Belgium β€” Carillons 

Rice,  William  Gorham,  135  Washington 
Ave.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

Belles  Lettres.    See  Literature. 

Bewick,  Thomas 

Wilson,  Milo,  M.D.,  Gallipolis,  O. 

β€”  Books  Illustrated  by 

Tohnson,  Edward  Hines,  2211  Walnut 
St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Bible.    See  also  First  Editions;  Manuscripts. 

β€”  Antiquities 

Gaynor,    Kenneth,   326   W.   Madison   St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Stakely,    Rev.    Charles   A.,    Montgomery, 


β€”  Criticism 

Hoskier,    H.    C,   Ridgewood    Rd.,    South 

Orange,  N.  J. 
Smith,    Dr.     Richard     M.,     Birmingham, 


β€”  History 

Smith,  Dr.  Richard  M.,  Birmingham, 

β€”  Literature 

McAlpine,  Mrs.  Sarah,  1610  E.  First  St., 
Duluth,  Minn. 

β€”  New  Testament 

Purinton,  Prof.  Herbert  R.,  Bates  Col- 
lege, Lewiston,  Me. 




β€”  Study 

Jaros,  Ernest  S.,  care  of  Lazarus  &  Co., 
Columbus,  O. 


Gruber,  Rev.    L.    Franklin,    1213    Hague 

Ave.,   St.  Paul,  Minn. 
Justice,   Carl    L.,   Old   Cris    Press,   Cris- 

field,  Md. 

Vann,  Irving  D.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Warburg,  Felix  M.,  52  William  St.,  Nevr 

York  City. 

β€”  Old 

Aitken,  John  Winfield,  52  Roosevelt  Ave., 

Carbondale,  Pa. 

Chew,  W.  L.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
Emory    College,   Oxford,   Ga. 
Quicke,  John  H.  S.,  6010  Jefferson  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 
Shillaber,  W.  G.,  275  Beacon  St.,  Boston, 

Vidler,  Rees   C,  "The  Cottage,"  Golden. 


β€”  β€”  Printed    in    America    (in    English    and 


Wright,  Joseph,  "Windrush,"  School 
House  Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 

β€”  β€”  Latin 

Wright,  Joseph,  "Windrush,"  School 
House  Lane,  Germantown,  Pa.  (MS. 
and  printed). 


Abbott,  A.  B.,  7  E.  45th  St.,  New  York 

Beam,    George    L.,   229    Equitable    Bldg., 

Denver,  Colo. 

Beer,    William,    Howard    Memorial    Li- 
brary, New  Orleans,  La. 
Bishop,    W.    W.,    Univ.    of    Mich.,    Ann 

Arbor,  Mich. 
Brewer,   Luther  A.,  847  4th  Ave.,  Cedar 

Rapids,  la. 
Brigham,  C.  S.,  34  Cedar  St.,  Worcester, 

De  Ville,  John  B.,    664  Broadway,  Gary, 

Earp.  Francis  "H.,  1817  Mt.  Vernon  Ave., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Eckel,  John  C,  1433  Diamond  St.,  Phila- 
delphia,  Pa. 
Hill,    Edwin    B.,  Ysleta,   El   Paso    Co., 

Jackson,    G.    A.,    32    Washington    Park, 

Newtonville,  Mass. 
Lawrence,  John   S.,     307  Fulton  St.,  E-, 

Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 
Manly,  Herbert  B.,  43  W.  85th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Montgomery,  Thomas  L.,  004  Clinton  St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Needham,  Wilbur,  Hinsdale,  111. 
Root.   A/ariah   S.,    150  N.    Professor    St., 

Oberlin,  O. 




Sargent,    George    Henry,    Warner,    New 

Shroeter,    H.    M.,    3630   W.    Washington 

Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Starr,    Nathan     Comfort,    Hope    House, 

Easton,  Md. 
Turner,  L.  M.,  P.  O.  Box  115,  Baltimore, 

Venor,     Edmund,    45     Roxborough     Rd., 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Wroth,  Lawrence  C,  215  E.  Preston  St., 

Baltimore,  Md. 
See  also  Alabama ;  Books  and  Readingβ€” 

About  Books;  Science. 

β€”  Antiquarian 

Mackall,  Leonard"!^.,  c/o  Lawton  &  Cun- 
ningham, Savannah,  Ga. 

Biddle,  Nicholas 

Wills,    D.    G,    Federal    Reserve    Bank, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Bierce,  Ambrose 

Starrett,  Vincent,  641  N.  Mayfield  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Smith,  Paul  Jordan,  Claremont,  Cal. 

Binding.    See  Book-making. 

Bindings  β€”  Embroidered 

Merrill,    Mrs.    M.    E.   Rath,   80   Winner 
Ave.,  Columbus,  O. 

β€”  Fine 

Aranoff,    N.    K.,    314   W.    Superior    St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Bender,  A.   M.,   311    California   St.,   San 

Francisco,  Cal. 
Bradford,  D.  C.,  404  S.  39th  St.,  Omaha, 


Carolan,  Mrs.  Francis,  Burlingame,  Ala. 
Clark,  diaries  W.,  Jr.,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 
Daniel,  Franklin,  20  E.  Madison  St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Elmore,     Frank     H..     Jr.,     Montgomery, 

Gaunt,  James,  24  W.  soth  St.,  New  York 

Goldsmith,  Abraham,  61  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 
Hanna,    H.    M.,    Jr.,    1300    Leader-News 

Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 
Inman,  Maurice,  I  Parade  PL,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
Jones,    Herschel     V.,    2505     Park    Ave., 

Minneapolis,  Minn. 
Joyce,  James  S.,  322   S.  Michigan  Ave., 

Chicago,   111. 
Keating,   George  T.,  29  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 

Morgan,  F.  Cleveland,  308  Peel  St.,  Mon- 
treal, Que. 
Morton,    Stratford    Lee,    1008    Chemical 

Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 



Bindings  β€”  Fine 

Murray,  Mrs.  T.  J.,  Butte,  Mont. 

Neiger,  Arthur  A.,  11615  Hazeldell  Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Nolan,  Preston  M.,  5802  Kenmore  Avc., 
Chicago,  111. 

Schweitzer,  Isidor  S.,  500  West  End 
Ave.,  New  York  Gity. 

Senter,  Charles,  i  Beverly  PI.,  St.  Louis, 

Shepard,  Lee,  650  Main  St.,  Cincinnati, 

Sloan,  Charles  H.,  305  R.  R.  St.,  Iron- 
ton,  O. 

Taylor,  Mrs.  Frank  Wing,  243  W.  Adams 
St.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Venor,  Edmund,  45  Roxborough  '!Rd., 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Warren,  W.  E.,  21  Qctavia  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

White,  Aubrey  L.,  Old  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 
Spokane,  Wash. 

Young,  Horace  G.,  425  State  St.,  Green- 
wich, Ct. 

Zahn,  J.  E.,  305  Ideal  Bldg.,  Denver, 

Ziegler,  Henry,  Mooresville,  Ala. 


Sherman,  Frederic  F.,  8  W.  47th  St., 
New  York  City.  (Before  1850) 

β€”  Old 

Backman,  J.  J.,  212  Sunnyside  Avc.,  Au- 
rora, Ind. 

Perry,  Mrs.  R.  A.,  6172  Chabot  Rd.,  Oak- 
land, Cal. 

Swain,  J.  D.,  767  Main  St.,  Worcester, 


Lewishon,  Mrs.  Frederick,  Plaza  Hotel, 
New  York  City. 


Alden,  Claire  K.,  47  Mather  St.,  Dor- 
chester, Mass. 

Allen,  Charles  Dexter,  80  Gates  Ave, 
Montclair,  N.  J. 

Ames,  E.  G.,  Walker  Bldg.,  Seattle, 

Arensberg,  C.  C,  5400  Hobart  St.,  Squir- 
rel Hill  District,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Arnold,   Dr.   Francis   J.,    Burlington,  Vt. 

Babcock,  Margaret  Woods,  Columbia, 
S.  C. 

Bailey,  Mrs.  Vardaman,  244  N.  Kenil- 
worth  Ave.,  Eagle  Rock,  Cal. 

Balz,  Leonard,  4022  N.  Florissant  Ave., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Barton,  Emery  H.,  503  Fourth  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  Cincinnati,  O.  (Artists) 

Bausman,  Frederick,  AlasTca  Bldg.,  Se- 
attle, Wash. 

Brandon,  Frank  W.,  Gadsden,  Ala. 

Brown,  Chas.  A.,  1550  Monadnock  Block, 
Chicago,  111. 

Bryan,  W.  J.,  Saxton,  Pa. 



Buchanan,  Mrs.  Robert  A.,  3011  Hum- 
boldt  Ave.  S.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Bullitt,  Wm.  Marshall,  c/o  Bruce,  Bul- 
litt  &  Gordon,  Inter-Southern  Bldg., 
Louisville,  Ky. 

Surges,  William  H.,  First  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  El  Paso,  Tex. 

Gates,  Gen.  Charles  T.,  Knoxville,  Tenn. 

Collins,  Holdridge  O.,  404  S.  Main  St., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Colton,  H.  G.,  310  Chamber  of  Com- 
merce Bl'dg.,  Portland,  Ore. 

Cooper,  Clayton  S.,  c/o  W.  R.  Grace  & 
Co.,  7  Hanover  Sq.,  New  York  Qty. 

CorbJy,  Lawrence  J.,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 

Cory,  James  W.,  902  Madison  Ave.,  He- 
lena, Mont. 

Cross,  W.  Irving,  B.  &  O.  Bldg.,  Balti- 
more, Md. 

Daniel,  Franklin,  20  E.  Madison  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Dennett,  J.  Vaughan,  Gates  R.  D.  No.  2, 
Framingham,  Mass. 

Downing,  A.  C,  2030  Hilyer  PI.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Dutcher,  H.  M.,  414  Highland  Ave., 
Peekskill,  N.  Y. 

Dyer,  H.  Chouteau,  1524  Boatmen's  Bank 
Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Evans,  S.  D.,  Roseburg,  Ore. 

Frasier,  S.  M.,  Dothan,  Ala. 

Freeman,  Charles  R.,  Checotah,  Okla. 

Freeman,  Dr.  Douglas  S.,  1108  Floyd 
Ave.,  Richmond,  Va. 

Gray,  David  E.,  1320  Olive  St.,  St.  Louis, 

Greene,  Jesse  C.,  109  W.  Gay  St.,  West 
Chester,  Pa. 

Greenough,  Charles  P.,  Brookline,  Mass. 

Gundlach,  J.  H.,  3615  N.  Broadway,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Hahn,  Edgar  A.,  800  National  City  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Hale,  George  E.,  Observatory  Office,  Pas- 
adena, Cat. 

Harris,  I.  G.,  1840  Caton  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Harter,   Mrs.   M.   D.,  Mansfield,  O. 

Hartman,  Galen  C,  1518  Farmers'  Bank 
Bldg.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Hattly,  Walter  C,  328  Beech  St.,  High- 
land Park,  111. 

Herrick,  James  B.,  242  E.  Walton  PI., 
Chicago,  111. 

Higbee,  William  T.,  1925  E.  75th  St., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Hill,  Edwin  B.,  Ysleta,  El  Paso  Co., 

Hyman,  Marcus,  516  Mclntyte  Bldg., 
Winnipeg,  Man. 

Irvdne,  James  T.,  216  S.  7th  St.,  Zanes- 
ville,  O. 

Johns,  Charles  R.,  521^  i$th  St.,  Moline, 

Johnson,  Eric  H.,  Route  No.  I,  Box  49, 
Frederic,  Wis. 




Kelley,  Hermon  A.,  Overlook  Rd.,  Cleve- 
land,  O. 

Kent,  D.  B.  E.,  Kent  St.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Kinsella,  Prof.  A.  J.,  2613  Ashland  Ave., 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Knight,  C.  L.,  Beacon-Journal,  Akron,  O. 

Knight,  Charles  H.,  1320  Cleveland  Ave., 
Canton,  O. 

Kreuzbee,  1048  Michigan  Blvd.,  Racine, 

Lungreen,  C.  E.(  204  County  City  Bldg., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

Lusk,  J.  A.,  Guntersville,  Ala. 

Magee,  James  M.,  306  Frick  Bldg.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

Maguire,  Don,  P.  O.  Box  549,  Ogden, 

Manning,  James  H.,  409  State  St.,  Al- 
bany, N.  Y. 

Merrill,  Charles  E.,  Jr.,  432  4th  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Morey,  Bertha  G.,  327  W.  4th  St.,  Ot- 
tumwa,  la. 

Needham,  Maurice  HuHert,  c/o  Husband 
&  Thomas,  150  E.  Erie,  Chicago,  111. 

O'Brien,  Frederick,  Sausalito,  Cal. 

Oakleaf,  J.  B.,  Moline,  111. 

O'Connor,  James,  124  Government  PL, 
Cincinnati,  O.  (Esp.  medieval  and 

Paul,  James  H.,  Carbondale,  Pa. 

Parker,  George  P.,  401  Convent  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Patteson,  S.  S.  P.,  2505  Stuart  Ave., 
Richmond,  Va. 

Pearce,  Wilbur  E.,  303  University  PI., 
Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Ferine,  Fred  A.,  1532  W.  Philadelphia 
Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Peter,  Charles,  644  E.  South  Temple  St., 
Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

Pickard,  Dr.  M.  W.,  Union  Station  Hos- 
pital, Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Rosenthal,  l^essing,  105  W.  Monroe  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Russell,  Wm.  W.,  2  Marvin  St.,  Mont- 
pelier, Vt. 

Schuch,  John  P.,  301  N.  Hamilton  St., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Sefton,  Dr.  Frederic,  "The  Pines,"  Au- 
burn, N.  Y. 

Selberling,  Frank  A.  (personal),  Seiber- 
ling  Rubber  Co.,  Akron,  O. 

Shoemaker,  Henry  W.,  71  Broadway,  New 
York  City 

Skarstedt,  Ernst,  East  Sound,  Wash. 

SnydeT-,  Robert  M.  Jr.,  610  E.  47th  St., 
Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Stambaugh,  H.  H.,  Stambough  Bldg., 
Ypungstown,  O.  (extra  illustrated  and 
with  autograph  material  of  Washington, 
Franklin,  Jefferson,  Hamilton,  Lincoln) 

Stein,  Dr.  S.  J.,  Muscatine,  la. 

Straus,  Isaac  Lohe,  1315  Munsey  Bldg., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Swinton,  David,  123  S.  Franklin  St.,  Sagi- 
naw,  Mich. 




Thorn,  DeCourcy  W.,  Maryland  Trust 
Bldg.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Townley,  W.  R.,  76  W.  Monroe  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Trams,  A.  Francis,  209  Union  St.,  Joliet, 

Utter,  Adelaide,  Monaskon,  Va. 

Wackerbarth,  Henry  von,  9737  Longwood 
Drive,  Chicago,  111. 

Wadleigh,  F.  A.,  501  E.  nth  Ave.,  Den- 
ver, Col. 

Wakefield,  W.  J.  C,  Attorney,  Spokane, 

Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Wilson,  Medford  B.,  1310  N.  Delaware  St., 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Wilson,  Francis,  24  Gramercy  Park,  New 
York  City. 

Wing,  DeWitt  C,  S344  Dorchester  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Wirt,  B.  F.,  31  W.  Rayen  Ave.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

Wolfe,  A.  B.,  Univ.  of  Texas,  Austin, 

Young,  Dr.  E.  Weldon,  749  Harvard 
Ave.  N.,  Seattle,  Wash. 

Zimmerman,  Rev.  Jeremiah,  Syracuse, 
N.  Y. 

β€”  American 

Briggs,  Frankland,  560  Mt.  Prospect 
Ave.,  Newark,  N.  J. 

Crompton,  Randolph,  34  Cedar  St.,  Wor- 
cester, Mass. 

Guernsey,  Rocellus  S.,  1711  Bathgate 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Landis,  Chas.  D.,  140  N.  Duke  St.,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

MacChesney,  Nathan  Wm.,  568  Haw- 
thorne PI.,  Chicago,  111. 

Peterson,  Harry  E.,  10747  Forest  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Shields,  Wm.  H.,  35  Broadway,  Nor- 
wich, Ct. 

Walser,  Zeb  V.,  12  Court  House  Sq., 
Lexington,  N.  C. 

β€”  Artists 

Fielding,  Mantle,  520  Walnut  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  Clerical   and    Religious 

Whitaker,  Rev.  Robert,  'Los   Gatos,  Cal. 

β€”  English 

Peck,  Walter  E.,  424  Nold  Ave.,  Woos- 
ter,  O.  (Poets,  1780-1830,  esp.  Shel- 

β€”  β€”  and  American 

Miller,  T.  F.,  Mattituck,  N.  Y. 

Smith,  H.  M*.  Jr.,  Wm.  Byrd  Park, 
Richmond,  Va. 

Towne,  Carroll  M.,  264  Ogden  Ave.,  Mil- 
waukee, Wis. 




β€”  Foreign  β€”  Translations 

Emler,    Ira,    Oswego,    Kan. 
gated  editions) 


β€”  In  English  and   French 

Irish,  John  P.,  1904  Aldine  St.,  Oakland, 

β€”  Political  and  Court 

Parsons,    Joseph    H.,    Talledaga,  Ala. 

β€”  Printers 

Bullen,  Henry  Lewis,  300  Communipaw 
Ave.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

β€”  Publishers 

Scull,  Marshall,  5700  City  Ave.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  Rare 

Murphy,   Prof.  Paul,   Nampa,   Idaho. 

β€”  Theatrical 

House,  Henry  B.,  926  S.  ;th  St.,  Spring- 
field, 111. 

β€”  Welsh 

Blackwell,  Henry,  56  University  PI.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Women 

Messenger,  Maria  Gerard,  Chappaqua, 
Westchester  Co.,  N.  Y. 

β€”  i8th  and   igth  Centuries 

Lewishon,  Mrs.  Frederick,  Plaza  Hotel, 
New  York  City. 


Estabrook,  Arthur  H.,  1638  N.  Pennsyl- 
vania St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Leidy,  Dr.  Joseph,  1319  Locust  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  Applied 

Ward,  Henry  B.,  Univ.  of  Illinois,  Ur- 
bana,  111. 

β€”  History 

Ballard,  James  F.,  8  Fenway,  Boston, 

Bjornsen,  B. 

Olson,  Prof.  Julius  F.,  1909  Adams  St., 
Madison,  Wis. 

Blackstone,  Sir  William  (and  Period) 

Radensleben,     Frank    E.,     1221    Atlantic 
Trust  Co.  Bldg.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Blind,    Mathilda 

Elliott,  Frank  M.,  225  Lake  St.,   Evans- 
ton,  111. 




Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  2nd  Avc., 
Cedar  Rapids,  Iowa. 

Book    Club    Publications.    See   Private   and 
Special   Presses. 


Montgomery,  Robert  H.,  55  Liberty  St., 
New  York  City. 


Bishop,  W.  W.,  Univ.  of  Mich.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Calkins,  Earnest  E.,  250  5th  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Cheney,  Sheldon,  Scarborough,  N.  Y. 

Collier,  Allen,  108  E.  Auburn  Ave.,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 

See  also  Printing;  Publishing;  Typog- 

β€”  Binding 

Bowie,  Henry  P.,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 
Brewer,  Luther  A.,  847  4th  Ave.,   Cedar 

Rapids,  la. 
Calkins,   Earnest  E.,  250  5th  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 

Collier,  Allen,  108  E.  Auburn  Ave.,  Cin- 
cinnati,  O. 
Herzog,   Paul   M.,  41   W.  68th  St.,   New 

York    City. 
Hollands,    W.    C,    521    S.    Division    St., 

Ann   Arbor,    Mich. 
Loring,  Augustus  P.,  Jr.,  in  Devonshire 

St.,   Boston,   Mass. 
Morgner,  Oscar  A.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 

York   City. 
Rothpletz,   P.  F.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

β€”  Fine 

Foster,  James  H.,  2200  Devonshire 
Drive,  Cleveland  Heights,  Ohio. 

Hudnut,  Alexander  M.,  19  W.  54th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Morgner,  Oscar  A.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Foreign  and  Domestic 

Chilton,  W.  Pierce,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
White,  Aubrey  L.,  Old  Nat'l  Bink  Bldg., 
Seattle,  Wash. 


Achard,    Dr.    H.    J.,    4757    Ravenswood 

Ave.,    Chicago,    111. 

Adkins,  Nelson  F.,  41  Madison  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 
Alexander,  Will  W.,   116  King   St.,  W., 

Toronto,  Ont.,  Canada. 
Allen,    Charles    Dexter,    80   Gates    Ave., 

Montclair,  N.   J. 
Allen,    Miss    S.    J.,    255    E.    Main    St., 

Moorestown,  N.  J. 
Altschul,    F.,    10   Wall    St.,    New    York 

Anderson,     Frank     H.,     Empire     Bldg., 

Birmingham,  Ala. 




Andreini,   J.    M.(   29   W.   75th    St.,   New 
York   City. 

Anthony,    F.    D.,    Knickerbocker    Apts., 
Albany,  N.  Y. 

Ayearst,  Morley  J.,  63  Kendal  Ave.,  To- 
ronto, Out. 

Baer,    Carlyle    S.,    1719    K    St.,    N.    W., 
Washington,   D.    C. 

Blackburn,  O.  T.,  P.  O.  Box  278,  Route 

2,    Hopkins,    Minn. 

Bolton,    W.    Ernest,    577    Roslyn    Ave., 
Westmount,  Can. 

Bowdoin,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  3Qth  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  .Y. 

Brockett,    Helen    F.,    191     Prospect    St., 
East  Orange,  N.  J. 

Brohel,    Joseph    A.,    167    Clinton   Place, 
Hackensack,   N.  J. 

Brooks,    Miss    A.    F.,    60    Ocean    Ave., 
Salem,   Mass. 

Buckenham,    J.    E.    B.,    M.D.,    Chestnut 
Hill,    Philadelphia,    Pa. 

Burnham,   Mrs.  W.  H.,  401   S.   Kingsley 
Drive,   Los   Angeles,   Cal. 

Buttrick,  E.  G.,  307  Wilder  St.,   Lowell, 

Carnegie,  Mrs.  T.  M.,  Hotel  Plaza,  New 
York    City. 

Comstock,      Dr.      John     A.,      Southwest 
Museum,   Los   Angeles,  Cal. 

Crawford,  Inez   M.,  Public  Library,  San 
Mateo,  Cal. 

Day,  Mary  B.,  1518  E.  Marquette  Road, 
Chicago,   111. 

Deane,  Ruthven,  1222  N.  State  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Dixson,    Dr.    Zella    Allen,    5220    Cornell 
Ave.,   Chicago,   111. 

Dore,    Harry    E.,    2238    Telegraph    Ave., 
Berkeley,    Cal. 

Downey,  Miss  M.  E.,  State  Library  Com- 
mission,  Bismarck,   N.   D. 

Drake,    Helen    V.,    2114    Calumet    Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Engstfeld,  Mrs.  C.  P.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Evans,    Clara    Therese,    Columbia    Univ. 
Library,    New    York   City. 

Fowler,  Alfred,  17  Board  of  Trade,  Kan- 
sas  City,  Mo. 

Fowler,  Emily,  in  Locust  St.,  Dorches- 
ter, Mass. 

Fraprie,    Frank    R.,    30    Addington    Rd., 
Boston,  Mass. 

French,  Mrs.  E.  D.,  Thompsonville,  Ct 

Fuller,  George  W.,  Altadena  Apts.,  Spo- 
kane, Wash. 

Furman,    Dorothy,    58     Clark    St.,    Glen 
Ridge,  N.  J. 

Gilson,     G.     H.,    2646    Telegraph    Ave., 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

Goble,   L.    T.,   c/o   Press    Club,    152   No. 
Gark  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

Guthrie,  Mrs.   M.   E.,  223a  Walnut  Ave., 
Roxfoury,  Mass. 

Haines,  Miss  A.  J.,  State  Library,  Sac- 
ramento,   Cal. 



Hall,  Gilbert  E.,  Fremont,  O. 

Harrod,  Stanley,  nol/2  Havelock  St.,  To- 
ronto, Ont. 

Hays,  W.  R.  A.,  30  E.  Broad  St.,  Colum- 
bus, O. 

Hewett,  Ainslie,  Spring  Drive,  Louisville, 

Hill,  Mrs.  J.  W.,  Jr.,  803  Lakeside  PI., 
Chicago,  111. 

Hosbach,  J.  T.  A.,  817  S.  58th  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Hoyle,  Ethel  G.,  Concord,  Mass. 

Kirby,  C.  V.,  725  Fulton  Bldg.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

lLarner,  John  B.,  1709  ipth  St.,  N.  W., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Licht,  George  A.,  126  E.  38th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Lloyd,  Mrs.  Cyrus  D.,  Leavenworth,  Kan. 

Loeb,  H.  S.,  Hotel  Longacre,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Lombard,  Rev.  H.  E.,  Sutton,  Mass. 

Lord,  Ralph  E.,  218  Madison  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Lovell,  Mrs.  W.  S.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Martin,  Miss  Lenala  A.,  Susanville,  Gal. 

Merrill,  Mrs.  M.  E.  Rath,  80  Winner 
Ave.,  Columbus,  O. 

Miller,  Elizabeth  C.  T.,  3738  Euclid  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Noll,  Rev.  Arthur  Howard,  Sewanee, 

Pannell,  Ernest  W.,  165  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Ferine,  Fred  A.,  1532  W.  Philadelphia 
Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Plank,  G.  W.,  Wyebrook,  Pa. 

Pope,  A.  Winthrop,  Newton,  Mass. 

Pratt,  Walter  M.,  159  Devonshire  St., 
Boston,  Mass. 

Prescott,  Winward,  P.  O.  Box  3066,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Preston,  Mrs.  George  M.,  12  Vernon  St., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

Read,  Dr.    E.   W.,  Princeton,  N.  J. 

Rossiter,  Mrs.  E.  H.,  15  W.  67th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Rowe,  Henry  Sherbufne,  58  Common- 
wealth Ave.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Rugg,  H.  G.,  Dartmouth  College,  Han- 
over, N.  H. 

Seward,  C.  A.,  Wichita,  Kan. 

Sherwin,  Miss  Clara  P.,  Corning  PI., 
Lake  Shore  Drive,  Chicago,  111. 

Smalley,  Carl  H.,  1122  Grand  Ave.,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

Smith,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  Wm.  Byrd  Park,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

Totten,  Emma  J.,  5  Vista  Ave.,  Auburn- 
dale,  Mass. 

Townley,  W.  R.,  76  W.  Monroe  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Underhlll,  Miss  Adelaide,  Vassar  College, 
Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. 

Vaile,  Mrs.  A.  B.,  79  4th  St.,  Bangor,  Me. 

Vasconcellos,  N.  de,  2167  W.  98th  St., 
Clevebad,  O. 




Weicker,    Herman    G.,    55    Myrtle    Ave., 

Montclair,  N.  J. 
Wheeler,  Cleora,   1376  Summit  Ave.,    St. 

Paul,  Minn. 
Wheeler,    Florence    S.,    109    Salem    St., 

Medford,  Mass. 
White,   Miss   Esther   Griffin,  c/o  "Rich- 

mond Palladium,"  Richmond,  Ind. 
Winthrop,  H.  R.,  n  Wall  St.,  New  York 

Wolf,  Max,  93  Second  Ave.,  New  York 


Wood,  Hart,  Honolulu,  H.  I. 
Woodworth,  Laurence  C,  Steinway  Hall, 

Chicago,  111. 

β€”  American 

Black,     Mrs.     H.    V.    D.,    Irvington-on- 
Hudson,  N.  Y. 

--  Early 

Beardsley,  Rev.  W.  A.,  70  Elm  St.,  New 

Haven,  Ct. 

Libbie,  Frederick  J.,  3  Hamilton  PL, 
Room  214,  Boston,  Mass. 

β€”  Books  on 

Carver,  Clifford,  Locust  Valley,  N.  Y. 
Fisher,   W.   E.,   611   W.    I36th   St.,   New 
York  City. 

Books  and  Reading 

Sargent,  George  Henry,  Warner,  N.  H. 
Schroeter,  H.   M.,  3630  W.  Washington 

Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

See  also  Children's  Books 

β€”  About  Books 

Dickie,  Francis,  Hen'st  Bay,   B.  C. 
Downey,  Mary  E.,  State  Library  Com- 

mission, Bismarck,  N.  D. 
Edgett,  Edwin  Francis,  200  Pleasant  St., 

Arlington,  Mass. 
Hill,  Mrs.  J.  W.,  Jr.,  803  Lakeside  PL, 

Chicago,  111. 

Holden,  John  A.,  Mount  Vernon,  N.  Y. 
Holstein,  Mark  G.,  36  W.  35th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Powner,  W.  E.,  62  W.  Madison  St.,  Chi- 

cago, 111. 

Reynolds,  L.  R.,  Winthrop  Centre^  Mass. 
Senter,  Charles,  i  Beverly  PL,  St.  Louis, 

Stevens,  Wm.  H.,  474  Congress  St.,  Port- 

land, Me, 

Turner,  Frank  C,  Norwich,  Ct. 
Wyer,  J.  I.,  Jr.,  399  Western  Ave.,  Al- 

bany, N.  Y. 


Morley,  Christopher,  Roslyn  Heights,  L. 
I.,  N.  Y. 


Melcher,    Frederic 
Montclair,  N.  J. 

228    Grove    St., 



Boone,  Daniel 

Henderson,  Archibald,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C 

Borrow,  George 

Coombs,    Prof.    Zeloletes    W,    Worcester 
Polytechnic  Institute,  Worcester,  Mass. 
Lehmann,    F.    W..    4th    and    Olive    Sts., 
St.  Louis,.  Mo. 

Boswell,  James 

Hackett,   E.  Byrne,  71   Cottage  St.,   New 

Haven,  Ct. 

Rogers,  Prof.  R.  W.,  Madison,  N.  J. 
Tate,    C.   W.,   49   Brunswick  Rd.,    Mont- 

clair,  N.  J. 


Allerton,  Mrs.  Samuel  W.,  Highland  and 
Fairview  Sts.,  South  Pasadena,  Cal. 

Ames,  Oakes,  North  Easton,  Mass. 

Bartlett,  H.  H.,  335  Packard  St.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Bowdoin,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  59th  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Coburn,  Louise  H.,   Skowhegan,   Me. 

Dean,   Charles    C.,    Bluffton,   Ind. 

Fitzpatrick,  T.  J.,  Bethany,  Neb. 

Fuller,  Rev.  J.  B.,  618  Broadway,  Se- 
dalia,  Mo. 

Hancock,  Miss,  Atlanta  University,  At- 
lanta, Ga. 

Paterson,  J.  H.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

β€”  Alpine  Flowers 

Lown,   Clarence,  Poughkeepsie,   N.  Y. 

β€”  Fungi 

Burke,  Dr.  R.  P.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

β€”  Old 

Warthin,  Aldred  S.,  Univ.  of  Michigan, 
Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

β€”  Pacific  Coast 

Jepson,  Dr.  W.  H.,  2712  Benvenue  Ave., 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

Bottomley,  Gordon  β€”  First  Editions 

Hoskins,  Chapin  an3  Nancy,  2^05  E.  74th 
St.,  Chicago,  111. 

Boysβ€” Work  With 

Reed,  W.  Nash,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Brangwyn,  Frank 

Scull,  John  I.,  Somerset,  Pa. 

Branner,  John  Casper,  Stanford  Univ., 

British  Columbia 

Eastham,  John  W.,  4569  Ave.  W,  Van- 
couver, B.  C. 

Forsyth,  John,  406  Craigflower  Rd.,  Vic- 
toria, B.  C. 

β€”  History 

Howay,  Judge,  Law  Courts,   New  West- 
minster, B.  C. 



Bronte    Family 

Hyde,    Salem,    Syracuse,    N.    Y.       (Esp. 

Charlotte  Bronte) 
Ray,  Dr.  C.  J.,  Gilboa,  O. 

Browne,  Hablot  Knight.    See  Phiz. 

Browning,  Robert 

Andrews,  Miss  Nell,  c/o  Texas  Christian 
University,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 

Armstrong,  A.  J.,  Baylor  University, 
Waco,  Tex. 

Dillard,  J.  E.,  1924  i6th  Ave.,"  S.,  Birming- 
ham, Ala. 

Dunn,  Waldo  H.,  703  Quinby  Ave., 
Wooster,  O. 

Hutchins,  Henry  Clinton,  106  E.  8sth  St., 
New  York  City. 

James,  George  Wharton,  1098  N.  Ray- 
mond Ave.,  Pasadena,  Cal. 

Martin,  Mrs.  Alexander,  870  Beacon  St., 
Boston,  Mass. 

Schwab,  V.  O.,  60  Evergreen  Ave.,  Bloom- 
field,  N.  J. 

Bryce,  James,  Ambassador 

Owen,  Thomas  M.,  Jr.,  Albany,  Ala. 


Seitz,  Don  C.,  239  Hancock  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  V. 

Buddhism β€” Esoteric 

Kealhofer,  William,  Hagerstown,  Md. 
'Long,  John  Luther,  Ashbourne,  Pa. 

Burke,   Edmund 

Rogers,  Prof.  R.  W.,  Madison,  N.  J. 
Welch,    E.   R.,  408  Loan  &  Trust  Bldg., 
Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Burne-Jones β€” Illustrations 

Merrill,  Mrs.  M.  E.  Rath,  80  Winner  Ave., 
Columbus,  O. 

Burns,  Robert 

Adam,  R.  B.,  46  Norwood  Ave.,  Buffalo, 
N.  Y. 

Agnew,  Andrew  D.,  1203  Trust  Co.  Bldg., 
Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Caldwell,  F.  H.,  Chattanooga,  Tenn. 

Cassels,  Edwin  H.,  The  Rookery,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Jacobs,  Dr.  Joseph,  6  Marietta  St.,  At- 
lanta, Ga. 

Ross,  Dr.  John  D.,  46  Manor  Ave.,  Wood- 
haven.  N.  Y. 

Smith,  Dr.  E.  A.,  University,  Ala. 

Burr,  Aaron 

Holland,  G.  Allison,  Security  Trust  Bldg., 

Lexington,  Ky. 

Tuttle,  William  E.,  310  Dollar  Bank  Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O. 

Burroughs,  John 

Jansen,  Nels,  2925  N.  Talman  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 



Burroughs,  John 

β€”  Firat  Editions 

Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School, 
Washington,  D.  C 

Burton,  Sir  Richard 

Pickard,  Dr.  M.  W.,  Union  Station  Hos- 
pital, Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Smith,  Milton  W.,  P.  O.  Drawer  767, 
Portland,  Ore. 

β€”  Illustrations  for 

Young,  E.  A.,  39  Arundel  St.,  St.  Paul, 


Aldrich,  Morton  A.,  722  Cherokee  St., 
New  Orleans,  La. 

Barnes,  Nathaniel  Waring,  Box  164,  Uni- 
versity of  Chicago,  Chicago,  111. 

Kilian,  M.  N.,  Albertville,  Minn. 

Wood,  Wm.  Allen,  2502  N.  Alabama  St., 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Robrett,  George  W.,  20  W.  Jackson  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

β€”  System 

Ghilton,  W.  Pierce,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Byrne,  Bonn 

Needham,  Wilbur,  Hinsdale,  111. 

Byron,  Lord 

Baker,  Prof.  Alfred,  81  Madison  Ave., 
Toronto,  Ont. 

Boyle,  E.  M.,  1534  Diamond  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Henry,  Mellinger  E.,  Dicksinson  High 
School,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

Mackall,  Leonard  L.,  c/o  Lawton  &  Cun- 
ningham, Savannah,  Ga. 

Murphy,  Thomas  D.,  Red  Oak,  la. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Ingraham,  Phoenix,  80  Irving  PI.,  New 
York  City. 

Cabell,  James  Branch 

Alexander,  Gray  W.,  404  Atlantic  Nat'l 

Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 
Allen,    Edward    Frank,    64    Carlton    St., 

East  Orange,  N.  J. 
Evans,    Montgomery,    2nd,    900    DeKalb 

St.,    Norristown,    N.    J. 
Hoskins,    Chapin    and    Nancy,    2505    E. 

74th   St.,    Chicago,   111. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Frey,  Carroll  H.,  Penn  Mutual  Bldg., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Caldecott,    Randolph 

Roberts,  Mrs.  Henriette  W.,  Westfield, 
N.  J. 


Adams,   Dr.    George,   2937    Fillmore    St., 

San   Francisco,    Cal. 

Addison,  Thomas  M.,  2425  Channing 
Ave.,  Berkeley,  Cal. 




Allen,    Prof.    J.    T.(    2243    College    Ave., 

Berkeley,  Cal. 
Allerton,     Mrs.     Samuel    W.,    Highland 

and    Fairview    Sts.,    South    Pasadena, 

Barbour,  Thomas  J.,  1000  California  St., 

San   Francisco,   Cal. 
Behrendt,    Sam,    435    S.  Windsor  Blvd., 

Los    Angeles,    Cal. 
Bolton,    Prof.    Herbert    E.,    1526    Spring 

St.,   Berkeley,   Cal. 
Brewer,     Rev.     W.     A.,     St.     Matthew's 

School,  Burlingame,  Cal. 
Brock,  M.  J.,  Grass  Valley,   Cal. 
Burton,    Walter,    Box    114,    Keokuk,    la. 
Cowan,   Robert   E.,  867  Treat  Ave.,  San 

Francisco,   Cal. 
Crocker,      Charles     Templeton,      Shreve 

Bldg.,   San   Francisco,   Cal. 
Deering,  Frank  P.,  2709  Larkin  St.,  San 

Francisco,   Cal. 
De    Witt,    Frederick   M.,    555    Montclair 

Ave.,  Oakland,   Cal. 
Dixon,  Prof.  James  Main,  University  of 

Southern  California,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Fay,    Luke,    1554   Green    St.,    San   Fran- 
cisco,   Cal. 

Grace,  Bishop,  Sacramento,  Cal. 
Hartshorne,  Robert,  449  Park  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 

Hayes,   E.  A.  &  J.  O.,  Eden  Vale,  Cal. 
Hitchcock,  John  L.,  1010  Powell  St.,  San 

Francisco,  Cal. 
Holmes,    H.     C,    2735    Elmwood     Ave., 

Berkeley,   Cal. 
Hopkins,  L.  A.,  416  West  Jackson  Blvd., 

Chicago,    111. 

Hurd,  Harry  C.,   Pasadena,   Cal. 
Jackson,    Judge    Grant,    Union     League 

Club,    Los    Angeles,    Cal. 
Kerns,    Frank    A.,    1343    Humboldt    St., 

Denver,   Colo. 
McLean,    S.   F.,   248   S.    Broadway,    Los 

Angeles,   Cal. 
Merritt,    Dr.    Emma,    2323    Washington 

St.,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 
Murphy,   Thomas  D.(  Red  Oak,  la. 
Nordhoff,   Walter,   Redlands,    Cal. 
Phelan,  Hon.  James  D.,  2150  Washington 

St.,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Prell,    John    S.,    1137    Geary    St.,    San 

Francisco,    Cal. 
Robertson,  A.  M.,  222  Stockton  St.,  San 

Francisco,  Cal. 
Tully,   Richard   Walton,   1482  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 
Turner,   George   W.,   33   Glenridge  Ave., 

Los  Gatos,  Cal. 
Turrill,  Charles  B.,  57  Sanchez  St.,  San 

Francisco,  Cal. 

Wagner,    H.    R.,    90    El    Camino    Real, 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

Wagner,   Harr,  77  7th  Ave.,   San   Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

Wangenheim,  Julius,  148  W.  Juniper  St., 
San  Diego,  Cal. 




Weinstock,  Harris,  10  Presidio    Terrace, 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Wheeler,    Dr.    Benj.    Ide,    University    of 
California,    Berkeley,    Cal. 

White,  Stewart  Edward,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 

Winterburn,  George  T.,  Glen  Dale,   Cal. 

Yale,  Charles,  916  N.  Chester  Ave.,  Pasa- 
dena, Cal. 


β€”  Authors 

McLean,    S.    F.,   248   S.    Broadway,    Los 
Angeles,   Cal. 

β€”  First    Editions 

Newbegin,  J.  J.,  358  Post  St.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

β€”  Mountains 

Hall,  Ansel  F.,  Yosemite,  Cal. 

β€”  Poets 

Cheney,     Warren,  "  2241     College     Ave., 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

β€”  Views,  Early 

Behrendt,    Sam,   435    S.   Windsor    Blvd., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 


Ricketts,    C.    Lindsay,   438   W.    67th   St., 
Chicago,  111. 

β€”  History 

Beam,   George    L.,   229   Equitable   Bldg., 
Denver,  Colo. 


Arnold,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  Burlinton,  Vt. 
Baker,    Ray    Palmer,    Rensselaer    Poly- 
technic Inst.,  Troy,  N.  Y. 
Barker,  G.  Y.,  35  E.  3Oth  St.,  New  York 

Sec  also  Travel. 

β€”  Foreign  Relations  β€”  United  States. 

Colquhoun,   Dr.   A.   H.   U.,   342   Walmer 
Rd.,  Toronto,  Ont. 

β€”  History 

Colquhoun,   Dr.   A.    H.   U.,   342   Walmer 
Rd.,  Toronto,  Ont. 


Dickie,    Francis,   Heriot    Bay,   B.    C. 
Douglas,  Robert  W.,  1004  Broughton  St., 

Vancouver,   B.    C. 
James,    R.,    P.  O.  Box  176,    Vancouver, 

B.  C. 

Nelson,  John,  2566  York  St.,  Vancouver, 
v      B.  C. 

Pound,    A.    M.,    510    Hastings    St.,    W., 

Vancouver,  B.    C. 
Reed,    T.    A.,    University    of    Toronto, 

Toronto,    Ont. 




Reed,  R.  L.,  Yorkshire  Bldg.,  Vancouver, 

B.   C. 
Reford,   Robert   W.,  300  Drummond   St., 

Montreal,   Quebec,    (incl.   medals.) 
Riddell,  Hon.  William  Renwick,  Osgoode 

Hall,  Toronto,  Ont. 
Smythe,  Albert  E.  S.,  22  W.  Glen  Cove 

Ave.,    Toronto,   Ont. 
Thompson,  T.  P.,  1812  Calhoun  St.,  New 

Orleans,   La. 
Warden,  John  T.,  92  Orchard  View  Blvd., 

Toronto,  Ont. 

Carlyle,    Thomas 

Bishop,    W.    W.,    Univ.    of    Mich.,    Ann 

Arbor,   Mich. 

Dyer,  Isaac  W.,  85  Exchange  PI.,  Port- 
land, Me. 

Carman,   Bliss 

Pound,    A.    M.,    510    Hastings    St.,    W., 
Vancouver,    B.    C. 

β€”  Association  Books 

Sherman,    Frederic    F.,    8    W.    47th    St., 
New   York    City. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Douglas,  Robert  W.,  1004  Broughton  St., 
Vancouver,   B.  C. 

Carroll,  Charles,  of   Carrollton 

Terry,    Chas.    D.,    4251    Parkman    Ave., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Carroll,  Lewis  (C.  L.  Dodgaon). 

Edgar,  Randolph,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
Trapp,  Dr.  C.  W.,  306  City  Nat'l  Bldg., 
Louisville,  Ky. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Jackson,  Joseph,  113  S.  43d  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Cartes  de   Visite 

Griffith,  Albert  H.,  Fisk,  Wis. 


Kraemer,   Louis    F.,   Stony   Creek   Mills, 
Reading,    Pa. 


Fraprie,    Frank    R.,   39    Addington     Rd., 
Brookline,    Mass. 


Reimer,  Edward  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Re- 
lief, 151  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 


Chapin,   Howard    M.,   68   Waterman   St., 

Providence,  R.  I. 

Dickie,   Francis,   Heriot   Bay,   B.   C. 
Grieve,    Lucia    G.,    Violet    Hill     Farm, 

Martindale  Depot,  N.  Y. 




Madden,  Clarence  L..  800  Bulkley  Bldg., 

Cleveland.   O. 
Shedd,    John    A.,    7    E.    42nd    St.,    New 

York   City. 

Cavour,   Camillo   Benso 

Thayer,  William  R.,  8  Berkeley  St., 
Cambridge,  Mass. 

Celtic   Literature 

O'Dowd,    Mrs.    Margaret,    703    Pine   St., 

Manchester,   N.   H. 

Central  America 

Brown,  Joseph  R.,  90  State  St.,  Albany, 

N.  Y. 
Cooper,  Clayton  S.,  c/o  W.  R.  Grace  & 

Co.,  7  Hanover  Square,  New  York  City. 

See  also   Latin   America. 

Ceramics.     See  Art 
Charles  I. 

Black,  Mrs.  H.  V.  D.,  Irvington-on-Hud- 
son,  N.  Y. 

Charles  II. 

Wilson,  Stanley  K.,  4  W.  43d  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Black,  Mrs.  H.  V.  D.,  Irvington-on-Hud- 

son,  N.  Y. 

Chaucer,  Geoffrey 

Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  Chicago,  111. 
Jaros,    Ernest    S.,    c/o    Lazarus    &    Co., 
Columbus,   O. 


Berolzheimer,  D.  D.,  19  E.  24th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Bragg,  Thomas,  Auburn,  Ala. 

Case,  Willard  E.,  W.  Genesee  St.,  Au- 
burn, N.  Y. 

Ross,  D.  B.  B.,  Auburn,  Ala. 

Rutstein,  Leo,  88  Rose  Terrace,  Newark, 
N.  J. 

Ryland,  Garnett,  University  of  Rich- 
mond, Richmond,  Va.  (Old  books.) 

Webst,  Prof,  E.  H.,  Atlanta  University, 
Atlanta,  Ga. 

Worden,  Edward  C.,  Prospect  Ave.,  Mil- 
burn,  N.  J. 

β€”  Analytical   and   Agricultural 

Headden,  W.  P.,  Experiment  Station, 
Fort  Collins,  Colo. 

Chess,    .s',-,'  Games. 

Child  Welfare 

Andrews,  Dr.  Glenn,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Murdoch,  Mrs.  W.  CL,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Children's  Books 

Buchanan,    Mrs.    Robert    A.,   3011    Hum- 

boldt  Ave.  S.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
Cox,  Prof.  J.  H.,  Morgantown,  W.  Va. 
Jordan,  Mrs.  W.  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 



Children's  Books 

β€”  American 

Rosenbach,  A.  S.  W.,  1505  N.  isth  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

β€”  Early 

Hewins,  Caroline  M.,  Public  Library, 
Hartford,  Ct. 

Bates,  Albert  C,  24  Marshall  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct.  (American  before  1860) 

Lown,  Clarence,  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Illustrated 

Roberts,    Mrs.    Henriette    W.,    Westfield, 

N.  J. 


Fraprie,  Frank  R.,  39  Addington  Rd., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

China  (Country) 

Griffis,  William   Elliot,  344  W.   S&h  St., 

Pulaski,  N.  Y. 
Mueller,  Hans,  Lebanon,  Ky. 
Reimer,  Edward  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Relief, 

151   Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Christian   Science 

Cochran,  Sam  P.,  P.  O.  Box  119,  Dallas, 

Hirschman,  Morris,  2235  Sad  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Strauss,  Milton  L-,  5490  S.  Shore  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

β€”  Early  Editions 

Dittemore,  John  V.,  236  Huntington  Ave., 
Boston,  Mass.  (Also  MSS.  or  autograph 

Chronicles β€” Old 

Baker,  Robert  E.,  2559  Derbyshire  Rd.. 
Cleveland,  O. 

Magee,  James  M.,  306  Frick  Bldg.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

Church  History.    See  Religion. 

Church  of  England β€” Oxford  Movement 
Hyde,  Salem,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Churches β€” Baptist β€” History 

Ryland,  Garnett,  University  of  Richmond. 
Richmond,  Va.  (of  Virginia) 

Urner,  Clarence  H.,  State  Treasurer's  Of- 
fice, Richmond,  Va. 

Yarbrough,  Dr.  W.  F.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

β€”  Episcopal 

Barnwcll,  Rev.  M.   S-,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
Wright,  Prof.  Julius  T.,  Mobile.  Ala. 

β€”  Methodist 

Conrad,  Hon.  Henry  C.,  Georgetown,  Del. 

β€”  History 

Shivers,  Miss  Marion,  Montgomery,  Ala. 




β€”  Protestant  Episcopal β€” History 

Haywood,  Marshall  DeL.,  P.  O.  Box  703, 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Churches.    See  also  Roman  Catholic  Church. 

Circus β€” History 

Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  S,th-3d  Natl.  Bank, 
Cincinnati,  O. 


Obrecht,  Rt.  Rev.  Abbot  Edmond  M.,  Ab- 
bey of  Our  Lady  of  Gethsemani  Trap- 
pist,  Gethsemani,  Ky. 


Woodruff,  Clinton  Rogers,  2219  Spruce 
St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  (Municipal  and 
civic  books  and  documents) 

β€” Plans  and  Views  Prior  to  i8ia 

Stokes,  I.  N.,  Phelps,  100  William  St., 
β€’New  York  City. 

City  Planning 

Furber,  Wm.  Copeland,  418  Walnut  S.., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 


Greene,  Frank  L.,  St.  Albans,  Vt 
Parker,  Thomas,  Greenville,  S.  C. 

Civil  Engineering.     See  Engineering  β€”  Civil. 
Civil  War.     See  United  Statesβ€” History. 


Rich,  Herbert,  431  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Classics.    See  France;  Latin  Language    and 
Literature ;  Literature. 

Clemens,   Samuel    Langhorne. 

See   Twain, 

Cleveland,   Grover 

Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
Rice,  William  Gorham,   135  Washington 

Ave.,  Albany,   N.   Y. 


Haight,  A.  C,  583  Riverside  Drive,  New 
York  City. 

Clough,   Arthur   Hugh 

Snowden,  Yates,  803  Sumter  St.,  Charles- 
ton, S.   C,. 

Coal   Mining.     Sec   Mining. 

Codes  β€”  and  Secret  Writing 

Burton,   Harry  W.,   1638  Jackson   Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 



Coleridge,  Samuel  Taylor 

Watkins,  O.  L.,  c/p  Ginn  &  Co.,  2415 
N.  Penn  St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Coleoptera.     See   Entomology. 

Collecting β€” Books  on 

Morgner,  Oscar  A.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Colleges    and    Universities  β€”  American 
Stokes,  Anson  Phelps,  Lenox,  Mass. 

β€”  Life  and  History 

Betts,   Samuel  R.,   52  William   St.,   New 

York   City. 
Miller,    George    Douglas,    Deer    Island, 

Alexandria  Bay,  N.  Y. 

See  also  individual  colleges. 


Morgan,  Edward  B.,  415  First  Nat'l  Bank 

Bldg.,    Denver,   Colo. 
Ormes,     Manly     D.,     Colorado     Springs, 

Woodward,  Frank  L.,  1357  Williams  St., 

Denver,   Colo. 

β€”  History 

Carpenter,  L.  G.,  1455  Gilpin  St.,  Denver, 

Cragin,  F.  W.,  912  E.  San  Miguel  St., 
Colorado  Springs,  Colo. 

Howbert,  Irving,  P.  O,.  Box  66,  Colo- 
rado Springs,  Colo. 

Columbus,   Christopher 

Karpinski,  Louis  C,  1315  Cambridge  Rd., 
Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 


Liessman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave., 
Bismarck,  N.  D. 

β€”  Foreign 

Cooper,  Clayton  S.,  c/o  W.  R.  Grace  & 
Co.,  7  Hanover  Square,  New  York  City. 

β€”  Trans-Pacific 

Turrill,  Charles  B.,  57  Sanchez  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

Commercial    Organizations 

Kennedy,  A.  B.,  Gen.  Sec.  Chamber  of 
Commerce,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Conchology.     See  Zoology. 

Congregational  Church.    See  Churchesβ€” Con- 

Conjuring.     See  Legerdemain. 


Godard,   Geo.  S.,  Hartford,   Ct. 




β€”  History 

Bulkeley,   Morgan  G.,   Hartford,  Ct. 

Early  and  Hartford 

Brainard,  M.  B.,  137  Washington  St., 
Hartford,  Ct.  (also  views.) 

Early  and  New  London 

Tracy,  W.  D.,  8  Cort  St.,  New  London, 

β€”  Imprints 

Makepeace,    Walter    D.,     Court    House, 

Waterbury,  Ct.  (prior  to  1800.) 
Wells,  L.  A.,  Bronxville,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Law 

Bates,  Albert  C,  24  Marshall  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct 

β€”  Poets 

Harwood,  P.  LeRoy,  226  Ocean  Ave.,  New 
London,  Ct. 

Conrad,  Joseph 

Alexander,    Gary   W.,   404   Atlantic   Nat. 

Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 
Doyle,  James  A.,  30  Clinton  St.,  Newark, 

N.  J. 
Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 

New.Rochelle,  N.  Y. 
Keating,   George  T.,  29  Broadway,   New 

York  City. 

Needham,  Wilbur,  Hinsdale,  111. 
Stewart,   J.   T.    (2d),    2525    Farnam    St., 

Omaha,  Neb. 
Thieme,  Hugo  P.,  3  Geddes  Heights,  Ann 

Arbor,  Mich. 
Van    Dyke,    William,    508    Griswold    St., 

Detroit,   Mich. 

Warren,  W.  E.,  21  Octavia  St.,  San  Fran- 
β€’cisco,  Cal. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Gaynor,  Kenneth,  326  W.  Madison  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Makepeace,  Walter  D.,  Court  House,  Wa- 
terbury, Ct. 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 


Wallace,  J.  H.,  Jr.,  State  Game  and  Fish 

Commissioner,   Montgomery,  Ala. 
Ward,  Henry  B.,  Univ.  of  Illinois,  Urbana, 

Conventions  β€”  Constitutional 
Doonan,  J.  T.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 


Davies,  D.  C,  Field  Museum,  Chicago,  111. 
Doeltz,  Qara  Louise,  2027  E.  77th  St., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Pollard,  F.  H.,  23  W.  Cedar  St.,  Boston, 

Spencer,    Jesse    E.,   705   2Oth   St.,   Rock 

Island,  111. 




Fraprie,    Frank    R.,    39    Addington    Rd. 
Brookline,  Mass. 


Gurlitz,  A.,  80  Broadway,  New  York  City. 
(Also  Trademarks) 


Chalif,  Louis  H.,  163  W.  57th  St..  New 

York  City. 
Lambert,  "E.    E.,    c/o    Western    Costume 

Co.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Ryan,  Miss  Gertrude,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  Sth-3d  Natl.  Bank, 

Cincinnati,  O. 
Tealdi,  Aubrey,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

β€”  Russian 

Cheney,     Warren,     2241     College     Ave., 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

Cottonβ€” Mills 

Kohn,  August,  1520  Senate  St.,  Columbia, 
S.  C. 

Crane,  Stephen 

Starrett,  Vincent,  641  N.  Mayfield  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Crane,  Walter 

Roberts,    Mrs.    Henriette    W.,    Westfield, 
N.  J. 

β€”  Illustrations 

Merrill,  Mrs.  M.  E.  Rath,  80  Winner  Ave., 
Columbus,  O. 

Crime  and  Criminology 

Brewsfer,  S.  W.,  Hart's  Island,  New  York 


Clem,  John  G.,  M.  D.,  Louisville,  Ky. 
Hagemann,    Dr.    J.    A.,    Highland    Bldg., 

Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Criticism β€” Higher 

Boyd,  Jackson,  Greencastle.  Ind. 

Cruikshank,  George 

Bentey,  James  H.,  Ridley  Park,  Pa. 
Bullock,  James   W.,  507    St.   Paul   Bldg., 

β€’Cincinnati,  O. 
Davis,    J.    Lionberger,    St.    (Louis    Trust 

Bank,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Downing,    Agnes    T.,    1891    Beacon    St., 

Brookline,  Mass. 
Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  T)uchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis.     (Colored  plates) 
Haight,    Sherman.    61    Worth    St./  New 

York  City. 


Brown,  Joseph  R.,  90  State   St.,  Albany, 

N.  Y.    (Also  islands  south) 
Hodnett,  Joseph,  Lincoln,  111. 




Backnian,  J.  ].,  212  Sunnyside  Ave.,  Au- 
rora, Ind. 

Buffum,    William   P.,   28    Greenough    PI., 
Newport,  R.  I. 

Campbell,  George,  870  Ashbury   St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

Carlson,  Arthur  B.,  15  E.  4Oth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Connor,  John  F.,  618  LTnwood  Ave.,  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y. 

Davis,  Philip  Richard,  10  S.  La.  Salle  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Day,   Frank  A.,  711    Irving  PI.,   Duluth, 

Dewart,    Frederick   W.,    801    Old     Nat'l 
Bank  Bldg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 

Duke,    R.    T.    W.,    Jr.,    616    Park    St., 
Charlottesville,  Va. 

Earp,  Francis  H.,  1817  Mt.  Vernon  Ave., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Erlanger,   Arthur,   28   E.    55th    St.,    New 
York  City. 

Hall,    Wm.    S.,    373   Fourth   Ave.,    New 
York  City. 

Gilmore,  George  F.,  Free  Press,  Nampa, 

Giintzer,  J.  Henry,  Jr.,  Port  Chester,  N.  Y. 

Janvier,   Meridith,   "Idlehigh,"   Frederick 
Rd.,   Catonsville,   Md. 

Kimball,  Walter  H.,  462  Broadway,  Prov- 
idence, R.  I. 

Knight,  C.   L.,  c/o   Beacon-Journal,  Ak- 
ron, O. 

Marsh,  Edward  S.,  Brandon,  Vt. 

Miller,    John    E.,    c/o    Miller    &    Paine, 
Lincoln,  Neb. 

O'Brien,   Frederick,   Sausolito,   Cal. 

Page,    E.    J.,    628    James    St.,    Syracuse, 
N.  Y. 

Pesky,  Philip,  481  Ave.  E,  Bayonne,  N.  J. 

Pope,   Charles   E.,  421   Wood   St.,   Pitts- 
burgh,  Pa.   (Esoteric   erotica.) 

Raffael,  Jack,  The   Lambs,   130  W.  44th 

St.,  New  York  City. 

.  Scott,  S.  P.,  321  Main  St.,  Hillsboro,  O. 
(All    languages.) 

Smith,    Milton    W.,    P.    O.    Drawer   767, 
Portland,  Ore. 

Stehm,  F.    W.,    1545    W.    9th    St.,    Des 
Moines,  la. 

Underwood,    Wilbur,    1331    Park    Road, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 


Penard,    Thomas   E.,    12   Norfolk    Road, 
Arlington,   Mass. 

Cutler,   Manasseh β€” Manuscripts 

Dawes,  Charles  G.,  Sheridan  Rd.,  Green- 
wood Blvd.,  Evanston,  111. 

Dances  of  Death.    See  Art. 




Chalif,  Louis  H.,  163  W.  57th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Dante  Alighieri 

Gram,  J.   P.,  34  Nassau  St.,   New   York 

Hamilton,  Clayton,  142  E.  i8th  St.,  New 

York  City. 

Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  Chicago,  111. 
Murphy,    Robt.    Cushman,    221     Eastern 

Parkway,    Brooklyn,   N.   Y. 

β€”  Swedish   Translations 

Swan,  G.  N.,  1221  Virginia  St.,  Sioux 
City,  la. 

Dartmouth  College 

Goldman,  Harry,  460  Fourth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Davis,  Jefferson 

Fleming,  Walter  L.,  Vanderbilt  Univer- 
sity, Nashville,  Tenn. 


Kunz,  George  F.,  c/o  Tiffany  &  Co.,  400 
Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Defoe,  Daniel 

Hutchins,  Henry  Clinton,  106  E  85th  St., 
New  York  City.  (esp.  Robinson  Cru- 

Kraemer,  Louis  F.,  Stony  Creek,  Read- 
ing, Pa.  (esp.  Robinson  Crusoe.) 

Trent,  William  P.,  126  E.  34th  St.,  New 
York  City. (and  minor  contemporaries.) 

De  la  Mare,  Walter  β€” First  Editions 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Hoskins,  Chapin  and  Nancy,  2505  E.  74th 

St.,  Chicago,  111. 


Conrad,  Hon.  Henry  C,  Georgetown,  Del. 
Hilliber,    Frederick  J.,    115   W.   gth    St., 
Wilmington,   Del. 

De   Luxe   Editions 

Anderson,  Prof.  Louis  T.,  364  Boyer 
Ave.,  Walla  Walla,  Wash. 

McCullough,  Joseph  A.,  Box  790,  Balti- 
more, Md. 

Reynolds,  Allen  H.,  Walla  Walla,  Wash. 

Spaulding,  Mrs.  E.  H.,  Grinnell,  la. 

Spring,  T.  F.  H.,  M.D.,  410  Davidson 
Bldg.,  Sioux  City,  la. 

Tenery,  Mrs.  J.  H.,  Route  2,  Box  73, 
Dallas,  Tex.  (standard  authors.) 

Zahn,  J.  E.,  305  Ideal  Bldg.,  Denver,  Colo. 

See  also  Fine  Editions 

De  Mille,  James β€” First  Editions 

Douglas,  Robert  W.,  1004  Broughton  St., 
Vancouver,  B.  C. 



De  Morgan,  William 

Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 
New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Denmark.    Set?  Scandinavian  books. 


Wheeler,   Dr.   George,  D.D.S.,  Montgom- 
ery, Ala. 

Dickens,  Charles 

Ball,  E.  Arthur,  Muncie,  Ind. 

Bullock,  James   W.,   507   St.  Paul   Bldg., 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Cavanaugh,  C.  W.,  New  Bedford  Cordage 
Co.,  120  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

Downing,    Agnes    T.,    1891    Beacon    St., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

Eckel,  John  C.,  1433  Diamond  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Elkins,  W.  M.,  Elkins  Park,  Pa. 

Goetz,  Ph.  Becker,  North  Evans,  N.  Y. 

Hall,   Mrs.  John,   "Maplehurst,"   Leaven- 
worth,  Kan. 

Hammond,  Wm.  R,  89  Hick  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Hart,   W.   O.,    134   Carondolet   St.,  New 
Orleans,  La. 

Havens,  Munson,  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Hopkins,  A.  A.,  c/o  Munn  &  Co.,  Wool- 
worth  Bldg.,  New  York  City. 

Jacobs,    Sinclair,   713   Peachtree    St.,   At- 
lanta, Ga. 

Kingsley,  Darwin  P.,  346  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Krumbhaar,    Edward    B.,    Chestnut    Hill, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Landis,  Chas.  D.,  140  N.  Duke  St.,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

Lehmann,  F.  W.,  Fourth  and  Olive  Sts., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Ney,  Robert  W.,   1818  E.  8ad  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

O'Connell,  R.  J.  O.,  10  W.  Garfield  St., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

Rathom,    John    R.,    Providence    Journal, 
Providence,  R.  I. 

Smythe,  Albert  E.  S.,  22  W.  Glen  Cove 
Ave.,  Toronto,  Ont. 

Thieme,  Hugo  P.,  3  Geddes  Heights,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Trapp,   Dr.   C.  W.,  306  City  Nat.   Bldg., 
Louisville,  Ky. 

Wade,    H.    Gerald,    5    Vansittart    Block, 
Winnipeg,  Man. 

Wallace,    Oliver   A.,    563    Prospect   Ave., 

Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 
Yeoman,   George,   Detroit,    Mich. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Fisk,  Earl  R,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Hudnut,  Alexander  M.,   10  W.   54th  St., 

New  York  City. 
McCutcheon,    George    Barr,    125    E.    72d 

St.,  New  York  City. 



Dickens,  Charles  β€”  First  Editions 

Oshorne,     Thomas     M.,     99     South     St., 

Auburn,    N.    Y. 

Patterson,  John  M.,  2135  Spruce  St.. 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

β€”  Prints 

Maires,  Samuel  Evans,  672  Ocean  Ave., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


De  Takach,  Zoltan,  103  W.  88th  St.,  New 
York  City. 


\\illard,  Eugene  S.,  52  Wall  St.,  New 
York  City. 


Spurlock,   Frank,   Chattanooga,   Tenn. 

Diseases.    See  Medicine. 

Disraeli,  Benjamin 

Penton,  John  A.,  Penton  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

District  of  Columbia 

Bryan,  Wilhelmus  B.,  1330  i8th  St.,  N.W., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Bryan,  W.  J.,  Saxton,  Pa. 

Devitt,  E.  I.,  Georgetown  College,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Green,  Andrew  J.,  Apt.  710,  Cecil  Apts., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Lamer,  John  B.,  1709  igth  St.,  N.W., 
Washington,  D.  C.  (Early  History) 

Morgan,  Dr.  J.  D.,  Chevy  Chase,  Md. 

Wright,  W.  Lloyd,  1908  G  St.,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

Dobson,  Austin 

Gobeille,  Mrs.  Joseph  Leon,  1007  Niagara 
Ave.,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

β€”  First  Eiditions 

Chew,  Beverly,  St.  Clair  St.,  Geneva, 
N.  Y. 


Chapin,  Howard  M.,  68  Waterman  St., 
Providence,  R.  I. 

Earders,  John  O.,  17  Highland  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Domestic  Science 

Doeltz,  Clara  Louise,  2027  E.  77th  St., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Don  Quixote 

Janvier,   Meredith,   "Idlehigh,"    Frederick 

Rd.,  Catonsville,  Md. 
Linn,  Talfourd  P.,  800  Huntington  Bank 
Bldg.,  Columbus,  O. 

Douglas,  Stephen  A. 

Kerns,  Frank  A.,  1343  Humboldt  St.,  Den- 
ver, Col. 



Dove's     Press.       See     Private     and     Special 

Downing,  Andrew  Jackson 

Root,   Ralph   Rodney,   64   E.   Van   Buren 
St.,  Chicago,  111. 


Adams,  A.  S.,  136  N.  Lake  St.,  Chicago, 


Adkins,  Nelson  F.,  41  Madison  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 
Beecher,    Mrs.    L.    T.,    Greymour    Hgts., 

Birmingham,  Ala. 
Bieber,    Albert   A.,    ij    Montgomery    St., 

Jersey  City,  N.  J. 
Brillhart,  E.  D.,  2171  State  Normal,  Mt. 

Pleasant,  Mich. 
Butler,    Robert    C,    East    Gravers    Lane, 

Chestnut   Hill,    Philadelphia,   Pa. 
Cheney,  Sheldon,  Scarborough,  N.  Y. 
Cumbers,  A.  H.,  40  Wall  St.,  New  York 


Devecom,  W.  C.,  Cumberland,  Md. 
Edgett,  Edwin  Francis,  Arlington,  Mass. 
Frazier,  W.  A.,  212  S.  Main  St.,  Nevada, 


Garner,  John   Leslie,  Delafield,  Wis. 
Hatchett,  Miss  Rutson,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Haynes,    Williams,    3  Park    Place,    New 

York   City. 
Henry,    Mellinger     E.,    Dickinson    High 

School,   Jersey  City,   N.   J. 
Hildebrand,  William  A.,  21   Montgomery 

Ave.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 
House,  Henry  B.,  926  S.  7tH  St.,  Spring- 
field, 111. 

Moore,   Louise   S.,  Thomasville,   Ga. 
Mullin,   John   M.,    Slingerlands,   N.   Y. 
Nally,  Edward  J.,  "The  Trees,"  Ossining, 

N.  Y. 
Peter,   Chas.,   644   E.   South    Temple   St., 

Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 
Plumb,  A.   H.,  224  E.   6th   St.,   Emporia, 

Rand,    Frank   Prentice,   North   Amherst, 

Reay,  W.  M.,  Harvester   Bldg.,   Chicago, 

Rice,  Cale  Young,  1444  St.  James  Court, 

Lexington,  Ky. 
Rooney,  John  Jerome,  29  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 
Lower,    Henry    E.,    245    E.    Capitol    St., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Madison,    James,    1493    Broadway,    New 

York  City. 
Matthews,  Brander,  337  W.  87th  St.,  New 

York  City. 

Rutland,  Prof.  J.  R.,  Auburn    Ala. 
Schuch,   John    P.,   301    N.   Hamilton   St., 

Saginaw,  Mich. 
Seymour,  George  Steele,  4917  Blackstone 

Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Shaw,  Robert  G.,  c/o  Harvard  Univ.  Li- 
brary, Cambridge,  Mass. 
Shipman,  Louis  E.,  21  Beekman  PI.,  New 

York  City. 
Spotts,  John  Alfred,  Lawrence,  Kan. 




Stanton,  Gideon  T.,  822  Common  St.,  New 
Orleans,  La. 

Weil,  Mrs.   Leon,   Montgomery,  Ala. 

Whitbeck,  Mrs.  Alice  G.,  County  Libra- 
rian, Martinez,  Cal. 

Wilson,  Francis,  24  Gramercy  Park,  New 
York  City. 

Wood,  Wm.  Allen,  2502  N.  Alabama  St., 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Young,  Dr.  E.  Weldon,  749  Harvard  Ave., 
N.,  Seattle,  Wash. 

See  also   First   Editions. 

β€”  American 

Atkinson,  Fred  W.,  55  Remsen  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Henderson,  Archibald,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Jackson,  Joseph,  113  S.  43d  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  Comedy β€” Seventeenth  Century 

Percival,  Olive,  906  Hibernian  Bldg.,  Los 
Angeles,  Cal. 

β€”  English 

Adkins,  Nelson  F.,  41  Madison  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Chew,  Beverly,  44  W.  44th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Hilliard,  F.  A.,  1891  E.  89th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Schultz,  William  Eben,  Culver-Stockton 
College,  Canton,  Miss. 

Stratton,  Clarence,  2076  E.  88th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, 0. 


Vickery,  Willis,  Engineers  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 


Adams,  Prof.  Joseph  I.,  167  Goldwin 
Smith  Hall,  Ithaca,  N,  Y. 

Brown,  Mrs.  Ernest  C.,  741  St.  Nicholas 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Hamilton  Clayton,  142  E.  i8th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Harding,  Watler  N.  H.,  no  N.  Pine  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Phelps,  Wm.  Lyons,  no  Whitney  Ave., 
New  Haven,  Ct. 

Rhodes,  James  Ford,  392  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

i8th  Century 

Phelps,  Wm.  Lyon,  no  Whitney  Ave., 
New  Haven,  Ct. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Henry,    Philip    S.,   Asheville,    N.    C. 
Pool,  Frank  J.,  Kee  Mar  Park,  N.  Y. 

β€”  History 

Curry,  Charles  M.,  1004  6th  Ave.,  Tere 
Haute,  Ind. 




β€”  Modern 

Burns,  P.  P.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Abbot,  C.  Yarnall,  "The  Gladstone," 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Thatcher,  H.  John,  3340  McGee  St.,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

β€”  Play  Bills 

Pool,  Frank  J.,  Kee  Mar  Park,  N.  Y. 
(Also  Prints) 

Shaw,  Robert  G.,  c/o  Harvard  Univ.  Li- 
brary, Cambridge,  Mass. 

β€”  Theatre 

Cheney,  Sheldon,  Scarborough,  N.   Y. 

Greene,  Frank  L.,  St.  Albans,  Vt. 

Henderson,  Archibald,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Hight,  Robert  F.,  Lafayette,  Ind. 

Owen,  Mrs.  Thomas  M.,  Montgomery, 

Peter,  Charles,  644  E.  South  Temple  St., 
Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

Schuch,  John  P.,  301  N.  Hamilton  St, 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Weil,  Mrs.  Leon,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  β€”  American 

Thacher,    George    H.,    in    Washington 

Ave.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 
Wilson,  Rufus  R.,  19  W.  34th  St.,  New 

York  City. 

' History 

House,  Henry  B.,  926  S.  7th  St.,  Spring- 
field, 111. 

Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  Sth-3d  Natl.  Bank, 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Dreiser,  Theodore 

Alexander,  Gary  W.,  404  Atlantic  Nat. 
Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

Drew  Theological  Seminary 

Faulkner,  Prof.  John  Alfred,  Madison, 
N.  J. 

Drinkwater,  John β€” First  Editions 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Parsons,  K.  de  B.,  112  W.  74th  St.,  New 

York  City. 


Smith,  Harry  Worcester,  "Lordvale," 
North  Grafton,  Mass. 


Lewis,  David,  2210  S.  4th  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Dunsany,  Lord 

Evans,  Montgomery,  2nd,  900  DeKalb  St., 
Norristown,  Pa. 



Earthquakes.    See   Geology. 
East  Indies 

Bartlett,    H.    H.,   335    Packard    St.,    Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Ecclesiatical   Books 

De  Ville,  John   B.,   664  Broadway,  Gary, 
Ind.     (Quaint  items) 


AJdrich,    Morton    A.,    722    Cherokee    St., 

New  Orleans,  La. 
Bidgood,  Dr.  Lee,  University,  Ala. 
Brokaw,  W.  E.,  Bay  View,  Wash. 
Brough,  C.  H.,  Fayetteville,  Ark. 
Coffin,  Nathan  E.,  Ft.  Des  Moines  Hotel, 

Des  Mbines,  la. 

Dadisman,  A.  J.,  Morgantown,  W.  Va. 
Davis,  Philip  Richard,  10  S.  ,'La  Salle  St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Farnam,   Henry   W.,   43    Hillhouse   Ave., 

New  Haven,   Ct.      (incl.  bound  period- 

Garner,  John  Leslie,   Delafield,  Wis. 
Hamilton,    P.    J.,    1010    Government    St, 

Mobile,  Ala. 
Hillhouse,  James,   Sachem's   Wood,   New 

Haven,  Ct. 
Hoffman,  Frederick  L.,  114  Harrison  St., 

East  Orange,   N.  J. 
Galvani,  Wm.  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Portland, 

Hyman,     Marcus,     516     Mclntyre     Bldg., 

Winnipeg,  Man. 
Ingersoll,   Wm.   H.,   637   Ridgewood   Rd., 

Maplewood,  N.  J. 

Johnson,  O.  M.,  118  Willey  St.,  Morgan- 
town,  W.  Va. 
Kelly,   John   F.,   284   W.   Housatonic   St, 

Pittsfield,  Mass. 

Kinnick,  Benjamin  F.,  West  Dr.,  Indian- 
apolis, Ind. 

Liessman,  Charles,  Bismarck,  N.   D. 
McNall,  P.  E.,  Agr.  Econ.,  Univ.  of  Wis., 

Madison,  Wis. 
National   City   Bank,   55   Wall   St.,   New 

York  City. 

Noyes,  Charles  L.,  Winter  Hill,  Mass. 
Rogers,  J.  E.,  Pow  Block,  Salem,  O. 
Parker,  Geo.  F.,  401  Convent  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 

Sibley,  E.  H.,  Franklin,  Pa. 
White,  William  Allen,  927  Exchange  St.. 

Emporia,  Kan. 
Wilson,   M.  L.,  State  College,  Bozeman, 

Wolfe,   A.    B.,    Univ.    of  Texas,  Austin, 

Tex.   (Classics) 
Wood,  Wm.  Allen,  1127  State  Life  Bldg., 

Indianapolis,   Ind. 
See  also  Wages 
β€”  Home 

Palmer,  Dr.  Thomas  W.,  Montevallo, 

Thornington,  Mrs.  Robert  G.,  Montgom- 
ery, Ala. 

See  also  Domestic  Science. 




β€”  History 

YoungWood,  B.,  College  Station,  Tex. 
(Original  documents) 

β€”  National  Revenues 

Abney,  John  R.,  19  E.  86th  St.,  New  York 

β€”  i6th  and  i?th  Centuries 

Seligman,  Edwin  R.  A.,  324  W.  86th  St.. 
New  York  City. 


Clinch,  Edward  S.,  i  W.  8ist  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Doster,  J.  J.,  University,  Ala. 

Foote,  Langley  S.,  621  S.  Granger  St., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Howe,  Thomas  G,  30  Audubon  PL,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind.  β€’ 

Jordan,  William  George,  202  W.  i3Oth  St., 
New  York  City. 

Kendall,  C.  N.,  Trenton,  N.  J. 

Longbridge,  Charles  R.,  1207  Pennsyl- 
vania St.,  Denver,  Colo. 

Penniman,  James  H.,  2135  Sansom  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Walker,  William  F.,  1052  I2th  St,  San 
Diego,  Cal. 

Wiley,  Wm.  H.,  451  N.  7th  St.,  Terre 
Haute,  Ind. 

Yoder,  A.  H.,  Whitewater,  Wis. 

$ee  also  Illiteracy;   Psychology. 

β€”  Industrial 

Palmer,    Dr.    Thomas    W.,    Montevallo, 



β€”  Pedagogy 

Force,  Anna  L.,  216  Sherman  St,  Den- 
ver, Colo. 
Wright,  Prof.  Julius  T.,  Mobile,  Ala. 

β€”  Physical 

Affleck,    G.   B.,   287  Hickory  St.,  Spring- 
field, Mass. 
Leonard,  F.  E.,  Obcrlin,  O. 

β€”  Religious 

Dillard,  J.  E.,  1924  l6th  Ave.,  S.,  Birming- 
ham, Ala. 

β€”  Text  Books 

Bowman,  G.  Y.,  Paducah,  Tex.  (School 
and  college) 

Moore,  W.  J.,  44  River  St.,  Salamanca, 
N.  Y. 

Plimpton,  George  R,  70  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City.  (Showing  growth  of  educa- 

β€”  Vocational 

Pease,  E.  M,  95  William  St.,  New  York 

Efficiency β€” Office 

Chilton,  W.  Pierce,  Montgomery,  Ala. 




Hale,  George  E.,  Observatory  Office, 
Pasadena,  Cal. 


Case,  Willard  E.,  W.  Genesee  St.,  Au- 
burn, N.  Y. 

β€”  and  Magnetism β€” Early  Books  on 

Wheeler,  Schuyler  S.,  Bernardsville, 
N.  J. 

Eliot,  George 

Eckel,  John  C,  1433  Diamond  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 


Emerson,  Ralph  Waldo 

Hyde,  Salem,  Syracuse,  N.  Y.  (Items 
of  every  sort) 

Lehmann,  F.  W.,  4th  and  Olive  Sts.,  S"t. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Liessman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave.,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 

Russell,  A.  J.,  1717  S.  Irving  Ave.,  Minne- 
apolis, Minn. 


Morey,  Bertha  G.,  327  W.  4th  St.,  Ot- 
tumwa,  la. 


Baker,  M.   H.,  53  Oakwood  Ave.,  Upper 

Montclair,  N.  J. 
Corthell,    Elmer     L.,    North     Egremont, 

Fanning,  R.  B.,  Kasota  Bldg.,  330  Henne- 

pin  Ave.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
Young,  W.  W.,  42  Lancaster  St.,  Albany, 

N.  Y. 

See  also  Mining. 

β€”  Building  Construction 

Rice,  'Louis  N.,  University  Club,  Hono- 
lulu, H.  I. 

β€”  Civil 

Kendrick,  Julian,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

β€”  Electrical 

Kelly,  John  F.,  284  W.  Housatonic  St., 
Pittsfield,  Mass. 

Rice,  Louis  N.,  University  dub,  Hono- 
lulu, H.  I. 

β€”  Hydraulics 

Kendrick,  Julian,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

β€”  Highway 

Edwards,  Thomas  H.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 


Rice.   Louis   N.,   University  Club,   Hono- 
lulu, H.  I. 
Wilmore,  J.  J.,  Auburn,  Ala. 

β€”  Mining    and    Metallurgical 

Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave",  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 



Engines β€” Steam β€” Early 

Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  Second  Ave., 
Cedar  Rapids,  Iowa. 

England β€” Art 

Howe,  H.  J.,  6  S.  Fifth  Ave.,  Marshall- 
town,  Iowa. 

β€”  Country   Life 

Knight,  C.  L.,  c/o  Beacon-Journal. 
Akron,  O. 

β€” History 

Dillman,  Louis  M.,  100  Washington  Sq., 

New  York  City. 
Gates,  C.  L.,  3130   Essex  Rd.,   Cleveland 

Heights,  O. 
Dunn,     Waldo     H.,     703     Quinby     Ave., 

Wooster,  O. 
Radensleben,     Frank     E.,     1221     Atlanta 

Trust  Co.  Bldg.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
Simmons,   Parke   E.,   1746   Hinman  Ave., 

Evanston,  111. 
Smith,    H.    M.,    Jr.,    Wm.    Byrd    Park, 

Richmond,  Va. 


Adams,  George  Burton,  57  Edgehill  Rd., 
New  Haven,  Conn. 

Jacobean  and  Cromwellian  Periods 

Williams,  John  C,  62  E.  70th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Peninsular   War 

Bourland,  Benj.  P.,  11500  Euclid  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

β€”  Lake  District 

Stoddart,  Alfred,  P.  O.  Box  1586,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  Literature 

Abbott,  A.  B.,  7  E.  45th  St.,  New  York 

Bailey,  H.  C,  P.  O.  Box  958,  Prince 
Rupert,  B.  C. 

Barnes,  Prof.  N.  W.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

Bates,  Charles  F.,  Security  Bldg.,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Baugh,  Albert  C,  638  S.  54th  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Bentley,  James  H.,  Ridley  Park,  Pa. 

Bowman,  G.  Y.,  Paducah,  Tex. 

Burges,  William  H.,  First  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  El  Paso,  Tex. 

Bliss,  Wm.  H.,  P.  O.  Box  596,  Santa 
Barbara,  Cal. 

Cairns,  Miss  E.,  14  McGregor  St.,  Mon- 
treal, Que. 

Caldwell,  Prof.  A.  F.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

Cannon,  (Lucius  H.,  211  City  Hall,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Carlebach,  Walter  Maxwell,  136  W.  86th 
St.,  New  York  City. 

Castle,  W.  R.,  Jr.,  1726  N  St.,  N.  W-, 
Washington,  D.  C. 



Englandβ€” Literature 

Chew,  Beverly,  St.  Clair  St.,  Geneva, 
N.  Y. 

Davies,  D.  C,  Field  Museum,  Chicago, 

Dunlap.  Prof.  C.  G.,  925  Kentucky  St., 
Lawrence,  Kan. 

Dunn,  Waldo  H.,  703  Quinby  Ave., 
Wooster,  O. 

Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Frank,  Henry  P.,  Ardenlea,  Yarmouth, 

Frost,  B.  W.,  209  Main  St.,  Maiden,  Mass. 

Gates,  C.  L.,  3130  Essex  Rd.,  Cleveland 
Heights,  O. 

Hackett,  E.  Byrne,  71  Cottage  St.,  New 
Haven,  Ct. 

Hartel,  Oscar  R.,  222  Lowell  Ave.,  New- 
tonville,  Mass. 

Hartshorn,  W.  H.,  336  College  St.,  Lewis- 
ton,  Me. 

Herzberg,  Max.  J.,  iBJ/2  Thomas  St.,  New- 
ark, N.  J. 

Higgin,  Arthur  M.,  4925  Blackstone  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Hilliard,  F.  A.,  1891  E.  89th  St.,  Cleve- 

Holloway,  Edw.  Stratton,  1327  Spruce  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa.  (English  editions 

Hopkins,  L.  A.,  416  W.  Jackson  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Howe,  H.  J.,  6  S.  Fifth  Ave.,  Marshall- 
town,  la. 

Hyde,  Salem,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Ironberg,  Frederic,  1158  6th  St.,  San 
Diego,  Cal. 

Kennerley,  Mitchell,  489  Park  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Kinnick,  Benjamin  F.,  West  Dr.,  Indian- 
apolis, Ind. 

Knight,  D.  Allen,  1504*  Poplar  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.  (Novelists) 

Kraemer,  Casper  J.,  Jr.,  537  Union  Hill, 
N.  J. 

Liessman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave.,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 

Nally,  Edward  J.,  "The  Trees,"  Ossin- 
ing,  N.  Y. 

Neiger,  Arthur  A.,  11615  Hazeldell  Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Norris,  Isaac,  M.  D.,  Bryn  Mawr,  Pa. 

Noyes,  Charles  L.,  Winter  Hill,  Mass. 
(Esp.  late  poetry) 

Orr,  Charles,  1938  E.  ii6th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Patterson,  James  K.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Pearce,  Wilbur  E.,  303  University  PI., 
Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Pforzheimer,  Carl  H.,  25  Broad  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Rose,  F.  D.,  Muncie,  Ind. 

Rosenbach,  A.  S.  W.,  1505  N.  isth  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Schee,  John  F.,  Indianola,  la. 

Seasongood,  Edwin  A.,  16  E.  6oth  St., 
New  York  City. 

Sibley,  E.  H.,  Franklin,  Pa. 



England β€” Literature 

Snyder,  Irving  T.,  Coronado,  Cal. 

Tilden,  Prof.  F.  J.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

Ward,  Christopher  H.,  Equitable  Bldg., 
Wilmington,  Del. 

Williams,  Leroy,  1524  S.  Salina  St.,  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y. 

Wilson,  Francis,  24  Gramercy  Park,  New 
York  City. 


Brown,  Mrs.  Ernest  C,  741  St.  Nicholas 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Buck,  M.  S.,  1720  Sansom  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Douglas,  Robert  W.,  1004  Broughton  St., 
Vancouver,  B.  C. 

Greenough,  Chester  N.,  Harvard  Uni- 
versity, Cambridge,  Mass. 

Kdso,  William  G.,  Jr.,  24  Orange  St., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Pforzheimer,  Carl  H.,  25  Broad  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Smith,  Paul  Jordan,  Garemont,  Cal. 

β€”  β€”  Elizabethan 

Boyd,  Jackson,  Greencastle,  Ind. 
Clawson,   John   L.,    1109   Delaware   Ave., 

Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Henry,  Philip  S.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
Merrill,  Charles  E.,  Jr.,  432  Fourth  Ave., 

New  York  City. 
Page,  Curtis  Hidden,  Dartmouth  College. 

Hanover,  N.  H. 
White,  W.  A.,  5  Nassau  St.,   New  York 



Baker,  Harry  J.,   1136  S.   6th   St.,  Terre 

Haute,  Ind. 

Starr,  Nathan  Comfort,  Hope  House, 
Easton,  Md.  (Novels) 


Morley.  Christopher,  Roslyn  Heights, 
N.  Y. 

Romantic   Movement 

Trams,  A.  Francis,  209  Union  St.,  Joliet, 

Standard  Authors 

Blish,  James  K.,  Kewanee,  111. 

Tudor  Non-Dramatic 

Berdan,  John  M.,  71  Edgehill  Rd.,  New 
Haven,  Conn. 


Hammond,  Miss  Eleanor  P.,  Hotel  Puri- 
tan, Boston,  Mass. 


Tolman,  A.  H.,  5750  Woodlawn  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 



England β€” Literature 

Griffith,  R.  H.,  Univ.  of  Texas,  Austin, 

i5th  and  i6th  Centuries 

Clark,  W.  A.,  Jr.,  2205  W.  Adams  St,, 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

i6th  and  lyth  Centuries 

Lacy,  G.  G.,  2912  Frederick  Blvd..  St. 
Joseph,  Mo. 

i7th  and  i8th  Centuries 

Bubb,  Charles  C,  208  S.  Clover  St.,  Fre- 
mont, O. 

i8th   Century 

Schultz,  William  Eben,  Culver-Stockton 
College,  Canton,  Miss. 

Towns,  George  A.,  2  University  PL,  At- 
lanta, Ga. 

Before  1830 

Sutherland,  Preston  H.,  13  Montgomery 
St.,  Jersey  City,  1C.  J. 

β€”  London 

Brown,  Milton  G.,  117  Crescent  St.,  Rut- 
land, Vt. 
Davies,    D.    C.,   Field   Museum,    Chicago, 

β€”  Orders  of  Chivalry 

Medcalf,  George  Thomas,  1509  Third  Ave.. 
Oakland,  Cal. 

β€”  Statesmen  and  Publicistsβ€” Works  by 

Straus,  Isaac  Lobe,  1315  Munsey  Bldg., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

β€”  Tracts 

Trent,  William  P.,  126  E.  34th  St.,  New 
York  City.  (Anonymous,  1680-1735) 

English  Composition 

Morgner,  Oscar  A.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

English  Language β€” Early 

Anderson,  J.  L.,  Box  325,  Beatrice,  Neb. 


Berry,  B.  D.,  623  Wabash  Ave.,  Chicago, 


Reimer,  Edward  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Re- 
lief, 151  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 


Balken,    Edward    Duff,    P.   O.    Box    12:50 

Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Brewer,  Luther  A.,  847  Fourth  Ave.,  Cedar 

Rapids,  la. 




Emmett,  Burton,  120  W.  32d  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Fielding,  Mantle,  518  Walnut  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Lewis,  John  Frederick,  1914  Spruce  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Morgner,  Oscar  A.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Oswald,  John  Clyde,  239  W.  39th  St.. 
New  York  City. 

Rogers,  T.  P.  W.,  875  Elm  St.,  Manches- 
ter, N.  H. 

β€”  Relief 

Bullen,  Henry  Lewis,  300  Communipaw 
Ave.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

β€”  History  of 

Beam,  George  L.,  229  Equitable  Bldg., 
Denver,  Colo. 


Carson,  Hampton   L.,    1524   Chestnut   St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Johnson,  Thos.  L.,  950  Leader-News  Bldg., 

Cleveland,  O: 
Kellen,  William  Vail,  390  Commonwealth 

Ave.,  Boston,  Mass.    (Rare) 
Nally,    Edward   J.,    "The   Trees,"    Ossin- 

ing,  N.  Y. 

Putnam,  Frank  P.,  Lowell,  Mass. 
Shields,  Wm.  H.,  35  Broadway,  Norwich, 

Stephenson,   Bertram   S.,  1430   First  Nat. 

Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

β€”  American 

Wright,  Joseph,  "Windrush,"  School 
House  Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 


Haight,  A.  C,  583  Riverside  Dr.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Aquatint 

Gallizier,  Nathan,  "The  Verona,"  Park 
Ave.,  Cincinnati,  O. 

β€” Books  on 

Fitzgerald,  Edward,  373  Fourth  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

β€”  Color  Plates 

Wyant,  Alexander  L.,  Red  Hook,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Copper  Steel  or  Colored 

Spencer,  Jesse  E..  705  20th  St.,  Rock 
Island,  111. 

β€”  For  Extra  Illustrating 

Blish,  James  K.,  Kewanee,  111.     (Steel) 
Pittman,   Thomas   M.,   Henderson,   N.   C 




β€”  Woodcuts 

Battles,  D.  Blake,  1239  W.  nsth  St., 
Cleveland,  O. 

i6th    Century 

Erlanger,  Arthur,  28  E.  55th  St.,  New 
York  City. 


Barber,  H.  G.,  143  Third  Ave.,  East,  Ro- 
stlle  Park,  N.  J. 

Gillette,  C.  P.,  Experiment  Station,  Fort 
Collins,  Colo. 

Hunter,  S.  J.,  1309  Ohio  St.,  Lawrence, 

Paterson,  J.   H.,   Montgomery,    Ala. 

Reynolds,  L.  R.,  Winthrop  Centre,  Mass. 

Rich,  Herbert,  431  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Westhorpe,  Arthur  W.,  P.  O.  Box  376, 
Falls  City,  Neb. 

β€”  Dragonflies 

Williamson,  E.  B.,  Bluffton,  Ind. 

β€”  Coleoptera 

Leng,  Charles  W.,  Public  Museum,  Staten 

Island,  New  York  Cit}'. 
Sherman,  John  D.,  Jr.,  132  Primrose  Ave., 

Mount  Vernon,   N.   Y. 

β€”  Hemiptera 

Barber,  H.  G.,  143  Third  Ave.,  East,  Ro- 
selle  Park,  N.  J. 

β€”  Heteroptera 

Barber,  H.  G.,  143  Third  Ave.,  East,  Ro- 
selle  Park,  N.  J. 

Episcopal   Church 

See   Churches β€” Episcopal. 

Ervine,   St.   Johnβ€” First   Editions 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 

Essayists β€” British 

Campau,  A.  B.,  116  Union  Ave.,  Grand 
Rapids,  Mich. 

β€”  Periodical β€” i8th   Century 

Bouton,  A.  L.,  16  Dudley  PI.,  Yonkers, 
N.  Y. 


Achard,  Dr.  H.  J.,  4757  Ravenswood  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Adams,  Alva,  207  Broadway,  Pueblo,  Colo. 

Alden,  Claire  K.,  47  Mather  St.,  Dor- 
chester, Mass. 

Cory,  James  W.,  902  Madison  Ave.,  He- 
lena, Mont. 

Cribb,  Aubrey,  216  W.  Pine  St.,  Spring- 
field, 111. 




Daniel,  Franklin,  20  E.  Madison  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Davis,  Philip  Richard,  10  S.  La  Salle  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Frey,  Carroll  H.,  Penn  Mutual  Bldg., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Miller,  John  R.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

O'Connell,  R.  J.  O.,  10  W.  Garfield  St., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

Rooney,  John  Jerome,  29  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Rutland,  Prof.  J.  R.,  Auburn,  Ala. 

Utter,  Adelaide,  Monaskon,  Va. 

Whitbeck,  Mrs.  Alice  G.,  County  Libra- 
rian, Martinez,  Cal. 

Verner,  Ralph  S.,  961  S.  Carona  St., 
Denver,  Colo. 

Wing,  DeWitt  C,  5344  Dorchester  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Swift,  Ivan,  Harbor  Springs,  Mich. 
See  also  Table  Talk, 

β€”  English β€” 1 8th  and   igth  Centuries 

Lincoln,  Bardwell  W.,  807  Forest  Ave., 
Montgomery,  Ala. 


Balken,  Edward  Duff,  P.  O.  Box  1259, 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Hall,  William  S.,  373  Fourth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Rogers,  T.  P.  W.,  875  Elm  St.,  Manches- 
ter, N.  H.  (Also  aquatint) 


Dodge,  Chester  P.,  9  Columbia  Ave.,  Bev- 
erly, Mass. 

Gillooly,  Frederick  L.,  53  Devonshire  St., 
Room  10,  Boston,  Mass. 

Jordan,  J.  N.,  158  Franklin  Ave.,  New 
Rochelle,  N.  Y.  (Modern) 

Johnson,  Thomas  L.,  950  Leader-News 
Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Kellen,  William  Vail,  390  Commonwealth 
Ave.,  Boston,  Mass.  (Rare) 

Kimball,  Benjamin,  66  Chestnut  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Lehmann,  F.  W.,  4th  and  Olive  Sts.,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Nally,  Edward  J.,  "The  Trees,"  Ossining, 
N.  Y. 

Neiger,  Arthur  A.,  11615  Hazeldell  Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Stephenson,  Bertram  S.,  1430  First  Nat. 
Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Wolf,  Max,  93  Second  Ave.,  New  York 
City.  (Also  etchers) 

β€”  Books  on 

Fitzgerald,  Edward,  373  Fourth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 


Purinton,  Dr.  D.  B.,  Morgantown,  W.  Va. 
Sibley,  E.  H.,  Franklin,  Pa. 




Bartlett,  H.  H.,  335  Packard  St.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Brooklyn  Institute  Museum  Library,  East- 
ern Parkway,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Collins,  Holdridge  O.,  404  S.  Main  St., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Eckstein,  W.  G.,  68  W.  8sth  St.,  New 
York  City.  (Early  books) 

Jeffers,  Walter,  McClure  Bldg.,  Frank- 
fort, Ky. 

Stetson,  John  B.,  Jr.,  Juniper  Ave.,  Oak 
Lane,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

β€”  American 

Howbert,  Irving,  P.  O.  Box  66,  Colorado 
Springs,  Colo. 
Sec  also  U.  S.  Southwest. 


Walker,  William  F.,  1052  I2th  St.,  San 
Diego,  Cal. 


Estabrook,  Arthur   H.,   1638  N.   Pennsyl- 
vania St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 
Corbly,  Lawrence  J.,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 

Europe β€” Art 

Mather,  Frank  J.,  Jr.,  3  Evelyn  PI., 
Princeton,  N.  J.  (Esp.  painting) 

β€”  History β€” Medieval 

Garrett,  Robert,  Charles  St.  and  Wynd- 
hurst  Ave.,  Rowland  Park,  Md. 

β€”  Libraries β€” Catalogue 

.    Keidel,   George   C,  Library  of   Congress- 
Washington,  D.  C. 

β€”  Literature β€” Modern β€” History  of 

Field,  Nelson  C.,  Brunswick,  Mo. 

European  War.    See  World  War. 


Brokaw,  W.  E.,  Bay  View,  Wash. 
Corbly,  Lawrence  J.,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 
Hale,     George     E.,     Observatory     Office, 

Pasadena,  Cal. 
Hagemann,    Dr.   J.    A.,    Highland    Bldg., 

Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Parker,  F.  W.,  215  pth  St.,  Oregon  City, 



Fuller,  Rev.  J.  B.,  618  Broadway,  Sedalia, 

Extra    Illustrated     Books.       See    Illustrated 

β€”  Fables.    See  Folklore  and  Mythology. 

β€”  Facetiae.     See  Wit  and  Humor. 



Facsimile  Reprints 

Buttrick,    E.   G.,  307  Wilder  St.,   Lowell, 


Stanitz,  Jacques,  322  Phelps  St.,  Youngs- 
town,  O.  (Illuminated  MSS.) 

Fairy  Tales 

Bowdoin,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  39th  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 
See  also  Folklore  and  Mythology 

Farmers'  Movements 

Wilson,  M.  L.,  State  College,  Bozeman, 


Baker,  M.  N.,  Tenth  Ave.  and  36th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Fashions β€” Early 

Hannon,  Mrs.  Marie  A.,  Montgomery, 

F  auna β€” Amer  i  can 

Smith,  Henry  A.  M.,  26  Meeting  St., 
Charleston,  S.  C. 


Speck,  Wm.  A.,  2519  Whitney  Ave.,  Ham- 
{  den,  Ct. 


Alden,  Claire  K.,  47  Mather  St.,  Dor- 
chester, Mass. 

Allen,  Charles  Dexter,  80  Gates  Ave., 
Montclair,  N.  J. 

Blackburn,  Dr.  W.  J.,  663  Reibald  Bldg., 
Dayton,  O. 

Brown,  John  C.,  117  Eighth  Ave.,  S., 
Nashville,  Tenn. 

Cantroll,  Thomas   L.,  Athens,  111. 

Carpenter,  Percy,  607  Marietta  Ave.,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

Frasier,  S.  M.,  Dothan,  Ala. 

Harness,  Alden,  Box  1277,  Roseburg,  Ore 

Johnson,  Dr.  H.  P.,  University,  Miss. 

Maguire,  Don,  P.  O.  Box  549,  Ogden, 

Mullin,  John  M.,  Slingerlands,  N.  Y. 

Needham,  Maurice  Hubert,  c/o  Husband 
&  Thomas,  150  E.  Erie  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

O'Connell,  R.  J.  O.,  10  W.  Garfield  St., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

Rutland,  Prof.  J.  R.,  Auburn,  Ala. 

Schuchhardt,  Edmund  C,  2808  Overland 
Ave.,  Baltimore,  Md.  (Modern,  of  spe- 
cial worth) 

Steiner,  Gen.  R.  E.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Wirt,  B.  F.,  31  W.  Rayen  Ave.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

Woodward,  J.  F.,  Newport,  Tenn.  (Nature 
and  animal  stories) 

See  also  England;  France;   First  Edi- 




β€”  American β€” Early 

Jackson,  Joseph,  113  S.  43d  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 


Vandiver,  Willington,  Talladega,  Ala. 

β€”  English β€” Elizabethan  and  Early 

Lipsey,  J.  J.,  1503  N.  Weber  St.,  Colo- 
rado Springs,  Colo. 

β€”  Novel β€” Early 

Henry,  Mellinger  E>,  Dickinson  High 
School,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 


β€”  Historical 

Alden,  Charles  W.,  503  Genesee  St.,  Sag- 

inaw,  Mich. 

Falkner,  Col.  J.  W.  T.,  Oxford,  Miss. 
Messervy,    J.     Ehrichs,   76    Cannon    St., 

Charleston,  S.  C. 


Ames,  W.  Homer,  168  W.  High  St.,  Car- 
lisle, Pa.  (Scientific) 

Clark,  Charles  B.,  705  Eighth  St.,  Hot 
Springs,  S.  D. 

β€”  Victorian 

Howe,  W.  T.  H.,  300  Pike  St.,  Cincinnati, 

β€”  Short  Story 

Jessup,  Alexander,  522  W.  ii2th  St.,  New 
York  City.  (American  before  1880) 

Mott,  Frank,  Bewkley  Apts.,  Iowa  City, 

Prescott,  Winward,  P.  O.  Box  3066,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Field,  Eugene 

Lloyd,  William,  606  Royal  St.,  New  Or- 
leans, La. 

Senter,  Charles,  i  Beverly  PI.,  St.  Louis, 

Fielding,  Henry 

Van  Doren,  Carl,  47  Charlton  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Fiji  Islands 

Eastham,  John  W.,  4560  Ave.  W,  Van- 
couver, B.  C. 


Gray,  David  E.,  1320  Olive  St.,  St.  Louis, 

Hillhouse,  James,  Sachem's  Wood,  New 
Haven,  Ct. 

Kilian,  M.  N.,  Albertville,  Minn. 

National  City  Bank,  55  Wall  St.  New 
York  City. 

Stoddart,  Alfred,  P.  O.  Box  1586,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Wirt,  B.  F.,  31  W.  Rayen  Ave.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 



Fine  Arts.      Sec  Art. 

Fine  Editions 

Ames,  E.  G.,  Walker  Bldg.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
Bancroft,  Samuel,  Parkway  nr.  Rockford 

Rd.,  Rockford,  Del. 

Bausman,  Frederick,  Alaska  Bldg.,  Seat- 
tle, Wash. 
Bigelow,  Frederick  S.,  Buck  Lane,  Bryn 

Mawr,  Pa. 
Brown,     Charles     A.,     1550     Monadnock 

Block,   Chicago,   111. 

Brown,  Mrs.  J.  J.,  Brown's  Addition,  Spo- 
kane, Wash. 

Campbell,  Mrs.  Allen  B.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
Chapman,  Edgar  C,  Corte   Madera,  Cal. 
Coe,  Dr.  T.  U.,  Bangor,  Me. 
Dyer,  John  L.,  El  Paso,  Tex. 
Ellis,    Mrs.    G.     Manning,    Chattanooga, 


Fabian,  Dominick,  208  Columbia  St.,  Port- 
land, Ore. 
Gallatin,  Albert  Eugene,  125  E.  St., 

New  York  City. 
Greenwood,   George    H.,   Old   Nat.    Bank 

Bldg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 
Grove,  Mrs.  (Dr.)  C  E.,  Old  Nat.  Bank 

Bldg.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
Hanna,    H.   M.,  Jr.,  Leader-News    Bldg., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Hanna,  Leonard  C.,  Jr.,  1300  Leader-News 

Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 
Harding,  Mrs.  Robert,  Danville,  Ky. 
Harter,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  A.,  N.  Market  St., 

Canton,  O. 

Horton,  Mrs.  G.  M.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
Howard,   Walter,  317    W.   5th     St.,   Des 

Moines,   Iowa. 
Keiser,    Henry    F.,    I3th    and    Ft.    Crook 

Blvd.,  Rt  5,  Omaha,  Neb. 
Kraybill,  Mrs.  A.  Β£.,1113  Third  Ave.,  As- 

bury  Park,  N.  J. 
Lamb,  Venice  J.,  Mahoning  Bank  Bldg., 

Youngstown,  O. 
Lord,  C.  J.,  Olympia,  Wash. 
Moore,  Edmund  H.,  Youngstown,  O. 
Prentiss,  H.  H.,  3505  Mayfield  Rd.,  Cleve: 

land,  O. 

Riddle,  Charles  A.,  Colman  Bldg.,  Seat- 
tle, Wash. 
Seymour,   Ralph   Fletcher,   203   Michigan 

Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
Sherman,  Philip  D.,  143  Forest  St.,  Ober- 

lin,  O.     (Esp.  Lamb,  Dickens,  Blake) 
Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  5th-3d  Nat.  Bank, 

Cincinnati,  O. 
Stambaugh,     John,      Stambaugh      Bldg., 

Youngstown,  O. 
Watkins,  Paul,  153  E.  Wabasha,  Winona, 

White,  Aubrey  L.,  Old  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 

Spokane,  Wash. 

Whitecotton,  R.  W.  C,  Provo,  Utah. 
Woodward,    Walter    B..    Franklin    Club, 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

1 86 


Fine  Editions 

Yearsley,    Wilbur     S.     W.,   2017     Mallon 

Ave.,  Spokane,  Wash. 
Yocom,  Dr.  James   R.,  Berlin  Bldg.,  Ta- 

coma,   Wash. 

β€”  English 

Merritt,  E.  P.,  343  Marlboro  St.,  Boston, 

and   American 

Clark,  Thomas  Arkle,  928  W.  Illinois  St., 
Urbana,  111. 

and  French 

Morin,  A.  J.,   140  S.  Dearborn   St.,   Chi- 

β€”  Single  Volumes 

Morseman,  Robert,  U.  S.  Nat.  Bank, 
Omaha,  Neb. 

β€”  Standard  Authors 

Esselburn,  Elmer  E.,  Canton,  O. 

Hart,  Louis  B.,  102  Linwood  Ave.,  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y. 

Jonas,  Dr.  A.  R,  Brandeis  Bldg.,  Omaha, 

First  Editions 

Aitken,  John  Winfield,  52  Roosevelt  Ave., 
Carbondale,  Pa. 

Barret,  Oliver  R.,  38  S.  Dearborn  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Beal,  Junius  E.,  343  S.  Fifth  Ave.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich.  (Also  early  editions) 

Bemis,  Frank  B.,  15  State  St.,  Boston, 

Black,  Mrs.  H.  V.  D.,  Irvington-on-Hud- 
son,  N.  Y. 

Bonestell,  C.  K.,  Mason  Bldg.,  Fresno, 

Burges,  William  H.,  First  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  El  Paso,  Tex. 

Gary,  Walter,  Houlton,  Me. 

Connor,  John  F.,  618  Linwood  Ave..  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y. 

Dewart,  Frederick  W.,  801  Old  Nat.  Bank 
Bl-dg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 

Douglass,  Wm.  J.,  5667  Fulton  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Eastman,  George,  343  State  St.,  Roch- 
ester, N.  Y. 

Fisher,  Mahlon  L.,  P.  O.  Box  533,  Wil- 
liamsport,  Pa. 

Frank,  Henry  P.,  Ardenlea,  Yarmouth, 

Frelinghuysen,  Theodore,  Tuxedo,  N.  Y. 
(General  literature) 

Gaunt,  James,  24  W.  50th  St.,  New  York 

Gourley,  William  B.,  Nutley,  N.  J. 

Gundlach,  J.  H.,  3615  N.  Broadway,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Haight,  Sherman,  61  Worth  St.,  New  York 



First  Editions 

Hall,  William  S.,  373  Fourth  Avc.,  New 
York  City. 

Hennessy,  Wilfrid  R.,  15  High  St.,  Ban- 
gor,  Me. 

Hill,   Mrs.   J.    W.,  Jr.,  803   Lakeside   PL, 
Chicago,  111. 

Hopkins,    L.    A.,  416   W.   Jackson   Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Howe,  Henry  S.,  Brookline,  Mass. 

Hufeland,  Otto,  121   N.  High  St.,  Mount 
Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Hughes,  Robert  M.,  Norfolk,  Va.     (Also 
early  editions) 

Inman,  Maurice,  i  Parade  PI.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Jeffery,  James   C,   1352  First  Nat.   Bank 
Bldg.,   Chicago,   111. 

Jenkinson,    Richard    C.,    291    Washington 
St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 

Johnson,    Boiling   Arthur,    4630    Kenmore 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Joyce,   James   S.,   322   S.   Michigan   Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Kelly,    Dr.    Howard   A.,    Baltimore,    Md. 
(Esp.  medical) 

Landis,  Chas.  D.,  140  N.  Duke  St.,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

Lewis,  Weston,  Gardiner,  Me. 

Lusk,  Willard  C,  Yankton,  S.  D. 

Neiger,   Arthur  A.,   11615   Hazeldell   Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Page,  E.  J.,  628  James  St.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Palmer,  George  H.,  n  Quincy  St.,  Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 

Perry,  Mrs.  R.  A.,  6172  Chabot  Rd.,  Oak- 
land, Cal. 

Pickard,  Dr.  M.  W.,  Union  Station  Hos- 
pital, Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Reenan,  \Vm.  L.,  432  E.  3d  St.,  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

Rich,  Waldo  L.,  P.  O.  Box  221,  Saratoga 
Springs,  N.  Y. 

Roberts,    Mrs.    Henriette    M.,    Westfield, 
N.  J. 

Romm,  Charles,      224    E.    I2th    St.,    New 
York  City. 

Rosengren,  Frank,  611  N.  State  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Ruddy,    Howard    S.,    52    Somerset    St., 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Rugg,   H.   G.,   Dartmouth   College,   Han- 
over, N.  H. 

Rushford,  Edward  A.,  M.D.,  78  Essex  St., 
Salem,  Mass. 

Schweitzer,  Isidor  S.,  500  West  End  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Sheffield,   Justus,    117    E.    38th   St.,   New 
York  City. 

Sherman,  Frederic  F.,  8  W.  47th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Shoup,  J.  T.,  307  S.   Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Sloan,  Charles  H.,  305  R.  R.  St.,  Ironton, 



First  Editions 

Smith,  Harry  B.,  319  W.  I07th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Smith,  Harry  Worcester,  "Lordvale," 
North  Grafton,  Mass. 

Stanley,  Chas.  E.,  3011  Humboldt  Ave., 
S  ,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Starrett,  Vincent,  641  N.  Mayfield  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Trapp,  Dr.  C.  W.,  306  City  Nat.  Bldg., 
Louisville,  Ky. 

Turner,  L.  M.,  P.  O.  Box  115,  Baltimore, 

Van  Dyke,  William,  508  Griswold  St., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

Walter,  Clinton  E.,  in  S.  Beaver  St., 
York,  Pa.  (Also  early  eds.) 

Warburg,  Felix  M.,  52  William  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Warren,  W.  E.,  21  Octavia  St.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

Wirt,  B.  F.,  31  W.  Rayen  Ave.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

Wood,  Wm.  C,  51  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York 

Young,  Horace  G.,  425  State  St.,  Green- 
wich, Ct. 

See  also  Association  Books;  California; 
Drama;  Fiction;  Medicine;  Poetry; 
and  individual  authors. 

β€” Before  1850 

Foster,  T.  Henry,  c/o  John  Morrell  &  Co., 
Ottumwa,  la. 

β€”  i8th  Century 

Hamilton,  Geo.  L.,  Jamestown,  R.  I. 
Howk,   Horace  J.,   M.D.,   Mt.   McGregor, 
N.  Y.  (Novelists  and  poets) 

β€”  i8th,  igth,  2oth  Centuries 

Lowman,  L.  W.,  1530  Locust  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  American 

Abernethy,  Julian  W.,  285  S.  Willard  St., 

Burlington,  Vt. 
Beam,    George   L.,   229   Equitable    Bldg., 

Denver,  Colo. 
Carlson,  Arthur  B.,  15  E.  40th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Chandler,  George  M.,  1358  Kenwood  Park 

PI.,  Chicago,  111. 
Clemens,    William    M.,    Pompton    Lakes, 

N.  J. 
Frick,  C.  C,  100  W.  Springettsbury  Ave., 

York,  Pa. 
Frost,  B.  W.,  209  Main  St.,  Maiden,  Mass. 

(Standard  authors) 
Hipp,  Frank,  Mansfield,  O. 
Hill,  Edwin  B.,  Ysleta,  El  Paso  Co.,  Tex. 

(esp.  Poe  and  Thoreau) 
Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Hudnut,  Alexander   M.,   19  W.   54th   St., 

New  York  City. 



First  Editions β€” American 

Hurd,  Harry  C,  Pasadena,  Cal. 

Jackson,  Stuart  W.,  56  Elm  St.,  Mont- 
clair,  N.  J. 

James,  Norman,  Catonsville,  Md. 

Lyman,  Robert  Hunt,  250  W.  88th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Morse,  Willard  S.,  Seaford,  Del. 

Plummer,  Dr.  Chas.  G.,  465  East  South 
Temple  St.,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

Robson,  L.,  Burnt  Hills,  N.  Y. 

Shoup,  J.  T.,  307  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Stephenson,  Bertram  S.,  1430  First  Nat. 
Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Van  Sittert,  Wm.,  1635  E.  8sth  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Vick,  James,  Osborne  Co.,  207  W.  25th 
St.,  New  York  City. 

Wakeman,  S.  H.,  68  W.  52nd  St.,  New 
York  City. 

White,  J.  Lowe,  12  Yale  Ave.,  University, 

White,  William  G.,  767  Goodrich  Ave., 
St  Paul,  Minn. 


Frey,    Carroll    H.,    Penn    Mutual    Bldg., 

Philadelphia,     Pa.     (Cabell,     Mencken, 

Morley,  etc.) 
Templeton,  Mrs.  George,  Box  380,  Knox- 

ville,  Tenn. 

-igth  Century 

Hay,  Robert  H.,  1527  Irwin  Ave.,  N.  S., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa.  (Scarce,  fine  copies,  in 
book  or  magazine  form,  original  bind- 
ings or  wrappers,  preferably  uncut) 

Abbott,  A.  B.,  7  E.  45th  St.,  New  York 

and  English 

Abbott,  A.  B.,  7  E.  45th  St.,  New  York 

Borneman,  Henry  S.,  801   Liberty  Bldg., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Brandon,  F.  D.,  1112  Market  St.,  R.  129, 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 
Brodt,  H.  F.,  328  W.  3ist  St.,  New  York 

Goldman,  Harry,  460  Fourth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Lemperly,     Paul,     14,205     Detroit     Ave., 

Lakewood,  O. 
Sprague,   Mrs.   Frank  J.,  241   West   End 

Ave.,  New  York  City. 


Simmons,   Parke   E.,   1746  Hinman  Ave., 

Evanston,  111. 
Stout,  Wesley  W.,  c/o  N.  Y.  Globe,  New 

York  City. 
Swope,  Horace  M.,  4466  Westminster  St., 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 

β€”  Art 

Gould,  Elwyn  B.,  234  W.  Juniper  St.,  San 
Diego,  Cal. 



First  Editions 

β€”  Biography 

Gould,  Elwyn  B.,  234  W.  Juniper  St.,  San 
Diego,  Cal. 

β€”  Biblical  and  Patristic  Literature 

Hoskier,    H.    C,    Ridgewood    Rd.,    South 
Orange,  N.  j.  (esp.  Greek  New  Testa- 
ments, and  editions  and  photographs  of 
N.     T.     Mss. β€” Greek,     Latin,     Coptic, 

β€”  English 

Alexander,  Benjamin,  258  S.  i8th  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa.  (Rare) 

Jones,  Herschel  V.,  2505  Park  Ave., 
Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Newton,  A.  Edward,  "Oak  Knoll,"  Ber- 
wyn,  Pa. 

Pickard,  Dr.  M.  W.,  Union  Station  Hos- 
pital, Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Seymour,  Ralph  Fletcher,  203  Michigan 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Spingarn,  Arthur  B.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 
York  City. 


Robertson,  John  W.,  1133  Greenwich  St., 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Streeter,  Edward  C,  280  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 


Wallace,  Walter  T.,  220  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 


Mosher,  Thomas,  45  Exchange  St.,  Port- 
land, Me. 


Frost,  B.  W.,  209  Main  St.,  Maiden,  Mass. 
Messenger,  Maria  Gerard,  Chappaqua,  N. 
Y.  (Novelists) 

xyth  and  i8th  Centuries 

McKee,  Arthur  C,  832  Kinsman  Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

igth  Century 

Goykendall,  Frederick,  i  W.  72nd  St., 
New  York  City. 

and  American 

Calvert,  J.  F.,  2  E.  23rd  St.,  New  York  City. 
Phillips,  A.  A,  55  Beaumont  St.,  Spring- 
field, Mass. 


Pesky,  Philip,  481  Ave  E,  Bayonne,  N.  J. 
Quinby,   Henry   C.,    165   Broadway,   New 
York  City. 

β€” Drama 

Gould,  Elwyn  B.,  234  W.  Juniper  St.,  San 
Diego,  Cal. 



First  Editions 

β€”  Fiction 

Douglas,  Robert  W.,  1004  Broughton  St., 
Vancouver,  B.  C. 

β€”  Medicine 

Kelly,  Dr.  Howard  A.,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Solley,  John  B.,  M.D.,  968  Lexington  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

β€”  French 

De  Lanoy,  William  C.,  Delwick  Lane, 
Short  Hills,  N.  J.  (Also  early  eds.) 

Messenger,  Maria  Gerard,  Chappaqua, 
N.  Y. 

β€”  Modern  Authors 

Bigelow,  Frederick  S.,  Buck  Lane,  Bryn 
Mawr,  Pa. 

Birnbaum,  Martin,  1261  Madison  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Ball,  George  A.,  Oakhurst,  Ind. 

Beach,  Percy  A.,  n  Main  St.,  Cattarau- 
gus,  N.  Y. 

Crane,  C.  Sidney,  703  W.  i;8th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Doyle,  James  A.,  30  Clinton  St.,  Newark, 
N.  J. 

Downing,  Agnes  T.,  1891  Beacon  St., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

Eddy,  Frederick  B.,  Official  Catholic  Di- 
rectory, 44  Barclay  St.,  New  York  City. 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 

Frink,  Maurice  M.,  172  E.  Jackson  Blvd., 
Elkhart,  Ind. 

Garrison,  Paul  R.,  214  N.  3rd  St.,  Colum- 
bia, Pa. 

Gillooly,  Frederick  L.,  53  Devonshire  St., 
R.  10,  Boston,  Mass. 

Goetz,  Philip  Becker,  North  Evans,  N.  Y. 

Hathaway,  R.  H.,  1258  Garden  Ave., 
Toronto,  Ont. 

Jackson,  Joseph,  113  S.  43d  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa.  (esp.  Lewis  Carroll) 

Keating,  George  T.,  29  Broadway,  New 
York  City.  (American  and  English) 

Kennerley,  Mitchell,  489  Park  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Kilmer,  Frederick  A.,  Oak  Hill,  O. 

Lungreen,  C.  E.,  204  County  City  Bldg., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

Marlatt,  Wm.,  805  Soc.  for  Savings  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Marrow,  Jos.  F.,  1446  Oak  St.,  Jackson- 
ville, Fla. 

Merrill,  Charles  E.,  Jr.,  432  Fourth  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Park,  Julian,  33  Summit  Ave.,  Buffalo, 
N.  Y. 

Parsons,  K.  de  B.,  112  E.  74th  St.,  New 
York  City.  (esp.  Masefield,  Drinkwater, 

Place,  Charles  W.,  490  West  End  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Plechner,  Helen  E.,  19  E.  47th  St.,  New 
York  City. 



First  Editions β€” Modern  Authors 

Serkland,  Hclmcr  O.,  Box  D.,  St.  James, 

Shipman,   Louis   Evan,   21    Beekman   PI., 

New  York  City. 
Stickney,    E.    R.,    327    Huntington    Ave., 

Boston,  Mass. 
Thompson,  Basil,  1915  Calhoun  St.,  New 

Orleans,  La. 
Zimmerman,  R.  E.,  1509  Third  St.,  Peru, 

111.      (Dreiser,    Hergesheim,Β°r,    CabpJl, 

Anderson,  Wharton,   Gather,   Mencken, 

Geo.  L.  Nathan) 

β€”  Music 

Brillhart,     E.     D.,    2171     State     Normal, 
Mount  Pleasant,  Mich. 

β€”  igth  Century 

Howk,  Horace  J.,   M.D.,   Mt.   McGregor, 
N.  Y.  (Novelists  and  poets) 

Messenger,    Maria    Gerard,    Chappaqua, 
N.  Y.     (Victorian  Novelists) 

Sherman,  Philip  D.,  143  Forest  St.,  Ober- 

lin,  O. 

β€”  Rare 

Huntington,  H.  E.,  Library  and  Art  Gal- 
lery, San  Gabriel,  Cal. 

β€”  Standard  Authors 

Folsom,  Miss  Ida  O.,  Concord,  N.  H. 

Poetry β€” Early  English 

Goldsmith,  Abraham,  61  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Fishes.     See  Ichthyology. 

Fishing.     See  Sports  and  sporting β€” Angling. 

Fitzgerald,  Edward 

Hall,  William  S.,  373  Fourth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Smith,    Milton    W.,    P.    O.    Drawer    767, 

Portland,  Ore. 
See  also  Omar  Khayyam 

Flaccus,  Quintus  Horatius.    See  Horace. 

Flag β€” American 

Griffis,  William   Elliot,  344  W.  s6th  St., 

Pulaski,  N.  Y. 
Thurston,  R.   C.  Ballard,   1000  Columbia 

Bldg.,  Louisville,  Ky. 


Byrne,  Arthur  E.,  Suite  216,  58  W.  Wash- 
ington St.,  Chicago,  111. 


Ryan,  Miss  Gertrude,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Tieman,  Bernard  J.,  375  W.  46th  St.,  New 

York  City.  (History,  local  and  foreign) 



Flora β€” American 

Smith,  Henry  A.  M.,  26  Meeting  St., 
Charleston,  S.  C. 


Russell,  Mrs.  W.  A.  D.,  34  E.  36th  St., 
New  York  City. 


Coe,  Charles  H.,  2947  Mills  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Folklore  and  Mythology 

Anderson,  Rasmus  B.,  316  S.  Carroll  St., 
Madison,  Wis. 

Bailey,  Louis  J.,  635  Fillmore  St.,  Gary, 

Baugh,  Albert  C,  638  S.  54th  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Bishop,  W.  W.,  Univ.  of  Mich.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Cohen,  Rabbi  Henry,  1920  Broadway,  Gal- 
veston,  Tex. 

Eckstein,  W.  G.,  68  W.  8sth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Erlanger,  Arthur,  28  E.  55th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Evans,  Montgomery,  2nd,  900  DeKalb  St., 
Norristown,  Pa. 

Field,  Walter  Taylor,  2301  Prairie  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Fish,  Frederick  P.,  84  State  St.,  Boston, 

Gould,  Geo.  M.,  401  Oriental  Ave.,  At- 
lantic City,  N.  J. 

Hamilton,  Miss  Katherine,  Fort  Wayne, 

Harlowe,  David  H.,  3002  Mt.  Vernon 
Ave.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Hartman,  Galen  C,  1518  Farmers'  Bank 
Bldg.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Jeffers,  Walter,  McClure  Bldg.,  Frank- 
fort, Ky. 

Jones,  H.  Orrin,  236  North  Ludlow  St., 
Dayton,  O. 

Kelley,  Herman  A.,  Overlook  Rd.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Kinsella,  Arthur  James,  2613  Ashland 
Ave.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Lown,  Clarence,  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. 

Magee,  James  M.,  306  Frick  Bldg.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

Miller,  John  R.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

O'Connor,  James,  124  Government  PI., 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Penard,  Thomas  E.,  12  Norfolk  Road, 
Arlington,  Mass. 

Pesky,  Philip,  481  Ave  E,  Bayonne,  N.  J. 

Reimer,  Edward  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Relief, 
151  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Rooney,  John  Jerome,  29  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  5th-3d  Nat'l  Bank, 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Solley,  John  B.,  M.D.,  968  Lexington  Ave., 
New  York  City. 



Folklore  and  Mythology 

Stone,  Lee  Alexander,  M.D.,  5406  Glen- 
wood.,  Chicago,  111. 

White,  John  G.,  1871  E.  Both  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

β€”  Comparative  Mythology 

Brockett,  Robert  M.,  121  W.  8th  St., 
Kansas  City,  Mo. 

β€”  Indian 

Lord,  C.  J.,  Olympia,  Wash. 

β€”  Reynard  the  Fox 

Speck,  Wm.  A.,  2519  Whitney  Ave.,  Ham- 
den,  Ct. 

Forester,  Frank  (Henry  William  Herbert) 
Smith,     Harry     Worcester,     "Lordvale," 
North  Grafton,  Mass. 


Allerton,  Mrs.  Samuel  W.,  Highland  and 

Fairview  Sts.,  South  Pasadena,  Cal. 
Goodrich,     N.     L.,     Dartmouth     College, 

Hanover,  N.  H. 
Linton,   Wm.    S.,   811    S.   Jefferson   Ave., 

Saginaw,  Mich. 
Wodell,  Silas,  139  Broadway,  New  York 


β€”  Pathology 

Weir,  James  R.,  Missoula,  Mont. 

Foster,  Birket β€” Illustrations  by 

Baker,  M.  N.,  loth  Ave.  and  36th  St., 
New  York  City. 


McCulloch,  Henry  M.,  Lawrenceville,  Pa. 

β€”  Foreign    Relations  β€”  United   States,    1790- 

Franco,  Paul,  429  Tenth  St.,  West  New 
York,  N.  J. 

β€”  History 

Freeman,  Charles  R.,  Checotah,  Okla. 
Ross,   John    M.,   510   Genesee   St.,   Utica, 

N.  Y. 
Tullock,    Mrs.   A.    J.,   616   S.    Broadway, 

Leavenworth,  Kan. 


Barber,  William  L.,  36  Marshal  St., 
Somerville,  Mass. 

Douglas,  Walter,  90  John  St.,  New  York 

Franco,  Paul,  429  loth  St.,  West  New 
York,  N.  J. 

Galvani,  William  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Port- 
land, Ore. 

Gross,  Theodore,  431  Riverside  Drive, 
New  York  City. 

Howe,  Henry  S.,  Brookline,  Mass. 



France β€” History β€” Revolution 

Lincoln,  Bardwell  W.,  807  Forest  Ave., 
Montgomery,  Ala. 

Lipsey,  J.  J.,  1503  N.  Weber  St.,  Colorado 
Springs,  Colo. 

Luthy,  Charles  M.,  3924  Cooper  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Paul,  James  H.,  Carbondale,  Pa. 

Seymour,  George  Steele,  4917  Blackstone 
Ave.,Chicago,  111. 

Seitz,  Don  C,  239  Hancock  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Smith,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  Wm.  Byrd  Park,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

i6th  Century 

Thieme,  Hugo  P.,  3  Geddes  Heights,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

β€”  Language 

Loud,  Oliver  B.,  19  Smith  Ave.,  Methuen, 

β€”  Literature 

Alexander,    Benjamin,    258    S.    :8th    St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Bliss,  Wm.  H.,  P.  O.  Box  596,  Santa  Bar- 
bara, Cal. 
Cutting,  R.  Fulton,  24  E.  6;th  St.,  New 

York  City.  (Rare) 
Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
Frank,    Henry    P.,   Ardenlea,   Yarmouth, 

Higgin,  Arthur  M.,  4925  Blackstone  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 

Morse,  F.  D.,  Lawrence,  Kan. 
Norris,  Isaac,  M.D.,  Bryn  Mawr,  Pa. 
Rushford,    Edward    A.,    M.D.,    78    Essex 

St.,  Salem,  Mass. 


Macdonald,  Duncan  B.,  143  Sigourney  St., 
Hartford,  Ct  (esp.  with  Oriental  con- 


Rhodes,  James  Ford,  392  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 


Hammond,  Miss  Eleanor  P.,  Hotel  Puri- 
tan, Boston,  Mass.  (esp.  Dante) 


Ricker,  N.  Clifford,  612  W.  Green  St., 

Urbana,  111. 
Tenery,  Mrs.  T.  H.,  Route  2,  Box  7a, 

Dallas,  Tex.  (Sets) 

iTth  and  i8th  Centuries 

David,  Henri  C.  E.,  3549  Dorchester  Ave., 

1 8th  Century 

Bishop,  Cortlandt  F.,  14  Wall  St.,  New 
York  City. 



France β€” Literature 

i8th  and  igth  Centuries 

Lincoln,  Bardwell  W.,  807  Forest  Ave., 
Montgomery,  Ala. 

β€”  Militarism 

Hughes,  Robert  M.,  Norfolk,  Va. 

Franklin,  Benjamin 

Bache,  Franklin,  Land  Title  Bldg.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Gribbel,  John,  Wyebrook,  Pa. 

Mason,  Wm.  S.,  1401  Ridge  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

Oswald,  John  Clyde,  239  W.  39th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Smith,  Harry  Dvvight,  1899  E.  8;th  St., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Stambaugh,  H.  H.,  Stambaugh  Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O. 

Woodward,  Chester,  834  Buchanan  St., 
Topeka,  Kan. 

β€”  Portraits 

Passavant,  D.  L.,  Zelienople,  Pa.  (Prints) 

Franklin  and  Marshall  College 

Ranck,  S.  H.,  728  Prospect  Ave.,  S.  E., 
Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

Fraternal  Societies 

Davis,  Frank  P.,  M.D.,  1519  W.  Cherokee 
St.,  Enid,  Okla. 

Frazer,  C.  Lovat β€” First  Editions 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 

Free  Thought 

Pope,  Charles  E.,  421  Wood  St.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 


Anderson,  J.  R.,  Beatrice,  N.  H. 
Beauchamp,  George,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Berolzheimer,  D.  D.,  19  E.  24th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Boyden,    William    L.,    i6th    and    S    Sts., 

N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Bryant,    Benj.   J.,    3412   University   Ave., 

San  Diego,   Cal. 
Buckenham,  J.  E.  B.,  M.D.,  Chestnut  Hill, 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Chandler,    R.    L.,   Southern    Pine,    N.    C. 

(esp.  old) 

Cochran,  Samuel  P.,  P.  O.  Box  119,  Dal- 
las, Tex. 

Finch,  Nelson  L.,  Broadalbin,  N.  Y. 
Godard,  Geo.  S.,  Hartford,  Ct. 
Goodrich,    Geo.    S.,   5   Nassau    St.,    New 

York  City. 

Haywood,  H.  LeRoy,  National  City,  Cal. 
Norwood,  Joseph  W.,  Lexington,  Ky. 
Pettigrew,  Geo.  A.,  Grand  Sec.  A.  F.  and 

A.  M.,  Sioux  Falls,  S.  D.     (esp  Grand 

Lodge    A.    F.    and    A.    M.    of    South 





Pickersgill,   H.   E.,   Perth   Amboy,   N.   J. 
Spofford,  Charles  B.,  Box  286,  Claremont, 

N.  H. 
Street,  Oliver  D.,  Guntersville,  Ala. 

β€”  Eastern  Star 

Hollands,  W.  C.,  S.  Division  St.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

β€”  History 

Haywood,  Marshall  De  L.,  P.  O.  Drawer 

703,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Hodgson,  Rev.  Robert,  Box  194,  Cordell, 

Fremont,  John  C. 

Griffith,  Albert  H.,  Fisk,  Wis. 

Fritzof  Saga 
Oakleaf,  J.  B.,  Moline,  111. 

Fur  Trading  and  Traders 

Barber,  G.  Y.,  35  E.  3Oth  St.,  New  York 


Babcock,  Margaret  Woods,  Columbia, 
.-S.  C.  (Old) 

Cornelius,  Charles  O.,  100  E.  I7th  St., 
New  York  City.  (Early  books) 

Furber,  Wm.  Copeland,  418  Walnut  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Gayle,  Mrs.  W.  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Haight,  A.  C,  583  Riverside  Drive,  New 
York  City.  (American  and  English) 

Hannon,  Mrs.  Marie  A.,  Montgomery, 

Kennedy,  Albert  J.,  20  Union  Park,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Wisslar,  H.  P.,  14  Dexter  St., .  Mont- 
gomery, Ala. 

Gallatin,  Albert 

Wills,  D.  C,  Federal  Reserve  Bank, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Gait,  John 

Van  Doren,  Clark,  47  Charlton  St.,  New 
York  City. 


Davies,  D.  C.,  Field  Museum,  Chicago,  111. 

Games β€” Checkers 

Hutzler,  Henry,  3235  Bishop  St.,  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

White,  John  G.,  1871  E.  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

β€”  Chess 

Barnard,  Charles,  Box  396,  Ventura,  Cal. 
Jaros,    Ernest    S.,    c/o    Lazarus    &    Co., 
Columbus,  O. 



Games β€” Chess 

White,  John  G.(  1871  E.  8gth  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  Playing  Cards 

Green,  Walter  Coxe,  572  Chestnut  St., 
Meadville,  Pa. 

Gardens  and  Gardening 

Baker,  M.  N.,  Tenth  Ave.  and  36th  St., 

New   York   City.    (Poetry  or  prose,  of 

literary  distinction  or  association) 
Colerick,  Miss  Margaret  M.,  Fort  Wayne, 

Drummond,   I.   W.,   101   Fulton   St.,  New 

York  City. 
Furber,  Wm.   Copeland,  418  Walnut  St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Lown,  Clarence,  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. 
McMaster,    Fitz   Hugh,    1428   Laurel   St., 

Columbia,  S.  C. 
Root,  Ralph  Rodney,  64  E.  Van  Buren  St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Schermerhorn,  Richard,  Jr.,  183  Prospect 

PL,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Tealdi,  Aubrey,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

β€”  Old 

Warthin,  Aldred  S.,  Univ.  of  Mich.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Gastronomy.    See  Cookery 


Belknap,  Henry  W.,  33  Warren  St., 
Salem,  Mass. 

Buckenham,  J.  E.  B.,  M.D.,  Chestnut  Hill, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Carpenter,  L.  G.,  1455  Gilpin  St.,  Denver, 

Collins,  Holdridge  O.,  404  S.  Main  St., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Cooley,  Ernest,  c/o  Press  Club,  155  N. 
Clark  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

Cunningham,  Henry  W.,  351  Marl- 
borough  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Davison,  A.  H.,  1272  E.  9th  St.,  Des 
Moines,  la. 

Greenough,  Charles,  993  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City.  (Greenough,  Dawson,  Spald- 

Linton,  Wm.  S.,  811  S.  Jefferson  Ave., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Marks,  Dr.  Charles  L.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Monnette,  Orra  E.,  350  S.  Oxford  Ave., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Neal,  Mrs.  Louis  A.,  Albany,  Ala. 

Pettigrew,  Geo.  A.,  Grand  Sec.  A.  F.  and 
A.  M.,  Sioux  Falls,  S.  D. 

Pettingell,  Frank  Hervey,  Stock  Ex- 
change, Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Randolph,  Corliss  F.,  76  S.  10th  St.,  New- 
ark, N.  J. 

Reynolds,  Cuyler,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

Reynolds,  Cuyler,  197  Western  Ave., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 




Rice,  Dr.  Charles  Elmer,  1742  S.  Union 
Ave.,  Alliance,  O. 

Sawyer,  Frank  H.,  P.  O.  Box  195,  Clinton, 

Seymour,  Geo.  Dudley,  129  Church  St., 
New  Haven,  Ct. 

Smith,  Judge  Jonathan,  77  High  St.,  Clin- 
ton, Mass. 

Smith,  Philip  H.  Waddell,  642  Grove  St., 
Sewickley,  Pa. 

Spofford,  Charles  B.,  Box  286,  Claremont, 
N.  H. 

Stubbs,  Mrs.  W.  C,  701  Howard  Ave., 
Lee  Circle,  New  Orleans,  La. 

Terry,  Charles  D.,  4251  Parkman  Ave., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Troy,  Daniel,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Westhorpe,  Arthur  W.,  P.  O.  Box  376, 
Falls  City,  Neb. 

White,  J.  B.,  1 1 ii  R.  A.  Long  Bldg.,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

Wilson,  Milo,  M.D.,  Gallipolis,  O. 

Wood,  Wm.  Allen,  2502  N.  Alabama  St., 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Woodward,  Frank  E.,  Wellesley  Hills, 

β€”  American 

Loud,  Oliver  B.,  19  Smith  Ave.,  Methuen, 

β€”  New  England 

Bailey,  Charles  O.,  Bailey-Glidden  Bldg., 

Sioux  Falls,  S.  D. 
Sibley,  E.  H.,  Franklin,  Pa. 

β€”  Presidents  of  United  States,  Cabinet  Offi- 
cers, Senators 

Best,  Frank  E.,  137  S.  Ashland  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

β€”  Scottish 

Moir,  A.  L.,  Lowell,  Mass. 

β€”  Welsh 

Blackwell,  Henry,  56  University  Place, 
New  York  City. 


Dallam,  D.  E.,  709  Walnut  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Dutcher,  H.  M.,  414  Highland  Ave., 
Peekskill,  N.  Y. 

Eckstein,  W.  G.,  68  W.  8sth  St,  New 
York  City. 

Freeman,  Dr.  Douglas,  S.  1108  Floyd 
Ave.,  Richmond,  Va. 

Hosbach,  J.  T.  A.,  817  S.  s8th  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Karpinski,  Louis  C.,  1315  Cambridge  Rd., 
Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

Libbey,  William,  Princeton,  N.  J. 

Thompson,  Bert  M.,  Drawer  126,  Athens, 

Wood,  William  C,  51  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  See  also  Atlases  ;  Maps ;  Physical  Geogra- 
phy; Travel  and  Exploration. 



β€”  Early 

Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  2nd  Ave.,  Cedar 
Rapids,  I.i. 

β€”  Eastern  United  States 

Harper,  Roland  M.,  University,  Ala. 


Branner,  John  Casper,  Stanford  Univer- 
sity, Cal. 

Collins,  Holdridge  O.,  404  S.  Main  St., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Cragin,  F.  W.,  912  E.  San  Miguel  St., 
Colorado  Springs,  Colo. 

Dustin,  Fred,  705  S.  Fayette  St.,  Saginaw, 

Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Emerson,  Prof.  B.  K.,  Aniherst,  Mass. 

Fitzpatrick,  T.  J.,  Bethany,  Neb. 

Fuller,  Rev.  J.  B.,  618  Broadway,  Seda- 
lia,  Mo. 

Gram,  J.  P.,  34  Nassau  St.,  New  York 

Maguire,  Don,  P.  O.  Box  549,  Ogden, 

Pavey,  Henry  A.,  Hillsboro,  O. 

Upham,  Warren,  Minn.  Historical  Soc., 
St.  Paul,  Minn.  (Esp.  Ice  Age) 

Vodges,  Gen  Anthony  Wayne,  2425  ist 
St.,  San  Diego,  Cal. 

White,  Dr.  I.  C,  141  Willey  St.,  Morgan- 
town,  W.  Va. 

Woodbridge,  Dwight  E.,  1735  Wallace 
St.,  Duluth,  Minn. 

β€”  Sec  also  Precious  Stones. 

β€”  Earthquakes 

Hobbs,   Prof.   W.   H.,  Ann  Arbor,   Mich. 

β€”  Meteorology 

Greely,  Major  General  A.  W.,  1914  G  St., 

N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Thompson,  Bert  M.,  Drawer  126,  Athens, 


β€”  Meteorites 

Kunz,  George  F.,  c/o  Tiffany  &  Co.,  409 
Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 


Alston,  Robert  L.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
Brown,  George,  M.D.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
Moore,  Louis  S.,  Thomasville,  Ga.  (Incl. 

Prints,    Maps,   Imprints,  Authors) 
Kirk,    H.    B.,    10   Broad   St.,    Charleston, 

S.  C. 

β€”  History 

Adams,  S.  B.,  Savannah,  Ga. 
De   Renne,   Wymberly  Jones,   Wormsloe, 



Georgia β€” History 

Doonan,  J.  T.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Jacobs,  Dr.  Thornwell,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Knight,  L.  L.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Lamar,  J.  R.,  U.  S.  Supreme  Court, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Mackall,  Leonard  L.,  c/o  Lawton  &  Cun- 
ningham, Savannah,  Ga. 

Stephens,  Judge  Alexander  H.,  Atlanta, 

German  Carp.      See  Icthyology. 

German   Language β€” Grammars   and   Diction- 

Bacon,  Paul  V.,  623  Wabash  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Germany β€” History β€” Modern 

Ford,  Guy  S.,  517  Essex  St.,  S.  E.,  Minne- 
apolis, Minn.  (Esp.  Prussia) 

β€”  Literature 

Alexander,  Benjamin,  258  S.  i8th  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Cannon,  Lucius  H.,  211  City  Hall,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Howe,  Thomas  C.,  30  Audubon  PI.,  Indi- 
anapolis, Ind. 

Slomoritz,  Philip,  545  Kenilworth  Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich. 


Liessman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave.,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D.  β€’ 

Rhodes,  James  Ford,  392  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 


Ricker,  N.  Clifford,  612  W.  Crawford  St., 
Urbana,  111. 

β€”  Rhenish  Provinces 

Hessenbruch,  H.,  8  N.  5th  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Girl  Scouts 

Mertins,  Mrs.  Paul,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Gissing,  George 

Elliott,  Frank  M.,  225  Lake  St.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

Glass.     See  Art. 

Goethe,  Johann  Wolfgang  von 

Bishop,    W.    W.,    Univ.    of    Mich.,    Ann 

Arbor,  Mich. 
Mackall,    Leonard    L.,    c/o    Lawton    & 

Cunningham,  Savannah,  Ga. 
Speck,  Wm.  A.,  2519  Whitney  Ave.,  Ham- 
den,  Ct. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Solley,  John  B.,  M.  D.,  968  Lexington 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 



Goldoni,  Carlo 

Chatfield-Taylor,  Hobart  ChatfVeld,  Santa 
Barbara,  Cal. 

Goldsmith,   Oliver 

Elkins,  W.  M.,  Elkins  Park,  Pa. 
Rogers,  Prof.  R.  W.,  Madison,  N.  J. 

Gosse,   Edmund 

Lehmann,  F.  W.,  Fourth  and  Olive  Sts., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Graphic  Arts 

Adler,  Elmer,  163  E.  36th  St.,  New  York 

Emmett,  Burton,  120  W.  32d  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Fuller,  George  W.,  Altadena  Apts.,  Spo- 
kane, Wash. 

Rogers,  T.  P.  W.,  430  Pearl  St.,  Man- 
chester, N.  H. 

Wolf,  Max,  93  Second  Ave.,  New  York 
City,  (technique) 

See  also  Printing;  Typography. 

Great  Britian 

McCulloch,  Henry  M.,  Lawrenceville,  Pa. 
See  also  England ;  Ireland ;  Scotland ; 

Great  Lakes 

Currey,  J.  Seymour,  1308  Judson  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 


Battle,  W.  J.,  Univ.  of  Texas,  Austin,  Tex. 
Bradley,  Charles  Barnet,  Convent,  N.  J. 

β€”  Art 

Brown,  Demarchus  C,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 
Kraemer,   Casper  J.,  Jr.,   537   Union   PI., 

Union  Hill,  N.  J. 
Sheldon,  Frank  W.,  F.  Hopkinson  Smith 

Library,  Cedar  Rapids,  Iowa. 

β€”  History 

Jordan,  William  George,  202  W.  i3Oth  St., 
New  York  City. 

β€”  Literature 

Battle,  W.  J.,  Univ.  of  Texas,  Austin,  Tex. 

Brown,  Demarchus  C.,  State  Library, 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Jordan,  William  George,  202  W.  I30th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Kraemer,  Casper  J.,  Jr.,  537  Union  PI., 
Union  Hill,  N.  J. 

Murphy,  Prof.  Paul,  Caldwell,  Idaho. 

Trever,  A.  A.,  Lawrence  College,  Apple- 
ton,  Wis. 


Anderson,  Prof.  Louis  T.,  364  Boyer  Ave., 

Walla  Walla,  Wash. 
Foster,  E.,  328  Camp  St.,  New  Orleans, 


Galvani,  W.  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Portland, 



Greece β€” Literature β€” Classics 

Harvey,  Alexander,  63  W.  36th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Liessman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave.,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 

Lodge,  Prof.  Gonzalez,  Teachers  College, 
New  York  City. 


Bailey,  H.  C,  P.O.  Box  958,  Prince  Ru- 
pert, B.  C. 

Buck,  M.  S.,  1720  Sansom  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Smith,  Paul  Jordan,  Claremont,  Cal. 

Van  Doren,  Carl,  47  Charlton  St.,  New 
York  City.  (i8th  century,  in  English  or 


Brown,  Demarchus  C.,  State  Library,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind. 

β€” Philosophe  r  s β€” Plato β€” Translations 
Boyd,  Jackson,  Greencastle,  Ind. 
Taussig,  Rudolph  J.,  1521  Van  Ness  Ave., 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Greek  Language β€” Philology 

Reimer,  Edward  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Re- 
lief, 151  Fifth  Ave,  New  York  City. 

Greenaway,  Kate 

Auchincloss,  C.  C,  12  E.  7ist  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Spencer,  Jesse  E.,  705  20th  St.,  Rock 

Island,  111. 
Wood,  William  C,  51  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Roberts,  Mrs.  Henriette  W.,  Westfield, 
N.  J. 


Sherman,  John  D.,  Jr.,  132  Primrose  Ave., 
Mount  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Grolier  Club 

Bentley,  James  H.,  Ridley  Park,  Pa. 

See  also  Private  and  Special  Presses. 


Penard,  Thomas  E.,  12  Norfolk  Road, 
Arlington,  Mass. 

Guide  Books 

Romolo,  Joseph  A.,  Times  Plaza,  P.  O. 
125,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


Leonard,  F.  E.,  Oberlin  College,  Oberlin, 


Templeton,  Mrs.  George,  Box  380,  Knox- 
ville,  Tenn. 




Rich,  Herbert,  431  Dearborn  St.,  Chicago, 

Hale,  Nathan 

Seymour,  Geo.  Dudley,  129  Church  St., 
New  Haven,  Ct. 

Haliburton,  Thomas  Chandler 
See  Slick,  Sam. 

Haller,  Albrecht  von β€” First  Editions 

Solley,  John  B.,  M.  D.,  968  Lexington 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Hamilton,  Alexander 

Fenton,  A.  W.,  Jr.,  644  Soc.  for  Savings 
Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Stambaugh,  H.  H.,  Ypungstown,  O. 

Taggart,  Jay  P.,  Williamson  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Wills,  D.  C,  Federal  Reserve  Bank, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Hammerton,  P.  G. 

Elliott,  Frank  M.,  225  LakeSt,  Evanston, 

Handbooks β€” For  Writers 

Bennett,   Fred  I.  W.,   1051   7th   East  St., 

Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 
Morgner,  Oscar  A.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 

York  City. 

Handwritings  and  Signatures 

Manly,  Herbert  D.,  43  W.  8sth  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Osborn,  Albert  S.,  2264  Woolworth  Bldg., 

New  York  City. 

Pengelley,  W.  G.,  616  Hartman  Bldg.,  Co- 
lumbus, O. 

Hardy,  Thomas 

Bailey,  Louis  J.,  635  Fillmore  St.,  Gary, 

Jessup,  Alexander,  435  W.  ngth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Eckel,  John  C,  1433  Diamond  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”First  Editions 

McCutcheon,  George  Barr,  125  E.  72d  St., 
New  York  City. 

Harris,  Frank 

Kirshner,  Morris,  60  Amboy  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Harte,  Francis  Bret 

Kingsley,  Darwin  P.,  346  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 
Lehmann,  F.  W.,  Fourth  and  Olive  Sts., 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Wood,   William   C,  51   Fifth  Ave.,   New 

York  City. 



Harte,  Francis  Bret 
β€” First  Editions 

Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School, 
Washington,  D.  C. 


Carter,  George  R.,  Hawaiian  Trust  Co., 

Honolulu,  H.  I. 
Holmes,     H.     C.,    2735     Elmwood    Ave., 

Berkeley,  Cal. 
Steiner,    Walter    R.,    M.D.,    646    Asylum 

Ave.,  Hartford,  Ct. 

β€”First  Editions 

Newbegin,  J.  J.,  358  Post  St.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

Hawthorne,  Nathaniel 

Hay,  Robert  H.,  -527  Irwin  Ave.,  N.  S., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa.  (Rare) 

Hazlitt,  William 

Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 

New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 
Veech,  E.   R.,  408  Loan  &  Trust  Bldg., 
Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Hearn,  Lafcadio 

Carlebach,  Walter  Maxwell,  136  W.  86th 
St.,  New  York  City. 

Evans,  Montgomery,  2nd,  900  De  Kalb 
St.,  Norristown,  Pa. 

Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 
New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Lloyd,  William,  606  Royal  St.,  New  Or- 
leans, La. 

Needham,  Wilbur,  Hinsdale,  111. 

β€” First  Editions 

Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School, 
Washington,  D.  C. 


Cohen,  Rabbi  Henry,  1920  Broadway,  Gal- 
veston,  Tex. 

Hebrew  Language β€” Grammars  and  Texts β€” 
1 6th  and  xyth  Centuries 
Rine,  H.  A.,  2416  Allston  Way,  Berkeley, 


Jaffray,  Robert,  58  W.  46th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Hegel,  Georg  Wilhelm  Friedrich 

Block,  Louis  James,  Oak  Park,  111. 

Heine,  Heinrich 

Gross,  Theodore,  431  Riverside  Drive, 
New  York  City. 

Hemiptera.      See  Entomology. 


Henry,  O.     (Sydney  Porter) 

Clem,  John  G.,  M.D.,  Louisville,  Ky. 



Henry,  O.     (Sydney  Porter) 

Henderson,  Archibald,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 
New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 


Burton,  Harry  W.,  1638  Jackson  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Buckenham,  J.  E.  B.,  M.D.,  Chestnut  Hill, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Fraprie,  Frank  R.,  39  Addington  Rd., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

Knight,  D.  Allen,  1504  Poplar  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Ryan,  Miss  Gertrude,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Herbert,  George 

Mann,  Cameron,  Bishopstead,  Orlando, 


Corbly,  Lawrence  J.,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 
Estabrook,  Arthur  H.,   1638  N.  Pennsyl- 
vania St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Hergesheimer,  Joseph 

Alexander,    Gary   W.,   404   Atlantic   Nat. 

Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 
Hoskins,  Chapin  and  Nancy,  2505  E.  74th 

St.,  Chicago,  111. 
Stewart,  J.   T.,   (2nd),  2525   Farnam   St., 

Omaha,  Neb. 


Woodworth,  Jay  B.,  144  Hoon  Hill  St., 
Boston,  Mass. 


Lewis,  L.  T.,  Scale,  Ala. 
Loding,  H.  P.,  Mobile,  Ala. 

Hewlett,  Maurice 

Mackay,  W.  MacDonald,  26  Lonsdale  Rd., 
Toronto,  Ont. 


Achard,  Dr.  H.  J.,  4757  Ravenswood  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 
Adams,  George  Burton,  57  Edgehill  Rd., 

New  Haven,  Conn. 
Alden,  Charles  W.,  503  Genesee  Ave.,  Sag- 

inaw,  Mich. 
Allen,    Charles    Dexter,    80    Gates    Ave., 

Montclair,  N.  J. 
Anderson,  Prof.  Louis  T.,  364  Boyer  Ave.. 

Walla  Walla,  Wash. 
Anderson,  Rasmus  B.,  316  S.  Carroll  St., 

Madison,  Wis. 

Arnold,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  Burlington,  Vt. 
Ault,  L.  A.,  Ault  Wiborg  Co.,  Cincinnati, 

Balz,   Leonard,  4022   N.   Florissant  Ave., 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Bauman,  Frederick,  Alaska  Bldg.,  Seattle, 





Beecher.  Mrs,  L.  T.,  Graymour  Heights, 

Birmingham,  Ala. 
Bemis,  J.  S^  601  S.  Fourth  St.,  St.  Louis, 

Black.  Albert.  Albion.  Ind. 

Blackburn.  Dr.  W.  J..  633  Reibald  Aven 

Dayton,  OL 

Bott.  George  C.  511  G  St..  Tacoma.  Wash. 
Bou  i&w6  Windward  Rd.,  Cleve- 

land. a 
Bradford.  J.  G,  American  Trust  Bldg., 

Nashville.  Tenn. 

Brandon.  Frank  W,  Gadsden,  Ala. 
Brockman.  Dr.  D.  C,  I  Torbin  Hill,  Ot- 

tumwa.  Iowa. 
Brown.   John    C.    117   Eighth   Art.   S~, 

Nashville,  Tenn. 
Brown,  Leo,  604  Government  St.,  Mobile, 


Bryan.  W.  JU  Saxton.  Pa. 
Buckenham.  J.  E.  B^  M.D.,  Chestnut  Hill, 

Philadelphia.  Pa. 
CaWwelL  Ben  F..  Chatham.  111. 
Cannon,   Lucius  R,  an   City   Hall,  St 

Louis,  Mo. 
Cannon,  Peter  J.,  259  High  St.  Clinton. 


CantrolL  Thomas  L,  Athens,  III, 
Carney,  J.  L^  605  W.  Main  St.  Marshall- 

town,  Iowa. 
Carpenter,  Percy,  607  Marietta  Ave..  Lan- 

caster, Pa. 
Carson,  Hampton  I~,  1524  Chestnut  St, 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Carter,  F.  M^  Columbia  St.,  Farmington, 


Cates,  Gen.  Charles  T.,  Knoxville.  Tenn. 
Chalif.  Louis  R,  163  W.  57th  St,  New 

York  City. 
Qtesnutt  Chas.  W^  9719  Lament  Bldg.. 

dark.  Charles  &.  705  Eighth  St..   Hot 

Springs,  S.  D. 
Clark.    Chief    Justice    Walter,    Raleigh, 

N.  C 
Oearwater.  Judge  A.  T^  316  Albany  Are., 

Kingston,  N.  J. 
Clinch,  Edward  S^  i  W.  gist  St,  New 

rk  City. 
CoWe,  Robert  1C,  308  N.  Oak  Park  Ave., 

Oak  Park.  Ill 

Coburn.  Louise  IL,  Skowhegan.  Me. 
Collins.  Holdridge,  O,  404  S.  Main  St. 

Los  Angeles,  CaL 
Cotton.  H.  G^  310  Chamber  of  Commerce 

Bldg.  Portland.  Ore. 
Corbly.  Lawrence  J^  Huntington.  W.  Va. 
Core.  Wnx  F^  817  E.  7th  South  St,  Sah 

Lake  City.  Utah. 
Cross.  W.  Irving.  B.  &  O.  Bldg.  Balti- 

more. Md. 

Oammgham.  Judge  J.  O.  Urbana.  111. 
Downing.  A.  C,  aojo  Hilyer  PL.  Wash- 

ington. D.  C 
Dutcher.  R  M^  414  Highland  Ave-.  Peeks- 

kill  X.  V 




Dyer,  H.  Choutcau,  1524  Boatmen's  Bank 
Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Farnam,    Henry   W.,   43   Hillhouse   Ave., 
New  Haven,  Conn. 

Flagg,  H.  C,  Olympia,  Wash. 

Foote,  Langley  S.,  Saginaw,  Mich. 

Freeman,  L)r.  Douglas  S.,  1108  Floyd  Ave., 
Richmond,  Va. 

Fuller,  Kev.  J.  B.,  618  Broadway,  Sedalia, 

Gallizier,  Nathan,  "The  Verona,"  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

^ilvani,   W.   H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Portland, 

Gram,  J.   P.,  34  Nassau  St.,  New  York 

Graves,  Frank  H.,  Old  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 
Spokane,  Wash. 

Green,  Jesse  C,  109  W.  Gay  St.,  West 
Chester,  Pa. 

Greenough,  Charles  P.,  Brookline,  Mast. 

Gtintzer,    J.    Henry,    Jr.,    Port    Chester, 
N.  Y. 

Guernsey,  Henry  Hoadley,  245   Meeting 
St.,  Providence,  R.  I. 

Hamilton,  J.  Gaillard,  Spring  Hill,  Mo- 
bile, Ala. 

Hamilton,  P.  J.,  1010  Government  St.,  Mo- 
bile, Ala. 

Hartman,  Galen  C,  1518  Farmers'  Bank 
Bldg.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Hattly,  Walter  C,  328  Beech  St.,  High- 
land Park,  111. 

Havre,  J.  B.,  916  Kohl  Bldg.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

Hays,    Gilbert    A,    530    Academy    Ave., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Hays,  Helen  Ashe,  Hagerstown,  Md. 

Haywood,  Marshall  De  L.,  P.  O.  Drawer 
703,  Raleigh,  N.  C 

Hecker,  Frank  J.,  5510  Woodward  Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

Hillhouse,  James,  Sachem's  Wood,  New 
Haven,  Conn. 

Higbee,   William    T.,    1925    E.    7fth    St, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Holstein,  Mark  G.,  36  W.  35th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Hyle,   F.   S.,  606   Main   St.,   Whitewater, 

Hyman,     Marcus,    516    Mclntyre    Bldg., 
Winnipeg,  Man. 

Irvine,  James  T.,  216  S.  7th  St.,  Zanes- 
ville,  O. 

Johns,  Charles  R.,  521^2  I5th  St,  Moline, 

Johnson,  Erick  H.,  Route  I,  Box  49,  Fred- 
eric, Wis. 

Jones,  Plummer  F.,  New  Canton,  Va. 

Jones,  W.  A.  Fleming,  P.O.  Box  24,  Las 
Cruces,  N.  M. 

Jordan,  Dr.  David  Starr,  Stanford  Univ., 

Joseph,   Emil,   1689  E.   iisth  St.,   Cleve- 
land, O. 

Joseph,  Ralph  S.,  The  Joseph-Feiss  Co., 
Cleveland,  O. 




Kelley,  Herman  A.,  Overlook  Road, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Kent,  D.  B.  E.,  Kent  St.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Kinnick,  Benjamin  F.,  West  Drive,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind. 

Kinsella,  Prof.  A.  J.,  2613  Ashland  Ave., 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Knight,  C.  L.,  care  of  Beacon  Journal, 
Akron,  O. 

Kreuzbee,  1948  Michigan  Blvd.,  Racine, 

Leissman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave., 
Bismark,  N.D. 

Lilienthal,  Albert  W.  von,  I  E.  39th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Linton,  Win.  S.,  811  S.  Jefferson  Ave., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Lord,  C.  J.,  Olympia,  Wash. 

Lusk,  J.  A.,  Guntersville,  Ala. 

Lusk,  Willard  C,  Yankton,  S.  D. 

McAlpine,  Mrs.  Sarah,  1610  E.  First  St., 
Duluth,  Minn. 

McBride,  C.  E.,  Park  Ave.  West,  Mans- 
field, O. 

MacChesney,  Nathan  Wm.,  568  Haw- 
thorne PL,  Chicago,  111.  (Constitu- 
tional, Political,  Legal.) 

McCoy,  Rev.  John  J.,  23  Eastern  Ave., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Magee,  James  M.,  306  Frick  Bldg.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

McNairy,  Amos  B.,  3333  Euclid  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Maguire,  Don,  P.  O.  Box  549,  Ogden, 

Manning,  James  H.,  409  State  St.,  Al- 
bany, N.  Y. 

Mealey,  Edward,  Hagerstown,  Md. 

Merritt,  Mortimer  G.,  210  W.  Embargo, 
Rome,  N.  Y. 

Messervy,  J.  Ehrichs,  76  Cannon  St., 
Charleston,  S.  C. 

Miller,  Mrs.  A.  M.,  2303  E.  2d  St.,  Du- 
luth, Minn. 

Miller,  John  R.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

Monnette,  Orra  E.,  350  S.  Oxford  Ave., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Munder,  Norman  T.  A.,  2335  Linden  Ave., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Murphy,  Alonzo  M.,  Exchange  Bank 
Bldg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 

Noah,  A.  H.,  First-Second  National  Bank 
Bldg.,  Akron,  O. 

Normoyle,  D.  J.,  5525  Indiana  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Norris,  E.  A.,  Joplin,  Mo. 

O'Connor,  James,  124  Government  PI., 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Palmer,  A.,  405  N.  4th  St.,  Marshalltown, 

Parker,  Geo.  F.,  401  Convent  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Parker,  J.  M.,  27  W.  Main  St.,  Marshall- 
town,  Iowa. 



Patterson,  James  K.,   Lexington,  Ky. 

Pavey,  Henry  A.,  Hillsboro,  O. 

Pearce,  Wilbur  E.,  303  University  PI., 
Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Ferine,  Fred  A.,  1532  W.  Philadelphia 
Aye.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Pettigrcw,  Geo.  A.,  Grand  Sec.,  A.  F.  & 
A.  M.,  Pierre,  S.  D. 

Phelps,  George  H.,  Bowbells,  N.  D. 

Pickard,  Dr.  M.  W.,  Union  Station  Hos- 
pital, Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Pilgrim,  Dr.  Charles  W.,  Central  Valley, 
N.  Y. 

Platt,  Charles  D.,  Moller  PI ,  Dover,  N.  J. 

Prince,  Walter  E.,  P.O.  Box  492,  Amherst, 

Purinton,  Prof.  Herbert  R.,  Bates  Col- 
lege, Lewiston,  Me. 

Ratterman,  H.  A.,  510  York  St.,  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

Reasoner,  L.  R.  S.,  Lincoln  Ave.,  Urbana, 

Reed,  Charles  Bert,  M.D.,  3748  Sheffield 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Reynolds,  J.  H.,  Fayetteville,  Ark. 

Rice,  James  A.,  Renkert  Bldg.,  Canton,  O. 

Rkrhman,  Irving  B.,  Muscantine,  Iowa. 

Robrett,  Geo.  W.,  20  W.  Jackson  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Rogers,  Robert  L.,  990  Parker  St.,  Beau- 
mont, Tex. 

Rosenthal,  Lessing,  105  W.  Monroe  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Russell,  Wm.  W.,  2  Marvin  St.,  Montpel- 
ier,  Vt. 

Sage,  Benj.  A.,  Cuyahoga  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Sands,  Alexander  H.,  Amer.  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  Richmond,  Va. 

Schuch,  John  P.,  301  N.  Hamilton  St., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Schuchhardt,  Edmund  C,  2808  Overland 
Ave.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Scott,  S.  P.,  321  Main  St.,  Hillsboro,  O. 

Seiberling,  Frank  A.,  (personal),  Seiber- 
ling  Rubber  Co.,  Akron,  O. 

Sergei,  Chas.  H.,  4578  Oakenwald  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Shaw,  Herbert  T.,  310  Peel  St.,  Montreal, 

Shepard,  Charles,  New  York  Bldg., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  Third  Nat.  Bank, 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Shipman,  Louis  E.,  21  Beekman  PI.,  New 
York  City. 

Smith,  Judge  Jonathan,  77  High  St.,  Clin- 
ton, Mass. 

Smith,  Philip  H.  Waddell,  642  Grove  St., 
Sewickley,  Pa. 

Snyder,  Robert  M.,  Jr.,  610  E.  47th  St., 
Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Spofford,  Charles  B.,  Box  286,  Claremont, 
N.  H. 

Stein,  Dr.  S.  J.,  Muscatine,  Iowa. 

Steiner,  G.  R.  E.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 




Stephens,  Judge  Alexander  H.,  Atlanta, 

Stewart,  S.  F.,  2110  Orrington  Ave.,  Ev- 
anston,  111. 

Stout,  W.  H.,  Central  Lyceum  Bureau,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind. 

Straus,  Isaac  Lobe,  1315  Munsey  Bldg., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Taggart,  Jay  P.,  Williamson  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Thorn,  De  Courcy  W.,  Maryland  Trust 
Bldg.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Thompson,  Bert  M.,  Drawer  126,  Athens, 

Thompson,  Robert  W.,  Jr.,  52  Wall  St., 
New  York  City. 

Todd,  A.  M.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

Townley,  W.  R.,  76  W.  Monroe  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Utter,  Adelaide,  Monaskon,  Va. 

Wackerbarth,  Henry  von,  9737  Longwood 
Drive,  Chicago,  111. 

Wakefield,  W.  J.  C,  Attorney,  Spokane, 

Washburn,  H.  A.,  St.  Helena,  Cal. 

Welch,  Daniel  B.,  218  38th  St.,  Newport 
News,  Va. 

Whipple,  Mrs.  B.  T.,  45th  and  Warwick 
Blvd.,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

White,  J.  B.,  mi  R.  A.  Long  Bldg.,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo.  (Esp.  Country  and 

Wickersham,  James,  Juneau,  Alaska. 

Williams,  S.  J.,  2  Virginia  Apartments, 
Norfolk,  Va. 

Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Wilson,  Medford  B.,  1310  N.  Delaware 
St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Wing,  DeWitt  C.,  5344  Dorchester  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Wirt,  B.  R,  31  W.  Rayen  Ave.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

Wisslar,  H.  P.,  14  Dexter  St.,  Montgom- 
ery, Ala. 

Zimmerman,  Rev.  Jeremiah,  D.D.,  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y. 

See  also  Archaeology;  and  subhead  His- 
tory under  individual  countries  and 

β€” Ancient 

Harlowe,  David  H.,  3002  Mt.  Vernon  Ave., 
Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Parsons,  E.  A.,  5  Rosa  Park,  New  Or- 
leans, La. 

Perkins,  H.  Z.  E.,  132  North  Peters,  New 
Orleans,  La.  (esp.  Greek,  Roman,  By- 
gantine,  Turkish.) 

β€” Anglo-Saxon 

Brandon,  Frank  W.,  Gadsden,  Ala. 

β€”British  Colonial 

Adams,  James  Truslow,  Bridgehampton, 
L.  I.,  N.  Y. 




β€” British  Military 

Medcalf,  George  Thomas,  1509  Third 
Ave.,  Oakland,  Cal. 

β€” Commercial 

Ingersoll,  Wm.  H.,  637  Ridgewood  Rd., 
Maplewood,  N.  J. 

β€” European 

Munro,  Wilfred  H.,  115  Butler  Ave.,  Prov- 
idence, R.  I. 

Scoville,  Robert,  10  E.  52d  St.,  New  York 

β€” Feudal  Institutions 

Adams,  George  Burton,  57  Edgehill  Rd., 
New  Haven,  Conn. 

β€” Hebrew 

Moses,  Dr.  Alfred  G.,  The  Temple,  Mo- 
bile, Ala. 

β€” Foreign   Translations 

Emler,  Ira,  Oswego,  Kan.  (Unexpurgated 

β€” In  English  and  French 

Irish,  John  P.,  1904  Aldine  St.,  Oakland, 


Leavitt,  J.,  R.  D.  42,  Norwalk,  Conn. 
Pilcher,  Lewis  S.,  M.D.,  145  Gates  Ave., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Rosenthal,   Lessing,   105  W.   Monroe   St., 

Chicago,  111. 

β€” Mediaeval 

Baugh,  Albert  C,  638  S.  54th  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Bullock,  Alexander  H.,  340  Main  St., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Perkins,  H.  Z.  E.,  132  No.  Peters,  New 
Orleans,  La.  (esp.  Greek,  Roman,  By- 
zantine, Turkish.) 

Pyne,  M.  Taylor,  Princeton,  N.  J. 


Mather,  Frank  J.,  Jr.,  3  Evelyn  PI., 
Princeton,  N.  J. 

β€” Political  and  Constitutional 

De  Land,  Charles  E.,  Pierre,  S.  D. 
Rosenthal,   Lessing,   105  W.   Monroe   St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Wodell,  Silas,  130  Broadway,  New  York 


β€” Regimental  Histories 

Willey,  H.  N.,  Broadalbin,  N.  Y. 

β€” Religious 

Harlowe,  David  H.,  3002  Mt.  Vernon 
Ave.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

β€” Roman  (100  B.  C. β€” 200  A.  D.) 

Radensleben,  Frank  E.,  1221  Atlanta 
Trust  Co.  Bldg.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 




β€”  Scandinavian 

Wick,  Barthinius  L.,  115  S.  2nd  St.,  Cedar 
Rapids,  Iowa. 

β€”  Secular  and  Sacred 

Riley,  Dr.  B.  F.,  1331  S.  2ist  St.,  Birming- 
ham, Ala. 

β€”  i6th  and  lyth  Centuries 

Dienst,  Dr.  Alexander,  135/2  S.  Main  St., 
Temple,  Tex. 

β€”  i8th  Century 

Alvord,    Clarence    W.,    Univ.    of    Minn., 

Minneapolis,  Minn.     (English,  French, 


Griffin,  W.,  80  Broadway,  New  York  City. 
Hutchins,  Henry  Clinton,  106  E.  8sth  St., 

New  York  City. 
Lewishon,   Mrs.   Frederick,   Plaza   Hotel, 

New  York  City. 

β€”  igth  Century 

Griffin,  W.,  80  Broadway,  New  York  City. 
Lewishon,   Mrs.   Frederick,   Plaza   Hotel, 
New  York   City. 

Holland  Family 

Holland,  G.  Allison,  Security  Trust  Bldg., 
Lexington,  Ky. 

Holmes,  Oliver  Wendell 

Brown,    Lawrason,   M.D.,    104   Main   St., 
Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 


Bassett,  Samuel  E.,  295  S.  Prospect  St., 
Burlington,  Vt. 

β€”  Translations 

Case,  Birdsey  E.,  9  Asylum  Ave.,  Hart- 
ford, Conn.    (Rare.) 


DeVille,   John   B.,   664  Broadway,   Gary, 

Horace  (Quintus  Horatius  Flaccus) 

Foster,  William  E.,  240  Bowen  St.,  Prov- 
idence, R.  I. 

β€”  Early  Editions 

Dana,  C  L.,  53  W.  53rd  St.,  New  York 

Horse  Racing.    See  Sports  and  Sporting. 
Horsemanship.    See  Sports  and  Sporting. 


Stoddart,  Alfred,  P.  O.  Box  1586,  Phila- 

delphia, Pa. 
Vaughan,  H.  W.,  Ames,  Iowa. 




McFarland,  J,  Horace,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 
Root,  Ralph  Rodney,  643  Van  Buren  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Houses β€” Historic 

Preston,    Howard    W.,    7    Gushing    St., 
Providence,  R.  I. 

Houston,  Gen.  Sam 

Andrew,   Miss   Nell,   c/o  Texas    Christian 
University,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 

Howells,  William  Dean β€” First  Editions 

McCutcheon,  George  Barr  ,125  E.  72d  St., 
New  York  City. 

Hubbard,  Elbert 

Clem,  John  G.,  M.D.,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Hudson,  W.  H. 

Alexander,  Gary  W.,  404  Atlantic  Nat. 
Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

Hudson's  Bay  Co. 

Follansbee,  George  Edward,  9615  Miles 
Ave.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Huguenots β€” Emigration  to  America 

Clearwater,  Judge  A.  T.,  316  Albany  Ave., 
Kingston,  N.  Y. 

β€”  History 

Ravenel,  Daniel,  76  Meeting  St.,  Charles- 
ton, S.  C. 

Huneker,  James 

Alezander,  Gary  W.,  404  Atlantic  Nat. 
Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 


Feleky,  Charles,  508  W.  Ii4th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Hunt,  Leigh 

Brewer,  Luther  A.,  847  4th  Ave.,  Cedar 
Rapids,  Iowa. 

Dodge,  Chester  P.,  9  Columbus  Ave.,  Bev- 
erly, Mass. 

Goodrich,  Geo.  S.,  5  Nassau  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Trams,  A.  Francis,  209  Union  St.,  Joliet, 

Hunting.     Sec-  Sports  and  Sporting. 
Hydraulics.     See   Engineering. 


Affleck,  G.  B.,  287  Hickory  St.,  Spring- 
field, Mass. 

Koehler,  Dr.  G.,  116  Morse  Ave.,  Chicago, 

Leonard,  F.  E.,  Oberlin  College,  Oberlin, 




β€”  Mental 

Partlow,  Dr.  William  D.,  Tuscaloosa,  Ala. 

β€”  Social 

Stone,  Lee  Alexander,  M.D.,  5406  Glen- 
wood  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Hymenoptera.    See  Entomology. 
Hymnology.     See  Music. 

Ibsen,    Henrik 

Mencken,  H.  L.,  1524  Hollin  St.,  Balti- 
more, Md. 

Olson,  Prof.  Julius  F.,  1909  Adams  St., 
Madison,  Wis. 


Petty,  William  S.,  200  Broad  St.,  Wash- 
ington, N.  J. 

β€”  Literature β€” Translations 

Fish,  Frederick  P.,  84  State  St.,  Boston, 

Swan,    G.    N.,    1221    Virginia   St.,    Sioux 

City,  la. 


Verrill,    A.    E.,    582    Central    Ave.,    New 

Haven,  Ct. 
Ward,   Henry  B.,  Univ.   of  Illinois,  Ur- 

bana,  111. 

β€”  German  Carp 

Rich,  Herbert,  431  Dearborn  St.,  Chicago, 

Iconography.    See  Art 


Currey,  J.  Seymour,  1308  Judson  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 

Kerns,  Frank  A.,  1343  Humbolt  St.,  Den- 
ver, Colo. 

Little,  John  S.,  Bank  of  Rushville,  Rush- 
ville,  111. 

Meese,  Wm.  A.,  Moline,  111. 

Miner,  Edw.  G.,  White  Plains,  N.  Y. 

Mitchell,  Philip,  Rock  Island,  111. 

β€”  Chicago 

Dilg,  Dr.  B.  H.,  2715  Harrison  St.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

β€”  History 

Clark,  A.  Sheldon,  401  E.  Ohio  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Sherman,  Hon.  Lawrence  Y.,  Springfield, 

β€”  Upper  Mississippi 

Meese,  Wm.  A.,  Moline,  111. 

Luther,  Miss  Sarah,  Montgomery,  Ala. 



Illuminated  Booka 

Gallizier,  Nathan,  "The  Verona,"  Park 
Ave.,  Cincinnati,  O. 

Pfirshing,  Mrs.  Mena  C,  Evanston,  111. 

Todd,  A.  M.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich.  (Mss.) 

Young,  Horace  G.,  425  State  St.,  Green- 
wich, Ct. 

Illustrated  Books 

Appleyard,  F.,  66  Leonard  St.,  New  York 

City.  (1860-1870) 
Bigelow,  Frederick  S.,  Buck  Lane,  Bryn 

Mawr,  Pa. 
Davis,    Le    Compte,   Bryson    Bldg.,   Los 

Angeles,  Cal. 
Deetz,   Charles  H.,  2504  Cliffbourne   PI., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Dewart,    Frederick    W.,    801     Old     Nat. 

Bank  Bldg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 
Feiss,  Paul  L,  2149  W.  53d  St.,  Cleveland, 

O.     (Early  English  engravings) 
Haight,    Sherman,    61    Worth    St.,    New 

York  City.     (Cruikshank) 
Lange,  Wm.,  Republic  Steel  &  Wire  Co., 

Youngstown,  O. 
Merrill,  Mrs.  M.  E.  Rath,  80  Winner  Ave., 

Columbus,    O.      (Burne-Jones,    Walter 

Michie,    H.    Stuart,    10    Military    Road, 

Worcester,  Mass. 
Miller,  Mrs.  A.  M.,  2303  E.  2d  St.,  Du- 

luth,  Minn. 

Rogers,  T.  P.  W.,  875  Elm  St.,  Manches- 
ter, N.  H. 
Venor,     Edmund,    45     Roxborough     Rd., 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Western,    Mrs.    E.    B.,    101    Sunset   Ave., 

Dayton,  O. 
White,  J.  Lowe,  12  Yale  Ave.,  University, 


β€”  Color  Plates 

Auchincloss,  C.  C,  12  E.  7ist  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Bishop,  Cortlandt  F.,  14  Wall  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Brodt,  H.  F.,  328  W.  3ist  St.,  New  York 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 

Foster,  James  H.,  2200  Devonshire  Drive, 
Cleveland  Heights,  O. 

Fraprie,  Frank  R.,  39  Addington  Rd., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

Janvier,  Meredith,  "Idlehigh,"  Frederick 
Rd.,  Catonsville,  Md. 

Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  5th-3d  Nat'l  Bank, 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Watson,  Wm.  J.,  Wayne,  Pa.  (Sporting, 
out  of  print) 

West,  William,  1511  Walnut  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Young,  Horace  G.,  425  State  St,  Green- 
wich, Ct. 


Brown,  Dickson  Q.,  33  E.  48th  St.,  New 
York  City. 



Illustrated  Books β€” Color  Plates β€” English 

Woodward,  Chester,  834  Buchanan  St., 
Topeka,  Kan. 


Tapley,  Henry  F.,  194  Congress  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

β€”  Copper,  Steel  or  Colored  Plates  and  En- 
Miles,  Benjamin   F.,  2712  Overlook  Rd., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Sargent,    William    A.,    1569    Beacon    St., 

Boston,  Mass.  (i8th  century) 
Stanitz,  Jacques,  322  Phelps  St.,  Youngs- 
town,  O.     (Old  engravings  and  facsim- 
ile -illuminations) 

_  Extra 

Ball,  George  A.,  Oakhurst,  Ind. 

Brown,  Charles  A.,  1550  Monadnock 
Block,  Chicago,  111. 

Goldsmith,  S.  A.,  II  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Lewis,  David,  2210  S.  4th  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Lungreen,  C.  E.,  204  County  City  Bldg., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

Skarstedt,  Ernst,  East  Sound,  Wash. 

White,  William  G.,  767  Goodrich  Ave., 
St.  Paul,  Minn. 

Wright,  Joseph,  "Windrush,"  School 
House  Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 


Crummer,  Dr.  LeRoy,  801  City  Nat.  Bank 

Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb. 

During,  Frank  C,  Saco,  Me.  (American) 
Stambaugh,    H.    H.,    Stambaugh    Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O.     (Washington,  Frank- 
lin, Jefferson,  Hamilton,  Lincoln) 

French β€” i8th   Century 

Hawkes,  McDougall,  Union  Club,  New 
York  City. 

Tapley,  Henry  F.,  194  Congress  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Schiff,  Mortimer  L.,  932  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City.  (Original  drawings) 

β€”  Modern 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Sargent,    William   A.,    1569    Beacon    St., 

Brookline,  Mass. 

β€”  Wood  Cuts  and  Engravings 

Balken,   Edward   Duff,   P.   O.   Box   1259, 

Philadelphia,  Pa.     (i6th  century) 
Gillooly,  Frederick  L.,  53  Devonshire  St., 

R.  10,  Boston,  Mass. 
Ivins,  Wm.  M.,  Jr..  75  W.  55th  St.,  Ne\v 

York  City. 
Johnson,  Edward  Hines,  2211  Walnut  St., 

Philadelphia,    Pa.      (To  and  including 

the  *6os) 



Illustrated   Books β€” Wood   Cuts  and  Engrav- 

Scull,  John   I.,  Somerset,   Pa.     (Modern 

Stephenson,  Bertram  S.,   1430  First  Nat. 

Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
Swift,  Ivan,  "The  Lofts,"  Harbor  Springs, 


β€”  igth  Century 

Baker,  M.  N.,  loth  Ave.  and  36th  St., 
New  York  City.  (Poetry,  1860-1870) 

Kennedy,  Albert  J.,  20  Union  Park,  Bos- 
ton, Mass.  (English,  French,  Ameri- 

Illustration  and  Illustrators.     Sec  Art. 

Imprints β€” American 

Buckenham,  J.  E.  B.,  M.D.,  Chestnut  Hill, 

Philadelphia,  Pa.     (Early) 
Engel,  Charles,   127  Nelson  Ave.,  Jersey 

City,  N.  J.     (1639-1800) 
Passavant,  D.  L.,  Zelienople,  Pa.     (Early 

Read,  Keith,  421   E.  45th  St.,  Savannah, 

Ga.     (Confederate) 
Shettles,   E.    L.,   3906   Speedway,   Austin, 

Tex.     (Confederate) 

Snowden,  Yates,  803  Sumter  St.,  Colum- 
bia, S.  C.     (Confederate  war  pubs.) 
Wyant,  Alexander  L.,  Red  Hook,  N.  Y. 


Sec  also  individual   states. 

β€”  English 

Cochran,  Alex  Smith,  527  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City.  (Early  rare  copies) 


Alexander,    Benjamin,    258    S.    i8th    St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Balken,   Edward   Duff,    P.   O.   Box   1259, 

Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Beam,   George    L.,   229    Equitable    Bldg, 

Denver,  Colo. 
Burbank,    Luther,    204    Santa    Rosa    St., 

Santa  Rosa,  Cal. 
Cochran,    Alex    Smith,    527    Fifth    Ave., 

New  York  City. 
DeVille,   John   B.,   664   Broadway,   Gary, 


Fitzpatrick,  T.  J.,  Bethany,  Neb. 
Foster,  T.  Henry,  c/o  John  Morrell  &  Co., 

Ottumwa,  la. 

Gourley,  William  B.,  Paterson,  N.  J. 
Huntington,  H.  E.,  Library  and  Art  Gal- 
lery, San  Gabriel,  Cal. 
Henry  Philip  S.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
Hyde,  Salem,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Keidel,  George  C.,  Library  of  Congress, 

Washington,  D.  C.     (Fables) 
Nichols,    Charles,    M.D.,    38    Cedar    St., 

Worcester,  Mass. 
Oswald,  John  Clyde,  239  W.  3Qth  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Robertson,  John  W.,  1133  Greenwich  St., 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 



Sefton,  Dr.  Frederic,  "The  Pines,"  Au- 
burn, N.  Y. 

Shillaber,  W.  G.,  275  Beacon  St.,  Boston, 

Seymour,  Ralph  Fletcher,  203  Michigan 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Shaw,  Graham,  Leopard  Rd.,  Berwyn,  Pa. 

Starr,  Nathan  Comfort,  Hope  House, 
Easton,  Md. 

Sutton,   Richard   L.,   M.D.,   Rialto   Bldg., 

Kansas  City,  Mo.  (Also  English  block 

Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  Medical β€” Graphic 

Crummer,  Dr.  LeRoy,  801  City  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb.  (Esp.  Religio 
Medici  and  School  of  Salernos. 

β€”  St.  Benedict  and  St.  Bernard 

Obrecht,    Rt.    Rev.    Abbot    Edmond    M., 
Abbey    of    Our    Lady    of    Gethsemani 
Trappist,  Gethsemani,  Ky. 

Grieve,  Lucia  G.,  Violet  Hill  Farm,  Mar- 
tindale  Depot,  N.  Y. 

Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Sanders,  Dr.  F.  Knight,  Washburn  Col- 
lege, Topeka,  Kan. 

Indiana β€” Indiana  Authors 

Ball,  E.  Arthur,  Muncie,  Ind. 
Stout,   W.    H.,    Central    Lyceum   Bureau 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Indians,  American 

Aitken,  John  Winfield,  52  Roosevelt  Ave., 
Carbondale,  Pa. 

Ayer,  Edward  E.,  2  Banks  St.,  Chicago, 

Barber,  G.  Y.,  34  E.  3Oth  St.,  New  York 

Battle,  Dr.  H.  B.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Bishop,  J.  L.,  Selma,  Ala. 

Boreman,  R.  J.  A.,  204  Fourth  St.,  Park- 
ersburg,  W.  Va. 

Brainard,  Gen.  D.  L.,  Army  and  Navy 
Club,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Breckenridge,  W.  C.,  4123  Enright  Ave., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Burr,  Joseph  Brown,  474  8th  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Butler,  Jos.  G.,  P.  O.  Box  308,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

Crawford,  L.  F.,  Van  Horn  Hotel,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 

Currey,  J.  Seymour,  1308  Tudson  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 

De  Land,  Charles  E.,  Pierre,  S.  D. 

Dilg,  Dr.  B.  H.,  2715  Harrison  St.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

Donehoo,  Geo.  R.,  Coudersport,  Pa. 

Dustin,  Fred.,  705  S.  Fayette  St.,  Sagi- 
naw,  Mich. 



Indians,  American 

Engel,   Charles,  127  Nelson   Ave.,  Jersey 

City,  N.  J. 
Frink,  Maurice  M.,  1721  E.  Jackson  Blvd., 

Elkhart,  Ind. 

Goddard,  Charles  A.,  Fayetteville,  W.  Va. 
Grover,  F.  R.,  noo  Hinman  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 
Hanna,    Charles    A.,    15    Rockledge    Rd., 

Montclair,  N.  J. 

McEwen,  John  B.,  Rockford,  Ala. 
McLean,    S.    F.,    248    S.    Broadway,    Los 

Angeles,  Cal. 
Miller,  Elizabeth  C.  T.,  3738  Euclid  Ave., 

Cleveland,  O. 

Mitchell,  Philip,  Rock  Island,  111. 
Mitten,  Arthur  G.,  R.  F.  D.  i,  Goodland, 

Morgan,  W.  L.,  271  E.  St.,  Salt  Lake  City, 

Nicholson,  J.  M.,  87  S.  Pine  Ave.,  Albany, 

N.  Y. 

Paul,  John  J.,  Watertown,  Fla. 
Plummer,    Dr.    Chas.  ,  Griffin,    465    East 

South  Temple  St.,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

(Esp.  rare  sets) 

Proctor,  Frank,  Franklin,  N.  H. 
Rice,  F.  H.,  Sioux  City,  la. 
Rosenbach,  A.  S.  W.,   1505  No.  15th  St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Ryan,  Thomas  F.,  Litchfield,  Ct. 
Saville,  Marshall  H.,  Broadway  at  I55th 

St.,  New  York  City. 
Shea,    J.    B.,    Richard    Lane,    Pittsburgh, 

Pa.  (Captivities) 
Shettles,    E.   L.,   3906   Speedway,   Austin, 

Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  5th-3d  Nat'l  Bank, 

Cincinnati,  O. 
Smith,    Henry    A.    M.,    26    Meeting    St., 

Charleston,  S.  C. 

Stakely,  Rev.  Dr.  Charles  A.,  Montgom- 
ery, Ala. 
Vann,  Judge  Irving  G.,  LL.D.,  Syracuse, 

N.  Y. 

Von  Blon,  A.  F.,  Waco,  Tex. 
Warden,  John  T.,  92  Orchard  View  Blvd., 

Toronto,  Ont. 
White,  J.  Lowe,  12  Yale  Ave.,  University, 


β€”  California  and  Nevada 

Merriam,    C.    Hart,    1919    Sixteenth    St., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

β€”  Cherokees 

Hyde,  Mrs.  Chas.,  529  Vine  St.,  Chatta- 
nooga, Tenn. 

β€”  Folklore 

Lord,  C.  J.,  Olympia,  Wash. 
See  also  Folklore 

β€” History 

Neville,  Arthur  C,  Green  Bay,  Wis. 



Indians,  American 

β€”  Iroquois 

Vail,  R.  W.  G.,  Roosevelt  Mem.  Assn., 
i  Madison  Ave.,  New  York  City.  (Esp. 

β€” Pueblos 

Hodge,  F.  W.,  Museum  of  the  American 
Indian,  Broadway  and  I55th  St.,  New 
York  City.  (Arizona  and  New  Mexico) 

β€”  Six  Nations 

Carter,  Rev.  Thomas  W.,  Bath,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Wars 

Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Wardrop,  James  R.,  Academy  Ave.,  Se- 

wickley,  Pa.     (Northwest) 


Moton,  Maj.  Robert  R.,  Tuskegee  Insti- 
tute, Ala. 


Remondino,  P.  C,  M.D.,  1504  Fifth  St., 
San  Diego,  Cal. 


Douglas,  Walter,  90  John  St.,  New  York 


Zielonka,  Rabbi  Martin,  P.  O.  Box  1367, 
El  Paso,  Tex.  (Jews  in  Spanish  In- 

Institutions.    See  Sociology. 

International  Diplomacy.    See  subhead  For- 
eign Relations  under  individual  countries. 


Stebbins,  F.  E.,  131  Indiana  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 


Harbert,  Albert  N.,  318  Brown  St.,  Iowa 

City.  la. 
Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  2nd  Ave.,  Cedar 

Rapids,  la. 

β€”  History 

Wick,  Barthinius  L.,  115  S.  and  St.,  Cedar 
Rapids,  la. 

β€” Railroads 

Harbert,  Albert  N.,  318  Brown  St.,  Iowa 
City,  la. 


Dowling,  Hon.  Victor  J.,  27  Madison 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

French,  Charles,  5850  Harper  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Jones,  Plummer  F.,  New  Canton,  Va. 

Kyle,  J.  Orr,  105  W.  4Oth  St.,  New  York 



Roche,  J.  M.,  Northern  Bank  Bldg.,  Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

Weadock,  Thomas  A.  E.,  270  Ferry  Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

β€”  History 

Kelly,  John  F.,  284  W.  Housatonic  St., 
Pittsfield,  Mass. 

β€”  Literature 

Nally,  Edward  J.,  "The  Trees,"  Ossining, 

N.  Y. 
Smythe,  Albert  E.  S.,  22  W.  Glen  Cove 

Ave.,  Toronto,  Ont. 
Sutliff,  Miss  M.  L.,  135  E.  33d  St.,  New 

York  City.     (Modern) 

Irving,  Washington 

McCutcheon,  George  Barr,  125  E.  72d  St., 
New  York  City. 

β€”  Manuscripts 

Terry,  Dr.  Roderick,  Newport,  R.  I. 


Nuttall,  F.  E.,  Univ.  of  Manitoba,  Winni- 
peg, Man. 


Shedd,  John  A.,  7  E.  42d  St.,  New  York 

Spaulding,  J.  A.,  627  Congress  St.,  Port- 
land, Me. 


Hamill,  Alfred  Ernest,  Lake  Forest,  111. 
Parsons,     Edward     Alexander,     5     Rosa 
Park,  New  Orleans,  La. 

β€”  History 

Garner,  John  Leslie,  Delafield,  Wis. 
Hamill,  Alfred  Ernest,  Lake  Forest,  111. 

β€”  Literature 

Alexander,    Benjamin,    258    S.    i8th    St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Conaty,  Rev.  Bernard  S.,  Pittsfield,  Mass. 


Mather,  Frank  J.,  Jr.,  3  Evelyn  PI., 
Princeton,  N.  J. 

β€”  Risorgimento 

Thayer,  William  R.,  8  Berkeley  St.,  Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 

Jackson,  Andrew 

Dyas,  Robert,  Florence,  Ala. 

Merritt,  F.  P.,  4  E.  36th  St.,  New  York 


Weadock,  Thomas  A.  E.,  270  Ferry  Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich. 


James,  Henry 

Jansen,  Nels,  2925  N.  Talman  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 
New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Swope,  Horace  M.,  4466  Westminster  St., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

James,  Henry,  Sr. 

Russell,  A.  J.,  1717  S.  Irving  Ave.,  Minne- 
apolis, Minn. 


Armes,  Prof.  W.  D.,  Faculty  Club,  Berke- 
ley, Cal. 

Gookin,  Frederick  William,  13  West  Wal- 
ton PL,  Chicago,  111. 

Gosman,  George  H.  R.,  (Major),  War 
Department,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Griffis,  William  Elliot,  344  W.  $6th  St., 
Pulaski,  N.  Y. 

Page,  Curtis  Hidden,  Dartmouth  College, 
Hanover,  N.  H. 

Percival,  Olive,  906  Hibernian  Bldg.,  Los 
Angeles,  Cal. 

Reimer,  Edward  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Relief, 
151  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Starr,  Frederick,  Univ.  of  Chicago,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

β€”  Art 

Le   Doux,   Louis  V.,  99  John   St.,   New 
York  City.    (Esp.  prints  and  paintings) 
Mueller,  Hans,  Lebanon,  Ky. 

β€”  Folklore 

Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 
New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Jefieries,  Richard 

Stoddart,  Alf.,  P.  O.  Box  1586,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Jefferson,  Thomas 

Campbell,   Dr.  W.  J.,  413  School  House 

Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 
John,   Col.   Sam'l   Will.,  Selma,  Ala. 
Stambaugh,    H.    H.,    Stambaugh    Bldg., 

Youngstown,  O. 
Wills,    D.    C,    Federal    Reserve    Bank, 

Cleveland,  O. 


Jacobs,  Henry  Barton,  M.D.,  n  Vernon 
PI.,  Baltimore,  Md. 


Sawtelle,  William  Otis,  Glynwynne  Rd., 
Haversford,  Pa.  (French  and  Early 


Sutherland,  Preston  H.,  21   Montgomery 
St.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 




Cohen,  Rabbi  Henry,  1920  Broadway,  Gal- 
yeston,  Tex.  (Also  Anglo-Jewish 

Hyman,  Marcus,  516  Mclntyre  Bldg., 
Winnipeg,  Man. 

Zielonka,  Rabbi  Martin,  P.  O.  Box  1367, 
El  Paso,  Tex.  (Esp.  in  Spanish  Inqui- 

See  also  Hebraica. 

β€”  History  and  Literature 

Slomoritz,    Philip,    545    Kenilworth   Ave., 

Detroit,  Mich. 
Warburg,  Felix  M.,  52  William  St.,  New 

York  City. 

Johnson,  Samuel 

Adam,  R.  B.,  46  Norwood  Ave.,  Buffalo, 

N.  Y. 
Black,  Mrs.  H.  V.  D.,  Irvington-on-Hud- 

son,  N.  Y. 
Dunn,  Waldo  H.,  703  Quinby  Ave.,  Woos- 

ter,  O. 
Hackett,  E.  Byrne,  71   Cottage  St.,  New 

Haven,  Ct. 

Hammond,  Wm.  F.,  89  Hick  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 
Murdoch,  Harold,  P.  O.  Box  341,  Boston, 


Murdock,  Harold,  Chestnut  Hill,  Mass. 
Rogers,  Prof.  R.  W.,  Madison,  N.  J.  (Also 

Johnson's  circle) 
Tinker,    Prof.    C.    B.,    Yale    Univ.,    New 

Haven,  Ct. 
Tate,  C.  W.,  49  Brunswick  Rd.,  Montclair, 

N.  J. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Patterson,  John  M.,  2135  Spruce  St.,  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 

Jones,  John  Paul 

Green,  Andrew  J.,  Apt.  710,  Cecil  Apts., 

Washington,  D,  C. 

Passavant,  D.  L.,  Zelienople,  Pa.  (Prints) 
Steiner,   Walter   R.,   M.   D.,   646  Asylum 

Ave.,  Hartford,  Ct. 


Bennett,  Fred  I.  W.,  1051  7th  E.  St.,  Salt 

Lake  City,  Utah.     (As  a  profession) 
Bullen,   Henry   Lewis,   300   Communipaw 
Ave.,  'Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

Crawford,  Nelson  Antrim,  Manhattan, 

Frink,  Maurice  M.,  1721  E.  Jackson  Blvd., 
Elkhart,  Ind. 

Hennessy,  Wilfrid  R.,  15  High  St.,  Ban- 
gor,  Me. 

Morgner,  Oscar  A.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Oswald,    John    Clyde,    239   W.    39th    St., 

New  York  City. 
Sayer,  Wm.  L.,  New  Bedford,  Mass. 




β€”  American 

Mellen,     George     F.,     Knoxville,     Tenn. 

(Southern  newspaper  press) 
Smith,  Harry  Dwight,   1899  E.  87th   St., 

Cleveland,  O. 

Jurisprudence.    See  Law. 

Keats,  John 

Day,  F.  H.,  Norwood,  Mass. 
Elkins,  W.  M.,  Elkins  Park,  Pa. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Goetz,  Philip  Becker,  North  Evans,  N.  Y. 

Kelmscott   Press.     See   Private   and   Special 


Roche,  J.  M.,  Northern  Bank  Bldg.,  Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

Spears,  George  M.,  2619  Shelby  St.,  Dal- 
las, Tex. 

β€”  History 

Adams,  G.  S.,  1355  Third  Ave.,  Louisville, 

Breckinridge,  Desha,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Bullitt,  Wm.  Marshall,  c/o  Bruce,  Bullitt 
&  Gordon,  Inter  Southern  Bldg.,  Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

Holland,  G.  Allison,  Security  Trust  Bldg., 
Lexington,  Ky. 

Thurston,  R.  C.  Ballard,  1000  Columbia 
Bldg.,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Wilson,  Samuel  M.,  812  Security  Trust 
Co.  Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Kipling,  Rudyard 

Fotheringham,  J.  R.,  Main  St.,  Irvington- 
on-Hudson,  N.  Y. 

Jacobs,  Dr.  Sidney,  712  Peachtree  St.,  At- 
lanta, Ga. 

Grieve,  Miss  Lucia  C.  G.,  Violet  Hill 
Farm,  Martindale  Depot,  N.  Y. 

Havens,  Munson,  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Stewart,  J.  T.,  2nd,  2525  Farnam  St., 
Omaha,  Neb. 

Townsend,  James  R.,  15  E.  40th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Carpenter,    W.    M.,    2010    Sheridan    Rd., 

Evanston,  111. 
McCutcheon,  George  Barr,  125  E.  72d  St., 

New  York  City. 


Griffis,  William  Elliot,  344  W.  s6th  St., 

Pulaski,  N.  Y. 
Reimer,  Edward  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Relief, 

151  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Ku  Kluz  Klan 

Fleming,  Walter  L.,  Vanderbilt  Univer- 
sity, Nashville,  Tenn. 
Thompson,   Harry   F.,   Montgomery,  Ala. 




Sherman,  John  D.,  132  Primrose  Ave., 
Mount  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Lamb,  Charles 

Cory,  James  W.,  902  Madison  Ave.,  Hel- 
ena, Mont. 
Dodge,  Chester  P.,  9  Columbia  Ave.,  Bev- 

rely,  Mass. 
Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Goodyear,    A.,    160    Bryant    St.,    Buffalo, 

N.  Y. 
Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 

New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 
Veech,   E.   R.,  408  Loan   &   Trust  Bldg., 

Milwaukee,  Wis. 

β€” First  Editions 

Hill,  Edwin  B.,  Ysleta,  El  Paso  Co.,  Tex. 

Landor,  Walter  Savage 

Elliott,   Frank   M.,  225   Lake   St.,   Evan- 

ston,  111. 

Trams,  A.  Francis,  209  Union  St.,  Joliet, 

Landscape  Architecture.    See  Architecture 

Lang,  Andrew 

Fotheringham,  J.  R.,  Main  St.,  Irvington- 
on-Hudson,  N.  Y. 

β€”First  Editions 

Chew,    Beverly,    St.    Clair    St.,    Geneva, 

N.  Y. 

Language β€” Ancient  and  Modern 

Coombs,    Prof.    Zelotes    W.,    Worcester 

Polytechnic     Inst.,     Worcester,     Mass. 

Foote,  Langley  S.,  621  Granger  St.,  Sag- 

inaw,  Mich.     (Modern) 
Gosman,    George    H.    R.    (Major),    War 

Dept.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Spotts,     John     Alfred,     Lawrence,     Kan. 

(French,  Italian,  German,  English.) 

Latin β€” Classics 

Anderson,  Prof.  L.  F.,  364  Boyer  Ave., 
Walla  Walla,  Wash 

Foster,  E.,  328  Camp  St.,  New  Orleans, 

Galvani,  William  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Port- 
land, Ore. 

Gram,  J.  P.,  34  Nassau  St.,  New  York 

Harvey,  Alexander,  63  W.  36th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Lodge,  Prof.  Gonzalez,  Teachers'  College, 
New  York  City. 

Early  Imprints 

Lawrence,  John  S.,  307  Fulton  St.,  E., 
Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 



Latin β€” Classics 
m Translations 

Bailey,  H.  C,  P.O.  Box  958,  Prince  Ru- 
pert, B.  C. 

Boyd,  Jackson,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

Buck,  M.  S.,  1720  Sansom  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Case,  Birdsey  E.,  739  Main  St.,  Hartford, 

Smith,  Paul  Jordan,  Claremont,  Cal. 

Taussig,  Rudolph  J.,  1521  Van  Ness  Ave., 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Van  Doren,  Carl,  47  Charlton  St.,  New 
York  Citq.  (i8th  Century,  English  and 

β€” Language  and  Literature 

Murphy,  Prof.  Paul,  Caldwell,  Idaho. 
Pease,  E.  M.,  95  William  St.,  New  York 


Hammond,  Miss  Eleanor  P.,  Hotel  Puri- 
tan, Boston,  Mass.  (esp.  Dante.) 

Latin  America 

Coffin,  Nathan  E.,  Ft.  Des  Moines  Hotel, 

Des  Moines,  Iowa. 
Kraemer,   Louis   F.,   Stony   Creek   Mills, 

Reading,  Pa. 
Saville,  Marshall  H.,  Broadway  at  155th 

St.,  New  York  City. 
Tully,   Richard   Walton,   1482  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 

β€”  1492-1750 

Hart,  F.  R.,  472  Bacon  St.,  Boston,  Mass, 
(all  languages.) 


Alston,  Robert  L.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Amidon,  Judge  Charles  F.,  Fargo,  N.  D. 

Bailey,  Charles  O.,  Bailey-Glidden  Bldg., 
Sioux  Falls,  S.  D. 

Bausman,  Frederick,  Alaska  Bldg.,  Se- 
attle, Wash. 

Benjamin,  Geo.  H.,  20  W.  nth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Brown,  John  C.,  117  Eighth  Ave.,  S., 
Nashville,  Tenn. 

Carson,  Hampton  L.,  1524  Chestnut  St, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Coleman,  George  Preston,  Williamsburg, 

Cross,  W.  Irving.,  B.  &  O.  Bldg.,  Balti- 
more, Md.  (also  lawyers.) 

Davis,  Philip  Richard,  10  S.  La  Salle  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Dawkins,  Hon.  Walter,  1119  Fidelity 
Bldg.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

De  Graffenried,  Edward  D.,  Tuscaloosa, 

Dyer,  John  L.,  El  Paso,  Tex. 

Farnam,  Henry  W.,  43  Hillhouse  Ave., 
New  Haven,  Conn. 

Fullerton,  Hon.  Mark,  Olympia,  Wash, 
(also  lawyers.) 

Hahn,  Edgar  A.,  800  National  City  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O.  (also  lawyers) 




Hildreth,  Melvin  A.,  Fargo,  N.  D. 

Normoyle,  D.  J.,  5525  Indiana  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Patteson,  S.  S.  P.,  2505  Stuart  Ave., 
Richmond,  Va. 

Rodgers,  Robert  L.,  990  Parker  St.,  Beau- 
mont, Tex. 

Rushton,  Ray,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Scott,  S.  P.,  321  Main  St.,  Hillsboro,  O. 

Shepard,  Chas.,  New  York  Bldg.,  Seattle, 
Wash,  (also  lawyers) 

Stebbins,  F.  E.,  131  Indiana  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Stevenson,  Eugene,  580  Park  Ave.,  Pater- 
son,  N.  J. 

Stone,  Hon.  James,  Oxford,  Miss. 

Taggart,  Jay  P.,  Williamson  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Troy,  Daniel,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Van  Dyke,  William,  508  Griswold  St., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

β€”Celebrated  Trials 

Brewster,  S.  W.,  Hart's  Island,  New  York 

Surges,    William    H.,    First    Nat.    Bank 

Bldg.,  El  Paso,  Tex. 

β€” Common 

Greenough,  Charles,  993  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City.  (Early  books  and  Mss.) 

β€” Constitutional 

Callahan,  Prof.  J.  M.,  136  Willey  St., 
Morgantown,  W.  Va.  (English  and 


Todd,  A.  M.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

β€” Ecclesiastical 

Barton,  Rev.  W.  E.,  166  N.  Kenilworth 
Ave.,  Oak  Park,  111. 

β€”Expert  Testimony 

Osborn,  Albert  S.,  2264  Woolworth  Bldg., 
New  York  City. 

β€” Humane 

Bromberg,  Frederick  G.,  108  N.  Claiborn 
St.,  Mobile,  Ala. 

β€” International 

Callahan,    Prof.   J.    M.,    136   Willey   St., 

Morgantown,  W.  Va. 
Hyman,     Marcus,    516    Mclntyre    Bldg., 

Winnipeg,  Man. 
Liessman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave.,  Bis- 

mark,  S.  D. 
Kuhn,  Arthur  K.,  42  Broadway,  New  York 

Straus,  Oscar  S.,  5  W.  ;6th  St.,  New  York 

Willard,   Eugene   S.,  52  Wall   St.,   New 

York  City. 



β€” Jurisprudence β€” Comparative 

Kuhn,  Arthur  K.,  42  Broadway,  New  York 


Bailey,  Charles  O.,  Bailey-Glidden  Bldg., 

Winnipeg,  Man. 

Hyman,    Marcus,    516    Mclntyre    Bldg., 
Winnipeg,  Man. 

β€” Libel  and  Slander  Suits 

Sayer,  Wm.  L.,  New  Bedford,  Mass. 

β€” Marine 

Putnam,    Judge    Harrington,    401    Wash- 
ington Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

β€” Mediaeval 

Vincent,  John  Martin,  Johns  Hopkins  Un- 
iversity, Baltimore,  Md. 

β€” Miscellanies 

Peeke,  Hawson  L.,  17  Sloane  Block,  San- 
dusky,  O. 

β€” Reform 

Bromberg,  Frederick  G.,  108  N.  Claiborn 
St.,  Mobile,  Ala. 


Doonan,  J.  T.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 


Harris,  Virgil  M.,  Buckingham  Hotel,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Lee,  Robert  Β£. 

Whittington,   G.   P.,  403   Guaranty   Bank 
Bldg.,  Alexandria,  La. 

Lee,  Vernon 

Elliott,  Frank  M.,  225  Lake  St.,  Evanston, 

Leech,  John 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Wilson,  Stanley  K.,  4  W.  43d  St ,  New 

York  City. 

Le  Gallienne,  Richard 

MacKay,    W.    MacDonald,    26    Lonsdale 
Rd.,   Toronto,   On. 

Legends β€” Arthur  and  the  Holy  Grail 

Jaffray,  Robert,  58  W.  46th  St.,  New  York 

Starr,    Nathan    Comfort,    Hope    House, 

Easton,  Md. 


Percival,  John   R.,    12  Walnut   St.,   East 
Providence,  R.  I. 

Leland,  Charles  G. β€” First  Editions 

Jackson,   Joseph,    113   S.   43d    St.,    Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 



Lepere,  Auguste 

Scull,  John  I.,  Somerset,  Pa. 

Lepidoptera.      See  Entomology 

Leasing,    Gotthold    Ephriam β€” First    Editions 
Solley,  John  B.,  M.D.,  968  Lexington  Ave., 
New  York  City. 


Ridgely,  Henry,  The  Green,  Dover,  Del. 
Townley,  W.  R.(  76  W.  Monroe  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Letters  Patent 

Stebbins,  F.  E.,  131  Indiana  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Lever,  Charles 

Lehmann,  F.  W.,  Fourth  and  Olive  Sts., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

β€” First  Editions 

McCutcheon,  George  Barr,  125  E.  72d  St., 
New  York  City. 

Lewis    and    Clark    Expedition.    See  United 
States β€” History 

Lexicography β€” Medical 

Gould,   Geo.   M.,  401    Oriental   Ave.,  At- 
lantic City,  N.  J. 


De  Takach,  Zoltan,  103  W.  88th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Limited  Editions 

Banning,    Kendall,    The    Players,    120   E. 

20th  St.,  New  York  City. 
Bliss,  Wm.  H.,  P.O.  Box  596,  Santa  Bar- 
bara, Cal. 
Bonestell,    C.    K.,    Mason    Bldg.,    Fresno, 


Brown,  Wallace  E.,  North  Adams,  Mass. 
Carlson,  Arthur  B.,  15  E.  4Oth  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Chandler,    Geo.    M.,1358   Kenwood    Park, 

Chicago,  111. 
Gilliss,  Walter,  54  W.  48th  St.,  New  York 

Gilpin,  Mrs.  Henry  B.,  Boyce,  Clark  Co., 

Hoskins,  Chapin  and  Nancy,  2505  E.  74th 

St.,  Chicago,  111. 
Kip,    Ira    A.,    Jr.,    South    Orange,    N.    J. 

(French,  English,  Early  American.) 
McCullough,  Joseph  A.,   Box  790,   Balti- 
more, Md. 
Miller,  Elizabeth  C.  T.,  3738  Euclid  Ave., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Peabody,   Augustus    E.,   936   Lake    Shore 

Drive,  Chicago,  111. 
Peterson,   Harry   E.,    10747    Forest   Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 
Ransom,    Will,    14    W.    Washington    St., 

Chicago,  111. 



Limited  Editions 

Reid,  Wm.  E.,  175  W.  72nd  St.,  New  York 

Rice,  Louis  N.,  University  Club,  Hon- 
olulu, H.  I. 

Robertson,  Samuel  E.,  21  Walnut  St., 
Newark,  N.  J. 

Rosengren,  Frank,  611  N.  State  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Serkland,  Helmer  O.,  Box  D.,  St.  James, 

Shumate,  Dr.  Thomas  E.,  2707  California 
St.,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Sloan,  Charles  H.,  Ironton,  O. 

Woodward,  Walter  B.,  Franklin  Club, 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Zahn,  J.  E.,  305  Ideal  Bldg.,  Denver,  Colo. 
See  also  De  Luxe  editions,  Old  and  rare 
books,  Private  presses. 

Lincoln,  Abraham 

Aitken,  John  Winfield,  52  Roosevelt  Ave., 
Carbondale,  Pa. 

Barrett,  Oliver  R.,  Kenilworth,  111. 

Barton,  Rev.  W.  E.,  166  N.  Kenilworth 
Ave.,  Oak  Park,  111. 

Bissett,  C.  P.,  914  24th  Ave.  N.,  Seattle, 

Burton,  John  E.,  408  Milwaukee  St.,  Mil- 
waukee, Wis. 

Busch,  William,  North  Chevy  Chase,  Md. 

Cameron,  Rev.  Robert  A.,  17  Lewis  Ave., 
Billings,  Mont. 

Carman,  Dr.  L.  D.,  1351  Q  St.,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

Currey,  J.  Seymour,  1308  Judson  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 

Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Fish,  Daniel,  3301  First  Ave.  S.,  Minne- 
apolis, Minn. 

Goodhue,  E.  S.,  Roosevelt,  H.  I. 

Griffith,  Albert  H.,  Fisk,  Wis. 

Hall,  Mrs.  John,  "Maplehurst,"  Leaven- 
worth,  Kan. 

Hambrecht,  George  P.,  State  Capitol, 
Green  Bay,  Wis. 

Hammond,  Wm.  F.,  89  Hicks  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Hanna,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  1300  Leader-News 
Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Holden,  John  A.,  Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Jackson,  Stuart  W.,  56  Elm  St.,  Montclair, 
N.  J. 

Jansen,  Nels,  2925  N.  Talman  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Jerome,  William,  Kingston,  N.  Y. 

McLellan,  Hugh,  Champlain,  New  York. 

Moores,  Charles  W.,  1300  Fletcher  Trust 
Bldg.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Neilson,  Howard  S.,  Darien,  Conn. 

Oakleaf,  J.  B.,  Moline,  111. 

Partridge,  H.  E.,  care  Wyman  Partridge 

&  Co.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
Little,  John  S.,  Bank  of  Rushville,  Rush- 
ville,  111. 

Lorraine,  Joe,  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  Boston,  Mass. 



Limited  Editions 

Marsh,  Edward  S.,  Brandon,  Vt. 

Meany,  Edmond  S.,  4025  Tenth  Avc.,  N. 
E.,  Seattle,  Wash. 

Oglebay,  E.  W.,  1208  Hanna  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Olson,  Prof.  Julius  E.,  1909  Adams  St., 
Madison,  Wis. 

Paul,  James  H.,  Carbondale,  Pa. 

Robinson,  L.  E.,  1032  E.  Boston  Ave., 
Monmouth,  111. 

Roeder,  Adam,  2141  Homewood  Ave., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Sawyer,  Frank  H.,  P.O.  Box  195,  Clinton, 

Shaffer,  J.  C,  1704  Judson  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

Shedd,  John  A.,  7  E.  42d  St.,  New  York 

Smith,  Byron  L.,  Lake  Forest,  111. 

Stambaugh,  H.  H.,  Stambaugh  Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O. 

Starr,  John  W.,  Jr.,  17  Market  Sq.,  Mil- 
lersburg,  Pa. 

Stout,  W.  H.,  Central  Lyceum  Bureau, 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Swift,  T.  Dean,  308  Union  St.,  Hacken- 
sack,  N.  J. 

Tener,  Stephen  W.,  14032  Terrace  Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Thayer,  Mrs.  Charles  M.,  15  Cedar  St., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Van  Doren,  Carl,  47  Charlton  St.,  New 

York  City. 

Weik,  Jesse  W.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 
White,     Charles     T.,     227     Decatur     St., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Wight,  Edward  B.,  Everett,  Wash. 

Wile,  Eugene  L,  1564  Insurance  Ex- 
change, Chicago,  111. 

Wills,  D.  C,  Federal  Reserve  Bank, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Wilson,  M.  L.,  State  College,  Bozeman, 

Wright,  Allen  H.,  2107  Ft.  Stockton  Drive, 
San  Diego,  Cal. 

β€” Foreign  Books  on 

Passavant,  D.  L.,  Zelienople,  Pa. 

Lind,  Jenny 

Hildebrand,  William  A.,  21  Montgomery 
St.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

Linnaeus  (Earl  von  Linne) 

Fitzpatrick,  T.  J.,  Bethany,  Neb. 

Liquor  Traffic 

Peeke,  Hawson  L.,  17  Sloane  Block,  San- 
dusky,  O. 

See  also  Prohibition. 

Literary  Reminiscences 

Bryan,  W.  J.,  Saxton,  Pa. 




Ainsworth,  Henry,  Moline,  111. 

Alden,  Charles  W.,  503  Genesee  Ave.,  Sag- 
inaw,  Mich. 

Alexander,  Gary  W.,  404  Atlantic  Nat. 
Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

Allison,  Charles  B.,  Mission  Hill,  S.  D. 

Anderson,  Homer,  135  Hudson  Ave., 
Peekskill,  N.  Y. 

Anderson,  Prof.  Louis  T.,  364  Boyer  Ave., 
Walla  Walla,  Wash. 

Anderson,  Rasmus  B.,  316  S.  Carroll  St., 
Madison,  Wis. 

Angle,  Dr.  E.  J.,  2219  B.  St.,  Lincoln, 

Arnold,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  Burlington,  Vt. 

Augustus,  A.  A.,  11455  Juniper  Rd.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Backman,  J.  J.,  212  Sunnyside  Ave.,  Au- 
rora, Ind. 

Baker,  C.  O.,  95  Washington  St.,  East 
Orange,  N.  J. 

Baldwin,  Forester  R.,  St.  Paul  Bldg.,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 

Ballard,  Roy,  Seattle,  Wash. 

Barber,  Charles,  Oshkosh,  Wis. 

Bates,  Chas.  O.,  Fidelity  Bldg.,  Tacoma, 

Bay,  J.  Christian,  care  John  Crerar  Li- 
brary, Chicago,  111. 

Belden,  Mrs.  H.  E.,  100  Fir  St.,  Akron,  O. 

Bemis,  J.  S.,  601  S.  Fourth  St.,  St.  Louis, 

Benjamin,  Geo.  H.,  20  W.  nth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Berwald,  Samuel  W.,  7419  Madison  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Bisbee,  Dr.  A.  B.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Booth,  Miss  Margaret,  Sayre  St.,  Mont- 
gomery, Ala. 

Brewster,  S.  W.,  Hart's  Island,  New  York 

Bridgman,  Henry  H.,  Fox  Hill,  Norfolk, 

Brown,  Leo,  604  Government  St.,  Mobile, 

Buck,  M.  S.,  1720  Sansom  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Burr,  J.  K.,  341  Bowery,  New  York  City. 

Burton,  Walter,  Box  114,  Keokuk,  Iowa. 

Cameron,  John  L.,  Riverside,  111. 

Campbell,  Peter,  515  Mt.  Prospect  Ave., 
Newark,  N.  J. 

Campbell,  Dr.  W.  J,  413  School  House 
Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 

Cannon,  Peter  J.,  Clinton,  Mass. 
Carkhuff,  S.  G.,  Medina  Rd.,  Akron,  O. 
Carruth,  W.  H.,  Stanford  Univ.,  Cal. 
Carson,  J.  Harry,  1201  Vine  St.,  Denver, 

Cavanaugh,    Tohn   A.,   315   37th   St.,   Des 

Moines,  Iowa. 
Chapin,  W.  C,  Oswego  P.  O.,  Portland, 

Clark,    Chief    Justice    Walter,    Raleigh, 

N.  C. 




Cloran,  Timothy,  631  E.  isth  St.,  Eugene, 

Closson,  Dr.  James  Harwood,  53  W.  Chel- 

ten  Ave.,  Germantown,  Pa. 
Coble,  Robert  K.,  308  N.  Oak  Park  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 
Colton,  H.  G.,  310  Chamber  of  Commerce 

Bldg.,   Portland,  Ore. 
Connor,  John  F.,  618  Linwood  Ave.,  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y. 
Conynham,   Redmond,    134   N.   Duke   St., 

Lancaster,  Pa. 
Coombs,     Prof.    Zelotes    W.,    Worcester 

Polytechnic  Inst.,  Worcester,  Mass. 
Coon,  Byron,  Joplin,  Mo. 
Curry,  Charles  M.,   1004  6th  Ave.,  Terre 

Haute,  Ind. 

Davenport,  E.  A.,  280  Ashland  Ave.,  River 
Forest,  111. 

Dawkins,  Hon.  Walter,  1119  Fidelity 
Bldg.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Delahunt,  E.  F.,  9100  Dexter  Blvd.,  De- 
troit, Mich.  (French,  German,  English) 

De  Lourenge,  Dr.  C.  W.  B.,  953  8th  St., 
San  Diego,  Cal. 

Dickie,  Francis,  Heriot  Bay,  B.  C. 

Dillman,  Louis  M.,  loo  Washington  Sq., 
New  York  City. 

Dodge,  Chester  P.,  9  Columbia  Ave., 
Beverly,  Mass. 

Douglas,  C.  E.,  R.  F.  D.  No.  i,  Spencer, 
W.  Va. 

Douglass,  Wm.  J.,  5667  Fulton  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Enis,  F.  C.,  4122  Greenview  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Estes,  C.  E.,  919  Buena  Ave.,  Chicago, 

Foote,  Langley  S.,  621  S.  Granger  St., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Freeman,  Charles  R.,  Checotah,  Okla. 

Fuller,  Rev.  J.  B.,  618  Broadway,  Sedalia, 

Furber,  Wm.  Copeland,  418  Walnut  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Crassly,  M.  H.,  4  Virginia  St.,  Springfield, 


Green,  E.  V.,  Martinsville,  Ind. 
Greene,  Jesse  C.,  109  W.  Gay  St.,  West 

Chester,  Pa. 
Griggs,  Herbert,  Fidelity  Bldg.,  Tacoma, 

Giintzer,  J.  Henry,  Jr.,  Port  Chester,  N.  Y. 

Haber,  Louis  I.,  508  W.  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Hamilton,  J.  Gaillard,  Spring  Hill,  Mo- 
bile, Ala. 

Hardy,  A.  S.,  Rookery  Bldg.,  Chicago, 

Harmon,  Gregory  U.,  31  City  Hall,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Hatchett,  Miss  Rutson,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Hays,  Helen  Ashe,  Hagerstown,  Md. 




Hecker,  Frank  J.,  5510  Woodward  Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

Holman,  Frederick  V.,  Suite  501,  Cham- 
ber of  Commerce  Bldg.,  Portland,  Ore. 

Holmes,  J.  S.,  Germantown,  Pa. 

Holstein,    Mark    G.,    36    West    35th    St., 
New  York  City. 

Howard,  Walter,  317  W.  5th  St.,   Cedar 
Rapids,    Iowa. 

Howe,  Edward,  Atchison,  Kan. 

Howe,  W.  T.   H.,  300  Pike   St.,   Cincin- 
nati, O. 

Holland,  F.  A.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Howland,    Geo.    C,    4605    Drexel    Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Hyman,  Marcus,  516  Mclntyre  Bldg.,  Win- 
nipeg, Man. 

Ingalsbe,    Granville    Ml,    Hudson    Falls, 
N.  Y. 

Ingraham,    Phoenix,   80  Irving  PI.,  New 
York  City. 

Johnson,    Erick    H.,    Route    i,    Box    49, 
Frederic,  Wis. 

Johnson,   H.   P.,  University,  Miss. 

Johnson,  James  W.,  Small  Acres,  Bing- 
hamton,   N.   Y. 

Jordan,  Dr.   David  Starr,  Stanford  Uni- 
versity,  Cal. 

Joseph,   Emil,   1689   E.    115th   St.,   Cleve- 
land, O. 

Kelly,  Geo.  T.,  1028  Judson  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

Kennedy,    Elijah    R.,    33    Prospect    Park 
West,   Brooklyn,   N.   Y. 

Keyes,  Mrs.  Wayne,  436  Broadway,  Ta- 
coma,  Wash. 

Kingman,   Wm.   L.,   208   Glenwood   Ave., 
Yonkers,  N.  Y. 

Kling,  Mrs.  Flora   G.,  Mt.  Vernon,   Ind. 

Kreuzbee,    1948   Michigan   Blvd.,   Racine, 

Lacy,   G.   G.,   2912   Frederick   Blvd.,    St. 
Joseph,  Mo. 

Le   Doux,   Louis   V.,   99  John   St.,   New 
York  City. 

Lewis,    Prof.    E.    M.,    19   (Lincoln    Ave., 
Amherst,   Mass. 

Lewis,  H.  J.,  Brewster  House,  Seweran, 
N.  J.     (No  fiction) 

Lilienthal,  Albert  W.  von,  I  E.  39th  St., 
New  York  City. 

(Little,  Mrs.  H.  M.,  285  Stanley  St.,  Mon- 
treal, Que. 

Loesch,  Frank  J.,  4247  Hazel  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Lowenstein,  Victor,   Church   St.,   Mobile, 

McCamic,  Charles.  Wheeling,  W.  Va. 

McCreery,    Dr.    Charles,    Fidelity    Bldg., 
Tacoma,  Wash. 

McLean,  Mrs.  W.  E.,  700  S.  7th  St.,  Terre 
Haute,  Ind. 

Mahan,  Claude,  P.  O.  Box  459,  Hopkins- 
ville,    Ky. 




Malley,  Rev.  J.  V.,  11770  Fourth  Ave., 
(.  liicago,  111. 

Manly,  Herbert  D.,  43  W.  Bsth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Mason,  Walter,  Emporia,  Kan. 

Masters,  Edgar  Lee,  4853  Kenwood  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

-\U-aley,  Edward,  Hagerstown,  Md. 

Mitchell,  Charles  A.,  Asheville  School, 
Asheville,  N.  C. 

Moore,  F.  W.,  College  of  Wooster, 
Wooster,  O. 

Morey,  Bertha  G.,  327  W.  4th  St.,  Ot- 
tumwa,  Iowa. 

Morgan,  F.  Cleveland,  308  Peel  St.,  Mon- 
treal, Que. 

Morsman,  Robert,  U.  S.  National  Bank 
Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb. 

Moses,  Dr.  Alfred,  The  Temple,  Mobile, 

Munsey,  .Marie  Louise,  6108  Eberhart 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Nicholson,    Meredith,    Indianapolis,    Ind. 

Norris,  E.  A.,  Joplin,  Mo. 

Page,  E.  J.,  628  James  St.,  Syracuse, 
N.  Y. 

Paine,  Frederic  W.,  606  Sellwood  Bldg., 
Duluth,  Minn. 

Pearl,  Dr.  Raymond,  401  Hawthorne  Rd., 
Roland  Park,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Pew,  Edward  W.  W.,  El  Paso,  Tex. 

Phillips,  A.  A.,  55  Beaumont  St.,  Spring- 
field, Mass. 

Phipps,  Lawrence  C,  Denver,  Colo. 

Pilgrim,  Dr.  Charles  W.,  Central  Val- 
ley, N.  Y. 

Prince,  Walter  E.,  P.   O.   Box  492,  Am- 

herst,  Mass. 
Purinton,  Prof.  Herb.  R.,  Bates  College, 

Lewiston,  Me. 

Rae,  John  S.,  Goodyear  Rubbefr  Cb., 
Akron,  O. 

Raffael,  Jack,  The   Lambs,   130  W.  44th 

St.,   New   York   City. 
Reed,  Charles  Bert,  M.  D.,  3748  Sheffield 

Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Reed,  Mrs.  C.  B:,  Congress  Lake  Club, 
Hartville,  O. 

Rice,  Charles  M.,  9  Bowdoin  St.,  Worces- 
ter, Mass! 

Rice,  Louis  N.,  University  Club,  Hono- 
lulu, H.  I. 

Riddle,  Chas.  A.,  Colman  Bldg.,  Seattle, 

Ripley,  F.  F.,  80  State  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Rodgers,  Robert  L.,  990  Parker  St.,  Beau- 
mont, Tex. 

Rohr,  A.,  Leavenworth,  Kan. 
Shank,  A.  H.,  N.  Main  St.,  Coopersburg, 

Shaw,   E.  W.,  8744  Bishop   St.,  Chicago, 

Snow,   Prof.,  Armour  Inst.,  Chicago,  111. 




Snyder,   Robert  M.,  Jr.,  610  E.  47th  St., 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Somerville,   Dr.  Thos.,   University,   Miss. 
Sondley,  Foster  A.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
SpurlockA  Frank,  Chattanooga,  Tenn. 
Starrett,  Vincent,  641    N.  Mayfield  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 

Steiner,  Gen.  R,  E.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Straus,   Isaac   Lobe,   1315   Munsey  Bldg., 

Baltimore,    Md. 
Super,    Charles    W.,    44    W.    Union    St., 

Athens,  O. 
Swift,  T.  D.,  308  Union  St.,  Hackensack, 

N.  J. 
Taggart,     Jay      P.,     Williamson      Bldg., 

Cleveland,  O. 

Tarkington,  Booth,  Indianapolis,   Ind. 
Taylor,    Eugene    C,    1009    Dakota    Ave., 

Huron,  S.  D. 
Thompson,  Bert  M.,  Drawer  126,  Athens, 

Underwood,    Wilbur,    1331    Park     Road, 

Washington,  D.   C. 
Utter,  Adelaide,  Monaskon,  Va. 
Van   Sittert,   William,    1635   E.   8sth   St., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Wackerbarth,  Henry  von,  9737  Longwood 

Drive,  Chicago,  111. 
Wallace,  Henry,  Crawfordsville,  Ind. 
Waters,  J.  S.  T.,  601  Calvert  Bldg.,  Balti- 
more, Md. 

White,  C.  H.,  Centre  Sandwich,  N.  H. 
White,  J.  Lowe,  12  Yale  Ave.,  University, 

White,  W.  T.,  508  Broad  St.,  Knoxville, 

Wiley,   Wm.    H.,  451    N.   7th    St.,   Terre 

Haute,  Ind. 
Wing,  De  Witt  C.,  5344  Dorchester  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 

Wirt,  B.  F.,  31  W.  Rayen  Ave.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 
Woodberry,    P.,    409    Huntington    Bank 

Bldg.,  Columbus,  O. 
Woodward,  George  B.,   I   Madison  Ave., 

New  York  City. 
Work,  B.  G.,  Oyster  Bay,  N.  Y. 
Worrell,  J.  P.,  430  N.  Center  St.,  Terre 

Haute,  Ind. 

Zimmerman,  Rev.  Jeremiah,  Syracuse, 
N.  Y. 

See  also  Arabic  Literature,  Biography, 
Drama,  Essays,  Fiction,  Oratory,  Po- 
etry, Pre-Raphaelite  Brotherhood,  Sem- 
itic. Literature,  Wit  and  Humor,  and 
sub-head  Literature  under  individual 
countries  and  states. 

β€”  Age  of  Shakespeare 

Conway,  Eustace,  127  E.  35th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Belles  Lettres 

Allen,  Eustace  Dexter,  80  Gates  Ave., 
Montclair,  N.  J. 



Literatureβ€” Belles  Lettrea 

Balz,  Leonard,  4022  N.  Florissant  Ave., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Bower,  W.  J'.,  18,206  Windward  Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Calvert,  George  C,  915  Merchants  Bank 
Bldg.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Carter,  F.  M.,  Columbia  St.,  Farmington, 

Cribb,  Aubrey,  216  W.  Pine  St.,  Spring- 
field, 111. 

Davis,  Frank  P.,  M.  D.,  1519  W.  Cherokee 
St.,  Enid,  Okla. 

Egbert,  Victor,  4814  Springfield  Ave., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Fitch,  Winchester,  960  Park  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Godfrey,  A.  W.,  Princeton  Club,  Vander- 
bilt  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Haegler,  Dr.  Elmer  E.,  Springfield,  111. 

Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 
New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Kelley,  Hermon  A.,  Overlook  Rd.,  Euclid 
Heights,  Cleveland,  O. 

Kinsella,  Prof.  A.  J.,  2613  Ashland  Ave., 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Kleiner,  Rheinhart,  278  Grove  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Knight,  W.  W.,  514  Bryant  Bldg.,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

Lungreen,  C.  E.,  204  County  City  Bldg., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

McAllister,  R.  C,  C.  M.  &  St.  P.  Rail- 
way, Chicago,  111. 

Madden,  Clarence  L.,  800  Bulkley  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O.  (Esp.  French) 

Zahn,  J.  E.,  305  Ideal  Bldg.,  Denver, 

See?  also  Fine  editions. 

First  Editions 

Lower,  Henry  E.,  205  E.  Capitol  St.. 
Washington,  D.  C. 

β€”  Classics 

Adams,  A.  S.,  136  N.  Lake  St.,  Chicago, 

Brown,  John  C.,  117  Eighth  Ave.,  S., 
Nashville,  Tenn. 

Carter,  F.  M.,  Columbia  St.,  Farmington, 
Mo.  (Greek  and  Roman) 

Clark,  Charles  B.,  705  8th  St.,  Hot 
Springs,  S.  D. 

Cochran,  Samuel  P.,  P.  O.  Box  119,  Dal- 
las, Tex. 

Corbly,  Lawrence  J.,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 

Goetz,  Philip  Becker,  North  Evans,  N.  Y. 

Hall,  Loring,  Athens,  O. 

Jones,  H.  Orrin,  236  North  Ludlow  St., 
Dayton,  O. 

Kieffer,  Rev.  J.  Spangler,  Hagerstown, 

Peskind,  Dr.  Benj.  A.,  2429  E.  55th  St., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Randolph.  Corliss  F..  76  S.  loth  St.,  New- 
ark, N.  J. 



Literature β€” Classics 

Rodgers.  Robert  L.,  990  Parker  St.,  Beau- 
mont, Tex. 

Spotts,  John  Alfred,  Lawrence,  Kan. 

Thorn,  De  Cburcy  W.,  Maryland  Trust 
Bldg.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Warren,  W.  E.,  21  Octavia  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 


Anderson,  J.  L.,  Box  325,  Beatrice,  Neb. 

Phipps,  W.  H.,  Paulding,  O. 

Williams,   S.  J.,  2  Virginia   Apartments, 

Norfolk,   Va. 
See  also  England,  France,  Greece,  Latin. 


Rhodes,  James  Ford,  392  Beacon  St., 
Boston,  Mass. 

β€”  Comparative 

Mackall,  Leonard  L.,  c/o  Lawton  &  Cun- 
ningham, Savannah,  Ga. 

β€”  Criticism 

Adkins,  Nelson  F.,  41  Madison  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Markham,  Edwin,  West  New  Brighton, 
Staten  Island,  N.  Y. 

Platt,  Charles  D.,  Moller  PI.,  Dover,  N.  J. 

Realty,  Hansen,  2752  S.  loth  St.,  Omaha, 

Scull,  Marshall,  5700  City  Ave.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  Early 

Hanlons,  Thomas  F.,  17  Montgomery  St., 
Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

β€”  English  and  American 

Field,  Walter  Taylor,  2301  Prairie  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Huntington,  H.  E.,  Library  and  Art  Gal- 
lery, San  Gabriel,  Cal. 

β€”  Foreign 

Emler,  Ira,  Oswego,  Kan.     (Translations, 

Gurlitz,  A.,  80  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

(Special  editions) 

β€”  Gaelic β€” Translations 

Fish,  Frederick  P.,  84  State  St.,  Boston, 

β€”  Hebrew 

Ullman,  Samuel,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

β€”  History 

Miller,  Mrs.  A.  M.,  2303  E.  2d  St.,  Du- 

luth,  Minn. 
Springer,  John,  P.  O.  116,  Iowa  City,  la. 

β€”  Jacobite 

Mason,  Henry  E.,  301  Central  Ave.,  High- 
land Park,  111. 




β€”  Modern 

Abbot,  C.  Yarnall,  "The  Gladstone,"  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 

Hathaway,  R.  H.,  258  Garden  Ave.,  To- 
ronto, Ont. 

β€”  Oriental 

Boutwell,  Edgar,  Editorial  Dept,  Cou- 
rier-Journal, Louisville,  Ky. 

β€”  Parody 

Madden,  Clarence  L.,  800  Bulkley  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

β€”  Realistic 

Hafer,  E.  S.,  407  St.  Paul  Bldg.,  Cincin- 
nati, O. 

Harm,  Edgar  A.,  800  National  City  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Hall,  Dr.  Wm.  H.(  Butte,  Mont. 

Knight,  C.  L.,  c/o  Beacon-Journal,  Akron, 

Lange,  William,  Republic  Steel  and  Wire 
Co.,  Youngstown,  O. 

Tuttle,  Wm.  E.,  310  Dollar  Bank  Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O. 

β€”  Standard  Authors 

Burton,  George  W.,  La  Crosse,  Wis. 

Hart,  Louis  B.,  102  Linwood  Ave.,  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y. 

McLoud,  John,  Grayhorse,  Okla. 

Perkins,  Samuel  H.,  Tacoma,  Wash. 

Rice,  Louis  N.,  University  Club,  Hono- 
lulu, H.  I. 

Shaw,  E.  C,  c/o  B.  F.  Goodrich  Co., 
Akron,  O. 

Shaw,  Dr.  E.  E.,  Walla  Walla,  Wash. 

Fine  Sets 

Block,  Albert,  Albion,  Ind. 

Standard  Sets 

Aranoff,  N.  K.,  314  W.  Superior  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Holman,  Frederick  V.,  Suite  501,  Cham- 
ber of  Commerce  Bldg.,  Portland,  Ore. 

Hughitt,  Frederic  E.,  41  Genesee  St., 
Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Inman,  Maurice,  i  Parade  PI.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Jeffers,  Walter,  McClure  Bldg.,  Frank- 
fort, Ky. 

Jones,  Plummer  F.,  New  Canton,  Va. 

Kingan,  S.  L.,  Tucson  Ariz. 

Schwabacker,  Frank,  320  Battery  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

Schweitzer,  Isidor  S.,  500  West  End  Ave.. 
New  York  City. 

Simmons,  J.  B.,  306  N.  3d  St.,  Marshall- 
town,  la.  (History,  Biography,  Fiction, 

β€”  1 5th  Century 

Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  Chicago,  III. 




β€”  17th  and  i8th  Centuries 

Dectz,  Charles  H.,  2504  Cliffbourne  PI., 
N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

β€”  i8th  Century 

Tinker,  Prof.  C.  B.,  Yale  Univ.,  New 
Haven,  Ct. 

Ward,  W.  E.,  2020  Cornell  Rd.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

β€”  1 8th  and  igth  Centuries 

Calvert,  J.  F.,  2  E.  23d  St.,  New  York  City. 
Litchfield,  E.  Hubert,  in  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

β€” 1890-1900 

MacKay,  W.  MacDonald,  26  Lonsdale  Rd., 
Toronto,  Can. 


Gillooly,  Frederick  L.,  53  Devonshire  St., 

R.  10,  Boston,  Mass. 

Rogers,  T.  P.  W.,  875  Elm  St.,  Manches- 
ter, N.  H. 

β€”  Early  American 

Taylor,  Charles  H.,  Jr.,  Boston  Globe, 
Boston,  Mass. 

Lithuania β€” Folk  Lore 

Rich,  Herbert,  431  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Liturgical  Literature.    See  Religion. 

Live  Stock 

Vaughan,  H.  W.,  Ames,  Iowa. 

Loadstone β€” Early 

Wheeler,  Schuyler  S.,  Bernardsville,  N.  J. 

Locker(-Lampson,  Frederick?) 

Lehmann,  F.  W.,  4th  and  Olive  Sts.,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 


Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  Second  Ave., 
Cedar  Rapids,  Iowa. 


Carter,  F.  M.,  Columbia  St.,  Farmington, 

Stebbins,  F.  E.,  131  Indiana  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

London,  Jack 

Sheldon,  Frank  W.,  F.  Hopkinson  Smith 
'Library,  1445  8th  St.,  Cedar  Rapids,  la. 

Longfellow,  Henry  Wadsworth 
Ball,  E.  Arthur,  Muncie,  Ind. 
Lehmann,  F.  W.,  4th  and  Olive  Sts.,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 




Beer,  William,  Howard  Memorial  Libra- 
ry, New  Orleans,  La.  (History  and  Im- 

Cusachs,  Caspar,  542  Esplanade  Ave., 
New  Orleans,  La. 

Lloyd,  William,  606  Royal  St.,  New  Or- 
leans, La. 

Thompson,  T.  P.,  1812  Calhoun  St.,  New 
Orleans,  La.  (Also  New  Orleans  im- 

Tullock,  Mrs.  A.  J.,  616  S.  Broadway, 
Leavenworth,  Kan. 

β€”  History β€” Early 

Breaux,   Chief  Justice  J.  A.,   1728  Canal 

St.,  New  Orleans,  La. 
Whittington,   G.   P.,  403   Guaranty   Bank 

Bldg.,  Alexandria,  La. 

Lowell,  James  Russell 

Lehmann,  F.  W.,  4th  and  Olive  Sts.,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 


Van  Doren,  Carl,  47  Charlton  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Luther,    Martin 

Gruber,    Rev.    L.    Franklin,    1213    Hague 

Ave.,  St.  Paul,  Minn. 
Karpinski,  Louis  C,  1315  Cambridge  Rd., 

Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Solley,  John  B.,  M.  D.,  968  Lexington 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 


McFee,  William 

Stewart,  J.  T.  2nd,  2525  Farnam  St., 
Omaha,  Neb. 

Machen,  Arthur 

Sta'rrett,  Vincent,  641  N.  Mayfield  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

β€”  First   Editions 

Smith,  Paul  Jordan,  Claremont,  Cal. 

McKinley,  William 

Hanna,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  1300  Leader-News 
Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Macleod,  Fiona 

Fotheringham,  J.  R.,  Main  St.,  Irvington- 
on-Hudson,  N.  Y. 

Magic.      See    Legerdemain;    Occultism    and 

Magnetism β€” Early 

Wheeler,  Schuyler  S.,  Bernardsville,  N.J 




Elder,  George  K.,  32  Cottage  St.,  Lewis- 
ton,  Me. 

Hennessy,  Wilfrid  R.,  Bangor,  Me. 

Lewis,  Weston,  Gardiner,  Me. 

Stevens,  Wm.  H.,  474  Congress  St.,  Port- 
land, Me. 

β€”  Biography 

Sprague,  J.  F.,  Dover,  Me. 

β€”  Documents 

Sprague,  J.  F.,  Dover,  Me. 

β€”  History 

Sawtelle,  William  O.,  Glynwynne  Rd., 
Haversford,  Pa.  (Esp.  Eastern  Coast 
and  Mt.  Desert) 

Smith,  Judge  E.  C.,  Dover,  Me. 

Sprague,  J.  F.,  Dover,  Me. 

β€”  Maps 

Smith,  Judge  E.  C.,  Dover,  Me. 

β€”  Penobscot  Bay 

Shelton,  F.  H.,  228  S.  21  st  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Manners  and   Customs 

Byrne,  Arthur  E.,  Suite  216,  58  W.  Wash- 
ington St.,  Chicago,  111. 

Brockett,  Robert  M.,  121  W.  8th  St., 
Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Cohen,  Rabbi  Henry,  1920  Broadway,  Gal- 
veston,  Tex. 

Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  Sth-3d  Nat.  Bank, 
Cincinnati,  O. 

β€”  Early 

Stone,  Lee  Alexander,  M.  D.,  5406  Glen- 
wood  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

β€”  Medieval 

Fraprie,  Frank  R.,  39  Addington  Rd., 
Brookline,  Mass. 


Young,  E.  A.,  39  Arundle  St.,  St.  Paul, 


Arnold,  William  Harris,  Nutley,  N.  J. 

Haber,  Louis  I.,  508  West  Broadway, 
New  York  City. 

Harbert,  Albert  N.,  318  Brown  St.,  Iowa 
City,  Iowa. 

Huntington,  H.  E.,  LiBrary  and  Art  Gal- 
lery, San  Gabriel,  Cal. 

(Little,  John  S.,  Bank  of  Rushville,  Rush- 
ville,  111. 

Manning,  James  H.,  409  State  St.,  Al- 
bany, N.  Y. 

Robertson,  John  W.,  1133  Greenwich  St., 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 




Terry,  Dr.  Roderick,  Newport,  R.  I. 
Tuttle,  Wm.  E.,  310  Dollar  Bank   Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O.  (Literary  and  historic) 
Sec  also  Autographs ;  Association  Books ; 
Cutler;   Irving. 

β€”  Bibles 

Wright,  Joseph,  "Windrush,"  School 
House  Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 

β€”  Early 

Balken,  Edward  Duff,  P.  O.  Box  1259. 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

β€”  French β€” Early 

Van  Roosbroeck,  Gustav,  710  S.  East  5th 
St.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

β€”  Greek 

Gruber,  Rev.  L.  Franklin,  1213  Hague 
Ave.,  St.  Paul,  Minn. 

β€”  Illuminated 

Bowdoin,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  39th  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Feiss,  Paul  L.,  2149  W.  53rd  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Simkovitch,  V.  G.,  26  Jones  St.,  New 
York'  City. 

Todd,  A.  M.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

Woods,  Edward  A.,  Woodland  Rd.,  Se- 
wickley,  Pa. 

β€”  Book  of  Hours 

Warburg,  Felix  M.,  52  William  St.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Markets  for 

Bennett,  Fred  I.  W.,  1051  7th  East  St., 
Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

β€”  Mediaeval 

Lewis,  John  Frederick,  1914  Spruce  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa.  (Also  fragments) 


Keidel,  George  C,  Library  of  Congress, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

European  and  Oriental 

Garret,  Robert,  Charles  St.  and  Wynd- 
hurst  Ave.,  Rowland  Park,  Md. 

β€”  Moravians  in  Pennsylvania 

Jordan,  John  Woolf,  806  N.  3ist  St.,  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 

β€”  Textbooksβ€” Old 

Plimpton,  George  E.,  70  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 


Arnold,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  Burlington,  Vt. 
See  also  Topography. 




β€”  Government 

Rider,  Fremont,  Broadway,  Nyack,  N.  Y. 
(Topographic  and  hydrographic) 

β€”  Old 

Bache,  Franklin,  Land  Title  Bldg.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.  (North  America) 

Beans,  George  H.,  Box  251,  Germantown, 
Pa.  (North  America) 

Greenough,  Charles,  993  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Griffith,  Albert  H.,  Fisk,  Wis. 

Wodell,  Silas,  139  Broadway,  New  York 


Barnes,  Nathaniel  Waring,  Box  164,  Univ. 

of  Chicago,  Chicago,  111. 
MacMarten,   322   Security  Bldg.,   Minne- 
apolis, Minn. 


Kunz,  George  F.,  c/o  Tiffany  &  Co.,  409 
Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  Citv. 

Marvel,  Ik.    (Donald  Grant  Mitchell) 

Dunn,     Waldo     H.,     703     Quinby     Ave., 

Wooster,  O. 
Van    Dyke,    William,    508    Griswold    St., 

Detroit,  Mich. 


Dawkins,  Hon.  Walter,  1119  Fidelity 
Bldg.,  Baltimore,  Md.  (Esp.  Maryland 

DevittL  E.  I.,  Georgetown  College,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Morgan,  Dr.  J.  D.,  Chevy  Chase,  Md. 

Roeder,  Adam,  2141  Homewood  Ave.,  Bal- 
timore, Md. 

Wilson,  Samuel  M.,  812  Security  Trust 
Co.  Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

β€”  History 

Steiner,  Bernard  C.,  c/o  Enoch  Pratt  Free 
Library,  Baltimore,  Md. 

β€”  Newspapers β€” Early 

Keidel,  George  C,  Library  of  Congress, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Masefield,  John β€” First  Editions 

Fisk,  Earl  E".,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Parsons,  K.  de  B.,  112  E.  74th  St.,  New 

York  City. 

Massachusetts β€” History β€” Local 

Ward,  Artemas,  50  Union  Sq.,  New  York 
City.  (Before  1800) 

β€”  Lowell 

McEvoy,  George  A.,  104  roth  St.,  Lowell, 




β€”  Plymouth 

Lord,  Arthur,  70  State  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

β€”  Worcester β€” Imprints 

Nichols,  Charles  L.,  M.  D.,  38  Cedar  St., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Masons.    See  Freemasonry. 

Materia    Medica 

Marshall,     George    G.,    Marshall     Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 


Broke,  G.  W.,  Fayetteville,  Ark. 

Fitzpatrick,  T.  J.,  Bethany,  Neb. 

Story,    Dr.    Wm.    E.,    Clark    University, 

Worcester,  Mass. 
Thomas,  Evan,  Burlington,  Vt. 
Webster,  Dr.  Arthur  G.,  Clark  University, 

Worcester,    Mass. 
Sec  also  Mechanics. 

β€”  Early 

Karpinski,  Louis  C,  1315  Cambridge  Rd., 
Ann   Arbor,   Mich. 

β€”  Interest  and  Investment  Calculations 

Barnard,  Charles,  Box  396,  Ventura,  Cal. 


Mather,  William  G.,  Kirby  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 


Shedd,  John  A.,  7  E.  42d  St.,  New  York 

Mechanical  Engineering 

See  Engineering β€” Mechanical. 


Thomas,  Evan,  187  Loomis  St.,  Burling- 
ton, Vt. 


Andrews,  Dr.  Glenn,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Arnold,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  Burlington,  Vt. 
Babcock,  Margaret  Woods,  Columbia, 

S.  C. 

Bisbee,  Dr.  A.   B.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 
Davis,  Frank  P.,  M.  D.,  1519  W.  Cherokee 

St.,   Enid,  Okla. 
De  Takach,  Zoltan,  103  W.  88th  St.,  New 

York   City. 
Eckstein,  W.   G.,  68   W.   8sth   St.,   New 

York  City. 
Egbert,    Dr.   Joseph    C.,    115    N.    Wayne 

Ave.,  Wayne,  Pa. 
Harris,  I.  G.,  1840  Caton  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
Hoffman,   F.   L.,   114  Harrison   St.,   East 

Orange,  N.  J. 
Kilian,  M.  N.,  Albertville,  Minn. 




McCreery,  Dr.  Charles,  Fidelity  Bldg., 
Tacoma,  Wash. 

Pilgrim,  Dr.  Charles  W.,  Central  Valley, 
N.  Y. 

Reed,  Charles  Bert,  M.  D.,  3748  Sheffield 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Reeve,  James  S.,  Lawrence  College,  Ap- 
pleton,  Wis. 

Ritchie,  G.  A.,  Lawrence  College,  Apple- 
ton,  Wis. 

Reimer,  Edward  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Re- 
lief, 151  "Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Rutstein,  Leo,  88  Rose  Ter.,  Newark, 
N.  J. 

Worden,  Edward  C,  Prospect  Ave.,  Mil- 
burn,  N.  J. 

Williams,  Huntington,  M.  D.,  State 
Health  Dept.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

See  also  Materia  Medica ;  Physicians; 
Psychiatry;  Surgery. 

β€”  Anatomists  and   Surgeons 

Pilcher,  Lewis  S.,  M.  D.,  145  Gates  Ave., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Anatomy β€” Early 

Dana,  C.  L.,  53  W.  53d  St.,  New  York 

β€”  Anatomy  and  Surgery 

Ball,    James    Moores,    M.D.,    4500    Olive 

St.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Eisner,  John,  Denver,  Colo. 
Pilcher,  Lewis  S.,  M.  D.,  145  Gates  Ave., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Biography 

Kelly,  Dr.  Howard  A.,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Pilgrim,  Dr.  Charles  W.,  Central  Valley, 

N.  Y. 
Tracy,   Dr.    Ira    Otis,    181    Hancock   St., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Botanic 

Shirk,  Dr.  J.  K.,  132  E.  Chestnut  St., 
Lancaster,  Pa. 

β€”  Classics 

Streeter,  Edward  C,  280  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

β€”  Early  Dutch 

Closson,  Dr.  Jas.  Harwood,  53  W.  Ches- 
ter Aye.,  Germantown,  Pa. 

β€”  Eye,  Ear,  Nose  and  Throat 

Blackburn,  Dr.  W.  J.,  663  Reibald  Ave., 
Dayton,  O. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Crummer,  Dr.  LeRoy,  801  City  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb. 




β€”  History   of 

Ball.  James  Moores,  M.  D.,  4500  Olive  St., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Ballard,  James  F.,  8  Fenway,  Boston, 

Campau,  A.  B.,  116  Union  Ave.,  Grand 
Rapids,  Mich. 

Crummer,  13r.  LeRoy,  801  City  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb. 

Hagemann,  Dr.  J.  A.,  Highland  Bldg., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Jacobs,  Henry  Barton,  M.  D.,  11  Mt. 
Vernon  St.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Kelly,  Dr.  Howard  A.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Kuh,  Sidney,  M.  D.,  4330  Drexel  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Luchhardt,  Dr.  A.  B.,  5216  Greenwood 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Streeter,  Edward  C,  280  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Tracy,  Dr.  Ira  Otis,  181  Hancock  St., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Weaver,  Dr.  G.  H.,  629  S.  Wood  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Weller,  Carl  V.,  1130  Fair  Oaks  Park- 
way, Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

β€”  Indian  Lore 

Shirk,  Dr.  J.  K.,  132  E.  Chestnut  St., 
'Lancaster,  Pa. 

β€”  Infectious  and  Contagious  Diseases 

Weaver,  Dr.  G.  H.,  629  S.  Wood  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

β€”  Men's  Diseases 

Pope,  Charles  E.,  421  Wood  St.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa.  CModern  me,dica  and  ana- 

β€”  Nervous  System 

Dana,  C.  L.,  53  W.  53d  St.,  New  York 

β€”  Insanity 

Pope,  Charles  E.,  421  Wood  St.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

β€”  Military 

Remondino,  P.  C,  M.  D.,  1504  5th  St., 
San  Diego,  Cal. 

β€”  Neurology 

Kuh,  Sidney,  M.  D.,  4330  Drexel  Blvd., 
Chicago,  ill. 

Pope,  Charles  E.,  421  Wood  St.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

β€”  Old  Books 

Alvarez,  Dr.  W.  C,  City  of  Paris  Bldg., 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 
Hawk,  Horace  J.,  M.  D.,  Mt    McGregor, 

N.  Y. 
Herrick,   James    B.,   242    E.   Walton   PI., 

Chicago,  111.     (Esp.  Heart  and  Vessels) 



Medicine β€” Old  Books 

Krumbhaar,  Edward  B.,  P.  O.  Box,  Chest- 
nut Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Solley,  John  B.,  M.  D.,  968  Lexington 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Speakmah,  Howl  and,  435  S.  Honore  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Stehm,  F.  W.,  1545  W.  Qth  St.,  Des 
Moines,  la. 

WartFin,  Aldred  S.,  Univ.  of  Mich.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Weller,  Carl  V.,  1130  Fair  Oaks  Park- 
way, Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

Wolf,  Max,  93  Second  Ave.,  New  York 

Before  1700 

Ballard,  James  F.,  8  Fenway,  Boston, 

β€”  Physicians  and  Surgeons 

Crummer,  Dr.  Le  Roy,  801  City  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb. 

β€”  Portraits 

Ball,  James  Moores,  M.  D.,  4500  Olive  St., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

β€”  Preventive 

Williams,       Huntington,       M.  D., 
Health  Depi,  Albany,  N.  Y. 


β€”  Radium  Therapy 

Chase,  Carroll,  M.  D.,  1170  Dean  St., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  (In  English  or 

β€”  Tuberculosis 

Brown,  Lawrason,  M.  D.,  104  Main  St., 
Salamanca,  N.  Y.  (Pulmonary) 

Jacobs,  Henry  Barton,  M.  D.,  11  Mt.  Ver- 
non  PI.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Stuver,  Dr.  E.,  216  E.  Oak  St.,  Fort  Col- 
lins, Colo. 

β€”  Vaccination 

Jacobs,  Henry  Barton,  M.  D.,  11  Mt.  Ver- 
non  Pi.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Melville,  Herman 

Hackett,  E.  Byrne,  71  Cottage  St.,  New 
Haven,  Ct. 


Downing,  A.  C,  2030  Hilyer  PI.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Duke,  R.  T.  W.,  Jr.,  616  Park  St.,  Char- 
lottesville,  Va. 

Galvani,  Wm.  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Portland, 

Gross,  Theodore,  431  Riverside  Dr.,  New 
York  City. 

Hafer,  E.  S.,  407  First  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Messenger,  Marie  Gerard,  Chappaqua, 
N.  Y.  (Court) 




Shaw,  Herbert  T.,  310  Peel  St.,  Montreal, 

Thorns,    DeCourcy    W.,    Maryland   Trust 

Bldg.,   Baltimore,   Mrt. 
Williams,  S.  J.,  2  Virginia  Apts.,  Norfolk, 


β€”  English β€” Contemporary 

Lewis,  David,  2210  S.  4th  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

β€”  French 

Freeman,  Charles  R.,  Checotah,  Okla. 

Mencken,  H.  L. 

Stewart,  J.  T.  2d,  2525  Farnam  St., 
Omaha,  Neb. 

First  Editions 

Frey,    Carroll   'H.,    Penn    Mutual    Bldg., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Gaynor,    Kenneth,   326   W.    Madison    St., 

Chicago,  111. 

Menken,  Adah  Isaacs 

Andrew,  Miss  Nell,  c/o  Texas  Christian 
University,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 

Meredith,  George 

MacKay,  W.  MacDonald,  26  Lonsdale 
Rd.,  Toronto,  Ont. 


Ames,  W.  Homer,  168  W.  High  St.,  Car- 
lisle, Pa. 

Baker,  Talbot,  M.  D.,  37  Newberry  St., 
Boston,  Mass. 

Carter,  F.  M.,  Columbia  St.,  Farmington, 

McLoud,  John,  Grayhorse,  Okla. 

Meteorology.    See  Geology. 

Methodist  Churches.     See  Churchesβ€” Metho- 


Aitken,  John  Winfield,  52  Roosevelt  Ave., 

Carbondale,  Pa. 
Brown,  Joseph  R.,  90  State  St.,  Albany, 

N.  Y. 
Douglas,  Walter,  90  John  St.,  New  York 

Eveland,  A.  J.,  32  W.  40th  St.,  New  York 


Hodnett,  Joseph,  Lincoln,  111. 
Starr,  Frederick,  University  of  Chicago, 

Chicago,  111. 

β€”  Sonora 

Munk,  Dr.  J.  A.,  747  S.  Alvarado  St.,  Los 
Angeles,  Cal. 


Beal,  Junius  E.,  343  S.  Fifth  Ave.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 




β€”  History β€” Detroit 

Burton,  Clarence  M.,  c/o  Public  Library, 
Detroit,  Mich. 


Smith",    J.    C,    131    Carondelet    St.,    New 

Orleans,  La. 
Whelpley,    H.    M.,    2342    Albion    PI.,    St. 

Louis,   Mo. 

Military  Art  and  Science 

Freeman,    Dr.    Douglas    S.,    1108    Floyd 

Ave.,  Richmond,  Va. 
Greely,  Major  General  A.  W.,  1914  G  St., 

N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Greene,  Frank  L.,  St.  Albans,  Vt. 
McCord,   Col.  J.    H.,    1823    Clay   St.,   St. 

Joseph,  Mo. 

β€”  Arms 

Schwend,  Charles,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
Ziegler,  Henry,  Mooresville,  Ala. 

Small  Arms β€” History  of 

Remondino,  P.  C,  M.  D.,  1504  sth  St., 
San  Diego,  Cal. 

β€”  History  of 

Bullitt,  Wm.  Marshall,  c/o  Bruce,  Bullitt 
&  Gordon,  Inter  Southern  Bldg.,  Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

Cannon,  Peter  J.,  359  High  St.,  Clinton, 

Miller,  Joaquin β€” English  Editions  and  For- 
eign Translations 

Clemens,  William  M.,  Pompton  Lakes, 
N.  J. 

Milton,  John 

Dunn,  Waldo  H.,  1703  Quinby  Ave., 
Wooster,  O. 


Vodges,  Gen.  Anthony  Wayne,  2425   ist 

St.,  San  Diego,  Cal. 
Woodbridge,  Dwight  E.,  1735  Wallace  St., 

Duluth,   Minn. 

Miniature  Books 

Alden,  Claire  K.,  47  Mather  St.,  Dor- 
chester, Mass. 

Senter,  Charles,  I  Beverly  PL,  St.  Louis, 

Winthrop,  H.  R.,  n  Wall  St.,  New  York 
City.  (All  printed  before  1800  under  4 
inches  high) 

Mining β€” Coal 

Ramsay,   Erskine,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

β€”  History 

Wilson,  Rufus  R.,  19  W.  34th  St.,  New 
York  City. 



Minnesota β€” Authors 

Upham,  Warren,  Minn.  Historical  Soci- 
ety, St.  Paul,  Minn. 

β€”  History 

Upham,  Warren,  Minn.  Historical  Soci- 
ety, St.  Paul,  Minn. 


Wicher,  Edward  A.,  San  Anselmo,  Cal. 

Missals β€” Old 

De  Ville,  John  B.,  664  Broadway,  Gary, 

Missions.    See  Religion. 


Breckenridge,  W.  C,  4123  Enright  Ave., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 


Douglas,  Percy,  920  Grand  Ave.,  Kansas 

City,   Mo. 
Snyder,  Robert  M.,  Jr.,  610  E.  4;th  St., 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 

β€”  St.  Louis 

Breckenridge,  W.  C.,  4123  Enright  Ave., 
St.  Louis,  Mo.  (Also  Mississippi  Val- 

Mitchell,  Donald  Grant.     See  Marvel,  Ik. 


Nuttall,  F.  E.,  Univ.  of  Manitoba,  Winni- 
peg, Man. 

Sherman,  Charles  C,  447  Webster  Ave., 
New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Moliere,  Jean  Baptiste  Poquelin 

Chatfield-Taylor,  Hobart  Chatfield,  Santa 
Barbara,  Cal. 


Kessler,  Charles  N.,  R.  F.  D.  9,  Helena, 

Leggat,  Alexander,  Butte,  Mont. 

Moore,  George 

Alexander,    Gary   W.,  404   Atlantic   Nat. 

Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 
West,  William,   1511   Walnut  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  First   Editions 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis.  (Also  association  items) 

Patterson,  John  M.,  2135  Spruce  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Moore,  Thomas 

Eckel,  John  C,  1433  Diamond  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 



Moravians β€” Pennsylvania β€” Manuscripts 

Jordan.    John    Woolf,    806    N.    3ist    St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

More,  Sir  Thomas 

Venor,    Edmund,    45    Roxborough    Rd., 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Morley,  Christopher β€” First  Editions 

Frey,    Carroll    H.,    Penn    Mutual    Bldg., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Mormons  and  Mormonism 

Breckenridge,  W.  C,  4123  Enright  Ave., 

St.   Louis,  Mo. 

Dow,  George  Francis,  Topsfield,  Mass. 
Morgan,  W.  L.,  271  E  St.,  Salt  Lake  City, 

Thomas,    Nathaniel    S.,    Thornburg    St., 

(Laramie,  Wyo. 


Thatcher,  H.  John,  3940  McGee  St.,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

Morris,   Robert 

Wills,    D.    C,     Federal     Reserve     Bank, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Morris,  William 

Coombs,    Prof.    Zelotes     W.',    Worcester 
Polytechnic  Institute,  Worcester,  Mass. 

Motion  Pictures 

Owen,    Mrs.    Thomas    M.,    Montgomery, 

Pepperman,  Leonora,  Montgomery,  Ala. 


Meany,  Edmond  S.,  4025  Tenth  Ave.,  N. 

E.,  Seattle,  Wash. 
Palmer,    Howard,    Hotel    Mohican,    New 

London,  Ct.^ 
Seaver,    Benjamin    F.,    27    Monroe    PI., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Shoemaker,  Henry  W.,  71  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 

β€”  Alpine 

Putnam,  Judge  Harrington,  401  Washing- 
ton Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


Goodrich,  N.  L.,  Dartmouth  College,  Han- 
over, N.  H. 

β€”  Alps 

Bourland,    Benjamin    P.,    11,500     Euclid 

Ave.,  Cleveland,  O. 
Palmer,    Howard,    Hotel    Mohican,   New 

London,  Ct. 
See  also  Flowers. 

β€”  Rocky 

Adams,    Alva,    207    Broadway,     Pueblo, 




β€”  White 

Bent,  Allen  H.,  53  State  St.,  Boston, 

Stevens,  Wm.  H.,  474  Congress  St.,  Port- 
land, Me. 

Munchausen,  Baron 

Janvier,  Meredith,  "Idlehigh,"  Frederick 
Rd.,  Catonsville,  Md. 


Sutliff,  Miss  M.  L.,  135  E.  33<1  St.,  New 
York  City. 


Adkins,  Nelson  R,  41  Madison  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Arnold,  F.  M.,  927  E.  40th  St.,  Chicago, 

Block,  Louis  James,  Oak  Park,  111. 

Booth,  Miss  Margaret,  Sayre  St.,  Mont- 
gomery, Ala. 

Boyd,  Charles  N.,  131  Bellefield  Ave., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Bridgeman,  Henry  H.,  Fox  Hill,  Norfolk, 

Chalif,  Louis  H.,  163-165  W.  57th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Clark,  Edwa'rd  (estate  of),  417  4th  St., 
N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Enis,  F.  C.,  4122  Greenview  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Fitch,  Winchester,  960  Park  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Harsh,  Nora  Babbitt,  408  Lincoln  Ct, 
Des  Moines,  Iowa. 

Moore,  E.  Vernon,  Lewisburg,  O. 

Pearl,  Dr.  Raymond,  401  Hawthorne  Rd., 
Roland  Park,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Rowley,  Miss  Daisy  W.,  Birmingham, 

Smith,  Harrison  B.,  Capitol  St.,  Charles- 
ton, W.  Va. 

Spaulding,  J.  A.,  627  Congress  St.,  Port- 
land, Me. 

Spotts,  John  Alfred,  Lawrence.  Kan. 

Swisher,  W.  S.,  New  London,  Ct. 

Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  American β€” Before  1835 

Bieber,  Albert  A.,  17  Montgomery  St., 
Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

β€”  Autographs 

Bowie,  Henry  P.,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 

β€”  Carillon  Towersβ€” Holland  and  Belgium 

Rice,  William  Gorham,  135  Washington 
Ave.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Flutes 

Gibson,  James  S.,  U.  S.  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 
Denver,  Colo. 

Miller,  Dayton  C,  Case  School,  Cleve- 
land, O. 




β€”  History 

Boyd,    Charles    N.,    131    Bellefield    Ave., 

Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Lisser,  Dr.   Louis,  3899  Washington  St., 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 

β€”  Hymnology 

Benson,  Rev.  Louis  F.,  2014  DeLancey 
PI.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

β€”  Negro  Minstrelsy 

Hammond,  Win.  F.,  89  Hicks  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

β€”  Old 

Brillhart,  E.  D.,  2171  State  Normal,  Mt. 
Pleasant,  Mich. 

β€”  Opera 

Harding,  Walter  N.  H.,  no  N.  Pine 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 


Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  Sth-3d.  Nat.  Bank, 
Cincinnati,  O. 


Jenkins,  J.  H.,  80  Washington  St.,  Osh- 

kosh,  Wis. 
Kraemer,  Capper  J.,  Jr.,  537  Union   PI., 

Union  Hill,  N.  J. 

β€”  Organs 

Goodwin,  William  B.,  Lowell,  Mass. 

β€”  Songsters 

Bieber,  Albert  A.,  17  Montgomery  St. 
Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

β€”  Violins 

Birnbaum,  Martin,  1261  Madison  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Mythology.    See  Folklore. 

Napoleon  I. 

Aitken,  John  Winfield,  52  Roosevelt  Ave., 
Carbondale,  Pa. 

Arensberg,  C.  C,  5400  Hobart  St.,  Squir- 
rel Hill  District,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Barber,  William  L.,  36  Marshal  St.,  Som- 
erville,  Mass. 

Black,  Mrs.  H.  V.  D.,  Irvington-on-Hud- 
son.  N.  Y. 

Bullitt,  Wm.  Marshall,  c/o  Bruce,  Bullitt 
&  Gordon,  Inter  Southern  Bldg.,  Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

Burton,  John  E.,  612  Milwaukee  St.,  Mil- 
waukee, Wis. 

Cannon,  Peter  J.,  359  High  St.,  Clinton, 

Delahunt,  E.  F.,  9100  Dexter  Blvd.,  De- 
troit, Mich. 



Napoleon  I. 

Galvani,  Wm.  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Portland, 

Gosman,  George  H.  R.  (Major),  War 
Dept.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Gross,  Theodore,  431  Riverside  Drive, 
New  York  City. 

Guernsey,  Henry  Hoadley,  245  Meeting 
St.,  Providence,  R.  I. 

Fiero,  J.  Newton,  153  Lancaster  St.,  Al- 
bany, N.  Y. 

Fisher,  Rev.  C.  E.,  Lowell,  Mass. 

Franco,  Paul,  429  loth  St.,  West  New 
York,  N.  J. 

French,  Charles,  5850  Harper  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Heald,  Frank  E.,  1142  Union  St.,  Man- 
chester, N.  H. 

Howe,  Henry  S.,  Brookline,  Mass. 

Huidekoper,  F.  L.,  Wilkins  Bldg.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Ingraham,  Phoenix,  80  Irving  PL,  New 
York  City. 

Kellogg,  F.  B.,  633  Fairmount  Ave.,  St. 
Paul,  Minn. 

Landis,  Chas.  D.,  140  N.  Duke  St.,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

Lewishon,  Mrs.  Frederick,  Plaza  Hotel, 
New  York  City. 

Luthy,  Chas.  M.,  3924  Cooper  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

McCulloch,  Henry  M.,  Lawrenceville, 

McKeehan,  H.  H.,  Guardian  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

McNutt,  Dr.  W.  F.,  2440  Washington  St., 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Maher,  Edward,  127  N.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Marston,  Howard,  25  Brattle  St.,  Boston, 

Mead,  Leon,  Binghamton,  N.  Y. 

Norton,  D.  Z.,  7301  Euclid  Ave.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Oglebay,  E.  W.,  1208  Hanna  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Paul,  James  H.,  Carbondale,  Pa. 

Parsons,  Joseph  H.,  Talladega,  Ala. 

Pickard,  Dr.  M.  W,  Union  Station  Hos- 
pital, Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Smith,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  Wm.  Byrd  Park,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

Van  de  Water,  Clarence,  2  Main  St., 
Madison,  N.  J. 

Van  Dyke,  William,  508  Griswold  St., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

Waggener,  William  P.,  Atchison,  Kan. 

Weadock,  T.  A.  E.,  270  Ferry  Ave.,  De- 
troit, Mich. 

Yeoman,  George,  Detroit,   Mich. 

Natural  History.    See  Science. 
Nature  Books.    See  Science. 


Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  Chicago,  111. 
Wright,  W.  D.,  Port  Washington,  N.  Y. 



Navy  and  Naval  Science 

Pentecost,    Capt.    Ernest     A.,    Topsfield, 


See  also  Architecture;  Sea;  Ships  and 

Near  East 

Andrews,   Arthur   Irving,   Tufts    College, 
Medford,  Mass.     (Incl.  Northern  Afri- 

Sherman,  Charles  C,  447  Webster  Ave., 
New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 


Dougherty,  Romeo  L.,  250  Union  Hall  St., 

Jamaica,  L.  I.,  N.  Y. 
Gumby,  Alex.  L.  S.,  2244  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Martin,   Rev.    Charles,    124  W.   36th   St., 

New  York  City. 

Moton,  Major  Robert  R.,  Tuskegee  Insti- 
tute, Ala. 
Nail,   John,  Jr.,   345  W.   I35th   St.,   New 

York  City. 
Schomberg,    A.    A.,    105    Kosciusko    St., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Slaughter,  Henry  P.,  1344  U  St.,  N.  W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Young,   George,    135   W.    I35th   St.,   New 

York  City. 

β€”  Books  by 

Spingarn,  Arthur  B.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 
York  City. 


Hessenbruch,  H.,  8  N.  5th  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Griffis,  William  Elliot,  344  W.  56th  St., 
Pulaski,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Carillons 

Rice,  William  Gorham,  135  Washington 
Ave.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 


Holmes,  H.  C.,  2735  Elmwood  Ave., 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

New  England 

Cunningham,  Henry  W.,  351  Marlborough 

St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
Farwell,  J.  W.,  77  Franklin  St.,  Boston, 


Stokes,  Anson  Phelps,  Lenox,  Mass. 
Set  also  Genealogy. 

β€”  Documents 

Sprague,  J.  F.,  Dover,  Me. 

β€”  History 

Cudworth,  Addison  E.,  South  London- 
derry, Vt.  (Local) 

Dow,  George  Francis,  Topsfield,  Mass. 
Sibley,  E.  H.,  Franklin,  Pa. 
Sprague,  J.  F.,  Dover,  Me. 



New  England β€” History 


Burr,  Joseph  Brown,  474  8th  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Shillaber,  W.  G.,  275  Beacon  St.,  Boston, 

β€”  Primers 

Hudnut,  Alexander  M.,  19  W.  54th  St., 
New  York  City. 

β€”  Maps β€” Early 

Stokes,  I.  N.  Phelps,  100  William  St., 
New  York  City.  (Coast) 

New  Hampshire 

Wilbur,  James  Benjamin,  Manchester, 
Vt.  (Laws  and  journals  up  to  1800) 

New  Jersey 

Asmus,    Grover    E.,    4011    Hudson    Blvd., 

North  Bergen,  N.  J. 
Hildebrand,  William  A.,  21   Montgomery 

St.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 
Pickersgill,  H.  E.,  Perth  Amboy,  N.  J. 

β€”  History 

Smith,  Philip  H.  Waddell,  642  Grove  St., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Stevenson,  Eugene,  580  Park  Ave.,  Pater- 
son,  N.  J. 


Demarest,    A.    J.,    1017    BiloomfVeld    S,t., 

Hoboken,  N.  J. 
Hartshorne,  Robert,  449  Park  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Jenkinson,    Richard    C,   291   Washington" 

St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 

β€”  Hoboken,  Jersey  City,  and  Weehawken 

Campbell,  Palmer,  I  Newark  St.,  Hobo- 
ken, N.  J. 

β€”  Hudson  Riverβ€” Dutch  Settlements 

Clearwater,  Julge  A.  T.,  316  Albany  Ave., 
Kingston,  N.  Y. 

New  Mexico 

Munk,  Dr.  J.  A.,  747  S.  Alvarado  St., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

New  Thought 

Stokes,  Henry  N.,  1207  Q  St.,  N.  W.. 
Washington,  D.  C. 

New  York 

Hufeland,  Otto,  121  N.  High  St.,  Mt.  Ver- 

non,  N.  Y. 

Reynolds,  Cuyler,  Albany,  N.  Y. 
Seymour,  George  Steele,  4917  Blackstone 

Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
Smith,  Philip  H.  Waddell,  642  Grove  St., 

Sewickley,  Pa. 

β€”  Brooklyn 

Tracy,  Dr.  Ira  Otis,  181  Hancock  St., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 



New  York 

β€”  Chautauqua  County 

Lamb,  Frank  B.,  33  Main  St.,  Westfield, 
N.  Y.  (History  and  imprints) 

β€”  Dutchess  County 

Wodell,  Silas,  139  Broadway,  New  York 

β€”  History 

McLellan,     Hugh,     Champlain,     N.     Y. 

(Northern  N.  Y.) 
Reynolds,     Cuyler,     197    Western     Ave., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Schermerhorn,  Richard,  Jr.,  183.  Prospect 

PI.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Colonial  Period 

Vann,  Judge  Irving  G.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
(Albany  to  Buffalo) 

β€”  Hudson  River 

Wodell,  Silas,  139  Broadway,  New  York 

β€”  Imprints β€” Colonial 

Benedict,  Russell,  44  Wall  St.,  New  York 

β€”  Long  Island 

Ackerly,    O.    B.,    210     Warburton     Ave., 

Yonkers,  N.  Y. 
Armbruster,   Eugene   L.,   263   Eldert   St., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Mulford,   A.   C,   South    St.,   Oyster  Bay, 

N.   Y. 

β€”  Mohawk  Valley 

Clearwater,  Judge  A.  T.,  316  Albany  Ave., 
Kingston,  N.  Y.  (Dutch  Settlements) 

Hanson,  Willis  T.,  20  Union  Ave.,  Sche- 
nectady,  N.  Y. 

β€”  New  York  City 

Allen,    Edward    Frank,    64    Carlton    St., 

East  Orange,  N.  J. 
Davies,  J.  Clarence,  I49th  St.  and  Third 

Ave.,  New  York  City. 
Manger,  Henry,  Freeport,  N.  Y. 
Holden,  John  A.,  Mount  Vernon,  N.  Y. 
Pyne,   Percy   R.,   2d,  263   Madison   Ave., 

New  York  City. 
Thompson,  Robert  W.,  Jr.,  52  Wall  St., 

New  York  City. 


Bidermann,  Frederick  A.,  2183  Washing- 
ton Ave.,  New  York  City.  (Old  N.  Y. 
and  vicinity) 


Brown,    Henry   Collins,    15   E.   40th   St., 

New  York  City. 
Colt,    Harris    D.,    515    Park    Ave.,    New 

York  City.     (Incl.  prints) 
Jaffray,    Robert,    58    W.    46th    St.,    New 

York  City. 



New  Yorkβ€” New  York  City 

Old   Views 

Brown,    Henry    Collins,    15    E.    40th    St., 

New  York  City. 
Carlson,  Arthur  B.,  15  E.  40th  St.,  New 

York  City. 

Goelet,  Robert,  Jr.,  647  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Rare  Booka 

Goldsmith,  Henry,  55  W.  26th  St.,  New 
York  City.  (1650-1850) 

β€”  Niagara  Falls 

Clearwater,  Judge  A.  T.,  316  Albany  Ave., 
Kingston,  N.  Y.  (Also  Niagara  fron- 

Porter,  Peter  A.,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

Frontier  Daguerreotypes 

Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

β€”  Saratoga   County  Imprints β€” Early 

Robson,  L.,  Burnt  Hills,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Schenectady 

Hallenbeck,  Esley  B.,  303  Victory  Ave., 
Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

Hanson,  Willis  T.,  20  Union  Ave.,  Sche- 
nectady, N.  Y. 

Robison,  Hanford,  322  State  St.,  Sche- 
nectady, N.  Y. 

Van  Voast,  Horace,  154  Barrett  St.,  Sche- 
nectady, N.  Y. 

β€”  Southern  Tier 

Carter,  Rev.  Thomas  W.,  12  Robie  St., 
Bath,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Staten  Island 

Leng,  Charles  W.,  Public  Museum,  Staten 
Island,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Syracuse 

Chase,  Franklin  P.,  Syracuse  Journal, 
Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

β€”  West 

Adler,  Elmer,  163  E.  36th  St.,  New  York 

Vail,  R.  W.  G.,  Roosevelt  Mem.  Assn.,  i 

Madison  Ave.,  New  York  City.  (Phelps 

and    Gorham    purchase,    Genesee    Co., 

Ontario  Co.) 

Newman,  Cardinal  John  Henry 
Hyde,  Salem,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Veech   E.   R.,  408   Loan  &  Trust  BTdg., 
Milwaukee,  Wis. 


McMaster,  Fitz  Hugh,  1428  Laurel  St., 
Columbia,  S.  C. 

See  also  Maryland. 




β€”  English β€” 1660-1750 

Griffith,  R.  H.,  Univ.   of  Texas,  Austin, 

β€”  History β€” Early 

James,  John  H.,  Urbana,  O. 
Wilmarth,  J.  C,  600  Upson  Ave.,  El  Paso, 

β€”  Southern 

Mellen,  George  F.,  Knoxville,  Tenn. 

Norris,  Frank 

Kirshner,  Morris,  60  Amboy  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

North  America β€” History β€” To  1815 

Riddell,  Hon.  William  Renwick,  Osgood 
Hall,  Toronto,  Ont. 

β€”  Northwest  Coast 

Howay,  Judge,  Law  Courts,  New  West- 
minster,  B.   C. 

North  Carolina 

Henderson,  Archibald,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
Kirk,   H.    B.,   10   Broad   St..   Charleston, 

S.  C. 
Smith,    Henry    A.    M.,    26    Meeting    St., 

Charleston,  S.  C. 
Smith,  Philip  H.  Waddell,  642  Grove  St., 

S  C  W 1 C  K 1 C  V     iP  3. 

Walker/  Prof.  N.  W.,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C 
Walser.    Zeb   V.,    12    Court    House  Sq., 

Lexington,  N.   C. 
Wilson,   Samuel   M.,   813   Security  Trust 

Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

β€”  History 

Battle,  Dr.  Kemp  B.,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C 
Chesire,    Rt.    Rev.    Joseph    B.,    Raleigh, 

N.  C 

Grimes,  Col.  J.  Bryan,  Henderson,  N.  C. 
Haywood,  Marshall  De  L.,  P.  O.  Drawer 

703,  Henderson,  N.  C. 
Hoyt,  W.   Henry,   15    William   St.,   New 

York  City. 

Pittman,  Thomas  M.,   Henderson,  N.   C. 
Sondley,  Foster  A.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

β€”  Poetry 

Haywood,  Marshall  De  L.,  P.  0.  Drawer 
703,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Norway β€” History  and  Literature 

Olson,   Prof.  Julius   E.,   1909  Adams   St., 
Madison,  Wis. 

Norway.      See  also   Scandinavian   Books. 

Novum  Organum 

Longbridge,    Charles    R.,    1207    Pennsyl- 
vania St.,  Denver,  Colo. 




American  Type  Founders  Co.,  Jersey 
City,  N.  J. 

Deetz,  Charles  H.,  2504  Cliffbourne  PI., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Jones,  Chrales  R.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

McCullough,  Henry  M.,  Lawrenceville, 

Ripstra,  J.  Henri,  2126  Gladys  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Senter,  Charles,  i  Beverly  PI.,  St.  Louis, 

Westhorpe,  Arthur  W.,  P.  O.  Box  .776, 
Falls  City,  Neb. 

β€”  Medals 

McCullough,  Henry  N.,  Lawrenceville, 

Medcalf,  George  Thomas,  1509  Third 

Ave.,  Oakland,  Cal. 

American   Military 

Merritt,  F.  P.,  4  E.  36th  St.,  New  York 


Occultism  and  Mysticism 

Ames,  W.  Homer,  168  W.  High  St.,  Car- 
lisle,   Pa. 
Baker,    Talbot,    M.D.,    37   Newberry   St., 

Boston,  Mass. 
Boggs,   P.   M.,    ii    Thomas   St.,   Newark, 

N.  J. 
Callanan,    William    A.,    346     Broadway, 

New  York  City. 
De    Takach,    Zoltan,    103    W.    88th    St., 

New  York  City. 
Doidge,  Robert  W.,   16  Elm   St.,  Somer- 

ville,  Mass. 
Gibson,  W.  A.,  Jr.,  1137  Hancock  St.,  W., 

Detroit,  Mich. 
Harlowe,    David    H.,    3002    Mt.    Vernon 

Ave.,   Milwaukee,  Wis. 
Kelsey,   Mrs.   Jessie,   Route   B,   Box  224, 

Lakeland,  Fla. 
Neu,  Ross  K.,  Elkhart,  Ind. 
Percival.    John   R.,    12  Walnut   St.,   East 

Providence,  R.  I. 
Smythe,  Albert   E.   S.,  22  W.   Glen  Cove 

Ave.,  Toronto,  Ont. 

Stebbins,  F.  E.,  131  Indiana  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 
Stokes,    Henry   N..    1207    Q    St.,    N.    W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Vetterling,    Dr.    H.,    527    S.    McLaughlin 

Ave.,  San  Jose,  Cal. 
Wight,   Willard   A.,   Box   207,   Las   Ani- 

mas,  Colo. 


Verrill,  A.  E.,  582  Central  Ave.,  New 
Haven,  Ct. 

Oglethorpe,  James 

Eckstein,  W.  G.,  68  W.  8sth  St.,  New 
York  City. 




James,  John  H.,  Urbana,   D. 
Moore,   E,  Vernon,   Lewisburg,   O. 
Shepard,   Lee,   650  Main   St.,   Cincinnati, 


Von  Blon,  A.  F.,  Waco,  Tex. 
Wilson,  Milo,  M.D.,  Gallipolis,  O.  (Local) 

Ohio  Valley 

Hanna,  Charles  A.,  15  Rockledge  Road, 
Montclair,  N.  J. 

James,  Edmund  J.,  Covina,  Cal. 

Boreman,  R.  J.  A.,  204  4th  St.,  Parkers- 
burg,  W.  Va. 

Wilson,  Samuel  W.,  812  Security  Trust 
Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Old  and  Rare  Editions 

'Appleyard,  Joseph,  39  Center  St.,  James- 
town,  N.   Y. 
Baker,   Robert   E.,   2559  Derbyshire   Rd., 

Cleveland,   O.     (English  writers) 
Black,  A.   Bruce,  Bloomsburg,  Pa.   (iSth 


Black,   Albert,   Albion,   Ind. 
Black,  Mrs.  H.  V.  D.,  Irvington-on-Hud- 

son,  N.  Y. 
Bradford,  D.  C,  404  S.  39th  St.,  Omaha, 

Brewster,    S.    W.,    Hart's    Island,    New 

York  City. 
Brodt,  H.  F.,  328  W.  3ist  St.,  New  York 


Campbell,  Mrs.  Allen  B.,  Spokane,  Wash. 
Carlebach,  Walter  Maxwell,  136  W.  86th 

St.,   New   York  City. 
Carolan,   Mrs.   Francis  Burlingame,  Cal. 
Clark,  Charles  W.,  Jr.,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 
Clawson,    John   L,,    1109  Delaware   Ave., 

Buffalo, 'N.  Y. 
Cutter,    H.    M.,    17    Baldwin    St.,    Mont- 

pelier,  Vt. 

Engstfeld,  Mrs.  C.  P.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
Erlanger,   Arthur,   28   E.   55th   St.,   New 

York  City.     (Legends  and  tales) 
Fabian,     Dominick,     208     Columbia     St., 

Portland,  Ore. 
Gallizier,    Nathan,    "The   Verona,"    Park 

Ave.,  Cincinnati,  O. 
Gaskill,  Geo.  A.,  340  Main  St.,  Worcester, 


Gates,  W.  N.,  218  East  Ave.,  Elyria,  O. 
Gould,    Elwyn    B.,    234   W.    Juniper    St., 

San  Diego,  Cal. 
Greenwood,    George    H.,    Old    National 

Bank  Bldg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 
Grove,   Mrs.    C.    E.,   Old   National   Bank 

Bldg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 
Harsh,  Nora  Babbitt,  408  Lincoln  Ct,  Des 

Moines,  Iowa. 

Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  2nd  Ave.,  Ce- 
dar Rapids,  Iowa. 
Holland,  G.  Allison,  Security  Trust  Bldg., 

Lexington,  Ky. 
Jenkinson,    Richard    C,    291    Washington 

St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 



Old  and  Rare  Editions 

Johns,  Charles  R.,  521^ 

St.,  Moline, 

Jones,  Herschel  V.,  2505  Park  Ave.,  Min- 

neapolis, Minn. 
Joseph,  Isaac,  P.  O.  Box  690,  Cleveland, 


Kelly,  Dr.  Howard  A.,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Krumbhaar,  Edward  B.,  P.  O.  Box,  Chest- 

nut  Hill,    Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Lamb,  Venice  J.,  Mahoning  Bank  Bldg., 

Youngstown,  O. 
Lamer,   John   B.,    1709   ipth    St.,   N.    W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Lawrence,  George  A.,  590  N.  Prairie  St., 

Galesburg,  111. 

Learned,  Walter,  New  London,  Ct. 
Lomer,    Dr.    G.    R.,    McGill    University, 

Montreal,  Que. 
McCullough,  Joseph  A.,   Box  790,   Balti- 

more, Md. 
Marvin,   Mrs.   Robert   M.,   Main  &  Fifth 

Sts.,  Jamestown,  N.  Y. 
Moore,   Edmund   H.,   Youngstown,  O. 
Morin,  A.   J.,   140  S.   Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 

cago, 111. 
Norton,   D.   Z.,  7301   Euclid  Ave.,   Cleve- 

land, O. 
Noyes,    William    S.,    3023    Summit    St., 

Oakland,  Cal. 
Olds,  W.   P.,  373  Hascalo   St.,  Portland, 

Parke,  Dr.  Milton  J.,  18133  Clifton  Blvd., 

Lakewood,  Cleveland,  O. 
Prentiss,  H.  H.,  3505  Mayfield  Rd.,  Cleve- 

land, O. 

Rich,  Waldo  L.,  P.  O.  Box  221,  Saratoga 
Springs,  N.  Y. 

Riddle,   Chas.  A.,  Colman  Bldg.,  Seattle, 

Robrett,  Geo.  W.,  20  W.  Jackson  Blvd., 

Chicago,   111. 
Stetson,  John  B.,  Jr.,  Juniper  Ave.,  Oak 

Lane,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Swift,  Ivan,  Harbor  Springs,  Mich.  (esp. 

Colonial  format  and  subjects) 
Towers,   A.   R.,  203  Governor  St.,   Rich- 

mond, Va. 
Wallace,    Oliver    A.,    563    Prospect   Ave., 

S.E.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 
White,  Aubrey  L.,  Old  Natl.  Bank  Bldg., 

Spokane,  Wash. 

Whitecotton,   R.  W.  C,  Provo,  Utah. 
Wolf,  Max,  93  Second  Ave.,  New  York 

City.    (Art) 
Yearsley,    Wilbur    S.    W.,    2017    Mallon 

Ave.,  Spokane,  Wash. 
Yocom,  Dr.  James  R.,  Berlin  Bldg.,  Ta- 

coma,  Wash. 
See    oho    De     Luxe     Editions,     Private 

Presses,  Limited  editions. 


Burton,    Robert    Mosby,    388    N.    Euclid 
Ave.,   St.   Louis,   Mo. 



Old  and  R'are  Editions 

β€”  Black  Letterβ€”  English 

Boyle,    E.   M.,   1534  Diamond  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

β€”  Classics 

Healy,   Dr.   T.   Raymond,    105   State    St., 
Newburyport,  Mass. 

--  Translations 

Peterson,   Harry    E.,    10744    Forest   Ave.. 
Chicago,  111. 

β€”  Elzevirs 

Burton,  Robert  Mosby,  388  N.  Euclid  Ave., 

St.  'Louis,  Mo. 
Krumbhaar,  Edward  B.,  P.  O.  Box,  Chest- 

nut Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

β€”  English 

Connor,  John  F.,  618  Linwood  Ave.,  Buf- 

falo, N.  Y. 
Daniel,    Franklin,    29    E.    Madison    St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Solley,    John    B.,    M.D.,    968    Lexingston 

Ave.,  New  York  City. 

--  Poetry  and  Drama 

Covici,   Pascal,   158  W.   Washington   St. 

Chicago,  111. 

Watkins,  O.  L.,  c/o  Ginn  &  Co.,  2415  N. 
Penn  St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

--  i6th,  lyth,  i8th  Centuries 

Shartel,  John  W.,  1211  W.  10th  St.,  Okla- 
homa City,  Okla. 

β€”  French 

Van  Roosbroeck,  Gustav,  710  S.  E.  Fifth 
St.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

β€”  Greek  and  Latin  Classics 

Todd,  A.  M.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

β€”  Manners  and  Customs 

Stone,  Lee  Alexander,  M.D.,  5406  Glen- 
wood  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

β€”  Medical 

Tracy,    Dr.    Ira    Otis,    181    Hancock    St., 
Brooklyn,   N.    Y.     (esp.    Americana) 

β€”  Monographs 

Hertzberg,  Henry,  San  Antonio,  Tex. 

β€”  Morals 

Stone,  Lee  Alexander,  M.D.,  5406  Glen- 
wood  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 


β€”  Textbooks 

Plimpton,  George  E.,  70  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 



Omar  Khayyam 

Albery,  F.  F.  D.,  Columbus,  O. 
Ball,  George  A.,  Oakhurst,  Muncie,  Ind. 
Brown,  Milton  G.,  117  Crescent  St.,  Rut- 
land, Vt. 

Clem,  John  G.,  M.D.,   Louisville,  Ky. 
Coes,     Frank     L.,     Goes     Wrench     Co., 

Worcester,   Mass. 
Lyman,    Robert    Hunt,   250   W.   88th    St., 

New  York  City. 
Schroetcr,    H.   M.,   3630  W.    Washington 

Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Sloan,  Charles  H.,  Ironton,  O. 
Smith,    Milton    W.,    P.    O.    Drawer    767, 

Portland,  Ore. 
Thompson,    Eben    Francis,    84    Elm    St., 

Worcester,  Mass. 
Woods,   Edward  A.,   Woodland  Rd.,  Se- 

wickley,  Pa., 
Ruddy,,    Howard    S.,    52    Somerset    St., 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 


Hildreth,  Melvin  A.,  Fargo,  N.  D. 
Prince,   Walter   E.,  P.  O.  Box  492,  Am- 

herst,  Mass. 
Straus,   Isaac   Lobe,   1315   Munsey   Bldg., 

Baltimore,   Md. 


Fenton,  W.  D.,  no  E.  i6th  St.,  Portland, 

Forsyth,  John,  406  Craigflower  Rd.,  Vic- 
toria, B.  C.  (Early  history) 

Holman,  Frederick  V.,  Suite  501,  Chamber 
of  Commerce  Bldg.,  Portland,  Ore. 

Organizations β€” Commercial 

See  Commercial   Organizations. 

Organs.    Sec<  Music. 


Brunno,  Dr.,  Princeton,  N.  J.  (Assyrian 
and  S.  Arabic) 

Cohen,  Rabbi  Henry,  1920  Broadway, 
Galveston,  Tex. 

Galvani,  Wm.  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Portland, 

Paton,  William  Agnew,  Lakewood,  N.  J. 
(Egypt  and  Hittite,  etc.) 

Pickard,  Dr.  M.  W.,  Union  Station  Hos- 
pital, Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Spotts,  John  Alfred,  Lawrence,  Kan. 

Thayer,  Gordon  W.,  Public  Library, 
Cleveland,  O. 

White,  John  G.,  1871  E.  89th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Woodhill,  Frost,  631  Gunter  Bldg.,  San 
Antonio,  Tex. 


Bailey,  Harold  H.,  Liberty  Ave.,  Miami, 

Benedict,  H.  Y.,  3401  Guadalupe  St.,  Aus- 
tin, Tex. 

Braslin,  William  C.,  425  Clinton  Ave., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 




Butler,  A.  W.,   Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Chambers,  W.  iLee,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Chapman,  Frank  M.,  Englewood,  N.  J. 

Davis,  Le  Compte,  Bryson  Bldg.,  Los  An- 
geles, Cal. 

Deane,  Ruthven,  1222  N.  State  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Dwight,  Jonathan,  M.D.,  43  W.  70th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Emerson,  W.  Otto,  Hayward,  Cal. 

Enders,  John  O.,  17  Highland  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Golsan,  Lewis  F.,  Prattville,  Ala. 

Grinnell,  Joseph,  2615  Channing  Way, 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

McMaster,  Fitz  Hugh,  1428  Laurel  St., 
Columbia,  S.  C. 

McNall,  P.  E.,  Agr.  Econ.,  Univ.  of  Wis., 
Madison,  Wis. 

Miller,  Elizabeth  C.  T.,  3738  Euclid  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Morse,  Frank  E.,  162  Boylston  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Owen,  Mary  G.,  306  N.  pth  St.,  St.  Jo- 
seph, Mo. 

Penard,  Thomas  E.,  12  Norfolk  Road, 
Arlington,  Mass. 

Shaible,  F.  G.,  501  Locust  Ave.,  Freeport, 

Shoemaker,  Henry  W.,  71  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Stephens.  Mrs.  Frank,  Natural  History 
Park,  San  Diego,  Cal. 

Thayer,  John  E.,  Lancaster,  Mass. 

Todd,  A.  M.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

Walters,  Frank,  18  Edson  St.,  Corona, 
L.  I.,  N.  Y. 

Withey,  W.  W.,  La  Crosse,  Wis. 

β€”  American 

Paul,  John  J.,  Watertown,  Fla. 

Osier,  William 

Howk.  Horace  J.,  M.D.,  Mt.  McGregor, 
N.  Y. 

Outdoor  Life.    See   Sports   and  Sporting. 
Oxford  Movement.     See  Church  of  England. 


Pacific  Area 

Bartlett,  H.  H.,  335  Packard  St.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Pacific  Coaat    See  United  States. 

Pacific  and  South  Sea  Islands.    Sec  Travel. 


Yarbrough,  Mrs.  W.  F.,  Montgomery, 

Painters  and  Painting,    Sec  Art. 




Ricketts,   C.  'Lindsay,  438    W.   6;th   St., 
Chicago,  III. 


Gayle,  Mrs.,W.  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Vodges,   Gen.   Anthony   Wayne,  2425   ist 
St.,  San  Diego,  Cal. 


Wicher,   Edward  A.,  517  Richmond  Rd., 
San  Anselmo,  Cal. 


Wicher,   Edward  A.,  517  Richmond   Rd., 
San  Anselmo,  Cal. 


Ward,  Henry   B.,  Univ.  of  Illinois,  Ur- 
bana,  111. 

Pater,  Waiter 

Trams,  A.  Frances,  209  Union  St.,  Joliet, 

Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave 
New  Rochelle,  N.   Y. 


Boggs,   P.  M.,    ii   Thomas   St.,   Newark, 

N.  J. 
Weller,   Carl   V.,   1130   Fair  Oaks   Park- 

way, Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

Patriotic    Societies 

Wickham,  Clarence  H.,  P.  O.   Box  1003, 
Hartford,  Ct. 

Peace.    See  War  and  Peace. 

Peacock,  Thomas  Love 

Van  Doren,   Carl,  47   Charlton  St.,   New 
York  City. 

Pearls.    See  Precious  Stones. 
Pedagogy.    Sec*  Educationβ€”  Pedagogy. 
Penn,  William 

Myers  Albert  Cook,  1300  Locust  St.,  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 


Hanna,    Charles    A.,    15    Rockledge    Rd 

Montclair,  N.  J. 
Montgomery,   Thos,   L.f  904  Clinton   St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Myers,  Albert  Cook,  1300  Locust  St.,  Phil- 

adelphia, Pa.   (Early) 
Nead,  Benjamin  M.,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 
Shea,  J.   B.,  Richland   Lane,   Pittsburgh, 


β€”  Germans  in 

Hostetter,   Albert   K.,   715   N.   Duke   St 
Lancaster,  Pa. 

ouMJ;  -Julius  R'   Mas<>nic  Temple, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 




β€”  History 

Aitken,  John  Winfield,  52  Roosevelt  Ave., 

Carbondale,  Pa. 
Brumbaugh,   Martin  G.,  254  W.  Walnut 

Lane,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Himes,  Charles  F.,  Carlisle,  Pa.      (Local) 
Shoemaker,  Henry  W.,  71  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 

Delaware  County 

Shelton,  F.  H.,  228  S.  2ist  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 


Jenkins,  Charles  F.,  100  W.  Washington 

Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 
Jellett,  Edwin  C,  Germantown,  Pa. 

β€”  Lancaster 

Hostetter,  Albert  K.,  715  Duke  St.,  Lan- 
canster,  Pa. 

β€” Lancaster  County 

Ranck,  S.  H.,  728  Prospect  Ave.,  S.  E., 
Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 


Buckenham,  J.  E.,  M.D.,  Chestnut  Hill, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Campbell,  Dr.  W.  J.,  413  School  House 
Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 

Jackson,  Joseph,  113  S.  43d  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Revolutionary  War 

Keller,  David  H.,  M.D.,  Pineville,  Pa. 
(esp.  Northampton  Co.) 

β€” Imprints 

Brumbaugh,  Martin  G.,  254  W.  Walnut 
Lane,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  (German  be- 
fore 1800.) 

β€”Pittsburghβ€” Imprints 

Book,  Robt.  D.,  Sewickley,  Pa. 


Passavant,  D.  L.,  Zelienople,  Pa. 

β€” Susquehanna  County 

Lamb,  Frank  B.,  33  Main  St.,  Westfield, 
N.  Y. 


Book,  Robt.  D.,  Sewickley,  Pa. 
Hays,    Gilbert    A.,    530    Academy    Ave., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Pepys,  Samuel 

Allen,  Edward  Frank,  64  Carlton  St.,  East 
Orange,  N.  J. 

Periodicals β€” British β€” i8th  Century 

Swan,  Miss  Norma  L.,  Navesink,  N.  J. 


Tolman,  H.  C.,  Nashville,  Tenn. 




Nuttal,  F.  E.,  Univ.  of  Manitoba,  Winni- 
peg, Man. 

β€”  Miniatures 

Simkovitch,  V.  G.,  26  Jones  St.,  New 
York  City. 


Burton,  Harry  W.,  1638  Jackson  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 


Turner,  Frank  C,  Norwich,  Ct. 

Phallic  Worship.    See  Religion. 
Philanthropy.    See  Sociology. 


Marshall,  George  G.,  Marshall  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 


Berolzheimer,  D.  D.,  19  E.  24th  St.,  New 

York  City. 

Brannon,  Peter  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Brewer,  Owen  D.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Elmore,  Frank  H.,  Jr.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Jones,  Charles  R.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Thiele,  R.  R.,  Tacoma,  Wash. 


Speakman,  Howland,  435  S.  Honore  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Philippine  Islands 

Ayer,  Edward  E.,  2  Banks  St.,  Chicago, 

Phillips,  David  Graham 

Kirshner,  Morris,  60  Amboy  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Phillips,  Stephen 

Alexander,  Gary  W.,  404  Atlantic  Nat. 
Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 


Cloran,  Timothy,  631  E.  i$th  St.,  Eugene, 

Garner,  John  Leslie,  Delafield,  Wis. 

Walker,  William  F.,  1052  I2th  St.,  San 
Diego,  Cal. 

See  also  English,  Latin,  Greek,  Persian, 
French,  German,  Oriental,  and  Ro- 
mance Languages. 

β€” Comparative 

Cloran,  Timothy,  631  E.  isth  St.,  Eugene, 

β€”  English 

Gould,  Geo.  M.,  401  Oriental  Ave.,  Atlan- 
tic City,  N.  J. 




Boodin,  Prof.  J.  E.,  Northfield.  Minn. 

Boyd,  Jackson,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

Cannon,  Lucius  H.,  211  City  Hall,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Englund,  Eric,  Manhattan,  Kan. 

Farley,  T.  H.,  Lawrence  College,  Apple- 
ton,  Wis. 

Fleming,  Rev.  Dick,  135  Canora  St.,  Win- 
nipeg, Man. 

Galvani,  William  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Port- 
land, Ore. 

Harlowe,  David  H.,  3002  Mt.  Vernon  Ave., 
Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Hartman,  Galen  C,  1518  Farmers'  Bank 
Bldg.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Hodgson,  Rev.  Robert,  Box  194,  Cordell, 

Justice,  Carl  L.,  Old  Cris  Press,  Crisfield, 

Kelley,  Hermon  A.,  Overlook  Rd.,  Euclid 
Heights,  Cleveland,  O. 

Noyes,  Charles  L.,  Winter  Hill,  Mass. 

Plantz,  Samuel,  Lawrence  College,  Ap- 
pleton,  Wis. 

Prince,  Walter  E.,  P.  O.  Box  492,  Am- 
herst,  Mass. 

Purinton,  Dr.  D.  B.,  Morgantown,  W.  Va. 

Reasoner,  L.  R.,  S.  Lincoln  Ave.,  Urbana, 

Rine,  H.  A.,  2416  Allston  Way,  Berkeley, 

Robrett,  Geo.  W.,  20  W.  Jackson  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Schwab,  V.  O.,  60  Evergreen  Ave.,  Bloom- 
field,  N.  J. 

Sheffield,  Justus,  117  E.  38th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Sherwin,  Ira  R.,  105  W.  34th  St.,  Kansas 
City,  Mo. 

Smith,  Milton  W.,  P.  O.  Drawer  767, 
Portland,  Ore. 

Stebbins,  F.  E.,  131  Indiana  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Straus,  Isaac  Lobe,  1315  Munsey  Bldg., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Swisher,  W.  S.,  Unitarian  Church,  New 
London,  Ct. 

Youngent,  S.  G.,  960  38th  St.,  Rock  Island, 

β€”  Oriental 

Stokes,  Henry  N.,  1207  Q  St.,  N.  W., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

β€”  Social 

Markham,  Edwin,  92  Waters  Ave.,  West 
New  Brighton,  N.  Y.  (Ruskin,  Carlyle, 

β€”  1 8th  Century 

Taylor,  Eugene  C.,  1009  Dakota  Ave., 
Huron,  S.  D. 

Phipps β€” Books  by  any 

Phipps,  W.  H.,  Paulding,  O. 



Phiz   (Hablot  Knight  Browne)β€” Illustrations 
Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 


Fraprie,    Frank    R.,    39    Addington    Rd., 

Brookline,  Mass. 
Tresslar,  H.  P.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

β€”  Amateur 

Burnham,  R.  B.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Collier,  Allen,  108  E.  Auburn  Ave.,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 
McNeel,  Allen  H.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

β€”  Developing 

Thomas,  Nathaniel  S.,  Thornburg  St., 
Laramie,  Wyo. 

Physical  Geography 

Libbey,  William,  Princeton,  N.  J.  (also 

Physicians β€” Non-Medical  Books  by 

Davenport,  Dr.  J.  H.,  Providence,  R.  I. 


Guernsey,  Henry  Hoadley,  245  Meeting 
St.,  Providence,  R.  I. 

Hale,  George  E., Observatory  Office,  Pasa- 
dena, Cal. 

Kelly,  John  F.,  284  W.  Housatonic  St., 
Pittsfield,  Mass. 

Thompson,  Bert  M.,  Drawer  126,  Athens, 

Webster,  Dr.  Charles  G.,  Clark  University, 
Worcester,  Mass. 


Manly,  Herbert  D.,  43  W.  8sth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Physiology  β€”  History 

Luchhardt,  Dr.  A.  B.,  5216  Greenwood 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Pilgrim  Fathers 

Griffis,  William  Elliot,  344  W.  s6th  St., 

Pulaski,  N.  Y. 
Lord,  Arthur,  70  State  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Piozzi,  Mrs. 

Rogers,  Prof.  R.  W.,  Madison,  N.  J. 
Tate,   C   W.,  49   Brunswick   Rd.,   Mont- 
clair,  N.  J. 


Coe,  Charles  H.,  2947  Mills  Ave.,  N.  E., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Pentecost,    Capt.    Ernest    A.,    Topsfield, 

Seitz,  Don  C.,  239  Hancock  St.,  Brooklyn, 

N.   Y.    (also   Buccaneers,    Privateering 

and  Mutiny) 




Shaw,  Graham,  Leopard  Rd.,  Berwyn,  Pa. 
Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York   City. 


Block,  Louis  James,  Oak  Park,  111. 

Play  Bills.    See  Drama. 
Playing  Cards.    See  Games. 

Poe,   Edgar   Allan 

Burton,    Harry  W.,    1638  Jackson    Blvd., 

Chicago,  111. 

Campbell,  Kelles,  Austin,  Tex. 
Fitzgerald,    Edward,    378    Fourth    Ave., 

New  York  City. 
Hall,  Wm.  S.,  373  Fourth  Ave.,  New  York 


Hill,  Edwin  B.,  Ysleta,  El  Paso  Co.,  Tex. 
Lesser,  M.  A.,  302  Broadway,  New  York 

O'Connell,  R.  J.  O.,   10  W.  Garfield  St., 

Seattle,  Wash. 
Smith,  Dr.  C.  Alphonso,  Annapolis,  Md. 


Adkins,  Nelson  F.,  41  Madison  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Alden,  Claire  K.,  47  Mather  St.,  Dorches- 
ter, Mass. 

Allison,  Charles  B.,  Mission  Hill,  S.  D. 

Augustus,  A.  A.(  11,455  Juniper  Rd.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Bailey,  H.C,  P.  O.  Box  958,  Prince  Ru- 
pert, B.  C. 

Barret,  Oliver  R.,  38  S.  Dearborn  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Beecher,  Mrs.  L.  T.,  Graymour  Hgts.,  Bir- 
mingham, Ala. 

Brillhart,  E.  D.,  2171  State  Normal, 
Mount  Pleasant,  Mich. 

Chestnutt,  Chas.  H.,  9719  Lamont  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Clark,  Charles  B.,  705  Eighth  St.,  Hot 
Springs,  S.  D. 

Coburn,  Louise  H.,  Skowhegan,  Me. 

Crawford,  N.  A.,  Manhattan,  Kan. 

Cribb,  Aubrey,  216  W.  Pine  St.,  Spring- 
field, 111. 

Davis,  Frank  P.,  M.D.,  1519  W.  Cher- 
okee St.,  Enid,  Okla. 

Dillman,  Louis  M.,  100  Washington  Sq., 
New  York  City. 

Foote,  Langley  S.,  521  S.  Granger  St., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Frasier,  S.  M.,  Dothan,  Ala. 

Frazier,  W.  A.,  212  S.  Main  St.,  Nevada, 

Frey,  Carroll  H.,  Penn  Mutual  Bldg., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Galvani,  William  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Port- 
land, Ore. 

Godfrey,  A.  W.,  Princeton  Club,  Vander- 
bilt  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Haegler,  Dr.  Elmer  E.,  Springfield,  111. 




Hammond,  Hala  J.,  222  N.  I4th  St., 
Muskogee,  Okla. 

Harter,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  A.,  North  Market 
St.,  Canton,  O. 

Hilliard,  F.  A.,  1891  E.  99th  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Howard,  W.  E.,  127  N  St.,  Salt  Lake 
City,  Utah. 

Jepson,  Dr.  W.  H.,  2712  Benvenue  Ave., 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

JohnsK  Charles  R.,  521  */2  isth  St.,  Moline, 

Knight,    C.    F.,   care   of   Beacon-Journal, 

Akron,  O. 

Kelley,  Hermon  A,  Overlook  Rd.,  Euclid 
Heights,  Cleveland,  O. 

Kleiner,  Rheinhart,  278  Grove  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Leitch,  Miss  Mary  S.,  Lynnhaven,  Va. 

Maguire,  Don,  P.  O.  Box  549,  Ogden, 

Markham,  Edwin,  92  Waters  Ave.,  West 
New  Brighton,  N.  Y. 

Maltby,  Ian  E.,  Apt  33,  824  Edgecombe 
PI.,  Chicago,  111. 

Monnette,  Orra  E.,  350  S.  Oxford  Ave., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Moses,  Barr,  143  Edwards  St.,  Wausau, 
Wis.  (esp.  obscure  volumes). 

Mullin,  John  M.,  Slingerlands,  N.  Y. 

Needham,  Maurice  Hubert,  care  of  Hus- 
band &  Thomas,  150  E.  Erie  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

O'Connell,  R.  J.  O.,  10  W.  Garfield  St., 
Seattle,  Wash. 

Palmer,  George  H.,  11  Quincy  St.,  Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 

Parker  F.  W.,  215  9th  St.,  Oregon  City, 

Parker,  Geo.  F.,  401  Convent  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Pfeiffer,  Edward  H.,  Box  224,  Redlands, 

Platt,'  Charles  D.,  Moller  PI.,  Dover,  N.  J. 

Plumb,  A.  H.,  224  E.  6th  St.,  Emporia, 

Proctor,  Frank,  Franklin,  N.  H. 

Rand,  Frank  Prentice,  North  Amherst, 

Rice,  Cale  Young,  1444  St.  James  Court, 
Louisville,  Ky. 

Ridgely,  Henry,  The  Green,  Dover,  Del. 

Ripley,  F.  F.,  80  State  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Robertson,  John  W.,  1133  Greenwich  St., 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Robinson,  L.  E.,  1032  E.  Boston  Ave., 
Monmouth,  111. 

Robrett,  Geo.  W.,  20  W.  Jackson  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Rooney,  John  Jerome,  29  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Rutland,  Prof.  J.  R.,  Auburn,  Ala. 

Schwab,  V.  O.,  60  Evergreen  Ave.,  Bloom- 
field,  N.  J. 




Seymour,  George  Steele,  4917  Blackstone 

Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
Smith,    Milton   W.,    P.    O.    Drawer   767, 

Portland,  Ore. 
Smythe,  Albert  E.  S.,  22  W.  Glen  Cove 

Ave.,  Toronto,  Ont. 
Sorg,  Mrs.  Paul,  Sr.,  Middletown,  O. 
Spaulding,  Forrest  B.,  c/o  Gaylord  Bros., 

Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Squire,  Andrew,  1201  Leader  News  Bldg., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Strong,   C.   H.,   10494  Lake  Shore  Blvd., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Swift,  Ivan,  "The  Lofts,"  Harbor  Springs, 

Mich,  (illus.  by  engravings). 
Townsend,  James  R.,  15  E.  4Oth  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Underwood,    Wilbur,    1331    Park    Road, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Young,  W.  W.,  42  Lancaster  St.,  Albany, 

N.  Y. 

β€”  American 

Bieber,   Albert   A.,    17   Montgomery   St., 

Jersey  City,  N.  J. 
Page,  Curtis  Hidden,  Dartmouth  College, 

Hanover,  N.  H. 


Hyde,  Mrs.  Chas.,  529  Vine  St.,  Chatta- 
nooga, Tenn. 

First   Editions 

Matson,  E.,  436  Arroyo  Drive,  Pasadena, 

β€”  Anthologies 

Frey,    Carroll    H.,    Penn    Mutual  Bldg., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Jordan,  William  George,  202  W.  I30th  St., 

New  York  City. 

β€”  Ballads 

Bieber,  Albert  A.,  17  Montgomery  St.,  Jer- 
sey City,  N.  J.  (Broadsides) 

Deetz,  Chas.  H.,  2504  Cliffbourne  PL,  N. 
W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Harding,  Walter  N.  H.,  no  N.  Pine  Ave., 
Chicago,  111.  (American). 

Herzog,  Paul  M.,  41  68th  St.,  New  York 
City  (English,  French,  German). 

Shearin,  H.  G.,  Lexington,  Ky.  (Ameri- 

Watkins,  O.  L.,  c/o  Ginn  &  Co.,  2415 
N.  Penn  St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Wilmarth,  J.  C,  600  Upson  Ave.,  El  Paso, 
Tex.  (English). 

β€”  Book  Verse 

Wyer,  J.  I.,  399  Western  Ave.,  Albany, 
N.  Y. 

β€”  By  Medical  Men 

Dana,  C.  L.,  53  W.  53<1  St.,  New  York 




β€”  English 

Adkins,  Nelson  F.,  41  Madison  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Fisher,  Mahlon  L.,  P.  O.  Box  533,  Wil- 
liamsport,  Pa.  (esp.  Sonnet). 

Hamill,  Alfred  Ernest,  Lake  Forest,  111. 

Hilliard,  F.  A.,  1891  E.  Both  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Noyes,  Charles  L.,  Winter  Hill,  Mass. 

Peck,  Walter  E.,  426  Nold  Ave.,  Wooster, 
O.  (1780-1830,  esp.  Shelley). 

Spoor,  J.  A.,  1305  ist  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 
Chicago,  111. 

Wilmarth,  J.  C,  600  Upson  Ave.,  El  Paso, 
Tex.  (Restoration  period). 

i8th,  igth,  2oth  Centuries 

Whitall,  W.  Van  R.,  206  Loring  Ave., 
Pelham,  N.  Y. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Hoskins,  Chapin  and  Nancy,  2505  E.  74th 

St.,  Chicago,  111. 

Levine,  Isaac,  Kimball  Bldg.,  Chicago,  111. 
Peterson,   Harry   E.,    10747   Forest  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 
Messenger,  Maria  Gerard,  Chappaqua,  N. 

Y.  (New  England  authors) 
Douglas,  Robert  W.,  1004  Broughton  St., 

Vancouver,  B.  C. 

β€”  Greek  and   Latin 

Kinsella,  Prof.  A.J.,  2613  Ashland  Ave., 
Cincinnati,  O. 

β€”  Humorous 

Bowdoin,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  39th  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

β€”  Limericks 

Wyer,  J.  L,  399  Western  Ave.,  Albany, 
N.  Y. 

β€”  Minor  Poets 

Watkins,  O.  L.,  c/o  Ginn  &  Co.,  2415 
N.  Penn  St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

First  Editions 

Mosher,  Thomas  B.,  45  Exchange  St., 
Portland,  Me. 

β€”  Modern 

Kinsella,    Arthur     James,    2613    Ashland 

Ave.,  Cleveland,  O. 
Sutliff,  Miss  M.  L.,  135  E.  33<i  St.,  New 

York  City. 

β€”  Realistic 

Carpenter,  Percy,  607  Marietta  Ave.,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

Political  Science 

Abney,  John  R.,  19  E.  86th  St.,  New  York 

Bidgood,  Dr.  Lee,  University,  Ala. 



Political  Science 

Breaux,  Chief  Justice  J.  A.,  1728  Canal 
St.,  New  Orleans,  La. 

Cannon,  Lucius  H.,  211  City  Hall,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Dallam,  D.  E.,  709  Walnut  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Englund,  Eric,  Manhattan,  Kan. 

Fairlie,  John  A.,  Univ.  of  111.,  Urbana, 

Kinnick,  B.  F.,  West  Drive,  Indianapolis, 

Knight,  C.  L.,  care  of  Beacon-Journal, 
Akron,  O. 

Lusk,  J.  A,,  Guntersville,  Ala. 

Pittman,  Thomas  M.,  Henderson,  N.  C. 

Liessman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave.,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 

Rice,  James  A.,  Renkert  Bldg.,  Canton, 

Richman,  Irving  B.,  Muscatine,  la. 

Rogers,  J.  E.,  Pow  Block,  Salem,  Hhio. 

Rosenthal,  Lessing,  105  W.  Monroe  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Stephens,  Judge  Alexander  H.,  Atlanta, 

Stevenson,  Eugene,  580  Park  Ave.,  Pater- 
son,  N.  J. 

Stout,  W.  H.,  Central  Lyceum  Bureau,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind. 

Straus,  Isaac  Lobe,  1315  Munsey  Bldg., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Todd,  A.  M.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

See  also  Economics ;  Politics. 

β€”  History 

Youngblood,  B.,  College  Station,  Tex. 
(Original  documents) 

β€”  Pamphlets 

Guernsey,  Rocellus  S.,  1711  Bathgate 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Politics β€” Pamphlets 

James,  John  H.,  Urbana,  O. 
Se^  also  Political  science. 

Polynesia  (South  Sea  Islands) 

Jefferson,  J.  P.,  P.  O.  Box  645,  Santa  Bar- 
bara, Cal. 

Schaefer,  Edwin  F.,  397  Glenwood  Ave., 
Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Tully,  Richard  Walton,  1482  Broadway, 
New  York  City. 

Pope,  Alexander 

Griffith,  R.  H.,  Univ.  of  Texas,  Austin, 


Wolfe,  A.  B.,  Univ.  of  Texas,  Austin,  Tex. 


Wills,  D.  C,  Federal  Reserve  Bank, 
Cleveland,  O. 




β€”  Jurists 

Greenough,  Charles,  993  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Theatre 

Butler,  Robert  C,  East  Gravers  Lane, 
Chestnut  Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Postal  Service β€” History  and  Development 
Hyatt,    Dr.    Thaddeus    P.,    1169   Sad    St., 
Dyker  Heights,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


Petty,  Wm.  S.,  200  Broad  St.,  Washing- 
ton, N.  J. 
Richards,  E.  E.,  Cedar  Rapids,  la. 

Precious  Stones 

Kunz,  George  F.,  c/o  Tiffany  &  Co.,  409 

Fifth    Ave.,     New    York    City.      (All 

Schernikow,  Ernest,  17  Battery  PI.,  New 

York  City. 

β€”  and  Pearls 

Dustin,  Fred,  705  S.  Fayette  St.,  Sagi- 
naw,  Mich. 

Pre-Raphaelite  Brotherhood 
'   Day,  F.  H.,  Norwood,  Mass. 
Vickery,  Willis,  Engineers  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Printers  and  Printing 

Dixson,  Dr.  Zella  Allen,  5220  Cornell  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 


Beal,  Junius  E.,  343  So.  5th  Ave.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Brewer,  Luther  A.,  847  Fourth  Ave., 
Cedar  Rapids,  la. 

Calkins,  Earnest  E.,  250  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Coble,  Robert  K.,  308  N.  Oak  Park  Ave., 
Oak  Park,  111. 

Collier,  Allen,  108  E.  Auburn  Ave.,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 

Enis,  F.  C.,  4122  Greenview  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Fisher,  W.  E.,  611  W.  I36th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Morgner,  Oscar  A.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Munder,  Norman  T.  A.,  2335  Linden  Ave., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Oswald,  John  Clyde,  239  W.  39th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Pfirshing,  Mrs.  Mena  C.,  Evanston,  111. 

Powner,  W.  E.,  62  W.  Madison  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Rogers,  Bruce,  216  William  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Sayer,  Wm.  L.,  New  Bedford,  Mass. 

Springer,  John,  P.  O.  Box  116,  Iowa  City, 




Swift,  Ivan,  Harbor  Springs,  Mich. 
Updike,    D.    Berkeley,   232    Summer    St., 

Boston,  Mass. 
See  also  Typography. 

β€”  Appliances 

American  Type  Founders  Co.,  Jersey  City, 

β€”  Early 

Beam,   George    L.,   229   Equitable   Bldg., 

Denver,  Colo. 
Brigham,  C.  S.,  34  Cedar  St.,  Worcester, 

Burton,    Robert    Mosby,    388    N.    Euclid 

Ave.,  St.  Louis,  Mo.    (Esp.  in  America) 
Coble,  Robert  K.,  308  N.  Oak  Park  Ave., 

Oak  Park,  111. 
Emmett,   Burton,    120  W.   32d   St.,   New 

York  City.     (Also  early  illustrating) 
Goetz,  Philip  Becker,  North  Evans,  N.  Y. 
Marchbanks,  Hal,  114  I3th  St.,  New  York 

City.     (All  countries) 
Robertson,    Samuel    E.,    21    Walnut    St., 

Newark,  N.  J. 
Rogers,    Bruce,    216    William    St.,    New 

York  City. 
Ross,  John   M.,   510  Genesee   St.,   Utica, 

N.  Y. 
Shallenberger,  T.   M.,  425  24th  St.,   Des 

Moines,  la. 
Stone,  I.  L.,  289  Maple  St.,  Battle  Creek, 

Mich.     (Specimens) 

β€” Fine 

Allen,  Charles  Dexter,  80  Gates  Ave., 
Montclair,  N.  J. 

Calvert,  George  C.,  915  Merchants  Bank 
Bldg.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Kennedy,  Albert  J.,  20  Union  Park,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Tate,  C.  W.,  49  Brunswick  Rd.,  Montclair, 

β€”  History 

American  Type  Founders  Co.,  Jersey  City, 

N.  J. 
Beam,   George   L.,   229   Equitable   Bldg., 

Denver,  Colo. 
Lawrence,   John   S.,   307   Fulton   St.,   E.f 

Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 
Leonard,  Arthur  George,  4801  Woodlawn 

Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 
Root,  Azariah  S.,  Oberlin  College,  Ober- 

lin,  O. 

Sherman,  Philip  D.,  143  Forest  St.,  Ober- 
lin, O. 
Turner,  L.  M.,  P.  O.  Box  115,  Baltimore, 

Wroth,  Lawrence  C.,  215  E.  Preston  St., 

Baltimore,  Md. 

β€”  Modern 

Winship,  G.  P.,  Charles  River,  Mass. 



β€” Processes 

Bullcn,  Henry  Lewis,  300  Communipaw 
Ave.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

β€”  Specimen  Books  of  Types 

American  Type  Founders  Co    Jersey  City, 

N.  J. 
Updike,    D.    Berkeley,    232    Summer    St., 

Boston,  Mass. 


American  Type  Founders  Co.,  Jersey  City, 

N.  J. 
Battles,    D.    Blake,    1239    W.    iisth    St., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Emmett,   Burton,    120   W.   32d   St.,    New 

York  City. 
Deetz,   Charles   H.,  2504  Cliffbourne   PL, 

N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Harris,  I.  G.,  1840  Caton  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
Hillhouse,  James,  Sachem's  Wood,  New 

Haven,  Ct. 
Shields,  Wm.  H.,  35  Broadway,  Norwich, 


Snyder,  Irvin  T.,  Coronado,  Cal. 
Turner,  L.  M.,  P.  O.  Box  115,  Baltimore, 


See  also  Scott 

β€”  Books  on 

Appleyard,  F.,  66  Leonard  St.,  New  York 

Cory,    James    W.,    902     Madison    Ave., 

Helena,  Mont. 
Hillhouse,  James,  Sachem's  Wood,  New 

Haven,  Ct. 
Spingarn,  Arthur  B.,  19  W.  44th  St.,  New 

York  City. 

β€”  Chinese 

Goes,  Frank  L.,  Goes  Wrench  Co.,  Wor- 
cester, Mass. 

β€”  Early 

Seasongood,  Edwin  A.,  16  E.  6oth  St., 
New  York  City.  (Italian,  Flemish  and 
German  masters) 

Wodell,  Silas,  139  Broadway,  New  York 

β€”  Flags 

Tieman,  Bernard  J.,  375  W.  46th  St.,  New 
York  City.  (Local  and  foreign) 

β€”  Japanese 

Armes,  Prof.  W.  D.,  Faculty  Club,  Berke- 
ley, Cal. 

Goes,  Frank  L.,  Goes  Wrench  Co.,  Wor- 
cester, Mass. 

Kimball,  Benjamin,  66  Chestnut  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Michie,  H.  Stuart,  10  Military  Road, 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Smiley,  W.  H.,  1115  Race  St.,  Denver, 




Books  on 

Fitzgerald,  Edward,  373  Fourth  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

β€” Marine 

Crowninshield,  B.  B.,  31  State  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Haight,  A.  C,  Riverside  Drive,  New 
York  City. 

Taylor,  Charles  H.,  Jr.,  Boston  Globe, 
Boston,  Mass. 

Clipper  Ships 

Berry,  Capt.  Horace  N.,  Senior  Port  War- 
den, Port  of  Boston,  Boston,  Mass. 


Backman,    J.    J.,    212    Sunnyside    Ave., 

Aurora,  Ind. 
Taylor,    Charles   H.,   Jr.,    Boston    Globe, 

Boston,  Mass. 

β€”  Negro 

Nail,  John,  Jr.,  345  W.  I35th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Old 

Jordan,  J.  N.,  158  Franklin  Ave.,  New 
Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Sporting 

Enders,  John  O.,  17  Highland  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Private  and  Special  Press  Books 

Angert,  Eugene  H.,  3rd  National  Bank 
Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Ault,  L.  A.,  Ault  Wiborg  Company,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 

Baker,  C.  O.,  95  Washington  St.,  East 
Orange,  N.  J. 

Berwald,  Samuel  W.,  7419  Madison  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Bickerton,Thomas  W.,  623  West  End 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Borneman,  Henry  S.,  801  Liberty  Bldg., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Bowdoin,  W.  G.,  1057  E.  39th  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Bubb,  Charles  C.,  208  S.  Clover  St.,  Fre- 
mont, O. 

Gary,  Walter,  Houlton,  Me. 

Compton,  Charlotte  B.,  Millbrook,  N.  Y. 

Cram,  Ralph  Adams,  15  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Fairbanks,  Thomas  Nast,  34  Union  Sq., 
E.,  New  York  City. 

Gaynor,  Kenneth,  326  W.  Madison  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Gils,  G.  Henry,  319  W.  Ontario  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Goldsmith,  Abraham,  61  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Goodhue,  Bertram  Grosvenor,  2  W.  47th 
St.,  New  York  City. 

Goykendall,  Frederick,  I  W.  72d  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Hanna,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  1300  Leader-News 
Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Harper,  Henry  H.,  833  Little  Bldg.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 



Private  and  Special  Press  Books 

Harriman,  Karl  Edwin,  36  S.  State  St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Hartshorne,  Robert,  449  Park  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Heurtly,   Arthur,    Sec'y    Northern    Trust 

Co.,  Chicago,  111. 
Hyde,  Salem,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Jenkinson,    R.    C,    291    Washington    St., 

Newark,  N.  J. 
Keating,  George  T.,  29  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 
Kehler,   James    Howard,   70   Fifth   Ave., 

New  York  City. 

Kelly,  Dr.  Howard  A.,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Marlatt,  Wm.   H.,  805   Society  for  Sav- 
ings Bldg.,  Cleveland,  O. 
Morton,    Stratford    Lee,    1008    Chemical 

Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Neiger,  Arthur  A.,  11,615  Hazeldell  Rd., 

Cleveland,  O. 

Newbegin,  J.  J.,  358  Post  St.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 
Place,   Charles  W.,  490  West  End  Ave., 

New  York  City. 
Price,   Warwick  James,   512  S.  4ist  St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Ransom,    Will,    14    W.    Washington    St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Raymond,  Judge  Thos.  L.,  16  East  Kin- 

ney  St.,  Newark,  N.  J. 
Rich,  Waldo  L.,  P.  O.  Box  221,  Saratoga 

Springs,  N.  Y. 

Rogers,  T.  P.  W.,  875  Elm  St.,  Manches- 
ter, N.  H. 
Schroeter,   H.   M.,  3630   W.   Washington 

Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Senter,  Charles,  i  Beverly  PI.,  St.  Louis, 


Sloan,  Charles  H.,  Ironton,  O. 
Stein,  Dr.  S.  J.,  Muscatine,  la. 
Todd,  A  M.,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 
Van  Vechten,  Ralph,  V.-Pres.  Cont'l  and 

Com'l  Nat.  Bank,  Chicago,  111. 
White,  Aubrey  L.,  Old  Nat'l  Bank  Bldg., 

Spokane,  Wash. 
White,  William  G.,  767  Goodrich  Ave.,  St. 

Paul,  Minn. 
Woodworth,  Laurence  C.,  Steinway  Hall, 

Chicago,  111. 
Wright,  George,  Cedar  Rapids,  la. 

β€”  Book  Club  Publications 

Harper,  Henry  H.,  833  Little  Bldg.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Neilson,  Howard  S.,  Darien,  Ct.  (First 

Bibliophile  Society 

Carpenter,    W.    M.,    2010    Sheridan    Rd., 

Evanston,  111. 

Hyde,  Salem,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Kauffmann,  Victor,  1708  New  Hampshire 

Ave.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Learned,  Walter,  New  London,  Ct. 

Grolier  Club 

Bridgman,  Henry  H.,  Fox  Hill,  Norfolk, 



Private  and  Special  Press  Books 
β€”Book)  Club  Publicationsβ€” Grolier  Club 
Gaunt,  James,  24  W.  50th  St.,  New  York 

Gilliss,  Walter,  54  W.  48th  St.,  New  York 

Goldsmith,    S.    A.,    n    Broadway,    New 

York  City. 

Hamilton,  Geo.  L.,  Jamestown,  R.  I. 
Hyde,  Salem,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
Jaffray,    Robert,    58    W.    46th    St.,    New 

York  City. 
Kauffmann,  Victor,  1708  New  Hampshire 

Ave.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Lambert,    Samuel    W.,    130   E.    35th    St., 

New  York  City. 

Learned,  Walter,  New  London,  Ct. 
Young,  W.  W.,  42  Lancaster  St.,  Albany, 

N.  Y. 

Rowf ant  Club 

Reid,  Wm.  E.,  175  W.  72d  St.,  New  York 

β€”  Dove's  Press 

Carpenter,  W.  M.,  2010  Sheridan  Rd., 
Evanston,  111. 

Fowler,  Alfred,  17  Board  of  Trade,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

Gaunt,  James,  24  W.  50th  St.,  New  York 

β€”  Kelmscott  Press 

Fowler,  Alfred,  17  Board  of  Trade,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

Frank,  Henry  P.,  Ardenlea,  Yarmouth, 

Woods,  Edward  A.,  Woodland  Rd., 
Sewickley,  Pa. 

β€”  Mosher  Press 

Van  Dyke,  William,  508  Griswold  St., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

β€”  Pickwick  Press 

Cameron,  John  L.,  Riverside,  111. 


Love,  Don  C.,  Little  Bldg.,  Lincoln,  Neb. 
See  also  Liquor   Traffic. 

Prostitution.    See  Sociology. 

Proverbs  and  Riddles 

Shedd,  John  A.,  7  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York 


Kuh,   Sidney,    M.D.,   433O   Drexel    Blvd., 

Chicago,  111. 
Babcock,    Margaret    Woods,     Columbia, 

S.  C. 

Psychical  Research 

Burton,  Walter,  Box  114,  Keokuk,  la. 
Core,  Wm.  F.,  817  E.  7th  South  St.,  Salt 
Lake  City,  Utah. 



Psychical  Research 

Hanson,  H.  P.,  Harlan,  la. 
Kealhofer,  William,  Hagerstown,  Md. 
Macdonald,    Duncan    H  ,    143    Sigourney 

St.,  Hartford,  Ct. 
Stokes,  Henry  N.,  1207  Q  St.,  Washington, 

D.  C. 


Boggs,  P.  M.,  ii  Thomas  St.,  Newark, 
N.  J. 

De  Takach,  Zoltan,  103  W.  88th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Greenough,  Charles,  993  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Pope,  Charles  E.,  421  Wood  St.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 


Cantroll,  Thomas  L.,  Athens,  111. 

Corbly,  Lawrence  J.,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 

Doster,  J.  J.,  University,  Ala. 

Farley,  T.  H.,Lawrence  College,  Apple- 
ton,  Wis. 

Frasier,  S.  M.,  Dothan,  Ala. 

Hall,  Dr.  G.  Stanley,  156  Woodland  St., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Harlowe,  David  H.,  3002  Mt.  Vernon  Ave., 
Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Ingersoll,  Wm.  H.,  637  Ridgewood  Rd., 
Maplewood,  N.  J. 

Jordan,  William  George,  202  W.  i3Oth  St., 
New  York  City. 

Kuh,  Sidney,  M.D.,  4330  Drexel  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Leavitt,  J.,  R.  D.  42,  Norwalk,  Ct. 

Partlow,  Dr.  William  D.,  Tuscaloosa,  Ala. 

Pavey,  Henry  A.,  Hillsboro,  O. 

Peter,  Charles,  644  East  South  Temple 
St.,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

Sibley,  E.  H.,  Franklin,  Pa. 

Stebbins,  F.  E.,  121  Indiana  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

White,  William  Allen,  Emporia,  Kan. 

Yoder,  A.  H.,  Whitewater,  Wis. 

Public  Health 

Williams,  Huntington,  M.D.,  State  Health 
Dept.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Administration 

Perry,  Dr.  H.  G.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 


Oswald,  John  Clyde,  239  W.  39th  St., 
New  York  City. 

β€”  History 

Melcher,  Frederic  G.,  228  Grove  St., 
Montclair,  N.  J. 


Buffum,   William   P.,   28   Greenough   PI., 

Newport,  R.  I. 
Linton,   Wm.   S.,  811    S.   Jefferson   Ave., 

Saginaw,  Mich. 




Myers,    Albert    Cook,    1300    Locust    St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Wick,  Barthinius  L.,  Cedar  Rapids,  la. 

Rackham,  Arthur β€” Illustrations 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 


Nally,  Edward  J.,  "The  Trees,"  Ossining, 
N.  Y. 


Chase,    Carroll,    M.D.,    1170    Dean    St., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Kunz,  George  F.,  c/o  Tiffany  &  Co.,  409 

Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Rafinesque,  Constantine  Samuel 
Fitzpatrick,  T.  J.,  Bethany,  Neb. 


Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  2nd  Ave.,  Cedar 

Rapids,  la. 
Wright,  W.  D.,  Port  Washington,  N.  Y. 

Rare  Books,    See  Old  and  Rare  Editions. 
Realistic.    See  Literature β€” Realistic 


Thompson,  Harry  F.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Red  Cross 

Hill,  Miss  Amelie,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Reference  Books 

Albery,  F.  F.  D.,  Columbus,  O. 

Arensberg,  C.  C,  Oakmount,  Pa. 

Black,  Albert,  Albion,  Ind. 

Blackburn,  Dr.  W.  J.,  663  Reibald  Ave., 
Dayton,  O. 

Bridgman,  Henry  H.,  Fox  Hill,  Norfolk, 

Cochran,  Samuel  P.,  P.  O.  Box  119,  Dal- 
las, Tex. 

Collins,  Holdridge  O.,  404  S.  Main  St., 
Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Corbly,  Lawrence  J.,  Huntington,  W.  Va., 
Unusual,  for  special  information) 

Dutcher,  H.  M.,  414  Highland  Ave., 
Peekskill,  N.  Y. 

French,  Charles,  5850  Harper  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Foote,  Langley  S.,  621  S.  Granger  St., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Freeman,  Charles  R.,  Checotah,  Okla. 

Miller,  John  R.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

Nolan,  Preston  M.,  5802  Kenmore  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Pell,  H.  C,  Jr.,  Tuxedo,  N.  Y. 

Ripley,  F.  F.,  80  State  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Romolo,  Joseph  A.,  Times  Plaza,  P.  O. 
125,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Walton,  J.  W.,  1173  W.  nth  St.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 



Reference  Books 

β€”  For  Children 

Homer,  Horace,  115  Broadway,  New  York 

β€”  i6th  to  igth  Century 

Seasongood,   Edwin  A.,   16   E.  6oth   St., 
New  York  City. 


Patteson,    S.    S.    P.,    2505    Stuart    Ave., 
Richmond,  Va. 


Brown,    John    C,    117    Eighth    Ave.,    S., 

Nashville,  Tenn. 

Carruth,  W.  H.,  Stanford  University,  Cal. 
Dillard,  J.  E.,  1924  i6th  Ave.  S.,  Birming- 
ham, Ala. 

Galvani,  William  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Port- 
land, Ore. 
Howard,  W.  E.,  127  N  St.,  Salt  Lake  City, 

Markham,   Edwin,   West   New  Brighton, 

Staten  Island,  N.  Y. 
Robrett,  Geo.  W.,  20  W.  Jackson  Blvd., 

Chicago,  111. 

Roche,  J.  M.,  Northern  Bank  Bldg.,  Lex- 
ington, Ky. 
Shields,  Chas,  H.,  c/o  Sth-3d  Nat'l  Bank, 

Cincinnati,  O. 

See  also  Bibles,  Christian  Science,  Men- 
nonites,  Mohammedanism,  Moravians, 
Mormons,  Quakers,  Roman  Catholic 
Church,  Shakers,  Theology,  Transcenden- 

β€”  Ancient 

Gilmore,  George  F.,  Free  Press,  Nampa, 

β€”  Bahaism  and  All  Cults 

Gehrman,  Mrs.  Susan  Laurence,  Spring- 
field, 111. 

β€”  Church  History 

Faulkner,  Prof.  J.  A.,  Madison,  N:  J. 
Faulkner,   C.  J.,  Washington   St.,   Boyd- 

ton,  Va.  t 

Swing,  A.  T.,  Oberlin,  O. 

β€”  Comparative 

Pope,   Charles   E.,  421   Wood  St.,   Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

β€”  Liturgical  Literature 

Shillaber,  W.  G.,  275  Beacon  St.,  Boston, 

Thomas,    Nathaniel    S.,    Thornburg    St., 

Laramie,  Wyo. 

β€”  Missions 

Ball,    Charles    T.,    Seminary    Hill,    Fort 
Worth,  Tex.    (And  mission  study) 

β€”  Nature  Worship 

Pope,  Charles  E.,  1421  Wood  St.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 




β€”  New  Thought 

Woodward,   J.   F.,   Newport,   Tenn. 

β€”  Oriental    Forms 

Gibson,  W.  A.,  Jr.,  1137  Hancock  St., 
W.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

β€”Phallic    Worship 

Pope,  Charles  E.,  421  Wood  St.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

Stone,  Lee  Alexander,  M.D.,  5406  Glen- 
wood  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

β€”  Sex  Worship 

Anderson,  J.  R.,  Beatrice,  N.  H. 
Pope,   Charles   E.,  421   Wood  St.,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

β€”  Sun  Worship 

Anderson,  J.  R.,  Beatrice,  N.  H. 
Pope,   Charles   E.,  421   Wood  St.,   Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

Reptiles.    See  Herpetology. 

Research β€” Scientific 

Spotts,  John  Alfred,  Lawrence,  Kan. 
Zimmerman,     Rev.    Jeremiah,    Syracuse, 
N.  Y. 

Revere,  Paul 

Howard,  Montague,  693  Madison  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Reynolds,  Sir  Joshua 

Rogers,  Prof  R.  W.,  Madison,  N.  J. 

Rhode  Island 

Buffum,  William  P.,  28  Greenough  PI., 
Newport,  R.  I. 

Shepley,  George  L.,  292  Benefit  St.,  Provi- 
dence, R.  I. 

β€”  History 

Arnold,  Fred  A.,  City  Hall,  Providence, 
R.  I. 

β€”  Newport 

Terry,  Dr.  Roderick,  Newport,  R.  I. 

Riley,  James  Whitcombβ€” First  Editions 

Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School, 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Kautz,  F.  P.,  116  N.  Penn  St.,  Indianapo- 
lis, Ind. 

Robinson β€” Illustrations 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg..  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 

Robinson,  Edwin  Arlington β€” First  Editions 
Makepeace,    Walter    D.,    Court    House, 
Waterbury,  Ct. 



Roman  Catholic  Church 

Galvani,  William  H.,  Gasco  BIdg.,  Port- 
land, Ore.     (Pro  and  anti) 
See  also  Cistercians;  Jesuits;   Trappists. 

β€”  History 

Allen,  Rt.  Rev.  Edward  P.,  Mobile,  Ala. 
Terry,   Charles   D.,  4251    Parkman  Ave., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa.    (Early  American) 

β€”  In  United  States 

Bowling,  Hon.  Victor  J.,  27  Madison 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

β€”  Inquisition 

Douglas,  Walter,  90  John  St.,  New  York 

See  also  Jews. 

Romance  Languages 

Galloo,  Miss  Eugenia,  1324  Louisiana  St., 
Lawrence,  Kan.  (French,  Italian,  Rou- 
manian and  Phaeto-Roman  sch.) 

Loud,  Oliver  B.(  19  Smith  Ave.,  Methuen, 
Mass.  (esp.  French) 

Romance  Literature 

Cloran,  Timothy,  631  E.  I5th  St.,  Eugene, 


Bradley,  Charles  Barnet,  Convent,  N.  J. 

β€” Art  and  Literature 

Kraemer,  Casper  J.,  Jr.,  537  Union  PI., 
Union  Hill,  N.  J. 

Roosevelt,  Theodore 

Aitken,  John  Winfield,  52  Roosevelt  Ave., 

Carbondale.  Pa. 

Goodhue,  E.  S.,  Roosevelt,  H.  I. 
Hall,   Mrs.   Tohn,  "Maplehurst,"   Leaven- 
worth,  Kan. 
Merritt,  F.  P.,  4  E.  36th  St.,  New  York 

Mulford,   A.   C,   South   St.,   Oyster  Bay, 

N.  Y.  (Including  pamphlets,  autographs, 

Roosevelt    Memorial    Assn.,    i    Madison 

Ave.,  New  York  City. 
Wright,    Allen     H.,    2107    Ft.     Stockton 

Drive,  San  Diego,  Cal. 

Rossetti,  Dante  Gabriel 

Vickery,  Willis,  Engineers  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Rowfant    Club. 


See    Private    and    Special 

Rowland  son β€” Illustrations 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Spencer,    Jesse    E.,    705    20th    St.,    Rock 

Island,  111. 
Rubaiyat.    See  Omar  Khayyam. 




Shaw,  E.  C,  c/o  B.  F.  Goodrich  Co., 
Akron,  O. 


Cory,  James,  Helena,  Mont. 

Ruskin,  John 

Adam,  R.  B.,  46  Norwood  Ave.,  Buffalo, 

N.  Y. 
Fotheringham,  J.  R.,  Main  St.,  Irvington- 

on-Hudson,  N.  Y. 
Needham,  Wilbur,  Hinsdale,  111. 

Russell,  Geo.    See  A.  E. 


Allen,  A.  M.,  195  6th  Ave.  N.,  Troy,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Customs 

Cheney,  Warren,  2241  College  Ave., 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

β€”  Literature 

Andrew,  Miss  Nell,  c/o  Texas  Christian 
Univ.,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 

Pickard,  Dr.  M.  W.,  Union  Station  Hos- 
pital, Kansas  City,  Mo.  (Original) 

β€”  Slavic  Races 

Underwood,  Edna  W.,  Box  54,  Hamilton 
Grange  Sta.,  New  York  City. 


Alexander,  Gary  W.,  404  Atlantic  Nat. 
Bank  Bldg.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Gaynor,  Kenneth,  326  W.  Madison  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Sandwich  Islands 

Ayer,  Edward  E.,  2  Banks  St.,  Chicago, 

Sanskrit  Literature β€” Swedish  Translations 
Swan,    G.   N.,    1221    Virginia    St.,   Sioux 
City,  la. 

Scandinavian  Books 

Anderson,  Rasmus  B.,  Madison,  Wis. 
Swan,  G.  N.,  1221  Virgina  St.,  Sioux  City, 

Scenic  Preservation 

Kunz,  Geo.  F.,  c/o  Tiffany  &  Co.,  409 
Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Schiller,    Johann    Christoph    Fredrich    von β€” 
First  Editions 

Solley,  John  B.,  M.D.,  968  Lexington  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Schleswig-Holstein  Question 

Hanson,  H.  P.,  Harlan,  la.  (In  English 
and  Danish) 




Anderson,  J.  R.,  Beatrice,  N.  H. 

Benjamin,  Geo.  H.,  20  W.  nth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Boyd,  Jackson,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

Chapman,  Edgar  C,  Corte  Madera,  Cal. 

De  Boer,  Joseph  A.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Egbert,  Dr.  Joseph  C,  115  North  Wayne 
Ave.,  Wayne,  Pa. 

Foote,    Langley   S.,   621    S.   Granger   St., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Fowler,  Alfred,  17  Board  of  Trade,  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo. 

Greene,  Jesse  C,   109  W.  Gay  St.,  West 
Chester,  Pa. 

Hall,  Dr.  G.  Stanley,  156  Woodland  St., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Hartmann,     Galen     C.,     Farmers'     Bank 
Bldg.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Hixenbaugh,  W.  A.,  628  S.  igth  St., 
Omaha,  Neb. 

Howland,  F.  A.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Jones,  Plummer  F.,  New  Canton,  Va. 

Justice,  Carl  L.,  Old  Cris  Press,  Crisfield, 

Kelley,  Hermon  A.,  Overlook  Rd.,  Eu- 
clid Heights,  Cleveland,  O. 

Kimball,  F.  H.,  Rockford,  111. 

McLoud,  John,  Grayhorse,  Okla. 

Mees,  C.  L.,  2209  N.  gth  St.,  Terre  Haute, 

Pearce,  Wilbur  E.,  303  University  PI., 
Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Pearl,  Dr.  Raymond,  401  Hawthorne  Rd., 
Roland  Park,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Pumpelly,  Raphael,  Newport,  R.  I. 

Rice,  Louis  N.,  University  Club,  Hono- 
lulu, H.  I. 

Richman,  Irving  B.,  Muscatine,  la. 

Robrett,  Geo.  W.,  20  W.  Jackson  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Rogers,  J.  E.,  Pow  Block,  Salem,  O. 

Scott,  S.  P.,  321  Main  St.,  Hillsboro,  O. 
(All  languages) 

Story,  Dr.  Wm.  E.,  Clark  University, 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Thompson,  Bert  M.,  Drawer  126,  Athens, 

Wackerbarth,  Henry  von,  9737  Longwood 
Drive,  Chicago,  111. 

Warren,  Worcester  R.,  5809  Carnegie 
Ave.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Wirt,  B.  F.,  31  W.  Rayen  Ave.,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

Woodward,  J.  F.,  Newport,  Tenn. 

See  also  Anthropology,  Astronomy,  Biol- 
ogy, Botany,  Chemistry,  Embryology, 
Entomology,  Ethnology,  Geology,  Math- 
ematics, Ornithology,  Oceanography, 
Paleontology,  Physics,  Zoology. 

β€”  Early 

Carpenter,  L.  G.,  1455  Gilpin  St.,  Denver, 

Eckstein,  W.  G.,  68  W.  8sth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Mackall,  Leonard  L.,  c/o  Lawton  &  Cun- 
ningham, Savannah,  Ga. 




β€”  History  of 

Hale,  George  E.,  Observatory  Office,  Pas- 
adena, Cat. 

β€”  Natural 

Affleck,  G.  B.,  287  Hickory  St.,  Spring- 
field, Mass.  (Popular  form) 

Angle,  Dr.  E.  J.,  2219  B  St.,  Lincoln,  Neb. 

Brannon,  Peter  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Brooklyn  Institute  Museum  Library,  East- 
ern Parkway,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Buckenham,  J.  E.  B.,  M.D.,  Chestnut  Hill, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Coffin,  Nathan  E.,  Ft.  Des  Moines  Hotel, 
Des  Moines,  la. 

Crabtree,  John  A.,  Montgomery,  N.  Y. 

Cragin,  F.  W.,  912  E.  San  Miguel  St., 
Colorado  Springs,  Colo. 

Foster,  E.,  328  Camp  St.,  New  Orleans, 

Harbert,  Alb.  N.,  318  Brown  St.,  Iowa 
City,  la. 

Jordan,  Mrs.  W.  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Lewis,  L.  J.,  Scale,  Ala. 

Loding,  George  A.,  104  Tenth  St.,  Lowell, 

Loring,  J.  Alden,  351  Front  St.,  Oswego, 
N.  Y. 

Munroe,  G.  F.,  Mobile,  Ala. 

Pellett,  Frank  C,  Box  376,  Hamilton,  111. 

Petty,  William  S.,  200  Broad  St.,  Wash- 
ington, N.  J. 

Pickett,  Sarah  Alberta,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Rogers,  Zelma,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Rothermel,  John  G.,  I7th  and  Montgom- 
ery Ave.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Shaible,  F.  G.,  501  Locust  Ave..  Freeport, 

Sondley,  Foster  A.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
Stewart,  P.  B.,  1228  Wood  Ave.,  Colorado 
Springs,  Colo. 

Wackerbarth,  Henry  von,  9737  Longwood 

Drive,  Chicago,  111. 
Wallace,  J.  H.,  Jr.,  State  Game  and  Fish 

Commissioner,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Westhorpe,  Arthur   W.,   P.   O.   Box  376, 

Falls  City,  Neb. 

Withey,  W.  W.,  La  Crosse,  Wis. 

Yarrow,  Dr.  H.  C.,  814  I7th  St.,  N.  W., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Yontz,  L  A.,  Lawrence  College,  Apple- 
ton,  Wis. 


Sherman,  John  D.,  Jr.,  132  Primrose  Ave., 
Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Nature  Books 

Arnold,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  Burlington,  Vt. 
Baker,  M.  N.,  loth  Ave.  and  36th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Chapman,  W.   G.,   118  N.   La  Salle  St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Dadisman,  A.  J.,  115  Beverly  Ave.,  Mor- 

gantown,  W.  Va. 



Science β€” Nature  Books 

Douglas,  Malloch,  1532  Thome  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Hayford,  Dr  E.  L.,  131  N.  State  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Kuh,  Sidney,  M.  D.,  4330  Drexel  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

McLean,  Mrs.  W.  E.,  700  S.  ;th  St.,  Terre 
Haute,  Ind. 

Munder,  Norman  T.  A.,  2335  Linden  Ave., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

Parker,  F.  W.,  215  pth  St.,  Oregon  City, 

Proctor,  Frank,  Franklin,  N.  H. 

Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/ol  sth-3d  Natl. 
Bank,  Cincinnati,  O. 

Wing,  De  Witt  C,  5344  Dorchester  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

β€”  Physical 

Prewett,  Judge  J.  E.,  Linden  Heights,  Au- 
burn, Cal. 

β€”  Popular 

Spurlock,  Frank,  Chattanooga,  Tenn. 

β€”  Recent 

Burbank,    Luther,    204    Santa     Rosa     St. 
Santa  Rosa,  Cal. 


Hanna,  Charles  A.,   15  Rockledge  Road, 
Monclair,  N.  J. 


Gray,  David  E.,  1320  Olive  St.,  St.  Louis, 

Linton,   Wm.   S.,   8n    S.   Jefferson   Ave., 

Saginaw,  Mich. 

β€”  Folklore 

Davies,   D.   C.,   Field   Museum,   Chicago, 

Moir,  A.  L.,  Lowell,  Mass. 

β€”  Genealogy 

Moir,  A.  L.,  Lowell,  Mass. 

β€”  History 

Agnew,  Andrew  D.,  1203  Trust  Co.  Bldg., 

Milwaukee,  Wis. 
Hanna,  Charles  A.,   15  Rockledge  Road, 

Montclair,  N.  J. 
Moir,  A.  L.,  Lowell,  Mass. 
Robertson,  A.  M.,  222  Stockton  St.,  San 

Francisco,  Cal. 

β€”  Literature 

Ross,  Dr.  John  D.,  46  Manor  Ave.,  Wood- 
haven,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Wit  and  Humor 

Moir,  A.  L.,  Lowell,  Mass. 



Scott,  Sir  Walter 

Cutter,  H.  M.,  17  Baldwin  St.,  Montpelier, 

Evans,  Lyndcn,  1240  Astor  St.,  Chicago, 

O'Connell,  R.  J.  O.,   10  W.  Garfield  St., 

Seattle,  Wash. 
Wallace,  Oliver  A.,  563  Prospect  Ave.,  S. 

E.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 
Yeoman,  Geo.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

β€”  Prints 

Maires,    Samuel    Evans,    672    Ocean    Ave., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Scout  Movement 

Reed,  W.  Nash,  Montgomery,  Ala. 


Dennett,  J.  Vaughan,  Gates  R.  D.  No.  2, 
Dorchester,  Mass. 

β€”  History 

Boutwell,  Edgar,  Editorial  Dept,  The 
Courier-Journal,  Louisville,  Ky. 

β€”  Stories 

Townsend,  James  R.,  15  E.  4Oth  St.,  New 


Tieman,  Bernard  J.,  375  W.  46th  St.,  New 
York  City.  (Colonial,  provincial,  terri- 
torial and  state). 

Secret  Societies 

Boyd,  Leroy  S.,  Interstate  Commerce 
Comm.,  Washington,  D.  C. 


Schmidt,  Prof.  N.,  Ithaca,  N.  Y.  (Liter- 

Slomoritz,  Philip,  545  Kenilworth  Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

Zielonka,  Rabbi  Martin,  P.  O.  Box  1367, 
El  Paso,  Tex. 


Mackall,  Leonard  L.,  c/o  Lawton  & 
Cunningham,  Savannah,  Ga. 


Clem,  John  G.,  M.  D.,  Louisville,  Ky. 


Wight,  Edward  B.,  Everett,  Wash. 

Shakespeare,  William 

Barbour,  Thomas  J.,  1000  California  St.. 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Bishop,  W.  W.,  Univ.  of  Mich.,  Ann  Ar- 
bor, Mich. 

Black,  A.  Bruce,  Bloomsburg,  Pa. 

Burns,  P.  P.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Clawson,  John  L.,  1109  Delaware  Ave., 
Buffalo,  N.  Y. 



Shakespeare,  William 

Clem,  John  G.,  M.D.,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Dillard,  J.E.,  1924  i6th  Ave.  S.,  Birming- 
ham, Ala. 

Folger,   H.    C,   Jr.,   26   Broadway,   New 
York  City. 

Furness,  H.  H.,  Jr.,  Swarthmore,  Pa. 

Galvani,  Wm.  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Portland, 
Ore.  (incl.  Bacon  controversy). 

Goykendall,    Frederick,    I    W.     72d     St., 
New   York   City. 

Hall,  Mrs.  John,  "Maplehurst,"  Leaven- 
worth,  Kan. 

Hearst,  William  Randolph,  119  W.  40th 
St.,  New  York  City. 

Holstein,  Mark  G.,  36  W.  35th  St.,  New 

Huntington,  H.  E.,  Library  and  Art  Gal- 
lery, San  Gabriel,  Cal. 

Jaros,  Ernest  S.,  c/o  Lazarus  &  Co.,  Co- 
lumbus, O. 

Kingsley,  Darwin  P.,  346  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Longbridge,  Charles  R.,  1207  Pennsyl- 
vania St.,  Denver,  Colo.  (Folio  1623.) 

McCoy,  Rev  John  J.,  23  Eastern  Ave., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Moore,  W.  J.,  44  River  St.,  Salamanca, 
N.  Y. 

Norris,  Isaac,  M.  D.,  Bryn  Mawr,  Pa. 

Otis,  Miss  Genevieve,  400  Center  St.,  Des 
Moines,  la. 

Paine,  Robert  Treat  (2d),  Brookline, 

Street,  Charles  M.,  2920  Sacramento  St., 
St.  Joseph,  Mo. 

Thompson,  Eben  Francis,  84  Elm  St., 
Worcester,  Mass. 

Veatch,  Charles,  715  Main  St.,  Kansas 
City,  Mo. 

Vickery,  Willis,  Engineers'  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Yeoman,  George,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Williams,  John  C.,  62  E.  7oth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Swedish  Translations 

Swan,  G.  N.,  1221  Virginia  St.,  Sioux 
City,  Iowa. 

Shaw,  George  Bernard 

Henderson,  Archibald,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
Kirshner,  Morris,  60  Amboy  St.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 

Shelley,  Percy  Bysshe 

Baker,  Prof.  Alfred,  81  Madison  Ave., 
Toronto,  Ont. 

Elliot,  Frank  M.,  225  Lake  St.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 

Henry,  Mellinger  E.,  Dickinson  High 
School,  Jersey  City,  N.  T. 

Peck,  Walter  E.,  424  Nold  Ave.,  Wooster, 



Ships  and  Shipping 

Boutwell,     Edgar,    Editorial   Dept.,   The 

Courier-Journal,  Louisville,  Ky. 
Calkins,  Earnest  E.,  250  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City.     (Old  sailing  ships.) 
Shaw,  Graham,  Leopard  Rd.,  Berwyn,  Pa. 
Tooker,    L.    Frank,   Riverside,   Ct.     (esp. 

sailing  ships). 

β€”  American 

Brown,  Henry  Collins,  15  E.  40th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  History 

Putnam,  Judge  Harrington,  401  Washing- 
ton Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


Coe,  Charles  H.,  2947  Mills  Ave.,  N.  E., 

Washington,  D.  C. 
See  also   Castaways. 


Hosbach,  J.  T.  A.,  817  S.  58th  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Rockwell,  J.  E.,  31  S  St.,  N.  W.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C 

Shorthouse,  Joseph  Henry 

Snowden,  Yates,  803  Sumter  St.,  Colum- 
bia, S.  C. 


Haight,  A.  C.,  583  Riverside  Drive,  New 

York  City. 
Turner,  Frank  C.,  Norwich,  Ct. 

β€”  Early  American 

Clearwater,  Judge  A.  T.,  316  Albany  Ave., 

Kingston,  N.  Y. 
Howard,    Montague,   693    Madison   Ave., 

New  York  City. 

Simms,  William  Gilmore  (1806-1870) β€” Works 
Salley,  A.  S.,  Jr.,  State  House,  Columbia, 
S.  C. 


Shaffer,  J.  C.,  1704  Judson  Ave.,  Evanston, 


Williams,  Samuel  C.,  Johnson  City,  Tenn. 

Slick,  Sam  (Thomas  Chandler  Haliburton) β€” 
First  Editions 
Douglas,  Robert  W.,  Vancouver,  B.C. 

Smith,   F.   Hopkinson 

Sheldon,  Frank  W.,  F.  Hopkinson  Smith 
Library,  1445  Eighth  St.,  Cedar  Rapids, 

Smith,  Goldwin 

Eastham,  John  W.,  4569  Ave.  W,  Van- 
couver, B.  C. 



Social  Economics β€” Foreign  Countries 

Loud,  Oliver  B.,  19  Smith  Ave.,  Mcthucn, 

Social  Economy 

Davison,  A.   H.,   1272  E.  9th   St.,  Cedar 

Rapids,  Iowa. 
Pittman,  Thomas  M.,  Henderson,  N.  C. 

Social   Reform 

Moton,  Maj.  Robert  R.,  Tuskcgee  Insti- 
tute, Ala. 

Social  Service 

Edmonds,  Rev.  Dr.  Henry  M.,  Birming- 
ham, Ala. 
Wright,  Prof.  Julius  T.,  Mobile,  Ala. 


Debs,  Eugene  B.,  451  N.  8th  St.,  Terre 
Haute,  Ind. 

Stout,  W.  H.,  Central  iLyceum  Bureau,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind. 


Aldrich,  Morton  A.,  722  Cherokee  St., 
New  Orleans,  La. 

Bailey,  Charles  O.,  Bailey-Glidden  Bldg., 
Sioux  Falls,  S.  D. 

Baker,  Moses  N.,  53  Oakwood  Ave.,  Up- 
per Montclair,  N.  J. 

Barnwell,  Rev.  M.  S.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Carter,  F.  M.,  Columbia  St.,  Farmington, 

Edmonds,  Rev.  Dr.  Henry  M.,  Birming- 
ham, Ala. 

Frazier,  W.  A.,  212  S.  Main  St.,  Nevada, 

Garrett,  Robert,  Charles  St.  and  Wynd- 
hurst  Ave.,  .Rowland  Park,  Md. 

Guntzer,  J.  Henry,  Jr.,  Port  Chester, 
N.  Y. 

Hammond,  Hala  J.,  222  N.  I4th  St.,  Mus- 
kogee,  Okla. 

Heddlestone,  Rev.  David,  University, 

Hendricks,  Dr.  J.  A.,  Howard  College, 
Birmingham,  Ala. 

Humphrey,  Miss  Mary,  Springfield,  111. 

Ingersoll,  Wm.  H.,  637  Ridgewood  Road, 
Maplewood,  N.  J. 

Kelly,  -John  F.,  284  W.  Housatonic  St., 
Pittsfield,  Mass. 

Liessman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave.,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 

Lindsey,  Judge  Ben  B.,  Denver,  Colo. 

Loud,  Oliver  B.,  19  Smith  Ave.,  Methuen, 

Lusk,  Willard  C,  Yankton,  S.  D. 

McFarland,  J.  Horace,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 

McLoud,  John,  Grayhorse,  Okla. 

Markham,  Edwin,  West  New  Brighton, 
Staten  Island,  N.  M. 

Noyes,  Charles  L.,  Winter  Hill,  Mass. 

Peter,  Charles,  644  East  South  Temple  St., 
Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

Richman,  Irving  B.,  Muscatine,  Iowa. 




Sheffield,   Justus,    117   E.   38th   St.,   New 

York  City. 
Simkhovitch,   V.   G.,  26  Jones   St.,   New 

York  City 
White,  William  Allen,  927  Exchange  St., 

Emporia,  Kan. 
Wilcox,  D.  F.,  1426  Tribune  Bldg.,  New 

Wing,  DeWitt  C,  5344  Dorchester  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 

Yoder,  A.  H.,  Whitewater,  Wis. 
See  also  Commerce,  Economics,  Finance, 

Insurance,    Military    Art    and    Science, 

Political  Science,  Railroads,  Socialism, 

Statistics,  Telegraph. 

β€”  Community   Building 

Loud,  Oliver  B.,  19  Smith  Ave.,  Methuen, 

β€”  Institutions β€” History  of 

Hamilton,   P.   J.,    1010    Government    St., 
Mobile,  Ala. 


Fish,  Frederick  P., 

State  St.,  Boston, 

β€”  Prostitution 

Clem,  John  G.,  M.  D.,  Louisville,  Ky. 
Walton,  J.  W.,   1173  W.   nth  St,  Cleve- 
land, O 

South  America 

Brown,  Joseph  R.,  QO  State  St.,  Albany, 

N.  Y. 
Cooper,  Clayton  S.,  W.  R.  Grace  &  Co., 

7  Hanover  Sq.,  New  York  City. 
See  also  Travel. 

β€”  Poetry  β€”  Spanish  and  Portuguese 

Underwood,  Edna  W.,  Box  54,  Hamilton 
Grange  Sta.,  New  York  City  (mid-i8th 

South  Carolina 

Kirk,  H.  B.,  Charleston,  S.  C. 

Kohn,  August,  1520  Senate  St.,  Columbia, 
S.  C. 

McCullough,  Joseph  A.,  Box  790,  Balti- 
more, Md. 

McKissick,  J.  Rion,  Box  26,  Greenville, 
S.  C. 

McMaster,  Fitz  Hugh,  1428  Laurel  St.. 
Columbia,  S.  C. 

Ravenel,  Daniel,  Charleston,  S.  C. 

Salley,  A.  S.,  Jr.,  State  House,  Columbia, 
S.  C. 

Smith,  Henry  A.  M.,  26  Meeting  St., 
Charleston,  S.  C. 

Snowden,  Yates,  803  Sumter  St.,  Colum- 
bia, S.  C. 

Willis,  Theodore  H.,  72  Tradd  St., 
Charleston,  S.  C.  (Bound  pamphlets, 

Wilson,  Samuel  M.,  812  Security  Trust 
Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 



South  Carolina 

β€”  History 

Babcock,     Margaret     Woods,    Columbia, 

S.   C. 
Henson,  W.  G.,  James  Island,  Charleston 

Co.,  S.  C. 
Smyth,    Ellison    A.,    237    Broadus    Ave., 

Greenville,  S.  C.    (Colonial.) 

South  Dakota β€” History β€” Pierre 
Robinson,  Doane,  Pierre,  S.  D. 

South  Seas 

Dickie,  Francis,  Heriot  Bay,  B.  C. 
Senior,  Frank  Burnett,  4698  Fourth  Ave., 

W.  Vancouver,  B.  C. 
Steiner,   Walter   R.,   M.   D.,  646  Asylum 

Ave.,  Hartford,  Ct. 

Sec  also  Polynesia  (South  Sea  Islands). 
Steiner,  Walter 


Bourland,  Benjamin  P.,  11500  Euclid  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

β€”  Law 

Provost,  Severe  Mallet,  31  Broad  St.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Literature 

Bowman,  G.  Y.,  Paducah,  Tex. 

Huntington,  Archer  M.,  1083  Fifth  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Liessman,  Charles,  615  Seventh  Ave.,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 

Martinez,  Felix,  El  Paso,  Tex. 


Bourland,  Benj.  P.,  11,500  Euclid  Ave., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Spanish-America β€” Literature 

Huntington,  Archer  M.,  1083  Fifth  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Special   Presses.      See   Private   and    Special 


Hanson,  H.  P.,  Harlan,  la. 

β€”  Expose 

Byrne,  Arthur  E.,  Suite  216,  58  W.  Wash- 
ington St.,  Chicago,  111. 

Sports  and  Sporting 

Arnold,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  Burlington,  Vt. 
Chapman,   W.   G.,   118   N.   La   Salle   St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Haynes,  Williams,  3  Park  PI.,  New  York 

Henderson,  Robt.  W.,  370  Park  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 

Hight,  Robert  F.,  Lafayette,  Ind. 
Inman,  Maurice,  I  Parade  PI.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
James,  Norman,  Catonsville,  Md. 



Sports  and  Sporting 

Pell,      Herbert    Claiborne,    Jr..    Tuxedo, 

N.  Y. 

Racquet  and  Tennis  Club  (Robt.  W.  Hen- 
derson, Lbn.),  370  Park  Ave.,  New  York 


Reed,  VV.  Nash,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Smith,     Harry     Worcester,     "Lordvale," 

North  Grafton,  Mass. 
Spencer,    Jesse    E.,    705    2Oth    St.,    Rock 

Island,  111. 
Wallace,  J.  H.,  Jr.,  State  Game  and  Fish 

Commissioner,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Ward,    Christopher   H.,   Equitable   Bldg., 

Wilmington,  Del. 

Watson,  Wm.,  Wayne,  Pa.   (Out  of  print.) 
Williams,   S.  J.,  2  Virginia  Apartments, 

Norfolk,  Va. 
Yarrow,  Dr.  H.  C,  814  I7th  St.,  N.  W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 

β€”  Angling 

Ambrose,  Thomas,  330  East  22d  St.,  Chi- 

Corley,  Ernest,  c/o  Press  Club,  155  N. 
Clark  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

Deane,  Ruthven,  1222  N.  State  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Enders,  John  O.,  17  Highland  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Frank,  Julius,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Fuller,  J.  G.,  M.D.,  116  W.  59th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Goodwin,  Mrs.  Walter  L.,  1204  Asylum 
Ave.,  Hartford,  Ct. 

Hale,  George  E.,  Observatory  Office,  Pas- 
adena, Cal. 

Harwood,  P.LeRoy,  226  Ocean  Ave.,  New 
London,  Ct. 

Hayford,  Dr.  E.  L.,  131  N.  State  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Hight,  Robert  F.,  Lafayette,  Ind. 

Holter,  Edwin  O.,  60  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Inglis,  J.  M.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Jenkins,  J.  H.,  80  Washington  St.,  Osh- 
kosh,  Wis. 

Kauffman,  Victor,  1708  New  Hampshire 
Ave.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Knight,  Charles  H.,  Canton,  O. 

Lambert,  Samuel  W.,  130  E.  35th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Linton,  Wm.  S.,  811  S.  Jefferson  Ave., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

MacFarland,  S.  H.,  c/o  Hart  Schaffner 
&  Marx,  36  S.  Franklin  St.,  Chicago, 

Murtha,  T.  F.,  Tuckahoe,  N.  Y. 

Pell,      Herbert    Claiborne,    Jr.,    Tuxedo, 

N.  Y. 
Peters,    Samuel    T.,    i    Broadway,    New 

York  City. 
Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 

Sage,  Dean,  49  Wall  St.,  New  York 

Shaw,  E.  C,  c/o  B.  F.  Goodrich  Co., 
Akron,  O. 



Sports  and  Sporting β€” Angling 

Stevens,  Wm.  H.,  474  Congress  St.,  Port- 
land, Me. 

Stuart,  George,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Withey,  N.  H.,  La  Crosse,  Wis. 

Yarrow,  Dr.  H.  C,  814  i;th  St.,  N.  W., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

β€”  Aquatics 

Affleck,  G.  B.,  287  Hickory  St.,  Spring- 
field, Mass. 

β€”  Athletics 

Bragg,  Thomas,  Auburn,  Ala. 
Realty,  Hansen,  2752  S.  loth  St.,  Omaha, 


Inglis,  J.  M.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

β€”  Horse  Racing 

Frelinghuysen,  Theodore,  Tuxedo,  N.  Y. 
(Trotting  horses.) 

Gue,  Gurney  C,  460  Fulton  Ave.,  Hemp- 
stead,  N.  Y. 

Shoemaker,  Henry  W.,  71  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Smith,  Harry  Worcester,  "Lordvale," 
North  Grafton,  Mass. 

β€”  Horsemanship 

Smith,  Harry  Worcester,  "Lordvale," 
North  Grafton,  Mass. 

Watson,  Wm.  J.,  Wayne,  Pa.  (Out-of- 
print  books.) 

β€”  Hunting 

Deane,  Ruthven,  1222  N.  State  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Enders,  John  O.,  17  Highland  St.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Holter,  Edwin  O.,  60  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Knight,  Charles  H.,  Canton,  O. 

Linton,  Wm.  S.,  811  S.  Jefferson  Ave., 
Saginaw,  Mich. 

Pell,  Herbert  Claiborne,  Jr.,  Tuxedo, 
N.  Y. 

Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Realty,  Hansen,  2752  S.  roth  St.,  Omaha, 

Sheldon,  Charles,  3102  Q  St.,  Washington, 

Shoemaker,  Henry  W.,  71  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 
Smith,     Harry     Worcester,     "Lordvale," 

North  Grafton,  Mass.     (Also  Hounds.) 
Stuart,  George  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Withey,  N.  H.,  La  Crosse,  Wis. 

Big  Game 

Scull,  Marshall,  5700  City  Ave.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 



Sports   and   Sporting 

β€”  Outdoor  Life 

Affleck,  G.  B.,  287  Hickory  St.,  Spring- 
field, Mass. 

Dadisman,  A.  J.,  115  Beverly  Ave.,  Mor- 
gantown,  W.  Va. 

Kauffmann,  Victor,  1708  New  Hampshire 
Ave.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Willett,  Joseph  J.,  Anniston,  Ala. 

β€”  Steeplechasing 

Smith,  Harry  Worcester,  "Lordvale," 
North  Grafton,  Mass. 

β€”  Trapping 

Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

β€”  Periodicals β€” Early  American 

Cue,  Gurney  C.,  460  Fulton  Ave.,  Hemp- 
stead,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Sailing 

Shaw,  Graham,  Leonard  Rd.,  Berwyn,  Pa. 

Stamp  Collecting.     See  Philately. 


National   City   Bank,   55   Wall   St.,   New 

York  City. 
Parker,  Geo.  F.,  401  Convent  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 

Steam  Engines β€” History 

Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  Chicago,  111. 
Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  2nd  Ave.,  Cedar 
Rapids,  la. 


Holbrook,  Royal  H.,  1420  2nd  Ave.,  Cedar 
Rapids,  la. 


Fraprie,  Frank  R.,  39  Addington  Rd., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

Stelle,  W.  D. 

Needham,  Wilbur,  Hinsdale,  I1L 


Howard,  Jerome  B.,  222  W.  4th  St.,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 

Stevenson,  Robert  Louis 

Allen,  Edward  Frank,  64  Carlton  St., 
East  Orange,  N.  J. 

Bell,  J.  L.,  60  Ave.  B,  Bismarck,  N.  D. 

Bickerton,  Thomas  W.,  623  West  End 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Black,  Mrs.  H.  V.  D.,  Irvington-on-Hud- 
son,  N.  Y. 

Burton,  Walter,  Box  114,  Keokuk,  la. 

Cassels,  Edwin  H.,  "The  Rookery,"  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Dodge,  Chester  P.,  9  Columbia  Ave., 
Bevely,  Mass. 



Stevenson,  Robert   Louis 

Doyle,  James  A.,  30  Clinton  St.,  Newark, 

N.  J. 
Fisk,  Karl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 
Fotheringham,  J.  R.,  Main  St.,  Irvington- 

on-Hudson,  N.  Y. 
Greenough,  Charles,  993  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Hamilton,  Clayton,  142  P..   i8th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Havens,  Munson,  Chamber  of  Commerce, 

Cleveland,  O. 
Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 

New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 
Kinnick,  B.  F.,  West  Drive,  Indianapolis, 

MucKay,    W.    MacDonald,    26    Lonsdale 

Rd.,  Toronto,  Out. 
Morley,  Christopher,  Roslyn  Heights,  L. 

I.,  N.  Y. 

Needham,  Wilbur,  Hinsdale,  111. 
O'Connell,  R.  J.  O..   10  W.  Garfield  St., 

Seattle,  Wash. 
Trapp,  Dr.   C.  W.,  306  City  Nat.   Bldg., 

Louisville,  Ky. 
Wallace,    Oliver   A.,   563    Prospect   Ave., 

S.  E.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Brown,    Lawrason,    M.D.,    104    Main    St., 

Saranac  Lake,  N.  Y. 
Chew,    Beverly,    St.    Clair    St.,    Geneva, 

N.  Y. 
Ingraham,   Phoenix,  80  Irving   PI.,   New 

York  City. 
McCutcheon,  George  Barr,  125  E.  72d  St., 

New  York  City. 
Patterson,    John     M.,    2135    Spruce    St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Stoddard,  Charles  Warren 

Van    Dyke,    William,    508    Griswold    St., 
Detroit,  Mich. 


Merlins,  Mrs.  Paul,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Strange  and  Impossible  (The) 

O'Brien,  Frederick,  Sausalito,  Cal. 

Strawberry  Hill  Books 

Loring,  Augustus  P.,  Jr.,  in  Devonshire 
St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Stream  Pollution 

Ward,  Henry  B.,  Univ.  of  Illinois,  Ur- 
bana,  111. 


Mackall,  Leonard  L.,  c/o  Lawton  &  Cun- 
ningham, Savannah,  Ga. 


Egbert,    Dr.   Joseph    C,    115    N.    Wayne 

Ave,.  Wayne,  Pa. 
Sec  also  Medicine. 




β€”  Military 

Remondino,  P.  C,  M.D.,  1504  5th  St., 
San  Diego,  Cal. 


Stakely,  Rev.  Charles  A.,  Montgomery, 

Susquehanna  River 

Carter,  Rev.  Thomas,  12  Robie  St.,  Bath, 
N.  Y. 

Sweden β€” His/ory 

Swan,  G.  N.,  1221  Virginia  St.,  Sioux 
City,  la. 

β€”  Literature 

Swan,    1221    Virginia    St.,    Sioux    City. 

Also  English  translations) 
See  also  Scandinavian  Books. 

Swedenborg,  Emanuel 

McQueen,  Alexander,  Glenview,  111. 
(Books  in  all  languages) 

β€”  First  Editions 

James,  John  H.,  Urbana,  111. 

Swinburne,  Algernon  Charles 

Krumbhaai",  Edward  B.,  P.  O.  Box,  Chest- 
nut Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Castle,  W.  R.,  Jr.,  1726  N  St.,  N.  W., 
Washington,  D.  C. 


Griffis,  William  Elliot,  344  W.  s6th  St., 

Pulaski,  N.  Y. 

Vincent,  John  Martin,  Johns  Hopkinj 
University,  Baltimore,  Md. 


Boggs,  P.  M.,  ii  Thomas  St.,  Newark, 
N.  J. 

Stone,  Lee  Alexander,  M.D.,  5406  Glen- 
wood  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Tabb,  John  B. 

Terry,   Charles   D.,  4251    Parkman  Ave., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Table  Talk 

Orr,  Charles,  1938  E.  n6th  St.,  Cleveland, 


Montgomery,  Robert  H.,  55  Liberty  St., 
New  York  City. 


Munroe,  G.F.,  Mobile,  Ala. 



Technical  Books 

Welch,  Daniel  B.,  218  38th  St.,  Newport 
News,  Va. 


Nally,  Edward  J.,  "The  Trees,"  Ossin- 
ing,  N.  Y. 


Evans,  W.  G.,  Shclbyville,  Tenn. 
Wilson,   Samuel   M.,  812  Security  Trust 
Co.  Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

β€”  Biography 

Williams,  Samuel  C,  Johnson  City,  Tenn. 

β€”  History 

Williams,  Samuel  C,  Johnson  City,  Tenn. 

Tennessee  Valley 

Dyas,  Robert,  Florence,  Ala. 

Tennyson,  Alfred  Lord 

Dunn,  Waldo  H.,  703  Quinby  Ave.,  Woos- 

ter,  O. 

Genung,  Prof.  John  F.,  Amherst,  Mass. 
Price,   Warwick   James,   512   S.   4ist   St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Smythe,  Albert  E.  S.,  22  W.  Glen  Cove 

Ave.,  Toronto,  Ont. 
Wallace,   Oliver   A.,   563    Prospect   Ave., 

S.   E.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Chew,  Beverly,  St.  Clair  St.,  Geneva, 
N.  Y. 


Boynton,  Mrs.  J.  E.,  Waco,  Tex. 
Burges,  Richard  F.,  El  Paso,  Tex. 
Dienst,  Dr.  Alexander,  1^/2  S.  Main  St., 

Temple,  Tex. 
Pfeuffer,   S.,  501   San  Antonio  St.,   New 

Braunfels,  Tex. 

β€”  History 

Andrew,  Miss  Nell,  c/o  Texas  Christian 
University,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 

Wharton,  Clarence  R.,  Houston,  Tex. 

Winkler,  E.  W.,  Austin,  Tex. 

Woodhill,  Frost,  631  Gunter  Bldg.,  San 
Antonio,  Tex.  (Early) 

β€” Literature 

Andrew,  Miss  Nell,  c/o  Texas  Christian 
University,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 


Haight,  A.  C.,  583  Riverside  Drive,  New 

York  City. 

Parker,  Thomas,  Greenville,  S.  C. 
See  also  Art β€” Fabrics. 

Thackeray,  William  Makepeace 
Ball,  E.  Arthur,  Muncie,  Ind. 
Bell,  J.  L.,  60  Avenue  B,  Bismarck,  N.  D. 



Thackeray,   William   Makepeace 

Clark,  W.  A.,   Jr.,  2205  W.   Adams   St., 

Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Goetz,   Ph.  Becker,  North  Evans,  N.  Y. 
Goodyear,    A.,    160    Bryant    St.,    Buffalo, 

N.  Y. 
Hammond,  Wm.  F.,  89  Hick  St.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
Hart,   W.   O.,    134   Carondelet   St.,   New 

Orleans,  La. 
Parker,  Geo.  F.,  401  Convent  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Thieme,    Hugo    P.,    3   Geddes    Heights, 

Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 
Van  Duzer,  Henry  S.,  30  E.  55th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Wade,    H.    Gerald,    5    Vansittart    Block, 

Winnipeg,  Man. 
Wilson,  Rufus  R.,  19  W.  34th  St.,  New 

York  City. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Hudnut,  Alexander  M.,  19  W.  54th  St., 
New  York  City. 

Ingraham,  Phoenix,  80  Irving  PI.,  New 
York  City. 

McCutcheon,  George  Barr,  125  E.  72d 
St.,  New  York  City. 

Osborne,  Thomas  M.,  99  South  St.,  Au- 
burn, N.  Y. 

β€”  Original  Drawings 

Patterson,  John  M.,  2135  Spruce  St.,  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. 

Theatre.    See  Drama. 


Cameron,  Rev.  Robert  A.,  17  Lewis  Ave., 
Billings,  Mont. 

Clark,  Charles  B.,  705  Eighth  St.,  Hot 
Springs,  S.  D. 

Conaty,  Rev.  Bernard  S.,  Pittsfield,  Mass. 

Fender,  G.  W.,  312  W.  Sixth  St.,  Texar- 
kana,  Tex. 

Fleming,  Rev.,  Dick,  135  Canora  St.,  Win- 
nipeg, Man. 

Frazier,  W.  A.,  212  S.  Main  St.,  Nevada, 

Fuller,  Rev.  J.  B.,  618  Broadway,  Sedalia, 

Galvani,  William  H.,  Gasco  Bldg.,  Port- 
land, Ore. 

Guernsey,  Henry  Hoadley,  245  Meeting 
St.,  Providence,  R.  I. 

Heddlestone,  Rev.  David,  University, 

Kieffer,  Rev.,  J.  Spangler,  Hagerstown, 

Noyes,  Charles  L.,  Winter  Hill,  Mass. 

Plantz,  Samuel,  Lawrence  College,  Apple- 
ton,  Wis. 

Reasoner,  L.  R.,  S.  Lincoln  Ave.,  Ur- 
bana,  111. 

Reimer,  Edward  F.,  c/o  Near  East  Re- 
lief, 151  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Schuch,  John  P.,  301  N.  Hamilton  St, 
Saginaw,  Mich. 




Smith,  Wilbur  M.,  Ocean  City,  Md. 

Trever,  A.  A.,  Lawrence  College,  Apple- 
ton,  Wis. 

Wicher,  Edward  A.,  517  Richmond  Rd., 
San  Anselano,  Cal. 

Youngent,  S.  G.,  960  a8th  St.,  Rock  Island, 


Ames,  W.  Homer,  168  W.  High  St.,  Car- 
lisle, Pa. 

De  Takach,  Zoltan,  103  W.  88th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Gehrman,  Mrs.  Susan  Laurence,  Spring- 
field, 111. 

Gibson,  W.  A.,  Jr.,  1137  Hancock  St.,  W., 
Detroit,  Mich.| 

Smythe,  Albert  E.  S.,  22  W.  Glen  Cove 
Ave.,Toronto,  Ont. 

Stokes,  Henry  N.,  1207  Q  St.,  Washington, 

1      β€’      *     . 

Woodward,  J.  R,  Newport,  Tenn. 

Thompson β€” Illustrations 

Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 
Bay,  Wis. 

Thoreau,  Henry  David 

Lehmann,  F.  W.,  Fourth  and  Olive  Sts., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Abernethy,   Julian   W.,   285    So.   Willard 

St.,  Burlington,  Vt. 

Hill,  Edwin  B.,  Ysleta,  El  Paso  Co.,  Tex. 
Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School, 

Washington,  D.  C. 


Davies,  D.   C,  Field  Museum,  Chicago, 

Moriey,  Christopher,  Roslyn  Heights,  L. 

Potter,  AJfred  C,  Harvard  College  Li- 
brary, Cambridge,  Mass. 

Setchell,  Prof.  W.  A.,  Univ.  of  Cal.  Ber- 
keley, Cal. 

Tomlinson,  H.  M.β€” First  Editions 

Hoskins,  Chapin  and  Nancy,  2505  E.  74th 
St.,  Chicago,  111. 


Foster,  T.  Henry,  c/o  John  Morrell  &  Co.. 

Ottumwa,  la. 
See  also  Maps. 


Weller,  Carl  V.,  1130  Fair  Oaks  Parkway, 
Ann  Arbor,  Mich.  (Esp.  lead  poison- 

Thomson,  (James?) 

Kingsley,  Darwin  P.,  246  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 



Trade  Marks 

Gurlitz,  A.,  86  Broadway,  New  York  City. 


Block,  Louis  James,  Oak  Park,  111. 


Brigham,  Herbert,  259  Brook  St.,  Provi- 
dence, R.  I. 

Hillhouse,  James,  Sachem's  Wood,  New 
Haven,  Ct. 

Turrill,  Charles  B.,  57  Sanchez  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

β€”  History 

Wilson,  Rufus  R.,  19  W..  34th  St.,  New 
York  City. 


Obrecht,  Rt.  Rev.  Abbot  Edmond  M.,  Ab- 
bey of  Our  Lady  of  Gethsemani  Trap- 
pist,  Gethsemani,  Ky. 

Travel  and  Exploration 

Albery,  F.  F.  D.,  Columbus,  O. 

Ames,  E.  G.,  Walker  Bldg.,  Seattle,  Wash. 

Ault,  L.  A.,  Ault  Wiborg  Company,  Cin- 
cinnati, O. 

Babcock,  Margaret  Woods,  Columbia, 
S.  C. 

Bachman,  J.  W.,  D.D.,  Chattanooga,  Tenn. 

Bausman,  Frederick,  Alaska  Bldg.,  Seat- 
tle, Wash. 

Basselin,  Theodore  B.,  Craghan,  N.  Y. 

Birnbaum,  Martin,  1261  Madison  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Brannon,  Peter  A.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Brockman,  Dr.  C,  I  Torbin  Hill,  Ot- 
tumwa,  la. 

Brower,  J.  F.,  38  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Bryan,  W.  J.,  Saxton,  Pa. 

Buchanan,  Mrs.  Robert  A.,  3011  Humboldt 
Ave.  S.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Burr,  J.  K.,  341  Bowery,  New  York  City. 

Butler,  Jos.  G., "P.  O.  Box  308,  Youngs- 
town,  O. 

Chatfield-Taylor,  Hobart  Chatfield,  Santa 
Barbara,  Cal. 

Cooper,  Clayton  S.,  W.  R.  Grace  &  Co., 
7  Hanover  Sq.,  New  York  City. 

Crawford,  L.  F,  Van  Horn  Hotel,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 

Crummer,  Dr.  Le  Roy,  201  City  Nat.  Bank 
Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb. 

Davison,  A.  H.,  1272  E.  9th  St.,  Des 
Moines,  la. 

Donnelly,  J.  W.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Elmore,  Frank  H.,  Jr.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Evans,  S.  D.,  Roseburg,  Ore. 

Fender,  George  W.,  312  W.  Sixth  St, 
Texarkana,  Tex. 

Foster,  T.  Henry,  c/o  John  Morrell  & 
Co.,  Ottumwa,  la. 

Fraprie,  Frank  R.,  39  Addington  Rd., 
Brookline,  Mass. 

Fullerton,  Hon.  Mark,  Olympia,  Wash. 



Travel  and  Exploration 

Gallizier,    Nathan,    "The    Verona,"    Park 

Ave.,  Cincinnati,  O. 
Gilmore,  George  F.,  Free  Press,  Nampa, 

Gram,  J.   P.,  34  Nassau  St.,   New   York 

Graves,  Frank  H.,  Old  Nat'l  Bank  Bldg., 

Spokane,  Wash. 
Guernsey,   Henry   Hoadley,   245   Meeting 

St.,  Providence,  R.  I. 
Harlowe,    David    H.,    3002    Mt.    Vernon 

Ave.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 
Harter,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  A.,  North  Market 

St.,  Canton,  O. 
ILirtshorne,  Robert,  449  Park  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Higbee,    William    T.,    1925    E.    75th    St., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Higgin,  Arthur  M.,  4925  Blackstone  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 

Hildreth,  Melvin  A.,  Fargo,  N.  D. 
Hill,   Mrs.  J.   W.,  Jr.,  803   Lakeside  PI., 

Chicago,  111. 
Howbert,  Irving,  P.  O.  Box  66,  Colorado 

Springs,  Colo. 

Hughitt,  Frederic  E.,  41  Genesee  St.,  Au- 
burn, N.  Y. 

Hyde,  Mrs.  Chas.,  529  Vine  St.,  Chatta- 
nooga, Tenn. 
Johns,  Charles  R.,  521^  I5th  St.,  Moline, 

Jones,  W.  A.  Fleming,  P.  O.  Box  24,  Las 

Cruces,  N.  M. 
Joseph,  Ralph  S.,  The  Joseph  &  Feiss  Co., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Kelley,  Hermon  A.,  Overlook  Rd.,  Euclid 

Heights,  Cleveland,  O. 
Kinsella,  Prof.  A.  J.,  2613  Ashland  Ave., 

Cincinnati,  O. 
Knight,  Charles  H.,  1320  Cleveland  Ave., 

Canton,  O. 

Landis,  Chas.  D.,  140  N.  Duke  St.,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 
Lilienthal,  A.  W.  von,  I  E.  39th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Logan,     Miss     Frances,    4155    Warwick 

Blvd.,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 
Lord,  C.  J.,  Olympia,  Wash. 
Maguire,  Don,  P  O  Box  549,  Ogden,  Utah. 
Maltby,  Ian  E.,  Apt.  33,  824  Edgecombe 

PL,  Chicago,  111. 
Miles,  Benjamin  F.,  2712  Overlook   Rd., 

Cleveland,  O.     (Illustrated  esp.  engrav- 
Morey,  Bertha  G.,  327  W.  4th  St.,  Ottum- 

wa,  Iowa. 
Murphy,     Alonzo    M.,    Exchange    Bank 

Bldg.,  Spokane,  Wash. 
Noah,   A.   H.,    First-Second   Natl.    Bank 

Bldg.,  Akron,  O. 

O'Brien,  Frederick,  Sausalito,  Cal. 
O'Connor,   James,    124    Government    PL, 

Cincinnati,  O. 
Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Schuchhardt,  Edmund  C,  2808  Overland 

Ave.,  Baltimore,  Md. 



Travel  and  Exploration 

Seiberling,  Frank   A.   (personal),  Seiber- 

ling  Rubber  Co.,  Akron,  O. 
Seitz,  Don  C,  239  Hancock  St.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
Senior,  Frank  Burnett,  4698  Fourth  Ave. 

W.,  Vancouver,  B.  C. 
Sergei,  Chas.  H.,  4578  Oakenwald  Ave., 

Chicago,  111. 
Shaw,  Herbert  T.,  310  Peel  St.,  Montreal, 

Shea,   J.   B.,   Richland   Lane,  Pittsburgh, 

Shepard,  Chas.,  New  York  Bldg.,  Seattle, 

Shields,  Wm.  H.,  35  Broadway,  Norwich, 

Shoemaker,  Henry  W.,  71  Broadway,  New 

York  City. 

Sibley,  E.  H.,  Franklin,  Pa. 
Skarstedt,  Ernst,  East  Sound,  Wash. 
Smith,  Byron  L.,  Lake  Forest,  111. 
Sorg,  Mrs.  Paul,  Sr.,  Middletown,  O. 
Wackerbarth,  Henry  von,  9737  Longwood 

Drive,  Chicago,  111. 
Wakefield,  W.  J.  C,  Attorney,  Spokane, 


Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Withey,  N.  H.,  La  Crosse,  Wis. 
Wood,  William  C,  51   Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Wright,  W.  D.,  Port  Washington,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Adventure 

Seitz,  Don  C.,  230  Hancock  St.,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 

β€”  Africa 

Smith,  Dr.  E.  A.,  University,  Ala. 

β€”  America  β€”  Early 

Passavant,  D.  L.,  Zelienople,  Pa.  (Before 

β€”  Arctic  Regions 

Brainard,  Gen.  D.  L.,  Army  and  Navy 
Club,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Follansbee,  George  Edward,  9615  Miles 
Ave.,  Cleveland,  O. 

Greely,  Major  General  A.  W.,  1914  G 
St.,  N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Hartshorn,  W.  H.,  336  College  St.,  Lew- 
iston,  Me. 

Paul,  John  J.,  Watertown,  Fla. 

Smith,  Dr.  E.  A.,  University,  Ala. 

Smith,  Irving,  15  Maiden  Lane,  New 
York  City. 

Thorndike,  T.  W.,  20  Newbery  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass,  (also  Canadian  sub-Arctic) 

β€”  Asia 

Haynes,  William,  3  Park  PI.,  New  York 

β€”  Canada 

Haynes,  William,  3  Park  PI.,  New  York 



Travel  and  Exploration 

Dennett,  J.  Vaughan,  Gates  R.  D.  No.  2, 

Framingham,  Mass. 
Eckstein,  W.   G.,  68  W.  8sth   St.,   New 

York  City. 

Englehardt,  Sam,  Shorters,  Ala. 
Palmer,    Howard,    Hotel    Mohican,    New 

London,  Ct. 
Warthin,  Aldred  S.,  Univ.  of  Mich.,  Ann 

Arbor,  Mich. 
Ziegler,  Henry,  Mooresville,  Ala. 

β€” Middle  West 

Gibson,  James  S.,  U.  S.  National  Bank 
Bldg.,  Denver,  Colo. 


β€”  Naturalists 

Eastharm,  John  W.,  4569  Ave  W,  Van- 
couver, B.  C. 


β€”  North  America  β€”  Early 

Bache,  Franklin,  Land  Title  Bldg.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Peek,  Hawson  L.,  17  Sloane  Block,  San- 
dusky,  O. 


Morton,  Stratford  Lee,  1008  Chemical 
Bldg.,  St  Louis,  Mo. 


Brainard,   Gen.   D.   L.,  Army  and  Navy 

Club,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Carpenter,  L.  G.,  1455  Gilpin  St.,  Denver, 

McLean,    S.    F.,   248   S.    Broadawy,    Los 

Angeles,  Cal. 

β€”  Orient 

Havre,  J.  B.,  916  Kohl  Bldg.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

β€”  Tropical  America 

Chapman,   Frank   M.,   Englewood,   N.   J. 

β€”  United  States  β€”  Southwest 

Plummer,  Dr.  Chas.  Griffin,  465  East 
South  Temple  St.,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

Westβ€” Early 

Johnson,  Thos.  L.,  950  Leader-News  Bldg., 

Cleveland,  O. 
Woodbridge,  Dwight  E.,  1735  Wallace  St., 

Duluth,  Minn. 

β€”  Voyages 

Boutwell,  Edgar,  Editorial  Dept.  The 
Courier-Journal,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Johnson,  Boiling  Arthur,  4630  Kenmore 
Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Linn,  Talfourd  P.,  809  Huntington  Bank 
Bldg.,  Columbus,  O. 




McMaster,   Fitz   Hugh,   1428   Laurel   St., 

Columbia,  S.  C. 
Wodell,  Silas,  139  Broadway,  New  York 


Trollope,  Anthony 

Kautz,  F.  P.,  116  N.  Perm  St.,  Indian- 
apolis, Ind.  (English  editions,  but  not 
first  editions.) 

Thieme,  Hugo  P.,  3  Geddes  Heights,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Tuberculosis.    See  Medicine. 

Turgenev,  Ivan 

Andrew,  Miss  Nell,  c/o  Texas  Chris- 
tian Univ.,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 

Turkey  β€”  Language 

Nuttall,  F.  E.,  Union  of  Manitoba,  Win- 
nipeg, Man. 

Twain,  Mark 

Alexander,    Benjamin,    258    S.    i8th    St., 

Philadelphia,  Pa.     (incl.  first  editions). 
Kingsley,  Darwin  P.,  346  Broadway,  New 

York    City. 

Manger,  Henry,  Freeport,  N.  Y. 
Wright,  Purd  B.,  3626  Walnut  St.,  Kansas 

City,  Mo. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Morse,  Willard  S.,  165    Broadway,    New 

York  City. 


Adler,  Elmer,  163  E.  36th  St.,  New  York 

American  Type   Founders    Co.'s    Library, 

Jersey  City,  N.  J. 
Bullen,   Henry   Lewis,  300   Communipaw 

Ave.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 
Bowie,  Henry  P.,  San  Mateo,  Cal. 
Ivins,  Wm.  M.,  Jr.,  75  W.  55th  St.,  New 

York  City. 
Ransom,   Will,    14   W.   Washington    St., 

Chicago,  111. 
Schroeter,   H.   M.,  3630   W.   Washington 

Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
See  also  Printing. 

β€” Specimen  Books 

Updike,  D.  Berkeley,  232  Summer  St., 
Boston,  Mass. 

United  States 

See  also  New  England ;  individual  states. 

β€”  Army  β€”  History 

Brainard,   Gen.   D.   L.,  Army  and   Navy 

Club,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Realty,  Hansen,  2752  S.  10th  St.,  Omaha, 




United  States 

β€”  Central  West 

James,  John  H.,  Urbana,  Ohio. 

β€”  Cities  β€” Old  Views 

Jordan,   J.    N.,    158   Franklin   Ave.,    New 

Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Passavant,  D.  L.,  Zelienople,  Pa. 
Stokes,  I.  N.  Phelps,  100  William  St.,  New 

York  City  (before  1812). 

β€” .Foreign  Relations 

Callahan,  Prof.  J.  M.,  136  Willey  St.,  Mor- 
gantown,  W.  Va. 


Colquhoun,  Dr.  A.  H.  U.,  342  Walmer 
Rd.,  Toronto,  Ont. 


Franco,  Paul,  429  Tenth  St.,  West  New 
York,  N.  J.  (1790-1810). 

β€”  Government 

Spinney,  Geo.  F.,  Rockville  Centre,  N.  Y. 

β€”  History 

Bailey,  Mrs.  Vardaman,  244  N.  Kenil- 
worth  Ave.,  Eagle  Rock,  Cal. 

Angle,  Dr.  E.  J.,  2219  B  St.,  Lincoln,  Neb. 

Battles,  D.  Blake,  1239  W.  iisth  St., 
Cleveland,  O.  (before  1800). 

Berney,  Saffold,  .Mobile,  Ala. 

Bishop,  J.  L.,  Selma,  Ala. 

Boreman,  R.  J.  A.,  204  Fourth  St.,  Park- 
ersburg,  W.  Va.  (Personal  and  State.) 

Briggs,  Frankland,  560  Mt.  Prospect  Ave., 
Newark,  N.  J. 

Brown,  Henry  Collins,  15  E.  40th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Callahan,  Prof.  J.  M.,  136  Willey  St., 
Morgantown.  W.  Va.  (Diplomatic.) 

Corning,  Chas.  R.,  Concord,  N.  H. 

Dillman,  Louis  M.,  100  Washington  Sq., 
New  York  City. 

Greene,  Frank  L.,  St.  Albans,  Vt. 

Guernsey,  Rocellus  S.,  1711  Bathgate 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Hauptman,  Geo.  N.,  Pomona,  N.  Y. 

Henson,  W.  G.,  James  Island,  Charleston 
Co.,  S.  C. 

Hulbert,  J.  B.,  Laurel  Springs,  N.  J. 

Lee,  John  L.,  Madison,  Wis. 

Loesch,  Frank  J.,  4247  Hazel  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

MacChesney,  Nathan  William,  568  Haw- 
thorne PI.,  Chicago,  111. 

Patteson,  S.  S.  P.,  2505  Stuart  Ave.,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

Munro,  Wilfred  H.,  115  Butler  Ave., 
Providence,  R.  I. 

Peterson,  Harry  E.,  10747  Forest  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 

Petrie,  Dr.  George,  Auburn,  Ala. 

Phillips,  A.  A.,  55  Beaumont  St.,  Spring- 
field, Mass. 

Rhodes,  James  Ford,  392  Beacon  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 



United   States β€” History 

Schee,  John  F.,  Indianola,  Iowa. 

Sherman,  A.  O.,  40  Wall  St.,  New  York 

Sherman,  Hon.  Lawrence  Y.,  Spring- 
field, 111. 

Shields,  Wm.  H.,  35  Broadway,  Norwich, 

Simmons,  Parke  E.,  1746  Hinman  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 

Smith,  Delavan,  Lake  Forest,  111. 

Walser,  Zeb.  V.,  12  Court  House  So.,  Lex- 
ington, N.  C. 

Webster,  John  L.,  Omaha,  Neb. 

Woodward,  Frank  E.,  Wellesley  Hills, 


Cannon,  Peter  J.,  359  High  St.,  Clinton, 

Civil  War 

Corning,  Charles  R.,  Concord,  N.  H. 

Earp,  Francis  H.,  1817  Mt.  Vernon  Ave., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Fiero,  J.  Newton,  153  Lancaster  St.,  Al- 
bany, N.  Y. 

Case,  Birdsey  E.,  9  Asylum  Ave.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct. 

Garrett,  Judge  T.  L.,  Norfolk,  Va. 

Griffith,  Albert  H.,  Fisk,  Wis. 

Hallowell,  Col.  and  Mrs.  Norwood  P., 
50  Mystic  St.,  West  Medford,  Mass. 

Hays,  Gilbert  A.,  530  Academy  Ave., 
Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

James,  John  H.,  Urbana,  Ohio  (pam- 

Jerome,  William,  Kingston,  N.  Y. 

Kerns,  Frank  A.,  1343  Humboldt  St.,  Den- 
ver, Colo. 

McCullough,  Henry  M.,  Lawrenceville, 

McPherson,  D.  J.,  Bergen,  N.  Y. 

Neilson,  Howard  S.,  Darien,  Conn. 

Palmer,  William  P.,  2332  Overlook  Road, 
Cleveland,  O. 

Partridge,  H.  E.,  care  of  Wyman  Part- 
ridge &  Co.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Read,  Keith,  421  E.  4$th  St.,  Savannah, 

Smithley,  Joseph  W.,  National  Union 
Bank  Bldg.,  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

Stewart,  S.  F.,  2110  Orrington  Ave., 
Evanston,  111. 

Swift,  T.  Dean,  308  Union  St.,  Hacken- 
sack,  N.  J. 

Teisberg,  Lander,  Nora,  Wis. 

Townsend,  John,  315  Commerce  Bldg.,  St. 
Paul,  Minn. 

Troth,  Samuel,  401  Chestnut  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Wardrop,  James  R.,  Academy  Ave.,  Se- 
wickley,  Pa. 

Weadock,  T.  A.  E.,  270  Ferry  Ave.,  De- 
troit, Mich. 

Welk,  Jesse  W.,  Greencastle,  Ind. 

Whittington,  G.  P.,  Alexandria,  La. 



United  Statesβ€” Historyβ€” Civil  War 

Willett,  Joseph  J.,  Anniston,  Ala. 

Wright,  Allen  H.,  2107  Ft.  Stockton  Drive, 
San  Diego,  Cal. 

Brown,  George,  M.  D.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Freeman,  Dr.  Douglas,  S.  1108  Floyd  Ave., 
Richmond,  Va. 

Henson,  W.  G.,  James  Island,  Charleston 
Co.,  S.  C. 

Hyde,  Mrs.  Chas.,  529  Vine  St.,  Chat- 
tanooga, Tenn. 

John,  Col.  Sam'l  Will,  Selma,  Ala. 

McKissick,  J.  Rion,  Box  26,  Greenville, 
S.  C.  (Books  and  pamphlets.) 

Marsh,  Edward  S.,  Brandon,  Vt. 

Robinson,  Morgan  P.,  113  South  3rd  St, 
Richmond,  Va. 


Bailey,  Charles  O.,  Bailey-Glidden  Bldg., 

Sioux  Falls,  S.  D. 
Battle,  Dr.  H.  B.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Clements,  William  L.,  Center  and  Park 

Aves.,  Bay  City.  Mich. 
Cannon,   Lucius   H.,  211    City   Hall,    St. 

Louis,  Mo. 
Faulkner,  C.  J.,    Washington  St.,  Boyd- 

ton,  Va. 
Ford,  Worthington  C,  1154  Boylston  St.. 

Boston,     Mass.    (esp.    Economics    and 

Mulford,  A.  C,  South  St.,  Oyster    Bay, 

N.  Y. 
Seymour,   Geo.   Dudley,   129   Church   St., 

New  Haven,  Ct.      (Economic  and  social 


Pettingill,     Frank     Hervey,     Stock     Ex- 
change, Los  Angeles,  Cal.    (Wars.) 
Preston,    Howard    W.,    7    Gushing    St., 

Providence,  R.  I. 
Thurston,  R.  C.  Ballard,  Columbia  Bldg., 

Louisville,  Ky. 

Constitutional  Period 

Hyle,  F.  S.,  606  Main  St.,  Whitewater, 


Demarest,  A.  J.,  1017  Bloomfield  St.,  Ho- 
boken,  N.  J. 

Leggat,  Alexander,  Butte,  Mont.  (Fur 
trading  and  mining.) 

Mitten,  Arthur  G.,  R.  F.  D.  I,  Goodland, 

Payne,  John  Barton,  Chicago  Club,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Emigrant  Guides 

Breckenridge,  W.  C.,  4123  Enright  Ave., 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

β€”  β€” Economic  (1783-1860) 

Rosebush,  Judson  G.,  625  Park  Ave., 
Appleton,  Wis. 

French  and  Indian  War 

Pell,  S.  H.,  16  E.  43d  St.,  New  York  City. 
Wardrop,  James  R.,  Academy  Ave.,  Se- 
wickley,  Pa. 



United  States β€” History 
Gulf  States 

Craigshead,  Dr.  Erwin,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Englehardt,  Sam.,  Shorters,  Ala. 

β€”  Lewis  and  Clark  Expedition 
Braslin,    William    C,   425    Clinton   Ave., 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Kessler,  Charles  N.,  R.  F.  D.  9,  Helena, 

Leggat,  Alexander,  Butte,  Mont. 


Loud,  Oliver  B.,  19  Smith  Ave.,  Metbuen, 

Middle  West 

Gibson,  James   S.,  U.   S.   National   Bank 

Bldg.,  Denver,  Colo. 

Rothert,  Otto  A.,  1321  Starke  Bldg.,  Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

Military  and  Naval 

Howes,  Phil.  S.,  10  Liberty  St.,  Mont- 
pelier,  Vt.  (Early.) 

Plymouth  and  Pilgrims 

Barton,  Rev.  W.  E.,   166  N.  Kenilworth 

Ave.,  Oak  Park,  111. 
See  also  Pilgrim  Fathers 


Currey,  J.  S.,  1308  Judson  Ave.,  Evans- 
ton,  111. 


Palmer,  Howard,  Hotel  Mohican,  New 
London,  Ct. 

Dawes,  Chas.  G.,  Sheridan  Rd.,  Green- 
wood Blvd.,  Evanston,  111. 

Thurston,  R.  C.  Ballard,  Columbia  Bldg., 
Louisville,  Ky. 


Coffin,  Nathan  E.,  Ft.  Des  Moines  Hotel, 

Des  Moines,  Iowa. 
Greene,  Frank  L.,  St.  Albans,  Vt. 


Griffith,  Albert  H.,  Fisk,  Wis.  (Cam- 
paigns, esp.  1856,  1860,  1864.) 

Revolutionary  Period 

Asmus,  Grover  E.,  4011  Hudson  Blvd., 
North  Bergen,  N.  J.  (esp.  Arnold  and 

Clements,  William  L.,  Center  and  Park 
Aves,  Bay  City,  Mich. 

Colt,  Harris  D.,  515  Park  Ave.,  New  York 
City.  (Caricatures,  1763-1815.) 

Harbeck,  Chas.  T.,  119  Brooklyn  Ave., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  (esp.  Burgoyne  cam- 
paign and  Arnold  campaign  against 

Hyle,  F.  S.,  606  Main  St.,  Whitewater, 



United  Statesβ€” Historyβ€” Revolutionary  Period 

Jackson,  Joseph,  113  S.  43d  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Manning,  James  H.,  409  State  St.,  Al- 
bany, N.  Y. 

Mulford,  A.  C,  South  St.,  Oyster  Bay, 
N.  Y. 

Munn,  Charles  Allen,  233  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Pell,  S.  H.,  16  E.  43d  St.,  New  York  City. 

Pettingell,  Frank  Hervey,  Stock  Ex- 
change, Los  Angeles,  Cat 

Reynal,  N.  C,  White  Plains,  N.  Y. 

Squire,  Andrew,  1201  Leader-News  Bldg., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Stone,  Mrs.  William  L.,  151  Park  Ave., 
Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Thacher,  George  H.,  in  Washington 
Ave.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

Ward,  Artemus,  50  Union  Sq.,  New  York 

Williams,  George  C.  F.,  990  Prospect 
Ave.,  Hartford,  Conn. 

Sullivan  Expedition,  1779 

Griffis,  Wiliam  Elliot,  344  W.  s6th  St., 
Pulaski,  N.  Y. 


Christiansen,  K.  C.,  P.  O.  Box  125,  Hazle- 

ton,  Pa.  (esp.  1607-1814.) 
Deupree,  Dr.  J.  G.,  Jackson,  Miss. 
Freeman,  Charles  R.,  Checotah,  Okla. 
Rice,  F.  H.,  Sioux  City,  Iowa. 
Shettles,   E.   L.,  3906   Speedway,   Austin, 

Tex.     (Local  history,  Southern  States.) 
Thomas,  David  Y.,  Fayetteville,  Ark. 

Reconstruction  Period 

Thompson,  Harry  F.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Whittington,    G.    P.,   403    Guaranty    Club 
Bldg.,  Alexandria,  La. 


De  Renne,  Wymberly  Jones,  Wormsloe, 


Howbert,  Irving,  P.  O.  Box  66,  Colorado 
Springs,  Colo.  (Spanish-American  ex- 

McLean,  S.  F.,  248  S.  Broadway,  Los  An- 
geles, Cal. 

Thomas,  David  Y.,  Fayetteville,  Ark. 

Wagner,  H.  R.,  90  El  Camino  Real,  Berk- 
eley, Cal. 

State  Histories 

Crawford,  L.  Z.,  Van  Horn  Hotel,  Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 

β€”  Wars 

Boreman,  R.  J.  A.,  204  4th  St.,  Parkers- 
burg,  W.  Va. 

Pettingell,  Frank  Hervey,  Stock  Ex- 
change, Los  Angeles,  Cal.  (War  of 



United  States β€” History 

Butler,  Jos.  G.,  Box  308,  Youngstcwn,  O. 

Cannon,  Lucius  H.,  211  City  Hall,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

James,  Edmund  J.,  Covina,  Cal. 

Morton,  Stratford  Lee,  1008  Chemical 
Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Ormes,  Manly  D.,  Colorado  Springs,  Colo. 

Wadleigh,  F.  A.,  501  E.  nth  Ave..  Den- 
ver, Colo. 


Carpenter,  L.  G.,  1455  Gilpin  St.,  Denver, 


Chambers,  W.  Lee,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Cragin,   F.  W.,  912   E.   San   Miguel   St., 

Colorado  Springs,  Colo. 
Keiser,    Henry   F.,    I3th   and   Ft.    Crook 

Blvd.,  Rt.  5,  Omaha,  Neb. 

~β€”~  1776-1800 

Whittington,  G.  P.,  403  Guaranty  Bank 
Bldg.,  Alexandria,  La. 

igth  Century 

Alvord,  Clarence  W.,  Univ.  of  Minn., 
Minneapolis,  Minn.  (Early  ipth  cen- 


Fleming,  Walter  L.,  Vanderbilt  Univer- 
sity, Nashville,  Tenn. 

β€”  Literature 

Andrew,  Miss  Nell,  c/o  Texas  Christian 
Univ..,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 

Bowman,  G.    Y.,  Paducah,  Tex. 

Brown,  Philip  G.,  85  Vaughan  St.,  Port- 
land, Me. 

Cannon,  Lucius  H.,  211  City  Hall,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

Fuller,  Edward  E.,  Tolland,  Ct. 

Guerney,  Rocellus  S.,  1711  Bathgate  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Herzberg,  Max  J.,  iSy2  Thomas  St.,  New- 
ark, N.  J. 

Hopkins,  L.  A.,  416  West  Jackson  Blvd., 
Chicago,  111. 

Schultz,  William  Eben,  Culver-Stockton 
College,  Canton,  Miss. 

Turner,  L.  M.,  P.  O.  Box  115,  Baltimore, 

Van  Dyke,  William,  508  Griswold  St, 
Detroit,  Mich. 

Wallace,  Walter  T.,  220  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Walter,  Clinton  E.,  in  S.  Beaver  St., 
York,  Pa. 

Zimmerman,  J.  R.,  118  N.  Alford  St., 
Alexandria,  Va.  (Confederate) 


Ironberg,    Frederic,    1158    6th    St.,    San 

Diego,  Cal. 

Knight,  D.  Allen,  1504  Poplar  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 


United  States β€” 'Literature β€” Early 

Mott,  Frank,  Bewkley  Apts.,  Iowa  City, 

Sutherland,   Preston  H.,   13  Montgomery 

St.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J.     (Before  1830) 
Trams,  A.  Francis,  209  Union  St.,  Toliet, 

Van  Doren,  Carl,  47  Charlton  St.,  New 
York  City.  (Novels  and  biographies) 


Deupree,  Dr.  J.  G.,  Jackson,  Miss. 
Rice,  F.  H.,  Sioux  City,  la. 

Standard  Authors 

Blish,  James  K.,  Kewanee,  111. 

β€”  Middle  West 

Breckenridge,  W.  C,  4123  Enright  Ave., 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Fitzpatrick,  T.  J.,  Bethany,  Neb. 
Harbert,  Albert  N.,  318  Brown  St.,  Iowa 

City,  la. 
Thompson,  T.  P.,  1812  Calhoun  St.,  New 

Orleans,  La. 
Wilson,   Samuel   M.,  812  Security  Trust 

Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

β€”  Navy 

Military  Order  of  the  Loyal  Legion  of 
the  United  States,  Penn  Commandery, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Roosevelt,  Franklin  D.,  49  E.  6sth  St., 
New  York  City. 


Harbeck,  Charles  T.,  119  Brooklyn  Ave., 

New  York  City. 
Realty,  Hansen,  2752  S.  loth  St.,  Omaha, 


β€”  β€”  War  of  1812 

Sherman,  A.  O.,  40  Wall  St.,  New  York 

β€”  Northwest 

Beardsley,     Arthur     S.,     University     of 

Washington  Library,  Tacoma,  Wash. 
De  Land,  Charles  E.,  Pierre,  S.  D. 
Holmes,    H.     C,    2735     Elmwood    Ave., 

Berkeley,  Cal. 
Kessler,  Charles  N.,  R.  F.  D.  9,  Helena, 


McArdle,  L.  D.,  Olympia,  Wash. 
Ruddy,    Howard    S.,    52    Somerset    St., 

Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Vincent,   W.   D.,    1314   N.   Summit  Ave., 

Spokane,  Wash. 


Holmes,    H.    C.,    2735     Elmwood    Ave., 

Berkeley,  Cal. 
Kizer,    B.    H.,    Old    Nat'l    Bank    Bldg., 

Spokane,  Wash. 

β€”  Pacific  Coast 

Bland,  Henry  Meade,  Route  B.,  Box  256, 

San  Jose,  Cal. 
Cowan,  Robert  E.,  867  Treat  Ave.,  San 

Francisco,  Cal. 



United  States β€” Pacific  Coast 

Resources  and  Industries 

Turrill,  Charles  B.,  57  Sanchez  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

β€”  Pacific  Northwest 

Bagley,  Clarence  B.,  900  2d  Ave.,  Seattle, 

Bush,  A.  N.,  Salem,  Ore. 

Forsyth,  John,  406  Craigflower  Rd.,  Vic- 
toria, B.  C. 

Patton,  Mrs.  H.  W.,  Aberdeen,  Wash. 

Soliday,  George  W.,  3732  High  Lane, 
Seattle,  Wash. 

β€”  Politics 

Spinney,  Geo.  F.,  Rockville  Centre,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Presidents 

Sprague,  Mrs.  Frank  J.,  241  West  End 
Ave.,  New  York  City.  (Incl.  letters) 

β€”  South 

Breckenridge,  W.  C.,  4123  Enright  Ave., 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Dawkins,     Hon.     Walter,     1119    Fidelity 

Bldg.,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Engel,  Charles,  127  Nelson  Ave.,  Jersey 

City,  N,  J. 
Fleming,    Walter    L.,    Vanderbilt    Univ., 

Nashville,  Tenn. 

Hyde,  Mrs.  Chas.,  529  Vine  St.,  Chatta- 
nooga, Tenn. 
Knight,  W.  W.,  514  Bryant  Bldg.,  Kansas 

City,  Mo. 
Mellen,     George     F.,     Knoxville,     Tenn. 

(New  England  influences) 
Mullen,  Miss  Mary  R.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Sheehan,  Will  T.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Thompson,  T.  P.,  1812  Calhoun  St.,  New 

Orleans,  La. 
See  also  Bar  Association  Reports 

β€”  Southeast 

De  Renne,  Wymberly  Jones,  Wormsloe, 

β€”  Southwest 

Andrew,  Miss  Nell,  c/o  Texas  Christian 

Univ.,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 
Wilmarth,  J.  C,  600  Upson  Ave.,  El  Paso, 


Von  Blon,  A.  F.,  Waco,  Tex. 
Wilson,   Samuel   M.,  812  Security  Trust 

Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Archaeology  and  Ethnology 

Hodge,  F.  W.,  Museum  of  the  American 
Indian,  Broadway  and  issth  St.,  New 
York  City. 

James,  George  Wharton,  1908  N.  Ray- 
mond Ave.,  Pasadena,  Cal. 

β€”  Statesmen  and  Publicists β€” Works  by 

Straus,  Isaac  Lobe,  1315  Munsey  Bldg., 
Baltimore,  Md. 

β€”  West 

Andrew,  Miss  Nell,  c/o  Texas  Christian 
University,  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 



United  Statesβ€” West 

Barber,  G.  Y.,  35  E.  30th  St.,  New  York 

Breckenridge,  W.  C,  4123  Enright  Ave., 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Crawford,  L.  F.,  Van  Horn  Hotel,   Bis- 
marck, N.  D. 
DeWitt,  Frederick  M.,  555  Montclair  Ave., 

Oakland,  Cal. 
Elliott,  T.  C,  P.  O.  Box  775,  Walla  Walla, 

Engel,  Charles,   127  Nelson  Ave.,  Jersey 

City,  N.  J. 

Fay,    Luke,    1554   Green   St.,   San    Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

Griffith,  Albert  H.,  Fisk,  Wis. 
James,  Norman,  Catonsville,  Md. 
Jones,  Plummer  F.,  New  Canton,  Va. 
Leggat,  Alexander,   Butte,   Mont.     (Esp. 

Montana,  Yellowstone  Park,  and  Lewis 

and   Clark   Expedition) 
McLean,    S.    F.,   248   S.    Broadway,    Los 

Angeles,  Cal. 
Morgan,  W.  L.,  271  E.  St.,  Salt  Lake  City, 

Robertson,  A.  M.,  222  Stockton  St.,  San 

Francisco,  Cal. 

Ryan,  Thomas  F.,  Litchfield,  Ct. 
Snyder,  Robert  M.,  Jr.,  610  E.  47th  St., 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 
Stout,  Wesley  W.,  c/o  New  York  Globe, 

New  York  City. 

Vinton,   Stallo,  60  Wall   St.,   New   York 


Henderson,  Archibald,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
Pierce,  Henry  Clay,  927  Fifth  Ave.,  New 

York  City. 
Shea,  J.   B.,   Richland   Lane,   Pittsburgh, 

Soliday,    George    W.,    3732    High    Lane, 

Seattle,  Wash. 

β€”  West  and  South 

Howes,  H.  W.,   1142  S.   Michigan  Ave., 
Chicago,  111. 


Baer,  Frank  House,  2865  Southington  Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Vancouver  Island 

Forsyth,  John,  406  Craigflower  Rd.,  Vic- 
toria, B.  C. 

Van  Dyke,  Henry 

Owen,  Thomas  M.,  Jr.,  Albany,  Ala. 

Varrud,  Quito 

Wisslar,    H.    P.,    14    Dexter    St.,    Mont- 
gomery, Ala. 


Baldwin,  Frederick  W.,  Barton,  Vt. 
Benton,  Jay  Bayard,  Winchester,  Mass. 




Cudworth,  A.  E.,  South  Londonderry, 

Greene,  Frank  L.,  St.  Albans,  Vt. 

Howes,  Phil.  S.,  10  Liberty  St.,  Mont- 
pelier,  Vt. 

Kent,  D.  B.  E.,  Kent  St.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Kingsley,  Darwin  P.,  346  Broadway,  New 
York  City. 

Marsh,  E.  S.,  Brandon,  Vt. 

Rugg,  H.  G.,  Dartmouth  College,  Han- 
over, N.  H. 

Tuttle,  Charles  E.,  Rutland,  Vt. 

Wilbur,  James  Benjamin,  Manchester,  Vt. 
(Rare  items,  incl.  law  journals) 

β€”  History 

Denio,  Herbert  W.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Howland,  F.  A.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Jones,  M.  B.,  50  Oliver  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

β€”  Imprints 

Howland,  F.  A.,  Montpelier,  Vt. 

Violins.    See  Music. 


Ballard,  H.  H.,  247  South  St.,  Pittsfield, 

β€”  Translations 

Case,  Birdsey  E.,  9  Asylum  Ave.,  Hart- 
ford, Ct.  (Rare) 


Boreman,  R.  J.  A.,  204  4th  St.,  Parkers- 
burg,  W.  Va. 

Bryan,  John  Stewart,  "Laburnum,"  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

Coleman,  George  Burton,  Williamsburg, 

Devitt,  E.  I.,  Georgetown  College,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Faulkner,  S.  J.,  Washington  St.,  Boyd- 
ton,  Va. 

Goddard,  Charles  A.,  Fayetteville,  W.  Va. 

Gordon,  Armistead  C,  Staunton,  Va. 

Harbert,  Albert  N.,  318  Brown  St.,  Iowa 
City,  la. 

Hawkins,  O.  A.,  100  N.  7th  St.,  Richmond, 

Hughes,  Robert  M.,  Norfolk,  Va. 

Hutzler,  Alvin  B.,  1032  Mutual  Bldg., 
Richmond,  Va. 

Jones,  Plummer  F.,  New  Canton,  Va. 

Morgan,  Dr.  J.  D.,  Chevy  Chase,  Md. 

Nusbaum,  M.  G.,  Box  376,  Norfolk,  Va. 

Payne,  John  Barton,  Chicago  Club,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Ryland,  Garnett,  Univ.  of  Richmond, 
Richmond,  Va. 

Smith,  H.  M.,  Jr.,  Wm.  Byrd  Park,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

Swem,  E.  G.,  William  and  Mary  College, 
Richmond,  Va. 

Urner,  Clarence  H.,  State  Treasurer's 
Office,  Richmond,  Va. 




Vincent,  George  A.,  Fairmont,  W.  Va. 
Wilson,   Samuel   M.,  812  Security   Trust 
Co.  Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

β€”  History 

Patteson,    S.    S.    P.,    2505    Stuart    Ave., 

Richmond,  Va. 
Robinson,  Morgan  P.,  113  South  3rd  St., 

Richmond,  Va. 


Adams,  G.  S.,  1355  3rd  Ave.,  Louisville, 

Zimmerman,   J.    R.,    118    N.    Alford    St., 

Alexander,  Va. 

β€”  Law 

Embrey,  Aloise   T.,   Hanover   St.,   Fred- 

ericksburg,  Va. 

Martin,  W.  H.,  Leesburg,  Va. 
Sands,  Alexander  H.,  American  National 

Bank  Bldg.,  Richmond,  Va. 

Vital  Statistics 

Perry,  Dr.  H.  G.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 


Meine,  Franklyn,  1422  N.  La  Salle  St., 
Chicago,  111. 


Blackwell,  Henry,  56  University  Place, 
New  York  City. 

Griffis,  William  Elliot,  344  W.  56th  St., 
Pulaski,  N.  Y. 

Thomas,  Evan,  187  Loomis  St.,  Burling- 
ton, Vt. 

β€”  History 

Lewis,  Prof.  E.  M.,  19  Lincoln  Ave.,  Am- 
herst,  Mass. 

β€”  Literature 

Lewis,  Prof.  E.  M.,  19  Lincoln  Ave.,  Am- 
herst,  Mass. 

Wallace,  William 

Livingston,  W.  F.,  Augusta,  Me. 

Walpole,  Hughβ€” First  Editions 

Parsons,  K.  deB.,  112  74th  St.,  New  York 

Walton,  Isaak 

Bullock,  James  W.,  504  St.   Paul   Bldg., 

Cincinnati,  O. 
Follansbee,   George   Edward,  9615   Miles 

Ave.,  Cleveland,  O. 
Lambert,    Samuel   W.,    130   E.    35th    St., 

New  York  City. 

War β€” And  Peace 

Jordan,  Dr.  David  Starr,  Stanford  Uni- 
versity, Cal. 



Washington,  George 

Green,  Andrew  J.,  Apt.  710,  Cecil  Apts., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Kinney,  Burton  A.,  "The  Terraces,"  Low- 
ell, Mass. 

Kinnick,  B.  F.,  West  Dr.,  Indianapolis, 

Lewisson,  W.  U.,  147  Tremont  St.,  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

Marsh,  Edward  S.,  Brandon,  Vt. 

Penniman,  James  H.,  4326  Sansom  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Senter,  Charles,  I  Beverly  PI.,  St.  Louis, 

Smith,  Harrison  B.,  Capitol  St.,  Charles- 
ton, W.  Va. 

Stambaugh,  H.  H.,  Stambaugh  Bldg., 
Youngstown,  O.  ' 

Stout,  W.  H.,  Central  Lyceum  Bureau, 
Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Woodrow,  David  S.,  c/o  Brown  Realty 
&  Investment  Co.,  Miami,  Fla. 

Wright,  Allen  H.,  2107  Ft.  Stockton 
Drive,  San  Diego,  Cal. 

β€”  Portraits 

Passavant,  D.  L.,  Zelienople,  Pa. 
Senter,  Charles,  i  Beverly  PL,  St.  Louis, 

Washington  (State) 

Holmes,  H.  C,  2735  Elmwood  Ave., 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

Wergeland,  Henrik 

Olson,  Prof.  Julius  E.,  1909  Adams  St., 
Madison,  Wis. 

West  Indies 

Coffin,  Nathan  E.,  Ft.  Des  Moines  Hotel, 
Des  Moines,  la. 

West  Virginia 

Boreman,  R.  J.  A.,  204  4th  Ave.,  Parkers- 
burg,  W.  Va. 

Goddard,  Charles  A.,  Fayetteville,  W.  Va. 

Wilson,  Samuel  M.,  812  Security  Trust 
Bldg.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Whales  and  Whaling 

Forbes,  Allan,  33  State  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
Shaw,  Graham,  Leopard  Rd.,  Berwyn,  Pa. 

Whist.    See  Games. 

Whistler,  James  Abbott  McNeill 

Adler,  Elmer,  163  E.  36th  St.,  New  York 

Buttrick,  E.  G.,  307  Wilder  St.,  Lowell, 

Davis,  J.  Lionberger,  St.  Louis  Trust 
Bank,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Eilers,  A.,  751  St.  Marks  Ave.,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Hunter,  F.  W.,  Freehold,  N.  J. 

Payne,  John  Barton,  Chicago  Club,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 



Whistler,  James  Abbott  McNeill 

Seitz,  Don  C,  239  Hancock  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Smith,  Milton  W.,  P.  O.  Drawer  767, 
Portland,  Ore. 

West,  William,  1511  Walnut  St.,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

Wright,  George,  Cedar  Rapids,  la. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Jenkins,  Charles  F.,  150  W.  Washington 
Lane,  Germantown,  Pa. 

White,  Gilbert,  of  Selborne 

Henshaw,  Samuel,  28  Fayerweather  St., 
Cambridge,  Mass. 

Whitman,  Marcus 

Bagley,  Clarence  B.,  900  2d  Ave.,  Seattle, 

Whitman,  Walt 

Edwards,  Ward  H.,  Liberty,  Mo. 

Feurer,  Mrs.  Chas.  T.,  400  S.  isth  St., 
Philadelphia,  Pa.  (incl.  illustrative 

Fitzgerald,  Edward,  373  Fourth  Ave., 
New  York  City. 

Goldsmith,  Henry,  55  W.  26th  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Hall,  Wm.  S.,  373  Fourth  Ave.,  New  York 

Hosking,  Arthur  H.,  200  Mayflower  Ave., 
Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Jansen,  Nels,  2925  N.  Talman  Ave.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 

Lincoln,  Bardwell  W.,  807  Forest  Ave., 
Montgomery,  Ala. 

Saunders,  Henry  S.,  9  Neville  Park  Blvd., 
Toronto,  Ont. 

Smythe,  Albert  E.  S.,  22  W.  Glen  Cove 
Ave.,  Toronto,  Ont. 

Russell,  A.  J.,  1717  S.  Irving  Ave.,  Minne- 
apolis, Minn. 

Sprague,  Mrs.  Frank  J.,  241  West  End 
Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Van  Doren,  Carl,  47  Charlton  St.,  New 
York  City. 

Whitbeck,  Mrs.  Alice  G.,  County  Libra- 
rian, Martinez,  Cal. 

β€”  First  Editions 

Hodge,  Edwin  R.,  Army  Medical  School, 
Washington,  D.  C. 


Lehmann,  F.  W.,  Fourth  and  Olive  Sts., 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Shedd,  John  A.,  7  E.  42d  St.,  New  York 


Wilde,  Oscar 

Clark,  W.  A.,  Jr.,  2205  W.  Adams  St., 

Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Fisk,  Earl  E.,  10  Duchateau  Bldg.,  Green 

Bay,  Wis. 



Wilde,  Oscar 

Kirshner,  Morris,  60  Amboy  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

MacKay,  W.  MacDonald,  26  Lonsdale  Rd., 
Toronto,  Ont. 

Neiger,  Arthur  A.,  11,615  Hazeldell  Rd., 
Cleveland,  O. 

Vickery,  Willis,  Engineers  Bldg.,  Cleve- 
land, O. 

Willis,  Nathaniel  Parker 

Wood,  William  C,  51  Fifth  Ave.,  New 
York  City. 

Wilson,  Woodrow 

Petrie,  Dr.  George,  Alabama  Pol.  Inst, 
Auburn,  Ala. 

Wisconsin β€” History 

Martin,  Sarah  G.,  Green  Bay,  Wis. 

Wit  and  Humor 

Davies,  D.   C.,   Field   Museum,   Chicago, 

Hafer,  E.  S.,  407  First  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 

Cincinnati,  O. 

Hildreth,  Melvin  A.,  Fargo,  N.  D. 
Holden,  John  A.,  Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 
Madison,    James,    1493    Broadway,    New 

York  City. 
Masson,  Thomas   L.,  598  Madison  Ave., 

New  York  City. 
Shields,  Chas.  H.,  c/o  5th-3d  Nat'l  Bank, 

Cincinnati,  O. 
See  also  Scotland. 

β€”  American 

Bailey,  Frank,  175  Remsen  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Meine,  Franklyn,  1422  N.  La  Salle  St., 
Chicago,  111. 

Seitz,  Don  C,  239  Hancock  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y. 

Thompson,  James  H.,  13  Werner  Park, 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

β€”  Facetiae 

Brewester,    S.    W.,    Hart's    Island,    New 

York  City. 
Campbell,  George,  870  Ashbury  St.,  San 

Francisco,  Cal. 
Hafer,  E.  S.,  407  First  Nat.  Bank  Bldg., 

Cincinnati,  O. 
Hutzler,    Alvin    B.,    1032    Mutual    Bldg., 

Richmond,  Va. 
Knight,  C.  L.,  c/o  Beacon  Journal,  Akron, 

Stehm,    F.    W.,    1545    W.    9th    St.,    Des 

Moines,  la. 

Willing,  Charles,  2017  Spruce  St.,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 
Wilmarth,    J.    C.,    600    Upson    Ave.,    El 

Paso,  Tex. 

β€”Jest  Booksβ€” Old  English 

Campbell,  George,  870  Ashbury  St.,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 


Women β€” Old  Books  about 

Wolfe,   A.   B.,  Univ.   of   Texas,   Austin, 

β€”  Education 

Ranck,  S.  H.,  728  Prospect  Avc.,  S.  E., 
Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

β€”  Feminist  Movement 

Hammond,  Hala  J.,  222  N.  I4th  St.,  Mus- 
kogee,  Wash. 

β€”  In  History 

Murdock,  Mrs.  W.  L.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

β€”  Suffrage 

Jacobs,  Mrs.  Solon,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Woodcuts.    See  Engravings. 

Wordsworth,  William 

Watkins,  O.  L.,  c/o  Ginn  &  Co.,  2415  N. 
Penn  St.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

World  War 

Burr,  J.  K.,  341  Bowery,  New  York  City. 
Hill,  Mrs.  Walton,  Montgomery,  Ala. 
Holland,  G.  Allison,  Security  Trust  Bldg., 
Lexington,  Ky. 


Thomas,  Bishop  N.  S.,  Cheyenne,  Wyo. 
Thomas,    Nathaniel    S.,    Thornburg    St., 
Laramie,  Wyo. 

Yachting.    See  Sports. 

Yale  University 

Betts,   Samuel   R.,  52  William   St.,  New 
York  City. 

Year  Booksβ€” Colonial,  Historical,  and  Patri- 
otic Societies 

Pettingell,     Frank    Hervey,    Stock     Ex- 
change, Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

Yosemite  Valley 

Hall,  Ansel  F.,  Yosemite,  Cal. 


Chambers,  W.  Lee,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Fitzpatrick,  T.  J.,  Bethany,  Neb. 
Homer,  H.  H.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 
See  also  Entomology;  Herpetology;  Ich- 
thyology; Ornithology. 

β€”  Conchology 

Henderson,  John  B.,  2200  i6th  St.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Bailey,  Harold  H.,  Liberty  Ave.,  Miami, 

Westhorpe,  Arthur  W.,  P.  O.  Box  376, 
Falls  River,  Neb. 




β€”  Mammals 

Bailey,  Harold  H.,  Liberty  Ave.,  Miami, 

Golsan,  Lewis  A.,  Prattville,  Ala. 

Merriam,  C.  Hart,  1919  i6th  St.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Paul,  John  J.,  Watertown,  Fla. 

Stephens,  Mrs.  Frank,  Natural  History 
Park,  San  Diego,  Cal. 

β€”  Marine  Invertebrates 

Verrill,  A.  E.,  582  Central  Ave.,  New 
Haven,  Ct. 

β€”  Medical 

Ward,  Henry  B.,  Univ.  of  Illinois,  Ur- 
bana,  111. 

β€”  Oology 

Bailey,  Harold  H.,  Liberty  Ave.,  Miami, 

β€”  Vertebrates 

Jordan,  Dr.  David  Starr,  Stanford  Uni- 
versity, Cal. 



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